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Did anyone else notice that the jannies are way stritcter for what counts as "western art" in these threads?
>come home be family man
Cloud so lucky
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Not circumcised, the foreskin is pulled back. Amazing thread so far though.
They could be low and loose circumcisions.
maybe, but they just look pulled back, there would be inner skin showing.
Jannies tend to be all over the place when it comes to bans/shutting down threads/etc.
Its been a good long while since I last dropped by this thread. Is there a new edit anon now?
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Nope, not since the last real circumcision thread in april of last year.

Look at the outline of the glans of this futa.
hi! editanon here, if someone requests something other than practically giantess hypercock futa, I might considering editing. honestly anything other than futa would be amazing. i fucking hate futa, but if they have actual somewhat realistic proportions it might be fun.
Take this shit to the yaoi board you retarded fucking faggot pedo. Kill yourself.
Is this a good one for editing?
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r34 isnt really my thing, but proportionally this is so much better. thank u anon :D
also I forgot to add, I couldn't get the lighting quite right on the tip, could've probably figured it out if I had more time but I got other shit I gotta do rn
I see, threads aint been as fast as they were like 2 years ago. Shame my hard drive killed itself and made me lose my circ edits folder.

Hi, if ur not into futa can u do trap/femboy edits? those tend to be less egregiously anatomically inaccurate
i would Absolutely love to! :3 traps/femboys are my jam, futa can be alright but circ threads and 4chan as a whole just somehow manage to only post the Yuckiest futa known to man, so ive grown sick of it lmao.
I recognize this artist.
Looks great! Shame you're not into it, because I'd love to see more futa edits from you.
i mean if you have something you'd like edited feel free to just send it! Even if I'm not into it it can still be fun, and another editor might take it up.
How about this one? Her hand is right where the scar should be.
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It's only fitting that a desert people like the Gerudo make sure every girl is properly snipped. I wonder if they get cut as babies like Jews or as adolescents and early teens like Muslims.
They're probably closer to Egyptians who did it right before they became sexually active.
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Would love for an edit of this if possible please and thank you
Different editor anon here. I tried.
And here's a version where the mucusal tissue contrasts the shaft skin.
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thats good to know, in that case maybe u could have a go at editing this one give it a tight cut please ;)
Appreciate it anon
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more please, we're in need of fresh content.
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Low and tight is objectively the superior cut, change my mind.
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I like the two-toned look of a high and tight, but the denial of pleasure of a tow and tight is very hot.
low and tight dosent really deny pleasure from what I have seen. The inner skin is often extremely sensitive and removing as much of the inner skin as possible reduces the chances of inflammation and hypersensitivity from what I have read. If the cut goes wrong supposedly the inner skin can permanently swell and that does not look good.
Anyone got some links to some literotica, stories whatnot
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I also did a few edits, really liked that one and some one else being first didn't stop me. Dropping a few versions - which one do you like best?
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Great job on all of them! Maybe try to manipulate the coloration of the head more, especially if it’s freshly stitched like this one
I wish more circ edits showed the dry, cracked or grooved texture of the glans typical of a circumcision done during infancy or early childhood. It really gives an impression of the damage done to her pleasure.
Hate to brake it to you but not everyone glans dries out after circumcision and there is a lot that can be done to maintain it afterwards as well. Also, not everyone who is uncircumcised (such as myself) has a smooth or even unkeratinized glans. A lot of uncut guys probably have keratinized glans and dont even know it, simply from casual masturbation (because yes, you have to lube up your foreskin or the friction can damage your glans)

My glans is very dry and has those crack lines. It mostly comes down to genetics, as they are essentially stretch marks for when the glans inflates.
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>edits the glans to look more keratinized
Anon.... I kneel...
Who play with Weiss’s dick
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For me the opposite
Depends what you're trying to achieve. If you want to take away as much pleasure as possible, then a low tight cut with a frenulectomy would be the best fit, but for example a high tight cut broadcasts to others more easily that you're circumcised beyond a sliver of doubt.
I have yet to see any evidence that a specific style is able to be more pleasurable/unpleasurable. I know some styles are more prone to sensitivity issues and complications though.
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My reasoning for low and tight is that if you're going to get a procedure to remove your foreskin why would you chose a style which leaves a significant portion of your inner foreskin intact? My personal preferences for circumcision is a circumcision where you ideally cannot tell that the individual was born with a foreskin, as such, as little inner skin should be left so it simply looks like a shaft with a glans attached. If I get cut, I am considering seeing if it would be possible for the shaft skin to be cut with a contour along the shape of my glans.

