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Server goblins
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I wanna sex that goblin.
Goblins arn't monsters.
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Huh, the other thread got tossed over to /aco/
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every time we have this thread i come in looking for vore and then there isn't any
and before you say it the regular gts vore thread never has monstergirls, except for the occasional felarya repost
File deleted.
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So I remember that pre-nuke the growth thread would toss around a growth audio or two.
I found a monstergirl-themed audio which is definitely giantess, so any interest?
Who's mouth is she in?
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It's her own mouth.
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I need a giga monster girl like a dragon girl or a taur to eradicate humanity right this instant.
If any of you anons know of a monster girl willing to do so, please let them know they have my consent to commit genocide.
I like Karbo and MGE, but Karbo drawing MGE girls feels cursed.
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My Goddess is too drunk to take such enormous task.
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Why would you DMCA that?
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Heros think they are so tough because they are high level.
A REAL hero would try and fight a level 1 succubi or imp while only a few inches tall. Surely they wouldn't lose to such a weak and frail monster, right?
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>an apocolyspe cult offers up drink, food and gold to the monster girl, hoping that she will end the kingdom for them and let them forge a new empire from the ruins
>the kingdom catches on and then lavishes the monster girl with all sorts of finery such as jewels and wine to bribe/persuade her not to kill everyone
>the giant monster girl really doesn't know why the humans are so interested in her but she isn't going to turn away free food and jewellery
Human villages leaving out enormous offerings of fruits and treats and alcohol with a virgin anon in the middle in hopes of attracting a dragon or oni or similar giant monster girl.
They may need protection. They may also want to not to pay tax.
Wouldn't the offerings be the taxes in this case?
A dragon or danuki or equally tricksy monster would try to claim their tiny pets/toys/snacks as deductions. Either that or say that her vast wealth is actually owned under and in the name of each of her tiny followers. Yes that diamond technically is under the name of anon, but anon is also under the name (and ass of) a dragon.
A giant Danuki sounds like a nightmare.
>a giant Nightmare carefully walks through the city at night
>she cast a few spells to make herself silent and invisible
>no one notices the kaiju-sized centaur stepping over their houses
>not that they could stop her anyway, but she isn't here to fight
>she stops at your house and uses a little telekinesis to open your bedroom window
>now comes the tricky part
>her hand hovers just above your sleeping body, and a tiny version of herself enters into your dream
>once she's certain you won't wake up, she picks up your body and carries you home
>meanwhile you're having an amazing dream about a cute little centaur
>the last thing you remember her saying is "don't panic when you wake up, okay?"
>you wake up to find yourself tucked between the breasts of a gigantic centaur
>her voice sounds exactly like the one in your dream
>"five more minutes won't hurt"
Read the fine print or you might find out that you’ll be paying interest on her loans with your height. As weak as they are physically, a danuki merchant can easily bully a smol anon (or extort labour from him by making him do cute tasks like moving her coin piles one coin at a time across her desk).

At least her tail is soft…
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>Come on anon, we both know you can't make the rent this month so I'm moving you to a 'lower rent' accomodation.
>Oh come on, it's not that bad. It's a cozy place. The heating is free. I'll be available 24/7 for any issues that come up
>Sorry anon, the only things in your price range right now are my gut, my ass, or my tabi.
>Still have to come up with rent money every month while living in a Danuki's sock
She better not hassle me or I'm taking it up with the rental board.
>Complain about the smell after she spends 8 hours on her feet at the market place on a hot day, scrunching you beneath her toes
>"Fine. But the money for soap and hot water is coming out of your allowance."
>Somehow still expects you instead of her to clean them at the end of the day with a rag (or your tongue)
The benefits are good though. I'm saving up enough to finally move into her tail where it's soft and fluffy.
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I'd happily live in Mamizou's sock, especially if she teases
How much does she charge to live sandwiched between her asscheeks?
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>My my, it sure was warm today. Oh well, I'm sure he won't mind the steam.
>*sniff sniff*
>Oh that is ripe, better get him to clean me soon.
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>"Wow, this is... I mean, I know I've shrunk you before but never this small. Is this how I look to you most days?"
>"All right, last chance to back out. Once you're in, I'm not taking you out until the shrinking wears off"
>be destitute and penniless
>danuki takes pity (preys) upon you and invites you to stay at her extremely low rent lodgings
>fall for it and end up shrank
>spend most days stuffed in her steamy tabi or between her sweaty buns
>struggles totally unnoticed by her customers and business partners; fat doughy danuki cheeks and beads of sweat on her feet keep you quiet
>and if not, she can always just sit down or scrunch her toes a few times to pipe you down
>starts to call you her tenant
>low rent doesn’t mean no rent
>no money so made to work off your debt
>sometimes doing menial tasks like moving abacus beads for her
>other times it’s lapping at her damp soles with your tiny tongue until its spotless
>she’s cuthroat, but not totally heartless
>gives you time to recuperate at weekends and on some nights, often cuddling her tail like a teddy with you pressed between her soft face and softer bush
>she was even nice enough to take you out of her socks during the hottest day of the year
>and out from her butt when lunch wasn’t agreeing with her
>you hated her at first, but now you’d trade living on the street or slums for your giant protective landlord any day of the week
>start to enjoy your accommodation, even when it get musky and smelly
>she’s definitely noticed, and has smugly jacked up the rent
>which only means you get to clean her more
>started collecting different forms of payment too
>milking out tiny orgasms from your tiny body that get lost in her sweat, or sucking you dry in her mouth and swallowing the miniature loads you shoot out
>human seed is a high demand good, apparently, and yours is excellent quality
>soon your lease will be up, and she’ll consider moving you elsewhere
>Theres a shoebox on her dresser for cheap…
>or some “hot” accommodation around the front side of her panties
>you’re always welcome come back to stay with her ass or feet
>perhaps your danuki landlord might be your forever home
I need to pamper big Mamizou feet in nylons, also need to be put inside the nylons. She'd be such a smug tease
Nice enough to take you out on the hottest day, or when lunch isn't agreeing?! But those are the best moments!
