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A thread for wholesome, adorable, and fluffy boys. A little lewd is fine, but this is a cuddle zone first!
Besides that, anything goes! Solo, yaoi, het, as long as it is cozy and sweet, and a cute boy is at the center of it, it's welcome!

(Also, friendly reminder and warning that lewd shotas can get you punished!)

Last Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11076033
Traps in lolita outfits is comfiest.
Man. I thought for a moment we were done for. Glad it was just a purge.
You guys like qipaos?
I like the look of them but I don't have enough hips to make them work.
they're basically impossible for men to pull off well without pads and shapewear
Should traps pee at a urinal or squat/sit down. I'm leaning to the later especially while texting on their phones.
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Allow me to educate you on the glory of shapewear.
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Is all this related to that manga that was posted last thread? Where can I find the TL?
Nope, it's this one.
But I still need non-transparent tights then. That kinda defeats the point.
(I have a corset and hip pads (them just for photos, I'm afraid they can be easily moved), but they are not really good for, you know... b-b-bed...)
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Just get some tights that are close to your skin color like cosplayers do or spring for the hip+butt version of those silicone boob plate things. It still won't be great for "bed" but they make penetratable ones so you'll at least be able to do something.
He kinda looks like Yuki Ogata from Pumpkin Night
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How come I never see y'all talking about THE wholesome trap show airing this season?
I knew it was coming but I didn't know it was this season
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Oh yeah I completely forgot that it got an anime. Still slightly salty because of the mangas shitty ending
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I tried reading the manga a while back and hated it, I never got why it's so highly rated.
I thought the manga's ending was good, even if the climax itself was a bit underwhelming.
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Faggot cat
I fucking love heels.
Nice heels are sex.
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goth traps
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Visions of Mana has this guy. It is a bit questionable if he counts though. He's referred to as he in game but previous mana games have stated Sproutlings are genderless
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I seem to find myself constantly digging through increasingly obscure spaces to find new traps. At this point I've found so much content I don't know if there's anything left other than to make my own (which I have been actually but I've only barely uploaded it so far and I'm not super pleased with it).
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Cuteboys give the best hugs.
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Question from a newfag
Why do you guys have this thread on /d/ when you barely post porn, couldn't you keep it on some place like /cm/ and just use catbox for the NSFW stuff?
it tends to get flooded with arguments about trans people. I'd rather just post cute boys without all the gender politics drama
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Understandable, people sure can be a pain in the ass about that shit.
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Two reasons:
1) Bunker from the schizophrenia that infests /cm/ - for a VERY long time, trap threads were soft-banned on /cm/ when a handful of schizos would do their absolute hardest to try and ruin them. It was only within the last year or so that somebody actually tried to make a trap thread there again and actually managed a reasonable level of success. Still, this thread exists for one other reason...
2) /d/ is the only board to post and share images of traps and girls together in a "cute" setting. /c/ would technically allow it but you'd have to make a very strong case for threads with JUST pictues of cute girls and traps. So this is the comprimise.
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I see the new maids are working out fine
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isn't it a bit of a double standard for /c/ to allow males but /cm/ doesn't allow females?
There has to be a place for posting couples. And yes, it is a double standard. It wasn't a strictly enforced rule on /cm/ until 2018 when the sticky was created. Before then trap threads could have cute girls alongside cute guys and it wouldn't cause an issue. That's the main reason I made this thread, because after that sticky was made there was a massive shift in board culture that made it nigh impossible to post traps since bara supremacists made it their life's work to try and ruin all of the threads people made. It took until basically this year for shotafags to begin retaking the board, but even now the energy isn't entirely the same due to there still being remnant schizos.
We need a yankee-gyaru pipeline.
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Can any cutebro translator pick Crossplay Love: Otaku x Punk up? ElSpy dropped it years ago like 90% of everything they touch and it still ongoing.
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>cutebro translator
Try that Schrodinger's Skirt TL group. They tend to translate stuff like this
Why don't you just read the official releases? You can grab up to volume 9 on our goddess/nyaa
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Grooming manga just updated.
No lies detected

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