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Futa on male, futanari on male, dickgirl on male.
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why threads get deleted?
>immediately right back on the game
Based futa on male SCHOLAR
we could have saved her, guys.
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Looks like it happened on a bunch of other boards as well. /a/ and basically all the porn boards got wiped.
previous was at >>11071230
i guess this would be more useful
any good futa on male games? only one i'm really aware of is pandora's forest. there are some things like corruption of champions (2) or other text games that work with it.
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Tales of Androgyny and Star Periphery are good.
Mai wife
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I'm an idiot for replying to an image with a duplicate of said image.
the sims 4
fucking awful thread as usual
iwtwm, this is prob my fav Silvia pic such great size proportion
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Is shota allowed?
The OP image is a 5'5" guy with an extremely tall futa. Shota isn't allowed but that means something that's obviously a toddler.
Oh damn Did not know it meant that young
Not entirely but it does include that young. I have seen and posted many doujins where it's more like 8 to 14 age range males.
What's with the first through him? Is that supposed to be Luffy?
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Let's get this thread back up
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wtf is happening to his ass
i wish she was canon in other Zelda games
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It's morphing into a pumpkin.
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She pounding his ass so fast it’s causing a series of waves to form on his fat ass.
i wish he could make real futa on male not just sloppy bj
Dang mods need a delete the text, but leave the pic option.
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i believe it was this
friendly notice that the DGArchive has been updated to 1381 text stories today

Sure does look like the thumb. TY, bub.
Creator of pandora has a spinoff (paradise succubus) with different factions, one of which is focused on futa on male (creation species)
I've never played any of this creator's games before. How is the Hermaphrodite Maze game? Is it futa on male focused?
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The thicker the girl, the thicker her cock
To answer her question, no, but I definitely want to try.
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OK, but I don't have to buy one, do I?
You know, im sure it's a lot of money, but there's something really hot and humiliating about her only offering him a mere 20 percent for that blowjob.
I didn't even think about that, but you're absolutely right! Even the windowless van crew offers their candy for free. And theirs simply must be the worst morals in the entirety of the sexpest space. I'm still wondering if I can complete this as a no purchase necessary transaction, though.
Its much more blatant than the candy van situation, because she isn't hiding the fact that she's going to use his holes.
I really like the idea of a futa forcing a guy to oay with his body like that. Maybe some guy's car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and his only option is a nearby futa mechanic. He's got plenty of money to compensate her for it, but since she's feeling horny and finds im cute, she insists on trading for sexual services. He's insulted on being treated like a whore, but offering her more money doesn't make her budge and he really has no other choice.
>hot futa at the shop offers you a discount if you suck her off
>it's only %20 but that's still quite a bit of money and she's hot
>this happens multiple times and you begin to feel dirty and humiliated but you've gotten so many discounts
>and you kind of look foward to it
>Eventaully she offers a %15 discount if you lick her balls
>it's less than before but you justify it in your mind because there's no penetration
>one day she offers you a %10 discount if you let her go balls deep in your ass
>it's the lowest offer yet
>but you still take it
>fast forward and you're now her personal cum dumpster
>at least you get everything %50 off
You bastard! Story idea unlocked! Wonder if I'll ever find the ambition to pen this one. Regardless I'm adding your post directly to my story ideas file.
Why is the final stage not:
>you wander down to her shop whenever you're bored
>even when you have no money or aren't even in the market for a new Gundam
>you find yourself compelled to climb under her counter and service her whenever she asks
>excited, even
>all this despite her having stopped offering discounts all together months ago
>on top of all of this, you're actually her best customer. She made so much money off of you that the discounts were more than warranted even without the prostitution.
>You practically PAID to be her slut
Write it. Both of you. NOW.
Believe me, I want to. It's just hard to put my brain into write mode. I like to think up story ideas while I take bike rides and tomorrow I should be taking one, so I'll do my best to turn the idea over in my head and if not actually engage write mode at least come up with an outline. Reading that very next post, though, I am definitely preferring the Gundam slut idea over car troubles.
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I know it's only two images long...
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...but I find this set so overwhelmingly adorable and wholesome that I want to post it every time I pass it in my collection.
Futa on male is the purest form of love.
Not to mention just plain cute and sexy.
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And now that I've posted a couple I didn't even know I had, here's the one I was actually looking for. Dickgirl Palutena on Pit is such great content. A loving ruler giving it to her most faithful warrior is the sort of reward I'd like for a job well done.
They really are an adorable couple. Genki doting femboy and nervous mommying futa. He just wants to help her vent her horny urges and she loves him for it.
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I could swear I had another Palutena on Pit to share, but if so I can't find it. In any event, yeah. They've got a fantastic functional relationship.
I wish there was good futa on male art on /d/.
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Oh wait, there is more!
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There it was.
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Have you considered posting some?
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Didn't realize I had this much...
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Does this mean he's wearing lipstick?
It's sadly rare, but my favorite futa on male scenarios always involve a cute straight couple that suddenly has to cope with the girl becoming futa (due to magic or virus or whatever). Her dealing with her nervousness and embarrassment and then the subsequent relief she feels when her boyfriend accepts her and helps her adjust to her new body is always really sweet.
Remember: Futa girls need lots of attention from their doting boyfriends so they don't become pent up and forceful. Your job as her man is to love and support her however you can.
I was writing a story with a similar premise where the final stage was the futa requesting the guy pay a nominal fee rather than get paid himself. Just to force him to stop mentally hiding behind the payment element and admit how much he wanted it.
affectionate fucking is so much hotter than this lol i'll make you a girl, take my cock bitch type of rough fucking.
Affectionate, cuddly sex and mutual vulnerability are criminally underrated.
Meant to reply to >>11109466