Anon if she finds that out you want either of those you are in big trouble. Nothing would amuse her more knowing you aren’t just powerless to stop her from breaking your tiny brain with the stench of her sweaty feet or noxious braps, but actually willing to pay her for the torture. Yeah it’s fake money on a loan you’ll never repay, but still. Soon she’ll be leaving you in her stuffy boots or wedging you up her musky ass over night! Smugly counting her coins, idling away in the lazy hours of running her shop, talking to customers that have no clue how you’re silently suffocating in her tabis or ass fumes.
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>I can beat all these monster girls because I'm an Ultrawo- ACK
Thank you for you concern, miss Ultrawoman, but I'm very happy with my kaiju wife.
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Ultrawomen are ultra autistic anon. They cannot comprehend or understand that humans might want to have loving relations with the monster girls. They believe they are 'saving' humans when really they are just engaging in aggravated assault and causing widespread damage in whatever city they appear in.
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>What’s that anon? You’re going to move out instead?
>Alright, here’s back your security deposit then
>"I'm sure I can get you to reconsider. It's all in the break clause after all."
>"The what?"
>"The break clause. If you break the agreement we have, I break your mind."
>Anon then doesn't see the light for 3 weeks as he's milked continuously by her greedy stomach and hungry 'nuki snatch.
>At the end of it he is a happy customer ready to continue to rent with Danuki Apartments
>Albeit on "renegotiated" terms
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>monster girl's tail wags like a dog's tail when she's excited
>tfw ex-girlfriend who is also ultrawomen keeps harassing you and your new giant monster gf
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>you black out for a second as the mindflayer sticks her tentacles into your ears
>you find yourself floating in an endless void
>"No need to panic, I'm just flaying your mind is all"
>she laughs
>"Getting to know you a little better. What makes you tick, those little kinks you wouldn't tell anyone... or maybe not so little. Hold on, I have to try this"
>you fall
>you land in the seat of a car, driving through an abandoned city
>actually it looks more like an evacuated city
>although you don't see any obvious signs of disaster, maybe there's an approaching storm or-
>right on cue, a 300-foot mindflayer emerges from behind a skyscraper, like the monster in a kaiju movie
>she looks around in amusement, seemingly unaware that she's blocking the road
>you drive underneath her, weaving between her tentacles
>somehow you find time to look up, and see that she has no underwear
>you drive away while she examines an abandoned truck
>after a few moments, she remembers why she's here, and turns to chase you
>despite your head start, she easily catches you
>she picks up your car and lifts it up to her face
>"You are a strange one, aren't you? Oh don't look at me like that. It's your fantasy, I'm just acting it out"
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>Bully gremlin wife for being short
>Leave things on the top shelves out of reach. Sneak behind and pick her up when she isn't expecting it. Make every short joke that comes your way
>Although you love her to pieces, she is fun to annoy, and someone needs to keep the tomboy engineer on her toes
>"C'mon. Please? I just want ONE cookie."
>"There is no way I'm getting the cookie jar off the top of the fridge until you go shower and change. You reek. You've been slaving away in your workshop all day!"
>"Yeah, so I deserve a cookie don't I? And you try working on your knees all day without working up a sweat."
>"You work on your knees? Hard to tell with your size."
>"...Oh you little-"
>"The little one's you, Babe."
>Ruffle her hair as you walk past
>A laser hits you in the back, and you shrink to just a few inches tall - disappearing amongst your clothes
>The ground shakes
>"So... I'm the little one, am I?"
>She fishes around in your clothes until her gloved hand snatches you up
>"This has been a long fuckin' time coming. All you had to do was give me the cookie."
>She playfully bites the air next to you, scaring you stiff
>"Afraid of your barely 5' wife are you? Heh. Cute. I'll spare you from being my replacement snack. But I gotta punish you for being a smart ass. Hmm... what was it you said about my smell, Anon?"
>"T-that it was lovely?" Your tiny squeaks catch on her fluffy cat ears
>"Really? Well I guess you won't mind getting acquainted with my stuffy tits then huh?"
>She peels back her jumpsuit and overalls off her sweaty skin. A wave of feminine smell wafts up from the dark, pale depths of her cleavage.
>"Any more snide remarks before I drop you in?""
>"...Why build a shrink ray and not a growth ray to reach the top shelves?"
>She pauses
>Eyebrows furrow
>Her outburst is muffled when she unceremoniously slips off her boot to drop you into its hellishly hot and smelly depths before jamming her foot back in
God bless you.
Damn it anon, I've been robbed of titty times in this green. Well made though, and has created a strong desire to be absolutely worked over by MASSIVE breasts while I'm tiny and naked.
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>Your comment about growth rays only sends her into a scientific spin, and gremlins have limitless energy when it comes to inventing
>Whizzing around the basement, hopping on stools and ducking low under stations to tighten nuts and bolts
>Spending a great deal of time by her furnace to blow glass and melt metals
>The conditions in her thick boots go from bad to worse. You're glued to her sole with sweat. So boiling and stuffy it's like getting into an old car on a hot summer day.
>Ruthless footfalls grind your body into her foot
>Eventually, she withdraws her foot and upturns her boot, dropping you onto a workbench
>"So you learned your lesson yet, Tiny?"
