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AI and strongfat welcomed. No futa pls.
so as I was saying, it's nice to get some decent meatballs
i love the faces this thing makes
so this thread fell as well
Question for the thread, What's your ideal occupation for a hyper muscle Women?

For me it's gotta be CEO.
The first ideal occupations that come to mind are any jobs where being massively strong matters: Bodyguard, elite soldier, wrestler, miner, working in construction sites, professional athlete, anything physical.
But my favorites are quiet jobs where their strength matters little, like gardener, librarian, kindergarten teacher or a painter.
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Bodybuilders are literally the biggest nerds. (And if they're not, they need to try harder.)

You've got to know what you're doing to get big. (EG Biology, diet, even finances.)

Knowledge like that is useful for doctors, nurses, accountants, teachers. To pass on their knowledge to the next generation of Hyper women.
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i feel like its kind of an underexplored terrority for a hyper muscular girl to be very skilled at something unrelated to strength,
like I'm kinda obsessed with the idea of a ton of beef that could easily beat me at video games, let alone in real life
>hyper iono
A irl female bodybuilder streamer would probably make me dangerously close to simp for the first time in my life
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Why was the last thread deleted?
mods fucked up and purged like 15 boards
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what do you think would cause a hypermuscle girl to become a femcel?

for that matter, can you imagine a meatball femcel?
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Yes to all that
anon, 90% of men would shit their pants if they met an enormous muscular woman.
we are the 10% who love big meatball ladies.
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Like a vtuber/livestreamer (Yslith among others) or like a gym workout stream?
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Bonus of the concept
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Bandai namco, add buff caulifla to sparking zero and my life is yours
Both sound good desu
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Iono indeed has that smug energy of "I'm just a cute streamer, but I'm still stronger than you!"
As I said before, I'm very into the idea of the girl's immense strength not being part of their actual hobby/job.