We could have saved her guys
retard gege redesigned this bitch she's ugly now
Very true, but at the same time the ultimate loving and affectionate sex would be him kindly requesting just this once that she'd stop being gentle and fuck him till he can't sit and her replying "of course my love," before proneboning him straight through the mattress then snuggling with him and shushing his mewling over his sore and gaping rear end. Heck, she might even apply the burn cream herself if she sawed so hard his hole was left smoking.
Futas paying to fuck a guy is hotter than the reverse
I like the futa prostitute set up, it's a nice dynamic when she is confident and experienced whilst he is nervous but obviously into it.
Gnhume is great but they work so slow
Futas having to pay for sex is too unrealistic
Futas are unrealistic. I think it's quite realistic for a guy to not want something shoved up his ass.
I just like the role reversal over here >>11104415
What is this a Futa for ants?
dude that's fucking strong

i don't want less of one, i want more of both
That's hot s hell position, he's like a combination of a bench and a cumdump
That's a hot as hell position, he's like a combination of a bench and a cumdump
Is this thread bugged?
Sorry for the double post, this particular thread wouldn't update for me for some reason
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>sweet and timid girl somehow gains a dick
>immediately gets addicted to raping men
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Love interior view stuff
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if real futa girls would exist it would be multibillion dollar industry
Headcanon: Palutena was forgotten Anatolian deities and offspring of mother fertile Agdistis
Show Kratos who more Greek around here.
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who better deer girls or Yamato from One Piece
Anybody have the link to the really cute animation with the gyaru. She was fucking this guy who was smaller than her. They were holding hands, she started slow before getting rougher and there was a lot of kissing.
Kratos more Greek, sure, but far less femboy, so Pit superior.
No idea how Link got back there, but he not Greek.
A short series...
>I think it's quite realistic for a guy to not want something shoved up his ass.

Guards, sieze him!
Just now realizing it's entirely likely the first was supposed to be last. He was pretty mouthy that whole time, after all. The beej just usually comes before the sexytime is all. I suppose if a goddess asks* you to go ass to mouth you go ass to mouth.

