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Thread for sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Questions of the day.
Have you ever felt a craving to do anal? Like your hole needs something in it?

Previous thread >>11053499

>FAQ - Read it before posting

>Regdude's Technical guide to anal (very detailed, recommended to all butt sluts)

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

>SurfboardPotato's Guide to Prostate Play

>What's the lighter test?
It's a way to know if your chinesium toy is in fact silicone. Follow this guide:

>Anon’s Guide to Knotting

>Say hello

>Sock & Condom Stretching

>Anon does the math with J-Lube
>JLube Testing by /ftt/ ScienceAnon

>Cleaning techniques and alternative methods


>Slim Shell Mold Making Tutorial (DIY Dildos)
I am SO addicted to my Edge 2, that it's gradually broken me out of my habit of being silent from when I was a teen. The gasping and moaning feels really good to let out...
>post 3 images
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Yes, every time I'm horny now, I crave anal. I've basically completely switched from jerking off to fucking my ass now because it just feels so much better. It has me fucked up now because I'm starting to consider finding a guy to hook up with when, growing up, I always considered myself straight and have only hooked up with girls before... But getting my prostate slammed hard just feels so much better than pussy.
sounds really fun because it's all handsfree
but i'm hesitant to get one of these because i can only really cum from fucking myself deeper than my prostate and i would probably get frustrated with it.
This thread is dangerous to the (((establishment)))
Shills in full motion
Anyone have some suggestions for some good thinner dildos?

Wife is having me go anal only for a while and wants to be able to fuck me when she pleases which means less time for warmup. Everything we have is a little to much to take on a lunch break for now.
Normal lazy wanking in bed is the norm for me, but on and off I get a crazy urge/craving to be speared like a damn rotisserie chicken.
Most times I resist the urge for an unplanned anal session, but not always.
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i hooked up with this guy on monday, he had a bit bigger dick than i'm used too and he was very aggressive.. and now even today!!! i still feel like this good sensation in my lower abdomen like i felt during when he was actually fucking me... it feels soo good and it's like 2-3 sec every now and then it feels amazing
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Not sure how thin exactly you want, but you could try the tantus p-spot. I don't own one, but I've heard good things.
Why can't I do anal anymore? My ass has suddenly become too tight and rejects anything I put inside. Nothing feels good.
How to get anal craving back?
I ended up succumbing and doing this lmao
Managed to grab an XL flop for cheap, tho they’re still hella expensive for fuckin shaped silicone

That being said tho, guess who managed to take the flare of the XL chance tonight :3
The feeling was overwhelming, the discomfort from being overstretched and the sensation of being so incredibly filled was too much lol I couldn’t do more of it.
Sadly think I might have a slight tear as a result from it all tho, I know my ass is gonna be sore for the next few days, looks like I’ve gotta wait for it to heal :(
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rule34video/nyaa website hasn't worked for like 2 weeks now in northern europe because they both use the same anti ddos that blocks my country for some reason. It's over, how am I going to watch futa horsedick anal videos now.
Anyone have a butt skincare routine? ive been using a italy towel on my cheeks once every 2 weeks ago a SA soap bar on my crack and other bits every time i shower, moisturize twice a day and applying a brightening cream 1-2 times a day from amazon but not sure if its even doing much.
It really is just genetics if you have a perfect looking butt isnt it
I want to like dildos but every time I've tried one I run into issues
>legs fall asleep in riding positions
>arms get tired when pumping it by hand
>moving the thing up and down makes a weirdly painful sensation near my prostate at slow speeds, like it's pulling on me from the inside or scraping against something instead of pleasurably massaging it
>moving at higher speeds makes me tired eventually
>only feels kinda good when bouncing fairly quickly and then I get tired before it goes anywhere
I've used various Blush Neo Elite models and the BMS Naked Addiction but all of them led to the same issues. I use fuck tons of lube, some times I would literally relube every 5 minutes, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
Thats why I have a fuck machine. Just lay back on my chair and have the machine fuck me. One bad thing about is that its not tied to the floor so it can rock around or get pushed back if I squeeze my butt. So I use tape to hold it down.
You irritated the muscle and now the internal swelling does not want to heal off. Drink more water, eat the right food, watch and feel your bowel movements ( don't push too much), after 2 weeks or if there is blood go to a doctor. Don't even think about forcing something inside you, your hole needs to heal.
sounds like you need to work on your own physical health more.
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Anyone of the regulars ever buy a Topped Toys Deep Space or Spike? I'm looking at buying one potentially. Either a DS 100 or Spike 105.

Spike is good for depth training, starts small then widens to open your butt and make it easier to take toys very deep.
Deep Space is a plug-dildo hybrid that has a tapered head to help you take his blunt bulge, before lowering to a smaller size.

My question is: which one is more worth it as a toy solely for making you cum anally? Which feels better? I worry that the Spike would feel more like a tool than a toy to play with and that's what i don't want. I don't want a toy that feels like i'm just using it to prep for the actual fun. I want something that feels good in general.

(tried my best to match the pictures in size for scale, but it may be off)
Don't have experience with either toy, but I can only recomend that you follow your preferences. Do you want to fill up your butt or do you want to go play cave explorer? Yeah, the spike is probably only going to be a tool, but can be fun too for serious depth stimulation.
Suck it up and loosen that ass pussy for her
Get fuck machine to pound you instead
I have their smallest spike to warm up on and have been contemplating getting a deep space

Right now I cum buckets when I get the hilt75 all the way up in me

Thinking of getting the deep space of a similar size to pop inside right after the hilt has left me stretched out and see if it really forces itself up inside you like the reviews all claim
No, there's no pain or blood or anything like that. I can insert a small plug easily with plenty of lube, and it goes right in.
My ass just doesn't want to relax for some reason...
Skill issue
Story time.
>go out shopping with wife for some bras
>she buys a blue sheer and patterned bodysuit, says it’s because it was on sale
>fast forward some days, we’ve been 3 days dry due to life
>she tells me to wash myself really well before going to bed (codeword)
>clean my butt thoroughly
>appear in the bedroom, she’s wearing the bodysuit
>surprise, was for you! How well do I look in it?
>she looks simply delicious
>we start making out, 69’ing
>starts rubbing my taint and feeling my hole while giving me oral
>sticks a finger in
>why should I stop?
>there’s a high risk of me loving it
>sits on my face, gets some lube out of nowhere and starts applying it liberally on the penis and butthole while I’m taking care of her own butthole
>gets off me, picks the vibrator
>*low battery*
>bad luck honey, should we just go for the big “sharing dildo” (funfactory share), or old boring sex?
>I don’t know, weren’t you in command? Are you going to let me choose? *slap her butt*
>pushes me onto the bed
>seems like we’re going to play big
>sits on harness with the double ended dildo, one side in her
>starts kissing me, me grabbing her chest
>pushes against my butt, presses it
>me on my back, legs slightly raised, she’s upright against me
>pressure mounts, then pop!
>it’s in, suddenly, filling me
>starts moving her pelvis against my butt, in a slow but consistent rhythm
>it’s so good
>she keeps pumping me
>start moaning, she smiles while fucking me
>masturbate yourself while being fucked, I want to see your face while doing it and em getting filled
>she’s so against me now, curved on top of me, that strocking it is kinda hard
>she starts biting my nipples
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>I blurt out “fuck me, harder, fill me” while in ecstasy
>see her face get all flustered and red, while a grin appears on her lips and her eyes glimmer
>”yes, pound me”
>starts fucking me with broader and harsher strokes
>I quit masturbating, can’t last much longer
>her rhythm gets erratic, she’s panting
>she comes, first than me
>seeing her face filled with pleasure and being absolutely ravaged gets me over the edge
>cum ropes onto my chest
>both panting a bit, recovering
>yeah, I really liked your blue outfit, you have to wear it more often
>not the only thing you liked, you buttslut, love you
Why do none of the guides contain the word 'bleach'? Is bleaching your asshole a bad idea? How come we have a guide to knotting but not making my asshole prettier?
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All alone on a Saturday night?
play with my butt for a while! (5 minutes use, ~2 hours on)
if it says link's taken, it means someone else is currently using it, if it says link expired, that means it's done for the day
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Id say you should focus on strengthening the connections/sensations with your prostate to cum easier then. I used to have a similar problem a year or two back, and I solved it by continuing to try anal for a while, as well as going to the gym so I can basically pump with my arm for longer than I need to reach an orgasm.

