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It is finally ready to be poured.
I printed the middle one. Which flavour at witch size would you pick?
did you really ai generate the 3D model or just the character it's attached to?
I manually sculpted the 3D model.
ah. why don't you give a rundown of your project? i've never come across this myself
>10 inches to the knot
>4 inch wide knot
holy fuck anon
I would probably go with the middle one as is. Head is too fat on the right and probably too long on the left to get the knot and fit it. Really good work I would love to buy one!
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Start out with a cylinder primitive and just use basic sculpt tools in mudbox with a cheap bamboo pen tablet. Not really that advanced stuff. I have sculpted simpler dildo models with just a mouse in the past too.

Then for the ouitter shell, just duplicate it in low poly, expand to 1.1 size, expand the head to be flat boolean the original model inside the slightly bigger one to make it a hollow mould, and multi cut it and extract it in half. All within a pirated version of maya 2020.
The result mesh is kinda bugy but Cura can filter it out enough to make it 3d printable.

Chance from Bad dragon is about 34cms till the hilt and I can take it comfortably after years of gradually gettting bigger stuff down there.

Some people out there can take up to 12cms knot, I think that may be too much at medium firmness to me, So i'd be trying the 10,9cms one.

It is all a balance of how deep, how thick and how firm your toy is. The perfect balance can only by achieved by custom sizing your toys yourself.
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My reasoning too. Too thick on the right, too long on the left. Middle one was what I fine tuned for myself. I thought about selling the dildos ready but I didn't want to put my name on the company. Would have to have a frontperson to take care of the business, couldn't bother looking for it, would also need to buy a vacuum pump for degassing silicon which I couldn't bother doing for myself. I do have a proper job with an image I can't risk. I did consider selling some of my original models for like 5 bucks with the mold in cults3d tough. And give free low poli samples.
Tough some of my dildos I personally made for myself aren't100% original like the red and yellow ones are based from bad dragon. Tough I have about half a dozen originals, This horse-knotted is the coolest so fine, tough.
How do you stop the silicone from leaking into the gaps in the mold?
Ive been 3d printing molds for a whike, and all my 2 part molds leak, leaving lines and excess silicone i have to trim off
Tape and trim off.
These look pretty great easily would consider at least half of them. With Amazon/internet I don't see why you would ever need to put your name on it.
If you needed a front man I could throw my own name out there since I could use a side hustle and I have a background in sales/marketing/ and logistics.
Willing to share the STLs? I'd like to try a pour for personal use.
That's fucking cool anon, you gotta post the silicon pour, shit is so satisfying
You can operate under a business name as a sole proprietor, no need to register an actual business.

Then you get a mailing address via UPS or Fedex store (or po box but that's more visibly sketchy) and ship from that + enter that in every website you sell on in case they get hacked later.
sorry for bothering you again, but is there a specific tape that you use? scotch, masking, duct, white medical tape, that paper tape?

I really wanna expand what i can do, since the ena dildo came out so well
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The best way to reduce the gap as much as possible is fine tuning deceleration flow on your print to make the corner of the mould as sharp and with no under or over extrusion, as possible. there is a way to tune this, here:


Also, of course, use a material with the least amount of contraction as possible.

In the past I have used ABS for it being much cheaper locally, which left huge seams due to warping. (pic related) but recently I have switched to PLA with a newer higher quality printer and the gaps have been vastly improved.

I dabled with the idea of instead of using tape on the outside, using instead a double sided tape in the face of the seams to try and reduce the gap even further, but that would take a lot of time trimming it meticulously following the contour of the mold inside.

Anyway, I mix scotch tape with eletrical tape. I suppose using some pressure vices would also be a good way to squeeze the two parts closer together, but personally, the seams don't bother me that much for personal use. Since I don't degas my silicone, I usually use them with condoms to make them safe, and them I don't feel the seams with the condom.