*Or is it tells?
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It's funny how back in Brawl days, and to a lesser extent with Uprising, Pit was almost exclusively used for /ss/, be it with Palutena or Smash girls.
But these days, while that's still prevalent, him being an usually energetic, cute bottom bitch for futas has really gone up. Only real shame that he's never railed by any of the other Kid Icarus ladies, just Palutena.
If only we got a port/remaster of Uprising.
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lol seems like she's a dicklet
is it this one
i hate when the stomach doesnt expand or cum leak from the mouth
That's the cutest shit ever. Thanks anon.
This should be the only taxi service men can afford
Yep. She's so romantic. So gentle, yet so forceful.
Or maybe he's really experienced on account of the miles of girlcock he has taken.
>presentation at work in 15 mins
>5 miles away
>car's out of gas cuz you forgot to refuel last trip
>taxi fares are horrendous
>no bus for another hour
>see neighbor doing her stretches in her Quick-n-Carry uniform
>always intimidated of how big she seemed
>fuck it
>walk up to her and tell her your problem
>she brings out the harness and motions for you to hop on
>as you move towards her she stops you
>oh right
>you remove your pants and hand them to her before she quickly puts them in her bag.
>she eyes your underwear and motions again
>fucking hell
>butt naked
>you slowly balance yourself until her tip just barely kisses your ass
>you give your bravest smile and tell her that you're ready to go
>she rolls her eyes
>you feel large fingers sinking into your ass
"hey WAI-"
>you couldn't even get the words out before she impales you
>there's an incredible fullness in your abdomen
>"15 minutes, right?"
>you nod your head into her right shoulder
>it's all you can do to stop yourself from passing out
>your first interaction with a futa and she was already inside you
>guess the rumors about them were true
>whatever, you had to focus on what was important
>she takes off and good lord she's fast
>buildings, cars and cyclists whizz past and disappear into the distance as you look over her shoulder
>no time to appreciate this incredible feat with her cock making good work of your insides though
>you're bouncing to her pace now
>every step pushes you off to about halfway up her shaft before gravity pulls you right back down again, burying it to the hilt
>where no woman must ever go
>you're feeling a little lightheaded now
>her shampoo smells nice
>her chest feels so soft
>only a layer of nylon separating her massive cushions from your face
>hey you recognize that cafe
>you go there sometimes during your break
"WAIT! Please! The alley!

>She takes a turn into a dark alley that's right before your office
"Thank you"
>Now to pay her
>where was the meter on this thi-!
>familiar fingers grab your ass and pull down. Hard.
>you feel her twitch inside you before she releases all of her hot creamy goodness
>it feels like an hour
>what incredible kegel control
>her eyelids are droopy and her tongue's sort of sticking out like a dog
>kind of cute you guess
>her hands now squeeze your cheeks around her cock tightly before slowly lifting you up the shaft
>effectively milking out any off the dregs while also making sure you kept your "receipt".
>Or would it be your "change"?
>as your feet touch the ground, her grip loosens
>"could you hold that for a second?"
>you can barely stand at this point and are too dazed to shout in indignation about the horrible service you've been subjected to so you just clench as hard as you can
>she then pulls your boxers out of her bag and puts it around her cock before giving it a couple pumps
>getting rid of the stragglers
>you notice the fabric slowly darken as she towels off her cock in your underwear
>boy, she sure was efficient
>wait a minute
"HEY! What're you-?
>"Relax, you're holding mosting of it"
>your face feels hot
> what does that have to do with anything?
> you ponder this even as she slides the underwear up your legs and it snaps around your waist
>ah fuck. DEFINITELY moist.
>"There we go. You can unclench now."
>yeahhhh you're not going to do that.
>she lets you lean on her as she helps you into your pants
>"Aaannnd done! With three minutes to spare. You should hurry in now"
>she seems to be blushing
>"And uh, sorry about popping your... y'know. I had no idea"
>out of everything that happened today, that's what embarasses her?
>she bends down and kisses you on the cheek
>"good luck charm"
>she winks at you and jogs down the road
>you stare after her
>what a weird day
>you waddle across the street to your office
>you'll just use the bus next time
Anon's presentation went well. So well that he forgot about his situation and missed the bus again. Luckily, his neighbor happened to be passing by the building at the same time and offered him a ride.
Anon felt obligated to invite her over for dinner. She got a little drunk and had to stay the night. They got married a year later.
would be more efficient if she use the thing to transport baby like kangaroos
Come again?
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Why can't futa be real, bros?
Science hasn't reached the point where it can fix nature's mistake, yet.
i honestly don't even think of these sites when looking for written stuff
i might recommend Hentai-Foundry or AO3 for visibility

that said i'll check it out at some point. i do love 18
It's on AO3, forgot to mention that.
ah okay
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because we dont deserve happiness
Is he a power ranger?
Deviant iceberg /d/ request:

