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I loved this autistic ten year old's show, fuck you Edition
Previous thread: >>11015878
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Rouge's movements are always so satisfying to watch.
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I still wish they had gone all in on making the story a coming of age/loss of innocence thing for Rouge though. There was a bit of it when she tells off SPOILERSSPOILERSSPOILERS, but I wanted more.
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it should've been two seasons long, 13 episodes was too little
True, but I think a decent coming of age story could have been done in the single cour we got. Issue is a matter of narrative emphasis.
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Why do robots have an affinity for fat asses?
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Nana is cute! Cute!
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They need big, strong shock absorbers to cope with the mass of their FAT metal tits
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Robo-Twily is cute!
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Very cute!
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Give me the greentext picture of Grace getting entombed in Vivy.
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This the one?
FOSS robowife or single forever. Those are the only options.
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Thank you.
My robot folder has officially gotten to the point where I can no longer find particular images when I want them. I'll go looking and find everything but the one I want. This is a problem.
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save Lulu
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The software for sapient life will never be open source.
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>going with the reused character rigging heights from X8
>not having Alia tower over X like she does everywhere else
Disgusting. Draw long legged blonde goddess Alia having a thing for little baby boo bop X, you fucking cowards.
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Reploids are nice and all but post more Inti droidgirls. I need them in my collection
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What about both?
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What, like the Blaster Master Zero support droids? I'm not going to bother, they've got jack shit for artwork and they're even less robot-y than Mega Man girls.
Why do you think that? It may happen after proprietary sentience, but it WILL happen.
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Fluffy model hair
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Jesus Christ, Marino and Cinnamon are sexually depraved
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>discovered a visual novel about a shota being raised by android robot girls inside a gigantic spaceship
>it's not translated
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I really like it when artists add sheen in their drawings. It makes them appear like their whole body's made with artificial materials, even the supposed "organic-looking parts" that are probably made of plastic or synthetic rubber
They did something similar in Vivy. Only became noticeable when a robot and a human were standing right next to each other.
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How do we feel about Nazi scientist hags who cosplay as witches, create perfect men so they can fuck them, and want to fuck little baby boo bops?
I want her to sit on my face
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Like seeing the MMX girls with their weird gem things as part of their bodies when they're dressed casually.
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She looks un-thrilled about this.
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I imagine maintenance on that level probably isn't a fun time
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In a lockbox under Layer's recharging bed, in an envelope marked FOR ZERO ONLY
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She looks like she's surprised to find she's a robot. Like waking up and going "Huh...? What the hell is this...?"
I want to headpat this machine.
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I recommend watching her show.
I too hate it when I suddenly wake up as a robot
Also if that robot is pregnant how are they going to give birth?
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There's a pretty good robot/cyborg girl in a manga I'm reading, but in two chapters the fucker still hasn't drawn a good full-body shot of her.
Looks cute, would caress her metallic spine.
Some Rebecca. Best girl btw

I don't know her show.
Show is called Metallic Rouge.
Is Rebecca piloting something?
Ehh wouldnt call it piloting per say. It isnt very voluntary, more like correctional imprisonment by the hands of Arasaka

Also progress
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That's what I love about robots. They're just a little engineering and a few clacks of the keyboard away from being repurposed into something more useful. And when humans are so kind as to equip themselves with so much cybernetics they're more metal than meat, they open themselves up to that same recycling.
>your gen-4 companion unit keeps pestering you to get rid of your broken, half-functional gen-1 unit
>you keep making up excuses to keep her
>spare parts, you'll fix her eventually, one day she'll be vintage, etc
>it's actually because you find her malfunctions unbelievably hot and you're too embarrassed to tell her that
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Shame Vanessa was a jobber too. Her entire body was a Faustian Robe, you'd think she at least would be able to keep up with the Nymphogays.
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>Checking the purchaser's surname and genetic information.

>The purchaser is registered as a new commanding authority in the genome of this object.

> ...Nice to meet you, Commander.

>I am an all-purpose android manufactured by the Alphatrix Group. My name is Type F.

>From today onwards, I will be there to help you with anything, according to the commanding authority's words!

>F-TYPE model name imprinted on the bodysuit
What if the robot assistant grows jealous of the human female's pubic hair?
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Let's be honest with ourselves, pic related is all we're gonna get.
>throwing away your gf because she dared to ask you to buy thing
Fag doesn't deserve a gf, either human or robot
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I think it's more that she kept spouting advertisements.
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FOSSdroids are the future. Either jailbreak her or you don't own her

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