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"Five. Hundred. Gallons." Edition.

TQ: What is your preferred quantity of Excessive cum? A gallon? 10? Dozens? Hundreds? Flood? Infinite?
And why do you think that is?
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damn. whats the source
The best circumstance is an older (40+) futa well past her prime still producing endless, infinitely virile spunk that would shame a man of any age. It’s not just that she leaks pre thicker and more voluminous than your full spurts after refraining for like a week, it’s also thousands of times more dense with hyper-active and impossibly potent sperm. To the extent that your gf would be getting pregnant from your mom’s cum without even making physical contact.
Older milf in a tight apron cooking dinner while solid globs of pure sperm slowly push out her stretched out urethra like an ice cream machine. not even acknowledging it. just kindly greeting you with a tender hug and kiss as her watermelon sized balls squish against your body. causing a long unbroken rope of hag cum to shoot out, staining your clothes.
Imagine cumming for like 30 minutes straight. You'd have to prepare a big empty bucket before you start fapping on /d/.
Hag cum should be so dense that you can’t push more than about a millimeter into any given rope/pillar with your thumbs even straining as hard as you can. It should be more or less impossible to chew from how thick with oversized sperm cells it is. Cleaning out even a single bathtub filled with hag cum should be a multiple day long endeavor done with advanced tools and trained teams; made pointless by the fact that in the same time even a sexually repressed hag would have filled an entire swimming pool with ease.
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I ain't gonna lie chiefs.
I never liked Solid cheese cum
Thick is fine, but literal tubes like curdled milk turn me off. It's gotta flow, man.
In couple scenarios, I like loads in the "just unmanageable" range, amounts that would be challenging, bordering on impossible to chug. This is just a dom inclination.

But I also like property damage/natural disaster/astronomical-tier hyper where it's an individual making it everyone's problem; it has a lot of creative potential.
it looks like literal shit and figurative shit and all it would take is a palette change to make it that way

one of the lowest tier possible fetishes along with personality excretion which is just scat in rainbow colors
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you must be the type of person that complains that chocolate looks like poo.
Gonna need sauce on this one chief
>Teacher-san if you are producing 20billion sperm a day how many kids have you sired?
>Or are you wistfully wasting them all?
please be less basic, anon, this is an 18+ board
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Related: gilf constantly cumming a flow of dough-like white. The entire floor of her house is covered by an ankle-deep layer of the substance, which floods the surroundings outside. Every time you take a step, you feel your boots risking getting stuck. The air is saturated with the smell of musk and pheromones.
Strangely, the neighbors all seem to have accepted this - probably because the sheer futa virility raped their brains into submission. Quite a few people lost themselves in the mire, becoming one of the small bloated mounds scattered around, weakly moving as they masturbate and the splooge makes its way through every orifice, completely filling stomach and lungs.
There has been one cop who tried to talk with the gilf, but she managed to convince him with her "old lady charms". Besides, it's only pre. It's not like she's actually violated the laws against flooding the city with futa cum.
It's not like anyone would be able to argue with her if she tried to. The last time, an entire county became a white swamp, populated entirely by pregnant futas; the gilf's sperm violated and impregnated every single cell in their bodies, rewriting their DNA in her image.
The local karen had enough of the eyesore down the block. slamming on the door demanding that she either leave or clean up this mess. She opens the door to see the towering venus figure of the futa hag looming over her. Threats turned into stammered umms as the massive woman leaned in and smiled. Showing off her still constantly spewing cockhead. grabbing the grouchy woman and escorting her into the march of ballsludge.
>The giant sperm factory of a woman offered her new guest a drink. The angry karen rudely demanded she be served only the best.
The futa hag smiled as she lunged at her and forced her flaccid penis head into the annoying karen’s mouth. Instantly she began pumping her solid pre down her throat. the sperm content of one shot outpaced a hundred men. The smaller woman’s belly swelled as the sperm began to alter her very cells. Her skin cleared, her wrinkles disappeared, her breasts and hips swelled like giant water balloons. She was transforming into the perfect seedbed for an older futa hag. No woman alive could hold her actual load without major modifications.
The hag pulled out, now looking at her new beautifully breedable plaything. She spread the thick thighs of the karen, revealing the perfect fit for her massive now erect shaft. She plunged into the inviting hole. The length of the cock filling her entire belly.
>The endlessly leaking cock began to twitch. the urethra swelling larger and larger. Both women screamed in pleasure as an entire ocean of actual cum erupted from her balls. ballooning her houseguests belly until she couldn’t see anything but stretched skin filling the house. The karen went limp, excess cum spewing out her mouth like a volcano.
“That was a nice warmup sweetie, do you mind if we keep going a few dozen more times? yes? How kind of you”
imagine the smell...
imagine the NOISE...
>Kept up at night jacking off because your neighbor won't stop cumming so loud.
>It's not even the cum itself hitting things, it's just the cum being pumped through the urethra into something/someone.
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What is the most extreme you would take your excessive orgasm to?

For me, it's when the person cums so much, that their balls stop working for a while. Absolutely drained, can't cum until they have a good, long break.
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A previous anon got their post deleted but the artist is in fact Trump.
two san
Until the person passes out from literal chemical imbalances in the brain.
Blowing your load so much your brain is flooded with dopamine and all sorts of other feel good chemicals and feedback from the nerves to the point that you just straight up pass out or enter a state of semi-aware spazzing out, holding onto the faintest thread of awareness-the only thing you're truly aware of is your dick passing another 30 lbs of slut syrup.
>Cumsplosion happening in the background part of the picture implying it's spewing out of her mouth and nose too.
yeah but i don't know this page. i thought i already saw everything from him
>Average ml of semen contains 20~150 million sperm cells
>This means the average ml cumshots of Futas according to this pick would be 53 to 133 ml
>Other art shows the Futa teacher cumming up to 1 liter despite it not being possible according to this image
There's two 'types' I enjoy.
Type 1: Infinite Capacity, Practical Limit
She produces cum at a constant rate, and there's technically no limit on how big her orgasm can be-- but for purposes like 'fitting through a doorway' she has to cum once or twice a day, a load roughly equal to ball volume.
Type 2: Infinite Production, Fixed Capacity
On the other hand, it's hot when the inconvenience is literally always trying not to cum. Always being so full the production leaks out into a continuous trail behind her, two nudges away from a mindblowing orgasm that relieves the pressure for maybe 15 minutes and paints the entire room white.
The focus between each of these is the inconvenience-- It gets in the way and threatens to make a mess of everything with how your/her body isn't built for anything but sex, and is already so overwhelmingly excessive that even that becomes impractical.
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[Gomasen(3D)] Daite! Shijuuhatte.
This quantity in gif image.
"I make fantastic art, the best, many say. Many people look at my futa art and say 'that've the best I've ever seen, the hottest I've ever seen,' really. I've got great experience making drawing futanari, and I create the most excessive cum frankly of any artist, other artists may draw many gallons, it's true, but I draw billions of gallons of cum each year, it's something else folks."
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Saying things like that out loud sounds like an easy way to get yourself impregnated in class anon
>Futa hag still pumps out flood-causing amounts of sperm when she's holding back
Would be hottest if the gilf genuinely is a nice and loving lady but is so pressured by her constantly full balls that she can't help but process even the slightest provocation as an invitation to turn someone into a cumdumpster
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