>"What? That being short is a state of mind not physical? Or that you still need a shower?"
>She picks you up and flicks you playfully. "Careful, Wiseguy, or I won't let you use this growthray I'm building. And if anyone needs a shower it's you - unless you like wearing my sweat as a hairgel. You just wait there while I finish this up, 'kay?"
>Puts you back down right at the edge of the desk
>Before you can even move, a shadow's cast over you
>"Where's my wrench?"
>"Did I leave it over there...?"
>She leans over the desk. Her mammoth tits bury you in their doughy weight.
>"Where'd it go?"
>You can't move an inch. You try to open your mouth but it's immediately filled with boyant, pale underboob.
>"Hmm... over here?"
>Accidental or not you can't tell, but her rack drags to the side and smears you along with it.
>You push with all your might but barely make an indent in her tits. It's like lifting a beanbag the size of a meteor. As if mocking you, a streak of boob sweat rolls into your cubby and drowns your face in her essence. It's hard to belive you were fondling and groping the thing with a single hand the night prior.
>There's something humilating - and strangely arousing - about losing to your wife's tits like this
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>"Oh. Right. Duh."
>Finally, the weight is lifted
>"Anon why are you on your back and bright red - Oh- HAHAHAHA OH WOW!"
>Tomboy wife almost falls off her chair laughing. The sound of her giant guffaws wounds your ego, but you feel it might be deserved after all the bullying you did to her
>"Jeez... well... guess I can't leave you by yourself then?"
>She parts her tits. The ease that she moves what seem to you like colossal mounds evidences the difference in your size right now. It's like watching a white sea part.
>As her cleavage opens up, more of her feminine, work-inspired pheromones wash over you. Sexual and heady and sweet, luring you into the dark, steamy interior of her tits
>A sheen of sweat lines both sides of her damp tits. The raw feeling of sex blasting your senses fries your senses, and before you know it, you've walked all the way between them
>"Fucking idiot perv."
>She lets go of her boobs. They smash together, supple flesh rippling and reverberating your entire body.
>In an instant you are encased in a pale, fragrant darkness.
>It's difficult to even make out the shape of the freckles lining her inner boobs, let alone figure out exactly where the exit would be.
>Even then, you are suspended in her warm embrace and cannot move. Caught in an ocean of sweet, smelly flesh with no way out.
>Overwhelmed by the softness, the heat, and the pheromones, you become helplessly errect. Unfortunately, it's too tight to reach down and pleasure yourself
>"That ought to keep you out of trouble while I finish up."
>It goes from dark to pitch black. She just did up her overalls, sealing you inside to bake in her warmth.
>Entombed in a layer of titflesh and invisible, you wonder if maybe being nice to your wife would've avoided this
>But then she gets up, and the absentminded movement of her boobs is like a giant paizrui, easily bringing your overstimulated cock to orgasm
>...On second thought, maybe you should piss her off more often.
>one of her smaller tentacles rips the door off the car, then wraps around you and pulls you out
>"Funny thing about mindscapes, by the way. If you cum in here, you cum in real life... but don't worry, I have you wrapped up nice and tight. Nothing goes to waste"
>she looks at the empty car
>"Might as well start with this"
>she drops you into her other hand and lowers you down next to her pussy
>her tentacles begin milking you, as you watch her slowly pushing the car inside
>"Wait for it"
>she presses your ear against her belly and clenches slightly
>you can hear metal twisting and breaking inside her
>"Just so you know, this is still all you. My plans for you were much... smaller. Still, the mind is a flexible thing. I'm sure I'll learn to enjoy it"
>she pulls out the compressed wreckage and drops it to the ground, destroying another car that it happened to land on
>she puts you on her shoulder, then looks out across the city
>"Well, what do you think? Something bigger? More durable? Maybe something with you inside it?"
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Good green, obligatory (you)
I need more of this
>"Really? That's where your mind went? I think I need to sit down for a moment"
>she sits on a nearby apartment building, crushing the top few floors with her ass
>she plucks you off her shoulder and tips her head back, dangling you above her mouth
>"I snagged a real pervert, didn't I? I mean most guys would be happy with just a blowjob. Oh well, bon appetit"
>she drops you onto her outstretched tongue
>blind panic overtakes you for a moment, as her mouth closes around you
>pictures and stories could never prepare you for the real thing
>you're not sure you want this anymore
>such thoughts quickly melt away, as she starts massaging your entire body with her tongue
>soon all you can think about is humping the wet muscle in front of you
>after squeezing several more orgasms out of you, she carefully spits you out into her palm
>"You're a bad influence, you know that? I'm actually starting to enjoy this"
>she strokes your head with her finger
>"Truth be told I couldn't kill you if I tried. At worst the shock would break our connection and we'd have to start over"
>"Of course the mental scars would still be real. I don't want to break my favorite toy... at least not like that"
Why can't I live in her bra? Or at least at the top of her nylons. I wouldn't mind that.
They are very pricey.
Location, location, location.
I'm afraid those may be out of your price range.
You are in luck though. We have a danuki who recently joined nuki corp after taking stress leave.
If you are willing to take a second job as her stress relief human, then you'll be able to live in her bra, cleavage, nylons or even her pussy!
Key responsiblities include: listening to her rant after work, letting her stroke you idly throughout the day, calming her down when she gets stressed, giving her compliments and affirmations, cuddling, intense physical stress relief sessions.
