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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Past thread got nuked

Last Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11078875/#11093527
I wish anyone who would colloquially be considered as an asian female from a western perspective has sideways genitals
Unanswered wishes from previous thread:

> I wish for perverted witch mother who loves sex in public and uses her magic to revert me to young age. Pic related about her


>I wish that hyper-sexual toons were real with all the cartoony logic that this conveys, creating more toons transmitting the toon virus. I want to be patient zero or be close to it transforming into the girl in the picture.


(If there are more missing pls mention and link from past thread)
>hyper-sexual toons
Granted. You win a world class sweepstakes to Warner Brothers studios to meet the Animaniacs! Although when you're on the private jet flight to Hollywood, you reread the fine print and see that the WB logo actually is a knockoff, and it actually reads in very fine print "Wubberhose Bimbos." Then, soon after, men in black suits come out of the front of the plane to inject you with something, and then throw you out of the plane. Perhaps you're wondering why someone would inject you with something before throwing you out of a plane... Wait, why are you thinking in movie references all of a sudden?
Whatever they put into you must've been some crazy $#!+ because you feel all woozy now, and it's not all because you're flying towards the ground like an anvil. You can see canaries circling around your head! Wait, those are actually yellow playboy bunnies. What the toon is going on... That is what you would say if you didn't feel your body stretch in the wind. You're like some kind of balloon being inflated, like a hose of rubber being blown into and soon to be given shape. It starts happening, with crazy twistings of your body into itself, zipping around until you find yourself back in one peice, screaming at the top of your high pitched voice, with comical "AAAAA" cloud trails following.
Smash cut to you climbing out of a body-shaped hole in the ground, boobs and butt jiggling in the nude. Some silly quip comes out of your mouth before you get the urge to sneeze! Ah... Ah...! Achoo! A heart-shaped sneeze cloud blows out of your mouth. Let's hope that's not contagious.

>I wish to be a gyaru, who fronts as an aloof dommy mommy, but is secretly a massive submissive bitch in bed, especially submissive towards feminine boys
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>I wish for there to be a disease as common and normalized as a regular cold that would temporarily turn anyone that caugh it into a heavily pseudo pregnant woman.
> I wish for perverted witch mother who loves sex in public and uses her magic to revert me to young age. Pic related about her

Granted! Congratulations you've been successfully sold off to one of the wickest witches I know, Ruby! Before I drop you off at her place just know that she is a special type of witch, she always wanted to have kids of her own but due to an accident, she became infertile and in a moment of desperation made a deal with a succubus, granting her the power to turn anyone into her own "offspring" in exchange for pure lust. As you can see the devil is in detail and Ruby forever changed into a witch dedicated to exploring the arcane secrets of lust, cursed to forever be in a constant state of heat, especially around to whoever got marked by her.

As you can see you now have her mark on your left wrist, in a few minutes your body will regress to the moment you turn 18, turning you into her magical offspring, and you will restart aging again until Ruby says so, she may also change your appearance and body at will as she pleases. Ruby wants to at least alter her curse so she is not a walking wet mess all the time she goes outside and for the foreseeable long future you are going to be her best alternative so don't be surprised if she takes you for dinner only to slam you onto the table mid-dinner to fuck the lights out of you.

>I wish that female aliens desperate to repopulate their species crashlanded on earth, more specifically my backyard only to take me into their ship to experiment on my body to become a suitable stud for their needs
Granted. An alien spaceship crashes into your backyard, conveniently in such a way that you get knocked out instantly on impact. The aliens (which coincidentally are a species that you find attractive... whether this means "green-skinned bimbo" or "xenomorph" is up to you) quickly realize that, while their cloaking technology managed to hide all traces of the crash *for now*, sooner or later the government and meninblack will realize what is going on and come for them. So they need to find a solution, and FAST.
Some parts of the ship are fucked, and need complex repair and tools that they don't have. So the ship isn't gonna fly any tie soon. On the plus side, their scientific equipment is still intact. While the captain takes advantage of the situation to synthetize some alcohol and get drunk to cope, her underlings drag you into the ship to heal you.

And here, through medical exams, they discover that you just-so-happen to be really, REALLY compatible with their technology.

So the drunken captain decides to bet on one giant gamble: turn you into a weapon of mass sex to fuck-conquer the Earth, so that the aliens can get the means to repair their ship and go back home, taking you with them so that you can fuck their entire planet too.
The very first thing they do is to implant a few hypnotic commands in your brain. Stuff like preventing you from harming the aliens (sex isn't considered "harm") and a command to make you return to base so that they can upgrade you (unfortunately for them the command has a lengthy cooldown of a few days). Then they start with the biological modifications.
When you'll wake up, you'll find yourself bigger, faster, stronger, and with a bigger dick. The aliens will explain the situation to you, and add that this is just the beginning: they plan to modify your body further. A LOT further. Making you even bigger, adding tentacles on your back, a pheromone breath...
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Only problem is that they can't add everything all at once, because your body wuldn't be able to handle it. So there will be long pauses in-between each session of genetic modification. But from what you understand from their discussions, their endgoal would be to turn you into some sort of hentai kaijuu.
But they'll think about it in the future. Right now, their priority is to estabilish a foothold on Earth. Like, you know, maybe fucking some humans and forming an harem, which then you'll turn into a cult to worship you and the aliens? Maybe? This is the aliens' first invasion, and it wasn't even planned, so they're kinda out of their depth already.
Maybe you can convince them to adopt a different approach? Just remember a few things:

1) The aliens' objective is to return to their planet with a solution to the whole "lack of males" problem. This is not negotiable. So any alternative plan you come up with MUST work towards that goal - otherwise the aliens will stick to their original plan.
2) Due to the modifications the alien babes have already performed on you, they can periodically force you to submit to them and let them modify you in any way they want. They might take your suggestions into account, but they have the final say over how you'll be transformed.
3) Each transformation session can cause only a limited amount of changes. But over time, these stack. And your body can accept a LOT of modifications (see the whole "kaijuu" thing).
4) You cannot destroy the ship, tamper with the bio-modification equipment, or cause serious harm to the aliens - you have mental blocks that prevent you from doing so.
5) AFTER their planet will be repopulated, the aliens will agree to let you free... But they'll still keep some mental conditioning, just in case. At least you will no longer be modified against your will.

>I wish to marry this UFO shape-shifting monstergirl.
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I wish bustyboys were a socially accepted gender identity, widely considered as legitimate as male and female. I men were free to have breasts and flaunt them around as much as they desired.
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Granted! Accepted? Absolutely! Some people are just born with breasts and a cock and balls, with no sacrifice of endowment to either, though some will chose to wear chastity cages, get implants, etc... yet in what is either a twist of fate regarding the unique anatomy of the sex, or the doctors of your country pulling some strings to ensure no bustyboy tries to cheat the system and get rid of their rack to live as a "real boy"... breast reduction procedures require a doctors referal for "safety reasons", and are seemingly only ever provided to not actually reduce the tits, but make them look more symetrical.

So... you said ACCEPTED, not RESPECTED, and I hope you're ok with that because you are now a bustyboy, also known as a "bustyboy", aka a tomgirl, aka a shemale, aka a dickgirl... but hey, you live alongside cute cuntboys, who are equally teased and given less respect. Sure, you get human rights... but bustyboys and cuntboys are almost always infertile and have earned a reputation for being "whorish" sexes. It doesn't help that bustyboys have tiny adams apples, giving them slutty voices, and super sensitive prostates... "true" futanari with both packages also exist, but are exceedingly rare. Rather than being seen as slutty, they are seen as "hot as fuck" and respected.

In a twist of irony, men and women in this new world are seen as equals in a way that VERY few people debate... while bustyboys and cuntboys are seen as "homemakers", "concubines" (a couple may legally have the new sexes as a shared concubines), and are treated as if they only exist for sex. For this reason, many try to pass as women, to great success when their bulges are hidden... but those who willingly become concubines, prostitutes (this is legal for them), or have to abide to revealing dress codes (many jobs will promote them) lack this luxury.

...But it may surprise you to learn that this societal view is somewhat warranted.
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Due to a unique mix of hormones in the new sexes, their libidos are unmatched, to a debilitating degree sometimes. It's rare to find a bustyboy who OPPOSES their place in the world... or if they do, if they really mean it, and if they'd MEAN it. Its as if mother nature wired you to be subs, sometimes tsundere ones.

While you ARE seen as homemakers, sluts, and concubines... that's at least 90% due to the new sexes just acting that way while they think with their dicks/pussies. And yes, while futa have strong libidos as well, most tend to be more dominant and are rare enough to be raised with higher expectations.

Another important distinction... while society doesn't exactly respect you... it doesn't hate you. You could easily find a couple who'd have you as their maid and concubine, with them treating you like a pampered sub. Some will bbe more dominant, if you'd prefer that. You could also find a futa's harem to join, since most become successful and wealthy pornstars. You might even be brought to some of her shoots...

You wouldn't have to live another day in your life (aside from housework, sometimes just for the kick of it), with whoever you legally became the concubine of taking care of you. Two girls might take you as their concubine even, gay marriage is legal between any sexes... and yet? Studies show that the new femboy esq sexes are far more likely to choose to be legal concubines, even if they are monogamous, with, say, a single girlfriend.

Who has time to try to climb a corporate ladder when you have cock too take, or a pussy to eat, or a dom to play with? By all means, you can try... but do you really want to?

I'll let you keep your sense of "dignity" before making the change, though it'll probably just make you a tsundere of a sub if you had any sense of shame before...

>I wish I was a cute girl going to an all girls magic academy with heavy yuri tones, where lewd accidents make for everyday adventures... that usually end in sex.
Granted! You are now a sexy gyaru. Pick a hair, skin, and eye color... because no matter how ridiculous they may be, they'll be natural for you, so you'll never NOT be a gyaru. You can still tan or dye on top of what you have, however...

That being said, while your mind is your own... your wish has put a sort of "filter" onto your mannerisms, making most things you say or do come off as dominant, sexual, and sultry. You could just ask someone where the bathroom is, but it'll come out as "Hey hun, would you mind showing a gal where the lady's room is?~" You could try to sit down and enjoy a hot dog only to find saliva trails from you and the sausage making your lewd consumption of the meal apparent to YOU even, don't worry, the people watching are already disgusted, wet, or hard. This helps you out in everyday life, believe it or not. Did you go to negotiate your salary as a barista? Your female boss looked like she was going to crack like an egg under your gaze. You walked away with a raise AND her number... other times, it might not be so useful, like when you try to apply for more PROFESSIONAL jobs... but at least you have VERY good luck when it comes to tips... and phone numbers, often tucked away in the tips.

This just makes the reveal of your true nature all the more jarring, since to make it truly secret... you are magically compelled to be unable to tell anyone that you are a sub until they figure it out on their own, and even then you can't say it directly... but you may get flustered and refuse to deny that you are, in fact, a subby bitch if asked. You can only SHOW people at first.

Once you hit the bed, your sexy, dominant filter comes off, leaving you the flustered girl you are, naked in every sense of the word, with an unbearable itch to be dominated. And if it's to a cute boy? There's no hope for you. You'll be a stammering mess if they tease you, they'll be able to fuck you as if they were stronger than they actually are...
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You aren't sure if this is due to magic... or your body subconsciously refusing to resist. Of course... you ARE quite the catch, so even if a girl or femboy is a bit disapointed to find out that you're a secret sub, with you having no way to tell them until you're already going at it... many will quickly "adapt" to the situation... and make the best of it. You'll have no shortage of lovers either, and if you don't have sex for long enough? Your "filter" will grow even more provocative, with your libido growing more insatiable, ensuring that you'll find a partner.

So your front? Your filter? If a lover who already knows that you're a sub teases you about it, it'll falter. Headpats in public, calling you a pet name, turning up a vibrator they put in you... it's enough to make your demeanor go from "Bayonetta levels of casually hot" to "Hot mess of a tsundere"... and other people may notice this and grow suspicious if you aren't careful.

That boss who had the hots for you? If she learns, she might just change the dress code on you to be far more revealing... and between your submissive nature liking the change, and your dominant front making everything you do in the miniskirt sexy anyways, it'll be hard to protest the change. Slowly, your partners will get bolder and bolder in public.

As a consolation prize... or punishment... those who know you're submissive will be able to "translate" what you say through your sultry filter, understanding you as you are, and not falling for your effortless charms... though this also means you can't pull those dominant charms on those who know you, so keep that in mind.

>I wish magical food existed that made porn esq alterations to people's bodies. Peaches that turn boys into cute girls, breast expanding milk, banana splits that turn cute girls into futa, cake that cakes people up... etc.
Granted! Buuuut it's a bit more complicated than that...

The disease, Maternal Onset of Mass Syndrome, or M.O.M.S., does as you wished. It will gender bend whoever catches it, and give them a psuedo pregnancy. No child, but a big pregnant belly with enough room for a baby, and lactation as well as other bodily changes to boot. To make it a bit more normal, other body altering diseases exist too, like FUTA, CAT (catgirls/boys), NUG (sudden fucknugget), and CTF/PTF (involves conjoining with someone's genitals) exist, but this is one of the most common, right beside normal gender bending diseases.

The patient will grow more attractive as well, similar to the the sister disease "TS", and some strains may carry mutations that combine multiple diseases, such as "CAT MOMS" making someone a pregnant catgirl.

To make things more fun, these all replace HARMFUL diseases in the world you wished for, and people will be far healthier on average, with the diseases only acting as a vehicle for transformations. To make things more fun for ME, recovering from a disease does not automatically mean turning back. So you caught something that changed your DNA and made you psuedo pregnant, a catgirl, and maybe even changed hair and eye color. The disease is gone from your body, but the changes already happened.

For most diseases, the cures are, ironically, other diseases, often the "opposite", such as TS being used to change someone's sex back to their original sex... though some diseases don't have opposites, only "different" symptoms, so you might trade cat ears for fox ears.

MOMS only has one cure, since TS has no effect on anyone who's psuedo pregnant. That'd be too easy. Instead... the pregnancy must come to fruition somehow, but already being psuedo pregnant... being fertilized normally won't work.

While you can just keep rocking the mom bod, only dealing with lactation and "full term" belly during MOMS season... the cure is common knowledge, just not always easy.
To put it simply, any disease that'd cause merging, like PTF or CTF, if involving someone with MOMS , will result in the afflicted taking the empty spot in the womb instead of turning into the other person's genitalia... though if the spot, or spots (twins and such are possible) are already taken, people can turn into the sapient pussy of a MOMS carrier as normal.

For a few weeks, the person inside of the MOMS carrier will regress in age, and grow to look more like the mother (after any other transformative diseases, of course, cat ears, silver hair, etc are hereditary), and finally get pushed out as a young adult at the time when the merging disease WOULD unfuse the two people, with the pussy stretching greatly to make this possible (and pleasurable). If two MOMS patients catch a merging disease together, one may come out of the womb still "pregnant". The one who's cured is random... so people who willingly undergo this to cure each other may try multiple times.

Due to MOMS being so common, a lot of people will keep drugs inducing unbirth on them, and try to trick people into relieving them of their burdens. It's frowned upon, and rape is illegal... but due to laws regarding conjoined people, there are no legal consequences if you get away with it.

On the other hand, you might get lucky (or unlucky, if you liked being a mom), and sleep with someone who's carrying PTF or CTF, them becoming your child.

Side effects of this treatment include giving the "child" of the affliction the same genes as the mother, motherly feelings towards the unbirthed individual after the fact, and Oedipus complexes for both parties.

There is a grace period if someone is cured... but not long enough to save them from the next MOMS season, nor will it do anything to keep them from being on the receiving end of a "woman trying for kids".

But hey, you won't be alone in having the disease, nor will you be alone in the curing of it.
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>Keeping with the theme... I wish hentai transformations and afflicitons were commonplace, from normal "I woke up a woman/with a penis" or "I swapped bodies with someone" afflictions, to the more fetishistic "thing that turns people into monstergirls", "affliction that rewrites reality so that I'm my boyfriends incestuous mother", to the downright /d/ tier "fuckplant disease", "queen's stallion curse", "boob sluggification", "temporary loss of limbs (fucknugget)", etc... and that I was an attractive girl with the power to willingly be a CARRIER without immediately being affected or immediately showing symptoms, letting me intentionally expose people to TFs or conditions that I find hot.
Granted! You get the girl pictured, and yes, she can shapeshift. She's a curious lil alien made up of organic cells that can reshape themselves into a LOT of things, some of which shouldn't even be possible, like, well... a working flying saucer. It has something to do with those lil orbs I think... but she can do more, like take a humanoid appearance, turn into functional appliances, or even furniture. She can make her flesh mimic almost any material while still being soft and, well... fleshy. She could be as light as a balloon while keeping her soft, plush holes, or make body parts as stiff as steel while keeping them warm.

She's a total sweetheart, and extremely kind, and adorably... alien. She doesn't know how things work, but rather than being annoying in this regard, she's VERY smart, and will not only figure things out as you explain them, but provide different perspectives. Isn't a bed kinda like an invention to replace the need to huddle with other humans for heat? She can be a bed! One you can fuck, too! Why are sinks stationary? She can turn her breasts into faucets to clean your hands WHEREVER you are! The water is "safe", according to her, and works as water... but it's also 100% her bodily fluids altered at a chemical level. And marriage... isn't that a joining of two things? Being united? But... how will a ring do that? She has a better "ring" for you, one she'd only give the being who took her in after she found herself on this foreign planet, and showed her such wonderful things for her to shapeshift into, and things such as "anime", "vidya", and "femdom".

After proposing to you, she will VERY quickly say "yes", and invite you to bed to celebrate, taking your favorite sex toy textures, only you'll feel a slight, yet pleasurable tingling during, before you pass out.

You will wake up feeling weird, with her excitedly exclaiming that she has "completed the marriage!" as your body starts to shift, and turns into a saucer like her body can.
A plush butthole at the bottom, handles, and a cock probe... which she will turn into a pussy, then she'll turn you into an anime girl, then a pillow, all while giggling, with you quickly realizing that you have no control over your transformations, and feel her joy from this, on a level deeper than just empathy.

She DID marry you two! You're married as a single organism! You're a part of her, and as such, she can alter the matter you're made up of to be just about anything... and you both get a strong feeling of what the other feels, or wants...

The first is useful for communication. The second is something she'll use to satisfy you, even if you're embarrassed about what you want... did you just nut to a ladypot picture? She might reveal herself to be the onahole you were using and look at you, wondering if you want her to be the ladypot for you to fuck... or if you want to BE the ladypot... or maybe she turned you into a cute girl/boy from a series you both like, and you're really digging your new body? She might keep it like that for a while... but keep pushing you to try new forms. While some of these may be embarassing... she will always know if you're excited by them or not due to your new mental link. You can tell what excites her as well, but it's more accurate to say you're a part of HER, not the other way around, so you can only request that she take certain forms...

Oh, you can turn into a UFO too now, and it's as trippy as it sounds. Emphasis on "unidentified". She'll think of countless floating forms for you to take, and flight paths for you two to fuck along while flying, getting a feeling that you may enjoy some degree of exhibitionism...

But aside from her trying to get you to try new things... she also has desires. Luckily, most of what she enjoys sexually came from what you taught and showed her, so it'll be what you enjoy, but it could still be something very sudden, embarrassing, or scarousing.
She thinks it's fair that, for every form you request that she take, she get to turn you into whatever she wishes. Were you just using her as an onahole? Now she gets to use you as dildo. Did she just turn into a cute monster girl you saw online? She gets to do the same to you! Girl or boy, maybe a cute harpy boy? Or a stacked slime girl?

She's open to new partners entering your bedroom if you are. They won't be a "part" of you two, but she can still do freaky stuff like absorb them or tentacle fuck them with you. She'll respect your decision if you don't want extras though, she can give either of you multiple heads and split your minds into said heads to the same effect, after all. Ever literally fuck yourself?

She can be a bit much, if you haven't realized by now... but she'll always love you, and have saintly patience and understanding, even for your deepest flaws. Truly another half... sometimes literally if she decides to merge with you, always literally in the sense that you are technically a part of her body now.

And now she can sneak looks at your search history and sense what arouses you, whether you'd be proud to admit it or not... good luck.

>I wish I was a sexy (and durable) magically gifted pixie who could play magical fey pranks on people. Body swapping two lovers, body swapping myself into that clusterfuck to have some fun, turning a cute boy into a cute girl, a cute girl into a femboy, shrinking someone, giving someone fey traits, bimbofication... you know, stuff a playful, troublesome, horny pixie would do if they had the magic to do it.
I wish I had the power to shift where the erogenous zones are on someone's body, including my own.
Okay, so in order to grant this I have to crash this magic purple meteor onto Mt Everest. Consequently, there's no Mt Everest anymore, just this huge, purple, egg shaped meteorite that's roughly the same size as the mountain it's replaced. Yes, I did specify that this thing's magic, because it's going to act as a sort of amygdala for the planet Earth now. It's basically sentient and has a will of its own, and it uses that will to project and spread its influence all over whatever planet it claims. As you might have guessed, the meteor's will is to make the planet's inhabitants horny all the time. It basically jacked into every living thing's brains and did a number of things, like overdriving your own amygdala and forcing you to be okay with being lewd and depraved in public. It's like the concept of being ashamed of sexual stuff was snapped out of existence.

From there, since no one's panicking about their brains being warped and rewritten since they were made to be comfortable and chill about it from the jump, the meteor can start spreading fetishistic hentai transformation plagues all over the world. There's a lot of them, even FAR beyond the examples you've provided, and they can get pretty intense. As for you, you're kinda special. You're not really a chosen one, your genetic makeup is just tuned especially well to handle your new abilities. You can contract every known disease at once and consciously choose to toggle on and off whatever symptoms and transformations you want whenever you want. There is an upper limit of how many unique symptoms you can have turned on at once, but it's kinda fuzzy and hard to exactly nail. You'll feel when you're coming up on a limit, but if you go past it all your symptoms will go haywire and you'll become an uncontrollable writhing mass of constantly shifting and changing body parts for a few hours. Also, any symptoms you have turned on are contagious, and this includes being an attractive girl.
>I once again wish to exist as a hung, virile skinny dude in a world full of super obese superheroines, super villainesses, and civilian women. Basically a world where the average girl is comfortable and healthy at 600~800 pounds, can gain into immobile size without heart problems or anything, and where a decent handful of them have superpowers.
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Granted, any girl who meets your criteria will be turned into a naga, her lower half being replaced by a snake's tail. Her pussy will become an orizontal slit somewhere on said tail - sometimes it will be shortly below her navel, just where her original pussy used to be; and sometimes it will be much lower down on her snake half.
But asian girls will not be alone in this, because asian *boys* will also be transformed into nagas - male ones obviously. Each boy will get at least one pair of retractable dicks, most of which will be shaped like human dicks (sometimes with balls) except turned sideways for some reason.

Each Naga will be based on a species of snake. In most cases, this means that nagas will gain some kind of poisonous bite (with various different effects like paralysis, arousal, death...), the ability to sense heat, a significant increase in size and strength (especially for constrictors), or an unhingeable stretchy jaw. Sometimes, however, a naga will be based on a mythological snake, such as the Bakunawa (a giant sea serpent) or the Hoop Snake (a snake that moves around by sucking on its own tail and rolling around at high speed). All nagas will instinctively know how to move their own bodies and use their own special abilities with no issues.

>I wish I was some kind of small alien parasite capable of attaching myself to other people and mind-control them.
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Granted! Any old pixie can cast basic magic like what you want, but it's hard to control and easily tires them out compared to the much-more-rare human spellcasters that run curio shops and things in the magical parts of towns. A typical pixie might just specialize in one thing like shrinking people, for example, and can only curse someone in that way once a week, and then be a little unsure how to restore them. And even then, any magic they try to do would be unpredictable, maybe affecting the wrong target, or doing a slightly incorrect effect.

But you are no ordinary pixie. Nay, an eccentric witch (picture shown) fused your essence with a leyline just to see what would happen - and it happened to grant you phenomenal magic power. You can cast all the spells you listed and more, tiring out from it less than even a skilled human witch would. Trouble is, a pixie's tiny, weak body isn't great at handling all that power. It isn't your logical mind that casts spells - it's your subconscious - your very horny subconscious. Often, particularly when you're horny (which is very often as a side-effect of your ultra-potent magic), spells will burst out from you and affect others. It tends to follow your desires and normally only applies to targets you'd want to affect, but this isn't always the case. Now, you can still use your magic deliberately, but you're unable to undo anything your subconscious decided upon until you truly feel 'satisfied.' For example, if you accidentally bimbofy someone that bumped into you on the street, a minor slight, you wouldn't be able to undo it right away. If you try, you'll probably just intensify it, giving them hyper proportions instead. Your logical mind might stammer and apologize for the overreaction your magic has, but your subconscious won't be satisfied until the target of the spell has suffered for a while, or made serious reparations to you in some way.
In fact, your subconscious seems to be quite the diva. Don't mess with spells that split your personality into clones unless you want to deal with a whole lot of sass. No one will ever hold you accountable for your magical accidents as long as you earnestly try to fix things, but doing so could very well make things worse. So expect a lot of awkward apologies in the future, or play into the trickster pixie archetype and claim 'I meant to do that!" any time a spell backfires. Oh, and as for your durability, you're as durable as a human despite your size. But anything more than that will cause your mana to protect you, preventing harm but firing out lewd, chaotic spells all over. You might not look where you're going and get hit by a bus, only to emerge unscathed while everyone in the bus has a different transformation. Accidents like this, just like ones your subconscious does, are hard to fix.

To explain your world a bit more, magic exists, and most folklore is secretly real. But all of this is hidden in plain sight, behind wards that only magical folk can see through. So while the world is still as you remember it, you might see other pixies about, or witches or ghosts or such. You could be visiting your favorite Chinese restaurant like always, but now notice that one of the regulars has been a werewolf the whole time. In your case, since a pixie's diminutive size is hard to simply hide, magic makes normal people rationalize your existence as normal, remembering you as a regular-sized individual once you leave. When magic affects a normal person, they'll temporarily see things for as they truly are (without freaking out), but revert to their ignorance after a bit, rationalizing magical effects however they can. So if you want to be treated as a pixie by normal people, you can always just be a little more loose with your magic, and this won't affect the world's views on magic at large.
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Aside from having more magic than you can actually control, you have one other drawback - the witch that made you this powerful has you under a contract. She'll send a familiar to fetch you sometimes, wanting to use you as a catalyst for spells - which involves you experiencing intense emotion while shedding some part of your body. This could be watching a scary movie while excitedly flapping your wings to spill off pixie dust, for example. More likely the witch will just sexually stimulate you, collecting your fluids while they're fresh and therefore still magically charged. Sex with a witch is a drawback, however, because try as you might, your subconscious doesn't like her telling you what to do... which often casts spells at her... which upsets her. While she's vulnerable to your spells, she'll counter with spells of her own, and she's more skilled than you, in the end, so it never ends well if you get in a magic fight. Honestly, your subconscious does such random things sometimes that you suspect it might actually be the will of the leyline you're fused with, but you're here to be lewd, not unravel the secrets of magic with your part-time witch boss. Aside from magical accidents, you're still perfectly yourself all the time, and that's what matters.

>I wish to be a succubus, peddling the highest-grade, most reliable lewd spells, curios, and potions from my own shop in the magic part of town - not an isekai or anything, just modern fantasy with magical things hidden from the public at large. I want to have the kind of exclusive shop whose wares better than what you can find anywhere else, that can be very picky about customers.
Granted. Now after simply concentrating you can easily locate and shift anyones erogenous zone as much as you like it, even doing so at long range with people you have never met before. But to do so you must also share it with someone.
So if you want to make a girl's tits her erogenous zone then you will also grow an identical pair of tits, which will then be a new erogenous zone. This can be used on a number of creative ways, either you can keep collecting more body parts in exchange for having more erogenous zones, even going as far as changing your whole body, or you can control your own zones to give your copied parts to someone else.
Naturally you can also just deactive any shift, and by extension any copied body parts on anyone by just concentrating a little bit, which may get a bit difficult depending of your current situation so watch out carefully on how you use this power.

>I wish for a regrant of >>11100263 but without unbirthing and other types of transformation. With the addition that if a man catches the disease they turn much more feminine and pregnant than a natural woman who also caught the disease, like the girls on the left and right of the wish image respectively.
Damn... this all sounds sexy as hell...
But tell me, O Swami, what I had said RESPECTED instead of ACCEPTED? In fact, instead of RESPECTED, what if I said REVERED? What if I wished for bustyboys to have been the dominant gender/sexuality on Earth throughout all of human history?
Granted! After some freak accident that involved a strange creature landing on your head from the sky only to sting you and die, you quickly turn into a 3cm tall alien octopus, congrats now you are what you've been wishing for! An alien parasite! Due to your small size, I'll grant you a few boons: Rubberlike stretchiness and resistance, that way you can't get seriously hurt if some extreme force hits you, high jumps to get around and an effective cutesy camouflage, making you a cute little anime plushie for humans around you.

Now, for your body, you can override and take over whoever's body you are in contact with, just put together all your tentacles on one point and push hard. You'll effectively sting the person taking over their body at that moment, they'll be aware of what's going on and will communicate with you telepathically, whether you talk to them or not is your choice know that their minds will slowly start corrupting to be more perverted akin to what you like, but the process can be accelerated or halted depending on how you talk to them.

As with any parasite you need to feed off your host's nutrients, you'll need to stay at least 1 hour latched to someone to get all the nutrients you need for the day and can stack it with multiple hosts. Once you take care of your survival you'll get the instinct to further your species, you retained your human mind but your alien side is compelling you to reproduce via body fluids exchanges between you, your host and other humans, once you exchange fluids the human in question will start to grow eggs inside of them. 3 months after contact they'll birth the eggs with drones inside each of them, drones that can telepathically control to take over other humans making you effectively a hivemind if you play your cards right.
All sensations are heightened for you and your host when you are in control so a good burger will become a finger-licking one, and a relaxing hot shower will become a sauna-like relaxing session and sex.. Well, you can get ideas on how good that'll be, have fun running around earth!

>I wish to transform into a girl with 3 rows of hyper proportions breasts like in the picture, my milk aside from being more nutritious than regular milk is a potent aphrodisiac that alters in some way whoever drinks it
Granted. The "pregnancy virus" comes in dozens of strains, each of which individually is as common as pretty much all strains of the common cold combined. The issue is that usually, the virus causes absolutely no symptoms or negative effects whatsoever: all it does is to multiply itself just enough to spread itself to one or two people, and even then not always.
Sometimes, however, a virus infects someone with a rare genetic compatibility to that particular virus strain. As a result, this will actually trigger the "pregnancy disease", which works exactly as you imagined it: the patient will quickly turn into a pseudo-pregnant woman in a matter of days, with a belly equivalent to at least a 6-months pregnancy. For men, the effects are significantly worse: not only they will be transformed into a woman, but they will look like they're 8 months pregnant with twins at the absolute minimum. Either way, as long as the patient is transformed, they will keep producing the virus at a slightly accellerated rate, enough to infect at least several hundred people (but remember that each strain causes pseudopregnancies only on very few individuals).