I hope I get it finished by Saturday

In my country any low level lawyer can do a search and find the name of the owner of a company. I was considering just sell the STLs on cults3D.
Looks great honestly my only suggestion would be to smooth out the layer lines, of course depending on the print material that is easier said than done.
>horsecock dildo
>it's futanari tho
>even tho its literally just a penis
>inspired by ai slop
OP cannot be more of a faggot
I've got a suggestion, you need to smooth your moulds with acetone vapor, it'll eliminate the layer lines, I have an exotic erotics orca dildo and you can feel the layer lines with some lube on it, they're subtle but it can be a bit overstimulating having thousands of tiny silicone ridges seesawing across your stretched tight orifices.
Acetone bathing only works with ABS.
ABS is not suitable for accurate fit prints like molds.
At 0.16 layer height (which I use), the lines are absolutely too small in the final piece. Ghosting, moire and salmon skin becomes more prominent issues than the layer lines.... All of which can be sanded down.
But to get a very smooth final result with sanding will take up to around 1000grit sandpaper, which is absolutely a PITA to sand down and would kill all the cool fine texture details and small veins in the model.

If I were to sell I'd consider doing it, but I bet the seam lines would be a much bigger source of complaints from customers. Big high quality sex toys use SLA 3d printing and sock-molds, which requires far too much material and cost that I can't pull out of my apartment.

(It would be easier if I was printing regular sized 8" dildos, but I had to go monster size.... geez)

Another reason why I only consider selling the STLs.
wait are you the hero who made the asuka?(the school lolish futa girl with the giga big dick) dildos years ago? I still remember your thread and asked myself what has become of you
You mean, sumika/mao from futabu? Back in like... 2016?
If so, then yeah. It was one of the very first home made dildos I made. Didn't have a 3d printer back then, sculpted out from oil clay inspired on sumika's dick.
And so the unstoppable march of technological improvement continues. Glad you're still with us, anon.
Impressive. Very nice.
I wish I could find good anal practice/training futa on male stories.
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See you guys tomorrow. Cant wait
Good luck anon.
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This thing came up ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. It was so much better than I expected it would be. The détails, texture, alligment, outter soft skin vs medium firmness core. No defecrs, and The shape. Oh my god, the head and medial ring shape, felt amazing. The best horse dildo I.ever tried even before the knot.

The only issue is that I was rusted to take knots, so it really stretched me too much for a first try. But I managed to take it all for a brief moment. I hope ill be able to take more later.

Im not home, so Ill post more pictures soon.

I got enough silicon for a second toy, i was planning a more conventional dildo after this, but damn, i find me wanting to just make another regular horse dildo with most of what I designed in this one. There is no cock like horse cock.

Chance from BD is pretty bad dure to its stiffnes, you really need a soft smooth head to really appreciate it going past the second sfincter
Good for you.

>while anon was chasing his dream of getting anally annihilated you became a NEET
I need you to genetically engineer futas that somehow don't pass out with a footlong erection using up their blood next.
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Here is a video of the final result. I'll post a couple more photos
>genetically enginered futas
I dreamed of that. But I think is more likely that we have full VR simulations with tactile neural stimuli than that degree of genetic manipulation.

Too bad I'll be too old when that happens.
Thanks to the much better 3D prints from my new printer, the two mold pieces fit very nicely, although I tried clamping down and wasn't able to close the gap, but due to a very good aligment trimming the seam out came out very good.
Side veins looking good.
And here's a comparison with an old battered XL chance, and a failed casting of my other horse dildo for comparison
I tried taking the knot again later today but it got a little bit stiffer after a full day of curing, unfortunately I won't be able to take it until I fully recover and stretch out properly first.... And I don't have a proper toy for stretching myself to this girth.
Knot final dimensions are even slightly smaller than the 3D model, about 10,5x9,5cms wide, and 6mm tall. Around 33cms circunference. Not really that big, I have taken an XL glyph in the past with no issues, but it was a little softer.

I am really inclined to do slightly changes in the dimensions and the tamper of that know and cast it again, but I'll do it in the future, instead I think I'll cast >>11070111 scarlet again to help me loosen' up and take the knot more comfortably.

