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Soft, doughy, squishy, squeezable girls with round bellies that love to eat

no vore
no extreme/super fat weights

I also thought it was a bit odd how pregnancy wasn't allowed in previous threads as it could be considered a subcategory of "belly stuffing" due to increase appetite, so I'll allow it this time around

previous thread: >>10987627
starting off with a fun one
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aftermath when her stomach digest all the cream
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shit, I just realized I forgot to write down the subject B')
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bros what is it about big distended bellies that are so cute on girls
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Gluttony is simply based and cute. It shouldn’t even be regarded as a sin, because it’s pretty much always a good thing (because seriously, who doesn’t like eating?).

Also, a girl being a big eater who loves getting stuffed is a massive green flag in my experience, because it means she’s unpretentious, easily pleased and fun loving.
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personally the stuffing/gluttony is less of the main aspect for me, it's more just the swollen guts and IDEALIZED weight gain in their bellies
idk why I just love the figure of women with big swollen round guts
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