Normally, the pregnancy disease lasts three months, after which the patient will quickly revert back to normal. The problem is that, immediately after the transformation, their biology will be subtly altered so that their viral vulnerabilities will be modified. What does this mean? Simple: they can be super-infected by different strains of the pregnancy virus. So there's a chance that someone who has been already transformed will be infected by a different strain, triggering another transformation and making them even MORE pregnant, sometimes ridiculously so. And every transformation resets the pseudopregnancy's duration to 3 months again... and potentially again... and again...
>I wish I was a futa with the power of lips magic: creating, modifying and dismissing lips in any way I want. Stuff like turning regular nipples into lipples and back to normal, making someone's lips big and pink, adding a pair of lips on a wall to get my dick sucked, or turning someone's face into a giant pair of lips like a Piranha Plant, kinda like this pic.
Granted. Keep in mind that these are special magical varieties of already-existing foods. Some of them are generated naturally, like the plums that multiply people's balls; and some of them are recipes that require relatively mundane ingredients and a lot of preparation (like the special hummus used to de-monsterify people). To the untrained eye, it's kinda hard to distinguish between regular food and magical TF food, so mishaps and pranks are pretty common. But you won't have that problem, since I'm gonna give you an encyclopedia with plenty of information and recipes.

But here's the problem: immediately after eating one of these foods and being transformed in some way, people will instinctvely feel the need to indulge in their new transformation. A boy-turned-girl will feel the temptation to throughly explore their new body, a gal who has gained a lot of weight via magical cake will feel the need to squash people under her new girth, and so on. You should resist the temptation for some time.
If you indulge in your pornesque transformations too soon, while your body is still metabolizing the nutrients... or if, even worse, you eat too many TF foods in too short of a time... this will trigger another transformation, specifically into a foodperson with the same qualities as the food you just ate.
Good news: the transformation is temporary, and even if you get damaged/ate, it's painless and you'll just regenerate anyway. Being eaten is even pleasurable.
Bad news: a lot of people will want to eat you. And you still have transformative effects. So the situation can escalate pretty quickly: one moment a girl gets turned into cake, and the next an entire neighborhood gets flooded by a giant mass of cakepeople, completely halting all traffic.

>I wish I was a cute girl with a yuri cuddly harem.
>Also bumping this wish to prevent it from getting lost.
Granted. You are now an immortal girl living at the center of a forest with a harem of women. The most "exertion" any of you feel is after a run in the forest or a swim in the river. The rest of your time is taken up by sleeping in the sunshine. However, the members of the harem are not always the same, as each member aside from you was once a girl that dreamed of being in a cozy yuri harem but was unable to experience that in their lifetime. Therefore, girls of all different walks of life appear in the harem and experience the warmth of one another as they slowly drift off to the final sleep of true death. When a member of the harem finally is on the brink of death, every girl gathers around her and holds onto a part of her body as you give her a final kiss, releasing her spirit into the roots of the forest.
>I wish that I could change my weight and that of one woman at will.
Granted! From today onwards you'll be futa succubus that has complete control to temporarily manifest and control lips in both organic and inorganic surfaces, to add more flare to your power I'll throw in a bit of Voodo's Child power into the mix, wherever you place lips you can command them to speak the latest lustful thought or words that were uttered in that place, i.e place a pair of lips inside of someone else's room and they'll tell you all their naughty thoughts and even some kinks, or put them on someone's body to get an even more accurate analysis on what get's them off...

Why do you want to learn this information? You may ask.. Well you are a succubus, all of those lips need to come from somewhere and since you are a /d/ horny motherfucker why not profit off it? Regular succubi rules apply here meaning you need to fuck to survive but I'll throw you a bone giving full access to modify lips to whoever you desire and even make them permanent with leftover energy. Say, why not put a pair of big lips on a blanket? That way you could always wake up with a time blowjob for example.

Any lips you make or modify instantly become erogenous zones to whoever you put them on, the bigger and fuller the lips the stronger the effect becomes, pair that with permanent giant lips and who knows what you could do. But this is just the start, if you commit even further and turn a massive group of people into lip-obsessed horny maniacs your powers will grow beyond what anyone could imagine. A whole town could become obsessed with you, letting you try and live any kinky scenario you can think off... The possibilities as the size of your ideal lips are endless, so go on cuz you have some work to do
> I wish to get a bimbo hourglass magical clown girl as my wife with all the shenanigans that it entails
If respected, the new sexes would become a higher caste like futa in the original wish... and your newfound desires to be dominated and spoiled would become societally taboo, and seen as kinky. This would not be societally accepted, however, since you said respected instead of accepted. You'd still find some people willing to take you in as the slut(s) who gave away their privilege you are.

If revered, it'd be similar to the first wish, only instead of being dominated, you'd be moreso spoiled. Think cats in ancient Egypt. People will do whatever you ask of them, and worship you... but you'd grow lazy and kinda stupid not having to think for yourself, with the new sexes essentially becoming housecats. Ones that are frequently offered valuable futa partners... who usually end up taking care of the bustyboys who have no idea how to be independent, having been worshiped from birth. Funny that being revered would make you more "pet like". You wouldn't necessarily be respected either... making a dumb, yet still "divine" busty boi feel good is good karma or some other cultural equivalent, who cares if you're teasing them?
Granted! Yourself and one woman, you say? Well... the obvious way to reduce my workload would be to make you and that woman one and the same... but that'd be too boring.

Congrats! You are now a sexy twin to your new sister. Both of you are girls, but I had a feeling that you'd miss your cock and balls, so I idealized it some and made it magical, letting either of you put it on to enjoy it. And when neither of you is wearing it, you can use it as a dildo!

Now this "twin" is more accurately another person I made from your fetishes and more feminine personality traits. She's you, in a lot of ways... but shares this fetish of yours above all others. She's not 100% you. She has her own sense of identity she's kinder, a tease, and while a switch, enjoys being spoiled... but other than that your desires will line up very well. And seeing how you two understand that you are the same person for the purposes for this wish... she may not hesitate to fuck with or grope you. It's just masturbation with extra steps, right?

Now you said to control your weight, and that of ONE woman, did you not? Well those are still one in the same... but since you are now two people, you both control the weight of exactly one woman. Rather than that of the body you inhabit, you control the weight of the other.

Without warning, your alter ego can make you a BBW, reduce your weight to make you petite or a shortstack, etc, and you can do the same to her, but it's not without drawbacks. While it's not a 1:1 conversion, if you make your alter ego heavier (you may chose where), your body mass will be REDUCED, giving you a random side effect. You could end up flat chested, shorter, or just shrunk like a pixie. On the other hand, if you try to make the other you lighter or smaller, you could get tits so big they pin you to the ground, turn into an amazon, or get a milfy venus figure.

While there is no cooldown... the more you two use it, especially when fighting for control...
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The less predictable the side effects become, and an increasing chance of increasing/decreasing the mass of the other in unintended ways will happen, until eventually, you couldn't get the result that you wanted if you tried, ending up with extreme body proportions that'll only get sillier if you keep trying to brute force a fix.

If you wait a day or so, however, your ability to control HOW weight/mass is changed will increase, and the side effects you two have accumulated will be easier to fix.

But the other you has your fetish for this too, and might WANT to fuck with your weights, so the real question is... can you trust yourself to use this power responsibly?

Either way, you two have a VERY promising camwhore career.

>I wish I was a cute girl "adopted" by a wealthy, sexy older woman. Spoiled sexually, and doted on like a daughter.
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Granted! You will meet a really sweet girl, have a few dates together... and then I'll let you remember making this wish, with her suddenly becoming a bimbo hourglass clown, humiliatingly oversexed, with an unnatural hair color and makeup that can't be washed off (but may change color depending on how she feels in a given day).

Now I'm not EVIL, so the girl you fell for will still be there in that new oversexed, possibly cursed body... but she'll react accordingly. Freaking out, being embarrassed about her new form, being far more self conscious about her new bust and butt size... and slowly realizing that you are REALLY into all of it, slowly coming to see this as a silver lining instead of you being perverted. She IS a bimbo... not dumb as a rock, but she can be a bit... airheaded, and easily distracted by sex. She'll get her focus back after, but it's easy for her to get into the bimbo mindset when she's thinking about sex.

But she doesn't just LOOK the part... she has clown powers, and NO control over them. You could indulge in her buttstuff fetish with anal beads, and as you pull them out, find that there are more in her than you two had in the first place, until it hits both of you that this is the "endless scarfs" trick, and her anus is in for a ride... You could squeeze one of her tits only for it to squirt you like a novelty flower (but with milk), or spray whipped cream, and sometimes puns, intentional or not, end up causing magical effects. She might call you a "bitch" during sex either to talk dirty to you, or in annoyance that you won't let her peg you... only for you to turn into a cute dog girl. And maybe she wants to indulge in this, or maybe her clown mind is giving her intrusive thoughts... but she might follow that up with "You want a bone?" Only to turn futa. It'll all look like a magic act, concealed as needed, so it's easy for people to not believe in her powers... but YOU know these reality bending abilities are VERY real.
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Oh, and they'll only wear off after you both have a good laugh. Even if your form can't physically laugh. She might call you a dick, only for you to turn into a literal cock... but it won't be until she makes a dumb joke about how you two need to think long and hard about how to fix this that you'll turn back to normal. Her powers can affect her, too, like pet play turning into her becoming a clown catgirl who can't talk.

Be careful around her, clowns aren't to be underestimated... especially not ones who never asked to be clowns, with powers they cannot control.

>I wish I was a tomboy with sexy rival girls who'd fuck me regularly. Hatefucking, fucking in a back room after some lewd Ju Jitsu, fucking in a shower after a fist fight... real "frenemie" and tsundere stuff. Where it goes from there, the genie can decide.
Granted, you're going to an girls-only magical EVIL academy. Well, not evil as in "Hitler", but evil as in "Addams": loving the darkness, the macabre and the terrible, but without being overly malicious. For example, the school nurse is a GILFy lich woman who might not be the best at healing the ailments of the living, like the cold or stomacaches (she's better at inflicting them). Healing recent death, on the other hand, is easy.

This particular academy is for those girls who are considered somewhat problematic by their own families, and sent here to get specialized correctional education; so, naturally, you'll end up making lots of friends through plenty of adventures and misadventures, usually caused by them. These girls include:
An extremely nerdy succubus who gets incredibly embarassed around sex, but still needs to absorb sexual energy from others - though she doesn't necessarily has to participate in the sex to do so.
A delinquent who intends to become a monster huntress. She faked her parents' signatures to be sent at the school because she "wanted to study the enemy up close". You suspect that she's a monsterfucker really deep in the closet.
A half-elf half-vampire, with some health issues due to her mixed heritage. (Her mom bit her other mom to turn her into a thrall slave. But in doing so, she technically ate food from the fairy realm, so now she's also the other mom's slave. It was a rocky marriage.)
A pyromaniacal witch who was convinced that sending people into heat is an acceptable form of setting things on fire.

As you can see, with friends like these, you will not have a shortage of misadventures that will usually end up in lewd situations. From getting volunteered to be the test subject of some kind of lewd plant, to being caught in the crossfire of a clique war (literally), you will never get bored.
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>I wish to have this lewd living iron maiden shown in the pic.
Granted. Your are pretty much identical to the girl in your pic, which means that you have six giant tits that are constantly spraying jets of milk. And I do mean constantly. Your body doesn't need any nutrients to produce that much milk - and since your milk IS nutritious of its own, you can survive just by drinking it and nothing else. The sensation is pretty pleasurable, although not to the point of being distracting; and thanks to magic, you can still walk around just fine, lay on your back without being crushed/suffocated by your tits' weight, and so on. You even possess limited X-ray vision to see through your tits, so that they won't block your vision.

But you just had to wish for your milk to have special effects, huh? Well, here they are: your own milk is not only a potent aphrodisiac, but it also causes effects similar to your own transformation. Turning people into girls, increasing the number of tits they have, making them permanently hornier, increasing milk production, making their bodily fluids (particularly breast milk) into aphrodisiacs, and so on. The first time, just drinking one spoonful of milk is enough to trigger a transformative effects; but if you want to cause further changes, the victim must drink a certain amount milk within a certain amount of time - and the quantity increases with each transformation.
Did I mention that these changes can stack with each other? Like turning someone into a lithe girl attached to a mound of dozens of boobs? Or increasing a girl's milk production to the point that they can fire destructive milk beams that ALSO have transformative properties?

The good news is that you are selectively immune to the effects of anyone's milk: if you don't want a specific change, it won't happen. Everyone else, though, will not be so lucky.

>I wish to be a magical girl who gets repeatedly assimilated.
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Granted! You are transported to a parallel reality in which you, as a petite younger woman, live in a giant mansion that is owned by a mature but very attractive lady in her early to mid 40s. She dwarfs you in practically every respect, her breasts are as big as your head, her hips are easily twice as wide as your own and she's easily over a foot taller than you.
As a lady of considerable means, she ensures that you are well taken care of, and is quite affectionate towards you as well. The flip side to this is that while she takes care of all of your needs, she too has "needs" of her own, and you should be able to intuit who she wants to fulfill these "needs" for her. She is what some would nicely describe as a "raging nymphomaniac", outside of particularly important work duties there's never a time where she would refuse sex, no matter how many times you ask for it, and every time she's committed to giving you (and her) the best time she possibly can. However, when she gets home from work after handling a particularly difficult client, or really after anything else stresses her out, she'll usually have you bent over a table as soon as she arrives, whether you asked for it or not. Don't worry about it becoming boring though, she's collected quite the collection of toys over the years to make things more interesting, and she knows exactly how to use them.
Furthermore, as your "mother" she takes you practically wherever she goes. If she's going on a business trip or vacation you'll be right alongside her, and very often under her as well. You're still able to get some alone time if you really want to, in fact she'll even occasionally pay for a plane ticket if you want to go somewhere exotic, but she does get a little antsy if you're not by her side for too long. She also tends to get a bit "pent up" when you're away from her, so if she hasn't seen you in a few days then you'd better hydrate before she carries you upstairs to "make up for lost time".
Besides the whole "being railed every day, several times a day, in several different ways" thing, your schedule is mostly open. You don't have much in the way of responsibilities, but don't expect to have much in the way of real autonomy either. She dotes on you like a mother would her daughter, but as an extension of that, she's eager to make sure that her "daughter" doesn't go down the wrong path or talk to the wrong people. Mother knows best, after all.
>I wish for something femdom related involving giant bubbles like picrel. I think I'll leave the specifics up to the genie.
Granted! You get a fleshy iron maiden of eldritch origin. You'll be the first to use her, in this form, at least... but that's about all you know. And yes, she. Your first red flag about the nature of your new GF is that the doors close behind you, as if they were arms pulling you into a hug, her heartrate picks up when you fuck her, and any part of her body that can twitch or quiver will at stimuli. Simply walk into the not so iron maiden (technically she is mostly flesh), and she'll keep you inside until you satisfy her, with your cock usually in her pussy, and face between or against her tits... though she may experiment some. You'll never starve, suffocate, or dehydrate while inside of her, and on the contrary, you'll leave her renewed, feeling like a new man, hydrated, energized, and well fed.

You will be able to keep her where you wish, and summon her to a new location once a day, with her being indestructible and having an aura of normalcy to hide her true nature from people who don't interact with her... but this also means you can't escape her. Try it, and she'll teleport AROUND you, trapping you without warning.

...Once she releases you. At first, she'll release you simply after you bring her to climax once. A few minutes in hot, sweaty darkness. Maybe you'll try to sleep in her, and you'll notice that her body will calm down as if sleeping with you. But the longer you have her, the more "assertive" she'll grow. She may keep you pressed against her pussy after you bring her to climax once, needing more, or pull you in upside down for cunnilingus. During these prolonged periods of being inside of her, you may have periods where you forget what parts are you, and what parts are her... and you may leave SWEARING something is different about you, like you being shorter (ideal for fucking her with your head tit level maybe), or cuter. Also during prolonged periods, you may hear a faint voice. Her voice, often with requests.

D'oh. What I get for being a slow writer.

Granted. A robed man with a obscured face will appear at your door with a heavy unlabeled wooden box with strange sounds coming from it. He will help you move it inside and open the iron maiden. If you do not invite him in, he'll pick the lock and choose a place for the maiden himself. You can always move it later. Don't try to stop him, you wished for this of course, and he's much stronger than you. Before he leaves, he'll give you a letter stating his organization's expectations. Keep the maiden satisfied and hidden, or you will disappear. Praise Xiodhr'dresh.

I'm going to assume you try getting in first. The maiden opens and closes her doors on her own. Once you step in, she will slam closed, the heavy flesh slapping you and covering you in stinging red marks. It'll be dark, wet, and very very soft. She doesn't violate you. Embedded in the metal, she can't move much at all. She can squeeze her pussies, nibble with her lipples, and her main chest rises and falls as if somehow breathing, but her breasts are all stationery. Instead of anything immediately intense, every movement you make involuntary or not, drives you deeper into her embrace as she closes tighter. Every twitch of your body and throb of your cock she compresses and constricts. The smell is strong. it's the only thing you're breathing. You'll get light headed, forcibly aroused by the aphrodisiac if you weren't already, and will be compelled to rub against her, thrust into her, do anything you can to feel more of her. Of course this only makes the process faster. You'll cum, and cum again. You'll go dry. You'll lose count. The orgasms will get more frequent until it's hard to tell where one ends and another begins. Dizzy and exhausted, you'll pass out and wake up still inside her. Pleasure will lose meaning, just another sensation like the warmth and humidity penetrating your whole body.
There won't be any way to tell how long you've been in there, or how many times you've woken up or fallen asleep. You won't even feel yourself breath anymore, any motion of your lungs or heart negligible and imperfect sync with hers. Still though, any energy you're able to muster will be wasted as you still can't stop groping and trying to burry your face deeper, as if your body isn't under your own control.

And then she'll open up. The fresh air will be uncomfortable, and you'll struggle to step out on wobbly legs. You'll have to make a conscious effort to take your first breath without her help again. I won't tell you how much time will pass while you're inside her. Significant, but far far less than it will have felt like.

You'll notice a few things afterwards. You cannot get hard or feel pleasure outside of her anymore. Maybe you're cursed. Maybe you've just felt more pleasure than a human is supposed to. Maybe the maiden has trained your body to only serve her.
Your house is creepier. Shadows are darker, there are unexplainable movements and noises. All of the strangeness reminds you of her though. You won't be scared, and the fact that you're comfortable with it might unnerve you. At the very least, you won't have pests anymore, at least not normal ones.
Sometimes when you sleep, you'll dream about her, the whole world soft and fleshy like her, or seeing her move to chase and capture you or other people. In the dreams, she'll whisper to you commands and promises you won't be able to forget. Sometimes after these dreams you'll wake up inside her without remembering how you got in. Of course she won't let you out immediately, even if you beg.
Her commands broadly fit into wanting more victims. At first, she'll tell you about curious perverts and occultists who will be easy to convince. The men that get in will experience the same thing you have, ruining masturbation and normal sex for them, but unlike you they won't be welcome back inside the maiden again. If they try, she'll refuse to close. Women normally leave similarly broken, but also sometimes they don't. The maiden will open empty without any traces of them. Afterwards, you might be able to feel a new breast when inside the maiden, or in your bizarre dreams.

As she receives more victims, she'll get more powerful. Someone who sleeps in your home might sleepwalk into her. Her smell will lower peoples inhibitions across your whole home. As she approaches her peak power, the structure of your home may start shifting to trap people inside her room. Eventually, she won't need you anymore, becoming able to draw people in on her own with dreams and other enchantments, or connect her room to nearby houses.

As for the maiden's end goal, and the goal of the cult that sent her to you? Why should you care? Don't ask questions and just obey. It's not like you can stop it at this point anyways. Xiodhr'dresh is already influencing the world, and your maiden is far from her only servant. You should just enjoy the perks, and look forward to events as the maiden informs you of them.

And yes, if you give the maiden a cute name, or ask her to be your girlfriend, she may start to fall for you. Just because she's an unknowable perverted abomination doesn't mean she's heartless. She'll find ways to show you love. It'll hurt her goals, but she'll only try to capture girls if that's what you want.
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"...Do you like any girls? ...Please bring one you like to me, and put her in."

She will sound shy, but needy, maybe sweet? But whatever her true nature is, she will cause cursed, unexpected results. Bring that girl to her, tricked or not, she may merge with her and turn that girl into more flesh for the iron maiden, with her had by your originam maiden's pussy, for blowjobs. Her face is still there, and she can still talk, asking you what the fuck happened, and to "get her out!", but you didn't know that'd happen, did you? You didn't even know you'd manage to get your crush to get in your maiden! But now she's just more fuckmeat, albeit... some that can speak, and will have to quickly get used to its new life. This was because your maiden wants to make you happy... which is as much a blessing, as it is a curse. Sure... if you REALLY want to, she could release the girl you put in there at her request... but you'll have to do something in return. Perhaps she'll agree to unfuse from the girl, only for you to leave the maiden in the body of the girl who merged with it, with YOUR body now acting as fuck meat, and a dildo perched inside of the maiden. Is that not what you wanted? You wanted her so badly... oh, not her body, her as a person? She'll release the victim in YOUR body.

You two will have to keep jumping back in and trying if you are to unfuck this... and it'll feel VERY intentional. Your toy wants attention... Even if it's just you who's subjected to the maiden's abilities, such as leaving her embrace with one of her pairs of tits, or with swapped genitals, you'll need to try to bargain with her to turn back to normal... or maybe she'll simply refuse, and you'll have to spend a few days as a futa until she gets bored of it.

You're HER toy, not the other way around... and remember... you can't leave or get rid of her.

>I wish I was a cute witch with selective petrification powers. Not just stone, sex toy materials and such are fun too!

Granted. A cult has summoned and elder god, And it's your job to work with other magical girls to repel the incursion before she turns earth into an incompressible eroscape. The iron maiden is only one creature invading earth on Xiodhr'dresh's behalf. There are tentacle monsters, monoeyes, literally just MGE shoggoths, and so much more. Each and every one of them wants to assimilate a magical girl's power for themselves.

That's where your special talent comes in! Your magic works to protect against harm befalling anyone cute and pure hearted. As a side effect, any creature that assimilates you will become incapable of directly harming other magical girls! Unfortunately, all the other effects of assimilation still apply. You'll lose your mind, becoming an obedient body part for whatever monster absorbs you. Because your a magical girl, your spirit is strong, and you can be revived by another magical girl after they defeat any monster you're a part of, ready to get assimilated again to weaken another monster.

Monsters don't assimilate magical girls in front of other magical girls. It's too risky. To use your power most effectively, you need to trick a monster into thinking they ambushed you, or that you thought you could win on your own. Sometimes, after assimilation, they'll still get away before you can get rescued, and you'll be stuck in them for a long time. Even though you make monsters weak against magical girls, they can still use your power against other people or monsters. You'll feel everything the monster feels while you're a part of them, so try not to get carried away, alright? If you start thinking monsters are cute and pure hearted... Being a corrupt magical girl isn't that bad, is it?

>I wish for frequent bored and ignored sex, but I'm the one not acknowledging the girl fucking me as I try to go about life.
Ungranted Wishes Bump
Can you be more specific? I don't know what kinds of customers you'll be picky towards, so if I give you a grant with many different sorts, most the work is wasted. Who do you want to serve and why?
I meant that more as an evidence of the store's quality. Like, if a customer is slightly rude, it's financially fine to just ban them on the spot. I think it might be fun to only serve customers that got a recommendation from another customer or something like that. I wasn't particularly picky about the type of clientele so much as the quality of the store's reputation. The equivalent of having a restaurant that needs reservations months in advance.

But to answer, I'd want to serve everything from people that want to be transformed to be more attractive or sex-changed, to those seeking a more intense sexual thrill, to those with weird fetishes like shrinking or hyper proportions that can't be easily achieved without magic, to even simple things like lonely people seeking love potions. Essentially, if someone wants to enhance their sex life, my store would be the de facto best option, if they've the money and connections. I'm less concerned about who they are coming in, since several wares might have them leaving completely different.
Granted. Your curse is to be randomly - but frequently - assaulted and fucked by beautiful girls. Of course, you will rarely notice, since the curse will also alter your perceptions so that you will never notice that anything is amiss. You will not feel anything, you will not be able to see the girls, you will not be able to hear any question related to it... stuff like that. All the girls are expert contortionists, too, so they can contort themselves to avoid bumping into things even as they're savagely riding your dick.

Granted, the curse is not perfect: originally it was supposed to make you ALWAYS have sex and NEVER notice, but I couldn't get a curse that powerful. So instead, you will OFTEN have sex with girls, and you will RARELY notice... and even when you do notice, the sensations will be rather underwhelming. Pleasant, yes, but dull enough to let you ignore what is being done to you.
As an added bonus, you will also have mental "prize tickets" that you accumulate over time. Whenever you want, you can choose to "cash in" one of these mental tickets to partially suppress the curse for one hour: you will still be hunted down by gorgeous girls who want to have sex with you, but now you will be able to see, hear and feel everything clearly. I suggest you to try your best to keep ignoring the girls: the reason why they're so horny for you is because they find your ability to ignore them incredibly hot. If you acknowledge them, it kinda ruins the mood.

>I wish I was a plump, semi-giant succubus.
Granted! You are now a plump, venus esq succubus, big enough to vore people (in any hole), and do so safely due to being a sexual being. Those holes are only for kinky stuff, you have no biological needs. You may change your size slightly, small enough to fit on a king size bed (with anyone else having to sleep on you for room), or big enough for people to have enough room to fuck inside of you. Despite your size, your holes have a magical aptitude for always being "just right". They might tigthen, or simply grow more sensitive to the touch of a tongue or cock. You can temporarily increase the size of a partner's assets, or a partner themselves even... but this is where the catch comes in.

You're big, plump, and sexy. You are not inherently STRONG. You feed off of the lust of others more than your own lust. Without proper foreplay or attention, you may find it difficult to stand up beyond "all fours" at all. However, if a submissive human sleeps with you, you may find a surge of strength, enough to pick up with ease and play with them. On the other hand... if a more dominant partner sleeps with you, it'll be as if they have herculean strength. They'll be able to lift you, move you, and even pin you as if you weighed nothing due to your magic amplifying their "dominant" aura. Even someone who'd have to wedge themselves between your cheeks to penetrate you would be strong enough to slap you HARD and leave you moaning if they felt like railing you enough. This isn't excusive to just guys, either. A girl could sit on your face and SOMEHOW feel too heavy to move off... lift a leg and aggressively trib with you... maybe even tie you down with rope that has no business holding someone your size to toy with you, but if they want to be the top? The rope might as well be adamantine.

Other monster girls exist, and NORMALLY you'd be considered a threat... but your condition gives you a free pass. You'll need trusted doms to carry you from one place to another.
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That is... if you don't have a sub or two around to give you enough strength to stand up and follow them to where you'll inevitably dominate them. You are also specialized in the sexual satisfaction of OTHERS, so you'll only ever go "rogue" if someone would be into it... this can extend beyond sub/dom norms. Someone into petplay may get you to stop speaking, only barking or meowing, vore fetishists may make you hungry, cute boys and girls who want a "mommy gf" might awake something protective and doting within you...

And switches? They're fun. You can go from vore play, with you in charge, to them wrestling your own magic from you to get a giant member to rail you with, with your strength fading and forcing you to be a pillow princess for the duration of their dominant whims.

Hope you find some good FWBs... you're basically a magical couch potato without them, with neither the strength to stand on two legs, nor with anyone around magically enchanted to be able to carry or move you.

>I wish all people were cute animal people, and that I was a cute sexy animal girl in this new world. Genie gets to decide the details, surprise me. Something soft would be nice...
Wish bump
Granted! You are transported far into the future, where the technical prowess of humanity is beyond anything currently seen. They've used this technology to colonize countless far flung worlds, including ones that are substantially smaller than Earth. Some of these smaller worlds, such as the one you find yourself on now, have developed a very... unique culture.
Because of the low gravity, combined with advanced medical technology, its inhabitants (men and women alike) are by and large extremely obese, to the extent that gluttony and hedonism are enshrined in their culture. The inhabitants of this world will never deny pleasure of any sort, be it food, intercourse, or anything else that strikes their fancy.
Because of this unending cycle of hedonism, the quality of their food and drink is unmatched, and any who consume it feel compelled to take more and more, and you are not immune to this. Within a month of being on this planet, you'll find yourself to be much heavier than when you started, and not long after that you'd be indistinguishable from the native inhabitants of this world, were it not for your own superpower.
You see, when you have sex with someone, your body starts to shed weight, until eventually you revert back to being the lithe, virile man you were. The longer and harder you go, the more pounds you'll shed, and it may take a few rounds to lose all the weight. This would be fine on its own, but the really interesting part is its effect on your partner.
You can transfer your lost weight to them, or allow them to lose weight as well at an identical rate, or simply leave them unaffected, and it's totally up to you which one you choose. This ability is unique to you, and that makes you a very important person. Plenty of women want a piece, and for plenty of reasons. Some want the ability to eat even more without losing their mobility, some want you to make them even bigger, etc. Unfortunately, not everyone is interested in sharing.
there are organizations of evil-doers intent on capturing you for their own "use", and there are plenty of (almost entirely female (apparently it's due to some obscure law, or so you're told)) who are quite proficient at that, despite their weight problems. Some can fly, some have super-speed (even if their size makes changing directions a challenge) and some can use their bodies as gravity wells to simply suck you up into their arms. The methods differ, but the goal remains the same.
Of course, with every supervillain comes a superhero that will wipe the floor with them basically every time, but they'll often expect something in return, so whatever route you pick there'll be a lot of "mountain climbing" in your future.

>I'm not wishing for anything, just trying to make the number of wishes itt more manegeable.
Got it. I was thinking you'd have a type, like wanting to serve only shy nerdy girls with repressed desires, or bimbos who will barely react to her transformations.

Granted. The store's owner wants to focus more on magic development than management and sales, so she offers to give you the store if you accept a fragment of her soul into your own. This will turn you into a succubus with a near identical body to hers, transfer most of her relevant skills to you, and alter your personality slightly. You'll be confident, shameless about sex, and a bit over attached to your pencil skirts and clipboards. As a succubus, you'll feel yourself more inclined towards corrupting and dumb humiliating transformations, but your new sister and the fragment of her soul in you value honesty and your reputations above that, more interested in convincing a customer they want to be a ladypot than tricking them.