>pulling/scraping feeling
you might be just going harder/deeper than your ass wants right now. You can try fingering for a bit and focusing on the sensations
you feel, as well as the texture of the skin in your hole to figure out whats prostate and whats the rest of your ass.
besides that, getting more horny before a session will inadvertently swell your prostate and end up just giving you a straight up higher chance of success.
>inb4 "just go slow and focus on the sensations"
this tech is so crazy not gonna lie
i would support adding info about bleaching but my understanding is the methods that actually work aren't very good for your skin. ass doctors say not to even use soap on the outside of the anus.
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it's pretty fun to any anons who are curious, just make sure to buy on sale and don't be too rough with them, they can break easy if you sit weird with them in
>just make sure to buy on sale
lovense toys seem to be always on sale, do they actually discount them at certain times?
i think im gonna recharge my hush 2... and maybe if im brave enough post a link. its def the most taboo thing ive ever done in my life
please do! I'd love to play with another anon's butt~
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The dual density neo elite 7.5" is pretty thin. I don't know if the other sizes scale similar but they are shaped differently.
so is the spike only a warm up toy for you? does it actually function well enough to make you cum by itself?
are those lumps on it anything good in terms of texture or not very noticable?
>ass doctors say not to even use soap on the outside of the anus.
Source? Am I not even allowed to use mild intimate soap on my ass crack then? Am I really only allowed to clean my ass with water?
you can go to some spas that offer the service but there is no way im ever doing that
I have used soap all of my life, that's bs
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>Have you ever felt a craving to do anal? Like your hole needs something in it?
Yes, literally every single day for the past decade lmao, what kind of a question is this
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>getting my prostate slammed hard just feels so much better than pussy
Amen, it feels thousands of times better, pussy is boring now
That happens to me too when I use my biggest dildos for long sessions like 2+ hours, feels so good and amazing
when i was a kid, i got zero sex ed, and somehow took interest in my butt, shoving random things inside. My first ever orgasm was hands free, as was stretching my hole with both hands looking inside with a mirror. Anyways, once i inserted a long and bendy RC car controller antenna. It somehow got tangled inside, and as i was pulling it out, i felt an intense sharp pain. I don't know if it's related but since then every few weeks after a bowel movement i experience intense pain that builds up slowly over 20 seconds and lasts minutes, kinda like muscle cramps. Playing with a giant dragon cock does not hurt though.
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>My first ever orgasm was hands free
Goddamn, that must have permanently wired your brain in ways I can't even fathom. Very, very jealous.
so true, king
What makes you get horny so your prostate can feel good when nothing works?
I have spike 105 and a few gape keepers. Haven't taken spike that deep yet, not sure if it's too thick at the base or not flexible enough, or i just need to use it more often.

I wear my GK85 and 93 regularly and love the feeling from stretching and being filled up.

> which one is more worth it as a toy solely for making you cum anally? Which feels better?
both feel good in different ways but spike does take a lot more planning and prep.
you answered a question i didnt even ask. my question was referring to Deep Space and Spike. Not Spike and GK
shemale and futa cock
i still use soap between the cheeks but "water only" is verbatim what i was told by a colorectal surgeon.
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I've heard people say water only around the anus because the skin is particularly sensitive and soap can disrupt the skin's microbiome. That being said, I use soap because i like to be clean. I've also heard that the skin is the same type as your lips on your face, so it can become chapped, so it might not be a bad idea to apply a small amount of vaseline to keep it moist and soft and oh-so-fuckable.
yeah, i get insanely dry skin to begin with so i try to apply vaseline before bed every night or calmoseptine if i've been rough recently
stinky butthole having ass nigga

Fake and gay, you don't have a wife
I view it more as a fun stretching toy and these days it's warm up sized for me
Not everyone here is gay like you
I also have children.
Just go see a doctor if you have explainable chronic recurring pain you retard
You're not stretching enough, push it in deeper slut

Make sure to get the lube up in you extra deep

Use coconut oil as lube and you'll never have this issue
Okay pedo
coconut oil is fine for some stuff but i fucking hate cleaning it off silicone toys
Soap and water

It's not hard
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yeah it's weird i can take my bd chance deeper than spike. i don't do deep stuff that often so progress is slow
Thanks! I'll take a look. Probably something around 1" dia MAX, looking for comfort.

All in good time, I got plenty of girthy things but keeping the stretch up is not feasible. So its a balancing act for us. Life comes first sadly.
Thoughts on coconut oil as lube? Ran out of water based but I've got a tub of coconut oil.
I've tried it, it's definitely not as slick as something like x-lube, so I'm not a huge fan of it. It being oil also makes it more difficult to clean, but it's good for your skin, so I guess there's that.
>be me
>bored as shit
>no work no school
>I’m the only one home
>tired of jerking off
>randomly remember the dildo I got as a joke gift from a bro
>try fingers first
>feels kind of weird and the initial pain doesn’t feel worth it
>decide fuck it, I don’t have anything else to do
>slowly ease into the dildo
>feels odd, but not bad
>starting to feel kind of nice
>suddenly hit my prostate
>fuck that spot till I cum harder than ever
>literally all I can think about for the rest of the day, why did I not try that sooner?
Ever since then, jerking off just doesn’t do it for me. I’ve even starting thinking about taking an actual cock. Is it over for me bros? Am I addicted to anal now?
Anybody got recommendations for prostate toys that'll give me a bit of a stretch, or plugs that'll hit my prostate?
I had to take a break from dildo play, and in the meantime I've fallen back in love with my Aneros and rediscovered the joy of edging with my prostate. With any luck I can start going back to my usual toy collection fairly soon, but I want something that I can use as a kind of warm up plug in the meantime.
I guess hoping for something ~1in diameter that has the potential to hit those spots while I swivel my hips and clench on it? Any recommendations greatly appreciated.
Plugged with my brand new Hush 2 (and cum lube) for the first time. Thought I’d post a control link for the next half hour if any horny anons feel like playing with my butt while I edge to futa :)

