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Girls So Dense We Created A Black Hole Edition

/ag/ chuuba rentry: https://rentry.org/agchuubas
/ag/ literature rentry: https://rentry.org/exq5m

previous thread >>11082331
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we rise
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what the heck happened
mod went rogue
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Dimensions were broken.
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And by Dimensions I mean servers.
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Tripped me up to see page 5 as red instead of page 10.
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God damn I go to sleep and I wake up to a wasteland. Time to repopulate

This sequence is easily one of the hottest ones involving chuubas. Hits all the right boxes, goddamn
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iner shelf will never be replicated
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dialogue being remotely accurate to the character's personality is my fetish
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Bread baked back home.
Based ITAOHS poster
Nerissa mukbank in 10 minutes
its happening
I haven't watched almost any pippa except when daddy jim recommended her like a year and a half ago. She's a cute schizo, but Kirsche is my real obsession. I want to watch liveleaks or chat about magnet sounding or cumconuts with Kirsche while she and I eat absurd amounts of food together.
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that dude is really good. he needs to do more WG progression images like he did for ame.
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Yuge Mooner
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More space stuff pls
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I think girls should get jumbo tits when they get fat
Best image by boogers
For me it's either the Mori ass growth sequence or the pic of Gura with a fat butt and an even fatter tail
Post that mori again. its been too long since I've seen it
>ywn hear Mori complain about how massive and fat her ass is
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Mori is the epitome of "suffering from success" so its naturally fitting for her to deal with hyper assets
Hell she even grew up envious of other girls breasts, before growing so big that she regretted her wish
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>...And also that this is a damn good burger!
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We are back on /vt/.
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I would lose my shit at this happening for a vtuber.
>home thread 404'd
I swear if we're kicked off of divegrass again...
What a way to celebrate our first divegrass match and win...
that faggot who cries and screams about AI would rather report shit and get the thread deleted than just hide posts he doesn't like. fucking unbelievable
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I thought that was the case too. What is the play now? Return with a post-divegrass win thread and see what happens? Wait until the next day?
definitely wait at least an hour or so
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also once we're back remember to ignore the dude completely, this is the second time he does this, leave him on a no (You)s diet, it's just a bad faith troll
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I hate to be that guy but some people also have to get better at using catbox or crossposting from here, if only so trolls have less ammo to kill the thread with
Anyways since we're here for now here's a Mori pic I got the other day
Guess we're back to being nuked on sight. Great.
Could be something in one of the rentries.
Doubt it. The already existing thread was deleted minutes after the divegrass game and its replacement deleted immediately. Wasn't the last time this happened due to a rogue mod?
Look, I'll test it tomorrow, because the last time we were deleted this was the reason.
Yeah, I'm guessing either he came back somehow or a different mod got butthurt that we were winning. Should we try taking it to the IRC?
Asking IRC to see why it was deleted could be good.
Also, based on my rough math, we are currently at the top of group d with tiebreakers.
Great match lads
Shame about janny throwing a fit
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Could be someone throwing a fit we won yeah, which is surprising because the vibe was good there with chat and narration. We definitely have more "exposure" now thanks to the league but the timing is weird. I legit don't remember being nuked on sight since February, we can try sending something civil to the Mod thingy too, maybe they hired someone knew but it just reeks of someone with a hate bonet
Yeah, it could be a phase janny.
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>>11113259 (me)
I... I have no idea how I managed to sneak in so many typos, I'm sorry for you guys' eyes

I now wonder if our divegrass lore (being banned, coming back etc) was used against us. What a way to rain on our parade, we should be doing a victory lap by now.
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>I now wonder if our divegrass lore (being banned, coming back etc) was used against us.
Nah, if anyone truly cared we'd have been banned again way earlier.
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They wish they did
It’s better when they get ungainly swollen guts instead, without any extra tit mass
It's just one angry janny who knows that the mods will just auto accept thread deletion requests.
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The last message I sent the mods worked out well I think (it was when we had the thread missing like 10 posts out of nowhere), going to try that when I get home
ganbatte Maianon o7
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thanks AI slop fag
Not defending AI slop, but the dude wenting berserk over "slop that's not even SFW" is a repeat offender. Dude probably reported it and got us all down. Keep it civil at all times, the last thing we need is infighting.
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I agree we need to keep it more civil, but checking the archives it was a lot more than the AIslop that got deleted. And given the timing I think it's likelier that this is just someone trying to sabotage our divegrass team
>implied singular
I also make AI but I strive to not put it in the thread.
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Mmmm yeah a random Mio giantess got taken down as well, what the heck. Hopefully things will be back to normal in like 10 hours from now.

Proud of this doggo for scoring our first goal ever
I always maintain that AI should be boxed. Mostly because I don't think a reasonable person would be too upset over a link, and AI enjoyers can still share with each other.
Did she really? Is there a clip

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