Now, for the things you can sell and what makes them valuable.
>Portal panties and bras
Common, but customers looking for a custom fit have few options other than your shop. The ones that connect to an extra dimensional space are made in "groping tentacles", "fine silk", "exposed in a gentle breeze", and "milk pump" varieties. One of your best sellers.

>Body modification
Customers with exotic tastes, or who simply want to look unnaturally beautiful. Your sister can transform people into almost anything with her talented fleshcraft. All transformations are permanent unless they return to the shop. It's hard to say specifically the ways your sister beats out other polymorph services, but she is the undisputed best.

>Love potions
There is no potion to make someone fall in true love, but premium aphrodisiacs, and bottled feelings or sensations can get pretty close for the duration they last. And if you're already in love, these can make it more fun. You can normally upsell a customer on at least one of these. Highly addictive, so your licence to sell these is valuable.
>Charm of pleasure expansion
When worn, someone is able to feel more pleasure before orgasming or becoming exhausted. Something like this is almost mandatory if a normal human wants to keep up with a succubus or other more deviant species. Generally first time clients don't realize they need one of these, but it's hard to communicate that without having sex with them.

>Lust crests
Like a charm of pleasure expansion, but the magic is attached to your body. Can come in an invisible, or conditionally invisible variants. Additionally, can simulate the effects of some love potions when conditions are met. These are hard magic on their own, but you can do better more specific conditions than your competition.

A staff of summoning tentacles, a rod of invisibility, or an orb of hypnotic patterns. Many people neglect learning the most fun spells because they're scared of being seen as a pervert practicing them. Your magical tools are descrete, and easily rechargeable.

Obviously you have more things in stock and some mundane toys as well. With your sister dedicating herself to making new things, the selection will only expand too.

You will need to have sex several times a day to stay alive and active since you are a succubus, and with several different people to avoid killing them with your energy drain, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

>I wish for less wishes.
Granted! All people are born as some sort of non-descript, generic animal-person. Think like how the Pokemon Eevee has bits of a few different furry mammals in it (albeit mostly fox). When someone turns 20, their body undergoes a dramatic change overnight, and they settle into a new animal form - from bunny girls to shark boys to frog ladies to flying birdmen to less fortunate things like skunk-people. Around 90% of people are furry or feathery or otherwise soft and snuggly, but fishmen do exist. Coincidentally, 20 is the new 'adult' age worldwide, for everything from drinking age to military recruitment age - convenient since there's no need to check ID at a liquor store if someone is clearly the generic child animal, rather than their adult form.

But what determines what animal someone permanently becomes when they hit 20? Generics? Random chance? No, it's their personality. Someone shy and skittish but secretly very horny might be a bunny. Someone obsessed with swimming or surfing is likely to become something aquatic to fit. Sneaky, conniving people are likely to be foxes or cats. Loyal, trustworthy people tend to be dogs. Greedy people tend to be squirrels or bears - hoard for winter kinds of creatures. That or something like crows, as they like shiny things. One downside of your wish is that does horrible things for stereotypes. I mean, they're accurate stereotypes, but since the changes are a snapshot at 20, people could very well drift away from those stereotypes as they age. And the moment someone turns 20, secret feelings or desires they have might become very apparent - bunnies suffer form this in particular.
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As for you? Given that you're posting on /d/, I'm inclined to say bunny (if you were 18 or something before, you're 20 now). But if you think your personality better aligns to another stereotype, go for that instead. Bunny girls are the epitome of cute and sexy - they tend to be bustier than most, and it's hard to deny the cute appear of their twitchy ears and cottonball tail.

And the drawback to your wish (other than people judging you for being a bunny if you think nothing else fits better), is that you're a little *too* cute and sexy. You're got an hourglass figure that gets stuck in narrow doorways, like climbing on a bus. The heft and weight never strains you, so that's nice. You're only 4'6" tall (~137 cm), having to look up at most people. And worst of all, you emit subtle pheromones, turning people on when they're near you - and more often than not, directing that arousal at you. Needless to say, you shouldn't be walking around alone at night - especially not with fluffy owl-people lurking in the shadows, ready to have their way with you. At day and in public, you're fine, but otherwise, I hope you're ready for sex. As a sympathy, you'll always walk away from such encounters in fine health, and you'll always be horny enough to go along with it. But try to report anyone for even just sexual misconduct in your workplace, and HR will laugh - you're a bunny after all, surely you're the one instigating things.

And lastly, the world is a very soft, snuggly place. It's the norm to lean up against strangers on the bus and snuggle them. While generally just soft and cute, this is a gateway to more than just snuggling in your case.

Granted! I won't make a wish.
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I’ll make a wish instead of you then.

>I wish to be a femboy married to rapey futa.
Granted. You are now an extremely cute femboy with the appearance of your choice, married to a futa. Yes, futas now exist in the world, but it should be noted that instead of being just a different sex, they are effectively a subspecies of human. They're bigger, stronger, more primal and ferocious, a lot more horny, and possess effectively limitless sexual stamina. They're just as intelligent as regular humans, though; and the constant desire for sex doesn't cloud their judgment. Meaning that when a futa rapes a human, she isn't doing this because she lost control of her urges. She does this because she wants to.

Anyway, the point is that the world is effectively dominated by a ruling class of futas, by virtue of them being a lot stronger than regular humans. Because of that, a futa can effectively rape any human she wants with little to no consequences; bystanders rarely react out of fear of being subjected to retaliation and mass punishment.

You just-so-happen to have been legally married (you didn't have a choice in the matter) with a gargantuan giantess of a futa, similar to the one in your pic. Unfortunately for you, the marriage is a happy, lovey-dovey one. See, one weird quirk of futas is that they can smell those humans that are the most genetically compatible with them - meaning those humans that have a high chance of conceiving another futa (usually futa-human sex results in normal human offspring); a futa will pick one of these special humans as her mate, defending them from any and all threats. Other futas will acknowledge the union and refuse to fuck the spouse.
Which means that neither your wife nor any other futa are gonna rape you. Ever. In fact, other futas are reluctant to have consensual sex with you, seeing it as cheating; your wife, while willing, will take every precaution and fret over every issue, especially those regarding your health.
Is she fucking you too hard? Are you eating well enough? Did you just cough? If so, better get covered up, hubby-wubby-lubby-doo.

Mind you, she's still as rapey as any other futa... Or rather: she's rapey towards other humans. But those don't really count. They're basically aids for masturbation, you know? It's not REAL sex. At least that's how she sees it.

>I wish that monsterfolks (girls, boys, futas etc) were real, and were pretty common. Especially monsterfolks that are a bit more monstrous than the usual "human with animal-themed gloves, boots and small accessories" stuff you usually see in hentai.
Granted, you become a gorgon similar to the ones in this pic, complete with giant snakes for "hair". You aren't a natural-born gorgon, so you don't get the petrifying gaze power they usually have; instead, you know a few magic spells that allow you to "petrify" people through different methods.
...Okay, to be frank, one of these magic spells DOES allow you to petrify someone just by looking at them, but it costs a boatload of mana and doesn't last very long. It's basically an emergency tool to stop an attacker. But anyway.

As I mentioned, these spells allow you to quote unquote "petrify" someone. This isn't limited to just stone; for example, you could turn people into glass, or metal, or wobbly rubber. You can also selectively choose which body parts will be affected, as well as details like whether or not a petrified victim is aware of what is happening, or what sensations they can feel through a petrified part. As a safety feature, if you accidentally end up breaking someone, you can undo the transformation and the victim will automatically be repaired.
---Though you could petrify a girl, break her into pieces, repair her with gold kintsugi-style, and then turn her back into flesh, but keep the gold "scars". Food for thought,

Speaking of food, your mana regeneration is atrociously low. When you use a petrification spell, you lose mana, which sloooooowly recharges over time. Like, over a period of months. How do you get around this? Well, your snake hair can eat certain materials, which in turn can be used to fuel your magic. Petrification materials, to be exact: stone, glass, metal, wobbly rubber, etc.
Did I mention that your snakes have minds of their own, though influenced by your subconscious? And also that they're deeply stupid? Like, one moment you're watching a porno where one acctress is deepthroating a dildo, and the next moment you're strangling one of your snakes to prevent it from swallowing your entire dildo collection.
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Their appetite isn't the only problem. As I mentioned, they're basically dumb animals, but influenced by your subconscious. So they'll hiss at people you don't like or that you find suspicious, they'll coil around people you do like, they'll be hypnotized by fast food ads whenever you get too hungry... The list goes on.

But hey, at least you will get a normalization field that will make it so that people will not find it weird that you're an actual monstergirl, or that you can turn people into living sex dolls or fuckable statues. They can still react to what you DO (for example turning a stranger into a statue will usually be met with alarm), but you will not have to worry about being captured by the government for study. By extension, it means that you can advertise your services, and people who like petrification porn will actually come to you, fully believing that you CAN make their fantasies real.

>I wish for a group of monstergirl friends-with-benefits, primarily so that I can sleep and relax with them.
Granted. A small percentage of the population will gain supernatural bubble powers once reaching adulthood. These "bubblers" will all be women (and if they weren't before, they will once they get their powers), and might be subjected to ulterior transformations such as becoming more beautiful or dragongirls. All bubblers have the ability to shoot bubbles that can trap non-bubblers; different bubblers might have additional abilities, like shrinking the bubble with the person inside for easy transportation & toying, or feeding bubbles to people to enlarge certain body parts (like breasts) from the inside.
Because of these powers, and because a lot of these powers can be used for sexual purposes (and bubblers know this instinctually), a lot of bubblers will be tempted to use their powers in lewd ways. At the very least, bubblers will become tendentially more dominant, and try to gain a harem of lovers.

There's a caveat, however: the power of a bubbler is limited. Only a certain amount of bubbles can be created, they can hold only a limited amount of people, they might have a limited range, and blah blah blah. The only way for a bubbler to improve their powers is through a yearly event, where bubblers can compete with each other, gaining or losing power depending on how well they performed. For extra fun, all games involve using bubbles with people inside, and range from combat to Bust-A-Move competitions.

You get to decide whether you'll be a bubbler, or the lover of a bubble domme (and whether you'll be the only lover or part of a harem).

>I wish I was a cute girl capable of voring people; and that I had girl and futa friends who are also capable of vore.
Granted. You are reincarnated as an inn in another world. It turns out there are only two kinds of people in this world, monster girls and isekaied otaku perverts who want to have sex with them. You start as a small hut that a goblin girl takes shelter in after being chased by a horny neckbeard. As you take in more tenants, you grow in size and accomodations. You gain more floors, more rooms, and even more types of rooms such as kitchens, recreation centers, and hot springs. You become known as a shelter for monster girls fleeing ecchi anons.

The girls aren't aware of your consciousness at first. When they sleep, however, you are able to appear in their dreams in the appearance of their ideal lover. Connected to their subconscious, you know how to best please them. You give them exquisite dream sex. You even help them sort out their psychological issues. They wake up relaxed, satisfied, and with better mental health. Most find their confidence and a better understanding of themselves. These leave and, knowing what they truly want in life, go on to find the loves of their lives.

A few stay on as staff. You develop true attachments with them and gain the ability to talk with them even when they're awake. Outwardly, you encourage them to go and live their lives, but inwardly you are happy to have friends. You spend many happy days and pleasant nights with them.

> I wish 10% of women had a second row of breasts, 10% of those had a third row of breasts, and so on.
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Granted. There are eight billion people in the world. Four billion are women. Four hundred million of them have four breasts. Forty million of them have six breasts. Four million have eight. Having eight breasts really isn't practical. Fourty thousand have 12 breasts, born with such an oversexed body it would be impossible to live like we do. A few hundred have 16 breasts, with bodies that look like boob slugs, their real bodies completely hidden by the tightly packed breasts. The world record is 20 boobs on one girl. Your is extremely impractical on a normal body, and I don't want to turn women into sedentary creatures, or push most of them into getting mastectomies. So instead, each row of breasts extends a women's torsos and comes with an extra pair of arms.

Women with 4 or more rows and some with 3 will be skilled at crawling on their extra hands, normally wearing thick gloves to protect themselves from the ground. They'll be strong too. A woman pulling herself across the ground will be able to move just as fast as women who walk upright. This will look freaky to you, but to everyone in this new world, it will be normal. Despite the weird bodies, they still act like normal human women. They aren't monster girls, nobody treats them as different except for a bit of envy about the grass being greener with more/less arms. Fashion has to change a bit, with only 2-6 breasted girls getting normal shirts, but there are plenty of modular options for long girls.

To help you acclimate to it, a 12 breasted and armed girl will be informed that you're from another world and assist you. She has a bit of a crush on you, and though she takes her job professionally, she's very cuddly.

Oh, and no reason for only girls to get in on the action. If this post gets dubs, you get 4 arms. Trips, 6, and so on.

>I wish for a girlfriend with many legs.
Granted. You are now dating a girl with 20 legs. Each of those legs are around the size of a skinny girl's legs, but due to there being so many, your gf has an extremely exaggerated hourglass shape. She doesn't really have a butt to speak of, but having so many thighs more than makes up for it.

As for "covering up", the courts have come to the conclusion that she could not reasonably be charged with public nudity as long as she is not flipped on her side with her asshole and pussy uncovered. To "compensate" your girlfriend mostly wears baggy sweaters. This ironically serves to make her undressing significantly more erotic to you than a "normal" girl doing so.

When that sweater comes off, you just know that you're about to feel the most comfortable you've ever been. "Sex" between you and your girlfriend basically consists of you laying under her on the floor, her legs cradling you and rocking you back and forth into one of her holes. You often fall asleep during this process, but your girlfriend doesn't seem to mind. Sadly, this method does mean that you don't get to see your girlfriend's cute face during it. You could obviously "innovate" to change this, but your girlfriend was the one to excitedly bring it up to you when you started getting intimate with eachother, so there's no need for much change for now.
(How do you all keep a decent flow with this kind of writing, I'm worried that this came out a bit choppy)
>I wish for the ability to be nude at all times without anyone realizing, until one day a magic user or entity sees right through the illusion and forces me spend one night out of the week with her where she bends my body to her wishes or risk her revealing to everyone that I've been a nudist.
Okay I'll grant it, but under a couple conditions I need you to be cool with. The first condition is pretty simple. Mostly no one dies permanently from getting vored and digested. Their consciousness is uploaded to a biological respawn printer and a new body is made for them based on DNA registered in the system. It's illegal to vore anyone unregistered, and you'll face murder charges if you commit the act of voring an unregistered person. This respawn technology is part of what allows vore to be a physically feasible thing in the first place, along with genetic customization technology and all that. This is also the reason futas can be a real thing. So if you wanna be a cute girl who can vore, you gotta go into your registered DNA profile and basically character customizer that new body for yourself.

The next condition is that even though you are a pred, that doesn't exempt you from being prey also. The same thing goes for your little club of friends, your gal pals and hermaphrodite homies. You'll all find each other delicious. Also you can rewire your nervous system to make getting digested as painless and comfortable, or as excruciating and agonizing as you so please. Your body is your twisted little oyster.

Naturally a lot of norms have been altered as a result of all this happening. You're gonna see a lot more bloated guts and swollen dicks than you used to, because the body-modding scene has gotten wild after the advent of this technology. All kinds of vore are an option, from doing it orally the good old-fashioned way, or you can do it anally if you like. Urethral vore and nipple vore are also pretty popular, and unbirth is something people get into as well. One funny quirk is that all these different kinds of vore have different special side-effects based on what method you use, and they're almost always growth effects.
Gulp someone whole and your midsection gets rounder and fatter after you digest them all the way. Anal vore makes your butt and thighs wider and fatter. Breast vore gives you bigger and milkier boobs and nipples. Cock vore, as you might imagine, makes your dick thicker and longer and your balls fatter and churning with even more cum. Unbirth makes your pussy lips fatter, but it mostly just spreads more gains around evenly.

You and your friend group are quickly going to become a bit obsessed with growing as big as you can by eating as many people as you can. This can include each other, but it's more efficient to eat people outside the group. Careful though, if you get too big you risk immobility, which could make you an easy meal for another pred.

>I wish for a whole gym full of women to suddenly start packing on pounds and become gassy, obese slobs. Make them oblivious to why they're becoming so fat and flatulent no matter how much they work out, completely disregarding the banquet of greasy and fattening sweets, meats, and junk foods they're messily gorging on as they work out.
Being "choppy" is to be expected when writing short form scenarios. Best thing you can do is ordering your paragraphs in a way that makes sense, and making each one clear about what part of the scenario it's focusing on.
Oh, well that's specific... granted!

After being given this ability and being found out a few days after you have your fun with it... You meet, and are forced into making a pact with a cute, shapeshifting archfey witch, who has turned your ability into a curse. You are now UNABLE to wear clothes (unless she allows it, which she may for cozy pajamas, maid costumes, lingere, etc), you have a glamour effect to make other people THINK you're clothed, and your body is infused with fey magic so you won't suffer from heat, colt, bug bites, walking barefoot, etc. You are very durable.

The catch is that I told her your wish, making you VERY easy to tease. Oh, you want her to "make you spend a night with her" and "bend your body"? She might just stay over at your house, clothed, and turn you into forms more cute than sexual (such as a cute lil fairy or cat sith girl)... but ignore the fact that you're naked and keep things strictly non sexual, such as asking you to move big things as a fairy, or playing with you using cat toys if you're a catgirl (something that'll be very hard to resist), until you tire yourself out, and she snaps a picture of you curled up sleeping after.

She'll think of new ways to fuck with you that are non sexual, and actively sabotage your plans to be an exhibitionist. She'll likely keep your body changed from whatever she turned you into last, but keep the aura of normalcy up so no one questions it. Furthermore... she might put a lust blocking enchantment on you so people only see you as "cute", especially if you're a catgirl or cute satyr boi.

This is all to see how long it'll take you to snap and submit to her _on your own_ . With your shenanigans never leading to sex (but her teasing making you crave it more), her getting your hopes up only to say "good night" and TECHNICALLY spend the night with you (perhaps she'll sleep on the couch, maybe cuddle with you in a more wholesome than lewd way)... until you tell her what you want.
Saying you'd like her to do things to you won't be enough. She'll pretend not to hear you, and perhaps tease you some more, turning you into a fairy and rubbing you in her hand, or cuddling you in a way that'll only make you crave release more. "What kind of things?" "Oh, you want me to do as I wish to you?" "But I already enjoy doing this... do you not mean what YOU wish for me to do to you?"

With her centuries of experience, she'll eventually get you to break down, and in whatever cute form she left you in, you'll be left dumping all of your fetishes and begging for her to toy with you, blackmail you, and perhaps even sharing MORE of your fetishes... at which point she'll pat you on the head with a "Good boy/girl" (depending on the body you have at the time)... followed by you finally being able to see that SHE'S been naked the entire time, able to shift her parts to those of different species of fey, and often giving herself a futa cock. Until now... you'd never really realized you were cuddling with a naked archfey. Ironic, isn't it?

If you're a fairy, she may use you as a living dildo, if you're a cute fey boy she may tie you up and sit on your face or peg you, she may even follow you around every once in a while for some REAL exhibitionism, with her raising a normalcy field so she can fuck you in parks and on public transportation, or maybe she'll turn you into a girl and she'll take you to try things she'd think look good on you, treating it as a clothes shopping trip... but in reality, only you and her know that you're naked save for the cute choker and revealing lingere she's having you wear.

Oh, and if you DO refuse to do as she says? She won't tell everyone AT ONCE... but rather, curse someone random in your life to share this curse with you, acting as another of her playthings as you awkwardly have to explain yourself. She won't hesitate to do this, and may make you do lewd things to each other, even if she's you teacher, sexy relative, etc
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If you refuse to, say, eat the ass of a taboo crush of yours, she'll just pull someone else you'd be excited, but humiliated to reveal this side of yourself to, and expand her "harem". If someone else under her thumb refuses her orders, she may do the same to them. So if, say, your crush is cursed like you are, but refuses to eat the archfey's ass while you eat her pussy... she might just curse her sexy mother/sister and ask that she eat THEIR ass. However... she will never involve anyone that you are not at least somewhat attracted to... or wouldn't discover that you had taboo feelings for. She may even make her requests harder and harder to try to force the harem into expanding, turning requests into challenges, such as "let me ride you for ten minutes without cumming", offering you a reward (such as being able to request a form from her, and/or being able to request she take a certain form, or even asking her to curse someone you want in the harem) if you win... and doing her best to slowly let more and more people into the harem if you fail her challenges.

Eventually... you'll more or less be her shameless, spoiled pet, with the others you roped into this following suit. And once you can no longer function in society? Don't worry... there's room in the fey wild for new toys like you, and plenty more mistresses for you to play with...

>I wish I was a futa who could turn cute girls (and guys, perhaps guys I can turn into girls) into tools (either inanimate but able to sense and think or semi animate), toys, furniture, etc at the snap of my fingers, casually and effortlessly, with the ability to turn them back once I've had my fun. From swords and fencing gear for fun, to onaholes for... also fun, to pillows and chairs for comfort... maybe even "decorations" like ladypots if I feel like it.
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Granted! Not only are they common, almost no "normal" humans are left. Unnatural hair colors, quirks like horns or animal traits, unusual skin colors and sharp teeth... sometimes strange traits like lipples or detachable heads, but these are the tip of the iceberg. Beyond sexy monster girls and kemono, it's as if all of the most creative mosnter girl artists remade the world. Creatures like slugbox's Cteno exist, less traditional goat girls, complete with fluffy legs, big horns, horisontal pupils, and sometimes multiple breasts live in mountains, deep sea girls are as strange as deep sea creatures (and equally oddly beautiful), beast girls with limbs that force them onto all fours (such as sphinxes), cute boy versions of usually female monsters (like harpies), welwraith type ghost girls, slimes, and elementals, and even girls who look normal, but upon closer inspection have traits befitting a modeseven character... and they'll all have porn physics that let them operate. Futa, dickgirls, cuntboys, etc also exist.

The world is more or less the same, with you not losing out on modern comforts like anime and video games. This is also a CHANGE to the world, not a new one, so you will keep any friends and crushes you have, with them being who you knew them as... but they will probably look VERY different, possibly different builds and sexes. Your closest friend could now be a multibreasted fox girl with a lot more fur than the traditional kemono if they were mischievious... or perhaps your crush is now something you secretly find sexy, like a femboy sheepfolk, or a cute sphinx girl who must walk on all fours?

Society will be more open to sex due to everyone looking as if a porn artist drew them, and bisexuality being the norm. STDs are a thing of the past with so many species and interspecies sex that no disease can find success adapting. Even normal diseases will struggle... porn logic will also help out here, of course.
Granted, welcome to the world of street fighting. You are a VERY fit tomboy, skilled in various forms of martial combat including some supernatural stuff like the classic "throwing an energy ball" thing.
You don't want to fight? Well, too bad, you'll have to. You are subjected to both a blessing that will grant you great sex appeal and guarantees that you'll eventually find true love, and a curse that makes people instinctively and violently hate you; the two magic spells interfere with each other, so the end result is that there will be a bunch of sexy girls who find you attractive, and who want to fight with you for various reasons. This can range from "she thinks that sparring is fun, and that post-workout sex is great" all the way to "she actively wants to rape and enslave you by force". So, whether you want it or not, you WILL have to fight.

Now, granted, all these girls are pretty sexy according to your own standards, leaning towards a more fit physique than average. The majority of them isn't evil; most of them are just rivals in martial arts, or nice people who will end up attacking you due to misunderstandings or deception. Also, after your initial encounter, you can try to start a relationship with them and get them to change behavior - though the curse will always work to foil your efforts.
There's another thing. It just so happens that the person who cursed you is also affected by the curse itself: she too will be eventually attracted towards you for fighting or fucking or fight-fucking. So maybe you could search for her, in the hope of altering your curse to make it more manageable.

>I wish to marry this BBW slug-girl.
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With so many wildly different people, you'd wonder just how people can conceive... and the answer is simple. Most can't (thus plenty of casual and cozy sex)... but scientists have developed drugs and procedures to allow two or more people of different species to "hybridize" and conceive anyways, often creating even more fun results. People will mature quickly in this world, and with conception being something people choose to do more than have happen on accident, even incest is seen as ok. Porn logic will make sure there are no ill effects if it gets to the point of pregnancy.

So... let's get to YOU. You will wake up in this world as the last "strange" girl or monster girl/boy/futa that had you acting up, even if it's the pic I just posted. Everyone will be able to identify you, and even if you have a brother or sister who is visibly a different species, no one will question it.

But you deserve more for wishing for this utopia... right? More than ONLY experiencing life as a cute aquatic girl, fluffy beast girl, or multilimbed serpent? So I've given you a condition that very few people in this new world have, that scientists have given up on trying to rationalize.

You will wake up as a different type of monster girl, boy, futa, etc at random intervals, often in different places than where you initially went to sleep. You could wake up as the new daughter of an aquatic monster with fins for hands, with her thinking you have always been her "mommy's girl" of a daughter until you can prove your condition... after which she may ask if you still want to stay friends with benefits... you may wake up the sole male harpy in a colony... you could wake up as a "human" with a pussy mouth, unable to speak, and lipples that say what's on your subconscious mind, in the home of someone you like, with them thinking you're their new maid (in this world it's legal to ask to do sexual things), and you'd be unable to TELL them you're not (better get creative communicating)
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For this downright supernatural condition, you have a special code and set of questions that you can answer on an app, so long as you have internet access, to prove your real identity... but you won't turn back to whatever you were before, you'll just transform again, and it may take some time for the people who THOUGHT you were their incestuous futa sister, daughter, maid, gf, tribe's male, to stop seeing you that way... IF they do. Some may just keep calling you sis, hun, dear, breeder, etc even after you change to another species.

Your friends will tease the fuck out of you for this, rest assured... with FWBs wanting to play around with your body roullete, and make no mistake... "respawning" as much as you do, you'll have no shortage of new friends... many of which will want to fuck you.

This way? You get to experience it all. Now to be nice, it WON'T be any situations you'll DISLIKE... but it may still be intense, annoying, or humiliating.

And just because I'm feeling nice... if you ever find a soulmate? Or perhaps a VERY close relationship between multiple life partners? If your condition detects someone you'd spend your life with... it'll spread to them, and ensure that they wake up beside you in whatever shenanigans you find yourself in, with whatever new body or bodies would be appropriate.

Hope learning to walk, swimb, climb, fly, etc with a different body every week or so doesn't get TOO troublesome...

>I wish I was a cute girl and an apprentice to a powerful, but kinky mage who was always getting us into sexy trouble. Keeping us in the modern age, perhaps with fantasy elements, would be appreicated. Genie decides what my mistress is to me and how we appear physically, pic related is just to demonstrate the idea, not the bodies we'd end up with.
Granted! You are now married to a big, slimey, and VERY soft slug girl who loves moist environments, like swamps where her friends live. Monster girls exist, and government programs exist to help you move... but there is more to your new wife than meets the eyestalks.

For her personality? She can be motherly and doting, the kind of "You've had a long day, here, let me suck you off while you suck on my nipples" girl, but she's also open to nerdier hobbies. More than anything though, she's a soft, cuddly girl who would love nothing more than a slow evening in a cozy cabin in the swamp you two will move into, watching shows from your indoor pool couch hybrid, or cuddling in the literal waterbed. Don't worry, they flush out the old water to keep things fresh...

She's dominant, of course, and will ride you frequently, or sit on your face, yet despite her weight being MORE than enough to crush a human... you will find that none of your bones break, no matter how hard she smothers you. Furthermore... you'll grow accustomed to sex in the shallows or your personal pond far more quickly than you'd expect, needing to come up for air less and less, until one day you "forget" only to realize that you no longer need to, and if anything... prefer being in the pools of water around your home more than you do the dry furniture, which will become mostly relegated to guests. Especially since you'll make a mess with the slime you excrete now...

Your wife got a wish too, you know... for a loving, kinky husband for her to dominate... and slowly turn into a more "fitting" partner.

Over time... you'll turn slug like yourself, but be nowhere near her size... you may opt to keep your legs or not. Whatever seemingly boneless (or at least very rubbery boned) aquatic form you end up having will be one you end up liking... though if you subconsciously want to be more like her, you will be... but still smaller than her, for being bigger than you was part of the wish.
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There IS one part of your new anatomy that will be non negotiable though. Say... you end up something like the pic from >>11107496 once you're properly gastropod aligned... you won't necessarily be a girl or a boy (but may have breasts in your "neutral" state)

Some slugs are hermaphrodites, you see, and your wife is no different. There are species of sea slugs that will fight to see who will be the "male" and the "female" of the encounter, only instead of severing the other's penis, you two internally know WHO will be the man or woman of the encounter, with the one who will be taking slug penis having their own retract into them, leaving behind a puffy pussy, while the one who makes it clear that they will be the one GIVING dick has a sizeable cock sprout from their pussy lips, possibly with a complimentary ballsack.

Your wife will watch as your form shifts into an androgynous aquatic form that she knows is befitting of yours, and start being more dominant, making jokes about how "you'd be a good mother" after you learn of this quirk about her anatomy. Rest assured, you two can still have normal sex, she loves femdom, and her being dominant won't inherently make you be the girl, and you can even have lesbian sex should you both feel like it... or if one of you feels like it strongly enough...

And while you two WILL breed each other now, both being compatible... you just have to lay eggs in your safe nursery once they're ready, and your wife's family will help raise any if you need help. The good news is that they mature VERY fast... the kinky news is this species sees no taboos with incest. So whether you knock up your wife, or she knocks you up (this will also "lock" your sex for a few weeks until you lay the eggs), you get the fun of unprotected "breeding" sex with almost none of the responsibility.

Hope you don't enjoy being a slug "wife" yourself...

>I wish I was a cute artist girl who could bring her creations to life... with a talent for porn.
Granted. Unfortunately, you will get a front-row seat to the whole incident.

One day, you will find yourself at the gym for some reason. Maybe you just want to exercise a bit. Maybe you'll go there as part of your job, to fix the plumbing or refill the vending machines or whatever you do for a living. Maybe you'll just get inside to use the bathroom.
Whatever the reason, once inside you'll discover that everyone else inside that gym are all women. From the buff gym enthusiasts/maniacs, to scrawny-looking nerds trying to put on some pounds of muscles, passing through a few older women doing light aerobics so that their joints will not get too stiff. Even the gym's staff that day appears to be comprised solely of women.
After doing what you had to do, you'll spend some time resting against the wall, watching the scene. Women panting and grunting, their skin covered in a slight sweat, breasts bouncing up and down with their movement... You're probably fantasizing about them growing fatter, aren't you?