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Omg that was so fucking hot, literally shaking and leaking so hard after, wish I had longer to play haha.
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That was pretty fun
i cant decide what i want tonight can someone pick for me? Knots or Flares? ty in advance c:
Anyone recommend good videos to watch while stoned and playing w my ass? I like linkrel a lot, but haven't found a lot like it that's any good
My 0A silicone mold kit finally arrived. All that's left to do now is to figure out what interesting shapes and designs I wanna make that I can stuff into my ass. I was thinking a 1L or other similarly shaped object because I need over 3 inches of diameter to properly satisfy me. I don't have a 3D printer, so I will have to be a lot more creative when it comes to making a mold. Will keep updated if/when I pour myself a homemade dildo. If anyone here has any ideas, feel free to share em lol. Who knows, maybe we can brainstorm the next dildo company here and we specialize in household objects made out of silicone.
desu an aubergine seems to be fun
Thank you and sorry for the dumb question
To be fair to you, I was also curious what the fuck that guy was doing
You can search some images on r34 with a tag cock_chart for some interesting speciments. There was an artist that made an image with all demons from Doom Eternal. Personally, I would suggest something swirly like a unicorn horn or another variant is a large tongue.
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You can try something with long parallel ridges along the lenght of the shaft.
someone did a test on silicone where they put silicone in a ziploc over time with coconut oil vs water based lube and the coconut oil one shrunk over time.

not massive size difference, but enough to undeniably have been effected by the coconut oil. people claim it's safe, but it's not true, it will damage your toy over time. it will take a long time, but still, it does.
That makes no sense, stop cappin
It's absolutely feasible to keep that bussy warmed up for her

Don't pussy out
>shave penis, ballsack, taint and butthole so metal cockring can get around my sack and dick easier
>getting horny
>cockring has to be squeezed around said shaft and sack when completely soft otherwise I will not be able to pass balls through
>starting to get the urge to sit on my plug
>havent done anal in about a week and a half
>plug is 3.71 inches in diameter
>when first inserted a few sessions ago, had to be extremely warmed up to even attempt to pop it in
>lubed and horny
>sit on plug
>after 3 or 4 pop ons and offs, get plug fully inside
>start bouncing
>balls being squeezed due to ring pushing them into floor
>mildly plapping balls as I masturbate with a big plug in me
>cant take it anymore
>shoot 1 really hard rope of cum
>drenched in sweat, lube and cum
>stand up
>woozy, losing balance due to sheer ecstasy
>barely recover
>look at plug
>amazed how Ive moved on so much that im starting to reach 4 inch diameter territory
Is this what being a buttslut is all about? Just becoming a bigger and nastier anal whore to the point where your starting warmup toys are almost all XL, 2XL and 3XL toys? If so, I'm loving it.
Someone coated their toy in coconut oil once a week for five years and it did nothing


Don't listen to the fearmonger
Knots, big thick ones
>Someone coated their toy in coconut oil once a week for five years and it did nothing

that's different from leaving them soaked in the lube, so i dont see your point. even if youre not likely to leave a silicone toy soaking in coconut oil, the experiment still proved that it does damage your toy over time. Even if it's very slow, it still clearly has some kind of effect on the toy. for soft toys, it would damage quicker especially if it's a textured soft toy.
knots are probably better for you, you seem stupid and inexperienced judging by your "pick for me" desperate post, so yeah, chances are you'd find a knot easier.
i'm clarifying so you understand i'm not playing into your faggy "tell me what to do" game, i'm advising you from a health standpoint that you're a retard and likely would hurt yourself by using flared toys since they're rougher and more blunt.
I was hesitating between the Edge 2 and the Aneros Helix Syn V, that post made me buy the Edge 2. I was trimming my ass and got too close to my anus and it cut me, fml. I disinfected the wound using chlorhexidine but now I'm gonna have to wait 2 weeks to be sure it's fully healed
I wish that tingle sensation was permanent
There's no proof for either, retard

That was the point and yet blindly you accept one and dismiss the other

Check your cognitive dissonance
this will be up for a bit if anyone is interested.
Estrogen and heavy exfoliation has done wonders for my ass
i can hilt my vector XL in soft i think im a pro at this point, i was just bored.
i got a larger plug, but after about 10ish minutes of wearing it, it starts feeling dry(?)
any way to prevent this?
I dont have ideas for a shape but make it ridged. That increases pleasure as it will rub your prostate. I have a ridged dildo and it's the best thing I have.
Just get j lube instead. It's much cheaper than anything else. I bought one tube and I still have plenty of lube left after 2 years.
The link has expired
the proof is literally the recording showing that the silicone is damaged over time by the coconut oil you blind bitch. try reading.

white knight all you want, no twink or woman will ever fuck you
>no twink or woman will ever fuck you
what is this supposed to mean
hey people, breaking in the edge 2
not sure how long this will be up but go nuts: https://c.lovenseapi.com/t2/7vhd0voh
update: timer increased to 10 mins since its so hard to type
knots over flares, especially if you aren’t seasoned with anal play. A flare can do a pretty good amount of damage if you get too enthusiastic about it and just send it in, plus if you can’t get over the flare you basically can’t use the thing at all.
Knots usually are like 90% standard dildo, and they’re designed to be pleasurable without using the knot, so it’s no biggie if you can’t take it yet.
You keep making claims with no proof

You posted no video link sperg fag
that anon sounds experienced but yeah, this guy has a point. once you get the dildo above the knot worked in and relax you can then press down on the knot, gyrate your hips, and press your prostate from the inside and outside at the same time. if you do this harder you start getting a bit of a stretching feeling, and if you go harder it pops in and takes your breath away. 10/10.

flares are great too, especially because big ones give you the sensation of being speared and physically held open (only time i've whimpered like a girl is after sitting on a large horse cock for the first time). but if you can't get the flare in, rip.
Fuck maybe I gotta try this based on your descriptions
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found another one
Hey topped toys enjoyers, what do you recommend for my next after the hilt 75, first toy I've gotten from them so far
Well boys, I finally managed it. Got back from work feeling pretty randy got my new hismith hooked up and ready to go. Took about 40 minutes of pounding pleasure and I could feel that pressure build up in my dongus before I bust. 10/10 definitely would do again, just not on a work night. My guts still feel out of sorts slightly.
n00b here, toyed with the idea of anal masturbation but always chicken out. I bought pic related in a flight of fancy on amazon during prime day deals.
For a Borosilicate glass toy of this size, from a decent company A$28 seemed like a steal.
It's 11" in total length and weighs 880g. The first bump is 1.5”, the second 1.75” and the next three are 2" in diameter.
Is this okay for a total beginner or am I way in over my head? My brain is telling me to cancel the order and not be a fag but I love glassware and this looks like a work of art.
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>be me
>wake up in the morning
>take a poop
>hour or so later decide to fuck my ass
>wash myself with an enema pump thingy
>takes a long time
>finally clear water
>start fucking ass
>dildo is covered in shit
>do more enema
>again takes a lot of time to get clear water
>finally fuck ass again
>dildo covered in shit
>lose mood

fast forward 5ish hours

>decide to fuck ass again
>do enema
>again lot of shit water
>fuck ass once clean
>dildo covered in shit
>repeat few times
>lose mood

why is there literally endless amount of poop in me?
Fix your diet, mang. More veg and fibre
i do eat a bunch of both doe
>takes a long time
you're putting so much water in you it's going up your digestive tract, staying there, then coming back down later dumbass

try using half the water

also take fiber
Way too big for beginner. Get one of them glass prostate massagers/g-spot curved toys
some people just have that issue it seems, based on their digestion system. I never do enema cleanings and very rarely ill have a small blob of poop at the tip but its only when i havent gone in a few days. But i put a condom over the toys and never have my "dildo covered in shit" so maybe im lucky im naturally clean down there
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They don't belong here
>pound bussy
>get the point that feels like 99.9% before the moment you shoot the load
>legs shake
>ass clenches
>whole body shakes
>this state continues as long as keep pounding
>can't keep it up anymore, stop and blank out
>didn't actually cum
what was that?