>"Did I give the game away too soon? If you like, I can alter your memories so you think you can die, but let's start slow for now"
>she pushes you between her breasts, leaving only your arms and head free
>"By the way, did anyone tell you about the crotch squid? Oh that'll be a surprise when you wake up. Don't worry, it's reversible"
>"Compromise is the key to a healthy relationship, you know. I'm doing one of your fetishes, it's only fair that you do one of mine. You'll like it, I promise"
>she stands up and looks around
>"Now let's see, somewhere big enough to lie down... ah, I know just the place"
>she starts walking across the city, choosing to trample over buildings rather than go around them
>she raises her hand to shield you from debris as she casually plows through a skyscraper
>"You know I had my doubts, but this is fun. We'll definitely have to do it again"
>she arrives at a large stadium and pulls you out of her cleavage
>she places you in the top row of seats, then steps out into the middle of the playing field and turns back to face you
>she lies down, her body taking up the entire field, then reaches down and spreads her pussy open
>"I'm all yours. Come and get me"
>you hesitate, remembering what she did to the car, but she did say you couldn't die here
>her smile widens as you descend the steps towards her
>"See? I was right about you. You didn't even try to escape"
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qt sea monsters deserve love, affection and a continuous supply of sailors to feed upon
I'd let her feed on my semen, if you know what I mean.
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Pamper giant monster girls.
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And what if I don't want to pamper them?
In this world it's pamper or be pampered.
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I want to, very much
He looks more like he's enjoying laying on her foot, as opposed to any pampering
He's massaging it
That's his excuse, sure
She's clearly enjoying it, she's blushing and is telling him to keep doing it
That's fair, its probably nice to feel that warmth on her foot
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Planet Earth is goo and there's nothing I can do
I wish I could feel the warmth of her foot
As the anon who had wanted more tit focused stuff, holy moly did you deliver anon. Thank you so much!

Picturing this kind of scenario continuing where she gets to work trying to fix this while her husband is distracting her too much being between her tits (made worse by him calling her attention as short as she is) leading to her handing him off to her other short stack race friends (like halflings or dwarfs maybe) that also decide to tease the guy with their huge tits (and enjoying the sensation an unexpected amount). Heck, I'll ask if you would add a few instances of nipple fucking in there too, you would be my hero anon.
Really, what does he think that sword is going to accomplish?
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I dunno about that. Goblins are airheaded and she'd probably forget about you there somehow. You're better off with an Elf.
The anon writing greens needs to make more, they're gold
>"So he got shrunk and is too horny and small and dumb - dumber than normal - for me to look after. Can you keep an eye on him while I fix my growthray?"
>"Suuure ~"
>Can't see who grem wife is talking to thanks to being trapped between her fat jugs
>Hard to hear over wife's heartbeat and rustle of jumpsuit fabric, but if the high pitch of her voice is any clue, you have a bad feeling
>Your fears are confirmed when you are yoinked out of her tits and plopped onto the table
>"Well well well ~ I wonder whooo this could be?"
>Towering above you is the smirking visage of Myx, the level 1 imp barmaid, dressed up in her usual risque attire
>She was even shorter than grem wife. So short that she had to carry the trays of beers over her head with two hands, balanced on her adorable little horns. Now, looking up at her, those horns were so far in the distance they could've been spires of a cathedral
>"Aha, don't worry Miss Gremlin! ~ He's in super duper good hands! ~~ The superest duperest hands! ~"
>"Alright, fantastic. I'll be back later to pick him up. Don't be too nice to him. He's shortphobic. And if he does anything horny... just take care of it, okay?"
>Grem wife leaves.
>"Kehehehe... just me and you now, ittle little one ~"
>Myx was weak. Comically weak. So weak that the bar banned anyone from picking on the tiny level 1 monster, less they provoke the ire of the minotaur bartender.
>You were no stranger to fights, having been an adventurer before meeting grem wife. However she swiped you off the table with ease
>The puny imp's gloved fingers squeezed just enough to restrain you. Your struggles were insignificant against a girl with a single digit strength stat.
>"H-hi Myx... you remember me, right?"
>"Yup. Ex-adventurer Anon, now all teeny tiny itty bitty. ~ Totally helpless in my palms..."
>She bit her lip. There was an awful fire burning in her purple eyes.
>"W-what are you doing?"
>"Ooh... I don't know... anything I want?"
>The normally friendly and eager imp was getting a taste of power for the first time - and she liked it
>She rolled you between her hands, scooping you up and dropping you between them short distances
>"So weak!~"
>A truly feeble amount of charm magic fizzled through her hands, but for your tiny frame the mere static of it felt like getting bathed in viagra
>Your vision swims pink, and hearts pop in your mind
>"Wah! It worked! So THAT's what charm magic is supposed to look like! ~ I-It's never been strong enough for anyone else! Holy moly! ~"
>Burning, you shed your clothes but it's not enough. Myx stares at you with fascination, hunger, and pure joy.
>"...never thought I'd actually get to be a real seductress like my species should be."
>A gruff voice surprises Myx, telling her to get back to work.
>Startled, she instinctively draws her hands in, plastering you like a pancake to her breasts
>She wore a tube bra that to you resesmbled an entire bridge, stretching the mammoth distance created by her tits
>Overwhelmed by lust and lured in by her classic shortstack proportions, you vault the fabric and shimmy all the way down to her nipple
>"Hnng... I feel like a Queen." Myx stands up, pulling her clothes taut and trapping you square against her areola. "COMING MISS MINOTAUR!"
>Myx bustles off to work, rushing around the tavern
>When she runs your entire world shakes and jostles. The firm volume of her pert nipple pegs your crotch in place.
>It drags and moves and stimulates your magic-abused dick. Your frenulum glides across the lip of her nipple, and slips in and out of the ducts.