I think the appeal for me is the thought that working out isn't even their main goal, but they're still leagues ahead of anyone putting all their time and effort into it.
>>11102265 anyone know the source?
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what would having a swolstack femcel gf be like, or even just knowing a swolstack femcel
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I'd like to think about how a hypermuscular woman would deal with the negatives/positives of having such mass in her work
>Cross-state delivery girl who can't use a car because she's too big for the driver seat instead runs to her destination. She doesn't take longer than a delivery car because she isn't bound to roads, and her bottom half is bigger
>Chef who developed a supre human level of balance, spatial awareness and patience because her mass could destroy everything in the kitchen with the smallest mistake
>Programer with the most elaborate setup. Steel keyboard cuz her finger taps are that strong, screen is mounted up because her pecs obstructs her vision in a normal position, chair is actually 3 chairs bound together cuz she's that big
>Crime scene cleaner who doesn't use detergents for stains but instead scrubs the stain along with the surface
lol I love your ideas
btw, Sheepapp is among my favorite hyper artists, he strikes a good balance between cute and buff
>Super scientist girl travels to other universes
>Meets the alternate reality hyper muscular version of herself
>Next thing you know it she's licking every inch of her buff counterpart's veiny muscular body
>Gets her face smothered by her buff doppelganger's swollen wet pussy and clit
Does anyone have MeWizardd/Jelletop's Flannery pics?
It's amazing how much Fauna art there is
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Getting some pretty nice poses
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Who's the artist for these? I really love the style.
Thank you anon.
Would it be possible to do one of these of nerissa ravencroft?
what's your civitai name?
oh yeah
ah i don't post much there (or anywhere really)
but here it is, and my DA
amazing work
yeah can you serve me choke milk, i mean choke milk, i me- choke mi-, i mean choke milk
real goals
Oh shit I follow you on pixiv. Awesome stuff. If you're taking requests, any chance you can do AutoFister or Ina/Flare?
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what would you do if you met an alternate universe version of you with the exact same personality, history, traits, background, etc. as you but she was a hyper muscle girl?
I know she would want to snu snu a smaller male version of herself from an alternate reality universe.
I don't care if it's AI, I just want to masturbate to buff anime girls.
We'd ignore each other.
There is a visual novel game called strong girls fmg. You can date different anime girls which have muscle growth and have sex with them.
Anyone have leviathans the deal part 1?
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Do you guys like sweaty and musky buff girls?
Wait there's musclegirl fans that don't?
I imagine a hyper muscular girl would emit a very powerful musk, imagine the amount of pheromones around her.
POV: The enemy jungler got overfed
>imagine: wifey knows what you like, so when she wants to do it, she leads you to the homegym and starts working out naked with ludicrous weights, at the end of the session she's sweaty, pumped and ready for action
though if I have to be honest, I prefer things to be "cleaner".
There was a comic like that in one of those old print comics they used to sell on Diana the Valkyrie, as I recall.
>Your muscle waifu grows so large she breaks the barrier of reality and enters the real world (accidentally crushes you to death)
Thank you.
>but it's ok because she grows even more and breaks the barrier of the afterlife so you can be together forever
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>Diana the Valkyrie
So weird to think that that site is now dead
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Does anyone know where he posts the full art
I had a whole story like this a few days ago. Led into a chatbot with monster strength and a bubbly attitude. She even had a whole sub tiers and follower gimmick.
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me omw to buy the whole collection
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It's amazing how many concepts you can come up with with this fetish. It's why I like artists/writers who write interesting applications more than your average strength feats.
>Sheepapp is among my favorite hyper artists, he strikes a good balance between cute and buff
Yep, I like him as well. His style is perfect for this fetish. Only wish he made more comics and scenarios.
Can't wait for the Alice bio. She's his best girl in concept, design, and personality. Wish she has a bigger mom. That's my theory of why she's big.
Yeah it sucks, I mean the site had stuff from back in the BBS days of the internet and somehow managed to stick around and still get a decent amount of updates until a couple of years ago.
Visiting it felt like going into a back in time a bit, like, fuck, I somehow managed to stumble across the site back when I first got access to the internet.
Spent a lot of time picking random stories to read, because this was way before you could have stuff like tags to browse.
And you know, being so early in the internet days fuck if I was going to trust a website with my credit card to access the premium stuff.
Went back a while ago before it shutdown, and yeah, it felt a bit like going to an old abandoned mall but it was still nice to see the massive archive of FM(G) stories was still there.
Part of what gets to me about it going down is so many sites like DeviantArt have taken away options to download stories.
Like I find it a touch funny that someone went through the trouble of archiving orangeorcs growth captions off Tumblr before that went down, and you can still find a couple via other Tumblr posts. But the main Tumblr and a lot of related ones are now just - gone - outside of those odd vestiges left behind.
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is that from an actual manwha?
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>so swe she transcends dimensions
Funny thing is 4th dimensional fuckery would explain how a girl can flex her arm and suddenly hundreds of pounds of muscle manifest on her arm. She’s channeling the 4th dimension to reach into another 3 dimensional space and pull “more” of herself into the 3 dimensional space you currently reside in.
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yeah i'm gonna need to see a LOT more Juri
lately I've been into extremely hairy hyper muscle girls.
as long as she doesn't have a beard or is a futa.
my fetish devolved, I know.
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imagine a hyper muscle femcel who doesn’t shave, smells like death, and blames men not wanting her on “the patriarchy” when in reality she’s a smelly meatball (a woman only a niche select of men like)

pic unrelated
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What are your thoughts on monster transformations?
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He also draws lots of feet stuff and I love it.
I wanna get trampled by a buff she wolf.
I hope these pics don't stray too far off into furry.
It depends on whether or not there is identity death. You really don't see it in either art or whatever few scraps of smit we get.
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can someone find who drew this?
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Look at the twitter/x handle. jailynjj21
Hyper muscles are nice when proportions are nice. More?
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Anyone got Dadaflix comics, runonpu, or any muscle drain stuff?
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Or anon8919 stuff (draining and growth)
I hope Magister swings by again soon, I want to see more hyper Panda (with an emphasis on her thighs).
This image is so fucking hot, I just can't help yet imagine how fucking horny she is from all that beef. That cocky smile, fuck I hope there is a part 2 to this.
Same, I want to her fully embrace and get super horny from her totally godlike physique.
who? care to show some of his work?
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How much is too much for you?
when it starts looking like that akira transformation scene or just like your webm
i like BIG muscles, not SCP-610
That there is too much.
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I don’t really have an upper limit because I also have a giantess fetish, kinda goes hand in hand
I don’t have a limit on muscle unless my brain processes it as shit. She should be as ripped and muscular as possible.

