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Post giant people having sex and otherwise being intimate.

Pre-purge thread >>11055463
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On-topic writing, feel free to submit more:
>Hey Carrie Ann
>Game of Sizes I and II
>Love Drugs
>Evil and in Love
>Dream Machine
>Big Impression
>War Games I
>War Games II
>Yao Jing
>Utter Smut I and II
>A Couple Buy a City
>City of the Shrunken Morsels
>Dinner Date
>The Terror of the Seas
>Punies Rescue Force
>Between the Roommates (New, unaware MF/f)
>New Kinds of Tricks (Ace Attorney, go down the the "enlarge someone" tree for couple content)
if you're gonna repost this every thread at least don't do the sample
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Thanks anon.
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I don't want to have to think about giant fetuses or babies.
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While I'm not into pregnant women aesthetically, there's something about the concept on a psychological level that I enjoy.

Some micro citizens may survive the sex these gargantuan beings are having, and rebuild their city over years. But after it's up and running again, new giants from the earth-shattering cataclysm will return to where they were conceived, and break them apart all over. It's like being the progenitor of a race of gods who will torment generations of human microbes.
I wouldn't mind seeing some giant pregnant sex, largely because of the implications that >>11105440 brought of up of this being an inter-generational terror for tinies. Maybe it's even a ritual or ceremony for the giants to bring new life to their child by taking tiny ones.
I Neead more for this troppe
Wanna try that again buddy?
>Being me, a microscopic guy

>Somehow ending up inside a giant couple's condom


>The latex stretches around me and I can barely move

>I hear deafening laughter and moans

>The whole world shakes with every movement

>Trying not to choke as the rubber walls contract

>Finally, everything stops

>Hearing ragged breathing, covered in strange fluids

>Hearing giant voices arguing about throwing the condom away

>Please don't throw me away
>My life depends on your post-coital decisions

>How did I get into this situation?
mayde I might another Green text if I Get ideas but although it's only the 3rd green text I've created in my life so don't expect much quality lmao
Unfortunately for you, I always have my gf swallow the contents.
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For the "generational" talk

>Ancient Hyrule fertility ritual
>Each era's Princess and Hero spend their sacred wedding night in The Minish Woods
>The tiny people's "good luck" will rub off and bless their child to be strong
>The first sessions were gentle, passionate cuddles, Minish providing gifts and collecting stray giant Hylian cum droplets for their own use
>Over time, the standing of The Minish faded and each generation of Link and Zelda's escapades grew more destructive
>Even in eras The Minish had faded into myth, the ceremony remained; princess and hero inadvertently turning towns to mud on their nude, rolling bodies
>One Link/Zelda pair snuck in as youths, accidentally sat on a Minish temple; stomped the rest of the "evidence"; and the Minish were still rebuilding 7 years later when they "formally" came back
>One Link destroyed their humble town with his lover; then woke another Princess Zelda who'd been sleeping for 100 years, and who insisted he return and give HER womb the same Minish-bloodied blessing
>Sometimes there'd be multiple heroes in colored tunics sharing a princess, using Minish women as onaholes while waiting a turn
>Sometimes they'd make the sacred union a debaucherous party, high-standing girls from nearby kingdoms getting drunk and having an orgy with Link all over screaming Minish settlements
>Once, the hero was a girl, and she made love with the princess nonetheless - using the greatest Minish buildings as double-ended dildos
>When Hyrule flooded, the tanned pirate princess shanghaied every Minish she could find and built a small settlement for them on a beach - only to ceremonially bury it in sensuous throes of passion with her hero
>After millennia of torment, The Minish are extinct in the wild
>Scant few colonies are preserved in terrariums by the current, scientific-minded, huge-assed Zelda
>She's working with Link and Sheikah scientists to selectively breed the Minish into a sex toy species dependent on Hylians' juices
>being me

>living in Micronia, a city of microhumans created after the virus shrank half the population

>the city was built where a couple of giants fucked during the chaos of the virus

>they spent years rebuilding after the giants destroyed it

>we thought we would finally be safe

>those motherfucking giants return to the "sacred place where they were conceived"

>they crush everything again, like it's a fucking family game

>generations of giants come to fuck up our city for centuries

>we live in terror, hiding like rats

>all because of some horny giants who couldn't keep their dicks in during a pandemic

>fucking life

Thanks, that gave me an idea
Thank for the idea

>"You're going to have to swallow all of that darling"

>>Panic grips me as I hear those words.

>>The condom is manipulated and suddenly everything around me becomes chaotic.

>>The latex stretches and contracts around me as the giant lifts it up to her mouth.

>>I feel the heat of her breath just before her full lips close around the condom. With a sucking motion,

>>I am dragged along with all the viscous contents into her mouth.

>>The salty, musky taste of semen surrounds me as I am stirred by her tongue.

>>I struggle to breathe through the sticky fluids as her giant teeth hover dangerously close to me.

>"Gulp," I hear the deafening sound of her throat as she swallows.

>>"That load was delicious."