>Worst is when she carries the drinks over her head, pulling her boobs up enough so your cock fits right inside, milking you completely by accident
>The warmth and texture is like a second vagina. The combination of her mana and sweaty boob pheromones, rapidly building up as the imp perspirates, makes you primed to orgasm again and again and again. Being an imp, even her sweat smells entirely sweet. At your tiny size though, it's like dunking your nose in a barrel of aphrodisiac strawberries.
>You climax first when she bends over to hand someone a drink. Again you climax as she absentmindedly squishes her boobs together while taking an order. A third time from when you get a faceful of sweet boobflesh and spurt an insignificant load onto her areola, quickly washed away by a single bead of sweat.
>Every time you blow your load you feel a bit of energy leave you. Even if the tiny level 5 imp can't feel your pitifully small seed, she can feel you tributing her energy.
>Wait... level 5?
>You are too horny to care or notice her draining levels from you. Eventually she takes a break, and you feel her stop moving about. She rests her tits on the table and cups a hand around you through the fabric. To any observer it'd look like idle fidgeting.
>In reality, she's loosened the bra enough to free you, and her cupped hand acts as a platform for you.
>Immediately, you rush back to her nipple and begin fucking it like a dog in heat.
>Myx feels more energy surge into her. The imp smirks, her little smile and filling exp bar the only hint she's got a tiny human literally fucking her tit
>"Right ~ Enough of that."
>To your surprise, the imp plucks you from her boobs right as your about to orgasm the tenth time
>"As addicting as this is, I made a pinky promise to keep you safe and sound."
>Myx sets you down with your back against her boobs, cross her arms to shield you from view. She places a small thimble of water from the bar into your lap.
>"Just a small thanks for the meal, Itty bitty Anon. ~ A small thanks for the smallest human, but by far my BIGGEST donor."
>The imp pats your head with a finger. You feel strangely comforted and protected, despite how ostensibly weak she still is.
>"Y'know, if I recall you used to tip very well too. I think after everything youve done for me, you deserve a BIG reward."
>You think about asking her for a break, but your dick speaks first
>"...Can I choose where you put me for the rest of your shift?"
>Her eyes ignite
>"Suuure... Nasty itty bitty perv ~"

Hope people are enjoying these. Happy to do some other content/other mgs.
How about a Cheshire Cat?
Or a big Oni?
>I dunno about that. Goblins are airheaded and she'd probably forget about you there somehow. You're better off with an Elf.
You're crazy, those million year lifespan hags would wait a week before even checking if you're still there.
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Great story, love when underleveled creatures get the upper hand, wonder if she's drained enough levels to learn the shrink spell so she can reduce him and any rude patrons at the tavern whenever she wants
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All I want is to be slithered on. Where's my Garter Lamia?
>"What the hell? Why did you shrink him?"
>"You said non-lethal incapacitation. Shrinking is the safest way to incapacitate someone"
>"We can't use him for breeding like this!"
>One of the other elves cuts in
>"I bet we could. Give him a safety line and a waterbreathing spell, he'll be fine in there"
>"That's crazy!"
>"Suit yourself"
>The one who made the suggestion picks you up and starts walking away
>"Hey! Where are you going?"
>"You said you can't use him, so I guess you won't mind if I take him. Have fun waiting another hundred years"
>"Wait... If he survives, I want him next. We'll take turns"
These have been fantastic anon.

And it would be amazing if you could do something with a Raiju. The electric weasel needs more love.
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Not to mention elves are so conceited they're next willing to admit they can get dirty and pick up body odor
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As the anon who asked for this scenario to be continued I have to tell you that I absolutely LOVE this anon, it's seriously so fantastic. I can't begin to say how much I appreciate the characterization of the two monstergirls we've seen so far, and that they can be flirty, teasing, domineering, but not outright cruel. If anything, the bits of consideration, love, and kindness provide a lovely contrast to the continued horny shenanigans the guy is being put through. It's something I don't see nearly enough of and this hits such a good sweet spot for personalities. As for the lewd stuff, you are completely nailing it. Descriptions were super hot and the frequency of the tit fucking and cumming was superb. Massively endowed shorty monster gals toying with tiny guys in their tits is a criminally underutilized premise, and I am VERY interested in seeing more writing from you.

Do you think you'd be open to continuing this little premise going on of a little human guy getting passed between giant shorties with different personalities put through similar sorts of treatments? Made to cum due to their immense statures and forward natures (and personally hoping for lots of boob related causes) while learning a lesson that it can be fine to tease but to actually belittle is a bit rude, especially with the kindness he ends up being shown by different ladies? Who knows, maybe the guy will end up leveling up in a fun way after going through all of this. I don't know how many more short monster girl races there are to work with, but I feel like a stacked kobold girl could be really fun. Anyways, even if you don't make more, I hope you consider it since these are great reads, and I hope you continue to write regardless!
If you had a vendetta against a man and found him shrunken, what race of fantasy/monster girl would be the best to hand him off to if you wanted her to degrade, humiliate, break and ultimately make him into her little bitch? I'd think something aggressive like an Orc or a Wolf girl but I'm interested if anyone has any opinions or suggestions
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Something eldritch. Her terrifying presence would mindbreak him first, and then all her tentacles would get to work. She can then mind-wipe him and begin the process all over again, trapping him in a constant cycle of agonizing pleasure until she gets bored of him and then discards the insane tiny for others to finish off.
That or a smelly goblin. Yes, I'm vanilla like that.
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Most degrading thing would be to hotglue him yourself
thats gay
petite giant colossal squid girl vs Giant Tomboy spermwhale girl
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Foolish little hero though he could take on the demon lord now he will be her toy forever
He bragged how he is strong enough to take on her yet couldn't even lift her boob
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Smelly goblin might seem like a basic answer, but it still may be the best one.