also i finally got x-lube, and it's the best one i tried so far, I mixed two bottles, one thick and one more watery. But it's really hard to wash it off myself or anything it gets on in the process.
>But it's really hard to wash it off myself or anything it gets on in the process
completely deviates from my experience; use a towel or rag to wipe completely clean (I still wash everything with warm water/soap afterwards)
you could always try *lightly* salted water, chlorides break down the chains, that why destilled water is better for x-lubes shelf life.
for an even better experience, try mixing melted coconut oil in with your next batch
yeah, that's way too big for a beginner especially in glass. a male finger is like .75" wide, the largest plugs in beginner training sets are usually 1.5" wide or even less. the shape also looks way too intense for such a hard toy in the ass
I’m decently experienced and I wouldn’t use that. Seems like a good way to hurt yourself. Definitely start with something smaller and softer like silicone
Neither does your poorly drawn shitdick porn
A couple of times now someone has suggested getting pretty high before doing butt stuff. Well I tried it the past two times and FUCK. That shit was amazing. I got really high for it, like brown out level. The time dilation aspect was amazing. I would fuck my ass and it would feel like forever. I was able to stretch my largest ever also. 2.5" diameter I kept it at the muscle keep it open as long as possible. Going for that big gape
I have an aneros helix trident, and I like it, but it doesn't quite give me the amount of stimulation I'm looking for. It works well mainly as a warm-up, and I'll sometimes put it in before I go do other things if I know I'm playing later. Can anyone suggest something similar with a little more oomph? Doesn't have to be that brand specifically. I'd really love to get more of that hands-free stimulation and be able to use it as a main event.

some possible problems to look out for:

- be wary of alcohol or literally anything else that can provoke an adverse digestive reaction
- if you use a large amount of water you'll be committed to a full deep clean or bust
- if nothing you do seems to have an effect you might have IBS and be in a flare-up period


you might be able to get the first segment in but it's almost certainly going to hurt too much to be enjoyable and you're not getting any further than that for quite a while.

11" is also an absolute no-go for anyone remotely in beginner territory, at least with that shape/diameter.


njoy pure plugs do basically the same thing with more weight and intensity. The 2.0/xl version is by far the best, but if that's too big for you right now or you don't want to drop the $100+ right away the 1.5"/large is fine too.

You can use them to actively thrust like with an aneros, just grab the whole handle like a punch dagger rather than trying to put your fingers in the loop. I also like to pull them partially out so my hole is stretched around the widest part of the plug, then twist back and forth. Very stimulating for basically no exertion.
I've heard that baby lotion also works fine
i finally reached a new depth. i just needed more lube then i thought. managed to get all 8 inches in going around the bend. didn’t get extra physical pleasure but mental pleasure from thinking about taking my toy to the hilt.
It looks cool. You can at least put it on a shelf or something when you can't get it in.
You're using too much water, getting it too deep and holding it for too long. I used to have the same problem. I have one of those bulbs and I would fill it with water, squeeze it in without regard to how hard I was squeezing and try and hold it for as long as possible. The water would go too deep and disturb shit that's safetly locked away. Most anal only needs a light clean. Now I don't even use half the bulb, I squeeze it very gently and don't leave the water in for more than a minute or it travels up your guts. I do it twice and then wait 30 mins before anal. That's all you need for it to be completely clean and have no smell.
I think I'm starting to develop hemorrhoids, it's joever for me
sorry whats the point of the bodysuit? your storytelling needs work.
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Probably an outlier but I'm *always* ready for a glass dildo in the shower. Specifically this one.
get on fiber NOW, also a stool softener like miralax if you feel that's needed. would also recommend a bidet or equivalent (i just use a travel bidet that's a plastic squeeze bottle) and sitz bath or quick shower after BMs if feasible.
How do you deal with the "almost there" feeling? It's agonizing feeling the orgasm building but not releasing and I always end up caving and using my hand to finish and relieve the pressure
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I think this happens a lot because most of the cheap enema bulbs out there are way bigger than you need and they suck at emptying unless they're full or you do it face down ass up. Backfill can be a problem too. Aneros makes one called the Prelude that seems interesting, all silicone with a flexible nozzle and it empties much slower than others.
Oh and also when you fill it halfway up, if it's a bulb, squeeze it a bit to get the air out before you put it in your butt. If you shoot the air up there as well you'll have at least lube farts/a bit of discomfort. Worst case you'll shit yourself.

You really only need a few hundred ml of water. Like half one of those bulbs, maybe 2/3rds. Your rectum, if it's empty, is pretty damn small volume wise and a small enema will do it.
Does anyone have that guide which tells you what to eat, drink, and exercises to feminize your body? I can't find it anywhere.
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I have this one, for what it’s worth.
Perfect, thanks
please do not take this guide seriously, there's a reason it's become a huge meme. almost all the health advice on here ranges from irrelevant to counterproductive to dangerous
if you want to feminize your body, take estradiol. if you don't wanna do that incredibly easy and effective thing, then frankly you don't want it badly enough to put time into at all
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This is such a hilarious throwback. The diet shit is useless at best, there are countless people who followed this guide and ended up trooning out anyways. If you're old enough to be posting here it's probably too late for you to seriously impact your development with xenoestrogens or whatever bullshit, the idea of a guy deciding to become an alcoholic or obsessively using hand sanitizer in order to get more fem is hilarious.

/cbg/ in /trash/ has way more detailed and recent info. My own quick rundown would be
>get skinny, but not anamode unless you don't mind having no ass and no energy. if you have trouble eating less, fiber helps you feel fuller for longer in addition to cleaning your asshole out for the purposes of this thread
>work out more like the average woman would, legs and ass and cardio
>stay hydrated, moisturized, limit your sun exposure and use retinoids
>finasteride and/or minoxidil if you're at risk of norwooding, if long hair find an androgynous style that works with your face shape and softens your male features
>pluck and shape eyebrows, consider learning tasteful makeup, again with your male features in mind, can help cover beard shadow if permanent removal isn't an option
>exfoliate your ass especially if you sit on it all day, and fix your posture
>the right clothes can feminize your silhouette a lot but the wrong ones will exaggerate your masculinity
>if you want puffy nips without actual gyno, consider nipple training with suckers or other tools
>Get one of them glass prostate massagers/g-spot curved toys
Are these better over just normal anal plugs.
>especially in glass
>way too intense for such a hard toy
Is glass actually bad?
>at least with that shape/diameter
On further investigation it seems that the company that makes it is more BDSM orientated. But your saying there is a way with time. XD
>like silicone
I got spooked into glass due to PVC scaremongering. Plus a ton of silicone toys on amazon look like knockoffs from no-name companies. Afraid they might just lie about being silicone.
>It looks cool. You can at least put it on a shelf or something when you can't get it in.
Whenever I stare at it I can be reminded of my hubris.

