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Ever since Rakuen Shinshoku: Island of the Dead every tentacle hentai has being so mid
Still waiting for part 2
Can't wait, the first episode was the best thing to come out in a long time. It being pushed back twice was crazy.
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>OH N-
Tentacles are a classic and it kills me they've falling so out of favor
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Just fuck my shit up
consentacles should definitely be allowed here

that western art though is just asking for trouble
.................you're joking..
Ok.. there's no way this episode turns out good. Nothing is delayed this long without it being fucked up on release..
How the fuck can a single episode be delayed 1 1/2 years
Bro, this episode went from October of last year, to like February or something, to April, to August, to next year... Like what the actual fuck.
Guess I'll never see my tan butt girl again.
Considering what your average hentai looks like nowadays and compared to part 1, they probably couldn't find enough real animators willing to take the job.
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Oh, my bad. I didn't realize there was such a problem with that here.
Big issue with /aco/ these days is that there's too much weird degenerate shit. Feels like there should be two boards: /aco/ and /daco/. There are /daco/ threads for tentacle stuff and whatnot every now and then, but I ain't gonna sort through any more futashit.

Anyway, I can still accommodate. I think pic related qualifies, but if it doesn't let me know.
Lemme see what else I can find. Pretty sure I know some good doujins...
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Ah, here's one.
There are only a handful of good consentacle doujins out there, unfortunately. Pretty sure you can count them all on just one hand. But I'm also pretty sure this one makes the list, so I'll storytime it here.
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In my opinion, this is one of the best consentacles doujins out there. Right up there with "Tentacles Training." I don't know why it doesn't get talked about more.
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I also AI-translated this drawing from Fumita's Twitter account.
Gotta love Fumita. Hope he starts something else soon now that Tomo-chan's over with. I don't even care if it's more porn.
Was so fucking mad her scene was both anal and fat bastard. I came here for vaginal tentacle impregnation dammit! All the other girls got that! She didn't even get it in the meat cave scene!
Western cartoon fags have always been the worst. /aco/ wasn't up a month before they made it /d/ and /b/ look tame. If you ask me we just go back to just purging all western shit entirely. They have brought nothing good.
Hmm, it is literally called Single Night, but I wonder if it's supposed to mean something like One Night Stand? Especially given that it's essentially a Stand from Jojo, which would make it a "Single Night Stand." Or maybe I'm way off base here.
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Well it was machine-translated by yours truly, who doesn't know a word of Japanese, so it probably isn't that accurate.
Still, here's the original if anyone can decipher it.
this is better suited for >>>/d/
What are the good tentacle anime? And I mean the GOOD ones that you guys keep coming back to?
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>that you guys keep coming back to
Majuu Jouka Shoujo Utea
Pandra The Animation
Shinkyoku no Grimoire The Animation
In'youchuu The Animation
Mouryou no Nie
Nami SOS! 1
Rasen Sokou no Dystopia
This guy >>11071177 missed
Kagirohi Shaku Kei
Venus Blood Brave (only 1st and maybe 2nd ep tho)
Oh, well
You don't think it's convenient to have a containment zone?
Mahou Shoujo Ai-san and Kagaku na Yatsura
I did check the original, and it's literally "shinguru naito," or single night. That part isn't changed in translation since the words are borrowed english to begin with. It all depends why the author chose to call it that.

Interestingly, it's not terrible for a machine translation. Did you touch it up at all?
There are some things that are a little off, but the meaning comes across well enough. For example, kichau would probably mean "he's going to come" with the implication of accidentally or completely. I actually like to translate the -chau suffix as "end up" sometimes (seems to fit the intention a lot of the time, perhaps in the sense of "it's going to happen even though I do not want it to"), so in this case, I would maybe put it like "He'll end up appearing again!"
It's also interesting how the part that's more literally like "this and that (kind of stuff)" got translated as "all sorts of crazy things," since that does fit the situation, but I didn't think MTL would go that far off the literal meaning.

One thing it did goof on is dakara. It is used for giving reasons, which is why it went with "that's why..." but in this case, it's being used in the sense of "I already told you." So that line should probably be more like "I already told you, I don't want you doing this kind of stuff!!"

Anyway, I know this stuff probably doesn't interest you, but I just like to explain some things (despite not being great at japanese myself). Helps me retain the information better. And all the better if someone points out my mistakes so I can improve.
ugh this was 8/31 last I checked.

Hopefully it ends up being worth the wait. Maybe the quality wasn't up to par and they underestimated how long it would take.
I think this thread can last till 2025...
The /d/ tentacle thread a skeb anon made for consentacles OC/skeb dumping is still up and doesn't have a single futa image, if that's still anon's concern
I'd repost them all here but I dunno how long this thread will survive (and tentacle and your western garbage is objectively and directly against /h/ rules)
>In addition, alternative, ecchi, shota, yuri, and yaoi content belong on their respective boards
>Alternative images including: futanari, bondage, tentacles, etc

Futa fans have been around long before the trannies and has been the boards focus since the beginning. Being a snowflake and getting upset that nobody followed your made up thread rules is being retarded, especially when you can't seem to follow any yourself.

It's been shown multiple times that breaking up containment zones actually lowers the problem, although having a temporary containment zone that you them remove could have even greater results.

This makes sense, too. If you got rid of /aco/ you'd certainly get some contamination from it, but without a place to gather, a way for most to communicate with each other (yes, discords exist on every board, but what percentage of the active user base are present on them?), these communities tend to thus fracture and fall apart.

Cutting the head doesn't kill the hydra, but it makes it disorganized and confused.
This is a real damn shame. Pt1 is one of those things that can make me cum in 30 seconds.
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You probably meant to reply to >>>/h/8104605, since this thread got moved.
Which was my comment, so I may as well respond. Mind you: I didn't start that thread. But I apologize for posting western content, and will refrain from doing so from now on.
Now if the current tentacle thread has no futa in it, then that's fantastic. But what I was hoping for was a *consentacle* thread. And every time I've tried to start one of those on /d/, it's been spammed with people who seem to think not wanting to see futa is a civil rights violation.
I have no problem with futa enjoyers. I just would politely request they respect the fact that not everyone's into their fetish. I'm not sure how this became a contentious issue.

But anyway, I apologize for going off-topic again. So let's get things back on track with a short storytime.
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Like I said: it's a short one.
that's the best part though, her cunt just empty and aching forever basically just being a lube dispenser for her ass while having to witness everyone else get their pussies used
You've got to be fucking kidding me

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