Hard to beat the gleeful degradation paired with the utter humiliation of being at the mercy of such a lowly being.
He was just sandbagging. I can take her.
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Level difference + skill issue.
I think it's hotter if there actually isn't a skill issue. All his tactical and martial prowess simply aren't enough to overcome her efforless advantage.
tfw no long tongue anteater girl who lazily depopulates cities everyday
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>your fairy companion, who was with you since the beginning, starts worrying that you'll leave her when your quest is over
>starts hatching a plan to stop that from happening
>you wake up one morning to find that she tied you up during the night
>the cord is enchanted with fairy magic and you can't break free
>"I'm sorry but I can't risk losing you"
>she drains all of your levels
>using her new power, she grows herself to gigantic size
>"Don't worry, I'll take care of the demon lord for you"
It's funny. In my opinion, going by general vibes of how monster girls are portrayed with size stuff, of all the monster girls you could be shrank around, the most dangerous one by far is fairies.
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Maybe the fairy was the true demon lord the whole time
>Be Me, hobbyist beekeeper
>Have one apiary i take good care of
>Chaos magic wave hits for the third time this month
>brace myself for impact, my cousin got turned into a dragongirl and they say getting turned into a monstergirl runs in the family
>shrug my shoulders in disappointment
>suddenly hit with an immense wave of vertigo
>I’ve shrunk so fast my beekeeper suit is still falling down and im falling to the ground with it.
>thankfully being small means youre a bit more durable, apparently, barely bruised from what felt like a 10 story drop.
>fish myself out of the ocean of clothes i was stuck in
>assess myself and the changes, I’m probably half an inch tall at most.
>got bigger boobs tho, which is nice consolation prize
>wobble-wobble hehe
>oh and a cock nice
>5 mins later im running away from giant fucking ants trying to eat me
>im out of breath and my feet are scraped and sore from all the running
>accept my fate
>right as an ant is about to bite me, its head is skewered by a spear.
>a girl in full knight armor looms over me, only an inch tall but still twice my size. She removes her spear from the ant and reaches a hand out to me.
>”Come forth, my lady, we must escape these vile insects”
>Her armor is yellow with black accents, her helmet and visor have a brown compound pattern to them, her shield has a honeycomb shape to it, her insectoid wings flutter as she prepares to take to the skies again
>Other knights like her descend from the heavens, eviscerating the remaining ants like a trained rescue squadron.
>when a pretty lady in full armor tells you to take her hand, you take her hand
>she flies me away as the other knights hold off the horde of ants long enough to escape.
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>I am taken to the apiary
>wait a second
>Brought inside the apiary, the entire place has transformed into a vibrant fantasy kingdom with honeycomb buildings and rivers of honey
>brought before the queen
>Shes even bigger than the rest of the knight-beegirls, easily 4x my size
>”Hail, Fogbringer, Great Harvester, Grand Gardener, Mother Above Us; Welcome to our kingdom, the prophecies spoke that our ascension would coincide with your hour of need, and thus, we sought you out”
>Turns out the bees basically consider me a creator goddess, guardian deity, and One True Queen
>Queen bee asks for my hand in marriage, since every queen needs a second, larger queen, with which to breed
>fast forward 2 weeks
>Am now doted upon by legions of femboy drone bees, protected by hot lady knight bees, and have a giant bee wife 4x my size currently expecting ???? kids.
>life is good
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>Been ruling for a few months now.
>Family checks in every few weeks, makes sure I’m ok.
>Turns out my sister got turned into a giant spidergirl during the same chaos wave I shrunk. She promptly webbed up and ate her cheating ex
>she keeps the apiary safe since I can’t anymore.
>She’s out of town for a month when the giant murder hornets invade the coast.
>oh fuck. Some of them are now hornetgirls bc of chaos magic
>hive is panicking bc we watch bug fighting competitions since its basically like the WWE for us and we know that the Japanese Giant Hornet is nothing to fuck with
>Remember a documentary abt how japanese honeybees fought off giant hornet invasions
>explain my plan to the people
>bees together strong
>Giant Hornetgirl scout arrives
>Shes easily 10x the size of even my mightiest knights
>begins taunting the hive about how her buddies are going to invade once she tells them where we are and ransack the place.
>spring the trap
>hornetgirl is covered in honey laced with our patented Royal Jelly™ Aphrodisiac.
>begin phase 2
>lead the fray as my legion of beegirls swarm around the hornetgirl, kissing and fondling her for everything we’ve got
>we’ve had lots of practice.
>hornetgirl is engulfed in the swarm of horny beegirls and can’t keep up.
>by the end of it its basically a cartoon dust cloud with a beegirl occasionally tagging out covered in lipstick and bite marks
>hornetgirl is a blubbering exhausted mess on the ground with swirly eyes
>mission accomplished
>hornetgirl agrees to give the “only death awaits here” pheromone signal to the other hornets in exchange for citizenship.
>now part of the royal guard.
>also routinely summoned to my chambers
>life is good part 2.
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Really, really good Anon.
You got the sense of scale down better than a lot of size writers do. Also level play is based.
thanks for the kind words anons.
>"Phew. Time for another break. Not that I'm the only hardworker that needs it... right Anon?"
>Myx hooks her thumb around the hem of her dress and panties and, once in a quiet corner of the bar, stretches them both forward
>Light floods in, sobering your limp and exhausted form up. Your eyes squint. Your head pounds. You feel hungover, although not from the usual form of intoxication at the pub.
>"Oh... oh demon lord above ~"
>The imp bites her lip and breathes heavy. She gazes down at you with a mixture of pity that she reduced you, a friend, to such a state, and wonder/pride that she, a weak imp, COULD reduce you, a big strong guy, to such a state
>Fresh air rushed into the cavity between her legs, replacing the cocktail atmosphere you'd been drowning in before. The smell of sweaty, hard-working, aroused imp snatch tarred your lungs pink.
