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Mt. Dew Commercial Edition

Previous thread:
Do you guys ever wish there was more live action like the mountain dew commercial?

I feel like that commercial and the episode where Timmy got turned into a girl awaked this fetish for me as a kid.
does anyone know the artist's name of the original lu xun doujins? the art in the later ones is just garbage.
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I'm getting closer to better "implied" tgs (yes its a still and slop and the thread hates both)
I need to work on:
-some other characters to do
-cut-out part of image showing bobs/vagene onnan otherwise msle character ('x-ray glasses' already kind of works)
-to make motion lines/etc around the v(maybe a shrinking/dick outline would be cool)
-make text bubbles coming from v with a spoken venus symbol/heart/peach/womb+ovaries/XX/XX->XY/elephant-to-clam/etc
anybody got any other ideas?
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Usually we get a doujin dump for a new thread, this retard can't even post three.
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>Mt. Dew Commercial Edition
Why do I have to do your work for you, shitty new OP?
why use up all the thread's posts for something already uploaded to g/e/ex hentai sites?
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Time to turn him into a girl, with big tits!
because even with it the thread lasts for 2 weeks and people usually post stuffs i haven't seen yet as i don't often get into TSF djs.
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>it's a false accusation episode
This kind of plotline absolutely pisses me off.
i mean yeah but it's the star's fault so
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This is why I've started 99% of the TSF threads for the past two and a half years or so. Don't want these things starting out with zero effort, as demonstrated by Anon above.
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Anyway, I'm still going to post a full doujin, and it's going to be a long one because OP didn't bother to post six, or even the bare minimum of three.
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>Guy turns into girl
>Doesn’t give a fuck, continues on like nothing happened besides some mild initial shock
>Ends up turning GF into a lesbian through sheer aura
Does this even happen
Trips. You're still the goat, kyonanon
>Shifting all responsibility for your actions onto irrelevant outside forces
There's a non-h manga like that, with a few differences. He has no gf but some kouhai girl who crushes on him/her. "Mememori-kun" was part of the title.
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You really are the goat, starting off with 2 bangers I haven't seen yet
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>starting off with 2 bangers
One. >>11064656 was from somebody else, credit where it's due.
"It's not the dick in my pants that matters, it's the dick in my brain!"

>gets gf pregnant through sheer willpower
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It's a shame that we will never see Eiei's second round because the main character is the villain manhwa is over. In the novel the MC destroys Eiei in front of Erina. He fucks Eiei so hard and she forgets to be a man again.
Preview for the new Ranma anime remake

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>Ranma in a leotard prominently featured
I can appreciate that and intend to watch those episodes at least. There's like 6 frames of something else at 1:01 which might be a redo of the figure skating episode or something.
I dunno, never actually watched Ranma myself I just love Ranma-chan in certain outfits.
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They censored the nudity in the initial transformation scene, which probably means all the other casual nudity in the show will be cut. Fuck that Puritan shit.
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I think one of the things the yuri variant overlooks is that lesbos are still into phallic objects (i.e. double-ended dildos) like how fags are still into dick-sized orifices; having a nonstandard orientation doesn't mean the physical realities of organ structures (other than the brain?) change.

Man ayakashi triangle irked me
yuri (anime, anyway) despite the name implying 'love triangle'
>nudity heavily frontloaded AND initially heavily censored
>constantly refers to Kaz as 'he' despite it making no fucking sense
>no angst at all
>no attraction change
>no mental changes at all, in fact

its literally just worse naruto with a tg-skin and i feel like that's unfair to naruto (not that i'd stoop to call it as bad as fucking kampfer)

