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Won’t stop growing edition
Post Overflowing Balls, fat, engorged, massive, swollen, pregnant, pent-up, hefty, enormous balls. Or any other synonymous phrase for large balls.
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Honestly wish there was more focus on ball bulge in clothes, or stuff like ball bras snapping, etc.
But uh, what happened to the last thread?
Hell, a LOT of the threads are gone.
literally all of /d/ got snapped
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What caused this?
pretty much mods were doing something but said thing caused a fuck up so /d/ and bunch of other boards got their entire catalog and potentially archives nuked
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I mean, if we count deleted posts than the thread did technically surpass 300, so it's not like the "overfull balls" thread in particular was really affected by it, unfortune for the other threads though as I was trying desperately to keep some alive, only for it to mean nothing in the end

but with that being said, here's an archive link to the previous thread https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11038420/#11038420
Ayy that's more like it.
I think >>11100259 does the best bulges though, how the balls push the cock to the front, the root revealed amongst the cleavage.
I wonder what it'd feel like to have all that attached to me. Shame I can't lucid dream properly.
Last time I lucid dreamed I got to cockfuck a futa girl. ended up cumming in my sleep.
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Orgasm induced growth will always be top tier
Growth induced orgasm is even higher tier
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My balls feel like this rn
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Been a while.
Give me an image and I’ll make a story.
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This one?
>Blanc/White Heart woke up to find herself in a strange lab strapped to heavy machinery. As she struggled, the machine seemed to activate. She felt a needle pierce her skin and immediately began to feel strange.
>Blanc blushed as a powerful aphrodisiac flooded her brain. causing her to form a throbbing erection, tearing through her suit.
>”W-whats going on..? Why can’t I… oh god… It’s going to come out! NNNGHHHH!!!”
>Blanc ejaculated with no stimulation, drenching the floor below her with thick sticky spunk.
>Her erection did not let up. She watched as a large vat of white fluid rose up, followed by a strange tube that enveloped her still pulsing penis.
>”H-hey! what are you-GNNNGH?!”
>The tube inserted a long rod directly into her urethra. stretching until it led directly into her ballsack.
>With a loud sucking noise, the machine began emptying the contents of the vat down into Blancs helpless nutsack.
>AAAHH STOOOOP I-ITS TOO MUCH!! can’t… think… ooohhhhh”
>She screamed out with forced pleasure as her balls swelled with a vat of foreign semen. She was stuck in a constant orgasm with no hope of relief.
>Every attempt to cum was met with another gallon pushing back into her tight engorged sperm tanks.
>For what felt like hours the machine continued, uncaring and cold. dumping load after load into Blancs now beanbag sized nutsack. More cum than she had ever produced, or ever would.
>She smiled through the unimaginable pleasure. Happy to be a cum storage tank forever. enjoying every second of having her balls filled with more and more thick sticky nutsludge. How could she ever go back after feeling this good? When will she reach her limits? What is really happening inside her balls now…?
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>A girl was stumbling out in the woods with a lewd expression. she had come all the way out here to make sure no one saw her enormous erection.
>She looked down at the pulsing shaft now tearing through her poor shorts. the massive steamy penis was now exposed to the fresh air.
>she kept running, now bottomless with her swaying cock slapping her with every stride. She fell to her knees, overwhelmed with pleasure, she could feel her balls contracting, about to spew a massive load.
>”nononono please don’t cum…”
>Suddenly, a strange grub-like creature kept upon her penis, sliding to the hilt like an onahole. She screamed as the pleasure was too much.
>She ejaculated an incredible amount of cum directly into the strange creature. feeling nothing but pure orgasmic bliss. filling it like a condom balloon for several minutes straight.
>she sat exhausted, looking at the creature still sucking her. It began injecting something strange. She jolted from the sensation and turned to look.
> “M-my balls are growing?! w-wait! stop it’s too much! Oh..OOOHHHH!!!”
>the creature had chosen a new queen. The girl grew antennae, her balls swelled bigger than watermelons, she began feel aroused again.
>without hesitation, she blew another load, flooding her new onahole with another wave of nutsludge. but it just wouldn’t stop. she kept cumming and cumming like her balls never emptied. She kept producing more sperm than her body could release.
>She moaned out with what little strength she had left as she became nothing more than an endlessly cumming queen. She couldn’t be happier.
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I love that ozone has grown to appreciate the weight and heft of big tits and balls, true growth
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Does anyone have the similar series of pictures of a goddess talking about how good the humans urethra feels? Then she cums in him and his balls get huge?
yes I do, one moment
Nice, Thanks dude
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heres a ball fetish Chatbot i did myself, she is a heroine with giant balls, you can be very degenerate with her, or very affectionate.

