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Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10987293

Here’s a treat for you
Baby Actor by Amatarou from COMIC HOT MILK 2015 Issue #11
Previously unavailable in translated form, but now it is available to read in English for the first time thanks to the wonders of specialized MTL AI manga translations tool like Mangatranslator/Ichigoreader

Grab it while it’s hot

Tall Younger Cousin english translation. There was a really shitty AI one that came out about a week ago. I'm pretty sure this isn't it
This translation is great, thanks!
I wish tall women were real
Granted, but they are only interested in men taller than them.

Sorry, I've been spending too much time on the Monkey's Paw thread
>Granted, but they are only interested in men taller than them.
This narrative only gets parroted by terminally online people, such as yourself. Go the fuck outside and stop being so insecure.
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I'm glad Raita finally drew a girl that's as tall as she looks with Ibuki Douji.It was always sad remembering that his stacked Mahou Shoujos weren't all at least 6' tall.
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For me, it's shy introverted tall girls who are hiding their perverted nymphomaniac side.
Calm down, it’s not that serious
I wish we had more shit like this
>Go the fuck outside
Says the 4chan user.
Like I said, I've been in the monkey's paw thread and was feeling glib. Let me try better:

>Granted. The relative heights of men and women reverse and the difference expands. The average woman is now 15% taller than the average man. As an example, the average man in the US is now 5' 4" and the average woman is now 6", or eight inches taller. Men's bodies still produce more muscle than women of a similar height, but because of their increased height, women are now as strong as men, on average. Sports are now integrated, but women now dominate in basketball, volleyball, fencing, and any other sport where reach gives an advantage. Also any sport that prioritizes running, which is helped by their longer legs. The increased body size means that hips expand, meaning women can carry babies longer before their heads would get stuck. The average pregnancy is now a year and newborn babies are a bit more developed and a bit less helpless.

>Subconsciously we consider taller people more mature, so more women get promoted over men. Eventually there are as many women as men in management positions. Paid maternity and paternity leave becomes the norm worldwide. After the kids are on solid foods, it's common for the woman to become the breadwinner and the man to become the house spouse, since women now earn as much as men, on average.

>After the change, you were left on the shorter side, at 4' 10". You managed to get a girl who towers over you at 6' 8". She's an executive at a tech firm and pulls in big money. You get to stay at home with the children. Your days are filled with laundry and Sesame Street. Your nights are spent satisfying her needs. You wonder what this giant goddess sees in you. Maybe it's your 10" dick.
I've done some rough measurements based on shota's height. Wish it was me
Pardon my dumb ass, forgot the pic
Did they abort all the males?
You ever consider the fact that a large majority of non-human species in the world have larger females compared to their male counterparts.

> Humans are an exception

>You ever consider the fact that a large majority of non-human species in the world have larger females compared to their male counterparts.
Is that actually true? In mammals, especially? I remember looking into that at some point and my vague recollection is that I was disappointed to find it wasn't really the trend in the parts of the animal kingdom we care most about.
>TFW 5' 11".
>Too short to get normal girls.
>Too tall to get tall girls.

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