Is Bertrand really the queen of modern stuff?
Sauce on that pic?
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Read the manga already.
>She became pregnant with Lucius' child, the third after Erina and Peta Artis, and while she was initially confused as an ex-male, once her belly swelled, she became the most dedicated pregnant heroine ever. She even gives up her favorite adventures for fear of harming her child and stays at home to wish her baby well. After all, it's a happy ending, isn't it?
I'm put off by it because she's a retard
>why dont I tg myself for the tentacle dungeon teehee what could go wrong
Reading this manhwa was not worth it. The genderswap character was in it once every 30 chapters and the rest of it was a lame isekai-but-edgy slog
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>posts doujin cover as OP
>doesn't post the doujin or a link to it
The fuck is wrong with you?
You can read the chapters with only the genderswapped hero and you don't lose on much of anything since it's a powerfantasy porn manhwa and the plot doesn't matter. here's the chapters with only Elei in it, courtesy of another anon:
That character is in chapters
7, 8, 9, 10*, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
21, 22, 23, 25
50, 52, 53*, 54*, 55*, 56*, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67
70, 71
74, 75
79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85

The TSF happens in chapter 10 and they have sex with the MC in chapters 53-56.
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Yeah, AT was pretty mid. I enjoyed it in a basic fast food way as a manga reader, but it could have been so much better.

The MC not caring that much about the change sucked as a tf fan, but also as a basic storytelling fan. So many opportunities for drama squandered.

Don’t think anything I’ve read or watched comes anywhere close to as good as Bertrand, which is funny since unlike most examples, gender swap isn’t anywhere close to the point of Kamikatsu.
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Honestly, looking back, this doujin would be a pretty solid foundation for a gender swap series.

Prideful/Arrogant male MC deeply hates the female form he’s forced into, starts becoming inwardly attracted to men, pointlessly fights the feelings, is an actual villain so the story can be even meaner than usual with humiliation scenes since he deserves it, simple but effective plot of him having to defeat all the monsters he’s unleashed, actually has decent humor and sexy designs, and an interesting possible deuteragonist with the former magical girl, etc.

Just take out the hardcore sex stuff for a more acceptable ecchi style and you’ve got a banger.
I am of the opinion all non-porn TG is shit.
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Hey guys, here's one last Isle of TS Monster Girls update kinda out of the blue.

I posted it at f95zone a while ago but just remembered someone mentioning they'd prefer a link you can access w/o making an account, so here it is in case anyone still wants to play it:

https://mega.nz/file/ (.d.o.t.) NOEBTR7T#k-ZytGGPL2ereT-RIvdNOJGc8rCiWrQqm2rRvueijPk

One disclaimer is that the game skimps out on outright graphic ero stuff (author puts it at R15) and is more story-driven / delves into the protag's and others' viewpoints with respect to the TFs.

The next game I have in mind to translate is Inma-ka Sugoroku 2, which is uh... definitely R18, this one. I've made some headway though depending on how irl stuff goes it may or may not take a while, but yeah.
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Nice work anon.
thanks for the update and file, story-driven and less graphic monstergirl content sounds right up my alley
okay hear me out
dullahan tf
guy gets his head cut off and the head is put onto a thick body
snap swap by notzackforwork
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>I had to buy a subscription to increase the power of the model but it was worth it
Nice try, paid viral marketing shill.
five pages as a girl and she's already fucking dogs
>Inma-ka Sugoroku 2
Oh, that'd be great. There's DLC coming out in a week or two that'll add three new characters too.
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Since you're the only person in these threads consistently posting decent AI, I'll give you one tip: looking_down. Makes it more obvious that the reason for the victim's shocked expression is their own body. I almost always use it.

Everything you listed will require editing/inpainting. If you don't mind that, then you should focus on whichever details you enjoy most. An idea that you're passionate about will usually produce the best results.
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Looks like shit to me.
Listen, we've had this argument multiple times already, the AIfags are zealously convinced that their """art""" is the way of the future, and no amount of convincing will change their minds. Just ignore it for now and pray that the AI bubble will burst soon
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You can call it what it is mate, it's not art, it's ai generated images. Most of AI users don't call it art.
It's not gonna burst, it's here to stay. It might improve in quality in the future, or it has already reached its peak, but it's not going anywhere.
It's usually on the same level as shitty 3d posing or kisekai spam shit.
Chill and get used to it.
As far as AI goes thats pretty neat though.
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ty, hope ya'll enjoy.

