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Entire board purged edition: >>11093243

Authors Pixiv(has all useful links there like twitter, dlsite, and fanbox): https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5773248

So make your choice, Mother or Daughter?
What the hell happened to the board...

I prefer the daughter because horse futanari.
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>page 1 is now considered the last page
Wtf happened?

Also yeah, definitely the mom she is so hot.
Funou's experienced pose is so sexy here. She's probably remembering when she was in the industry
someone animated this panel
Mods somehow nuked multiple entire boards
Mods=retards as well as fags, apparently.
Digits and this gets animated.
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Nice. I wish hard degenerate would make another animation too.
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Auntie or tomboy cousin?
>see dicks
>immediately gets on her knees
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Yuri already losing her mind.
yuri might be a slut or something
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>Take it collage girl!
Seriously, I like ecchi charm
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>Two futa loli with shota-like size, never appears again.
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>that lower right panel
my fucking god how do they get the most sensual panels, dark elves triumphant once again
straight sex
Sexo CD
File deleted.
>That very day when Yuri cover in cream pie
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how far is yuri gonna get?
The sketch of the next page looks like Funou "assist" her into getting at least 2/3 in
Does anybody have the page before this one (page 17)?
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If she become devil mistress
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where do people get the full panels? I can't find them on his fanbox...
Yuri became a semen demon once she finally had elf lolis too
stop posting ai slop
he streams his drawing process, you should see a notification on his twitter or fanbox when hes live
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how did we go from that to this? what is this downgrade?
that is like my dick level of dick
the conqueror cock nerfed already?
literally 2 pages ago
did they swap sizes or what
It has been apparent since the first BJ chapter that he will always shrink them when they go in Yuri's moth because Yuri would have to unhinge her jaw and loose her teeth to fit them.
>umanami thicker
something something magic crest something something
I missed a few streams, but I really hope that somebody mentioned the problems with this page... Funou's dick is too thin and small, Umanami's horse cock "disappears" and her normal cock girth's is doubled or tripled in that panel.
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>watching her stepmom
>penis magic growing
Good afternoon /a/
Why is this chapter so much hotter than the other two?
>Actual shot of cum in Yuri's mouth instead of the usual facials or small drip
That seals it, best sex chapter so far
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What can be done about messy eaters?
I prefer futa Fern
>elven society built around SEXO
>Yuri is so lewd she makes an ex pornstar quiver
Japanese teenagers are a menace.
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I honest to god cannot remember a true facial to cum swallow in this series.
>starts stream
>gets a tumtum ache cause his poor diet
>leaves to go to hospital
Why is he always like this.
Can’t be truth…
it's like he doesn't have a toilet to deal with this. i get frequent pains, but they always go away after taking a shit.
Horse kiss
Why yes the size changes are on purpose
and it's probably even canon. the magic seal did it.
So everybody functionally has the same size dick through magic.
i can see this image being used for a long time in these threads
>no major changes to pages so far
>half way done
>2 months in
were gonna make it before the end of the year, we got this
what is the point of giving them such destroyer cocks only to turn them into typical dicks when its time to use them??
i am getting baited?
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Well the story goes that huge sizes and even Tansho's small size was for comedic effect in the early non nude chapters. They were still allowed for nude chapters because eye candy. However Kawa always thought they were too big for actual lewds. For this reason the first time Yuri actually touched a dick in the measuring chapter he tried hard to run back the scale. Even though prior to this every non Tansho elf had huge dicks that they couldn't even wrap their hands around while jerk off. The sized didn't go back until the AV handjob chapter. I get what he means large insertion especially oral is not something you can do while maintaining a normal anatomical style. That's why that kinda thing is more common in cartoony art styles. Still the sizes were original feature not something the fans forced on him. Plus he decided to make AV the second largest and she was a late game elf. He could have easily given her a manageable size and nobody would have been able to say a word.
He did pretty well in the Mara chapter, where Yuri took the foot long rod. But I think its easier to draw Yuri taking the huge dongs for sex than Yuri giving a 5 dollar footlong a blowjob. Cause it is kinda stupid for her to unhinge her jaw like a snake in order to give a blowie.
Why is the dick small??????????????????????????????????????????????????
if only there was some part of the mouth that could glide along part of a cock too big to fit inside
Tansho's small dick energy has marked Yuri. She will shrink her partners' genitals until they are 3cm.
he could rather have yuri blowjob 1/3rd of funou's cock and stay true to the proportions than shrink it down to 1/3rd of the size and still barely take half of it
its not a length issue, its a girth issue
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Yuri’s ecchi quest
>starts stream
>draws 5% of a page
>my tummy hurts
>has not eaten beef in 10 days
>closes stream
i cant even
welcome to the author, enjoy your stay
you would lost your shit during the salt ramen arc
What jobs elf work?
yeah so the guy who did the decensors and I think tl's did stop
he just dencensored the tansho chapter like 2 weeks ago
oh, is he different from the guy who owns the mega?
Who follow church of penis?
Yeah the mega guy is one that redoes the TL and typesetting. The Descensor person is a different. If you look on mangadex is has two different accounts uploading
oh that's good to hear
anyone has pages 21 + 22?
missed the stream the past days.
I'm really just here for the lore
Aren't we all?
I don't have the completed 22
And the close up Yuri and Funou kissing since he kept in the detail of Yuri having cum still in her mouth. I wish he remembered all the cum she caught in her boobs here >>11116973