>Imp lovejuices and pussy sweat soaked your minute form from head to toe. An errant, bright-pink pube had stuck to and twisted around your leg. If your eyes weren't the size of pinheads, she'd see the literal hearts that had eaten your pupils. Occassionaly, an arc of pink charm magic would zip across your body, making you spasm in joy.
>"W-wow... I-I-I didn't even cast any charm magic that time." Myx whispers, "must have been all that excess exp you gave me..."
>Mentally you were equally exhausted. She'd siphoned off a fair few levels. You really didn't need them, but you could feel the absence. It figures a monster so close to a succubi would drain strongest through their vagina.
>And much like succubi, swallowing their femcum refreshed your supply of semen
>In hind-sight, and going off your two dozen orgasms, it may have been bad to suggest to be kept in her panties
>But it had felt GOOD.
>"O-oh... ah, Anon, c-can you move?"
>Anxiously, Myx pulls her spade tail up through her legs all the way to her lips to chew on - a nervous tic of hers.
>The weight of her various secretions, the static and tangle from her panty's fabric and how drained you were left you unable to even sit up. A shift pressed up against her nethers was too much. You were beaten by a level 10 imp's labia - and she wasn't even fighting.
>"S-so weak... ~ Hang on, I'll get you out, my teeny tiny trooper."
>Gently, you are unstuck from the fabric and coddled in one hand. The index finger of her other hand massages your head. The soft texture of her gloves is bliss on your tired, nude body.
>"What was that healing spell big sis always used to use on me? C-cathra Unlods?"
>Her index finger glows softly. Imperceptibly to an on-looker, but you are so small and so up close that you can just about notice it. Warmth, rejuvenation and an inate feeling of reveration for your imp ward spreads through you
>One single point of mana drains from Myx's pool of, thanks to your donations, over 100.
>"D-did that work? I didn't feel anything leave me so-"
>You get up and give her finger a hug
>"All better."
>Myx beams. "Really? That's a relief. I guess it doesn't take much to heal a body so teeny tiny." She gives your hair an affectionate rustle. "Or maaaybe you've just jizzed out so much experience I'm just THAT talented now. ~"
>You are lifted from her hands by her tail. At your size, the sheer weight and length of it reminded you of the steel ship cables they used at the imperial docks. She places you down on the bar table and gives your head a final pat with the great, spongy mass that was her tail's spade end.
>"I'm going to take my lunch break now, my persistent lil' exp-battery. As a friend of you and gremlin, I'd say stay there for your own well-being... but as an imp?" Myx giggles and winks. "I'd say find yourself some more trouble and mischief to fall in. Plenty of familiar faces who'd just LOVE to see what's become of big, strong Anon. Well anyway, see you soon, my favourite itty bitty human ~~"

Gobbo or raiju next?
This was really good anon
>Gobbo or raiju next?
I don't know what a raiju is but you'll definitely make it good either way. So long as you don't end the story yet I'm sure it will be good.
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God I love Alky
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>"Master, you've been up for too long. Your work will still be here in the morning"
"Not now, Natasha, I'm busy"
>"Very well, master. I'll bring you some more coffee"
>your maid leaves the room and you get back to work on your magic
"Carry the phi and... that should work. Natasha's right though, I should get some rest. I'll test it tomorrow"
>you carelessly slam the spellbook shut, releasing a burst of accumulated energy, just as Natasha opens the door
>with nowhere else to go, the magic is drawn to her like a lightning rod
>she begins rapidly growing
>when the reaction is over she stands up and stares at the destroyed house
>you walk up to her foot and examine it
"Okay at least we know it works. Wait here while I figure out a shrinking spell"
>she reaches down and picks you
"Natasha put me down. Put me down, that's an order"
>a shift in her tone tells you that she's no longer speaking to you as a servant
>"Master, I can't let you keep experimenting in this state, especially not on me. We'll fix this when you're well rested"
>your reply is muffled as she quickly slips you inside her bra
>pinned underneath her breast, you succumb to your own exhaustion and fall asleep
>when you wake up, the noise and movement tells you that Natasha is already awake
>feeling your movement, she pulls you and and sets you down on the ground
>she's sitting in the grass outside her parents' house
>her mother emerges from the house, holding a tray of breakfast
>"Natasha told us what happened last night. You must be more careful with her"
>"It's okay, mama. We're going back to the lab and he's going to fix me today"
"Well maybe in a few days. There's still a lot we can learn about-"
>Natasha flicks your backside, not using her full strength but still enough to hurt
>"We're going back to the lab and you're going to fix me today, yes?"
Nice green, very cute
These are fantastic.
And a Raiju next would be incredible, anon. As I said they don't tend to get much love, so any content for them is great.
>thanks for the kind words anons.
you'll keep getting these kind words if you keep this shit up anon, watch yourself
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do you guys remember the drawing of the sea monster giantess that had a scottish accent
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by TheSpacespeck/TD-art. if it's not this then you probably mean Zuff McLaughlin. Idk what happened to TD they just nuked all their stuff and vanished, Zuff and dungionbeast vanished too. Hurts when people I really like just disappear :/ Hope they're doing good.
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Are there any natural predators that can tackle the goblin menace?
The red haired one is my wife.
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That one that's smooching and saying "Mmh - Yer cute~" is so fucking adorable, wish it was me she was smooching
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I don't like the rest because I love those gobbos ;-;
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yeah it was this one, she's cute. how come so many artist in this fetish just go radio silent
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The mental health gays are a serious issue.
