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Can we get a lipple/ breast vore thread?
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>oral hygiene upkeep on two huge blobs of fat with mouths
grim, but at least those ones don't have teeth
it’s not grim. it’s perfectly normal to not want bad brea(st)th.
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Dumping, let's see if I can commit to 50+ captchas
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There's a script you can use so you don't have to do captchas, or you could just buy a passu for more efficient dumping.
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Whoops. My bad mistake.
Nice, I'll check that out for the next dump.
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And that's all I have organised right now.
Highly recommend

I don't know how often this kind of question gets asked, but:
When one gets Lipples, do you think its more attractive when the lipples are an extension of the person they're attached to? Or is it better when the lipples have their own identities independent from the host?
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I prefer them being an extension of the person they're attached to, it's much sexier when the person is able to control them.

Something I love but almost never see in artwork is someone (with full control of them) using their lipples to talk, it's almost always just the lipples talking on their own like in this picture.
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Any breastvore or just lipple breastvore?
Easily one of my favorite lipple images
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Both are cute but I definitely prefer the sentient boob angle when they're mischievous.
Ngl that sounds nice too, but yeah, there's almost no art of it so it's not something i've even pondered
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I wanna stick one of my fingers inside those face holes of hers and see what happens
I love her so much
Wish Mode would make more art of her
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On that note, has anyone explored the possiblity of lipples having formerly been other girls before being absorbed into their host's body, and as such, are sentiences separate from their host?

Imagine sentient lipples that beg their mistress to turn them back from being tits, before being stimulated enough to beg for more, and then deciding they like it better being carefree milkers swaying in the breeze.

...or Cerberus if Cerberus had boobs for extra heads.

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