Thanks for all the responses and helpful advice everyone.
Also curious, bump
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Up for a quick sesh if anyone feels like playing with my butt

I've been not able to play with my ass lately for travel reasons, but something that's sorta been working for me is to wrap a hair tie around my dick and balls like a cock ring and watch porn, if I'm stoned then them can eventually get me to where I'm feeling the same kind of pressure in the ass, feeling of wetness in the dick type of hands free cumming feeling. Tonight I'm gonna try to cum this way, I know it's not anal but it's anal adjacent, anyone else do anything like this?
Then don’t buy cheapo Chinese trash off Amazon, retard.
>Is glass actually bad?
There is no give. Silicone has a bit of give so you can take bigger sizes easier. Silicone also bends.

Honestly anon just get one of those knockoff njoy wands. I've got one and they're fine.
>wipe wrong
>horrible pelvic floor tension
kill me
how can i avoid this? i had almost gotten rid of it
The "eureka" moment that led to my first AO was realizing that how I was holding my butt mattered. I always clench up when I'm about to go over, which had led to me slowing down before since I was being stingy with my lube.

This gets said a lot, but it's the best advice I can give: Use lots of lube, relax, and let your body do what it needs to to orgasm
I'd keep it. glass is a great warmup toy and that looks like a really nice taper. In fact, I might go buy one and 2" isn't really much to me anymore
unfortunately, some days just aren't anal days
>Plus a ton of silicone toys on amazon look like knockoffs from no-name companies. Afraid they might just lie about being silicone.
This is true, although it does seem like there's a lot of actual silicone out there nowadays. But check out Lovehoney or Pinkcherry for cheap toys that are accurately labelled, both have discreet shipping.
Do external prostate massages/orgasms actually work? Can't find much about it or details
I ordered some estrogel, i don't want to become a troon though, but just get a little bit more feminine.
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inspired by /gif/ i got this thing

it felt real good at first but I got greedy and overstimulated very fast. Has 4 speeds and 4 "programs", the programs are like different patterns of intensities, should be good for long play. It slides out though so you have to prop it up against something or hold it a little.
can confirm, got two silicone toys for like 15-20€ from different chink brands and both were silicone, tested with a lighter
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What ISP are you on?
I'm on Telia and I've got the same problem.
because that would cross the line into cringe delusional RP territory.
Anyone bought a chastity cage from Shein? i'm not trying to catch anything or mangle my dick with sharp plastic and want to see if it's worth grabbing.

So far i've bought lingerie from shein but not a cage, and i'm worried it could be a bit too cheap.

Would anyone recommend Temu? i heard they sell your data, but as long as i use paypal, i don't think they have anything but my address and email, and i couldn't give less of a fuck if they're telling Abubukar Ramadan my email address, since i don't falling for antivirus scam emails.
Maybe you'll respond well, but if it were that easy you'd see a lot fewer trannies who are literally 0% feminine.
mounting strategy?
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How is this analgen related? shut the fuck up with this. Go to >>>/lgbt/ retards
>>if you want puffy nips without actual gyno, consider nipple training with suckers or other tools
Can you or someone else expand on that?
Um, this is a trans thread?
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Anyone own a Health Island 950 massager? How does it feel compared to the Aneros models? Only $40 so I am tempted to pick one up
Regular use of nipple suckers or correctors can make them bigger and more sensitive. I started with very small flat/inverted nipples and it didn't take very long at all to get some good results that last for a while. It's not the same as actual breast tissue obviously, and you don't want to overdo it unless you want giganips, but you can achieve something like you see in >>11070785, perky tits on an otherwise flat chest.
Um, no it isn't, retard?
I'm so coconut oil pilled
how come an internal organ like prostate can be stimulated with physical touch from inside? What is the evolutionary implication of this?
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I've read people mix concentrated THC with their lube to get high while ass fucking themselves? What are the best brands to order online?
Should I have any concerns or exercise any particular practices with large dildos? For example, any of the BD toys that aren't the smallest option because they're all made for size queens for some reason.
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I did it! I came with my butt only using a toy! sorry for the exuberance but I have nobody else to talk about with this and I'm just kinda excited since I've been trying for almost a year now.

The only thing was, it was less cum than a normal orgasm produces from edging/abstaining, but it felt amazing and was intense as fuck. I'm not sure if there's a next level but man do I wanna keep trying lol.
You don't really absorb much THC thru lube, it wouldn't be very efficient at all. You're probably better to just do edibles like a normal person. If you want to incorporate getting high into the process you could probably jury rig a dildo with a vape where you hit the vape by sucking on the dildo
Lol I won't be using it don't worry. It's for some twink I found online
congrats and good work
>I'm not sure if there's a next level
shouldnt everyone be capable in theory of the "super-o" for multiple hours straight thing
I don't think I can do any of this anymore. My standard digestive system functions has not recovered in like a week after a cleanout and session. It always puts my life on hold for like two weeks after because I do not feel comfortable enough to be out in public.
bro see a doctor that shit's not normal
I will if it doesn't clear up, but it usually does. No blood or anything during or afterwards or anything over alarming.
yeah it is tranny
>1 or 2 people every thread saying they've finally done it
>I'm still no closer
Mad. I'll get there one day out of sheer determination, but still mad.
What do you mean? Are you gassy? Diarrhea? Constipation? Stomach cramps? All of the above? Cleanout shouldn't do anything abnormal, it's just water. How are you getting it in there? I wonder if you're using a dirty tool or something and you're shooting something fucked inside. Either that or you have a serious health issue. Even with IBD I have no issues with this stuff.
Basically loose stool/diarrhea like poops. Slight gut discomfort, constipation if I am not careful with my diet. I'm telling you though, this happens nearly every time. A dirty tool could be a possibility, I live at home so I have to water bottle cleanse.
Hmm maybe. And you're not using too much water? You only need like half a small cup. I just can't think of what would be doing it long term like that. Maybe give it a break for a few months and see if it keeps happening. At least then you'll know of the cause is something else. Loose spray shits feels more like a diet, food intollerence or bowel disorder issue to me.
good girl
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you really need the mood and the mindset, it's no joke. Physical stimulation alone is not enough, at least for me.
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after 2 years and 10 months, my first bottle of X-Lube finally ran out. I used the lube for anal, and normal masturbation with my hand and fleshlights. Some bottles (8 oz batches) would last over a month, and other times I would use a bottle in the span of a day. Even if it's not X-lube, get yourselves lube you can make on your own to your own thickness and other liking. So economical and worth it. Waiting for my first batch from my 2nd bottle to settle and be ready.
You'll get there anon, I believe in you!