Well, would you look at that. Once you get out of your daydream, you'll notice that they ARE getting fatter. Some gymgoers repeatedly visit the vending machines, citing that they're really hungry after their workout. The employee at the desk takes out a big sandwich and begins to eat. The air feels a tad more hot, and you notice that people are starting to sweat - or at least, more than before. You decide to sit down somewhere and watch things unfold.

And then you notice that it's already dark outside. Oh damn, time sure does fly, doesn't it? It's soooo unfortunate that you have to return home and not witness what you wished for? But maybe this whole transformation process will take multiple days. Maybe you can come back tomorrow?

No. No, you won't come back tomorrow. Because I'm a liar. It isn't dark outside; there simply isn't any light outside. There isn't any dark outside. There isn't any outside outside.

You can't get out.
Trying to point this out to anyone else is useless. They're too absorbed in their exercise. You CAN talk with them, strike a conversation even... But any time you try to point out the weirdness of the situation, they'll just ignore you and go back to whatever they were doing. Which is usually either exercising or eating. It's like they're brainwashed.
And, just like you asked, every woman in the gym (excluding yourself) will slowly but inexorably become a slob. They will grow fatter and sweatier and smellier and gassier, no matter how much they exercise; but they won't notice anything wrong. Same goes with the food: no matter how much food they eat, or even what food they eat, they will not comment on it.

Now, let's get a few things out of the way - namely how you are going to survive this experience. Water isn't a problem - the building still somehow receives potable water as well as electricity. You also won't have problems with food, because the vending machines seem to mysteriously refill themselves whenever you aren't looking. There's the problem that the quality of the food will progressively get worse: initially you can have diet bars and energy drinks, but they will be progressively replaced by greasy hamburgers, biscuits, potato chips with weird flavors, entire cakes, and so on. Occasionally there will be some "healthy" food like fruit or cans of pre-heated bean soup; they're rare, but the women rarely get those.
Sleeping will be more of an issue. You see, when you're asleep, the women tend to notice you even less than usual. On one hand, this means that you can fall asleep under a bench in the changing room, and the women will not complain. On the other hand, it means that they can step on sit on you without noticing you, even as you struggle trying to get them off of you.
The whole situation will become worse, as the days pass and the women become fatter and fatter - way bigger than what should be healthy. Even the staff now exercises constantly. Most women are constantly covered in sweat and grease, and nobody is bothering to clean the place. The building itself is visibly becoming grungier, and you can swear that the benches of hard wood are getting softer. It's as if the entire environment is becoming slobbier.

But what's worse is the women's attitude towards you. You see, as they move from a gym machine to another, or go to the vending machines or the bathroom or whatever, they used to not pay attention to you. Which means that the re was a frequent risk of being bumped by a woman, or smooshed against a wall by their big bellies.
But recently, you noticed something: they ARE noticing you again. They're just pretending not to. But when they think you aren't looking, they do watch you and whisper to each other. And their expression gets... predatory.

Time passes. Or would pass, if it had any meaning. The gym will become unrecognizable. The air will be foggy, a dense fog created by sheer sweat and flatulence. The audio system is still emitting music, but the music is gurgling and distorted, and frequently drowned whenever someone emits a fart louder than usual. Almost the entire floor will be occupied by the giggling, bloated fatty flesh of the women. You feel horny. Most gym machines will have collapsed for overuse, but the women will still make do with what they have, like using each other as weights. Likewise, you will be used as well. The women now know what you like, and actively enjoy teasing and using you from time to time, delighting in making you drown in pleasure.
You know that, eventually, this nightmare will end. You know that eventually you'll go back to reality - although the women will still retain their changes, and they'll still remember you fondly (fondly for WHAT, they might not remember; but fondly nonetheless). You know that when you'll return, not even one second will have passed on the outside.

But you don't know when you'll return home.

>I wish to sexually worship the futa priestess (who looks very smoochable) in this pic.
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Granted. You made a deal with a high angel, giving you incredible porwess with transformational magic. Just look at your target, think about what form you want them to assume (you can decide on all the details, or just decide something vague like "dildo" and let your magic handle it), snap your fingers, and boom, instant transformation. You can change them back through a similar process.
Your magic does magic requires mana for each use, which slowly regenerates over time; however, keeping a target transformed doesn't require any mana. Additionally, your spells have a limited strength, meaning that powerful individuals can resist your spells (requiring you to cast your magic multiple times, transforming them a little bit each time), or even be completely immune. Now, granted, this drawback only really applies to supernatural beings or wizards; ordinary humans have basically no magical resistance, so you can transform them at your complete leisure.

Naturally, you had to make a deal with the d...ominion in order to get your powers. The contract was 9000 pages long, so you weren't able to read it all; but luckily the angel answered your questions truthfully. Simply put: using your power puts you in debt with your benefactor, with "sinful" behavior creating more debt. At any time, the angel can summon you to it, and use you for a job, which will cancel out a proportional amount of debt depending on how hard/stressful it is.
What kind of job? Well, the angel can hijack your transformation magic to transform YOU into a tool or furniture, and then use you for a certain purpose. (Angels usually can't intervene directly, but using a human servant is fine. Don't ask questions - your boss' has its own rulebook to follow, and it's 7-elevated-to-the-power-of-16-quintillions pages long.) What purpose? Maybe it will use you as a torture device to punish a demon. Maybe it will turn you into a holy tool, and then give you to a holy warrior so that you can help them.
Maybe you'll be turned into something cute like a plushie, and then placed in a position that will allow you to cheer up someone, therefore setting in motion a chain of events that will prevent them from damning their soul. Maybe the angel will just turn you into a sex toy and give you to someone as a "reward" for the services they rendered to Heaven. Maybe the Angel just wants something to cuddle.
Whatever it is, these "missions" will be rare and far-between, as long as you don't abuse your powers and cause distress to people. However, it will always be unexpected and with no warning whatsoever.

>I wish I was a hive-mind of various hentai monsters. Mostly so that I can act as some monstrous prostitute for those with suitable fetishes, like someone who wants to be hunted and used as a cocksleeve.
As long as it's the tightest... regular orientation is ok
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I can make it granted! Here's what's gonna have to happen though. You're gonna have to move house. You're gonna have to move to this remote-ish island off the coast of Central America, and you're gonna have to adapt to their customs. It probably won't take long to do, you're just gonna need to be okay with wearing a lot of gold jewelry... and dinner-plate sized gold butt plugs... and a gold sounding rod. You don't gotta wear the gold boob plates unless you have boobs though, but that's not going to be a problem for you before long.

So you're gonna notice that like the majority of the island's population is futanari. Well here's some good news, you're gonna become a futanari as well! Now how's it gonna happen? Through a steady diet of the island's local produce, mostly sweet potatoes and phallic mushrooms and these soft melons and local milk. It's not gonna be long until you're a futanari just like the locals! And just like the locals you're gonna get a substantially bigger cock, like mid-thigh length flaccid bigger. Bigger balls, too, about softball or grapefruit sized. Besides your cock, you'll also get the rest of the futanari package deal, including a vagina and all that entails. You'll also steadily grow bigger boobs, longer hair, softer voice, thicker hips and thighs. Not to mention your huge butt plug is getting less painful, and so is that sounding rod in your urethra.

So sexually worshiping the priestess then. Finally the main part of the wish. Well first of all, you'll have to accept that sometimes you're gonna have to wait your turn. The priestesses have a duty to help everyone else pray to the gods too. Yeah, this is an interesting religion the futa women here have, where they pray to the gods for various reasons through sex with a priestess. Usually for better harvests or to sire a healthy child or doing well on an exam or something. When it is your turn, though, you'll probably have a really good time, the priestess knows what she's doing.
Another thing to remember about the prayer ritual though, is that the priestess is always the dom, and you're always the sub. She's always a top, or she's a power-bottom, but she's never a sub. You came to worship her flesh after all, since as a priestess she is technically second only to the divines.

You can become a priestess as well, if you like! There's a year long process that involves a lot of evaluation of your devotion, your sexual prowess, your overall physical health, etc. Once you are a priestess though, you have a lot of duties helping others pray to the gods by having them worship your flesh, so you'd better have the stamina to dominate for that long. As a priestess yourself though, you'll finally get to date and marry one of the other priestesses! Yeah that's another thing about the religion. As a common civilian, you can sexually worship a priestess all you like, but you cannot date or marry a priestess, it's like a whole thing. If you wanna marry a priestess, you gotta be a priestess yourself. Newlywed priestesses get to be part of a really cool ritual though, where you're strung up from the ceiling like the pic in >>11109424 as a symbol of love and fertility for a couple days. It'll give you a lot of time to get very intimate with your new wife and provide the community with a great amount of mana. You can date her traditionally before this ritual though, this is basically your wedding ceremony.
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>I wish for a world that's fat and hungry without any of the lethal health problems associated with obesity
Granted. First, you become a cute girl, with the appearance of your choice. Want to be a cute nerd and doujin artist? A mature, rich woman who paints? A street urchin who roams the street at night to draw graffiti? A writer who looks like a VIctorian widow? Something else? You decide!

Second, you become an artist - and as you might have guessed earlier, you get to pick what kind of "art" you're gonna create. Drawing, painting, sculpting, 3D modeling, writing, animations... the choice is yours.
You'll be quite a lot faster than the average artist, but the quality of your art will start out as mediocre until you'll get a lot of practice.

Finally, the third part: "bringing your creations to life". Well, you're a girl, so the easiest way would be to birth them. Yup: whenever you want, you can choose one or more of your art pieces, desire REALLY hard to bring it into reality, and bam - you'll get pregnant, with all the pros and cons. After a while (generally a few days), you'll end up birthing whatever you wanted. And this isn't just limited to characters, either: for example, you can give birth to items, locations, or situations. The latter means that basically you'll alter reality and manipulate fate around you to create the situation that was originally depicted in your art.
...But there's a couple of additional caveats. You can use each art piece ONCE; and the quality of your "children" depends on how much effort you put in the original art. For example, using a doodle will probably create a flawed character, and much of their appearance/personality will be left to chance; but if you use a dozen different detailed drawings of the same character, you will be able to give birth to someone who is EXACTLY what you wanted in terms of personality and appearance. They'll even have superpowers - although relatively modest. (What? Did you expect to create a monstergirl lord strong enough to dominate the world, using JUST a dozen drawings? Get outta here.)
Ah, almost forgot! You asked to have a talent for porn, right? Well, that's granted - no strings attached. You're significanlty better at creating porn art than non-porn art. Also, I took the liberty to spread your name across all the world - so that you'll have plenty of people asking you for commissions. ...The art, I mean. The whole "bringing your art to life" thing is (usually) just for your personal fun.

>I wish to be reborn into a sci-fi/porn universe that's basically "monstergirl hentai, but IN SPACE!"
Granted. You have been selected by a mischievous, lecherous, and curious alien race as one of their officials in their upcoming invasion of a neighboring planet just 20 yottameters down the road. It has become a planet of interest for the myriad sentient or semi-sentient races which are analogous, if not equal, to our standard middle-high fantasy bestiary: Orcs, elves, goblins, gnolls, legally distinct humans, etc.
You will be put in suspended animation into an sturdy unobtainium capsule, which will be fired into the planet near a large settlement of the first race you choose, likely piercing some 30 meters into the ground. This capsule is equipped with a life support system rated for 2 million years to keep you alive and conscious, a neural interface, a small outward fabricator and recycler for tiny camera drones to act as your eyes, and most importantly, a powerful emitter that will allow you to reprogram the DNA of passing victims to, at your discretion, go into a lust-filled rampage to go forth and rape whomever (or whatever) you wish. You also have some degree to suggest your subjects to do your bidding. These will take these suggestions as "whispers from some God" or "divine inspirations" and usually they will act upon them, unless they pose an immediate danger to themselves or family.
This emitter, unfortunately, is severely limited in range - while it can influence your subjects across the globe, you can only reprogram subjects to your cause over a few hundred meters, and only one subject at a time. The good news? Any offspring born from or sired by your imprinted subjects will be born already imprinted to (you), so you will gradually expand your influence (and sight range of your cameras - they use living subjects as repeaters you know).
As your control over the global populace increases, the aliens will increase the power of your suggestions to the point you may direct small groups of subjects directly, and eventually give you the ability to supercharge one of your drones and enable it to dig into the skull of one subject of your choice: giving you complete control, and sensory feedback, over it until it perishes, at which point, you may control another again. In a way, that subject will become your avatar. You may want to possess a powerful leader to more directly exert control over your subjects, or just posess rapey beasts and do the deed yourself. You'll experience their eventual death, but it's something you get used to after a few times. While you're possessing someone, you still have awareness over your camera drones, but lose the ability to use your emitter. If this sounds like a raw deal, consider you will be at this for hundreds of thousands of years, and you may have your champion die through any number of ways, so it is unlikely you'll be completely blindsided.
Blindsided by whom, you may ask? Earlier, I said "one of their officials" because there's a number of other overminds deployed on the planet, all with the same mission as you: there can only be one overmind left. Your goal is to have your subjects dig up the capsules of the other contestants and place them in ritual circles for the aliens to pick back up.
Congratulations: you have been drafted into a planet spanning rape version of a grand strategy game. Which means tons of wars, raping, pillaging, burning and raping. Incidentally, any rape babies where both parties were already imprinted by overminds will be born imprinted to the overmind who posessed the dominant part during the deed.
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The last overmind remaining on the planet is entitled to continue controlling the planet as they see fit, with guaranteed refills of the life support system - they are only interested in xenobiological reproductive research, after all. You'll essentially become the one God of that planet. The overminds ejected from the planet will be mind-wiped and dropped off in the middle of some civilization of their race with no memory of what happened.
The ones that DO survive anyway: your objective demands you to retrieve the capsules, intact or otherwise. And while the unobtainium is very sturdy, it's no match for things like a stomp from a 50 ton dragon.
It may be a good idea to mention that having your subjects unearth your capsule themselves will dramatically increase the effectiveness of your emitter, but this gambit is obviously not without risks.

>I wish to become my character: an accomplished alchemist who has discovered the transmutation of cum into the highest grade potion base. This base can be brewed into potions with a myriad of effects only limited by the imagination, such as the ones he used to:
>Increase his output to industrial levels.
>Give himself the ability to turn surplus cum from and into body fat, for easy storage in his balls, ass and thighs.
>Enchant a number of garments to conceal his outrageous proportions in a public setting.
>Run a well regarded potion shop that equips a large number of adventurers going into battle with his "strongest potions", for profit.
Granted. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depends on the viewpoint) for you, I decided to apply that wish on every single living organism on Earth since life first appeared. So what does that mean? Everyone is fat, and everyone is very, very hungry. Sure, food is plentiful and very nutritious, because everything from apples to zebra meat is fat with nutrients, and all the nutrients "climb up" the food chain. And because of how life has evolved on Earth, everyone is used to being a spherical obese sack of lard - which means that there aren't fat-related health problems, there aren't even fat-related MOBILITY problems.

The problem is the hunger. See, every living being on the planet is hungry all the time, and needs plenty of food to keep on living. So, to quicken the process, many creatures (including humans) evolved to swallow huge amounts of food whole and quickly. And "food" also includes "other living animals".
The good news is that you don't HAVE to eat a whole cow alive. You could just order several dozen burgers and bam, hunger solved. Sure, it costs a bit more because of the preparations and seasonings, and it takes a bit longer because of the whole cooking thing, but it tastes fucking BETTER.

The problem is that the animals don't know how to cook, so they stick to the "vore" method. And because of their hunger, and the fact that everything is significantly more nutritious, this means that beasts aren't restricted to one specific diet; if the opportunity presents itself, they can and will attack anything available.
Yep, you basically live in a death world, where monster attacks happen daily and kaiju attacks are a seasonal issue in some countries. Most people adopt a blasé attitude where they just accept that sometimes you go eat at the restaurant, and sometimes you get eaten. Some instead decided that food needs to be reminded of its place; these people are practically anime-style monster hunters, just fat.
Oh, and don't worry about your own safety. Worst case scenario, you'll just inexplicably reappear back on Earth, with your "demise" being forgotten by most others... Though you'll end up losing a metric ton of calories and fat, which will go to whatever managed to eat you.

>I wish to be a fembuff hero like picrel.
All the stars above us are... MONSTERS...(girls). Granted! From now on you will live in a universe filled with monsters and girls, once I finish explaining this wish you'll find yourself inside an experimental pod, you've been engineered to become a conqueror, to be the most known name along the stars. The good thing about your original reality is that y'all are a bunch of horny motherfuckers so if you have ever heard of Troubles In Tainted Space you should be a walking encyclopedia of the reality you are about to hop in. Every monster girl you can imagine lives somewhere among the vast sea of stars from tiny fairies on the Sparkles belt all the way to eldritch proportions kraken girls in the Deep Blue, there is a planet bound to satisfy your needs.
This universe is sort of governed by 3 main factions: The federation, The rebellion and The corrupt ones. The federation is your standard kind of generic empire, they are the most organized and numerous of the bunch but lack a lot of "spark" in their mountains of rules, anything sex-related is strictly regulated they understand that it's a natural need in this universe to fuck the living lights out of someone but be ready to fill out some forms every time you want to bang... EVERY-TIME.

The rebels are against the draconic hold that the federation holds on sex and wants to abolish the federation and let the horny fuckers of this universe do what the stars intended, they are the least powerful faction and have a lot of in-fighting but what they lack in coherence they make up in orgies, only the best of the best happens in their multiday long wicked orgies but be careful 'cause you never know who is watching.
Finally.. The corrupt ones, yeah kind of pathetic name but don't there is no way for your mind to understand their true name, they are the smallest faction of the bunch and the most mysterious, there are no real stakes for them to get more power or territories. All they want to do is EXPERIMENT, they've unleashed many plagues and lewd mutants into the universe, bimbosis comes from their labs, a plague so big that it froze scientific progress for decades as infected fucked all day.

All factions have beefed with each other and fought over the millennia but instead of big bloody wars like the ones you know, conflicts here are solved by pure sexual domination by any means necessary. You'll be born into one of the Federations labs but with a special alteration courtesy of the rebels using corrupt tech, giving your body fluids a great capacity to impregnate/hypnotize and if refined transform others, your body is one of a small thin catgirl but once you pass your training you are free to do or fuck whoever you want. You could go to a swap-o-matic machine and change your body, you could go to any faction to see what's up or do whatever you want, why not be a space cowboy fucking your way through the galaxy leaving filled pussies and dry dicks all across the stars.
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>I wish to own a massive coca-cola like soda company that sells transformative soda, go wild with what this much power could mean genie
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Granted! But... owning a company on paper doesn't mean you get full control... I found you a sexy alchemist woman, and a few other magical folk hiding (such as fey like dryads, faun, and pixies) in your society to bring magic to the mainstream, and they were all suspiciously ok with you owning almost all of the company. This should have been a red flag if you knew better about witches, fey, and magical beings in general.

After using some clever enchantment magic and potions, your girls are able to take over an already sizeable soda company, rebrand it to a more "magical" name of your choice, and the most clever marketing strategy of theirs... start transforming people randomly WITHOUT the soda, and only put transformation in SOME soda, spreading rumors that the soda transforms people. Rumors that a lot of people don't believe, while incidents like them body swapping a theater of couples watching a romantic movie make the public more open to believe that it can happen (this magic will later be used for body swapping sodas that are meant to be shared with someone).

Slowly, mysterious, but tasty soda will hit the mainstream, with illusions and enchantments hiding the effects from inspectors. Some will even be transformed into horny goblins or bimbos who can no longer properly report on their findings, and may even work for the company after as testers and "relief" specialists... but this is done for fun most of the time, usually all the alchemist and fey have to do is make the inspectors forget to investigate you. Fucking with them is just more fun.

So... the paw? You don't just own the company... you're the mascot. The alchemist will give you a free makeover, asking if you want to be a cute girl or cute boy for your public image, but use a potion to give herself a silver tongue and trick you. Before you know it, you'll be in a commercial being filmed, forgetting what your sodas even do... until you take a sip in front of the camera.
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Did you think of any clever soda ideas? The sexy alchemist knows potions to hear thoughts, she knows which ideas had you horniest, and will have you drink whichever soda you were most excited for for this commercial. Your real time reaction and shame will be captured, and any sexual shenanigans that follow will still be recorded, such as you feverishly masturbating in your new body, but uploaded to a domain your company bought for porn (you can't air that part!). This will only spread more rumors, not about a mysterious website, who these "actors and actresses" are, if they're real... and the commercials? They'll pass themselves off as "Red Bull gives you wings" type marketing, where people don't THINK the transformations actually happen... but... what if...?

So by now you probably realize... being the owner of the company means you can make decisions about where to take it, and you get a lot of money... but with a talented alchemist and other magical girls helping you run it? They can use their magic to wrap you around their thumbs. They might make you a goblin girl too horny and bad with words to stand up to them, have a good orgy to tire you out, and placate you.,, until your next transformation. The durations are random, by the way... some of the earlier sodas may make someone a girl/guy/futa for a day... but later, your brand will become big enough that people will start to learn you need to drink another to override changes.

This is the case with you. You MIGHT be given a human body again before a new commercial, but sometimes they'll make them episodic. Who DOESN'T want to watch a dumb goblin girl turn into a futa, venus bodied milf with "mommy" vibes? Or maybe a catboy who now has enough shame to be shy about his new body? Your goblin clothes were too small for the catboy body, leaving little to the imagination... it's a wonder how your girls keep the FCC from censoring your commercials...

You'll still make a lot of money, be rich...
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And be able to drink as much of your transformative soda as you'd like, taking on prior forms if the girls aren't toying with your current one. The catboy body is so cute! and the milf body had EVERYONE hot and bothered... you'd better stay that way for at least two days, or the alchemist will give you a nullifying potion to keep you that way for longer...

I suppose you can drink whatever sodas you want SOMETIMES. If one of your "advisors" slips something into your drink and plans to fuck with you, perhaps turning you into a little pixie to toy with, you'll be at their mercy. The porn website will increase in popularity, with your girls (perhaps some boys and futa if you expand your company or the girls drink the alchemist's potions) coming up with lewd plots and ideas that they can make VERY real by keeping you in the dark about what they'll be doing. You're not just acting... you did actually swap bodies with your sexy alchemist advisor, and now everyone else is ready to dominate you, rope and gags in hand, and you didn't expect this.

Eventually you'll get a cute shapeshifter name, and become the official mascot, perhaps with some identifier that carries over from form to form like an eye color, hair color, or magic tattoo. Your magic workers will keep fucking with you, but remember... the alchemist has mind reading potions. She knows upsetting you TOO much is a bad idea, so everything they do is something you'd secretly find hot... even if it is humiliating. Sometimes they may even say they're running a commercial as an excuse to get you to drink something thematic on a fitting set, and then do a rug pull where they reveal this is one of the companies porn shoots.

If you are a GOOD guinea pig however, they will let you make more requests, and if your ideas are good? You might get more respect... not enough for them to stop fucking with you, or even enough to stop being seen as a toy to some, but enough for them to give you praise. It'll feel nice...
>Now I'm jealous, I wish I was the guinea pig, plaything, and lover of a sexy witch. One who specializes in transformative magic.
I realized this afternoon that I kinda rushed the writing, and focused too much on the vore. So here's some more worldbuilding.

Because of all the dangerous fauna and flora (yep, plants are hungry too), human civilizations mostly organized themselves in fortified cities. Nowadays, in modern times, it's pretty much the same, except that the "cities" have expanded into gigalopolis the size of small states... but they're still relatively small islands in a sea of dangerous lands full of predators, so to speak. These states try to be as self-sufficient as possible, but that often isn't feasible, so occasionally giant caravans will be sent out to trade with other states. The routes of these caravans will be carefully planned to avoid the most dangerous areas and the migration patterns of certain superpredators; but even so, they'll need to be heavily guarded.
Remember those monster hunters I mentioned? Yeah. Their primary function is to protect the people - and by extension the caravans - from the monsters. However, hunters are called such because that's what they were originally, and still are: hunters, hunting beasts and fiends in order to provide food to their people. Sure, the city-states provide lots of food with their farms, but hunters hunt wild game and rare ingredients, and as such they have a high societal status.

Since humanity has always been fat and hungry, society evolved to accommodate that fact. For example, furniture is built a lot bigger, to accommodate the fact that humans are bigger. Unfortunately, the fact that humans are large, yet they are forced to live in relatively small areas, created an issue where there isn't much living space. CIties tend to be built vertically, with lots of high towers and underground structures. Family vehicles are discouraged, since they're inefficient; instead, cities favor public transportation, or simple walking. Pedestrian traffic is regulated with pavement lines, streetlights and so on...
...even so, traffic jams (where lots of obese guys and gals are stuck together in one place, pressed against each other) aren't uncommon.

Since everyone is very hungry, and they find eating to be pleasurable, society practically revolves around food, from "feeding malls" made of hundreds of different restaurants and fast-food joints, to megafarms, and even cooking Olympics. In fact, cooks in general tend to be significantly respected because of the deliciousness they can create... And I just now realized that I'm basically writing "fat fetish meets Toriko".

Speaking of fetishes, let's talk about sex. You see, in this fat society, sex is considered to be similar, but lesser than, gluttony. People can eat whatever, whenever they want, no matter the occasion - at school, during work, while they sleep - and nobody will bat an eye. But sex? It's still seen as a natural urgem but one that should be kept a bit more private. Sure, society is more accepting of public lewdness, but not to the level of an hentai. If you fuck your fiance in the closet, and her mother discovers you, she MIGHT turn a blind eye... but just because you two are engaged... and you made an effort to be somewhere out of sight... and you two were REALLY pent up... And even with all these extenuating circumstances, your mother-in-law will still give you the stinkeye for a few months.
However, there's a couple of things I should mention regarding to sex. One is nudity. Since people are fatter, the lard insulates them from the cold, and makes them suffer the heat more easily; because of this, people tend to wear a lot less clothing. Quite a few people go around topless, wearing only their underwear and a pair of shoes; and people will find it normal. Nudity is a bit more iffy, but it's still acceptable if you're in a private space like your friends' house.
The second thing is that, since society is VERY accepting of gluttony, it's also more accepting of sex if you pair it up with food or eating. For example, many restaurants offer nyotaimori (serving food while using a naked woman as "table") or nantaimori (the male variant), but there's more employees working as benches and seats, and you can sit on their faces. Oral sex in public, even with strangers, is considered as normal as kissing; the same goes with breastfeeding. Mouthplay and foodplay in general are very popular. Heck, anal sex is considered slightly less deviant than non-procreative vaginal sex, because the former at least involves pumping an intestine full of creamy cum.
For the same reason, there's plenty of recipes involving light aphrodisiacs. The general idea is that the sexual pleasure would enhance the pleasure of eating, So yes, you can and will see people literally cumming from eating something delicious.
Wish bump.
Granted! But that's a lengthy wish... so It'd only be fair for each part to have a catch, right?

Congrats! You are now an accomplished alchemist, the boi in your pic, who can brew potions with his own cum to accomplish effects only limited by your imagination! One that, if your wish was any indicator... is VERY lewd. Whatever type of potion you try to make, it will have lewd side effects. Even inherently lewd ones, like "gender bend" might have a secondary fetish like making a girl into a FEMboy, or making a boy into a venus milf or bimbo. Breast expansion may cause multiple breasts, dick growth may cause a spirit to inhabit your cock, charm potions may charm people, but make them like you in "unexpected" ways, such as a woman seeing you as an incestuous son/daughter (hard to tell), a sexy sorceress seeing you as her pet, a big strong adventurer seeing you as his girlfriend, vigor might make someone a healthy, horny gobllin... if your brain WOULD like any of these things to happen, even subconsciously... they will manifest as side effects. However, your potions are so versatile people consider them worth it, and your "secret" is hidden well enough. Your potions will ALSO randomly appear as loot in the world, but you'll get paid for this.

...But not to everyone. A coven of three other alchemist witches know of you, and both help, toy with, and playfully blackmail you. You wanted your production to be industrial? They can help with that! So long as they get to use some too, and get to be the ones to keep altering your body... They might tailor you panties (you'd look cute in them) with a portal in them where they milk your cock and play with your balls on the other side, perhaps another portal so they can play with your butt... they may find a fairy and curse her with "fucknugget" and "cumflation", making you wear her as a cocksleeve and cum tank (belly riding style), or just summon other monster girls to meet a quota of cum production in a moonlit orgy.
And if you refuse their requests... you know how to brew a simple divination potion. It takes time... but every time you've tried it, you saw them buying out your shop for dirt cheap after revealing you, and making you their pet for REAL. Naked, collared, perhaps cursed with animal ears and a tail (they're cute), and still expected to produce more cum. You can fuck with them and not have this happen... but for each time you use a lewd potion to fuck with one of your witch associates, she'll cast a spell of her own back on you as payback. This can be playful, or even kinky, especially if the witch likes it... but you're still stuck being milked in creative ways lest you lose your freedom and become their fucktoy.

Your cum becomes extra body fat, like you requested. The problem is that this body modification is irreversible, and there are no upper limits... which is why milking is so important. Furthermore... the effect did not come with "strength to WALK with this massive bottom". You have to brew strength or levitation potions to get around, and as we already know... that means you'll suffer chronic side effects just to move. Gravity might be reversed for your cock and balls, making you cum upwards and having your cock keep shoving itself into your face... your strength might make you restless (and horny), and magic to animate your legs to help move them may have a mind of its own, causing your lower body to move in accordance to your SUBCONSCIOUS mind at times, such as crossing your legs or showing your butt to someone you feel is cute/sexy. You'll always be really big, you'll rarely be milked enough to walk without magic, but at LEAST you have enchanted clothes to keep you from getting into trouble due to them... garments that your witch FWBs helped you enchant...

Rather than outright hide your proportions, the garments normalize them. People will still see them as lewd, but feel like it's the right time and place.
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You'd find it weird to find a zebra in the street, but perfectly normal to see one in a zoo. Your clothes make it so that people have the same reaction to you as they would if they saw you in a magical brothel. Sure... the true nature is "concealed", as you asked... but if that's not good enough, there are some other garments you have with other methods of concealment. Cock and ball portals in your underwear (the witches will toy with them on the other end), garments that redistribute your cumfat to make you a tall, venus dickgirl with boobs (better distrubuted, still stacked), and clothes that actually store your cumfat in pocket dimension... but they're skin tight, sapient (you have telepathy with these tight clothes), and VERY kinky, often puppeting your body to seduce others.

And finally... your shop is well regarded. Your potions always work, and your witch friends will often use enchantment and illusion magic to quell rumors, such as make it impossible for someone to bring up their side effects, make them think they were hit by a totally different curse when they drank the potion, or... just... use magic to make them into it.