I see there's plenty enough of like large amazon futas lifting and fucking males.
But focusing on a niche within that niche: Is there anything like this, but the males are basically slaves used as articles of clothing, casually carried around and fucked publicly in a society of amazon futas
Bros what's your favorite dynamic between a futa and a male?
I really enjoy it when the futa is super pushy about sex and just more dominant in general, not because she sees the man as mere toy or pet, but because he's her idol of affection. She simply can't control herself around him, and her forcing herself upon him is because she's hopelessly obsessed with him. It's good stuff. Most noncon related futa on male stuff doesn't do this tho, most of the time the guy is no better than a sex toy.
Mutual pining is cute too, but there's something appealing about a futa taking what she wants.
Hopefully his whole team is suffering the same fate
Same. Yandere-ish futas are super cute. Poor things don't know any better.
the ultra rare futa-mpreg, i saw it once and i cannot find it again
smaller futa topping guy

i find it to be the rarest and most interesting visual/dynamic

literally even just 5' fucking a 6' missionary = oh my god

obv beyond that is great too, but a smaller person manipulating and maneuvering a taller person into sexual positions and stuff is just so fascinating to me
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really? there's like a page worth on e-hentai if you search for

male:impregnation male:dickgirl english translated

is it not any of these?
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Imagine a futa incel taking out her frustrations on you
Futa-mpreg, while being a niche within a niche, is not particularly rare within that niche. Although there is a lot more breeder talk than actual breeding within the space. Also I assume your talking about Abdominal Pregnancy since that seems to be every Futa-mpregs lovers fav doujin.
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love the chijoku an stuff
the art is usually scuffy, but the stories are very degenerate
although, my favorite has a boy getting impregnated by a dog, instead of a futa
it doesn't show the man pregnant from the futa.
Keep that shit to yourself nigga
marriage and impregnation
i want to be her wife in every way
i want to take her last name and be hers forever
anonymous website and degen board
not as degen as /trash/, but I don't think there's any room to judge
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>you will never populate the world with superior futanari children by letting your futa wife impregnate your ass again and again
I like the idea of Mpreg being the way to produce more futas. Kind of incentivizes futa on male.
You try posting bestiality here then
I dare you smartass
Oh no, I'm suddenly very late in the exact part of town where she works again, I guess I need to hire her services! (Why won't she get the hint)
I had a dream that insanely attractive twin Japanese futas really wanted me, even though I'm a fat manlet with a little dick. They eventually got me alone and spitroasted me.
I couldn't get into it with how sadistic she was
Pretty hot anon
My biggest fetish when it comes to futa monsters is being an even bigger monster sexually, like imagine of a tribe of goblins capturing (you), they say that a cute boy like you will make a nice cumdump for the tribe. A few hours later after your 10th goblin in a row, they're begging (you) for mercy as your hole drains the near limitless balls of each goblin and you STILL aren't satisfied. Imagining the look on a monster face as they want to pull out but can't is amazing
Kind of straying away from the "on male" part but I like the idea of a futa's pussy being something extremely intimate and personal to them. Something that they only give you if they really trust you and feel like they want to marry you. But in the meantime, you'll have to take countless loads in both ends before you ever have any hopes of touching it.
Also this
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Anybody know this Futa on Male comic that seems to have been deleted from the internet? The plot is about the girl going over to her boyfriend's house to study, and he leaves some porn out so that she'll see it and get worked up and fuck him? It's super vanilla all things considered so I don't know why it suddenly disappeared, but I remember the cover being just their faces, but he was upside-down coming down from the top of the frame. I don't know, it stood out to me cause you never really see that dynamic in futa on male stuff, where the futa is kind of nervous, and the guy is SUPER into getting topped, and he's not a CD/sissy.
I know it's niche, but I will always have a thing for corruptive futa. Particularly supportive, positive corruption. Like in a gym scenario where a bigger, fit futa trainer is domming a male, the male starts actually getting into better and better shape, but he also starts developing breasts.
now that she has a mechanical arm and leg she also could be having a metal dick
(Dick with a hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder built in so she doesn't even have to thrust to thrust.)
something like this maybe
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I honestly can't tell because the quality is so awful, but that looks more like a dick with a built in vibrator to me. Please refer to this absolute dogshit proof of concept (and laugh).
This comic set was actually finished?
>that blush
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sounds like this piririnegi book, although your cover description doesn't match.