It's been a battle of inches for myself, every time I get a little closer but I still feel like I'm chasing something more, like there's a bigger explosion of pleasure waiting for me eventually you know?
Of course it’s not officially, and the thread is extremely welcoming to everybody. It’s just that 90% of us here are trans girls or want to be.
>tranny speaking for others when he doesn't know shit
no buttplay for 2 weeks after such an asspull
Does getting an anal fissure mean you will always have a chance of getting one there again? Or does it completely heal?
>I want to ruin my body permanently for a fetish so obviously everyone else here is just as retarded... right?
I've had it happen like 3 times ever. Only one I'd describe as a prostate orgasm, which was nice. I know the cliche is there, but it felt like opening up or like a flower blooming, and waves going through my body. I had another type the other two felt liek intense anal muscle spasms. Those felt amazing, my anus spasming gripping and releasing the dildo over and over. After that I relaxed and my asshole gaped and feeling that gape had me horny enough to keep going and I got another round of it. I haven't had that in months, I can't replicate it easily it seems. I've also had a nipple orgasm, that almost felt like a prostate orgasn but originating from my nipples and I covered my stomach in precum
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what clothes do you prefer to wear during the act, if any?
with that logic so is almost every thread. No, most of us are normal straight men who enjoy messing with our asshole because it feels good but society tells us its taboo.
naked, maybe with a shirt or jumper depending on if i'm cold or not.

not most, i'd say a lot are lgbt in some way and there's likely women here too. it's just that you faggots make it about yourselves and clutch your pearls whenever it's mentioned that gay people like anal play.

also fuck off with your "normal" straight men bullshit. you're on 4chan.
It depends, I think they can heal completely as long as it doesn't become chronic but they do tend to happen in certain positions to begin with and people do seem to just have a genetic tendency to getting them more frequently.
Alright thanks, think I'll just stick to trying out edibles then
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>please believe my ad hoc statistics
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I'm usually naked out of convenience or impatient horniness, but I have sissy lingerie for longer sessions and that stuff makes me feel especially slutty and submissive
>posting in a buttfucking thread on a singaporean spelunking website
Pick 3.
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No, not always, I've heard of people who only got them once and just became more careful in the future
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Am I the only one who enjoys coconut oil because of the wet sloppy air farts that comes after? It makes me feel especially slutty when it happens. It's the closest I've ever come to farting out cum, which is something I've always wanted to do
Im sorry I forgot the rule of a shitposting image board was you cant be normal and straight and a man. I think tumblr might have that rule too, guess me and my fellow straight men will have to make our own image board to talk sports and surpress our feelings and discuss grilling tips and how to mow the lawn properly.
you can be, it's just that this place has a bunch of weird people and you're liable to be called a gigantic raging retard for claiming you're the only upstanding "normal" person in the place. go fuck yourself. and not in the thread related way.
>This faggot thinks men can't enjoy their ass and not like other men.

I'm here to learn how to fuck my ass better and what not to do so I don't fuck shit up permanently. Just because you're a closet fag doesn't mean we all are
schoolgirl outfit makes me look like a scotsman. What do trannies do with their broad shoulders?
Please tell me smooth-brain where I said I was the only "normal" one. I didnt you fuck nugget, stop projecting your insecurities
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When Xlube says to mix immediately does it mean mix soon after immediately or "HOLY SHIT THE POWER HAS TOUCHED THE WATER MIX NOW NOW NOW" immediately?
I get a bit paranoid about spilling the mixture so I tend to get the cap back on my bottle before shaking. Usually comes out pretty watery. If I try 2 caps the powder is sitting there longer and comes out similar anyway.
If I stop being a giant pussy bitch and stop dragging my feet will it come out with a thicker consistency?
and now we're at the part where you deny reality. take this as a lesson. shut up and never mention your weird obsession with "closet fags" again. everyone else gets this without having to be told, don't know why you have an issue with it.
the broad shoulders make it easier for the rope when they hang themselves later in life when they regret their change.
The longer you wait the more likely it is to clump and then you have to wait for it to slowly dissolve.
I think you have me confused with the other anon you mouth breather. Read the chain of replies very slowly and tell me where I said that
Stop trying to pretend to be a girl and just embrace the bitch esthetic.
nobody cares.
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existence and popularity of futanari points to a large amount of men wanting their ass to be ravaged in a straight way.
ah yes, you get proven wrong and instead of owning up you resort to saying nobody cares. You care or you wouldnt have replied
mom the retards are arguing in an anal thread again over who is and isnt gay
Handheld. For mounting I use silicone + lube with either one of those double suction cups or ones with suction cups on the base already but that's not a daily thing.
The only sperg here is you anon. Men absolutely can be normal, straight, and into anal. You're the one with his panties in a bunch over it, not us.
this is why we have an unspoken rule of not being a dick about it and not bringing it up unless necessary. if you want to talk about meeting someone on grindr, fine, if you want to talk about crossdressing, fine, if you want to talk about being gay, fine. but we don't bring politics or shit about "normal straight men" or "shitdicks" into it. there's too few people into this shit on this website to split hairs and fragment the community.
>tourist trying to impose his made up rules
You're as bad as the tranny
im 90% sure this is all the same 1 guy arguing with himself
you speak on behalf of all the anons on this board? Its an honor to meet you
So talking about being gay or cross-dressing is fine but talking about being straight and doing it for fun in a non-gay way isnt? hmmmmm
both are fine. you'll notice that the first anon was throwing a fit about people being lgbt here. you'll also notice that they're throwing around tranny etc in a hostile way despite 20% of this thread's posters being trans.
Good luck with that ass cancer>>11071674
Fuck off retard
>tranny etc in a hostile way despite 20% of this thread's posters being trans.
Gotta keep the faggots in check anon, if you let them think this is a safe space for their bullshit it will be quickly overrun with them.

Trannys are just new age furries, both need to be cleansed in fire.
no this is a thread where dudes talk about putting things up their anus
Fuck off with your made up statistic bullshit

No 90% of us aren't mentally ill deluded fagtards
Stay mad and cope harder
if you notice in the original comment he says "90% are [or want to be]" implying people who like this stuff all want to take the pill and become a transformer. so in his logic 2% are and 88% have this secret desire to become. Sounds like coping for his choice in life to feel more included. but what do i know im just a dude that wants my gf to put a dildo up my ass
Woah Woah what happened to it being 90%, u fucking clown
Based peg bro
my sweet summer child, 4chan isnt some welcome mat for all the people of the world and colors of the rainbow to sit in front of a campfire fire and sing songs about peace and love and no war. Ive been on these boards & threads longer than you probably have been alive and can tell you what you are spinning is bs. war and 4chan, both never change.
good goy, you should only buy the Ultra Safe Military Grade 100% Whole Grain Lactose Free Silicone Toys from our Schwabstein&Goldberg Sexshop
its almost like the stats and body count that people throw around from a certain period of time for a certain country related to a certain event that happened. Its funny when figures change when it suits the one speaking it vs not
thank you bro
all i want here is tips and tricks for her to make me cream hard as she pegs me from behind and breathes heavy into my ear while saying that im her good boy.
>man who likes shoving stuff up his ass
one of us, one of us
What are good tips to going deeper I made good progress on this 8.4 inch with 6.3 insertable length but I tried the next size up and I try and it just seems to hit a wall what are good wasy to overcome this.
pose matters, try sitting down on it straight or doggy style it,
Can you fucking retards just shut the fuck up already and post some pictures or get back on topic? fucking hell.
>for an even better experience, try mixing melted coconut oil in with your next batch
How do you do that? Water and Oil don't mix easily.
>closest I've ever come to farting out cum, which is something I've always wanted to do
Why don't you? I'm sure plenty of guys would feel privileged to make that happen.
because im not gay anon
I like the way the coconut oil makes my bussy dripping and sloppy.