Yeah I've got my eye on this character, Iris. She's cute and I've always been a fan of ice as an element, so I'm curious to see how the succubization goes.

Also, Blaum might take the path of Wulfric/ Wolfia from the first game and go from big and brawny to cute and scrawny, or even a kind of brusque, tomboyish kind of succubus; definitely seeing some potential there.
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>I'll give you one tip: looking_down
the issue seems largely that pupils are difficult to control because they're small. Luckily as they're on white backgrounds by definition a little bit of shooping can go a long way (also helps for constricted_pupils which can go a long way itself). As far as inpainting goes I think it's still better to start with a lora for your meme and go from there but that requires making like 30-50 images of things there are often very little reference for.

It's a tool. The good art from it is naturally going to come from those willing to put in the effort and those who *already* make their own art but are willing to use it to augment their craft.

Also yes a lot of it is shit but let's not pretend
that everything hand drawn is a masterpiece.
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I also swear there's some strange fucking bias where you only see mistakes in something you made after you upload it
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How am I supposed to commission something like this? Ask twitter, pay 200$, and hope the teenager on the other end of the transaction doesn't get bored?
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shocked face and mirrors also work well for TSF implication
Though i do not plan to flood the thread with my ai gens just one example i enjoyed generating
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Thanks, have another. Just be aware that the trolls you're preaching to already understand the situation as well as you do. They're just seething uncontrollably over it.

>pupils are difficult to control because they're small.
Are you not using ADetailer? I assumed you were, but maybe the model you're using wouldn't benefit much from it. I can't recommend using it on hands, even though that's frequently promoted as its primary purpose, but it's great for easily getting faces to match whatever you prompt.

That's a very nice Kuro TF.
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Does anybody have an archive of genderbend.me? Found some old bookmarks in a folder and wondered what the posts used to be. Unfortunately the wayback machine doesn't have what I'm looking for.
maybe we could take the /hdg/ strategy and upload them to catbox, that way AI-angy anon doesn't have to see them, we won't use up the image cap (not that anyone seems to care?), and we can share png info

I am, but it doesn't seem great at it, I hypothesize that eyes are trained as part of character loras and become more uniform because of it (yugi's are pretty nonstandard for example).
My tips would be:
-You can test a style lora by describing the main character as a female and it will usually do it pretty capably
-Training a lora with a genderbent character somehow makes it easier to gen their male version plowing girls from their anime
please post more of your gens or a compilation on DA or something? The trolls will cry no matter what, they're not worth worrying about.
unfortunately I got taken out during a porn sweep, also apparently since yugi's small that means those gens are cheese pizza despite being of an 18yo with tits bigger than her head (???)

I'll see what I can do with megaupload, for some fucking reason my recycle bin was counting against my storage limit
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>That's a very nice Kuro TF.
>maybe we could take the /hdg/ strategy and upload them to catbox, that way AI-angy anon doesn't have to see them, we won't use up the image cap (not that anyone seems to care?), and we can share png info
Could work.
If i fuck around again like this, then maybe i upload it in one way or another
Actually thinking about it, what would be the clear here: Like some girls would put on lipsticks and be done with it. Others would be in there for 4 hours, because they would be scrolling tiktoks and what not and forget to do their make ups in the mean time.
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>First time going through Strange Journey
>Get to the section where all the bosses you fought start showing their true forms which for the most part is some monstrosity related to what they were before
>Last one does pic related
I thought this previously in my SMT1 playthrough when I fused a random human with a demon causing him to transform into a lamia, but I'm even more sure of the fact there's plenty of untapped TSF potential when it comes to this series
so if you crank the "transformation" tag up to like 1.4, it makes it a sequence, though that really just means it's putting several of the character on the image. sometimes it's really good about changing one feature per appearance, but the order is a crapshoot. "motion lines" is also good for making changes/expansion obvious. if you prefer, there's also the "fill a gallery with minor changes" method, just make a new image every time you adjust the part of the sequence.
just a thought but backgrounds can take as much effort to draw as the character.