See picrel where the scar line almost meets the glans.
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i got cut as a kid, my glans is dry and brownish, the cut is low and circ scar is tight, dry and cracked, and the cracks and tightness becomes even more noticeable when the cock is hard. if there's something giving an impression of the damage done to the pleasure, is a cock with a visual description like mine, as I can tell you I feel more pain than pleasure to the point most of the time I only masturbate to cum and get soft as fast as possible which is really hard
>i got cut as a kid
do you mean as an infant or when you were a kid kid? I have known several people who were cut between the ages of 6 and 14 and none of them have experienced any complications whatsoever with their circumcision.
kid kid, 7 or so
strange. from what I have read this should have put you close to the age group with the least amount of complications from circumcision. were you by chance circumcised during a cultural event or by someone who was inexperienced?
neither, i theorize the scarred skin was as large as my penis back then and didn't change at all since then. Imagine a ring of skin on your hard cock below your glans, now make so tight and painful that you can clearly see it squeezing down on your shaft, super taut but instead of smooth, the surface is full of cracks like the open end of an elastic sock. that's my circ scar
from what I have researched the best time to get circumcised is between 12-16 years old when the penis has effectively finished growing for the most part. People say this is a bad idea because all complications go up, however serious complications go down in that age range. The fact that there are "more general complications" is probably just due to the fact that the individual being circumcised is able to actually relate how he feels and what is actually going on.

Granted, I am not a doctor, and I need to do more research.
Makes the most sense, but I didn't choose to get cut at all much less at that age. I have the usual adverse effects of circumcision I read online too but their effects pale compared to everything else. I had my penis mutilated, dysfunctional and scarred for life.
I'm not here to tell you your fetish is bad and stuff, but this is the only place I can be on topic about my own penis and maybe shed some light about the "what if" of the procedure going worse than you expect it to go, no surgery has a 100% success rate.
There's no pleasure at all being hard and masturbating when you've it like this, being hard is painful by itself, touching myself goes from "not feeling good" to "stinging" from having the tight scar open up another lesion even if I use lube, and cumming is nothing more than physically feeling the cum come out and knowing the boner's over.
If any anon wonders how they could cut a futa to remove all the pleasure from their futa cock, this is it, full stop.
I mean it's kind of self-evident that you're going to feel less when you cut off more of the sensitive/erogenous tissue (inner foreskin, frenulum, skin mobility). Though I heard that at a certain level of tightness, the constant feeling of tension also sort of stimulates you and gives you pleasre (not sure though).

Or if you're horny enough you could do one of those extreme cuts where your shaft skin is directly attached to your glans.
I am very sure that this is impossible. The closest thing you can do is get the cut as low as possible which would probably involve a custom surgery. I also think lower cuts are better because in theory the outer skin is a lot stretchier than the inner skin, allowing for the appearance of a tighter cut while also pulling less tightly when fully erect.
It's absolutely possible, and it's called "Glans adhesions" (as in: a more severe form of skin bridges).
In some cases where your penis heals incorrectly after a circumision, the skin may attach itself directly to your glans and remain that way. You can look up the botch gallery on "circumstitions DOT com" to see some instances of the skin incorrectly healing that way.
So in practice, if you'd find a surgeon who's depraved enough, you could have him stitch your remaining skin directly onto your coronal ridge, or even further over the glans.
I know that the result would probably look less natural than a super low tight cut, so I know that that's not what you're looking for. Pic not related.
How do I give myself a case of balanitis or phimosis so my insurance will cover the circ?
Don't think it's possible to give yourself phimosis, but you could stop washing your dick and that could give you the balanitis.
The issue with skin bridges is that they really only occur if you're cut as an infant. I have never seen or heard about a case of skin bridges on a teen/adult who got cut.
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>my insurance will cover the circ?
The fact that your insurance does not automatically cover it is stupid. I don't understand why first world countries don't have a 99%+ circumcision rate as is, and it just seems like such a simple and basic routine procedure. I also dont understand why its not offered during routine doctors appointments as a circumcision start to finish takes ~5 minutes and can be preformed by a nurse with local anesthetic. I would love to see health insurance companies raising premiums on male customers/dependents if they didn't get cut by a certain age as well (around 14 years).
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Any advice on what to do?
On >>>/d/, we all love circumsized pee pee!
I got them at 11 years of age
this seems like medical malpractice.

Nothing helpful or things that wouldn't get me in trouble. Anything infection related may require additional tissues removed, and I'm assuming you dont want that.
Browsing ITT with my cock like in the middle image stroking to how much you'd love see it cut immediately
Really? Shouldn't they be able to occur at any age, in much the same way that burn-injuries can make the skin meld together as well?
I was told that the reason why skin bridges occur is when you're cut as an infant your foreskin and glans are still fused together which causes your glans to try and fuse to whatever skin is nearby. this (in theory) should not happen when you're a teen, as your glans and foreskin have completely separated.
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Need more like this
Definitely need more circ origin/stories and comparison stuffs~
That's actually due to poor aftercare. You're supposed to rub Vaseline on the penis after infant circs to help with healing
me on the left, currently trying to reverse the damage by training to become a prejac
You as in the type of cut or the backstory?
so what you’re saying is, circumcision is just big woman making sure they can orgasm first. “we must rise up against our oppression”
not always true as some people can become hypersensitive after circumcision and others gain/lose no sensitivity.
style, thoughts and median time to orgasm
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Massive dump incoming.