I don’t like the way it clogs up drains.
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sloppy bussies are best bussies
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I've gotten cumming from anal basically down to a science at this point (I can do it about as easily as I can with my cock), so if you'd like some advice:

1. Practice mindgasm. Really, just do kegel exercises in general, but mindgasm is THE ultimate tool for becoming a better buttslut. It trains you to know what feels good and how to replicate that good sensation. Not only will it eventually allow you to cum hands-free with nothing in your ass at all, but it'll also give you way, way more control over the sensations you feel with anal and make the sensations you feel a lot more intense.

2. While you're in the middle of a session, forget about cumming altogether. You're there for the journey, not the destination. If what you're doing feels good, keep doing it without worrying about what the outcome will be.

Also, don't get too hung up on the concept of a "prostate orgasm" or a "super-O." I've had a lot of assgasms before, and assgasms are unique in that different kinds of toys can give you wildly different kinds of experiences; some of them are ridiculously intense and some of them feel basically the same as cumming from your cock. If you set out with the goal of just enjoying yourself, you'll usually accomplish that, and that's all anyone can ask for.
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I've sorta been thinking about making my anal sessions more visual somehow with a camera in a good angle plugged to a screen or something.
In art, pics and videos anal looks like such a nice thing in a lot of ways. But when I ride a dildo myself I obviously don't see any of that.
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I've tried something like this. I used the Camo app to stream my phone's camera to my desktop, then used a VR headset as a wireless display so I could actually see my monitor while I was on the floor riding while my phone was behind me. Lots of setup for not a whole lot of payoff, but it was admittedly pretty hot to see such a fat dildo splitting my ass open like that.
mirrors exist and take almost no work to setup lmao. but sounds cool cybercuck 2069
how much do you wait between sessions? I'm trying every day now, ~30 min sessions, but can only cum on a second or third day doing anal only. And if i give up and jerk off, it results in a standard orgasm that makes me feel like shit instantly.
good post
iphone and mac. Open quicktime on mac in fullscreen, create new recording, select iphone camera as source, shove iphone wherever you want, enjoy 4k real time zero latency stream.

I would not recommend it until full body hair removal though.
beat me to it, just use a mirror lol
How do religious people square the fact God put a pleasure button in male assholes. Either God is a huge troll or anal play is holy.
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God was just making sure you'll feel good no matter which way you swing, very thoughtful.
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Being able to see behind yourself is what's important, and the best way to do that is with two mirrors and it'd still be pretty hard to see without contorting yourself. I live with other people and do buttstuff stealth, so this method was easier and also better because I had a perfect low-ground shot of the dildo. I would say that I did it in just about the ideal way possible and I still don't really recommend doing it either way, I was just responding to anon.

people still buy apple products?
You would need a pretty sick mirror setup to get the angles I'm thinking of. A camera is clearly the better solution.
I await the day I can neuralink-pilot an android to literally go fuck myself
I definitely do not recommend trying every single day desu. For one thing, trying to coom every single day of your life just is not a healthy habit to get into and you will suffer for trying it. For another, there's definitely a cool-down period between assgasms you can achieve. In my experience, I think two or three days dry is the bare minimum necessary for a good session. Personally, I do anal on weekends and maybe grab a spare session on a Wednesday or Thursday here and there when I'm out of my mind horny.
I like this picture
i'll post the rest just for you bb
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scar tissue is less flexible and has a higher chance of tearing again

there was a guy who posted here a while ago about anal fixing his chronic lifelong fissures, presumably by stretching and beating up the scar tissue until it softened
I have owned the spike 105 for a while, bought it for depth training purposes, and it is a fantastic toy, although quite a challenge to knot, took me almost a year to get it all in and even now it's still a challenge.

I'm writing this message while sitting on it, actually. It's not a toy I'd use to cum, more a training/mid session toy before I bully my p spot with another toy to finish the job.
Do all fissures become scar tissue? That sucks
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the fabled triple butthole
is it possible to sleep with a buttplug in
>God is a huge troll
I'm in this camp since human menstruation is uniquely terrible among mammals.
I don't know if you've heard, but the religious types tend to not think very highly of women. They would probably say something like 'Shouldn't have talked to that snake' and act smug
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Well it's amazing. I was concerned about it being too soft, but once it gets in there it feels so good and the bulges are so fun to play with. I want it to live inside me. Since I took it out I've just been thinking about the next time I can have it in.
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any control link anons around? im bored
Nope. Instant death.
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That's true. It's how my cousin died...
post a link please anon
which one do i put it in
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I'll post my experience

I have a toy that vibrates like pic rel and I've used it a few times but I could never really cum or anything. Sometimes in a certain position it would feel "nice" (the vibrations) but not good enough to even orgasm. I don't even know if I'm simulating my prostate or not.
Gave up on it and tried what some anon mentioned before, jerk off until the edge, stop and just finger my prostate. I tried it and after 4-5 times, I managed to cum from it and it feel like I was peeing cum.
Felt good but then I got a sudden wave of horniess and i ended up jerking off right after and getting a normal orgasm. I regret not continuing, would it have become better? Maybe.
Any tips on achieving the same effect with the toy? I really find the fantasy of just sticking it in my ass and let it vibrate and be anal only the whole time but I'm obviously not there yet
That thing looks fun
top. nuts in bottom
more specifically. what should i prepare if i intend to have my bottom sleep with a plug in. maybe there's a specific one that's good for this purpose
Looks like this one

Though that said, I'd still like confirmation from >>11072637, that price point at that size screams chinesium to me. I've had a lot of bad luck with shit-quality toys on Amazon.
>IPX7 Waterproof
Actual lol
If anon doesn't respond I'll lighter test it on saturday when it arrives and share results. I'm willing to gamble for 25 bucks.
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Not all heroes wear capes but some of them do wear tentacle butt-plugs
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alright thanks, i'll try taking a break then
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wrong file...
Yeah, that's the one. I picked up the medium as I usually go to big, but it was perfect.
No, only severe/chronic ones
i always assumed it was so that shitting felt good so we didnt ever not shit out of fear of hurting or something. Idk
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I just fucked myself with these 3 for about 4 hours straight, my legs are still shaking.
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i should be getting something with smoother texture...
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doesnt explain women
women dont deserve to feel good when they shit
it's always fun to see ignorants and bigmouths throw baseless bullshit at each other. You are both retarded and I don't care explaining anything to you.
wait... where's her dick?
Link non-/d/ material if you want to share it. We're barely skirting board rules as it is, I don't want to migrate back to some /trash/ thread that falls off the catalog every two days.
everything is soaped up and slippery; I'm not against glass by itself, but using it in a bathroom, with all the hard tiles, looks dumb. When I come up from sitting on a thick dildo, it usually falls on it's side. I cringe to think of that: a 3 Kg piece of glass crashing on the floor half of the time. I'll take plastic.
Vibration by itself usually doesn't accomplish much. The point of the shape of those toys is that they act as a lever for your body's own muscle contractions to nudge the prostate in a rhythm.
Try out mindgasm to familiarize yourself with the muscles in the area and develop finer control.
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>maybe there's a specific one that's good for this purpose

basically anything they already know they're comfortable wearing for hours is good. That said the egg/gapekeeper design is probably the best for long-wear.