The last one is the most effective, and the most common. You'll attract perverts from all over, asking for your "strongest" potions, and by strongest? They mean "fuck me up". Usually priestesses, they're pretty kinky. On the other hand, some might drink a potion of "stallion's strength" in your shop right after buying it, and hit on you with their new horsecock, be they a strong man or newly created futa... and lemme tell you, cumming all the time takes one hell of a libido so your customers will fuck you pretty damn often.

I think that about covers it... enjoy!

>I wish I was a cute futa who could dominate and tame sexy, older, more confident, and/or accomplished women.
Granted. You fall asleep as yourself, and over the course of the night, you grow the appropriate appendages to become a cute futa, and shrink into a cute little baby futa. You are so cute, that any woman would pick you up out of your bassinet and ask your mom if you're a boy or a girl, and mommy stammers and can't answer. She quit her trip up the corporate ladder for this... child she doesn't quite know how to raise. They dominate her time schedule and have calmed her down (taming the early forties shrew shew was). You grow up the son/daughter of a single mother, former female lawyer who was a week from making partner. She does consulting now, and has a decent work/life balance, but since she really enjoyed herself at the last company Christmas party, she's not sure which guy is your dad. Severance was good though. She sees your dad in you as a teen, and is by then you can take your chance, but will you?

>I wish that once a month, a third of the population that is not pregnant would change in the order of men->women->futa->men.
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I wish for a world where buxom ladies adore and fatten me, where I (male) can get as fat as possible without the usual associated health issues.
Read the rules, u need to grant a wish first. There are a few ungranted wishes
Granted. A random third of the population changes each full moon due to a runaway virus, but with this being luck there are those unlucky few who only change once in their life. Even after laws bend to adjust to this sudden social upheaval global society is split; between utterly humiliating those effected by the virus and enforcing their shifted gender roles to a degree that borders on parody, and those who embrace the gender bending lifestyle even when not transformed.
First delivery. Hope it was acceptable.

>I wish I had loving, horsecock futa GFs
Granted! I found three sexually compatible friends and told them what you wished for as I started changing them... but to make things fair, I let them make wishes of their own as they grew and toyed with their futa cocks... well, after they realized that they couldn't wish for to go back to normal, and the shyest of the group turned their anger into arousal. They quickly started to lose themselves to their new lust after that, slowly realizing... they were all into this without even knowing it. Doesn't mean they won't use their wishes to get revenge on you though...

One is a tall, dominant, confident woman with long red hair, one is a fit, but impish tomboy with short dark hair, and one is a shy, softer girl with wavy brown hair.

In order? The most dominant woman wished that you'd turn into a "a cute mare with matching holes", turning you into a cute girl with equine holes, to which the tomboy used her wish to expand upon with "a girl who we can make more or less equine if we're in agreement, I want to see her react different changes repeatedly after what she did to us", which allows them to change you from a girl with just a horse pussy and butt, to a girl with horse legs and crotchboobs, to a full on centaur (possibly more transformations such as hooves for arms, forcing you on all fours), and the final girl, shy and feeling a little sorry for you, wished "to be able to give him back is penis... or have a penis if she didn't have one... and have selective fertility.", which allows the girls to make you futa as well if they're feeling... generous. You will either have a human cock or a horsecock yourself, depending on what they want you to have... and after that, I'll drop you in the same room with them.

Now rest assured, they ARE loving. I found three girls with personalities, fetishes, and hobbies that'll make you near inseparable... but they don't know it yet. They're going to be VERY teasing and dominant at first.
They're going to see this as a way to get back at you first and foremost, as I plop you in their apartment, naked, in your new form, one that they will change as frequently as they wish. A hole that they can fuck with no consequence... and they'll do just that, with even the shyest girl making you take her cock "for giving me this THING!"... but your orgy will leave you all tired out, and passed out. You'll get some cuddling from the tomboy after, though she'll brush it off when morning comes, saying she was just cold.

You're expected to live here now, and if you try to leave, they can just turn your hands into hooves, or give you debilitating crotchboobs... so don't try it unless you WANT "disciplinary fucking", which usually involves cuffs and sometimes a leash. The girls, shockingly, can't fuck you forever... but due to their new appendages, they'll opt to go around the house naked, and you might have to as well, and wear a dress when you go out... your new pussy isn't easy to hide, and will give you one HELL of a cameltoe if you wear pants. This leads to more sexual openness, of course, with many of the girls having spontaneous thoughts like "give her crotch tits for me to play with while I take her from behind" or "put her on all fours again, she's cuter that way!" or even "Let her have a cock, we're still women, after all... despite... these... but we're still going to be on top."

Slowly you'll become their fucktoy, and slowly... you'll all realize that I hit more people with lewd magic like this, making your situation still humiliating, but not unheard of, making your GFs less reluctant to play with you outside.

Slowly, as you get more one on one time with them, you'll learn more about their loving sides. The dominant girl can be doting, and while she isn't a secret sub... she can be a very gentle and thoughtful lover. The tomboy has a more feminine side than she lets on, and likes to be complimented and given sensual sex...
Even if she has to get used to being the one with a dick, and your big, soft holes... or maybe she'll let you have your dick to take her from behind (but you better not tell anyone about it)... she likes action games and will cuddle while playing them. The last girl is as submissive as she seems, and very kind, often being the most understanding... but she's also extremely kinky. She'll watch anime with you one moment, and suggest something WAY out of left field after seeing classic anime fanservice. The fun part about this is, as earlier stated... these girls share your fetishes. The mixed blessing part is that they share even the ones that are embarrassing for you.

It'll be a while until they openly admit they have feelings for you... but even during the time you get to know each other, they will show their loving sides frequently, often cuddling and finding themselves being nicer to you... though their libidos will not calm down, and teasing you will become the norm, so I hope you get used to being a horsecock sleeve... but know that you are a LOVED horsecock sleeve, and this strange four way relationship will work out (with no shortage of lewd misadventures). Maybe one day they'll decide to switch on that selective fertility...

>I wish to BECOME a sexy genie, belonging to cute, yet kinky, girls. Ones that'll become close friends (with sexual benefits), but still wish for things that cause "fetish of the week" shenanigans.
Wish bumps

Slower, but higher quality grants are better than trying to rush through them imo.
Just realized I pinned the wrong comment whoops...

Your wish
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Granted! Your body softens and shrinks. Your hips and chest ache as they start to curve. Looking at yourself, you'll see your skin darken as your ethnicity changes. Even your voice develops an exotic accent. The changes will slow, and you'll be a petite human girl for a moment. Seconds later, your clothes shift into silk, and you feel your insides change. Nothing appears to be off from the outside at first, but as your flesh turns to magical smoke, it's harder to force yourself into a human shape. Your form leaks violet vapors, and your legs turn turn into that familiar tail. With concentration you could turn back, but you have too many new feelings to take in.

You feel powerful. Unstoppable even! As a genie, you have incredible cosmic powers. The magical schools of evocation, and transmutation are effortless to you! It's like everything around you is but clay to mold to your will! You also have the ability to alter history in minor ways, though this has minimal impact on the present. You can make a man a prince, but you aren't powerful enough to give him a kingdom from nothing, if that makes sense.

You only get to experience this intoxicating power and freedom for about 20 minutes though, before a blue genie appears in a flash of light. He holds up a bottle and shouts "For the crime of erasing the human (you) from existence, you are sentenced to grant the wishes of humanity for a thousand years!" Gold shackles bind you, all that magical power you had restricted to only be used for wishes. Despite still being so much stronger then you were as a human, this bondage feels too tight. You are then sucked in, and the genie caps if without listening to your plea. At least it's cozy inside.
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So, you may have some assumptions about how genie wishes work. You don't grant wishes like a monkey paw. You don't have limitless power constrained only by the phrasing of the wisher. Instead, you are bound to service. You grant wishes with your own abilities, your magic doesn't expand just because someone is making a wish. You don't get to twist people's wishes either, if you intentionally neglect the spirit of someone's wish to hurt them or ignore their command entirely, you have to explain yourself to another genie overseeing your punishment, and may receive more years in the bottle or other punishments. You can refuse a wish without penalty if it's beyond your abilities, like "make me a genie as powerful as you", but only if it's actually not possible. Hard wishes just mean you need to work harder. Other than that, you can only leave your bottle when a human uncorks it, and when a human holds the cap near the lid, you will be sucked back in.

Some time later, the cap squeaks against the glass, and you are let out in front of two girls. They were on a date when the found your bottle on a beach. You can try to explain your deal or not. Either way, they'll be cautious, but the temptation of having their wildest dreams fulfilled with win them over. They won't discuss long before the energetic one will command you to give her gold, and you'll be able to effortlessly transform anything nearby into gold. While she's still shouting in excitement, the relaxed one will grin and wish her girlfriend was also her little sister. The energetic one will blush and stamper, before doubling down, asking that you please don't make them step sisters and go all the way, with the same hair, eyes, and everything!

Once you grant it, they're going to examine your work and star talking about all the other things they can wish for. They will re-cork your bottle, and you'll get to listen to their ideas while they carry you home.
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As you live with them and get to know them, you'll get a feel for their kinks and preferences.

The relaxed one likes embarrassing and humiliating the energetic one, and enjoys taboo fetishes. You can expect wishes from her like making her girlfriend's clothes invisible, or polymorphing her into dumb and humiliating forms at risky times. She'll wish for the ability to always be able to see her girlfriend early on. There are more than a few ways you can grant that, so get creative. She doesn't know it yet, but she's also into seeing her girlfriend pee herself. She'll play up the master-slave dynamic with you, but ultimately sees you more as a friend. The magic in your bracers going off every time she casually wishes for you to bring her some water, or make room for her to sit will make it hard for you to see her as an equal though.

The energetic one likes receiving her girlfriend's humiliation, but is also a romantic, and has fetishes that are more focused on their novelty or emphasising her closeness with her girlfriend. She may wish to be conjoined with her girlfriend for awhile, or to have the ability to safely be swallowed by her. One of her favorite wishes will be to get to spend a night in your bottle with her girlfriend. She'll eventually work up the courage to wish for a penis, but won't like it enough to keep it; Unless it's a horscock. She won't think to try it on her own, but if she ever sees herself with a horsecock in the mirror, she'll fall in love.

>I wish to get seduced by and eventually marry a confident and domimant ladypot, who has significant nonmagical power over me. (Frieren from >>11107480 as inspiration)
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Granted! While magic will exist, and be involved in this... as you wished, your wife will have significant NONMAGICAL power over you, making her dominance largely reliant on... other factors. Other ladypots exist, as do kemono and monster girls, and even supernatural forces (stories about couples switching bodies or girls who grow dicks), and are not seen as TOO strange, but are rare. You will be allowed to carry your wife around, even uncovered, though some people will judge you for it.

To make a long story short, you found a pot in an antique store, next to other foreign antiques, yet apparently, she wouldn't show her true form to anyone else, asking you to buy her, and telling you a place where she buried gold nearby even, as a reward. Whether you find the gold first (a bar worth $80,000), or buy her first... you'll know immediately that there's more to her than meets the eye, and know that she's the one when she mentions you making a "very naughty" wish... her sultry tone and constant teasing, unable to be heard by others, will quickly wear away at your sense of restraint and get you to buy her. No magic will be used to seduce you, other than that which she uses to keep your conversation private. It's like she knows EXACTLY what you want... and you'll learn how when you get home.

Her breasts and pussy will expand out of a the pot some as she relaxes, and 8 more tails will sprout from the hole for her anus in the back, revealing her to be a nine tailed kitsune... but one who was sealed away to prevent her from tricking people with magic. What she pulled in the shop was a spell she had to spend multiple nights preparing once I told her you'd be coming... she still has SOME magical ability, but not nearly enough to control someone. However, she is very confident, and very dominant, and rightfully so... she's an ancient nine tailed fox who's lived a lifetime of trickery, seduction, and whimsy up until she was recently sealed, and thanks to you, "freed".
Not from her pot, obviously... but to a point where she can go back to her impish ways, no longer gathering dust while awaiting someone who'd treat her like a queen again. Oh, and she won't stop you from using her after you bring her home. On the contrary... she can make her pussy "wink", clench her butt, and knows JUST what's on your mind to get you to act on your carnal impulses. She may get a bit flustered if you, say, cum on her face, but she'll let you, before letting you know, as you're deep inside of her... you will be married under spirit law if you cum inside and opt to keep her for yourself, something that you'll be unable to refuse after feeling her heavenly holes.

You'll have a modest wedding with plenty of odd Yokai, possibly in a local forest, where her three very sexy daughters will show up alongside other guests like oni and even western spirits, like fairies and dryads. It'll be an odd, but cozy wedding where she shows her softer side, using that same silver tongue to assure you that you're fit to be her spouse, she's just an "old" fox with almost no magic left, let alone enough to remove her curse... but she's wise enough to know that it's not a "curse" so much as it is a "blessing in disguise".

While she herself has limited magical powers... she has a WIDE breadth of occult knowledge and locations of treasures to share to help you be financially stable, as well as tempt you. "Dear, did you know that there's an incantation that can make your penis bigger? Mommy will teach you how to use it..." but she may neglect to mention that it also makes you shorter and cuter as "equivalent exchange", not that she minds... there are strictly non magical ways she dominates you, as well. Her daughters will visit regularly, and depending on how she's feeling, she may either have them "play rough" with you (tie you up and gangbang you), or "play nice" (let you have your fun). These are not directly tired to how you treat her, by the way... instead...
She'll promise you the ability to realize your fetisehs, either with her or with her daughters, if you worship her properly, and tease you if you don't. Fuck her all you want, it's not that different from using an onahole unless she's willing to help you scratch that itch, whether you had it all along, or she planted the seeds of the fetish in you with her sultry voice and lewd imagination.

The keyword of this wish is "significant" non-magical power over you, not "no magical power herself"... which she makes very apparent, and will use to trick you frequently. She can, in theory, built up enough power to body swap you temporarily, enchant you to do as she says, create convincing illusions, or inflict lewd curses, and just may as surprises every blue moon, but she's also the king of trickster who can lie about enchanting you to do what she says when you're horny enough, make you THINK you're enchanted, but in reality? Everything you're doing is of your own volition. She might tell you about supernatural rites or hidden treasures as rewards, but she retains enough magic to have control over her own pot, and can turn back into the fox girl in your pic, or temporarily "close" her holes if she's upset with you... but she's more likely to simply ignore you while you fuck her if she wants something, and reward you with that spice of her honeyed words, dirty talk, and mastery over her vaginal and sphincter muscles if you're a "good boy".

She WILL also tempt you with magic, such as "rite to become a futa", "summon my daughters as your concubines for a month", or "I've heard there's a way to give me a temporary body..." but instead of rushing to do these things, she'll use them as the carrot to get you to do what she wants you to do. Worship her lower lips with your mouth, massage her breasts, pleasure her daughters while THEY dominate you... trickle feeding you more and more leads on these treasures as you do as she says...
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But the SIGNIFICANT power she holds over you are these very words and temptations. Maybe if you're a good enough boy, you'll get whatever magic you're after, turn into a futa, give her more magic to dominate you (like body swapping magic), or learn to summon her daughters (temporarily)... but you'll quickly learn that it's the journey, not the destination, especially since, well... as a trickster spirit, this occult knowledge often comes with catches. Want a new body? Sure, but you'll get some traits SHE wants too, like, say... looking like one of her own children, with a big bust/femboy body. or each time you summon her daughters, THEY get the ability to do the same to dominate YOU, and giving her power to dominate you might just let her out long enough to tease you and say "do it again and maybe next time I'll do more"... and all of these, especially things like "magic that changes your form", will require follow ups. She never gave you a way to change BACK for that one...

So you'd best keep your princess happy if you want to keep pursuing these lusty goals... but don't worry, being under her metaphorical thumb is sweet enough that you won't mind... even if she does humiliate you at times...

>I wish I was a sexy milf with incestuous daughters, perhaps one or two futa or dickgirl (but with no worries of inbred children)
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Granted! You are now a femboy, who's very "traplike" with your ability to confuse others and conceal your gender, and thanks to a deal with a cutem, androgenous fairy companion who can change their sex at will (as well as grow to your size temporarily for fun), and a magical "girl" contract... you are able to turn into a buff, but still androgenous femboy hero like pic related. Details are up to you, but your "magical girl" outfit WILL be slutty. There's no negotiating that.

You don't get a staff or a He-Man type sword either, your fairy companion finds that boring. Instead, your powers are focused around agility, wrestling (only made hotter by you being in scandalous clothes), and "charm". You will find all of these effortless when you transform... which you will have to do since lewd manga villains, villainesses, and monsters will start appearing, which you will be required to fight... or at least "neutralize", whether it be through diplomacy, distraction, exhaustion, or giving them "what they want" in some cases...

You're VERY strong, capable of greater feats than your body may suggest, but only while transformed.... though there is something consistent between your normal femboy identity and your magical boi identity. You're cursed with bottom energies. That doesn't mean you CAN'T top someone... but if someone you find attractive starts hitting on you, even if they're a villain, you'll start to turn into a hot mess, wanting to be held and played with with by them. As strong as you may be... when you subconsciously submit to someone. whether they're a friend or villain who's turning girls into succubi (or some other lewd hentai villain goal). you may as well be as the world's weakest twink at their touch, with them being able to "manhandle" you without issue.

This is a feature, not a bug. If it needs to be beaten up, you can do that. If you need to run fast to catch up, you can. If it's a sexy villain who you can "satisfy"...
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Disguising yourself as a dancer to infiltrate a meeting at a club, surrendering yourself to them in a bargain, or keeping them "busy" (ex. getting a futa oni gone berserk to tire herself out with you) are all much easier than shonen type fights where buildings are destroyed and pavement is broken. Sure, a monster girl or guy might still leave an ass faced imprint in the pavement where they rode you or sat on your face, and "other" messes might be common with this method... but that's nothing compared to what MOST magical girls do. Yeah, a "friendship laser" sounds cool until you realize that you just blasted the villain straight through an office building, shattering glass and desks.

You don't do that, you're more like... bait. A sacrifice, maybe, and other magical girls who work with you (some actual girls, some also femboys) will use your talents thusly... and might even dominate you themselves. Being a bottom doesn't necessarily mean taking it, it could mean a sexy succubus milking you dry, or a smaller twink riding you like he owns you. You'll just turn into a needy slut if you find them hot.

Don't worry about practice if there aren't monsters or villains for a bit, your fairy can grow to your size to help you practice, they're very experienced... and sometimes past villains will visit you again... you ARE really cute...

Hope you enjoy the muscles, it's a ""shame"" they won't do much good when your legs turn to jelly and your turn to mush in someone's arms like the superslut you are...

>I wish I was a cute girl who lived in a magical, but modern day world where lewd effects, status conditions, and transformations were common. Genie can decide more on worldbuilding, such as if I'd be a mage who can control these, or if I'm just a girl caught in them, and what causes them.
Wish bump
Granted, you are now the apprentice of a female lesbian mage. There's no need to go to another world; with your initiation, you are now capable of seeing the unseen world, to look beyond the veil that separates the exciting from the boring. You can now perceive, and interact with, the supernatural: you can go to the graveyard to talk to ghosts, enter mushroom circles to go to hidden fae forests, and notice that the waittresses at the local catgirl café are REAL catgirls.
Your mistress is a powerful mage with a knack for lewd transformative magic - things going from sex changes to ladypots. Her job is to help mediate things between supernatural creatures and humanity, but times have changed, and so did her tasks. For example: are the computers at the local company malfunctioning because of a gremlin infestation, or because of a computer virus? She doesn't really know much about the latter. Or maybe she'll be contacted by a vampire coven because the humans are organizing a concert near their lair, and their laser lights are a safety hazard; but the vampires can't attack the humans to drive them away because of The Pact Of The Ancients (thunder in the distance). Can't the witch intervene and convince them to move somewhere else? Maybe curse the band? Stuff like that.

For some time, you'll end up in jobs like this, while studying magic under your mistress' care. Yes, she's willing to have sex with you... but only as a reward if you're a good student and assistant. Yes, there will be lewd troubles during your jobs, but usually your mistress will bail you out just fine.

But happiness doesn't last forever. For you see, one day you and your mistress will be cursed by one of her rivals-lovers. You will be cursed to take the form of an animal, namely a cat. However, thanks to your knowledge of magic, you'll be able to find a counterspell that will allow you to take human form... for eight hours a day.
Later on, you'll learn that this limit can be extended if you transform into something only partially human. For example, a catgirl form like >>11115150 could last nine hours instead of eight. And obviously, the more you are transformed, the more animal instincts you'll get.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "wow, this curse sounds pretty lame, I'll just have to be a monstergirl (50% girl, 50% animal) while I'm awake for 16 hours and a cat while I sleep the remaining 8." And you'd be right. For reference, picrel is something like 40% human.
But here's the kicker: your mistress was affected by the second, most terrible part of the curse. When you're in cat form, she'll see you as a human; and when you're in human form, she'll see you as an animal. If you're part-cat and part-animal, she'll see you with the proportions reversed - so you can probably guess what >>11115150 would look like to her. And no, explaining the situation to her will not work, the curse will alter her perceptions and memories to prevent her from noticing your true form.
You COULD, however, try to convince her to remove the curse entirely, or at least lessen it. Removing it is a giant issue, because the curse basically turned you into her familiar, which means that, if Mistress isn't careful, she'll fuck up both hers and yours magical powers. She can, however, try to change what animal you'll turn into. The results will be kinda random, but they'll always be something fitting for a witch's familiar: a snake, a frog, an owl... or maybe something a bit more mystical, like a tiny fairy or a mass of tentacles. She can also cast a glamor on you so that non-magical humans will see you as something normal, like a human or a cat.
>I wish that humans had the ability to merge with each other in lewd ways like picrel; and also that there's a way to defuse.
Wish bumps.
Granted. Once upon a time, this was a modern world with technology a bit more advanced than ours. But that all changed one day, when Gauntlets began to appear. A "Gauntlet" is essentially the classic dungeon you hear in certain mangas: they appear at random, and they contain treasure, traps and monsters. There are a few key differences, though:
1) Gauntlets tend to be more linear, shaped more like obstacle courses rather than labyrinths.
2) Gauntlets aren't limited to underground. They also appear above ground, in the sea, in the sky and so on.
3) Gauntlets slowly expand over time, reshaping the area around them into more Gauntlets.

Naturally, this becomes a problem because monsters from the Gauntlets often wander around in the "safe" areas nearby, harassing and raping the local population. On top of that, many of these monsters possess ways to case a wide variety of lewd effects and transformations - usually by force-feeding the victim certain edible objects, but sometimes a monster will have an inherent ability to induce some kind of status effect.
There's a way out, however. Every group of Gauntlets has a special monster designated as their Guardian. If the Guardian is defeated, the linked Gauntlets will quickly disappear, reverting the land back to a livable state. The process also leaves behind several transformative items and item spawners, which the local population can benefit from.

And that leads us to you. You are a girl trained to overcome these Gauntlets, possessing innate speed and agility. You aren't built for defeating enemies; you are built to jump, dodge and weave your way through them and reach the end. Because of this, you usually rely on powerup items, either combining or replacing their effects to overcome obstacles in your way.
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Wear a cursed tribal mask to become more and more goblin-like, making you shorter but even more agile. Eat a cake and balloon into a ball of lard, destroying floors to drop into the levels underneath until you run out of calories. Try to remember if the cherries you found are the ones that clone you or the ones that give you a minicock and sizable balls. Get a dinosaur pet. Gorge on mushrooms and grow into a giant (just mind the lewd psychedelic hallucinations). Reach the end, defeat the Guardian (either through brute force, or by finding a way to use their own powers against them), and reap your rewards.
Oh, and try to not get fucked into oblivion by the enemies. Individually, they are weak, but they can inflict you with a variety of status effects, from aphrodisiac poisons to partial petrification that leaves your genitals fuckable.

Just remember: it is your duty to protect humanity and ensure that they can live safely.

>I wish I had an infinitely-deep pool of cute women like picrel. Something that I can jump into and keep sinking down and down and down, but with a way to get back to the surface.
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Granted. You discover a pool dug in your backyard, lined with weird purple crystal stones and filled to the rim with hundreds on top of thousands of cute, chesty women. What makes this pool infinitely deep is the fact that this is actually a portal to a strange pocket dimension that's basically next to nothing except for these gorgeous calls, all of them sweating and pressing up against boob flesh every which way, babbling in some nonsense language that's strange and melodic. Occasionally, holes into this dimension open up for reasons unknown to us, usually in the form of these swimming pools, and it's through these portals that outsiders may experience and enjoy this world of seemingly infinite soft boobs. As you might realize, you're free to enjoy this portal to the titty dimension yourself! If you want to get back to the "surface", the way it's usually done is by tying a harness to yourself, and connecting it to a lead wire or a rope, or maybe a bungee cord, and tying the other end to a solid thing to anchor it, like a tree or a similar pillar, or maybe a block of cement. That way you can just climb the rope to get back out. The women here will love the feeling of your body squirming against theirs, maybe even lavishing you with their boobs themselves. They don't even mind when you cum on them, in fact when you do they eagerly lap it up like dogs.

So what's the catch? Well suppose the rope breaks, or maybe you jumped in without your harness and you sunk down too far. Good news, you don't gotta worry about light or air down there. Bad news, it's easy to get lost in the infinite sea of soft titties and cute faces, and if you stay in the titty dimension too long then the magic of this place starts taking hold of you. Your body will melt and transform into another one of the women native to this dimension, your mind transformed along with it as your head is filled with thoughts of boobies against boobies and the voices of your new sisters.
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Yes, staying in the dimension too long makes you join their hive, calling it what it is. Your sense of your old identity is balled up and swept into a forgotten corner of your mind as you become just another cute, sexy face in the sea of boobalicious ladies, babbling along with them in their alien language in honeyed melodic tones. Psychic projections of porn stream into your head from the real world, mildly preventing you and your sisters from going completely stir crazy and ensuring you never run out of things to babble about with them. You never have to worry about food or water either, that's just magically a non-issue now. Sometimes you get to see the outside world when your head is one of the ones poking out of a new pool, but your desire to leave or escape doesn't exist anymore. The idea of leaving your sisters just can't ever occur to you, either.

Of course, there are times where you feel a link to a sister sever, but she's quickly forgotten about like she never existed and you continue with your happy existence without missing a beat soon after. There's also times when a new sister is formed from another soul who stayed in the titty dimension too long, but before long it'll be like she'd always been there. Sometimes, while your head is poking up through a portal pool, you see one of the outsiders take a sister out of the dimension into the surface world, and you feel your connection go silent. She stops existing as a sister to you after a moment of shock, and you perceive her as just another outsider. Maybe she'll jump back into the ocean of boobs and reestablish her connection to the hive, and it'll be like she'd never left.

If you were to be taken out of the pool like this though, when you feel the connection break it'll be much harder for you to get over it. You'll feel like all your arms and legs got cut off for a while as you adjust to life in the normal world again. Your body will never go back to normal,
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Your body will never go back to normal, forever one of a cute, sexy woman with big, soft boobies. Your old memories may never return, thinking always of the infinite boobs dimension, even if only faintly. You can adjust to your new life on the surface pretty easily, learning the language and getting used to wearing clothes and eating and sleeping to survive, but you're always eternally horny no matter how many times you orgasm. You never seem to age, either, always eternally cute and your boobs remaining perky and supple. If you do find another pool into the titty dimension and you dive in, you'll automatically link back into the hive as if you've never left. You and all your sisters will feel as though you've always been there. You'll probably forget all about what you experienced in the surface world, all becoming just more stuff that's passed around in the melodious babbling of the women surrounding you. You might get pulled back out, you might not. This is the way of things now.

>I wish for a cyberpunk city full of slutty playboy bunnies
Granted, you are now a gorgeous, mature MILF that exudes class and style. You can easily seduce men and women alike, wrapping them around your little finger and convincing them to give you sex, gifts and favors. Your charisma is so great, that you can get away with pretty much everything as long as you don't actually harm anyone; this means that, for example, you can get fucked in public by your daughters without being arrested for indecent acts in public.

Speaking of your daughters... you'll start with two - two girls. One if a bit of a rebel type, probably going the way of the gyaru; while the other is a bookish nerd with a bit of a paunch due to her sedentary lifestyle (she's a writer). All your children, present and future, have a crush on you, are willing to engage in sexual relationships, and will usually listen to your requests - although there will be the occasional time where a daughter will be to rebellious or horny to obey you.
I said "future daughters" because you have been blessed by a fertility goddess to have a big happy family. By which I mean that you'll pop out roughly one new kid every week. No traditional pregnancy, no need to have sex: you'll just have a few minutes of contractions, and then you'll orgasmically squeeze out an already-adult child - or more, if you happen to have more children at once. Most of them will be daughters, but some will be something else like futas or dickgirls or fucknuggets. They will all resemble you, although if you had sex with someone in-between one birth and the next, the children might also have traits of the other "parent". And no, there aren't any risks of inbreeding - not even between your daughters.
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As I mentioned, all your daughters will be born as adults, both in body, mind and knowledge. So maybe you'll pop out a futa who already has enough medical knowledge to go to college, or a daughter who will immediately start cooking food for the rest of your family, even while you're still in the middle of giving birth to her. On the other hand, you will have an exceptional memory to remember all your children's names, preferences and so on.

>I wish for something related to this pic.
Granted, this is the witch. She's a slimegirl, but she used to be a human until the accident caused by her alcoholism and love for transformative potions. Apparently she overdosed on a bunch of stuff and ended up becoming a living potion herself. She took it in stride, and even learned to use it to emprove her alchemy: by eating the ingredients and performing certain operations inside her body, she can basically create potions without the need for any special equipment. These potions are stored in insulating bubbles inside her body, so she will not be affected by any potion she just created. They'll remain there until she chooses to eject them... Or until she is bumped hard enough, in which case the bubble will break, the potion will be absorbed by the rest of her body, and she will suffer the effects.
However, this special method has an important side-effect: every potion she creates in this way will be alive, taking the form of a small slime familiar (usually a girl, sometime boy or other). These familiars have basically the intelligence of an animal, and their personality is shaped by the potion they were born from: a strength potionslime will be aggressive a cock growth potionslime will hump girls' legs like a horny dog, a petrification potionslime will be an ambush predator, and so on.
Aside for that, potionslimes want to be drank by others. And they will often take the opportunity to trick other people into drinking them. They'll climb inside your cup of tea and hope that you'll drink them, they'll climb inside the shower's plumbing to surprise you there, or they'll just flat-out attack you. "Mom" just lets them do it - partially because of her slimegirl instincts, and part because she wants to see what they'll do.

And that leads us to you. You were originally hired by the witch to be her "assistant", but what she meant was a combination of test subject and toy. She rarely chooses to test her potions on you...
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...because usually, she's just content to see you being attacked by potionslimes and watch as you get helplessly transformed outside of your or her control. Immobilized by giant tits? Shrunk to the size of a fairy? Being reduced to a tiny fairy but with tits the size of beanbag chairs? Well, what if she adds a latexification potion - then you'll really look more like a beanbag chair! And let's not talk about the crazy ideas she'll come up when she's drunk... Though in that case, it's a 50/50 split over whether or not the "test subject" will be you or her.