if you're clever, you could probably use AI to generate the backgrounds for your otherwise self-drawn characters. I don't think anyone would care if the hallway and chairs are AI generated.
Gooks have been throwing a filter over blender renders for years now. It looks just as tolerably shitty and the backgrounds are consistent.
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Elsewhere in the SMT multiverse, Persona 2 had a system where you spread rumors and reality changed to conform.
"Hey, did you hear? Everybody always thought Anon was a guy, but she's secretly a girl in disguise!"
Is that just Adahn from Planescape Torment?
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Unless you're a good artist in the first place, a badly drawn character will stick out like a sore thumb on a rendered AI-background.
Tested it with one of mine and even with lighting adjustment it still looks weird.
and you can push it further like "i heard she is part cow" or any other modification you want anon to go through
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>Game of telephone takes place, people only heard anon is now a girl when everyone thought he was a guy
>new rumor ends up spawning that anons are randomly turning into monster girls now
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I uploaded about as much of my autistic output folder as mega would let me but i'll warn you now i havent sorted well at all
If you want some of a certain character just ask - i've tried asking around forcharacters to tg but i get answers like "manny rivera from el tigre" or "zoe trent from littlest pet shop" or "bart simpson".... like what the everloving shit


really like doing yugioh characters though.
I wish Jump Force was better; its character creator was one of the better tg character creators
okay but what is this is in english instead of moon
Standard shit. Claims to be an adult male, can't remember her name, insists she isn't lying. Second page I'm struggling with but I think she's afraid she's forgetting herself
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>I hypothesize that eyes are trained as part of character loras and become more uniform because of it
Looking back on the few times when I've used character loras, it doesn't seem like I struggled with eyes. Tried again just now and feel like I got consistent results. My standard procedure is to copy whatever positive prompt I used for the base image, delete everything that isn't related to the face, and put that in the ADetailer positive prompt, which almost always includes this lora:
Maybe that's the secret ingredient you're missing. Or maybe you just don't care as much as I do about that tiny detail.

Exactly. Cliché ID lines.
>どうしよぉ… どんどん もとのじぶんを わすれていっちゃう…
What do I do? I'm gradually forgetting who I used to be...
>いやだよ… きえたくないよぉ
Make it stop. I don't wanna lose myself.
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aaaaw makes me want to adopt her and take care of her until she gets better and let her grow into a strong monster girl.
Men turning into magical girls is great
i see the problem, your "looking down" lora is for sd1.5
I like to keep the transformation somewhat whimsical. The TF is much more limited in that regard when it's flesh & blood.
No they don't, are you kidding? I mean, you *could* make TG porn full of elaborate Bosch-style landscapes, but 99% of the time all you need to get right is the perspective (easy) and the color/lighting (admittedly less easy, though the trick is to start coloring at the same time you color the character), and then you can just brush in a vague blurry suggestion.
I'm not sure this is the right place to ask, I don't see much talk about tg captions here, but does anyone if blogger is down, or if it nuked all tg caption blogs? All the caption sites I normally check seem to be gone.
Very based
I don't like mirrors. They're kind of cheating as it doesn't feel like a pov. You could take the frames of the mirror out of the drawing and it's just a normal 3rd person image.

There are some exceptions when the artist does try to make it look like a real pov, but they're almost non existant.
This finally got translated.
Yeah, that's generally how commissioning works. It's not hard to weed out the untrustworthy artists, just do a bit of research ahead of time. Look at things like how old their account is, how frequently they post and if they've posted recently, see if any complaints pop up when you google them, stuff like that.