Aside from that, exercises like kegels can be helpful to loosen up so long as you keep it light enough to avoid serious soreness. Longer lasting lubes are also good but in my experience not necessary.
i mean silicon can dry more and potentially "stick" to the intestines for a second while removing but they self lubricate. metal might be better but in the end it dont matter, none of this matters
Get high on THC
Work up to taking larger strapons
Ask to be tied up and blindfolded
He can't sit down on it straight, he's gay
If different toys give different kinds of analgasm

What is best toy type for getting the big prostate orgasm
this is a straight thread
Man I've been cumming 1-3 times a day every day for like... 12 years now

It's fine
You will want to use Grindr to find a BBC to gape you out first so a nice thick butt plug can be inserted up that ass of yours before you sleep

Then you'll have plenty of fun working it back out your asspussy in the morning
And will you also test for lead content
What even is mindgasm
This thread is full of normal straight guys who enjoy taking it up the ass by toys. no homo at all

This thread is straight retarded
I dont take illegal drugs.
The doctor who didn't toss you right into the abortion bin when you were born is straight retarded
all guys enjoy taking it up the ass
>none of this matters
not even if i want it to be a nightly thing?
you relax and flex your ass and dick muscles. Somehow you are supposed to learn to flex them separately but i can't.
Check the OP
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It depends on what you're looking for, for sure. I think the craziest one I ever had was using this toy.


I was playing coomer-modded Skyrim while high as shit on Sativa edibles using Mindgasm techniques. There was sort of this upward-spiraling sensation of pressure in my dick. I'd started off trying to feed into them, but at some point, I completely lost control and my body took over, forcing me higher and higher until I came completely hands-free, involuntarily spraying myself in cum. It felt nothing at all like cumming with my cock, I don't even really know how to describe it. It was about ten times as intense as a normal orgasm.

That said, I don't really like using prostate massagers very much; they're too small and it takes too long to build up to a climax, and quite frankly, you need to be pretty pent up for them to work. The assgasm tends to be a lot more mundane, but I prefer using dildos anyway; there's just something really fun about bouncing up and down on one. Like I said in my original post, for me, the best part about anal is the journey, not so much the destination.
From what I see on the internet headlines is that it is permanent. So, you said that your achieved result lasted for a while, which implies that it reverted back, can you explain in detail?
And also how long these things are supposed to be kept on nipples? 20 minutes for a day or what?
I started doing it in December for a while, then kind of lost interest for a few months and slowly started noticing them less when I was horny or cold, although they I don't know if they got totally flat again. I started again a couple weeks ago with Supple Nips/Supple Cups, getting the size 1 because mine are still very small. I'm mainly seeking increased sensitivity/slight puffiness, when you look up male nipple enlargement you see guys who take it to the extreme and are aiming to have actual udders all the time (Titpig as example).

20 minutes a day was definitely enough to see results for me. Have done longer but you wanna be careful to avoid bruising/blisters. I also never did banding which is what people after serious enlargement do.
They don't even believe in ass/prostate orgasms most of the time. They think any pleasure derived from ass play is purely mental and fictitious
Sorry didn't realize you lived in a third world country where it's still illegal
It's larp, they don't stay bigger
Like those descriptions, which there were more of those in this thread
dam, you shoved root beer in you also? im just dissapointed it wasnt MUG
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I like the way it clogs up my own drains if you know what i'm saying
I finally managed to have a hands free nut last week with a simple non vibrating massager, but now im feeling curious about the difference the vibration might make. Is it very different? Way better? Will probably try it either way, but a decent vibrating plug costs an arm and a leg where i live and there arent many options.
I don't really care for vibration. Size is my game, similar to many people here.
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I'm gonna be real with you anon, vibration is usually pretty mid. It just numbs your ass after a few minutes of use. I've had a lot of vibrating anal toys and just about every one of them has been a very expensive disappointment. Maybe the sole exception to this is the Lovense Edge 2 but a normal prostate massager will almost universally provide better sensations at a lower price.

I also concur with >>11073420, your sensations get a lot crazier as you go up in size, both in terms of width and in terms of depth.
For me vibration is absolutely the greatest thing in the world. It's pretty much an instant pleasure button on my prostate with my Edge two and prostate massager. Physical penetration feels amazing but I've never been able to cum from it, though I will leak like a broken faucet and enjoy the fuck out of it.

But get my little blue prostate massager and crank it to max and just pound my prostate over and over....yeah that's the best.
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I'm the guy who posted >>11073422 and I'm jealous as shit of you, anon. I feel like when vibration is subtle enough, it can feel really good and just be a constant steady hum of pleasure, but with just about the exclusive exception of the Edge 2, every vibrator I've ever tried has had two settings: Off and Power-Sander.
I know how you feel anon, for the longest time vibration didn't do anything for me. The edge 2 has never done anything more than just keep me aroused and leaking, I've never really gotten close to an orgasm with it.

But there certainly is a limit to how long I can use the vibrator before it starts to irritate everything down there and I just have to rest. This works wonders though since it just leaves me horny and with a punished prostate that I keep stimulated with a large egg plug before going for round 2 or 3 later.
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What's your favorite vibrator? Maybe I'll consider trying again. I like the Edge 2 for no other reason than that there are some very fine-tune control options and that it's so targeted on the prostate. I remember trying the Hush 2 as well but I don't remember being super impressed by it, although I have started to get more into longer-term plugging lately.
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I have no idea where I got it anymore, I bought it last February or so. I got it as an extra deal with an Njoy wand from some site running a special. Have a picture though, maybe you can find something similar?
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Fair enough, ty.
NTA I found the key to vibration was a pattern where it slowly ramps up intensity and then suddenly drops to zero, like a sawtooth wave.
Continuous vibration just desensitizes you, whereas this keeps you paying attention. I clamp down trying to make the most of the stimulation, then just when it's hitting the spot it suddenly stops and leaves me begging for the next wave. Teasing pairs well with prostate stimulation and this is a major tease.
The only one I've found with this pattern is the gyr8or but it should be on a bunch of other ones too.
it's borosillicate (sp) or whatever. It's not easy to shatter. Even then, it pretty easy to grab by the balls. I don't think I've ever dropped it but it's definitely fallen while sitting on the shower/tub rim (~2ft ?) and been fine.
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