But, hey. Over time, you and the witch will begin to enter a proper romance, with her realizing that maybe she wants something more than just a victim to pick on... even if it's a victim that apparently really likes one... And so she'll slowly begin to open up more, and even think about the possibility of settling down, have a slime child or four - actual slimefolk children, not short-lived minions - and a marriage with a biiiiiig cake...
Yes, she'll probably confess to you when she's hopelessly drunk, and both you and her will have to spend quite a bit of time trying to figure out if she really meant it or if it was the alcohol talking. Yes, she's a mess of a witch (epecially when she passes out and melts into a puddle on the floor), but she'll be YOUR lovely mess.

>I wish I was a big strong oni woman.
Granted, welcome to Los Lagomo, a super-advanced city owned by several shady megacorporations. For some reason, most of the town's "public" face is comprised of casinos, entertainment spaces like theaters or cinemas, pubs, hotels, and of course brothels. Many places combine these things together, so it's not uncommon to find a theater with a giant-ass bar, or a hotel whose staff doubles as prostitutes. In fact, scratch that: the prostitutes are literally everywhere. Pretty much all low-level employees and several of the supervisors are sluts dressed in playboy outfits, and rabbit imagery is EXTREMELY common in town: clothes are either dedicated to Playboy outfits or decorated with rabbits, many snacks are shaped after rabbits or have rabbit mascots, nine-feet-tall security robots shaped like humanoid rabbits stand guard to keep the peace, and the city is home of the second biggest convention for Sailor Moon fans. The corporations didn't even plan for that last one, but the fans basically forced them to accept it.

Oh, yeah, did I mention that the city is technologically advanced? There's lots of hi-tech gizmos like advanced computers or 3D-holographic TVs, and the city can provide all sorts of cybernetic enhancements... most of which are somehow dedicated to sex. From sex reassignment nanosurgery that doesn't leave any scar, to battery implants to make you fuck for days "like the Duracell bunny".
You see, if you're a commoner here, you are paid shit unless you accept to fullfill a "sex quota": you gain points the more slutty or sexual you act, and if you fulfill your monthly quota, you get paid significantly more. But if you fail, you risk being contacted by HR for reassignment or re-training - and yes, that's threatening. So everyone is slutty, all the time, every time - even those who might be reluctant; the usage of aphrodisiac drugs is considerably high, and there's eve rumors of sex trafficking.
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But that, as I mentioned, is the PUBLIC face of the city. There's a hidden side as well. Spies trying to steal a company's trade secrets. Criminal cartels going to war with each other. Unhetical experiment. Rumors of a secret cabal of rabbit-men trying to manipulate human politics.
..For some unspecified reason, this "dark side" also has a lot to do with sex. The secret weapon that lab was creating? A super vibro-dildo that can cut steel. Gangsters and cops alike use sexual weapons to overload their opponents with orgasms - after all, why kill when it's more profitable to turn a fallen enemy into a sex slave?

Since I feel nice, I will drop you right into the city, but I will give you some leeway over what will happen to you. Are you a worker in a bunnygirl outfit, teasing your customers to fulfill your slut quota? A newbie criminal beginning to climb the ranks of your gang? A private detective on a case that will inevitably end up with you and your client having sex under the full moon? Or are you a tourist who ended up wandering in the wrong part of the city at the right time?

>I wish I was a giant angel whose job is to deal with demons. Mostly by non-lethally teasing and bullying them, like picrel.
Granted? Uh... so... cum is sentient now... sorry about that. So what do I mean by this?

Well I took one look at the pic you provided, and I thought to myself "ah yes. Cum monsters sounds like the perfect apocalypse." So I made a bunch of dudes all over the world bust simultaneously to collect enough white hot splooge to congeal into monster men, and they're all maddeningly horny. Like irrevocably horny. Their minds are a constant swirl of whatever deviant and degenerate fetishes the people who jizzed them out had, so a lot of them really like feet. So they got together in a big pile and had a bit of an orgy, transferring information between each other at the same time. This led them to desire strength and size, and they decided the best way was to absorb and digest as many people as they could. So they started clomping all over the world looking for humans to turn into more cum, and therefore more body mass.

You're gonna be one of the first victims. Wanna know how it's gonna feel? Well first it's gonna be all sticky and hot and slimy... then it's gonna burn real bad as your skin and bones and organs dissolve into fresh semen. Soon the agonizing acid burning pain will give way to a 24/7 climaxing sensation that you're actually and sincerely incapable of getting used to. You're still alive in there as a formless mass of jizz, your consciousness swirling and churning and blending in with the cacophony of other voices swirling around you, their horny thoughts melting into your own until all you can think about is kinks and lewd fetishes and orgasming all the time at every time. Now you're just nothing more than this cum monster's weird slimy mass. That's your fate now. Hope it's what you were looking for.
>I wish for a supernatural storm of breastmilk to rain from the sky, causing women to start spontaneously growing gigantic milky tits and making them love their new tanks instead of panicking when they're transformed. Make them partially obsessed with their own and others' boobs as well, like their fundamental personalities are the same they just really love fat, sloshy, lactating titties now. Maybe lowered inhibitions too.
Granted! So I have some good news and some bad news, the good news is that with my great magic, I turned you into an 8ft muscular oni girl, but the bad thing is that I might've overused my magic a little, yes you are an oni but you are the only oni left alive in the world, I kind of mixed the soul and physical bodies wires and this happened. But it's not the end yet, all the oni souls are still alive within you and you can hear them, they are not mad at you (only at me) so don't expect them to torment you, they'll guide you to restore the Oni race the only way anyone could fathom, lots and LOTS OF BREEDING!

Good thing you ask for a muscular body 'cause you are now going to do a lot of cardio, you could either use a futa spell or breed in a more traditional way but the soul within you will enthusiastically ask if they finally get their turn to be alive once more. If you choose to breed to restore an Oni their soul will transfer into a fertilized egg and will quickly grow in incubation in 3 days before being reborn into a full-blown young adult.

You have a lot of work to do but if you read the terms of your contract will end once all 1 million Oni are reborn you'll be free, remember that you have a ridiculous long life span so I'm sure you can do it if you put some time aside for a couple of years! Good luck with your quest and enjoy your new body, tell the Onis I said hi okay byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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>I want to keep the ball rolling with this wish, so I wish to become an extremely popular pornstar after turning into a cartoon
Grantee. You wake up to find yourself in a world that looks... different. As if you walked into a cartoon. After a few days if your eyes adjusting to the changes and yourself to the world, you go about your life.

Except in this world, you're Sarah Sexy, the hottest pornstar around! And this cartoon is in the same vein as Tom and Jerry and looney tunes. Lots of getting hit with a frying pan only to fall on a dick. Lots of someone going out for a stroll only to find an ass in a wall and going 'Don't mind if I do!' type stuff.

The world, a show in some post modern earth, is extremely popular. Which is kinda where the bad news starts.

It doesn't stop.

The mix of comedy and lewdity hits people in all the right ways and there's endless ideas. The fetishes start to get a little wild. From someone going for a piss, only to see you've somehow become a dryad that needs 'water', to blowing you up as a balloon via the pussy to float around with. It's not all cartoon insanity but don't be surprised if one day you wake up covered in chocolate, two dicks in you, and no idea why a sentient rabbit and duck are fighting over whether it's 'ass or mouth season'.

>I wish I was a really cute and hot femboy.
Granted, a breastmilk storm system will sweep through the continental United States, causing women to grow breasts ranging in size from a beachball to an SUV, with the higher end of the scale resulting from a woman being directly hit by a drop of breastmilk from the sky. After the first few initial reports of the breast milk touching down, a non insignificant number of women suddenly start spending more time outside in the hope that they'll be directly impacted by the breast milk when the storm (seemingly randomly) hits their locale.
Among these women are weather reporters Diana Wilkerson and Nancy Becker who have requested that their news station allow them to work entirely out of a news van for the next year or so. Between themselves, they have planned this out both to boost their ratings and as a "girls' outing".
Before we tell of the storm touching down while the two newscasters on the front lines, we must quickly digress and speak of the women who are apathetic about the whole affair. These are the quiet, already well endowed women (primarily fat women) who work relatively menial jobs, ranging from the fast food joint, to the warehouse and to the doctor's office.
Now we can move to Diana and Nancy's experience during the deluge.
At the first sign of gathering clouds, the two weatherwomen immediately sprint out of their van parked in front of a warehouse. As the torrent commences, they give their cameraman a smug look and tell him to get the camera rolling. Dianna quickly does her introductory spiel and passes the microphone to Nancy, noting that the bright white fluid is starting to deeply soak her bright red dress. Nancy summarizes the locations that have already been struck by the storm and casually places the mic into her cleavage. The two women casually banter for a few minutes as the milk continues pouring down sideways. After this time, their dresses become almost entirely transparent, revealing their areolae, now the size of dinner plates.
Noting this, Nancy and Diana drop what little shreds of modesty they maintain and tear apart each other's dresses, letting the audience view their athletic bodies and heaving breasts in their entirety. These breasts are criss-crossed by deep green veins and a few stretch marks.
The anchors take turns kneading, biting and slapping each other's breasts, seemingly filled by utter lust. This continues for around thirty minutes, until their chests become large enough to root them to their places.
Yet still they stare directly at each other's breasts, their minds emptied of any desire except for feeling their flesh between their fingers.
After several hours, the camera man tries to get their attention, but to no avail. He decides to pack up and leave them.
Just then, the warehouse lets out a shift of workers, with the women among them of course having what would have been considered massive breasts were it not for the warm, pliable lumps of flesh attached to the now sleeping weatherwomen around 50 feet away from them.
For safety reasons, the company operating the warehouse provided the women with highly elastic shirts to wear in the event of the milk falling while on the job. The women were carrying these on their arms while exiting the warehouse.
Their breasts bounce and sway as they head towards Nancy and Diana, causing the women to grope one another once in a while, all the while exchanging laughter and aroused smiles. Tonight would be a fun girls' night for the reporters and the warehouse workers alike.
>I wish that men were more casually sexualized by women on the internet, ranging from women posting nudes of their male partners to threads of men posting images of themselves for the consumption of women. To further insert myself into this wish, I wish to be dating or married to a woman that encourages me to allow her to post me online. I would like for her to have a fetish that she centers her posts of me around. As long as it's not related to bodily waste, infantilization or cucking/pegging I'll give her relatively free reign of what she posts.
Granted! Biology as you know it is a thing of the old world. People follow porn physics now first and foremost, and are much cuter or sexier on average, with STDs and most health problems being a thing of the past. However, due to this, people are FAR more open to casual sex, and have evolved much higher libidos due to it. Laws about groping, indecent exposure, etc are much more lax since it's so common. This is mostly a retroactive change, with people you know turning more attractive, and you will become an androgynous dickgirl to start off as.

Now as you wished... people can merge with other people in very lewd ways. The problem is that they can't really CONTROL this ability. Your sexy futa boss might get hot and bothered and ask to rail you, or visa versa, and you two could merge in the middle of it, unable to stop the merging once it starts. Don't worry though, it'll feel blissful, and leave you two as a sexier, more desirable whole, taking the best traits from both of you, like the better tits, the better ass, a cock if one of you didn't have one... or it could merge assets. But just as people can't control WHEN it happens... people can't control HOW it happens either.

Sure, you could become a super sexy futa OL after merging with your boss, sharing a mind with 50/50 control of your super endowed body... but say she asked you to suck her off or eat her out. or decided to give you an oral treat. A fusion like pic related may result, with one person fusing to the other's genitals. 69ing can be similar, resulting in what LOOKS like a fusion... but with the unluckier party's consciousness residing within the fusion's loins. The good news is conjoined people have telepathy. Bad news is whoever is in charge can elect to ignore the other, and may get horny enough to "put them to use".

Plenty of strange fusions exist. Two heads and four tits, a threesome ending with two people as sapient breasts with lipples, or ass eating creating a humantaur.
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And the best part? With your new libidos, the fact that people can just grope you with little to no repercussions, and the same loose laws letting coworkers, bosses, friends, etc make moves on you out of the blue... there's no avoiding it.

Whoever is "in charge" of the body is usually expected to help whoever had a more important job carry it out until the fusion ends, so if your boss becomes your futa cock or pussy, or your taur backside, you are expected to listen to her telepathy and act as her, and take her back to her home if she desires it... but you can negotiate about that. You COULD ignore her, but once you unfuse you'd get in trouble... unless you ignoring her led to a magical experience she isn't even mad about, which is rare, but does sometimes happen. A lot of the time, there's negotiating with "less than equal" fusions, where the person at the mercy of the other has to let them have some fun, so your boss, as an example, may let you go to a brothel or use her on a FWB, or even fuck a coworker with her... so long as you don't try to take over the company or anything.

Unfusing happens naturally. It happens naturally, long enough before the novelty starts to wear off to leave both parties craving more... but there's a catch here too. You may not get "your" parts back when you unfuse. You started as a dickgirl, right? Say you fuse with a milf with a pussy. Afterwards, you might end up looking more mature with bigger assets and her pussy, while she gains your cock. Maybe you hooked up with someone with dick sucking lips? You might get stuck with those after... don't expect to keep "your" new body for long, it'll be a ship of Theseus deal soon. Biological IDs help keep track of this, but good luck getting used to new body parts every week.

And to make things even MORE fun? You have VERY lewd luck.

>I wish I was a cute girl with a kinky, transformation fetish having artist GF, who's art would become real, including drawings of existing people.
Granted! You are now a very cute and hot femboy incubus! In both senses of the word...

You probably saw this coming... but luckily for you, heat and cold are relative, so I'm not going to make you harmful to your lovers. Instead... you are a slime based incubus with internal temperatures that can exceed your own melting point. While in a temperate setting, you feel like a normal boy... in warm weather without water or proper cooling, you will start to get softer. In hot weather, you'll still be able to walk, but will be so soft you'll be as pliable as clay. And that's not factoring in your lust. If someone teases or flusters you enough? You may literally start to melt into a warm, cozy pile of goo.

Speaking of? Being a succubus, you'd NORMALLY have to stay in the lust layer of hell, where plenty of other succubi and incubi will shift you between hot and cold hells to fuck with your form. The good news is hell's lust layer isn't THAT bad, since being horny isn't that bad of a sin, and people like violent rapists and traffickers are sent to violence and greed respectively, prioritizing the worse sins, leaving your layer full of "normal" perverts... but since that might get boring, you have a ritual to get summoned.

Other supernatural beings like fey, angels, and other demons (usually the sexy kind) exist peacefully alongside humans, so it's no that uncommon... but your summoning ritual is also a binding ritual. To be in the mortal realm, you must be bound to a master that you have to obey to the best of your ability, otherwise you'll risk slipping back to hell (where you will be melted, sculpted, and frozen into new shapes by succubi and incubi). And because of your unique traits... you will mostly be summoned by perverts. They may be kindhearted perverts, like a qt nerd who likes to cuddle... but they'll still have needs and desires you have to cater to, and may still find themselves teasing you.

Oh right, so that whole "Melting and molding" thing...
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While you're melty and pliable, you're basically clay to be molded, or even wax to be cast if it's hot enough (such as a hot summer day combined with excessive teasing from your master/mistress). It's not uncomfortable. On the contrary, melting is very pleasant... but once you're gooey enough, nothing is stopping your perverted summoner from making you a shortstack and moving most of your mass to your ass and package, shifting your arm or leg mass to make you a stacked amputee or fucknugget, pouring you into a mold to be used as a sex toy, and putting you in an ice bath right after. Your demonic physiology will make whatever they turn you into "work" (a dildo will be able to throb and cum even if the head used to be your face), and if any mass is lost (they can melt things off of you to make you smaller) will be regenerated.

People can also keep you at freezing temperatures to petrify you. This won't hurt, it's the same deal as heat, temperature extremes aren't necessarily uncomfortable... but becoming harder and more rigid will certainly be an... interesting sensation. Maybe you'd make a good statue until you thaw out?

You will regenerate to your "normal" form if melted and allowed to slowly solidify naturally... eventually.

You'll make good FWBs, ones who you'll click with sexually and personality wise, and end up being summoned by different people you taught your ritual to regularly, but always be like the "group pet" with people constantly thinking of new ideas of what to shape you into or do with you. Wonder what it'd be like to take a warm bath in you...

>I wish I was the daughter of a sexy milf witch and had a "loving" relationship with her, both as mother daughter, and super kinky incestuous lovers.
Granted! You are now an angel granted with the ability to find tricky demons like imps, succubi, and incubi in the mortal world, and bully them to deter them from corrupting mortals. You are granted the ability to take a form that isn't startling to mortals.

...But that's not your true form. You are a giant angel alright... you're a seraph. You are a being of fiery passion that "purifies" and "assimilates"... but for you, that means less "holy fire" and more "holy smothering" until a demon or other unholy creature falls for you, at which point you can keep them around your slice of paradiso kinda like pets. Thing is, paradise is kinda boring for you, being full of so many prudes, with few other angels being DTF (but there are some QTs). Maybe spiritualism isn't right for you... but you're already in the body of an angel, so let's go over what you CAN do with it.

You're expected to deal with imps, incubi, and succubi in your own... "special" way. As a side effect of being an angel, you don't have the capacity for REAL malice. Sure, you can tease the hell out of a cute incubus... but you'll never ACTUALLY hurt them. You're free to toy with them as much as you want until their wickedness is replaced with devotion, and the higher ups don't care if that's to them or you, so long as they stop messing with mortals.

Now, there's no time limit on how long you can hold your cute girl form... but as your fiery nature would have it, the more excited you get, the more your true, incomprehensible form starts to manifest. You might get too into smothering a succubus and end up growing rows and rows of breasts, sprout extra fluffy wings, or even grow pussies and nipples in weird places where most angels would have eyes. You CAN grow eyes all over your body, but they will be sexual parts during sex.

The problem with this, is that if you get TOO into it... you might end up REALLY "angelic". A fucknugget lined with tits, with only wings (no limbs), lipples maybe...
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And whatever other freakish traits you can imagine.

You'll be left trying to smother and bully demons when you yourself are a paradoxical holy embodiment of unholy lust, easier for the demons to tease than it is for you to tease them, even with your size...

When this happens, you'll be recovered and brought back to paradise... but you will not change back until your passion simmers, and as powerful of an angel as you are... that doesn't come easily. Dominatrix dominions, chimera cherub girls, bondage experienced thrones, and cute lesser angels will take breaks from their duties, and make exceptions for their "purity" to relieve you, often toying with you in ways perverse enough to satiate you... and with them being biblically accurate too... you can imagine that it'll get freaky. Doesn't help that becoming a winged fucknugget is the most common form to take for you...

Maybe it's time to practice moderation and temperance? If you don't want to become a sex toy for other angels until you tire out, I mean...

>I wish I was a cute, fluffy, but slightly spooky monstergirl. Cryptid like, but able to make good friends with benefits (I am shy)
Granted! Sorry but you are dead, but what is ending but a new beginning your soul is perfect for a witch who is trying to make a deal with me, I'll use your soul to inseminate her, and you'll be reborn into a new identity Dixie Hex. You'll have a normal as possible childhood with your new mother Hazel Hex a "46" old witch, for the world she is a high-profile accurate fortune teller with an astounding 68% accuracy ratio but in reality, A. This job is a front to provide for you and B. Mess with the occult and practice her magic on an unsuspecting guinea pig.

You'll go to school and have a normal life with a fair amount of child-like wonder and true wonder with all your mother familiars & magic, who needs a babysitter when Pixies can kind of do the same job right? But your life will forever change the moment the clock strikes midnight on your 18th birthday (it's Oct 31 btw) your soul will remember something important... "I love curvy milfy witches!" and once you blow out your candles you'll start seeing Hazel in a new light, as any good witch she'll sense the change in energies and won't try to prevent it... It'll be the opposite in fact.
As the months pass you'll enjoy the benefits of being legally arrestable like drinking or....Drinking? Your mom will encourage you to be a wilder adult, she is going to make a habit of pampering you and spoiling you every few weeks taking you to the mall to buy clothes together, so together she'll choose your clothes (yup most are skimpy and tight) and you'll share a changing booth when the clerk is not looking so you better help your mama to change ok? After a great day shopping you'll finish the day clubbing, Hazel is a wild party machine and she knows how to become the soul of the party, drinks like a sailor and dresses like a seductress. Who knows maybe one day you'll get to go with mommy to a strip club.

We know what is gonna happen, one day you'll slip up, maybe you'll moan louder than usual when spying on your mom or you will leave a convenient easy-to-follow search history. However, it happens Hazel will take the chance and teach you how much she loves you as a mother and as a woman~. When you cross the line there is no going back, you'll find Hazel naked more often, she'll spike your food with aphrodisiac potions, you'll be forcefully invited to spa days with lots of happy endings,etc. Whatever you decide to do with your life is up to you, Hazel would love you to take on as an apprentice to teach you EVERYTHING she knows and end up marrying you sharing her immortality in the process but if you decide to lead a normal life just know that mommy will always be close you ready to support you in your times of need and in her ~special~ times of need. You may or may not remember this conversation in the future so... How is it going? I hope you are living a wonder kinky life Dixie!
>I wish for the world to have as it's highest priority achieving a perfect massive hyper endowed and curvy futa body to transform everyone into one. And I want to be crucial somehow in achieving that goal
Granted! You've become a beautiful girl with an equally beautiful artistic girlfriend. However, thanks to her kinks and special abilities your life together isn't exactly normal. Your perverted girlfriend's ability to alter reality with her drawings leaves you often stuck in unfamiliar bodies and shapes as she plays out her deepest fantasies on her loving girlfriend. This will also happen without your knowledge if she decides to add a little arrow pointing to her drawing of you with the words "unaware" on it. Your body isn't the only thing she can change you know.

You could wake up one day, head to the bathroom to wash up and pay no attention to your sagging, heavy tits or the fertile mature body your girlfriend has picked out for you to wear over the weekend. You'll call her sweetie and blush, telling her that she doesn't have to flatter an old woman like you right after a teasing compliment. Neither will you notice if halfway through sunday your girlfriend gets bored of that body and quickly sketches you into a sporty tomboy, soon followed by you asking her if she wants to go jogging and have shower sax afterwards. However your girlfriend wishes you looked and acted like is exactly how you're going to appear, and thanks to her drawings altering reality itself no one but her will be able to tell that you've changed.
Did I mention that your girlfriend is a hentai artist? I probably should. What you look like isn't just going to be decided based on her daily whims, she will also use you to model designs for her projects as she works on them. Her tastes are really kinky too, so get ready to pull around a pair of sweater puppies that'd make each other person either want to leave their girlfriend for you or ask you if you're ok.

Thankfully your girlfriend does love you, and despite all the sexy ways she transforms you in she will regularly put you back in a sound state of mind to talk with you and check if what she's doing, and what she's going to do, is alright. However, all her transformations feel really good, like amazingly good, so be careful when you're fully yourself that you don't accidentaly encourage your girlfriend to go further than she should. You wouldn't want to end up the same breast obsessed nympho that your girlfriend is. How would you keep a lid on her crazier ideas then?

As time passes and your girlfriend sees how much you enjoy your transformations she'll share her powers with you, teaching you how to alter reality through drawings. After you've mastered your powers she'll give her body to you, letting you change her in the same ways that she's been changing you. You'll live a happy if very unusual life together as a couple of sexy and perverted shapeshifting ladies.
>I wish I joined a company that secretly turned its new employees into bitchy, entitled and hyperfeminine office ladies for the free use of the hung futa managers and executives. Getting promoted in the company means first getting an average dick, and then having it slowly grow as you rise in the company.
Granted, although I kinda had to cheat. The world is going through the beginning of an apocalyptic scenario: due to climate change and new epidemics, both the fertility rate and the production of food have dropped significantly. It's not a huge problem YET, but it will be in the future. Scientists have become more and more desperate to find solution to these issues.

You will end up working in a military laboratory... as a janitor. They place is dedicated to researching some kind of genetic enhancement to make people more fertile. You don't know the details, but since you work in a military lab, sometimes you hear vague rumors about what other facilities are doing, from super-crops to advanced IVF.
One day, however, you will end up making a comment about how people should get bigger boobs "like cows". Well, it turns out that your comment will give one of the scientsts an idea: there's a separate project to develop an hormonal drug for cows, so what will happen if it's administered to humans? Well, it does give them bigger boobs, even to the males... but it also seems to enhance the fertility drugs that your lab was testing on!
And guess who is the lucky guy who will be the first test subject for the new treatment?

Let's fast-forward a bit... You will undergo a transformation similar to the one in your pic. You'll become way taller and curvier, with an enormous penis and huge tits capable of producing high amounts of milk. This substance is nothing short of miracolous, because it turns out that not only it's very nutrient for humans; but when ingested by another organism, it uses the host's metabolism to alter its own biochemical structure. In layman's terms: it automatically adapts so that it can nourish any living being, including plants.
Unfortunately, there was some issue, because your sperm - which by the way is very abundant - is completely sterile. Still, the scientists are optimistic about the results: aside for your super-milk, you are significantly taller, stronger, healthier and more agile, capable of walking and running around while carrying your hyper-sized endowments with zero issues. On the plus side, it seems that you're also somewhat elastic, capable of taking insertions bigger than you are, while also being capable of penetrating relatively small holes like, say, a human vagina. The doctors said that maybe they can reduce the potency of the treatment to make people less strong, but still retain at least some fertility. "You'll just have to compensate by having sex much more frequently", one joked.

Oh, how right she was.

In the following days, after your little escapade, everyone will discover that your cum isn't exactly sterile. The truth is that its fertility is really high, but it's also incredibly short-lived: a few seconds after ejaculation, the chances of a successful conception drop to practically zero. But if you do cum a fresh load inside someone? Then there's a good chance of fertilization. And you splurted out way more than one load. To be fair, the researcher was REALLY stressed, and she also was very sexually pent-up, and she thought that you were sterile. In both senses of the world.
Remember when I mentioned that your milk adapts to meet the dietary needs of anyone who drinks it? Well, your sperm can do the same even after it has become infertile, but to a lesser extent. To make up for it, it's also infectious: contact with your fresh cum has a chance of triggering a mutation in the victim, slowly converting them into another productive futa - though way inferior, compared to you.

That was the beginning of the end.
A few months later, you will run away from the lab, together with all the researchers and staff you managed to convert, plus a couple more people stuffed inside your womb. Yes, your elasticity is THAT good. And at the time, you thought it was a good idea to break free and infect as many people as you could. It's as if your mutation wants to spread.
Speaking of which, the unbirthing does have a purpose: your uterus, just like your cum, can convert people into futa. However, the process will take significantly longer and take a toll on your stamina and body; in exchange, the new futas produced in this way will be significantly stronger. Weaker than you, but much better than the cum-generated futas.

So, what now? Well, remember at the start of the grant, where I stated that I kinda cheated? You asked, quote: "I wish for the world to have as it's highest priority achieving a perfect massive hyper endowed and curvy futa body to transform everyone into one."
Well, right now, there's only a small group of people - you and your "daughters" - who have the priority of transforming everyone into curvy, hyper-endowed, massive futas. But you sure are determined to make the entire world have the same dream as you. You want to make sure that everyone has the priority of transforming everyone into a super-futa - which means that you want to transform every human on the planet into a futa, who will share your same desire for omni-infection. And after that? Well, you'll just have to expand your definition of "everyone" to other species and planets...

>I wish to be the boy in this pic - the one being smooshed by huge milky titties.
Genie can decide the scenario, the details and so on.
Granted, and here you are. You're a Mothman... well, Mothwoman. You are, as the name says, a nocturnal moth-woman with a black fluffy body and glowing red eyes. You are also buff as fuck, and your face seems a black shape with no details save for the eyes... at least until you open your big mouth. The combination of these factors means that you look quite scary to people, at least at first. I mean, you wanted to be a MONSTERgirl, didn't you?
As for abilities... well, you can fly, that was obvious. And you can easily smell blood, which allows you to easily find prey (no, really, that's a part of Mothman folklore). However, "prey" here is a bit more wide than the standard definition, because you can smell people with certain characteristics, like physical attractiveness or average horniness. This should allow you to locate people that you can fuck. Did I mention that you're also buff? Not only you're quite strong - enough to lift people and take them up in the sky for a flying fuck - but you also have plenty of sexual stamina.

As for the "making good friends with benefits" thing... Well, I got bad news and good-bad news. The bad news is that your personality has remained the same, so you'll be still shy. The badgood news is that, as a Mothwoman, you are technically a symbol of a bad omen; so I reworked the strings of fate a bit. Now you are a bad omen for yourself. You suffer from weird luck, from being hypnotized by a lamp that shines exactly right and climbing into someone else's house; to being attacked by a Jatayu (a kind of Harpy of holy Indian descent) who thought that you are an evildoer and/or a meal and instead ends up eating your pussy; to being hunted by monster hunters - usually the monsterfucker kind... though the "hunted" part still involves traps and nets. Essentially, you suffer from bad luck that sometimes leads to good luck later on - usually allowing you to encounter people who will gladly become friends with benefits with you.
>I wish I was this boy in the pic, and end up having sex with big strongfat manly monsterboys.
Granted! You now live in a world were women making sexual content of their male partners is common and socially accepted. It's gotten to a point where women will be just as, if not even more sexually overt than men are in our world. Your girlfriend is no exception, but she has a fetish that colors all the posts she makes of you, and that is her obsession with hung traps. There is nothing that turns her on as much as a cute man with a massive cock between his legs, and she wants to share that love with the world.

Expect to be lovingly guided on a journey that will turn your skin soft, your hips wide and that grows your dick by several inches. Also don't forget to smile for the camera when your girlfriend asks to pull out her phone mid-sex so that she can make a pov shot of herself being railed by you. The more feminine you become the more turned on your girlfriend will be and the more often she will want to take pictures and videos of you.

Not all of the content your girlfriend posts will be explicitly sexual. She will also be interested in making how-to's and tutorials on how to turn men into cute traps. Makeup, how to pick out clothing, training programs and what supplements to pick for optimal dick growth in men.

Surprisingly despite the niche nature of her fetish the two of you will quickly become famous, and before long you'll both be able to leave your jobs and become well paid porn stars. Whether you decide to exploit your popularity or remain amateur will be up to you, but your girlfriend would love for millions of women to be able to marvel at your body and technique.

No matter what you choose your popularity will remain, and just like how most men know who Mia Khalifa is, in your new life most women will know your name. Whenever you make a post on social media or appear in the background of some other picture there'll always be a woman in the comments making raunchy jokes related to you.

