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Board got nuked.
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My bad, had the wrong tab opened.
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maybe if there wasn't so much loli. or is that what your referring to? why do pedophiles have to ruin everything?
cute and funny girls has nothing to do with this. Some mods just fatfingered the delete all on all boards button instead of just deleting the thread they disliked.
blue boards got wiped too you retard
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RIP the last thread I guess. Weird there's no news post about whatever that was
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There were a thread on /a/ and /ck/ along of the lines of "mods fucked up"
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Ever noticed what the focus of like 60% of harpy art is? It's not wings
Because Talons are where's it's at.
Well, that much was obvious
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To be clear, I ain't complaining
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I think this thread is implicitly the non-futa one, given previous patterns.

(Also it's not clear that the girl you posted even is a monster)
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The futa/non futa split always struck me as strange for how sudden it was.
Yeah, suddenly everything had dicks on it so we needed two threads. Previously everyone knew what a girl was and kept futa to threads that specifically asked for it.
10 bucks say the guy you replied to wasn't even actually around when this happened
Cuddling harpy-chan as she lays eggs.
I'm personally dickgirl neutral, but if they're allowed around here, they tend to crowd everything else out. (Also a lot of monster-dick-girl art seems more into the dick than the monster, if you get what I mean)
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What do you like about monster girls? I like their alien and inhuman personalities. That and I like extra body parts like arms, breasts, and heads.
That they're only monsters on the outside, unlike real life
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big boobs and nice personalities with cute floppy ears.
may or may not have similar interests as me
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I like birds. I like people with bird features
>not human women and don't act like it
Although I have to point out I want them to not act like human women, this doesn't mean I subscribe to the monster being on the outside, cute uwu waifu that loves you forever on the inside. That view is weird as fuck to me.
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The exoticness and cool factor.
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>unconventionally attractive features like scales, claws, or unusual body shapes
>usually portrayed as powerful and capable
>would have a unique perspective compared to humans
>can be majestic as fuck or just really cute
of course, it's up to the individual personality to make any of these features truly shine
there are dozens of us
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i like cool n cute character designs and with monster girls there's a lot more variety than humans. even kemonomimi tiers are infinitely cuter than a regular girl
Their variety. So many different ones to choose from and unlike anthros they aren't just limited to animals.
Isn't complaining about anthros looking like animals a bit like saying giantesses are all giant?
Genetic experimentation and continuity. The same reason a guy wants to have as many kids with as many women as possible but to an extreme. How will the world and consequently evolutionary selection pressures change once Im gone? Will the world flood over? Good thing I bred my genes into that fish lady. Will the world develop dangerous terrestrial creatures? Good thing I fucked that flying harpy chick. Hostile conditions on the surface of the planet? Mole lady babies carrying my genes on underground.
I'm just saying monster girls aren't as limited as anthros because they don't just have to be based off animals.
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I hope you have a few examples of that last one.
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I know its a meme, but its also the truest answer that could ever be.
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Unconventional features is typically my go to(mantis girls better have raptorial limbs, centipede long bodies etc). Also I like to associate if it's a monstergirl some of the animal behaviour of that creature(basically imagine mantis-chan doing her usual camouflage dance because (you) like it).
Is something like this ok for this thread?
I'd say it's dipping into too many inkwells at once.
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I always got along better with animals then people, especially bugs, so my brain always thought I'd have a better chance with them. There is also the appeal of an exotic woman who is likely stronger then me, also the femdom aspect, so I suppose it's multifaceted.
Whoa, she green like Xbox and Mountain Dew
I don’t care who they send im not eating the bugs
I first saw monster girls in Greek mythology and I thought they were cool and exotic. Especially harpies
Many reasons, the tl;dr would be exotic beauty but a more comprehensive list would be:
>The beauty of a woman and the cuteness of an animal in terms of behavior. Like just imagine your favorite monster girl asking for some headpats or bellyrubs
>Exotic traits such as unique eyes, skin colors, tails etc that you don't find in regular girls
>Higher chance of the girl having a dangerous or menacing air. Dangerous girls just turn me on like no tomorrow.
>Usually disregarded as less important than a human girl, so my protective instincts are activated more easily
>Awkward or creepy traits could lead to some cute romantic relation in which her partner doesn't mind her being spookier than other girls
>Seeing the cute/gentle side of a dangerous/creepy/unusual girl is 10 times more powerful than with your average girl
Let's talk about hybrid monster girls: Are there any combinations that you've heard or come up with and how do you imagine that their appearance and usual behavior would be like, compared to their parent species?
Get this. Catgirl. But bakeneko!
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I love Miia so much.
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My favorite monster girl is the Futakuchi-onna. Especially the one with a mouth on the back of her head. She exists to starve misery husbands. But I need a diet anyway.
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Ah yes, the got to fuck them all approach.
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i want to eat fat monster puss
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I like how close they are to being furries
I want to sniff her anus very badly.
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Animal parts on humanoid bodies = hot
More animal parts = hotter
Fine then, let's live dangerously
(and then I forget my image)
Her body is a little too humanoid looking to be a proper taur.
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Russian Hoppo is cute!
Tbh, it the predictable personality, making them trust worthy, and the wish for mythological tier offspring
I saw a picture in one of these threads, a million years ago, of Echidna (drawn as a lamia type thing) surrounded by baby monsters. I think she was nursing a hydra.