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the raiju (zapweasel)
>You are left alone on the bar table
>The tavern is a dangerous place, full of large and scary monsters who'd snatch a small, cute boy up in a heartbeat
>And that was if you were a normal sized guy
>Sitting by herself at the other end of the bar, way off in the distance, you can see a familiar silhouette.
>It's difficult to make her details out clearly when she's so far away - relative to your size of course - but her distinct electric blue fur and twitching weasel ears leaves no doubt who it is.
>Veltz, the raiju swordsman of your old aventuring party. You can't imagine her being the safest person to find you right now - what with her eccentricities - but it's better than a total stranger.
>At your size the length of the bar is several game's pitches long. You used to be able to make it in a few strides, but now it'd be a 5 minute treck across the glossy oak surface at least.
>The walk is marred with odd looks from customers as you clamber over the ash trays and soggy beermats. You have to dive out the way when the 7ft minotaur behind the bar swabs the surfaces with a damp cloth, nearly sweeping you up with it. She mutters an indifferent apology
>Clearly a tiny person was not the weirdest thing she'd seen in this monster girl tavern.
>Finally you reach the end of the bar. You crouch behind a nearby bowl and observe her.
>Decadent and hedonistic, the raiju is surrounded by plates of snacks licked clean and many an empty glass. She's got a tumbler full of whiskey that to you looked more like a vat or still of the stuff. You recognise it as one of the bar's expensive 'bottomless glasses'. Most get too drunk from the endless booze for it to be worth the hefty pricetag.
>Most. But not Veltz.
> She picks up her whiskey on the rocks and downs the entire glass. You can see a continuous bulge in her slender throat as she easily finishes the whole thing. Then she slams the glass back down, the impact knocking you onto your ass.
>"Whew!" she lets out a proud, unlady-like belch. "Shots anyone?"
>"Veltz it's a tuesday afternoon." the minotaur grunts in annoyance.
>"Every day's a friday when you're a sellsword! Am I right?"
>Veltz leans back on her barstool and, showing some impressive flexibility, kicks her legs up onto the table. Being a monster originating from the far East, she's wearing a blue kimono hanging lazily from her thick, pale thighs. Her sandals dangle off her feet, tabi socks barely pulled up past her ankle thanks to the mofu covering most of her bottom leg.
>Seeing how much you were dwarfed by Myx and Grem was one thing. They were midgets. Veltz was a different beast. She had an inch on you normally.
>Raijus were weasels, and you recall what weasels do to mammals smaller than them.
>You suddenly get cold feet, and turn to try and leave.
>"Eh? The hell is that? A crippled fairy?"
>uh oh
>"No way... No fucking way!"
>You make a run for it. And just as you get cold feet, you are crushed on both sides by a pair of very warm feet.
>White cloth fills your vision. Air escapes your lungs, replaced with a smelly cocktail of sweat, perfume, booze and horny beastmen pheromones.
>The world shakes. You feel lightheaded and dizzy as her feet carry you back in front of her, made only worse by the heat and smell.
>Then, you're rolled across her damp, sweaty sole as one foot stays still and the other drags down, until your face sees hers through the toegap of the tabi.
>"If it ain't my favourite little paladin tank! God I hardly recognised you! You get a haircut or something, Tiny?"
>Pinching you between her toes, the other foot returns to ruffle your hair with its big toe. The impression you got from smell taste and touch was she'd been partying last night in these socks.
>"In case you didn't notice." your tiny voice wheezes, "I shrank."
>"Hmmm...? Pretty sure you were always smaller than me."
>The overwhelming smell, soft tabis and nimble, dexterous movements have got you erect already. Static was building between her lightning quick feet too.
>"It was," you grunt, trying not to betray your arousal, "grem. called her short. shrinkray..."
>"Heh. Like you can call anyone short, Tiny."
>"I was an inch smaller than you Veltz."
>Veltz twists you into the nook of her toes and scrunches, rinsing your body with her sweat. A jolt of electricity, a mere static shock to most, wracks your now very conductive body.
>And raiju produced electricity isn't like regular electricity. That budding erection exploded into a near quick shot orgasm in an instant.
>"Mind your manners, Tiny. You still owe me for all those dungeons I saved your ass in."
>"And - guh - you owe me for several bar tabs."
>"A-ha-ha... you kept count?" Veltz tugs her collar. "So what is it then? You need me to help you back to your original size or what?"
>"Grem's fixing that... I actually came here b-b-because..."
>It's becoming too much. Veltz looks at you oddly. She doesn't realise that the idle fidgets of her feet cause the hand-woven tabi fibers to massage your dick. Nor does she clock that the mixture of her unwashed tabis and unconscious electric zaps are frazzling your brain with pleasure.
>She idly flexes her foot. A small burst of electricity hits you the same time as the fabric stimulates your dick. It's too much for your puny body to handle.
>A miniscule drop of your tribute is sprayed across her socks, absorbed insantly into the white cloth and makes your obscene deed unrecognizable.
>"Because gah?" she frowns and pauses, "Wait... that moan you just made, I've heard that before. Did you just..."
>She separates her feet. Gravity eventually unplasters you from the damp tabi. Her brilliant blue eyes sees your blushing face, and all she can do is giggle.
>"Well... say no more then..." you are picked up and dangled by the hands in front of her smug face, "You are here not because you need help, but because..."
>She flicks your groin playfully,
>"You are a helpless perv who wants to have some fun."
>She licks her tongue across her fangs in delight.
>"And you came to the right gal, because I am so fucking down for some freaky shit~~"
Please tell me you got an account somewhere that you're saving all of these, this thread hasn't had OC this good in a while

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