can you impregnate her valls?
That's what we need more of, guts with balls so backed up that the cum CA's started to ferment and congeal, practically pumping out smegma when they orgasm.
I really love big heavy balls but 99% of overfull balls threads are hyper and I don't really like hyper. I wish there was a hyper and a non hyper thread
Just post the stuff you like and others will do the same. This isn't exactly a big enough fetish to warrant two threads.
A restrained harpy is a happy harpy
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I don't like Streachybear that much but god damn...
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he can be pretty hit or miss sometimes, but I especially love his works that feature oversized nuts
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Pity, all their stuff is about that good.
too thick to nut
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Umbrella Corp branching out into the untapped sex mutant market?
>ywn get to experience the fullness, uncomfortableness, and arousal of a pair of testicles so bloated, filled, and engorged that they stretch your pants more than your fat ass, printing your fat cock for everyone to see.
It's a whatever feeling man.
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What the fuck happened to that dick?
It's AI slop.
Still would.
Was going for a normal sized dick with big nuts but I fixated on the precum string and that's the smallest I made it and forgot to clean up the rough parts.
I appreciate the effort, but as the creator of this thread I kindly ask that you keep the ai to yourself.
You don't have a say in what others post kek.
that’s why I asked politely. silly billy
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These were part of a semi-commission/reward I did with an artist. Hope y'all like 2Balls
scenario is hot but I wish the Japanese would ditch their shota/loli infatuation
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>Raceplay symbol
I'm pretty confident someone made an edit of this set without the tattoo, but I can't remember when.
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when i was younger i actually thought that sperm cells were actually this big and that led me to some weird thoughts about how semen looked like
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Please, for the love of porn, always place a space between A and LOT
isnt mine
feels like alot of work
Can't just leave a good story untold.
anyone willing to share the latest sinensian post? would greatly appreciate it!
been wondering the same thing for JADF, last time someone has publicly uploaded one of his sets was his July set on imhentai, which probably isn't allowed to be posted here so I'll just leave a link for it for those who are curious https://imhentai.xxx/gallery/1294471/
it’s also on ehentai. bit less ads in your face
I cleaned up some old drawings and realized I could post the futa ones here
I basically just do overfull balls if I had a req for futa, don't really care about the dick
Based taste and fantastic work Anon, but I would appreciate if tried an angle that brought more attention to the balls than the boobs, I'm all for seeing balls entirely over shadow the cock they're attached to, but it's a shame to see such wonderfully large testicles play second fiddle.
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I do have some more, the idea was gigantic tits basically hiding the dick and implying autopaizuri while resting on top of gigantic balls wrapped in a ball bra. Makes it more erotic than just naked everything. the art I do is mainly boob focused, balls are generally an afterthought for me, but I will do it when I get a chance to usually.
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Not super overfull, but big enough
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One more from a while ago, probably the biggest I've done
hell yeah, wish we could see the balls fully tho..
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nice, was waiting for these
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wake up babe, new JADF drawing dropped
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very nice, do you by any chance have any links to the artists socials? I'm perfectly aware of the watermark in the top left corner but when I tried searching it I didn't find any results
aye, thanks

also seeing the mistake I made now, I couldn't find it before cause I mis-typed their username B')
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does this means this is the part 4 of a sequence?
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nah, rather that it's the fourth image (technically the fifth image cause pixiv counts the first image as "p0" instead of "p1")