Anyone know the picture I mean?
Y'all got any where the monster girl is just a savage, unthinking wild animal and the male is trying to tame or just use her?
You mean refined and gentle dommy mommy, right? One that pats my head and assures me everything will be alright.
But nah I never see monster girl stuff where the girl isn't in charge.
You see it in zombie girl hentai sometimes, I was wondering if there were any other
Based taste. If monster girls want to pull out the ~*bestial instincts*~ excuse every time they try to rape some hot guy then it's time they start being treated like beasts.
Obviously the real answer is "I just think they're cute", but trying to dig into why:

I think there's some deep-seated contrarian instinct in me that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when thinking about a cute girl that other people would find scary/unsettling/gross.

Basically the opposite of >>11109267 - slathering fanged monsters are for hugs and romance.
In sort: goals
>the male
Zombie girls are cute but only if they're not handled like traditional zombies. A zombie that's just the corpse of a girl with her brain barely working anymore and her not being in control anymore makes would be pretty depressing, specially since zombies are impossible to tame/save in most zombie media. A monster girl resembles the mix of an animal and a woman, a zombie girl would be like that but with rabies.
Then again, in "moe" media zombie girls are rarely like that so I'm just overthinking it.
>unthinking wild animal and the male is trying to tame
This does sound cute though, a monster girl with the intelligence of an animal. Taming her and befriending her despite her being very feral would be adorable.
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Any more dino girls?
I've got a few
If I really felt like being an asshole, I could just post harpies
Seriously though, whatever happened to Akane Sanzou?
Honestly, no one knows. The premium status for Sanzo's Pixiv account is still being paid for, but otherwise they've been radio silent since 2019.
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Never thought this one would ever be relevant, but here we are.
We have heard a lot about monster girls acting similar to an animal and whatnot.
But what about monster girls who treat humans as if they were their pets?
Ride-o the dino
I've never hunned a mon, but I infer these are all humanizations of the same enemy, who I guess must be extremely attractive by dinosaur standards
The second is a totally different monster, who is pretty in it's own right.
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Would be cute but it needs to fit the monster girl so if she is too beastlike it might not work.
wouldn't mind being a shota and getting breast feed by pale tits. Or Seaport Hime being big enough that appear like a child next to her and she is a cuddlebug
Would a succubus's anus smell like pheromones?
>Alien and unusual body parts. Things like long, thick tails, big claws n’ paws, thick digitigrade legs, taur-like bodies, unusual limbs… the possibilities and varieties are endless, and all amazing to be intimate with.
>Size difference potential. Granted, I’m 5’1, so the dating game for me is already shadow of the colossus, but I’m really into that. There’s just something about girls who are tall, muscular, chubby, or curvy in a way that overshadows me entirely but would never hurt me outside of gentle teasing
>Unique species quirks, utilities, inconvenience and maintenance of different bodies. It’s called “aptophilia”, apparently.
>Sub/Dom dynamics. I’m not sure if I prefer the idea of being taken by a monstrous woman or being able to take control of her
Nah, same topic but less stylized, more zoomed out, and the monsters mostly weren't human-shaped. (I think the background was a cave or something)
>Sitting at the dinner table with futakuchi-onna wife.
>We've eaten half of a four pound failure of a meatloaf.
>Suddenly wife starts crying.
>"What's wrong? I know I messed up the meatloaf but-"
>Her hair grabs my hands.
"No! It's not the food."
>She begins licking my fingers.
>The back of her head speaks.
"Fucking asshole! You've been good to me."
"Our kind aren't used to having nice husbands."
>Use strength to pull wife in by her hair.
>She screams from the pain from both mouths.
>Force a kiss on her front face.
>Her back mouth purrs.
"Now we're cooking."
>Stop kissing for a moment.
>Can see my wife smiling and blushing.
>"I'm still going to treat you well."
>"But if this is what you want."
>I grab her crotch.
>She squeaks in surprise.
>"I'll do my best, you gluttonous whore."
>Wife gets on her knees and begins worshipping my cock.
"I didn't mean it. I like it small. I mean-"
>Just shove my average size dick in her tiny mouth.
>Grab her hair and pull it.
>She begins masturbating furiously.
>I'm getting off to this more than I like to admit.
Imagine all that milk!
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>Here's your centaur bro
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Fuck it, I'd do her. That daki better be fucking clean though
Hah jokes on ya bitch, i'm into neets
I enjoy this dudes freakshit
I sentence her to twenty years hard labor in the tourism industry
>fat, probably ugly monster girl
I can fix her
Not to spam this thread with an artist that's definitely not anime style (and a self-identified furry), but have you ever seen a woman this perfect?
>Wildly creative and varied sexual experiences
>Monster on the outside, and if heaven forbid the monster is on the inside too, at least it's got an outer shell that matches, unlike real human women.
>From a purely non sexual, non lewd perspective, I just think they're neat, I read up on greek mythology as a kid and they had that interesting shit on lockdown hundreds of years before I was even born.
Look at that man's smug smile, he's living the dream and he knows it. That's the smile of a winner.
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Tail block the view
>two girls posted that are just full non human with a human face
>feel the need to tell us he's a furry
I think I figured that one out, anon.
would cuddle
>two girls posted that are just full non human with a human face
I mean that's literally what a harpy is
>I mean that's literally what a harpy is
Em... enjoy your journey of self discovery?
No I mean most Greek stories just describe them as birds with human faces.
Not what I meant but you do you.
Do not have sex with giraffe people.
seems there's some confusion about the "No Western" in the monstergirl threads again. Greek rules are Western. The original mythos is Western, but...
-Aw hell someone just post the Monstergirl % infograph...
I would never, she's a filthy snack thief
There's no confusion, it's a hentai board so technically you shouldn't post any western artwork. But mods are fucking random about that rule so whatever, I once got warned for reporting someone's dump of western art on /d/, lmao.
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happily drinking myself full with her milk
Yeah I'll leave that to the mods. I like seeing new art regardless of where it's from.
Would you rather fuck them like this?
Or this?
These would probably be an octave freakier.
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I would rather fuck these ones. Especially wind demon.
>snake girl with thigh gap
needs to be more of this
Weird but cute.
Can I chose both? Hopefully this is some digimon bullshit and they can swap between forms as the mood strikes. Water one also comes with a free froggy and depending on how big she is, you could take a bath in her.
>not something covered in guns
I'm afraid this ain't no digimon.
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It's not always guns, just sometimes.
I remember there being this one manga where the mermaids had thigh gaps.
But these days the west draws in the anime/manga style because of how popular it is.
Meant to reply to >>11112226
This has always bemused me about half-snake ladies. What does their skeleton look like? Do they have a long spine? A pelvis with a long tail bone? How are they curvy? Do they have a butthole and coin slot or just a cloaca?
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The best snake ladies have snake cloacas
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It depends how sensitive the artist is to monster girls really. That and if they are ass people they draw them with nonsensical asses despite having no buttocks.
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My Childhood Friend The Vampire
The idea of a girl only wanting to drink your blood is really romantic.
>Kissing futakuchi-onna's back mouth.
>Lots of thoughts come to mind.
>Ask her why hasn't she murdered me yet.
>Futaba's hair caresses me as the back mouth speaks.
"You got me addicted to unconditional love."
"Mother only had experienced that once with dad in her four-hundred year life."
>Futaba turns around to look at me in the eye.
"I was prepared for the worst."
"I'm not as hungry when we make love."
>She kisses me with her face mouth.
>Her hair pulls my hand to her back mouth.
>She could easily bite my hand off.
>But she licks and kisses my hand instead.