While Umadori was sucking her nipples
where's uma blowjob that comes after this page?
someone saved it?
imagine the smell
Vanilla cherry aroma
These long chapters take half a year to come out now. I wish he would do short chapters normally so they can come out on a regular schedule and on occasion do a big chapter when it's needed.
What happened to that tomboy futa elf he kept teasing and changed the design of?
Scrapped because he's wrapping up this story with an orgy?
It's because he doesn't actually like them, similar to most people.
That's because AV is the typical cucking nigger in funny elf form.
He turned it into a porn series and gave up on the initial premise.
That was weeb elf and according to him he lost the design and by the time the readers found out and gave him the design he already gave some of her personality to Tansho and gave her the design of one the early pin up elves.
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Here is the original and a chibi of the current design. She is credited with giving Tansho mangas which is where tansho got the "massage her dick to make it bigger" thing and the cotsume date from.
Yeah, I was wondering if she was ever going to show up. Scrapped?
We're getting more pages on average per month though. By the end of 2024, we will have gotten 80+ pages as opposed to when he started and would max around 40 at most.
The design at least is probably scrapped. The character technically exist Tansho's offscreen friend/
Goodnight, sweet princess.
>She sees your inferior non horse cock
I wonder if this Kasei-chan's dick is small
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>hey umanami you know how to insert your giant horse donger into my vajayjay right?
>looks visibily confused
Umanami is literally us. Has no idea what to do during sex.
that's what happens when this this is just a hobby for him
no editor to get on his ass, so he'll just shade something until it's perfect
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it's the eternal dichotomy of "big cocks are yummy" and "big cocks are awkward"
I don't have that problem at all. Make normal size cocks, people.
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Look what they took from us.
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Going by the outline she probably would have been the size of the small dick elves from Tansho's book.
>little penis reference book
>their dicks are close to funou's size in >>11107951
maybe in girth but they are definitely a lot shorter. If yuri was giving them a BJ from that same pov you wouldn't be able to see them behind her head.
I like them, it's the contradiction of drawing destroyer cocks but not wanting to draw stomach deformation that makes Kawakami do this shit. And for blowjobs, well, he could just do what most big cock futa artists do, either impossible mouth or make the girl only suck the head.
>most people
Reading is hard for you types, I know.
We've literally seen how Kawakami draws sex before he got to that part in Futanari no Elf, I don't know why people were surprised he stuck to the same thing.
I was not disputing your statement anon, the purpose of my post there was to give an opinion of someone who is the minority.
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>not riding the horse
the author had one job
later anon, after Funou's turn there a montage
>sketch two versions of Funou hotdogging her own tits
>use neither
this man is robbing us of Funou greatness
he secretly hates her or something
thats wild that he didnt use either of these and he went with the standard "oh my" look funou has now
I think the left one might be the one we have now but the sketch made her dick look closer hard to tell with the lack of arms. But the right which was the original was definitely between her boobs while she used her left hand to play with her tip.
Zamn?! Yuri hit into milf?
yuri is the dorm bicycle
>watches daughter's first time
>get hard as a rock
I'm sad. I was totally expecting some self paizuri while she watches her daughter's first time.
Anon be patient. The self paizuri and auto fellatio will be coming in a few days
Mod said they deleted it by accident.
>page 24/40
So two more months to go?
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Still my favorite panel of the whole story. How I wish he would still focus on characters, setting and events like he used to.
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woah remake?
He redid a few panels when sold the collected versions of the manga.
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Yuri's tits shrunk by 80% and Funous tits grew by 80%.
Honestly he should keep these proportions, Yuri was always susposed to have modest breasts compared to the Elves.
Yuri returned to her onsen era breast
she should be a modest japanese isekai transfer
>Kawa always thought they were too big for actual lewds
Fucking coward, it's a drawing, he can draw Yuri take massive dicks or even make them disappear in her mouth without problem, even if it's unrealistic or physically impossible, it's done all the time by other artists, and it's 100 times better than making the sizes inconsistent and dicks randomly getting smaller during sex, I fucking hate this decision so much, the point of this manga are the massive futa elves.
She also lost a bunch of weight for her ribs to show off like that. Kawakami terrible anatomy strikes again.
foolish girl has been living solely off of elf cum
once she accidentally's herself into a succubus it won't be an issue
Will there be anal eventually?
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Wish he drew the balls fuller and rounder.
damn sit on my face
I love when he breaks through panels like that and the spilt over penis interacts with an adjacent part of the scene
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for example, this cum right here is defnitely going to be dripping on yuri's face or something

why did he have to ruin it?
Elven tea
here we go again. shrunk down to half >>11103010
Damn how are his chibis so adorable? It's so jarring with the one actually drawn panel surrounded by adorable little doodles.
The more time he spends fiddling around with paneling or adding detail to his art the worse things get.
How many elves left to go?
all of them. Yuri will suck and fuck all of elfdom dry
I want this dick to fuck yuri, not fucking shrink it down wtf
too late for that anon, too late.
they should have been blood related
what's the point in making her a dark elf too and making us think that the whole time
including children?
The most attractive part of these elves are their eyes. Kawakami really knows how to draw them.
it's certainly not their penises

Mara's best part is I guess shes just main girl or something idk.
Tansho's best part is her shyness.
Umanami's best part is her thousand yard stare.
Funous best part is that shes like a 6'2" amazon woman jesus fuck more series need amazon women.
>views chapters of elves with huge dicks
>im not here for the dicks

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