here's the source if you're curious, current pic I'm posting is also by the same artist
forgot to clarify on what I meant by it NOT being the "fourth part"

images 1-4 are non-futa

only images 5-6 in the set are futa, the one I posted was image number 5
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Those look magically enhanced(badly).
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Wouldn't be surprised if they were, the artist made a few pieces that seem to look like that as well
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Tried with this one, but it looks more like multiboob than balls lol
opposite of a problem, looks great
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X-ray alt
need more self impregnating sperm art. only ever see it from jadf or their oc
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Self-insemination activates my autism because it makes me wonder how futa sex genes work.
Has there been anyone out there who's invented a futa Punnett square that works without causing Jacobs Syndrome? Cause I want that and could fap to the thought of that.
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Yeeaaah, unfortunately it's a tad bit too niche of a fetish, shame too cause I'd say it's probably one of my favorites as well
god the tension is intoxicating
imagine what that feels like
need more art with balls stretched tight like balloons. they look so full and ready to burst.
throbbing and pulsing with need as all the sperm wriggles restlessly
it sounds like an unbearable level of tension
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>my balls are at their limit. they’re about to pop I can feel it. what do I do? is watching. I… have to cum… or they’ll just explode anyway!
Highly agree, let me just

>Far-flung future
>Mankind has spread to the farthest reaches of the universe
>Awwww yeah you know we got that ayy coochie too
>With the ability to enter hypersleep, though, comes a risk for anyone with a dick and balls
>Referred to as "Seminal Perpetuation"
>The body's natural reflexes are shut down, including the autonomous nervous and lymbic systems
>But once in a blue moon, the sleep tech misses the reproductive organs.
>This inevitably leads to significant growth of the testes and prostate as they swell and stretch to contain the load, but the pod itself provides limits.
>Once someone has balls the size of beach balls, there's no more room to grow, and continuing production just packs on more and more sperm into their overburdened nuts
>Eventually it begins to compact and congeal, forming layers of thickness ranging from jelly, to cake batter, to liquid concrete
>By this point, waking up is a hellish experience on its own, as the screaming, aching need of a person's overloaded sack is exacerbated by the arduous 8-hour awakening sequence
>Not to mention the long, arduous, deathly-overstimulating experience that is stroking all that clumped-up mess out of one's balls
>Entire missions have been lost as their hyperslept agents go contact dark, dedicating weeks, months, or even years on-site to trying to empty themselves of the noxious, unnatural sludge that's accumulated in their balls
>Then again, they're the lucky ones
>Deep-space missions carry with them a guarantee of at least 4500 years in hypersleep
>Those who awaken from those...don't truly wake up
>From the moment they're conscious, they skip the awakening period.
>Hands on cock immediately, but it's too late.
>All motor faculties are repurchased toward relief that will never come
>Their jizz has compacted itself into a solid paste, their balls a permanent dark blue as they fruitlessly experience hellish dry orgasm after dry orgasm in an attempt to void themselves of their mind-snuffing load
>In the honor of those fallen like this, they're usually tended to in dedicated clinics
>Too bad the nurses in those clinics get a kick out of turning them on even more with a cheeky nip slip or a lick on their desperate, forever-clogged balls.
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who got the new jadf set?
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bless you, thank you so much!
got the x-ray one?
There's no x-ray version
ah, my bad

Is there a version without the birthing?
There's a version with it heavily censored in his pixiv, but otherwise no
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I bet she's already struggling with their size and how sensitive and tender they are due to being too large... Someone should start spiking her food with hormones that will double or triple their size in only a months time.
After so many spikes her body is like a venus goddess, constantly leaking breasts hang to her waist, her ballsack easily holding over two gallons of semen. hips wide enough to destroy any pants. she’s stuck in a constant state of bear orgasm, a gentle breeze on her sensitive nutskin is enough to make her start spewing literal cum sludge out her cock with the consistency of greek yogurt.
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Man, I love Fellatrix's art...