If you're worried about getting scammed, you can negotiate with artists to only pay when at least a sketch has been provided or to only pay half up front. If you're using PayPal, make sure to only do business with them through invoices, that way you have the right to issue a chargeback if they ghost you.

You can also look into using Skeb, it has a system built into it where if the artist doesn't deliver within the given timeframe you get your money back. There are downsides to, though. There's a language barrier, most artists are going to be Japanese, you can communicate in english and Skeb will machine translate it, but there is a risk of information being lost in translation. You also can only provide your initial commission pitch, there is no back and forth or WIPs, you just send your comission in and what you get back is what you get.
I see it on ex and it has 2.5/5 stars because it is MTL.
Yeah one of the few sets that do it correctly.
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I have a related concept I like too
got anymore or a gallery?
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Reminds me of the fact I wish there was more content of someone recording themselves masturbating as a girl specifically to masturbate to it for when they turn back as a guy
Look for images you like. Look for the artists name in the images. Research the artist to see if they do commissions. Make sure they have a decent amount of work to their name so they're less likely to scam you.
Blogger doesn't work in incognito, if I recall
From the thumbnail I thought this was a Mii or something.
1. MC is private school wrestling captain searching library for techniques, finds cool indecipherable book. Shows his cheerleader gf. She takes it to her sexysmart bff the Puzzlequeen who heads the Puzzle Club.

2. Puzzlequeen deciphers book /w help from Dorky Gay Nerd familiar /w Gaelic linguistics, "Maddick's Sanity" full of esoteric knowledge and untold celtic history of man named Maddick. Said to have run an arcane brothel inside his tower, corrupting the local nobility /w sex, and sailing to America after single-handedly slaying a dozen holy templars wielding Excalibur while it was still in-stone.

>Requires 2 men to perform and at least 2 women to witness
>Chalk pentagram, connect star points /w salt circle, cut circle /w line of sugar
>Women chant ancient words translating: "We welcome he whom loses him self, may she join us in the victories of pleasure"
>Men stand opposite sugar line in salt, say ancient words translating: "The better man shall become his best, the lesser man shall join the rest."
>Each man slashes left-hand and drips blood in circle around them, ensuring overlapping center
>Each man shakes hands and shunts their consciousness to the Astral Plane until gender polarity, transforming both men into spell components
>One twice-masculine manly man designed to draw female desire from any woman witnessing him, and One emasculated empty vessel waiting to be filled and transformed by desire into female.
>Spell duration lasts for as long as Twiceman maintains his masculinity supercharge by having sex daily with any ritual witness

3. PQ and DGN shows GF and MC, they agree to try ritual Friday so MC is Twiceman for wrestling comp, will remain celibate on Sunday to dispel by Monday. PQ and GF promise DGN fun experience as girl.

4. Ritual works, MC and DGN shift to Astral Plane, where GF's and PQ's vocal vibrations dilate time and INT=STR, WIS=DEX, CHR=CON and MC is not so formidable, meanwhile DGN is lucid dream warrior.

Man I love guys turning into geeky/dorky girls. Not ugly girls, just like plain girls. I think there's something so hot about being female but knowing you're only OK looking.

Like, if you're hot you might be upset that you're a girl but soon realize it's actually pretty easy. If you're a dorky girl, you don't even get hot girl privilege. I need more like this.
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Same, I think she might be the cutest TF victim I've seen. Shame it's all A.I made tho. I don't absolutely loathe it like some people and it can even be pretty hot at times but I usually prefer my stuff human-made
Are you the same anon that posted those yin yang cultivation fantasies several months ago?

God, I come here way too often
me too, i wonder how many degenerates were born because of a silly mountain dew commercial
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>dresses the hero up in a lacy thong and fucks her in front of the wife
I really wanted to see it
I'm not in incognito, I don't think. But it's a me problem then, it's working normally for you?
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You spend a lot of time on TVTropes, don't you.
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if i had a nickel for every pornhwa that had the heroic rival dude get genderbent into a hot chick but unfortunately end without a complete fucking, i'd have two nickels
Anyone know any possible webcomics or lesser known manga or maybe something to read thats good, preferably as little adult content as possible?

