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"Your roommate is the universe" Edition

A thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11001264
Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
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Alternative title: "Alice Brainrot" Edition
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>what would a normal day look like if (You) were her roommate?
>do you think she'd like you?
>are you brave/assertive enough to ask her to realise your fantasies?
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I don't know how many of these you're going to do, but the last one should be her outgrowing fiction and the concept of her being a fictional character.
She already did that, long time ago. She is not fictional, she is real. Just incomprehensibly big. And probably the time flows differently for her. We need to find a way to communicate with her, fast
Any chance you vould do a drawing that shows how massive she can be? Preferably if there's a main focus on her foot where her foot takes up the entire frame of the picture.
i am a random horny anon, i am not the artist
this is just my fantasy... or maybe not?
why is she always barefoot?
I don't think she has a job. The poor thing probably can't afford socks...
we need to find her a job
and a pair of shoes
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To remind humanity where they stand in relation to her, to show off her universe-painted nails, and because Nanoscopic (the artist) has a foot fetish and most of his art involves feet. She's wearing shoes in this introductory sketch, though.

I don't think this was intentional, but the flat area of the city in the background picture made me think of a giant footprint left by Alice. I wonder if she made her roommate take that picture so she could get it framed.
>be omnipotent futanari nerd
>love to rape evildoers into submission
>doesn't matter if I'm using my cock or my holes, they always end up a mess afterwards
>sometimes I pretend to be an innocent schoolgirl right until they try to assault me
>feeling dozens of orgasms all at once at the first thrust is the first sign that they committed a big mistake

>it's not limited to reality either
>I own a wide collection of anti-NTR mangas where the "bull" end up being raped by me before he can do anything
>usually I then fuck the would-be cuck and his girl, but only because they wanna
>I also own several games where all the monsters lie defeated in puddles of their own sexual fluids
>basically they're walking simulators with slight puzzles like "how do I get past this broken door (that I broke because I fucked the boss too hard)"
>if I wanted actual action I can always just wipe out my old saves and reset everything back to its original state
Artist here, so basically I made Alice as a complete fanservice character for myself to motivate me to draw more. So she's basically just a big bundle of fetishes

I was thinking of doing some 4th wall breaking stuff with her

This lol

Happy people like her, just wish I could draw a bit faster
And I wish I wasn't so nervous or in awe of powerful girls.
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>4th wall breaking
You made Alice, or Alice made you?
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sorry lady. Call me a normie all you want, but if you're gonna be a city stomper or a planet hugger, I'm just another body in the crowd.
Let me know if you want to lounge around filling up my living room or outgrowing a garage.
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Found another universe slime
> i wonder. would Alice be willing to host an >entire civilisation on or in her body >somewhere? Maybe in a pocket universe. Or is >she maybe secretly already doing so. Just >letting them thrive with the occasional bored >interaction

>She sort of is in a way? my idea was her halo, >anklets and nails aren't just space coloured, >they are literally folded spacetime shaped into >the structures that she wanted. So yeah >technically there are countless stars and >planets adorning her like jewellery

Thats so hot. I love ALice to bits. She is my new favorite hyperfocus character.

Would she host civilisations somewhere else? Like in her mouth? between her molars or under her toenail or in her gut?
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I don't think she'd handle working in retail very well.

>also, watch me get banned for posting /aco/-tier stuff...
The concept of a girl literally -being- the universe is so hot to me. Or my galaxy being on her yoga pants.
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>After sentencing the fast food worker to three years of foot worship for messing up her order, Alice figured she could do the job better
>30 minutes into her first shift and she knew she was going to need more toe rings
keliadom's an author that i feel writes mostly about giantesses that reach that omnipotent point where they outgrow the earth. i recommend most of their stuff

