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Though it may be alike to assimilation, this is completely different. Anyways it's back
Does anybody have the one where there are 3-4 women and one pranks another by turning one’s head into a dick, but it backfires and they’re all tfed?
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goated thread returns
Sloppa good enough for this thread or no? Also which character would you like to see turned into which character's cock?
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how does one get this fetish
Thank you so much. Would you also happen to know the artist?
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Saving the thread with sloppa.
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>captainj discovers Ai
This does not bode well.
I'm not them, but I did make a sequence featuring that pairing specifically because of captainjane.
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More sloppa coming through. Assuming I get my hands on a 5090, I'll make a CTF LoRA for Pony, too, I think.
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Happy end.
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Really digging into the archives here.
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the ass turning into balls like that is so damn hot holy hell
Has anyone ever found something like someone getting TF'd and then the host gets TF'd? Would you think the first person would just die? Or loose consciousness? Do you think it becomes permanent for the first one and can't even revert back anymore?
>Do you think it becomes permanent for the first one and can't even revert back anymore
I've imagined this exact scenario a gorillion times.
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Does someone know where do I find some maralyon fiction. I swear this stuff is very niche
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Idk what maralyon fiction is so I'm just going to base it off of the image, this one's perfect for you. https://sys.4chan.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fe-hentai.org%2Fg%2F2845087%2F875dc759a9%2F
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Any Requests?
Daki from kimetsu no yaiba turning into a maralion cock (or just muzan's cock)
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Kuroeda getting treated like the dickhead she is
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Nessa getting fucked by a male feral horse and transformed permanently into his horsecock
Sause? Google gives me nothing
It's AI slop I made myself, anon...
More from mamabliss https://e-hentai.org/g/766232/ba18804f99/
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I'd love to see Buffpup's muscle mommy self made into a meaty rod mashed by massive milky mammaries while milk drips out of her tits-turned-testicles!
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Musashi from fgo turning into a horsecock
Then make a twitter or something, we want it all
It's the best AI slop I've ever seen anon, I need moar
I also thought there would be another page after that second one desu

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