his new stuff always gets takedown notices sent out by irodori because they release official translations
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why is her bush only on the side like a bald clown head
I think those are the jort pockets but the artist did them weird for some reason.
i would love a crazy hung gf destroying both my pride and my inside
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Definitely supposed to be her pockets. No reason for her pubes to be white/blonde
For a long time it was the aesthetic of impregnation, teasing about knocking him up, saying she was gonna breed him.
Now it's powerbottoms. Futas so pent up and horny that they get led around by the cock by a guy who can ride. Even better if he's larger/more muscular than them
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I wish all guys were cute bottoms and futa were a large part of the population
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I've got a thing for biologically dominant futa's. As in, they invoke an instinct to submit in their partners. Even if she's a shy, stammering nerd it's hard to say "no" to her. Especially in sexual matters. In more extreme cases you can't even get erect around her, because it's your role to take her dick. And her dominance might be so strong you cum as soon as she hilts her girthy girlcock in your ass. But I do like it taking place in a loving relationship. Basically, the ideal is your futa gf coming home, relieving a hard day at work with earth (and ass) shattering sex, then making a sandwich for her with quivering legs and her cum still dribbling from your sloppy hole.
Seconding ToA
I love sword swallowing.
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Whould be hot to see a short and shy futa invoke this on a smug guy who's never even thought about being submissive
>I've got a thing for biologically dominant futa's
In my fantasy dreamland they are bigger and stronger than men, and they have some kind of glamour or power that potently arouses men, maybe it's pheromones
Also their semen and precum definitely have powerful psychoactive properties, not only are they physically and mentally addictive, but getting even a little futa semen on your skin is generally enough to induce a mind bending orgasm in whoever it touches, let alone getting creampied
In fact futa semen can even induce physical changes in men who take enough of it into their bodies
It makes them smaller, softer, cuter over time
I'm the complete opposite, my favorite futa/male dynamic is when she doesn't even really acknowledge him as human.
I love any setting where futas are just a natural third sex, with bigger dicks and higher sex drives than men, that is also naturally socialized into being the dominant sex in society. Futas, just like everyone else, can come in all shapes, sizes and personalities (with the one constant being that the average futa has a much larger dick than the average man), and they get into relationships with both men and women. However, when it comes time for a futa to be intimate with a male partner, it is just..."NORMAL" for her to always be the dominant top. By that I mean: there is no magic, pheromones, nor surprises. Everyone in society is just naturally raised to believe that this is how sex between futas and men should be:
>futas have big dicks and men have sensitive prostates for a reason!
Pic related:
>futa in a loving relationship with her boyfriend
>boyfriend enjoys getting fucked by his futa girlfriend
>futa starts an "onlyfans" where she films herself fucking her boyfriend for extra cash
>convinces boyfriend to do increasingly risque things with her for more views
>boyfriend is reluctant about being filmed doing things like cross-dressing and having sex in public
>but he agrees because he loves his girlfriend and wants to make her happy
...just a "normal" story of a futaxmale couple doing something that a real life malexfemale couple might do.
Must be confusing for some regular women
>"He wouldn't even let me put a finger up there, anal was out of the question. A week after we stop dating, my futa friend meets him at a party, and he lets her hilt him! Boys are weird"
Scenerio idea of mine:
>Village has a heroic group of young men, well regarded for defending them from threats
>word spreads that a gang of monster girls are going around raiding and destroying nearby villages
>Heroes go out to face them
>They all get brutally raped by ridiculously strong futa monstergirls
>Futa gang states that they've had their fun, and won't attack the village now, but they're going to come back within a few weeks
>Heroes return to the village, feining victory, but now have to regularly whore themselves out to the futa gang in order to keep the village safe
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I prefer it when being a futa is a rare condition most people aren't aware of and they otherwise look and act like normal women. With that as a basis, just a fairly conventional romantic relationship with an attractive girl who happens to have a big cock and a desire to use it, and the guy coming to terms with that.
eg I loved pic related, dumb cliches and wheel spinning included.
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That's sort of the case in my fictional universe. Dickgirls are around 0.5-1% of the female population and outside of medical situations are rarely talked about. I've actually got a whole physiological theory behind my dickgirls and a story way back in the pipeline about a sex ed teacher who specifically teaches about the condition because (surprise) she has a penis. One class just isn't getting it so she offers a hands on demonstration in class.