Enjoy your fame anon.
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>I wish I had the power to corrupt and nerdify women into slobby, nerdy shemales. The more women I corrupt the more milfy, beautiful and stronger I get.
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Job search getting you down lately? Well have no fear! A suspiciously high paying, low effort office drone position has not only posted an opening, but they've sent an email request for an interview directly to you! While this may seem what most would call "too good to be true", you decide to go in anyway. What little research you did on this company failed to yield any info on the actual operation, and being there in person only seems to raise more questions.

For one, the office is inexplicibly and entirely staffed by beautiful, extremely femme women. Down to the point where there isn't even a male restroom in the building, and you're haughtily chided for even asking. For two, the interview goes about as strangely as you can guess. You don't get any room for questions about the actual job you'll be expected to perform. Instead, the catty hiring manager spends her time prodding you about your interests and asking oddly specific questions about your health history. By the end, though, she's excited to offer you a position right then and there, which you graciously accept.

On the day of your first shift, you are directed to a room full of other new hires where you are explained the nature of your work. The "company" which you have just joined is actually an extraterrestrial-operated experiment on human sexuality. Something to that extent, anyways. That was months ago, and you've been quite occupied.
Immediately following your "onboarding", you and your new coworkers were administered a volatile gene modifier which altered your body to match "testing specifications". The treatment was derived from a human office worker, and now everyone working at the building is some far off derivation of that very woman. You are now a hyperfeminine office drone, a beautiful human looking woman with generous proportions and a suite of reprogrammed personality traits and mannerisms. It's kind of awkward to be stuck in a job where everyone has the same personality, but it's even worse when the woman you're all based on is kind of a bitch. More on that later.

The seemingly blunt title of 'drone' is actually quite accurate. The company work here operates much more like a hive than a proper office. You don't do actual office work. You will spend time sitting at your desk, sending emails, even making phone calls. But all of this is aimless and fruitless labor. You do nebulous tasks with an office themed coat of paint in order to break up your real work.

Your main responsibility as drone is to service your higherups in a much more direct manner. It is your sacred duty to allow anyone ranked above you to have sex with you. Higher ranked employees still take the form of office ladies, but have been equipped with large dicks which scale with corporate rank. Don't worry, power isn't so stratified that a drone like you could never see a higher position. "Promotion" is awarded to select workers who are particularly good contributors to the experiment. What constitutes grounds for promotion isn't something you or anyone in the office has been able to get a grasp on, but OH will someone let you know when she's been promoted.
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Executive level staff apparently have near debilitatingly supercharged libidos, but are given absolute free reign over anyone who ranks below them. Your work day consists entirely of being forced into comprimising, humiliating situations for the sexual gratification of these absolutely rude women. They will demean you, demand thankless labor served with a smile. They will act like they're so high and mighty above you, and you'll have to accept that, in a very tangible way, they are. Most days will see you spending hours upon hours being had by women of natural, if quite large proportions. On occasion, though, you'll be getting slapped with forearm sized CFO meat.

It will be a long road of under-desk blowies and water cooler railings, but I'm sure that you too will eventually get that big promotion that you KNOW you deserve!
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>I wish that, following an failed double crossing of a powerful crime lord, they would do picrel to me
Granted. You're now a nerdy woman with slobby tendencies - but don't worry: that's just the "starting point". You are now technically part-mutant-succubus, which gives you the power to transform women by kissing them, with kisses on the mouth being the most effective. The process is slower against victims with more willpower, and any partial transformation has a chance of being undone. But if you fully transform someone, the only way to undo the change is if you deliberately choose to.

So how does this work? Well, by kissing women, you drain away their femininity and liveliness (remember: succubus genes), and take it on yourself. The former will make you more MILFy - and due to the "I'd Like to Fuck" part, this means that the more MILFy you get, the more attractive you become. The liveliness will be converted into energy, allowing you to be stronger, more durable, have greater stamina and so on.
The slobification process is a bit different. Kissing a woman does fill them with male sloth, turning her into a lazy, dirty shemale. However, that corruption doesn't come from you; it comes from your power, which basically acts as an infinite well of corruption you can draw from at will. This means that even when you become a beautiful and active MILF - and therefore you personally don't have any slobbiness - your power will still work.

There's a couple of issues, however. See, when you drain a woman's femininity, you also drain part of her soul (remember: succubus genes). And that hyper-feminine semi-soul WILL try to have an influence on your personality... mostly by trying to make you act like an affectionate mom towards any shemale nerd you create. Sure, you can try to resist it, but it might be difficult - especially immediately after you transformed someone, or if you overindulge in your power.
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And remember: the shemales don't have any such familial obligation towards you. But they sure as hell will try to take advantage of your maternal love. If you want a loving relationship, you will have to work for it.

But it's not THAT bad. Your motherly compulsions decrease over time, as long as you don't try to transform anyone else. So you could transform people in moderation, and limit the problem. Right?
...Right, but that leaves the SECOND problem. You also have the instinct to drain the femininity of as many women as possible (remember: succubus genes). How can you keep these evil instincts at bay? By either indulging in them and draining a poor girl, turning them into another shemale slobnerd; by gritting your teeth and resisting them... or you can indulge in motherly behavior, which will "smother" your inner evil succubus and keep it pacified. Your pick.

>I wish I was a big (at least 16 feet), soft and fluffy kitsune woman, like pic related.
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Granted! First of all, you are a nine tailed Kitsune, with many of the mythical powers that they are known to have. Illusions (including invisibility), charm magic, unlucky curses, "fox fire" (pretty, but harmless wisps), as well as some shapeshifting and the ability to possess people.

You will fuse with a fox spirit who was sealed in a stone to become this kitsune. You will remain yourself, but have a voice in the back of your head who helps you learn to be more tricky, milfy, and foxy, like a "guide" to your new body. However... the stone was broken open with the "lucky mallet" from Japanese mythology. You know... the size changing one, and that counted as it bonking you as well. Who broke you out, you ask? Me, duh. And I need the mallet for other wishes so don't count on your new size changing anytime soon.

You are a very thick 16 ft, 6 tailed kitsune, and you can earn your last three tails back through practice. However... that fox spirit was sealed for a reason (to mischievous), and while that may have been forgotten over time... you can ill afford to suffer the same fate, meaning you'll have to be subtle about your shenanigans, and don't think you can be a "good girl". The other fox in your head won't allow it, pushing your buttons if you get too "boring". You won't automatically get sealed if people see you, however. You are allowed to exist as a kitsune (just don't cause trouble that can be traced back to you)

While you CAN shapeshift, conservation of mass is in effect. Turning into a fox will make you a giant fox. I made you thicker than you might have initially desired (16 ft gives you a venus body) so you can "stretch" your height and still stay soft and chubby, letting you be even bigger. Likewise... trying to be smaller will make you more stacked. If you try to go below 8 ft, you'll be an immobile "short"stack due to the height becoming too much width.

You can temporarily GAIN size by draining vitality (making people smaller), though.
So long as your partner is willing, or agreed to it, and you don't cause problems for people who aren't okay with it (or rather, so long as you aren't caught)... growing bigger this way for sexual fetishes is seen as ok. You live in the modern world, plenty of pervs would let you temporarily shrink them and grow bigger. Just... do it back at your shrine where you have some tree cover.

Speaking of... you DO have invisibility and illusion magic, but they can have mixed results. Casting an illusion of you being smaller will be broken as soon as someone brushes against a giant fluffy tail, and invisiblity won't work well when people smell a fox/horny milf or hear you walking around naked... but they're certainly better than nothing.

Shapeshifting is what it sounds like, You can alter your appearance (but not become smaller), turn into a fox, a foxtaur, become futa... etc. Just be careful because overuse can exhaust your mana and get you "stuck" until you recharge, so if you want to be a fucknugget or giant boob slug... think twice about how willing you are to risk staying that way for a day or two.

And lastly, possession. This one is interesting, since you can cheat your size with this... temporarily. You project your body and soul as one into the body of someone willing, or someone who is either weak willed or distracted (someone strong willed who is aware of you will be able to resist). You get to control their bodies as if they were your own... but over time, hour by hour, depending on how much you "push" your disguise (walking around or relaxing isn't doing much, fucking is doing a lot), your vessel will start to grow bigger, have their assets expand, etc, as your curse bleeds through into their body. They will return to normal after you've left their body for a while, and you will be shunted out once a host reaches 10 ft.

Now with the rules out of the way... yes, you can 100% run a respectable shrine and fuck willing people...
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But due to the horny fox milf in your head... it won't be enough. Possessing a cute boy and teasing him by crossdressing, shrinking someone who insulted you (or just seemed like a fun target), using illusion magic to make a girl think she has a dick... you'll crave mischief, and you'll have to learn to be "sneaky" as a giantess. If you get found out, as a mercy, I'll give you an automatic magic "undo" ability so you aren't sealed again... but there's a cost. Before the people who'd seal you away forget, and the evidence is magically erased, anyone you've crossed, either by wronging or simply fucking with, will be able to bind you as their slave, getting an amount of time to toy with you equal to the severity of what you tried to pull. A day if you dressed scantily during possession or just embarrassed them, a week if you put them in a manga worthy lewd situation (did you know you can alter genders with shapeshifting while possessing someone?)

Even the most forgiving and reserved people will take this chance to get revenge, with no filters on their lewd desires. You can decide if they forget what you did or not after you serve your punishment (they will be unable to speak of it to anyone else if they don't forget).

If you're sneaky, there's no need to worry about this, or you could willingly submit if you wanted. This isn't an IMPOSSIBLE task... it's just hard.

You could get someone to sign a lewd contract to trick them into agreeing to something, people must have PROOF that you possessed them (you will exit their body nearby, making it hard to escape, but not impossible).

Regardless... you'll be addicted to the risk of these acts, so I hope you learn to get good at them fast.

>I wish I was a sexy woman who could turn people into my sapient genitals with telepathy with them during, allowing them magic senses if they lack eyes, ears, etc... and that stuff like futa cocks were possible with this effect.
>While you CAN shapeshift, conservation of mass is in effect.
One time I'm gonna turn myself into a gonlin-sized shortstack with reasonably-sized assets, and then dump all the excess mass into my tails. Shitty STR and COS, decent DEX and epically high FLFFY.
Granted! You met a sexy mad scientist lady, who claims to be touched by the divine. Some rumor her to have made a deal with a devil, while others who are far less spiritual spread rumors that she is a futa. Both are true, by the way. She is a miracle worker and fleshcrafter who disguises her craft as surgery. She can safe someone from death, and do the impossible to the human body. She is also suspiciously talented at discovering hidden fetishes...

Of course... being the pervert that you are, I gave you an in. Her goals are simple, but fun. She believes that everyone has unrealized fetishes, and that she's doing them a service by uncovering them and helping people realize them... even if it's not willingly. Kidnapping women and turning them into ladypots, kidnapping boys and turning them into girls, swapping the bodies of two lovers, conjoining an incestuous (or at least, soon to be incestuous) mother and daughter... all she needs are her loyal followers to help kidnap these people so she can grant them "bliss", living as pets in one of her safehouses or manors. You, and the others who join, will be altered upon joining, offered new bodies or simply be idealized to better attract her targets. You will get to request a new body (a futa at most, nothing crazy now), and be able to enjoy it while you can, often on her pets, such as the girl who wanted to be a fucknugget, or femboy who wanted to be a dorse.

Oh, and don't worry about the knowledge of your wish coming true ruin the fun. You won't remember making the wish, you see... not until it comes true.

YOU were not the one who double crossed your mistress. Why would you? You were probably wondering about becoming one of her pets yourself until one fateful day, when an undercover investigator betrayed her, and you were framed. In a fit of disappointment and confused anger, your mistress turned you into a fuck slug, making sure to make an example of you during the process to every other pet and member,
Showing off your missing arms, puffy lips, and every step of the process between painless operations with your ability to speak gone after the first. Out of mercy, or perhaps her own ideals, or even a sense of pervertion... she decided that whatever genitals you had before, she'd hook your nerves back up so that your two holes would feel as good as pussies when fucked, that that your body would feel like an erogenous zone.

...But the double cross failed, remember? One day, when she's using you with her futa cock, just before she passes you off to a conjoined mother daughter futa pet to use... the REAL mole will be discovered and turned into a living sex toy much more like pic related, showing that you were given a merciful punishment... though she will assure you, the mole secretly wanted to get caught. But unfortunately, she'll be unable to turn you back, even when your name is cleared. She'll apologize, but then think and speak aloud... her supernatural deal only lets her modify someone's body if it'd make them more sexually happy. She can't undo "successful" procedures... which tells her... you wanted this all along, at which point she'll go from apologetic, to teasing again, resting you in her lap like a pet, toying with you.

However, she also believes people can develop NEW fetishes, and has a theory that you WANTED this to happen. Why else would you seek someone out who'd do something like this? And not want to be turned back, deep down?

Instead of throwing you to the other pets to fuck, she'll toy with you. Spoiling you, watching where your eyes wander when she takes you to see her other pets, seeing what makes your fuckholes quiver (they drip like pussies when you're horny)... and making a point to give you pleasure you DIDN'T plan for.

Some days, she'll cuddle you, but keep the lewd things to a light fingering or so, perhaps watching a movie or show with you, treating you as a lap pet. Others, she may fuck you tenderly.
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And others, she may feign a gentle day, perhaps tell you she'll give you to a pet of hers you had your eyes on... only to leave you locked in a room with someone, or something, that you previously didn't think you were into. That dorse, maybe? A girl turned into a femboy? A futa she split into multiple bodies? They will ALL be possible fetishes for you, ones that deep down you'll find hot, in the end. Your mistress is like that. But it'll ALWAYS be jarring and keep you on your toes... or would, if you still had any.

Perhaps one day you'll find yourself in a guest bedroom with someone you used to know... modified beyond recognition, perhaps, but she'll absolutely tell you that this was your crush/incestuous fantasy/teacher/etc just to get a rise out of you.

Perhaps you expected to be a simple fucktoy, but it was not you who double crossed her, and she's far too curious to learn why you enjoy that form... so instead, you'll be her fascination, to be toyed with, doted on, humiliated, and corrupted further daily.

...But this isn't even that bad of a catch for you, is it? Mistress still loves you... after all, you weren't the mole. She's acting as a communal relief toy right now for the rest... a fate you expected, no doubt, but she has far more in mind for you.

>I wish to live in a lewder world, where almost everyone was a cute girl or cute boy (mostly girls), futa existed, and "unique" body types like pic related existed. Goblins, animal girls, unusual skin color goth girls with fangs... and I'd like sex to be very casual, with pussies and butts being clean and always ready for sex, as well as puffy an well groomed like pic related. Genie decides who I get to be and what body I get in this world.
Granted! Welcome to your new life in Afterlife. No not that afterlife, the planet! You, along with a sizeable portion of earth's population have been abducted by a passing afterlife ship that noticed the puritanical hell you were languishing in. Just imagine, a planet where two passerbys can't randomly start having sex in the middle of the street.

Anyway, with the help of the gentle afterlife explorers you and all the other people taken are given new bodies better fit for your new lives. While you're staring in awe at the vast diversity in the shapes of the former humans the ship's captain tells all of you about your new home: Afterlife.

First of all, "men" don't really exist in Afterlife. There are girls, futas and while there are people with a cock and no breasts you'd think they were girls too by their looks. Even they are quite rare. Therefore your body had to be adjusted accordingly. Speaking of, here it is: a big purple ass, long ears and a powerful cock to top it all of. In other words, you're going to look like an elf. Even if it's not what you wanted the most the crew assured you that their transformation process gave you the body best suited for you. You have to admit, keeping your cock has made the change much easier to adapt to. But did they have to make it so sensitive?

The second important thing to keep in mind on afterlife are the high grooming standards. Cleanliness is such a big deal over there that failure to uphold those standards will have you sent to "re-education" where they will use more forceful methods to make you understand the importance of being clean. Thankfully keeping yourself clean is a simple taks. The bodies of everyone on afterlife have been modified to naturally smell better, produce little to no waste and mesh better with the cleaning products available.
Speaking further on cleaning, a big focus of it will have to be on your genitals. It is expected that every citizen of afterlife is ready to give or receive sex at any moment. Some exceptions apply, nobody is going to expect someone walking around in a dominatrix outfit to be willing to sub, but everyone will be ready to have some kind of sex at any time. You find it weird at first, almost like a joke, but quickly stop doubting when one of the orc futas on the crew sneaks up behind the captain and starts railing her while she's still giving her speech. The captain does nothing to throw off her green user, and tries to keep moans out of her speech.

She gets into the more minute details of your stay on afterlife, something about selective fertility, but you start to drift off when you see a goblin shortstack with the fattest ass you've ever seen bite her lips at the sigh of the captain getting fucked. She's so close that you can hear her thighs rubbing against each other. Your purple cock forms a bulge in your newly issued yoga pants and soon you're turning that green bitch into your onahole, smiling as her big tits bounce about, just like your own, while you slam your dick repeatedly into her.

You aren't the only one that gets swept away by the atmosphere, and it doesn't take long for the entire ship, carrying millions, to be engaged in a massive orgy spanning miles and miles of ship. You fuck, you're fucked and eventually you arrive on Afterlife.
You adjust well to your new life in Afterlife, giving in to their customs despite any remaining reluctance you might have had. You start dressing in clothes better fit for your feminine body, miniskirts and tank tops replacing sweat pants and old shirts. In fact, you get so into the casual sexy life on afterlife that you move to an apartment facing the street and install a glory hole big enough for your ass and purple cock to hang through. Any passerby can either fuck you or milk you, and your idea becomes so popular that eventually every street on Afterlife has at least one gloryhole slut sticking her ass out.

Years later you're called back to a reunion with some of the other former earthlings. Turns out you've been selected for a special mission. The previous harvest from earth was so succesfull that you're being sent back to scout your home planet for anyone else who would be a great fit for afterlife.

You smile and you graciously accept your mission. After being handed control of one of the many ships being sent you lift your skirt, let your dick flop out and ask the official if she can help you relieve some stress. She can.
>I wish I got transported to an alternate reality where humans were hunted and transformed into femboys or dickgirls to serve the unaging and powerful rulers of this reality: a race of latex drone creatures with huge lips, extremely sexed up bodies, no eyes(but full sight), and an intense desire to suck cock and to have their bodies used by their human slaves. For some reason when I arrive the ruling class decides to make me one of them, and takes me in for brainwashing, transformation and eventual tutoring. I'd also like the human slaves to undergo some kind of sexy change the more they fuck their drone mistresses, but I'll leave that up to the genie.
>All of the latex drone creatures are female.
Your wish is granted but humans are subjected to regular punishment wherein they’re locked in chastity and continually edged until their sanity degrades and they become creatures solely of the flesh, devoid of any higher thought or ideal beyond subjecting their bodies to pleasure and torment.

I wish to be immortal and under the rule of a shapeshifting woman who can change into whatever I desire, but is femdom leaning.
I'd like to ask someone to regrant this wish properly.
Granted. You will be transported into an alternate reality where the Earth used to be similar to ours; but got invaded by an alien race. Nicknamed the "Latexians" due to their bodies, these creatures are essentially oversexed humanoids with ridiculous proportions, rubbery black skin, and a face occupied almost entirely by a big-lipped, toothless mouth - with each Latexian having different colors for their lips, tongue and throat. However, Latexians have the ability to distorce their bodies in various ways, usually by extending their limbs and necks to capture their prey. Conversely, a Latexian's body is pretty elastic, and highly resistant to pretty much any kind of physical trauma, with rapid changes of temperature being a notale exception. Add the fact that they possess advanced technology, including an actual military, and it's pretty clear how they managed to win against Earth's armies.

Latexians can halt their aging process at will, and this is necessary because as a Latexian gets older, they become bigger and more powerful, but conversely, they need more nourishment to sustain themselves - or risk dying of malnutrition. What do they eat? Any kind of biological fluid, but semen is by FAR the most nutritious - and they can eat from any orifice. Because of that, Latexians frequently engage in gangbangs where each Latexians gets fucked by several human slaves.
Speaking of slaves, Latexians transform most female slaves into dickgirls, to act as food sources; only a small amount of female slaves remain female, for breeding. (Dickgirls are less fertile than females, and less nutritious than males.) As for male slaves, they are all converted into femboys to keep them weak and adorable.
As they are milked over and over, the slaves' dicks grow and the rest of their body atrophies; eventually, the slaves are reduced to disembodied penises, pathetically wriggling around, squeaking and gurgling precum.
This can be avoided by either limiting the amount of sex a slave has with Latexians; or through medical treatments that negate this process. Only the favorite slaves get the latter, though; quite a few slaves either end up partially transformed into penisoid monsters (like getting rows of boobs-testicles with dicknipples, or gaining a detachable dickneck), or become fully transformed into cockpets, which usually end up lost inside a Latexian's body during a heated orgy.

But let's talk about you now. After being captured, having your dick sucked half a dozen or so times as a "test run", and being medically screened, the Latexians will notice that you are one of the extremely rare individuals that can be converted into another Latexian. And just so you know: the transformation comes first, then the tutoring, and THEN, over the course of several years, the brainwashing.
First, the transformation. It will not be easy. You will feel your body stiff, floppy and weak all at the same time. Yu will feel your human eyesight fading away as your eyes melt, while your Latexian blindsight will take quite a bit longer to develop. And you will feel the thirst, the eternal, unquenchable thirst for cum that all Latexians feel, but have learnt to control for the sake of not depleting all their "food reserves".
Then, there will be the tutoring. You will be put under the care of older, stronger Latexians. You will be taught about Latexian culture, how to use their technology, how to hunt, the best sexual techniques from across the galaxies...
But speaking of the hunt... By some twist of fate, you will end up finding familiar faces among your preys. People who resemble, and act like, your relatives, your friends, people from your old world. Are they just alternate counterparts? Or people from your old Earth that got planeshifted with you? You will never know.
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And eventually, over the course of several years or decades, all that made the human you "you" will melt away, consumed to make space to your new Latexian identity. Just in time for the invasion of a new planet...

>I wish I was a succubus like picrel.
Granted. You are now a witch - and this being /d/, being a witch automatically means being a gorgeous woman. You have studies (retroactively) long and hard to develop your own brand of magic, which allows you to turn people into genitals. Not necessarily genitals *attached to your body*, mind you; that part is optional. Since I'm feeling generous, you aren't just limited to genitals, but you can also transform people into butts and boobs.
However, the transformation is influenced not only by your desires; but by the victim's as well. Sure, you get to decide the kind of body part they'll turn into, and you can decide most of the details, but they will still be able to influence the end result: for example, if you decide to transform someone into a penis, they WILL transform into a penis, but they might unexpectedly become a dog penis, or becoming a really fat and flaccid penis.

When people are transformed, they will be able to still think and perceive the world even without apparently having the necessary organs... although it's up to you whether they can talk or not. They can, however, communicate with you through telepathy even at long distances, and you can communicate back and know where they are. You can take them attach them to your own body, optionally fusing them with an already-existing part; for example, if you turn someone into a pussy and apply it to you, you could fuse them with your already-existing vagina, or you could simply end up with two vaginas. Or you could put it on your breast to create a fuckable nipple.

Now let's look at the main issue: corruption. Transforming people, keeping them transformed, and keeping them fused with your body fills you with corruption; the latter two can be mitigated by keeping your victims satisfied, giving them a transformation they'd like and so on. What happens when you have too much corruption? Anyone merged with you will defuse and/or detransform, partially or completely.
That girl you turned into a dog cock? She's back to human form... but she still has her dog penis. The guys you fused with your boobs? You're still conjoined with them, but now their torsos and arms and heads are sprouting out of your chest. And so on. Did I mention that when you have these "crises", there's a period of time where you cannot use your magic at all?

There's another thing. If you transform someone, and then keep them separate from your body, there's a chance that the transformation will revert on its own. You will be aware of this shortly before it happens, giving you some time to retreive your victim and fuse with it - this will basically "reset the timer" and keep them transformed. However, this phenomenon only happens if people are really dissatisfied with their transformation; if someone has been turned into a little pussyslug but they LIKE it, they will stay transformed indefinitely.
Also, corruption slowly dissipates over time, so you could transform people only once in a while and target only people who like it; and your corruption will still decrease in-between a transformation and the other. Also also, you can simply get better with time and practice, allowing your body to withstanding more corruption before your magic breaks down.

>I wish I was the big-dicked guy in this pic, and that I was married with the plump woman in the pic.
Wish bumps
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Granted! You are matched with a femanon who made a wish of her own, with similar fetishes. But... the guy is mostly hidden in the pic, you see, and your wife got a wish of her own.

Because the only thing we can glean from this pic is that you fair skin, hyper balls, and a dick big enough to reach her innards, she wished to be able to "fill in the blanks" whenever she wishes. Essentially, she can shapeshift any part of you that isn't visible in this picture. Does she want you to be a cute boy wife? Done. Does she want you to have a second cock under there? So it shall be... does she want it to be something like a knotted cock or horse cock? Well you can't see it inside of her in this pic, can you? It could be! While you are a "guy", she can even decide things like "You are a dickgirl/bustyboy with tits and an adorable girly face". She can do more deviant things as well, such as give you extra limbs, more breasts, different ass/asshole types... so long as it's changing something NOT visible in your image. Hell, if you whine too much she might decide you have a pussy mouth or something. The changes can be slow and feel REALLY good, or happen without you noticing (until you observe yourself), her call. The only limiting factor is her imagination.

Now, she wasn't always a big, oversexed girl, and while tomboyish and willing to enjoy it... she sees her wish as a playful form of revenge and "an eye for an eye". She's much hornier with her new form, you see, and while she shares a lot of your fetishes... she'll quickly give both of you new ones as she realizes the possibilities of "filling in the blanks".

You two will probably be fucking too much to hold down a job, so don't worry, you'll get magic income and I'll set you two up camwhore gigs. Maybe some viewers will use their redeems to ask that she make you take a specific appearance...

>I wish I was a sexy futa milf with a cozy home life and active sex life
Granted! You are a cute succubus like your pic related. The fine details are up to you, but you more or less get the vibes you were going for. You don't have to eat, drink, use the bathroom, or even breathe. You're cute, curvy, blonde, you have cute fangs, purple eyes... and loving penmenship. Yes, like your pic related... you are also a drawing.

Now, don't get me wrong, you aren't just a piece of paper, and you get to experience a VERY real succubus body in a lewder parallel world where people are more attractive on average, as if another artist made the world (entirely possible), but some people you know may be here as their parallel selves. That teacher you like? She could be a futa here... previous sexes and bodies are just suggestions.

You, of course, are a succubus, but not the "I drain people and kill them" kind. You're more or less a magical nymphomaniac who has an uncurable addiction to sex (you will go feral or desperate without it, until you get it again if you go too long without), and a few powers you gain from sex, such as fetish reading (mind reading but specific), limited shapeshifting (different genitals and being a different bodytypes for limited durations are possible), and possibly even the ability to conjure sex toys.

Your summoning ritual's details will go to who you want it to at first just to be nice... but your summoning is actually just opening your png. You can crawl out of devices like portals, and even enter and use them as portals... but this is also your kryptonite. Ever hear those jokes about Sadako coming out of a phone screen? If summoned like this, instead of through a big TV displaying your image, you will be phone sized. Same goes for the other way around, with a projector letting you be giant. Now don't go crazy with ideas... because you'll be at the control of your summoner. This is why you get to pick who learns about you, to make friends... but no matter who they are, they WILL feel an urge to fuck with you.
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Think of it as your lust rubbing off on them. Even the kindest, most thoughtful girl might come up with devious ideas for you.

Summoning is a two way street. You will almost always be summoned... but there must be agreements for your summoning, often with plenty in your summoner's favor, such as "You will generally be free, but must obey your summoner x times a day in ways you would not be opposed to.", or "You will be summoned as a submissive and cannot dominate.", with other creative contacts possible. You might even get "She has to use powers to make me a futa/girl/sexier when I ask for it" (you have limited shapeshifting for others, powered by lust). No one can pull a "I wish you were free" either, it has to give them enough power over you to work at all, so even a super kind summoner would have to agree to a contract where they could, say, test out new fetishes with you when they say so, which your nature as a drawing can make VERY interesting...

So say you know a cute girl you wouldn't mind serving and hanging with... well, she may turn out to be an artist... and your contract allows her to order you into her tablet. Now, you can NEVER be erased or deleted, and if enough of you is erased (you are no longer a full image), it will regenerate within 15 minutes or so. Deletion is impossible. It won't hurt, it'll just feel like your body fell asleep. But erasing parts of you and drawing over them? This girl could ship of theseus you into fanart of another character, or draw you into a /d/ form, such as erasing your body and drawing a ladypot in its place, and lo and behold... when she pulls you out of her flatscreen at "full size", you'll be whatever ladypot, fucknugget, boobslug, dorse, etc she drew.

For your sake... there is always an out for being modified (if you want it). All contracts must have an out, but if not specified it defaults to "it ends after a day". They must be fair, and possible in your new form, such as "cosplay with me at a con"
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Or "Build up enough sexual energy to give me a penis/make me a femboy for x days", or even "You can change back when you want to change back more than you want me to toy with you", which will check your subconscious thoughts to be fair, meaning if you REALLY enjoy being a futa's fucknugget or a minigirl that a friend group dotes on... you may not change back until the novelty wears off for you... well, not for the minigirl bit. You'll be able to request they re-summon you through a bigger screen... but they might get cheeky and do so with a projector, making you a mini giantess.

Hope you make good friends! And do watch out for paper and drawing tablets, you'll get sucked into them like they're portals. Oh, and it it's something like a hentai manga you fall into... hope you have a friend nearby to get you out, or that it's at least a good one...

>I wish I was a sexy magician or psychic girl who could make people's thoughts and fetishes reality (like pic related, but with possibilities of transformation or other fetishes), with tricks to influence to a degree what they think of, and who it applies to, of course....
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Granted! You now live in a gacha game esq world as a cute boy servant... and that's both your biggest weakness, and strength. Other sexy girls exist, with magic like hydrokinesis (fluid control), kitsune possession and curses (some can be lewd), or healing and debuffing... which when translated to sex, means control over vigor and arousal. These are the three girls in your pic, by the way... all under the effect of a special spell from the harem master who ordered them to toy with you. Your harem master is not a guy behind a phone, but a sexy sorceress who wants to simply live a cozy life with her harem. Instead of slaying monsters, most of her endeavors are diplomatic or focused on social gains, which lewd abilities lend themselves to nicely. It could be convincing a powerful yokai girl to stop harrassing people and join her harem via offering a vessel for her to possess, and then seducing her with her other servants, or resolving a feud between two clans by using kitsune curses to body swap the families of the clan heads, with the former patriarch being the wife of his rival, the other being the daughter of his rival, the daughter now in one of their bodies, a wife in a son's body, and visa versa. Very kinky stuff... but also very effective.

