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Thread for bondage, peril and damsels in distress. Game overs and bad ends are also good.

Previous thread >>11037213
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I know these aren't related, but it's kinda fun to think they are. The whole team wiped out, one way or another.
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I really like this one and I couldn't tell you why. Maybe it's the hair?
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Feels very old school like a 80s or 90s anime.
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Oh, that's really fun. Love how the bondage position almost forces her to stare at the thing she's struggling to keep out of her.
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I love hostage situations like this. Cooperate and they'll keep her alive, but she knows full well they're just going to rape them both anyway. So hopeless.
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Don’t even like guro but a girl in a guillotine is so fucking hot
It's definitely guro you demented retard
Not if the blade didn’t fall yet lmao
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Ain't no guro here, son. What's hot about it?
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Well that's kinda why it's called peril.
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She is desperate to save her partner but she is unable to save herself. It's a nice scenario.
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