I also have one draft in which a male character discovers their existence through pornography and due to a stupid bit of chance his parents send him to a psychiatrist to scrub the gay out of him, but she just happens to be a dickgirl. "Fixing" him does not work in that she seduces him during their first session. I have other stories remaining consistent with their being unexpected because one of my very favorite themes is a male character being surprised when the girlcock appears.

I really like the one story in which it does and the sexytime nearly ends, the dickgirl seeming very disappointed in him till he psyches himself up because this is a once in a lifetime kind of opportunity and he'd be silly to pass it up, no matter how he actually feels about her having a cock.

I swear, I love coming up with different ways in which dickgirls and willing men hook up. I think about it so damned much.
>tsundere futadom
>that tipping point when the hatefuck becomes tender loving
>what's your favorite dynamic between a futa and a male?
All this talk about natural dominant futas makes me think of those Abdominal Pregnancy doujins.
Same. Futanari emerges as a natural third sex because of women's more equal role in society over time which in turn causes an evolutionary pressure for feminine humans that can both impregnant and be impregnated. In this system, true males and females become a bit more scarce since the futa is the better option for reproduction. Futas can be attracted to males, females, or other futa, but futas often "chase" men because they find they are the most different from them physically and futas find their scarcity arousing.

In futa and male pairings, futas love topping. A futa's penis has more nerve endings and is typically larger than her male mate's penis. Moreover, futa semen has a slightly different chemical composition to male semen. If ingested orally or anally for males or females, futa semen has a calming effect and produces a sort of light "buzz" that their partners love. Futas have high tolerance to this effect themselves, which is why many prefer male or female partners. The semen also has an effect of producing more pleasure from nerves as it is rubbed into an orifice. Males in particular love this effect because it makes their prostate very sensitive to their gf's dick. Males in particular often mate for life with their futa partners.
god I hate these convoluted futa scenarios.
amen, brother
Those are hot. Too bad we can't story time it because of the childhood flashbacks
We can storytime the sequel though.
>Tsuiteru Kanojo
is there other non hentai futa serie like this one, i know Bra Girl and one other where the futa is half alien and wants to fuck her cousin
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New bingdak, succubus fucks hero
Romantic, revoltingly lovey-dovey and highly functional relationships, impreg/mpreg optional but appreciated. Rape, NTR, and degradation is fucking everywhere, I just want to see some good wholesome love making.
Mega based
in general, toothaching lovey-doveyness and cheesy asian romcom type shit
in terms of activities, tall and otherwise physically large, muscular futas with schlongs that are (too?) big, so they receive lots of oral, but are also the ones that get penetrated most of the time since their male partners have a hard time taking them and it ends up being more of a special occasion thing
but this is fine, because it's about making each other feel good one way or another; mainly receiving oral and giving butt is just the most comfortable way to do that!

holy based
I kneel
There are a few but most seem to fall into 3 categories
>Guy gets pregnant but looks exactly like a normal guy
>Guy becomes somewhat androgynous after becoming pregnant, still looks like a man but can easily pass as a female if crossdressed
>Guy is full on genderbent and is a full on milf with tits and a ass that put futa and every other woman to share.
Can you people stfu and post pics
I dunno.
If I try real hard I probably can.
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My face is bukkaked and I'm still spitting up fake cum
10/10 experience I feel like such a good boy to them
Oh somehow I deleted the first half of that post
That's not role playing I set up two squirting dildos with about 100ml of fake cum and pretended to get fucked by 2 futas
It was a lot of fun
god I fucking wish
I like it the other way better. Given the precarious position those two have him in I'm pretty confident that throat got fucked but good before she unleased the tsunami.
her dick must be the size of his thigh
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Being her best customer
what's this from?
Iirc that pic is a oneshot
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You can look up the kit; it's a $12 discount at most.
Does she know there's no milk in there?
Draining her dry
There will be if she keeps it up.
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Does anyone know where I can find the full version of this image? It seems like it was available on the artist's patreon for a limited time, so I can't find it anywhere.

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