But I hate how much he worships digger nick.
I mean half his ocs are black too. he just likes dark skin.
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He's a fully realized genius, once in a generation. Naze was the only real competitor, I can't think of anyone that could steal his crown. I especially love Uno Makoto's anatomical drawings
nothing will top the OG Sarah's NNN. The later works are good, but it is peak. Even in the continuation
>balls shrink back down after cumming
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Speaking of NNN is there any artists participating in it this year or is it pretty much an dead art trend now?
I heard gaikiken was going to. but who knows if they actually stuck to it
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Honestly not getting my hopes up with gaikiken, he said the exact same thing last year but only made 1 page (which was an SFW page/drawing) for dipping on the project entirely, not even stating if it was scrapped or just put on indefinite hiatus
before dipping**
I think this is my favorite form
Not blocked by anything physical but addiction to the full feeling
Nothing worse than going back to empty

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Did one more
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With an expanded version
I like the idea of the balls and prostate growing and taking away size from the dick.

Maybe to the point where emptying her nuts becomes impossible due to the size difference
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>Now have to wait 5 minutes before deleting a post
Anyway, what type of scenario do you anons prefer?
>1. Total immobility due to giant nuts.
>2. Gargantuanly muscular legs due to hauling giant nuts.
>3. Leg muscles have atrophied, but the vas deferens and all muscles adjacent to it are so superhumanly strong that they can "walk" with their nuts by rhythmically flexing them. This super strength scales with their nut size so they are still mobile even when their nuts are Everest sized.
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>tfw when you've been waiting ALL day
Too bad with a dick that small and balls that overgrown and overproductive, she's gonna be spurting semen for 30 minutes and her testicles will still remain just as full as before after she's done.
can the human brain even withstand a 30 minute long orgasm?
pig orgasms last like 40-50 minutes. I’m sure we’d be fine
>when your giant testicles have gotten so oversized for their sack that they look like they are about to pop if they get any larger or fuller
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For me the sweet spot is pic related, the legs still reach the ground but they aren't going anywhere
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What she gonna do with all those?
make infinite sperm. her loads would be so sperm dense they come out in solid jelly-like ropes. like squeezing old paint out a tube
Despite what Hentai has lead many to believe, the testicles are not the main semen contributor by volume.

90% of cum comes from the seminal glands and the prostate, balls contribute less than 10%.

So on top of giga balls, they should have bulging abdomens where the giga prostate and giga glands do most of the work
hence why extra balls would produce essentially solid sperm clusters with very little actual liquid.
Does this means the sperm would dry up and dies? I thought the cum production would be 200% as i believe...
nah these are magic super sperm
You forget that futa balls tend to play by their own rules. They can take on all 3 roles of sperm production or even extra roles like secondary wombs or in rare cases; secondary stomachs.
love when they’re a secondary womb
>When it comes to futas, pee CAN indeed be stored in the balls!
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so true
Nah sperm cells have a expire date too, I think a month or two is when they're deemed too old and the body itself reabsorbs them to make new ones
So biologically speaking you'll never have the testicles inflation fetish
[spoiler]also the balls are a one way road, they can only expel not things going inside
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>and the body itself reabsorbs them

So if we stretch the reality and turn this into fetish logic, if a futanari is pent up for more than a month, her old backed up sperm starts to gradually absorb and turn into permanent testicle size instead
screw logic, it’s really hot If a futa waits too long to cum, and sperm cells begin impregnating other sperm cells, causing embryos to form in her balls. until she births dozens of identical copies out her stretchy urethra.
Technically cloning? Also, does this means the original futanari being a "single mother"?
>government and media spends billions to dissuade futas from partaking in NNN in order to prevent sudden population spikes in millions of clone babies (imagine the logistical nightmares this would cause)
>it’s not uncommon for futa bbfs to deposit each others ball clones into each others nuts during casual cockfucking.
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>Such public acts are common in the workforce. it’s best to just it happen. All taboo surrounding ball-sharing has since vanished, and had become standard as friendly greetings.
Finished another one, decided to make them pretty big too
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>be literal multi-millionaire
>literally can't commission a good artist because I don't follow their blogs all the time and they are closed
>you'll never have the testicles inflation fetish

Thats what vacuum pumping, saline injections, and N20 inflations are for.
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