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A threat for the appreciation of tight steel belts, and the ladies who wear them.

The "No cumming until bump limit" edition.
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Old thread for archival purposes:
I guess a belt would get in the way between us.
Magic Chastity Belt that is made of magic and only manifests when the wearer is horny enough.
There is nothing there until the wearer gets 80% of the way to an edge. Then the belt appears and repels all toys/hands away before denying the girl until they aren't overly horny anymore.
Girls find a way to work around this by only masturbating a small amount (touching is relief). Some girls accidentally go over and get locked for days until they lose enough horny. Some girls bully others by wearing skimpy clothing and teasing them to manifest their belts
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Interesting one: "勇者妻 勇者がシてくれなくても、聖女はケダモノ魔王に、貪られてます 分冊版" Belt features quite prominently throughout. Not just a cameo in one or two pages
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oh hey, I recognize this picture
nice to know that my stuff is still floating around
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and because I'm dumb, I forgot to turn on my trip
but anyhow, I recently made a CYOA about chastity and denial so that's why I'm here
part 1
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link to interactive version here
Are those your gens? Your my favorite genner. Please make more.
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Disgusting slop.
What's the most important part of chastity for you to get off to it?
Denying or controlling a woman's pleasure?
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I'll try my best. A lot of my time is occupied by my stories though.

Sadly, AI is the best I can do. I'm a writer first and an artist never.
But if you ever want something to read, I have quite a few stories up on AO3 :)

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