>>Everything goes dark as I am pushed into her esophagus. Fear paralyzes me. Will I survive this trip through her digestive system? My fate now depends entirely on this giant woman who has unwittingly devoured me.
the bisexual fetish...
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seems obviously true for anyone that wants to sub to a hetero couple
but is it gay or straight to want a lesbian couple to use you as a toy?
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Only for some people. I just like the sex with a giantess aspect personally and think all of the focus on smaller people during it is offputting.
the amount of giant cocks being posted tells me otherwise
but yes, subbing to a giant yuri couple would be straight
Too much self-insertion and people wanting to die under state-sized cocks and pussies, I just want to survive an apocalypse caused by a giant orgy while escaping in a helicopter recording the whole thing
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I don't mind if you film, just send me a copy of the sex tape too.
Poor minish. Shame they never got implemented in BotW/TotK like that concept art showed. I'd love to see Link, Purah and Zelda get lewd with em on a "research trip".
Damn, you don't know how much I want to create a world building about a world with a shrunken virus, giants caused by an experiment or any excuse. , Where giants cause chaos by having sex or just being lustful
If I get it, don't hesitate to post it here if the internet still survives.
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Hi Anybody. This one is fine, but your honey I shrunk the kids edit a few days ago might have been your worst yet. At least try to fit the text in the text boxes man.
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Didn't ask, don't care.
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Nice. Got any more in the works?
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Not atm, big couple moods are honestly kind of a spur of the moment thing for me haha.

I also made pic related recently as well.
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Why not combine them? Some moron releseas a shrinking virus that affects the majority of the population, but then a minority mutate into dumb giants that only care about fucking. Not only do you get chaos from most people being shrunk, they have to flee from the horny giants who care more about sex than the destruction they are causing.
I have this idea of a horny parody of Dr Strangelove where instead of nukes humanity developed growth serum.

>Humanity went the way of genetical manipulation instead of atomic development.
>World got divided in two sides, 1984 style but cold war.
>Average people now have stronger, better, prettier genetics and live "average lives"
>Except the elites and world leaders that constantly worry about an offensive from the other side.
>To ease the stress, they constantly have sex.
>One day one of the generals can't get his pee pee to work.
>Too ashamed to admit it, he says that the damn commies are to blame.
>"They are leaking something in the water to cockblock us!"
>Snowball effect and they decide to retaliate(throw the first punch) by sending a giant to cause rampage.
>The other side of the conflict sees this and immediately answers with a giantess from their own.
>At one point one of them has the brilliant idea of stopping a giantess with a giant.

>Something something, they are fucking now.
>They become even twice as destructive.

>Both sides see this and now they are deploying giant horny couples to attack each other.

I want to make it so the process of becoming a giant makes them become absolute awe inspiring, but only the people who didn't got exposed directly to the genetic modifications can get results out of it.

Also add that famous.
>Major kong rides the bomb.
Scene but with an absolute bombshell of a female general riding the dick of a giant about to fuck a giantess. All while wearing a cowboy hat and an american flag bikini of course.

>"Fuck son! Fuck! For the country!"
>She says while still working on his dick, straddling on top of his tip while rubbing her thighs and ass on it, feeling the whole thing grow under her as she mounts it like a bucking bronco, feeling the pride and patriotism boil inside her, with every gasp and moan the giant makes in response to her movements.
>"Nngh- f-fuck... T-the country!!"
>"That's the spirit son!!"
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offscreen giant couple from ochiko. genius or is he just lazy?
>Geez, you came too much!
>Just because we're having outdoors sex doesn't mean you should get so excited~
>Wow it's so big. Won't the rubber break? You gave me so much of your excitement.
>Ahn, hold on I'm going to throw this away now.

>It's the 2nd round but you're still so hard~
>haaa~ haaa~
definitely lazy
It's just proof that the giants are so much more larger and powerful than you that they don't have to be in the picture at all do crush you. A simply filled condom from their love-making is enough to destroy your house and almost kill you
>government uses shrinking technology to make a micro homesteader program aimed at reducing overpopulation and getting people back in nature
>decide to give up life in the literal big city to run an aphid ranch inside a national park
>sex freak campers litter with a condom and destroy your livelihood
I fucking hate biggers
>be me, play space station 13
>main explorer/miner
>learn how to code
>make my own separate server on the base of some ERP build, with additional features, like growing/shrinking anything
>invite a friend to it
>we join as explorers, but instead of shooting monsters we do giant sex in the middle of an abandoned planet while crushing npc monsters in various lewd ways
>friend is too busy to play nowadays

god fucking damn it
And people have the nerve to say BYOND is a bad engine when it can do this
Well, we used text mostly, but there were mechanics, like godmode, mobs gibbing to pieces when we walk near them, us having the ability to force emotes out of mobs (to RP as them "struggling between us", vore mechanics from erp servers and such.
>Go to authorities to file a complaint about some "people of size" leveling my homestead
>Get fined for having dangerous biological waste on my property
>Somehow have to get rid of a lake's worth of cum or more fines will incur
>Still homeless
The system is rigged man
>Akane's upper and lower halves disconnected from each other
Kaiju are scary
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>giant couples actively using the surroundings as playthings between sex sessions to get back into the mood
I love this trope so much, I wish more of it existed.

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