Sorry about the greentexts. I just love romance with this monster.
Nah, they're nice.
I mean Futakuchi-onna are very niche. They usually appear married to misers. They're very skinny and are flat as a board. However they have a lot of utility with their prehensile hair and tolerance for abuse. That said I don't want to hurt her if she doesn't ask for it.
Just stick to the emotional abuse. She can endure that too.
I can do both. But I don't want it to be punishment because she enjoys it. It should be a reward if she enjoys it.
He's right actually. Traditional depictions of harpies were just birds with human heads since back then they were just suppose to be monsters. No one actually expected someone wanting to fuck them.
I figured the assumption is we want to fuck them.
>Once upon a time harpies were just birds with human heads.
>Over tens of thousands of years harpies developed human-like bodies to seduce humans instead.
If I ever get good at drawing I want to write a series that combines Keijo with monster girls and have it so monster girls have evolved to have the perfect bodies for playing Keijo with.
neet trapdoor spidergirl when
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Being a species traitor and abandoning humanity for that sublime monsterpussy is hot.
I don't know, I feel like if there isn't an element of seduction/corruption/mindbreak to monstergirl romance, it's kinda incomplete.
There is too much waifuism involved in most of it for the corruption to have any edge to it even when it is there. I think I've seen maybe three animes that were too afraid to play it straight with the evil demon lord trope?
Ok, and?
Gets the headpats.
You cannot betray humanity if the other option is a cute uwu girl who makes everything better.
okay, mick

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