Also did you become a NEET, anon? Sorry to hear that. I was a NEET back in 2015 (when I think I posted last time) but now I'm married and have a proper career and post-grad.
Too bad my wife is more conservative than myself and would never accept this secret hobby of mine. Some men cheat with traps, some men cheat with butchered whores, I cheat with monster silicon toys... Too bad I'll never be pegged by my own dildos.
(close up showing the layer lines, they should smooth out with time)
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fantastic job, anon
Not my cup of tea but I applaud your perseverance. It's always nice to see someone succeed at something they're trying to create.
how do you remove bubbles from the silicone anon? vacuum chamber or pressure pot? I've been researching how to make my own toys because it's illegal to import them in my country but I can't find a vacuum chamber that doesn't cost 400$ :c
I don't. Tough, I purchased yersterday a cheap ass 20 bucks pump from aliexpress in a longshot expecting maybe it can be used for degassing.

Most of my issue of bubbles have been mitigated when I started adding 10% silicon oil into mixture of silicon to make it softer. It makes its much less viscous, which in turns help the bubbles raise up faster. Also, I pour with a very thin strand of silicon very slowly, then jiggle and tapple the mold around. Seems to have helped a lot. There are still very few imperfections caused by bubble, but the result seems very nice.

Why would your country ban importation of sex toys? Is it out of morals or is it just because of chemicals?
I heard it's dangerous to not degass the silicone, I'll check out the silicone oil thing tho sounds interesting, and yea it's for moral stuff im in the middle east
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NTA, but I use a vacuum chamber to remove all the bubbles in my silicone, still experimenting with mold work.

I use a "Bestauto 3 Gallon Vacuum Chamber Kit" I got off amazon for $130

what silicone did you use, also would you be interested in sharing the files?
I saw that vacuum chamber too but with all the import cost the price shoots way up to like 450$ it's insane
also nice cocks
also also yes pls anon will you share the knot horsie I wanna make one if I manage to get all the other things I need
Well, if you get big cavities that accumulate gunk that don't come out easily with water AND you neglect cleaning it properly than, THEORETICALLY it could proliferate dangerous bacteria.
But if you get some minor tiny bubbles that don't go far too deep, and take care to wash then properly, and in worse case use a condom, then I think that is absolutely fine. I have seen some people making lots of scary claims about the dangerous of non-medical grade, toys, but often they are promoters of expensivel toys themselves... I think it is vastly exaggerated. Even Tin silicon is not really that dangerous. Breast implants were made out of tin silicon for decades before they switched to Platinum. I have been doing dildos for over 10 years and never had any issues.

But man, must be scary to own a dildo in the middle east, Hope you are not caught, anon, good luck.
thanks anon, I still want to err on the side of caution and degass it, plus I wanna do resin and silicone casting for other engineering projects so ig it would be a good investment either way
*sigh* the things we do for sticking stuff up our butts
OP here. I'm considering selling the files on cults3D anon, Sorry.

I used a local producer here in my country in Brasil. They have both tin and platinum silicone. I used A08 Platinum silicone with 8% silicon oil to soften it a little. I also used A14 core with no oil as a more firm core.

I wanted to assemble a pump kit here, but the motors are quitte expensive. 130 bucks would likely turn into 250 with shipping and taxes. I purchased a 20 bucks 80kpa pump from aliexpress last week, but Haven't arrived yet, I suspect it won't be strong enough for degaussing fast enough.

Those are your designs? the colors look quite nice. But I have very limited space and equipment so I can't overcomplicate things too much in my apartment.
both of them are designs from somebody else that I modified using Blender.

The color is a mica pigment, it gives a nice glitter effect, but you need to make sure the pigment is body safe.

the silicone I used is Ecoflex 00-30.

If you do decide to sell, I would be interested in buying for the right price.

I've never uploaded any of my files, so it may take a while.
gl, as if anyone browses without checking "free" on cults3d.
sad but true, lol

here you go. if you want a suction cup, I just downloaded a dome and glued popsicle sticks to it. then I pressed it into the base of the mold before the silicone was cured and weighed it down to create the inside of the cup.

it won't let me send a link, but if you go on cults and look in the "naughtys" section, its called "Knotty horse mold"

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