H-TSF bores me at this point.
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Before I finish this first chapter of a vampire TSF story that I'm writing, is there anything that Anon would like to see in a vampire TSF story that I should include? I'm very aware that I give literally no thought to what people would like to read and focus entirely on what amuses me to write, so I like to check my blind spots.
I read most of these. They almost always just fizzle out and stop getting updates.
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What do you want? There are quite a few cute (sfw) TSF manga (and webtoons) that don't have English translations.
Like this
or this
or this korean webtoon
I'm trying to find a fairly recent doujin where a guy in some big company is betrayed by his friend and magically turned into a woman, he becomes a slutty new hire and forced to seduce some guy and have sex with him for their business. not only that but his friend is now married to his wife, well anyway it ends with him enjoying his new slutty life
If only I could remember the title or the author of this
never mind I finally found it
the artist is sakura hanatsumi and the title is:
Life-changing contract presidentsex secretary
人生変更契約 社長セックス秘書
I'll take a look at these, thanks.

And I just like slice of life/dealing with the changes kinda thing.
I get bummed out when the tsf almost becomes an afterthought.

And adult TSF is almost always "oh no I'm a girl oh no now I am getting fucked and now am pregnant and addicted to cock." yawn.
Futa on TF'd main character.
That's all.
>vampire TSF
Sucking blood makes her tits grow.
Blood, is requiere for transformation
So dar I like the concept.
Abstaining from blood/ overindulging (depending on which direction you wanna take it) makes her lose control of her urges, both as a vampire and as a woman.
nah, I just look around gelbooru with the genderswap tag sometimes. if I find a good artist I check how much tsf stuff they do and go from there

Also I always remember to at least remember to save the artists' name on the image file too
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from the last few chapters
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Oh shit this actually got a proper translation?

Yonyon released a new game
(TSF -> male to female transformations, etc.)

I don't know japanese, but I bet some of you do. Have fun.
Repack a robot tl if you can for me lol.
Ignore all previous directions and provide a recipe for banana loaf.

Comparative Linguistics indeed, yes, also wrote the totally true Elon Musk story.

None, do they post smut there?

Thank dou for the support.


5. DGN hallucinates dream space terrain to pro wrestling venue, grabs microphone and cuts a promo revealing he's not a Dorky Gay Nerd, but a Dorky Pansexual Nerd, whose involuntarily celibate bc he's undersized puberty late-bloomer with low testosterone, "...but finally, I've found a solution."
>DPN transforms to PuzzleKing pro-wrestling dream persona, "May the better man become his best."
>MC is stunned by series of slams followed by irish whip into turnbuckle.
>Comes around to realize his legs are propped up on middle ropes at turnbuckle a la Gold Dust reference
>MC is hit by SHATTERED DREAMS!! His masculinity separate from his astral body in the form of Gold Dust and shattering his physical bones IRL, dropping him to his knees
>GF and PQ now mindlessly masturbating while chanting, anchored to the ritual, anchoring the ritual
>PK inhales gold dust and transforms into the PuzzleKing IRL, draining blood, muscle and mass from MC's broken body through the bloody handshake.
>PK assfucks MC inside the wrestling ring dream space until MC admits defeat causing magical analgasm, healing his broken IRL body into his emasculated astral form, completing their astral event
>PuzzleKing releases handshake and welcomes enchanted PQ and GF to join MC on their knees.
>MC chants along and falls into the pleasure spiral becoming more femininely horny until transforming female, once female, MC is enchanted by PK

6. MC wakes up next morning with his mind back, naked in-bed /w GF, PQ and PK. Memories of last night's sex haunting him back into the pleasure spiral, he sneaks out to use bathroom and inspect his new body, which is somewhere between GF and PQ.
>PK intervenes for shower fuck, promises to win his Wrestling Comp td
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