I regret every day that my parents didn't have me cut and my pediatrician/general doc didn't push back on my parents decision when i was in my early teens.
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Never too late
What’s the story behind that
I have yet to meet a girl who has claimed that she actually likes uncut cock. A girl I dated ended up breaking up with me partially due to the fact that I was uncircumcised, and that was a very weird blow as I had promised her that I was going to get cut as soon as convenient. The other thing is that based on what I have read (I need to do more research), after a certain age (your mid teens) the rate of all complications goes up.
Jew code?
Foreskin privilege has been revoked for being a useless She-goat who gets laughed at by even her own men.
Could you edit this one?
bump again, I want fresh content.
Any new stories or something?
That’s a man
After 1
After 2
No one said you can't post traps, I want his cock cut
>the player is uncut and her foreskin is too long
guess they like dirty futas
Weird question, but does anyone know if circumcision is causing superbacteria to start living on guys dicks? I have heard that oral an anal (and vaginal cancer iirc) have started to increase, and I was told by a doctor awhile ago that uncircumcised penises naturally have a bacteria which has been linked to various cancers in individuals who take them routinely without using condoms. Is this increase in these specific cancers caused by the decrease in circumcision rates, or do you think that this bacteria (idk the name) is evolving to live on cut dicks as well?
Juri is uncut and Mika's cut, huh? Interesting headcannon this artist has.
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I'd like to request an edit of this pic, thanks in advance
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Thank you anon, could you do this one too?
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Not that anon but here you go.
Received a low and tight recut for losing to Julian.
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Can you please make the daughter match the mother?
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Same here, can you please make Komi match her mother?
Are you thinking of the HPV virus? Viruses and bacteria are constantly mutating which is why we need one or two new flu vaccines a year. As far as bacteria goes, the glans of a circumcised penis under the microscope looks similar to the back of your hand wrt bacterial population - a desert. As far as cancer goes, the rate of penile cancer is so low that it is unclear if circumcision has any impact on it at all, and as a side note when circumcised men get penile cancer it tends to appear on the scar. Our bodies are under constant attack and are constantly being repaired, even the act of breathing causes damage that requires repair, that's just part of being alive and humans are not isolated individuals, we are a community of cells. Some cells carry our DNA, some don't but many of them work together to keep us alive and healthy and in balance.
No, it is not HPV. The doctor that gave the presentation said that it was a bacteria specifically and that it was naturally occurring and not an STD. I don't however know the name of the specific bacteria as I believe he was more concerned with the byproduct of the bacteria and not the bacteria itself.
It's true that penile cancer is uncommon but, it's on the rise: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9301560/

Also, penile cancer in circumcised men is practically borderline nonexistent.
Conclusion: Foreskin is a cancerous growth.

Thank you for this, I will need to do more research on this subject. I'll make sure to bring this up whenever I'm in an anti-circumcision debate.


No, the foreskin exists to cover the glans while it is still developing, however once an individual has reached maturity, I personally really dont see the purpose of having it. I think we could probably get higher circumcision rates if we waited until early teens, see >>11111003
>It's true that penile cancer is uncommon but, it's on the rise
1. The study you cited looks at trends from 1973 to 2020, in that period almost all types of cancer rates have risen
2. Studies of penile cancer show that age is the primary factor. Since 1973 the global median life expectancy has risen from about 58 to about 82, so you would expect age-related illnesses to increase.
>penile cancer in circumcised men is practically borderline nonexistent
3. True, and the prophylactic effect increases for neonatal circumcision v.s. adult circumcision, however the studies that show this describe it as a preventative measure against HPV, and we've had a vaccine for HPV for about 10 years now, so the impact of nonsurgical HPV management is not yet reflected in any study of penile cancer.

In summary: don't pretend circumcision has some kind of medical prophylactic benefit. It's a fetish and you should not impose it on babies.

> the foreskin exists to cover the glans while it is still developing, however once an individual has reached maturity, I personally really dont see the purpose of having it
It doesn't cause harm, and second-guessing billions of years of evolution is the height of arrogance.

>I think we could probably get higher circumcision rates if we waited until early teens
I don't think so. It's like a religion - most people would scoff and think you are crazy suggesting an irreversible, medically unjustifiable surgery. Don't get me wrong, I still think it's hot as fuck, but I don't think it would be more mainstream, I think it would just be a niche fetish.
Makes you wonder why a demon would be circumcised...
Offering or submission to a higher rank demon? Could be a multitude of reasons.
Some1 should write a story with that theme
She's clearly a succubus, so she picked what her targets would find most attractive.

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