they're on DA and gtsworld i think
I need to ask, is that a foot burger or an octopus burger? I know it sounds weird but I feel both will result in that same reaction
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For me it's banishing people to an alt reality to be toyed with forever at "tiny" size. Not that you'd have any frame of reference in your personal bullyspace.
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>>do you think she'd like you?
If she's your roommate, then obviously she likes you.
What you need to consider is if she didn't like you. When you have living proof of a pantocrator-like entity like Alice, then the Theory of Everything becomes the Theory of Alice. Every governing principle of reality, from the largest known phenomena down to the very quarks that make up the atoms of your being, was designed by Alice and given approval to exist. If there is an all-knowing and all-powerful avatar, that means each fundamental aspect of the cosmos exists because Alice knows of it and inherently allows it to.
I don't know if Alice is prone to malevolent acts, but it would fill me with deep existential dread if someone/something with that sort of power hated me but deigned to allow my continued existence. Either they are content in my suffering or are waiting for the perfect time to inflict something more horrific.
So yeah if Alice wants to be a lazy god by lounging on the couch and indulge in foot or size fetishes every now and then, I would be cool with it.
Anon I can't even talk to normal women, nevermind omnipotent avatars of all reality, she'll just mock me and then leave like everyone else
Alice seems nice, she won't mock you, just give you some chill friendly advices...
A Hero rescues a Princess from some hostile takeover of the castle in the middle of the night. He has to escourt her through an underground escape route, which, for some reason, is incredibly complex and filled with weird puzzles, traps, and monsters.
The thing is, the Princess isn't actually in any danger. She's using her reality warping magic to ochestrate and run this "Quest" like a DM in DnD. She's lured that guy in to "rescue" her just so she can rub herself to all the humiliating situations she's going to secretly put him through. Stuff like:
>getting wedgied by bats
>having to act as a human bridge
>getting his clothes torn off
>getting level drained
>having to crawl through a long passage and getting spanked by ghosts the whole way
>getting his dick and balls assaulted by fairies
>having to withstand a tickling machine
>getting tentacle raped
>cursed by a witch to only crawl on all fours for a while
>Having to activate a switch by riding it like a dildo
Can't fap to such deviousness
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>Can't fap to such deviousness
But she can
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It's okay, she can read your thoughts.
Satan trips confirm I am utterly done for.
I'm sorry, it was supposed to be a foot burger. But as you can see by looking at the image - really anywhere is fine - I'm bad at art.
...Are those tinies sinking inside her feet..?
She’s using telekinesis to pull them to her feet and applying a constant pressure to the victims, the one looking at his hand is feeling it start to tug at him.
There was a version with green aura but it made it harder to see the squish
Can you post the green aura one? I fucking love magic macro
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Because we share taste. I am not tech savvy I'm probably losing quality
Hey, you'll be okay. Social anxiety can be a bitch to overcome, but it'll get easier if you try it in little bits every now and then. It's like exposure therapy when you're afraid of spiders1 - the more time you spend around them, the less nervous they'll make you. So Alice moving in with you would actually be your best case scenario! She's kind enough to respect your boundaries when you're getting overwhelmed, but also impulsive enough to push you out of your comfort zone, which will ultimately make you grow more confident (possibly even literally.)
But I'm sure you'd be able to get better even without divine intervention. Just push yourself a little and you'll eventually get to where you're more comfortable talking with strangers.

1Look at me! This is important! I'm not saying that women are like spiders. Do not treat them like spiders! They usually don't like being shooed out of the window or being stepped on. Just talk to them like you would with any other guy.
If she's omnipotent, then flying is no big deal. And if her feet don't touch the ground, she doesn't need shoes.
I am kinda intrigued by the idea of living in a world on her body or eve inside her. What would life be like as a tiny resident on her foot. Would she be aware of tiny people living on her? Would she permit it? Would it be a good life to live?
You're ascribing an awful lot of decision making to Alice. Don't you think she could let some of those things happen by chance? She doesn't seem like the type to waste so much mental energy on designing her perfect universe. I mean do you tell your mitochondrias what to do on a daily basis?
Sure, to her we may at best be little imperfect bumps on the surface of one of those mitochondrias, but something that small is hard to hate. And even if she did, I think she'd be very normal about hating you; she'd do stuff like talking as little as possible with you, avoiding you altogether, not sharing her food with you, making you watch as she violently rips smaller copies of you, your family, and friends apart, refusing to accept packages addressed to you. You know, normal hate stuff.
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>I think she'd be very normal about hating you
I imagine a goddess would do some enormously petty things to you out of spite. Why go about violently torturing someone when you can manipulate reality to make sure everything goes wrong for them?
Playing any games that require RNG? You always have the worst luck possible.
Want to drive somewhere? Now you have hours-long congestion and traffic to contend with.
Luscious set of hair? Enjoy going bald.
Out for a walk? There's a pebble in your shoe that you just cant seem to get rid of.
Want to find a fling whilst your goddess roommate has the hump with you? Sorry, turns out everyone really just interested in you.
All those people you despise and loathe? Turns out they've all hit a stroke of luck and are now millionaires.