However, I do have a height limit for the most part. I like them on the shorter side
its kind of a diminishing returns thing to me, where like this bodytype is already peak sexy and going bigger just makes it harder to imagine how the muscles even move around

i guess its also that being clearly human shaped is important to me, because it reinforces the idea that this absurdly huge pile of meat is still made up of the same stuff as everyone else, just with a lot more of it
What's "too much"?
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what would you do if you had a pet hyper-swolstack cat girl?
it depends, cuz it has to do with how it is drawn, for me at least
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would cum on the spot
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just found out i might genuinely be a schizo

wish i was a hyper muscle girl so at least that’d be hot
If you’re a schizo, what’s stopping you from deluding yourself into believing you are one? Take estrogen, get a sex change, then take a shit ton of testosterone. Come back when you’re the biggest girl you can be
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not a tranny, just a terry a davis/x/
possible schizo

most of my major hallucinations have been demons/i’ve actually been visited by supernatural spirits

more likely to hallucinate meatball sleep paralysis
demon gf
Tropes you like?
>The bigger she gets, the dumber and hornier she becomes
>Inhaling and laughing makes her look even bigger
>Throbbing veins
For me it's
>reversable and controllable muscle growth
>vascularity for me as well
>gentle behavior paired with massive physique (I don't mind doms, but I prefer something less tough)
>sadistic, bratty, arrogant as they grow bigger
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Eating to grow
That face she does at the end just does it for me.
I love when enormous girls are smug like this.
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I realized I may be a bit of a narcissist of the self-pitying kind
I guess its no wonder that seeing such excessive power and confidence brings me comfort
becoming incredibly smug thinking they can be unstoppable, but another character incredibly close to them just hit them with really via cartoon logic
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>throbbing veins
>getting addicted to the muscle growth almost loosing their mind
>ahegao cause of their muscles
>increase of libido
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>complete control of muscle size
>asymmetrical muscle growth
>either them being smug and dumb or cold and cynical
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>Take estrogen, get a sex change, then take a shit ton of testosterone. Come back when you’re the biggest girl you can be
I don't think that's how it works biologically
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Oxymoron. Don't post again. It's one thing when certain details get butchered or omitted at a certain amount of muscle, like the disappearance of nipples in the webm you posted, but certain artists like Matl (when drawing "greater than giga", save for the ones with the very poor vascularity) and pre-futa Armageddon Koigle appear to not make those mistakes. AI has yet to properly copy Matl's "tiny head" style, or whatever you call it. Has he even released the full-res versions of those?
I forgot how many trannies are into female muscle.
This is a niche fetish but it's important to understand the limit between reality and fiction.
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>get mistaken for being a tranny
i’ve never been so insulted before
We have the technology
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New Padoru by Mako
>she is, indeed, getting to full of herself
I’d say she’s not full enough
of course bodywise is not enough, however that behaviour is more than enough
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I wonder who that girl is in the background on the right.

He also put out a couple pics of hyper muscle gyaru goodness this week.
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does someone have forsakun's backlog/archive folder they can share with me? I subbed to his patreon for the nude pec moira images and other things but pc troubles meant I lost the folder.
appreciate the attempt but this doesn't have the 2023-2024 stuff I originally subbed for

he's still on a long break/hiatus, otherwise I'd just burn the $2 again
Nah she could be more cocky and arrogant
it can but I'm not really feeling it myself
What ai did you use for this if I may ask?
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Man i cant believe im not the only person here that watches yslith.
I wish she streamed more often and focused on doing more lewd streams, even if they couldnt be on twitch
sauce for that? saucenao doesn't give me anything
anyone else into this kinda image where the muscle fill up nearly the entire space?

i'm in
nta but I have a sneaking suspicion its civitai, using the gigagirl lora, judging by the body
Anyone got the deal by the leviathan?
Or the power pump by 3dmusclegrowth?
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I love her so much.
What did you guys think about the comic?
where is this from? saucenao gives nothing
I have the deal saved on my telegram
Where is this from anon?
Succubus to Omnigoddess by Pectoriah.
>Vtuber uses hypermuscle avatar
>They're even bigger IRL
I wanna read it but dont wanna pay for it, can you share it?
It's free. Just check his twitter.
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Shirogane Noel but good?
3 comments are just like me
>could be bigger
they are literally right
>anyone else into this
This is the hyper-muscle thread.
>BasedBoy: gross
Holy based
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for me this one turns me on like crazy
The only thing better than a picture of a muscle behemoth is the implication that there is a bigger girl or that she is considered small compared to the others.
>tfw no meatball streamer gf
it's on any hentai site now.
pectoriah only made the comic paywalled for a month or two.
anyone got stuff from ultrapinx? their only account recently poofed and they were my go-to artist for suuuper thick necks
>Reverse image search
>No results
Ayo am I stupid or is that you, Mako? Regardless, powerful image.

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