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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous thread >>11086694
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tough break.
wtf why is ryona so unpopular
I don’t know, but last thread wasn’t archived it got deleted
Is there a term for like, reverse ryona where the guy gets beaten up?
Gyaku ryona
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>The blast is inside her guts
Probably his most violent work so far
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Is she okay?
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>she was, in fact, not ok
I love the part where she's just casually holding her arm to keep her from falling. So disrespectful.
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>listening to zako’s heartbeat as she dies
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Souce? I can't find it
This artist’s skeb: https://x.com/Firecracker0147
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Flan's life ended here even if she didn't die
Thank you!
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I like her expression there, it really gives off “you’re my bitch” type of vibes
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This one is of the bests ryona images i have seen, not only for the damage done to her, but also the humillation.
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She’ll walk it off.
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He’s at it again. Animation of Mai Kawakami getting her ass handed to her.
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I love his works.
does anyone have some anime recommendations, not hentai just regular tv anime?
Which ones do you already know of
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Is that a magical girl? Somehow ryona is the best when performed on one of those.
Yes is from the last Yotsuba no Senki Clover Rose chapter.
It's a ryona doujin series, you can find it on the hentai sites.
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This is a pretty good photoset but the artist decided to have all the pictures scattered rather than in one place.

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oof I love the “injured with tattered clothes, but still determined” look
This artist is really good
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That ones part of a series with Ritsuka’s (Gudako) entire team getting demolished:
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I doubt she could walk after that.
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That's a tranny, not a girl
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sauce is mentioned here: https://x.com/yatate_t/status/1835862162952335846
Not that guy but personally my problem with this is that they're all prettyboys so it's not a true reversal? I get that the idea of ryona/guro for you guys is that you're attracted to the victim, or insert as the victim, but I really would like if the victim was one of those swarthy/fat/ugly bastards they use as the male lead in japanese porn mags. A related topic might be "bandits" or the like being killed violently by the "heroes" in a fantasy setting. (e.g. Goblin Slayer I guess).
This is shockingly hard to find, does anyone know examples? (pic is NOT what i want, just keeping to thread topic).
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It’s hard to find because most people aren’t attracted to ugly people so it doesn’t get made
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Sorry to be a bother, but would anyone happen to know of an image in which a JK is crying while being forced to eat some censored meal and it's heavily implied with a school ID card that said meal is the remains of her friend? I think it was a two panel comic with greyscale art
No, I think many of us are curious. I’m pretty sure I have seen that before but can’t remember. Was it maybe this user?
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Got the source for that?
Damn, bitch got put in her place.
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>playing RRXX
>Sebastian lost his bearhug
>can't give it to created character
>only BBD gets it in her otherwise mediocre moveset
How disappointing
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What are specific things that turn you on in ryona? For me it’s clothing damage and humiliating defeat poses
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Tongue out + Eye rolling + (Bonus) Uncouth defeat poses
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This specific pose is really great, I just love how the ass is so embarrassingly exposed up in the air for everyone to see
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I feel like Norubon is truly one of the few artists that understands how to show humiliation and brutal beat downs in ryona, like read him describe how pathetic and helpless this bitch feels while flailing her arms in the air after a brutal uppercut, he’s able to expose the brutality of it in such a sexy way
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I don’t know what you’d call this form of humiliation in ryona, maybe tarnished reputation or something? Where a girl has a respected/loved persona to the people around her but gets ryoaned so hard it destroyes, but in an even more direct/literal kind of way like here, where she’s smashed in an advertisement of herself with only her thighs exposed. She go beat up so badly she literally destroyed her perfect heroic image.
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For me, it's mounted punches
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Stomach ryona first and foremost, and facial punches to a smaller extent. Clothing damage is peak, tough girls getting beaten down is peak, cocky girls losing is peak. I like lots of focus on the victim’s pain. Pretty sure it’s been posted here before, but this doujin (and it’s sequel) neatly summarizes most of what I like.
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Shota ryona is pretty hot, especially when a mild beats the shot out of him
Hey guys, I’m currently working on some stories that involve Ryona, Humiliation and Bad Ends(no blood). Is anyone here a Genshin fan and knows the girls like Rosaria?

I’m stuck on a chapter and want to be creative for each girl.

Does forced drug use count as Ryona?
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No blood makes it difficult for me

>Does forced drug use count as Ryona?
Yeah, why not.
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Pretty good doujin I found. A magical girl’s imouto takes her magical weapon without permission, ending in disastrous results.
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love it, whos the artist for it I can't find anything
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His twitter handle is “daihuku2sen”.
He has a unique artstyle imo and likes to draw a variety of ryona.

Sometimes they’re a bit gory like this one, it’s literally just 20 pages of a girl dying from getting gutted.
I have only recently been turned-on to the idea of leaving indentations/impacts on boobs, or punching gods or goddesses because they can take it.
Thanks anon
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Fire Emblem Engage manga
Any idea of two girls for ryona? I'd prefer to have a bratty and/or younger girl destroying a more dignified, more serious or older girl. Vidya or manga are fine
Wendy from Fairy Tail and Rangiku Matsumoto from Bleach
Wendy destroying Rangiku? That sounds hot, although they don't share the same manga
From the same manga I would say Mirajane
Nagatoro beating the absolute shit out of Takagi-san
I hope it will be gory
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So there seems to be a decent amount of content where a girl gets publicly humiliated in front of her fans or bystanders, but is there stuff where we get to see the aftermath? Where we get to see her cope with her humiliation / new reputation as a jobber?
That sounds even hotter than the beatdown
I felt bad for her but her suffering was too hot lol
Who's this character?
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Just an OC by this artist: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/9867789
Her character is supposed to be a streamer that likes to record herself beating up delinquents
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But I guess she bit off more than she could chew here, which led to >>11128177
Girls beating up guys and them getting beat up by stronger guys is insanely hot to me, thanks anon
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Did this drop on the panda yet?
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For me, ryona always has some aspect of combat to it. There should be a difference between ryona, bdsm, and torture.

That being said, who here actually knows the etymology of the word ryona? Isn't Ryona also a Japanese first name? At least according to a young female character's name in Yakuza 3.
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