Only once you make up with your goddess roommate will your life happen to correct itself. Funny how that works.
>All those people you despise and loathe? Turns out they've all hit a stroke of luck and are now millionaires

I really love this kind of punishment. Do not do anything to a person at all, but instead make all of the people they have a grudge with happy and successful. Funny how it can ruin a person without harming or interfering with their life at all.
I think a being so vastly powerful does not deal in categories like love and hate. I very much enjoy the concept of an indifferent goddess. What seems to me like a personal punishment is just one of Alices bodily functions or subconcious prscesses which happen to ruin my complete existence. Imagine she just sneezes squishing me into one dimensional space on accident or she has a hiccup resetting spacetime everytine while everybody is concious for the fact, or she stretches casually inhaling earths entire atmosphere... just casual things
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It's my favourite kind after reading a story long ago about how a bully annoyed a god in disguise. The god then twisted reality to make it so all those he bullied were transformed into these tall hyper-endowed and hypersexualised demigods that everyone couldn't resist throwing themselves at.
It wasn't just the fact these Olympian-like men and women teased or physically manhandled him relentlessly, but it was also the fact he felt envious and so inadequate next to them. Its top tier stuff.
I have it on good authority that the universe is actually the inside of an onahole and that some day a hung trap god is going to make use of it
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not being as talented as you guys i had to resort to AI.
here's my two fanart takes on Alice. My new favorite OC. I hope very much to see more of her in the future. Alice rocks.
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new phone backgrounnd
Did you get the AI to generate the halos or were those added afterwards?
Also, there's something about her face in the second image that makes me very uncomfortable.
thats added afterwards, also the black hole pendant and her eye glow.

considering her expression or the look/style of the image
They don't do that.
Then she will read how scared I am and leave. Women are like horses in that way.
>but it'll get easier if you try it in little bits every now and then.
Or it will ruin your psyche forever and cause you to clamp down even more brutally than before. Pushing oneself only works if there is some sort of potential deep down, if there isn't you will just break.
Now matter how you treat them, if they don't like you at first glance, then it's over. There is literally nothing you can do to change that.
I am really sorry for bringing the mood down but I have to express these sort of things somewhere otherwise I legit don't know what I will do
last time I am saying anything liek that in a /d/ thread though
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oops forgot her nails.
i wonder what life on one of her toes would be like. would lifeforms be aware, they're living on Alice toes? Would she make them know?
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>be tentacle monster
>challenge kingdoms for fun
>defeat the "heroes" sent to defeat you
>impregnate them (even the men)
>wait for the next, stronger generation of heroes
>rinse and repeat
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>alice brain rot is taking over
How the fuck do we stop her bros? Do we ask her to start paying rent?
there is no stopping Alice. Alice is eternal. If she choses to invade our minds, there is absolutely nothing we can do, as our minds only exist since she gave her approval for them to exist in the first place.
It's 4chan. It's fine to post stuff like this.
Posts like this are why I still come here.
A green from the Futa thread that seems relevant here:
dude please take this ai shit over to one of the ai threads
nobody here wants to see this
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You can't stop Alice, nothing can. She probably would pay rent, but only if you reminded her, and she'd do it in some way that still makes her look like a lazy NEET, like writing an IOU that works as legal currency.

The better question is why didn't Sana solve world hunger by flooding the planet and replacing every body of water with milk. Is she stupid?
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>Is she stupid?
Yes, but that's also a charm point
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Gods can solve world hunger in far simpler ways anon.
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Here you go Anons, the story of a tribal girl that stumbles onto fleets of Sci-Fi tanks trying to destroy her home and she goes on to kick them out of the planet:


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>tfw no omni gf that lets me realize my dream of having the whole world as my personal "Minecraft server" thus allowing me to make various megaprojects real or just make cities look better by replacing some of the fugly or boring modern architecture
>and then she decides to tease me by wrecking my projects (but she is nice so she eventually resets things)

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