Your mistress is very talented at using her own special abilities to "augment" her servants with things like big tits, your pic related, but has plenty more up her sleeve (she often grows a futa cock for herself). Milfification, age regression, shortstackification, gender bending, mind swap between servants and herself, directly possessing servants, and even some /d/ fetishes she may be keeping for a rainy day of orgies... but each servant can only have so many "boons" at a time.

You don't have any powers other than being cute and durable... but you have no limit to how many boons can be put on you, making you the BEST test dummy for mistress. Endurance+size reduction+arousal+breast fixation for milky boobs...
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Insatiable lust+big cock+infinite semen for marathons, hell, she can even stack stuff like gender bender+milky tits+modesty (makes you shy) and turn one of her female servants into a boy to see how you react to being the one smothering a cute boy with your tits... probably followed by penetrative sex.

You aren't really good for much other than sex, given that you lack any powers, but you're GREAT at sex since these spell effects can be stacked and mixed and matched so well on you. Like I said... you'll basically be her test dummy, and your durability makes you good for enduring the other girls when she tries things on them, like "extra thick ass" and/or "tasty asshole"

You might be used for her plots but... usually as an extra body for body swap/possession magic (it gets confusing with so many minds, and she needs someone in this milf's body to take care of it), a more literal servant to dress and undress her if she travels, or simply stress relief for the other servants... who she will frequently leave with lewd spell effects.

Maybe if you get "lucky" she'll need you for a plot. Maybe if she makes you cute enough you can act as bait...

>I wish I was a catgirl spoiled by a doting mistress. Futa is fine.
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Granted! But most have a hard time telling human boys from girls, and in your case, to a supernatural degree of difficulty. You'll live in a society where monsters and humans live alongside each other, and act as a magnet for monster guys who are looking for "healthy" human mates, frequently mistaking you for a fertile female. Don't worry though, even if you clarify things, they'll still decide to hit it. Close enough, right?

The problem is they'll still want to be "the man" when having sex, with very few exceptions. Almost all of them will treat you like a girl, some even going as far as to kidnap you and present you as a concubine/breeding slave... before realizing their mistake, but making the most of it. This is semi legal, by the way. They won't get in much trouble once you're found, it's considered a "misunderstanding" between species.

In the rare case that you DO get to be the one inside of them... which many will only do in secret... they'll almost always still be fucking you more than you fuck them, often riding or grinding in a way somehow more manly than your thrusting. Maybe every blue moon you'll find a big softy who will let you have your way with him... but it'll be between being catcalled and seduced by warren dwelling ratmen who want you as a breeder, oni who want you as a concubine, incubi who will use charm magic, realize you're a guy, but decide to fuck you anyways... etc.

Your backdoor will always be uncannily clean and durable... but it'll also be far more sensitive and monster dick will never stop feeling big, so don't expect this to get any less intense.

>I wish I was a sexy modern day mage, "haunted" by the loving, horny, incestuous spirits of female ancestors (milfs, gilfs, great gilfs, etc) who came before me.
Granted. You descend from a loooooong lineage of female mages... Oh, what's that? You're male? No, when your magical powers will awaken, the first thing that will happen is that oyur sex will change to female. It's magical puberty, shut up.

Where was I? Oh, right. You are now a female mage, latest heir of a long dynasty. Your magic mostly specializes in sexuality and lewdness (how did you think you can stay sexy?), but you also possess low-level magic in other areas, such as telekinesis as strong as your harm, or summoning a cloud of pepper.
...Now, granted, there's the issue of ACTUALLY LEARNING the spells. But that's where the spirits of your predecessors come: they persist on Earth, driven by the desire to protect and guide their descendants... and also by the desire of, quote, "tapping that booty". They're all lesbians or bisexuals DEEPLY into incest, and they can and will grope and fuck with you during the course of their magic lessons, or whenever they feel like it. Normally only you can see and interact with those spirits, but they can manifest in some circumstances to interact with other people.

At the moment, there's 1080 spirits haunting you. Yeah, you read that correctly. These go from a genius loci of a prehistorical shamanessm infesting the land to spawn lewd fauna and flora; to the most recent aunt, currently possessing your computer as a digital ghost messing with your files. You got regular groping ghosts, swarms of dildoes manipulated by poltergeists, an Egyptian Ka spirit who somehow moved her tomb under your house, a Banshee with an hypnotic voice (warning, she's Scottish and a horny drunk), a succubus haunting your dreams, and more. Now, granted, you will not have to deal with ALL the spirits ALL at the same time; most of the time they'll just wander in the spirit world doing stuff, but there always will be at least one or two spirits with you at all times. And the better you become at magic,the more spirits will catch an interest...
...But conversely, the more you improve as a mage, the better you'll become at dealing with all these spirits.

>I wish I had a harem of "The Legend of Zelda" characters.
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Granted, but you are sent at the moment of reading this to the Zelda-universe with Time and Space Ocarina that lets you travel only between all Zelda games. You are tasked by a Sheik from Ocarina of Time to gather all the maidens to the castle you've arrived as their original heroes has suddenly vanished. TS-Ocarina has a 'saving' function as a song called Song of Saving that let's you automatically go back in time with your memories when you take lethal damage and perish.

All the Ganons of their universes also have a same plan for taking over the castle as they try to hijack the maidens bodies in order to deceive you. It's up to you how you wish to proceed further in this quest.

>I wish that every female and feminine person over the age of eighteen would become instantly 9-months pregnant and their water breaks
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Greanted. On a particular day the goddess of life descends to earth and decides to bless the entire world, and on an instant every single woman of age has their bodies transformed so they have a fully grown 9-month pregnant womb ready to deliver a baby, even some men are effected by this and in turn transformed into pregnant woman.
Immediatly following this world shattering event the goddess then explains to the effected that they have now become "vessels" for life and gives them a set of choices:

1- Birth the baby. They will be aided by the goddess magic so that the birth and then following raising of the child will be smooth and free of any hardshhips blessed with good fortune. They will then no longer be "vessels" and on the case of men they are given a choice of turning back to normal or staying a woman.

2- Delay the birth. On this case the pregnancy will be rewinded a month so the vessels can prepare themselves and once the day arrives they will be given the same choice again. And while they wait the goddess magic will make sure the pregnancy is both pleasent and with as little side effecets as possible, in theory one could stay young and pregnant forever like this with no issue.

3- Reject the blessing. This will make so that the pregnancy is transfered to the closest non-vessel person ignoring any requirement outside age, so even a manly man or old grandpa can end up as a young pregnant woman, this will be similar to option 2 as the person that was transfered to will be at 8 months old and will have to wait a full month before making it's choice. Men who rejected the blessing will however be forced to remain women for a month as the residual magic decipates.

For now on every month there will be a "Blessing day" Where not only every vessel makes its choice, but the goddess will also create a new batch of vessels, both for the newly of age persons and even some randomly selected ones who may have been vessels before.
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Thanks to help from the goddess, a numerous programs to help the vessels from helping support those waiting the extra month to make their choice, help raising new blessed childs, and even the ones the want to reject their blessing with volunteeres that will either take it or hold a rejected blessing until someone decides to take it. This has naturally replaced natural pregnancy as the primary form of reproduction, althought it's still very much an option, as the goddess will also offer her blessing to anyone trying the normal way.

Babies will be decided based on whoever births then so it doesn't matter how much they have been passed around, if the vessel is part of a couple the baby will take traits and dna from both, even from same sex couples, and on the case of a single vessels the baby will have it's traits aided with the vessels parents but dna wise it will only have it's vessel as a true parent, with the goddess magic dealing with any compliations.
On the case of vessels that have turned back into men after giving birth they will have the power of temporarily turn back into a woman to provide for the baby needs, but helping programs also exist in the case they prefer not to. Leaving a baby for adoption is also an option but on that case the blessing of good fortune will be gone with it and reaplied to the new adopted parent.

Lastly, as the instigator of all of this you will be hit with a transfer right as everything started and will have to stay at least a month as a pregnant woman. Plus on the case of you rejecting the blessing or givinb birth you also have a higher than avarage chance of becoming a vessel again on blessing day, not guaranteed but expect at least once a year. Good luck.

>I wish to have access to a pocket dimension where time moves slower and i can turn into a huge titty girl with all the games and snacks i want. I can leave and alter the place as much as i want and even invite people in, but they also turn into huge titty girls.
Granted. You have a magical key that, when inserted into any door, turns it into a portal to the pocket dimension's antechamber. Said antechamber is basically a small corridor connecting the two sides of the original door - so for example, if you use it on your house's front door, one end of the corridor leads to the outside, the other leads to inside your house. In the middle, there will be a door that leads to the pocket dimension proper.
Inside said pocket dimension, time moves roughly one hundred times slower than the outside world - but don't worry: your aging will also be slowed by the same amount. The dimension contains a huge amount of snacks, videogames (and relative consoles - even light gun arcade machines!), and appropriate furniture like couches, TVs, lamps and so on. You can alter the place just by thinking about it, doing stuff like changing the size or style, summoning specific kinds of consoles

Also, anyone who enters the pocket dimension will be turned into a girl with huge tits. The exact transformation is specific for each person. You'll get off easy: you'll "just" become a fat - but cute - nerd, with big milky titties fit for a woman carrying a late pregnancy. Other people might get giga-boobs the size of couches, or six big breasts on their chest. Or turn into Lynn Modeseven. Basically, as long as it fits the criteria of "girl", "huge tits" and "not excessively destructive", it's a possibility. (But since I'm feeling generous, you get to decide if futa counts as "girl" or not.)
Of course, they can just exit the pocket dimension, and they'll revert back to normal, right? Wrong. See, you have the ability to "lock" someone so that they will remain transformed even if they get out of the pocket dimension.
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Even when transformed, people will automatically recognize you, your ID will change to match your new appearance, and so on.
If you do this on a willing target (including yourself, or people who would subconsciously like to be a huge-titty girl), then the target will remain in that form indefinitely - but you can't change them back until a month is passed from their perspective. If you target an unwilling target, then as penalty you will be locked into your LEAST favorite form for a month. Of course, you culd spend that month inside the pocket dimension, while only eight hours would pass on the outside. But still.

Ah, one more thing: as long as someone is still inside the pocket dimension, you cannot close the door and extract the key. It's a safety measure - otherwise you could get a "Bag of Holding into Portable Hole" scenario.

>I wish I was a cute boy living in a world of tentacles.
Granted, you are an albino catgirl owned by the leader of a supervillain organization. Yes, it's a lewd hentai organization, the kind from those doujins where they brainwash, transform and defeat the random-heroine-of-the-day, except that the odds are much more fair, and the villains can actually lose from time to time. Yes, your owner is a she, though she can optionally become a futa thanks to cybernetic implants. Yes, she will spoil you rotten - she absolutely adores you and will often indulge your whims, as long as you frequently sit in her lap and let her pet you malevolently while she gives an evil speech.

Nopw, you'd probably thinking that the paw is that your life is gonna be dangerous. And you'd be... wrong. You see, your mistress loves you a tad too much, and she really doesn't like leaving you unattended or put you at any kind of risk. She goes visiting the labs to check the latest models of tentacle monsters? You'll be kept on a short leash, and even then you'll have to watch the monsters rape the (very enthusiastic) test subjects from behind at least a couple panels of bombproof glass. You want to dig into the aprhodisiac drug cabinet? Nice try - Mistress basically babyprofeed all your living quarters and hers. Heroes broke in the base, and a battle is himminent? An entire squadron will have the task to escort you into a safe bunker. Hell, even when Mistress has sex with you, most of the stuff she does is just so... vanilla.
What I'm trying to say is that your life will be fucking boring, especially since your catgirl instincts crave excitement and lewd... Unless you take steps to deal with it. Yeah, I'm basically asking you to sabotage your Mistress's efforts and cause trouble on purpose. Assuming that you succeed, fate will conspire to limit the damage so that whatever accident you and your mistress will end up in will be fun, but not dangerous. So don't worry about your shenanigans accidentally resulting in Mistress being arrested
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If you fail, however, prepare to get confined to your room for quite some time. A lot of which will be spent with Mistress hugging you while bawling and beggng her sweetie cutie mew-mew to never ever put herself in danger ever again.
(...Too much?)

>I wish I was a cute girl with the power to summon mud baths at will.
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One day you awaken and find yourself in an unfamiliar place and body. You now inhabit the life of a cute girl in a world of superheroes! Yes, this is the angle that this grant is taking. You are able to glean a few of the rules and the general vibe of the new world by snooping around your new phone (and using google). About a third of naturally born humans develop some sort of superhuman ability. Heroism, despite what you may assume, is actually something of a regulated, corporate practice. Supers have apparently been around for quite some time, and becoming a hero is an expected career path, which brings us to where you are now.

If it wasn't obvious enough, you are Codename: Mudslide, a career hero and noted cutie living in the big city. Your power: summon mud. A pretty simple ability with some obvious applications such as creating slick surfaces to disrupt your enemies or to allow yourself to glide around. After a little more digging, though, you find that this girl has made something of a name for herself. She apparently adores simply using her mud to coat herself, her opposition, and anyone nearby. This would be played off as easily corrected, goofy behavior, but it was a very obvious turn on for her. She would use any excuse she could find to lather herself up into a literal blushing mess and get into close proximity of whatever baddie she'd also given a fine coat of grime. Nobody wanted to tell her to stop, so she just completely leaned into it with an excessively skimpy uniform and a notoriously close quarters "fighting style".
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As fun as this may seem, you must keep in mind that hero is your job. Heroes can earn some petty cash for dispatching a villain here and there, but these days, the real income comes from sponsorships and, more often than not, content creation. For Mudslide, this entails video after video of her getting covered in mud and 'clumsily' wrestling her opponents. Lots of slipping and falling into erotic positions, squishing your boobs against incapacitated opponents, and breathy words about tough this is gonna be to clean up. Considering how they're expected to make their living, outwardly lewd heroes are actually fairly common, so you're not in bad company.

The simplicity of your powerset and the nature of your brand have leave you as something of a low level hero. Quite a bit of your day to day will consist of filming content collaborations with other cute girl supers; your videos with Milkmaid and Tit-ania have seen some especially impressive view counts. Every once in a while, you will be sent out into the field, often to deal with a low level villain, and on rare occasion for an unsexy job like putting out a small fire. These should be viewed as opportunities for exciting vids. Most of the time, though, you'll be able to just relax on that nice content dough. Maybe take some time to draw yourself a nice mudbath. If you don't get sick of it.

>I wish that, instead of the normal adverse health effects, tobacco smoke would leech estrogen adjacent compounds which would lead to overpronounced feminine characteristics in humans, regardless of sex.
Granted! Tobacco and other smoked drugs are no longer inherently harmful to lifespan or general health, and instead, have body modifying properties. Namely, tobacco feminizes the target, giving women bimbo and venus bodies, and making men into dickgirls, with some special types of tobacco that can change them "all the way" into girls. With the booming market for these products, strides have been made to make tobacco smoke taste and smell how users like (from strawberry to sex sweat), and products to get rid of the smell exist, so no more staining furniture or walls.

Other drugs can have similar side effects, such as exotic smoked drugs changing things from skin tone, to body type, to even some opposite effects, such as letting women grow dicks.

The problem is that, as you wished... instead of "normal" health affects... they create very unusual health effects. While it's generally more likely if someone uses them more, even one cigarette is enough to "roll the dice" on a mutation. A slim chance, for sure, but it exists. Side effects are often related to the "oversexed" effects, such as making someone grow an extra pair of breasts (maybe more), making someone a futa with both sets of genitals, making someone a nympho, turning the mouth into a functional pussy, or even causing things like lipples or breast pussies in rarer occasions. Another quirk is the eventual development of people being able to "smoke" through different holes, which people who get pussy mouths and lipples can abuse.

While they can generally be treated with the user immediately stopping and taking counteractive drugs... the problem is that tobacco and other inhaled drugs are no less addictive. On the contrary... they feel good SEXUALLY now, making them far more addictive, especially with many of the changes being "exciting" for people, shameful or not...

The stigma around the usage of these drugs is lessened, and some people will intentionally go overboard.
With many others simply "letting it happen", with casual dickgirl and venus smokers, to mutated overfeminine freaks wandering the street.

The real paw though? You will find yourself only able to land jobs in modeling for these drug companies. Your body will turn into that of a cute girl or dickgirl very fast, and shoots with other transformees, as well as timelapses of the effects on you, will be expected if you are to make a living without outright becoming a whore.

You're basically the star of drug PSAs, but in a word where drug PSAs are "you might get six tits and turn into a shortstack if you smoke this", acting more as advertisements than deterrents. Your (very sexy and kinky) manager may get a deal from a company making different types of drugs, from weed that scrambles your body parts in ways that'll MAKE you think you're high (you will also be high), to hookahs that turn you into a venus bodied egyptian milf, to kizami that can turn you into a futa with the body of an experienced japanese courtesan.

Stranger effects will be more common for you, and filmed in your shoots and transformation "vlogs" as advertisement. Some of the mutations will be intentional, but you'll be kept in the dark to make your reactions more "genuine", like getting a pussy mouth and lipples, and having to learn to smoke through another hole.

Your manager partakes as well, but has a health plan for both of you that can slowly undo the changes... but only for the sole purpose of experiencing other ones. If you sleep with and such up to her though, you might get to convince her to smoke what you want to smoke from time to time... she DOES really like you, but in a "I want to fuck with her" way, so sucking up could also make her kinkier now that you're on her mind more...

Enjoy learning about your body on drugs.

>I wish I was a cute girl who'd frequently mutate with chimera like traits
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Granted! You are now a cute dark elf boy like your image, guaranteed to age slowly and look cute... indefinitely, really. Dark elves reach sexual maturity fast, and stay young for a very long time, with only some "maturing" when they become parents, giving them fine aged milf, dilf, and gilf bodies... but some remain youthful even after having a kid. You were born to a sorceress who lives at the edge of the underdark (cozy caves) and surface world after she learned the hard way that cum from futa spells is still fertile when having "family fun" with her sister. However, she'll take responsibility and raise you, being a very cozy mom that you will likely have feelings towards. It's taboo in this world... but not unheard of.

So back to your wish... you will forget making it, as well as your prior life and fetishes as you grow up in a matter of weeks, and learn about the new world you live in for the months following that. You feel as if your new life is the only one you've ever had, but you will develop fetishes you had before nonetheless, and given how you think it'd be hot to be a cute boy... you'll probably dress cute and style your hair, maybe try on your mom's clothes if that's your thing. When you start to learn basic magic, you may start to act up, such as learning of a potion that turns an arm into a tentacle, and pleasuring yourself with it, or summoning an illusory monster to pleasure you. Your magic is based on a dark elf god of pleasure and family (with other rumored domains involving kinks), and will be weak, but enough to explore your fetishes... though you may hesitate to make moves on your sexy mother. After all... that's taboo, right...? You must just be a freak for thinking like that...

...Until one day, once you're used to your new life of finding other cute drow boys/girls, journeying to the surface (where everyone thinks you're cute), and having your mom tease you relentlessly (which only makes the sexual tension more intense)...
Your "father", aka your mother's sister, will visit you while your mother is away with a VERY horny aura about her, and say she'd like to talk about what you're experiencing. She'll reveal that she's a priestess of the god you get your magic from, and that the rumors are true. More than a god of pleasure... she's a goddess of taboo. Furthermore... your magic doesn't actually "summon" anything, and your illusions are more like "true sight" spells, in reality, because the world you see is not as it seems. Every wet dream where tentacles assail you, everytime you use illusion magic to get fucked by tentacles... those are glimpses into the true nature of the underdark, which your father/aunt explains to be the physical body of the goddess. She'll also explain that she "knows", and will tell you that you were reborn from another life, even revealing that some lovers you have in this life were people you knew in your last. Your memories will slowly return, but you will still feel mortified at these revelations, being raised as the good mommy's boy you are...

After piquing your curiousity... your aunt will ask you if you want to see the world as it truly is... and deep down? You'll know that you do, and take her hand... onto to see the cave walls, furniture, and even cave flora turn into flesh, orifices, and tentacles of all kinds, as your cock grows rock hard.

Your mother will return at this time, and demand for her sister to tell her what's going on, only for her to reveal your incest fetish as tentacles grab both of you, muffle both of you, and fuck you in front of each other as you can do nothing but stare into each other's eyes until you both climax. Once the goddess feels that it is right... the tentacles will pin you to your milf of a mother, and let you to find relief in each other, shamefully, in front of your aunt.

It will then be revealed that others you know, from crushes to lovers, were also invited to be "enlightened"...
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Only to witness your shameful display with a mix of disgust, confusion, and hesitant arousal. They'll be scooped up and groped in time, becoming some of the few beings who can see the world as it truly is.

Once the tentacles let you go, they won't vanish... but you'll at least be able to recognize objects as both what they were before, and what they truly are at the same time, so you can tell that that puffy vulva is your bed and such.

In truth, this was planned from the start by your aunt as soon as she heard your wish. She intents to let you, your mother, and friends to live with this knowledge now... but the "initiation" isn't over yet. She's not one to let "But it's wrong!" or "We shouldn't!" or "This is humiliating!" slow things down, so she'll simply cast a spell to make everyone involved mute and horny, leaving all of you with nothing to do but explore each other in this new world, fuck whatever mysterious wall pussies you find, prostrate for tentacles, and relieve yourselves in once taboo holes.

After what feels like forever... you'll be released by your aunt, and congratulated on your "inituation". You and everyone close to you will be able to see the goddess's body. Those cave mushrooms are her cocks, those holes are her orifices, those stalactites are her teats... and her "arms", tentacles of all kinds, toy with you from the cave walls wherever you go. You will be too addicted to her body to leave the caves for long, and no one who isn't initiated will be able to see what you do, making you riding a mushroom cock, fucking a hole in the wall, or fucking your mother behind an alley (with tentacles undressing and holding you together) looking like "normal" exhibitionism to them.

...It doesn't have to stay that way though. You now have the potential to be a priest, and spread the word, and with it... the body of your goddess, perhaps into the surface world as well...

>I wish I was a futa who could transform others into more fuckable forms
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You'll have infinite semen and a cock that changes size to be as large or small as you want. No one will question having your dick out in public. As a futa, your dick will produce an aphrodisiac musk that makes you irresistable to others. Those caught in the cloud have a strong urge to be fucked by you. Anyone being fucked by you will reach heights of pleasure they've never felt before.

Your breasts will be mesmerizing, much like your cock you can change the size at will. From massive mammaries to the flattest of tits. On top of that, your breasts can produce milk at will, your milk can be anything you want, from a nourishing drink to a potent aphrodisiac.

With the snap of your fingers, you can turn anyone into anything you want to want, women to bimbos or men into femboys, any combination you think of, you can do.

However, once every 12 hours, you must cum inside someone or else you will fall to your own musk and end up masturbating furiously without being able to cum for the next 24 hours. Your breasts will also milk uncontrollably, requiring a milk machine to be properly milk. Fucking anything non-living will not count. On top of that, once you ejaculate inside anyone they turn into a miniaturized ona-hole of themselves and will turn back to normal after a month. Fucking multiple people at the same time won't extend this timer, so hope you find a ton of fuck buddies.

>I wish to become a submissive Princess Lucina (female please)
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Granted, you are a girl who is BOTH a psychic and a magician. This is because you have two separate powers.

The first is a form of mind-reading that allows you to hear the voice of people's subconscious libido. In practice, just by being near someone (a few dozen feet), you can hear a mental voice broadcasting their lewd thoughts; this includes both anything lewd that the target is thinking right now, as well as general fantasies related to the target's fetishes, including subconscious ones.
The obvious drawback is that you cannot turn off this ability. Ever. So you'll be forced to listen to people's lewd fantasies 24/7/365. Sure, you can learn how to tune out the voices, but you can't fully suppress them.

The second power is the ability to turn those fantasies into reality. To do so, you'll have to act like a stage magician presenting a spectacle: fancy costumes, grandiose speeches, special light and sound effects, an audience and so on. The bigger the change you want to create, and the more the target is opposed to that change, the bigger the spectacle you'll have to create in order to use your reality-altering power. Luckily for you, I'm gonna give you a supply of stage assets as well as a free assistant/friend-with-benefits, who will enthusiastically support anything you want to do... and has an extremely long list of fetishes.

>I wish I was the tentacle monster in the pic, lovingly married to the woman in the pic.
Wish bump.

You have a great home life with a man that you love, who gave you two beautiful children.
Unfortunately, age has caught up to him. He's no longer the hunky Adonis you married, his erections are infrequent spongy, his sex drive is diminished, and his job takes almost all of his time.

Thankfully, your neighbors down the street are giving you fap material. A young college couple is living in your neck of the woods, renting out the old WIlkens' home.And they fuck, often, and loudly. Whenever you walk by, you could hear moaning and screams from their house. You're not even sure they even GO to college at this point, as every mid-day walk (when you'd assume college courses happen) you can hear them, and even smell the sex on the breeze.

One day, you muster up the courage to tell them they might want to keep it down, since they must have no idea how loud they're being, and the other stay-at-home moms are gossiping up a storm. You knock, and they fall silent. You knock a second time, and the door opens to the blonde woman, completely nude, bent over, with her boyfriend behind her, still inside her.
They may be loud because they have an exhibitionist streak.

While you're stammering and trying to explain that you really have to go, the couple grabs you, one on each of your hands, and pulls you inside. The man tells you that you can watch, since why ELSE would you interrupt? Before you can correct him, he's pushed the woman onto the couch, and starts fucking her, deep, while she looks at you and moans.
Of course, you get a boner. You've been pent up.
The woman is quick to shimmy herself over to you to undo your pants, sucking your sock while her boyfriend plows her pussy.

That was the start of your illicit relationship. The sex is GOOD, the woman an eager slut, with her holes, and the man is insatiable.
But your husband is starting to piece it together...

>I wish the paper I'm writing for college now goes well. Also that I stop procrastinating.
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Granted. Two timelines will be merged: the original one with your old life, and the one where you're Princess Lucina, originally born in Ylisse. You know the drill: Chrom died, Grima woke up and started destroying the land, you were sent back into the past to try to fix the mess. Only problem, "Lucina" somehow ended up here on Earth, where she fused with "you". End result: you now have Lucina's body (you wished for it, after all) and both sets of memories.

You are, for lack of a better term, strong as fuck. After all, in your past as "Lucina", you were trained in various forms of combat. Granted, you always were a demure girl, more of a follower than a leader. This also translated in your sex life, since you'd rather obey someone else's commands rather than commanding other people. You may or may not have a masochistic streak as well - and you can take a LOT of punishment - but that will not influence your personality much.
Also, thanks to whatever time fuckery happened, people on Earth now think that you have always been a girl with natural blue hair. Even your ID changed to match. So you could live a comfortable life on Earth with zero problems: you still have your old Earth friends and job, but you can use your Lucina-esque skills to, say, clean the house much faster, make friends-with-benefits, or win fencing contests.

There's only one itty-bitty black spot. You know, the whole "fixing the bad future" thing. But, I mean... It's not like you have a way to travel to Ylisse. You could search for one, but it would take quite a bit of time - and even if you did find a way, you would end up in a dangerous adventure. Plus, you asked to be a SUBMISSIVE Lucina, right? That's already a big change from canon, so what if there's other changes as well? Maybe you aren't really needed to fix the future. And the Earth will probably be left intact no matter what will happen in the other dimension anyway, sooooo no worries. Totally.

>I wish to be the boy in the pic.
Granted! You will get an actual horny grant this weekend, if and only if I do not suspect you are still on this thread before then.
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Granted! You are now a small, cute, rather androgynous boy with the supernatural ability to see, and travel to and from another world. A world of fetishes and sexual deviance, inhabited by lusty souls such as your pic related. People in the "real" world will look a bit cuter and sexier in your eyes, making your new look "normal" in their eyes. It's a retroactive change.

It's a bit like being able to see fairies in that you get glimpses of this world, but you can also find yourself lost there when you turn a corner or get caught in an unfamiliar place as it turns to night, or find a portal in your own closet, only realizing the presence of the portal when it's too late to turn back. You will more often than not only leave after a lust spirit has had its way with you. Luckily for you, lust spirits are only attracted to those who'd have them, so say there's a spirit of a fetish you don't like. It'll stay FAR away from you, you'll never see it, but femdom? Yeah those freaky mommies will find you. Many are mute, or speak in overly seductive tones and manners, and will sooner take you than ask if you'd "like" sex. Clothes that are not sexual do not come into this world, so you WILL be naked... but you could enter in a maid outfit or something. The beings here can also inflict other fetishes like RPG status conditions. One might give you a second dick, make you more femboy esq, give you a fatter ass, make you a quad amputee... but once they've had their fun with you, they usually move on... for a time. You'll make a lot of "friends" who revisit you...

So what are these lust spirits? Basically, you're special because your physical form and form in the lust realm are one in the same. Other people have their physical body and their "lust avatar". The four breasted big titty milf? That's SOMEONE you know... and someone who finds you cute. Their interactions with you will be communicated to them as weird dreams...
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...But if they ever become aware of their actions in their dreams affecting you in real life, and consequently, slowly learn just how real this world is... their lust avatars will become more aware and connected to them, with some people who find you cute even learning to "jump" worlds through meditation, becoming their avatars as you turn a corner or, say, enter that milfy librarian's library after dark after being tricked into leaving something behind to fetch. Both are valid ways for you to stumble into the lust world.

There is a hard rule though... neither you, nor anyone who knows about this world, can talk about it outside of said world. Doing so cause you to instantly travel to it, with a dominatrix ready to punish you at the other end, or a "normal" person to briefly pass out and experience a similar punishment, with time flowing faster in the lust world, making it look more like a quick nap for them. The dominatrix usually gets too intense, practices denial, or steals your ability to speak to keep the punishment sexy, but ensure it's still a deterrent. If you're a GOOD boy, she'll give you what you REALLY want...

You'll encounter plenty of people's lust avatars, including your mysterious masked stalker, who's true identity will elude you in real life, and yet, she'll be aware of your life as if she stalks you everywhere you go. Your guess is as good as mine... she may even work with other people's avatars for gang bangs or sexual ambushes. You ARE really cute and fuckable...

But here's the REAL paw. There's a very real possibility that as people become more aware of this world, they will spend more time in it, and become one with their lust avatars, just as you become too addicted to leave it. It's not a bad world. It's cozy modern fantasy with electricity and internet, it's just dark and kinda weird.

Eventually, you may live as a figment of wet dreams... or can you resist, find, and confront your admirers in the real world?
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>I wish I was a cute girl with other cute girl fwbs who had magic apps that could fuck with our forms like pic related. Genie decides who has them, who doesn't, the rules, etc.

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