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Theme questions:
>What's the main use for women in your setting?
>How do you take a untrained woman and make her the perfect bitch?
>Is your scenario based on Modern, Fantasy, Sci-fi, "reality"?
>Are all women enslaved or are some allowed certain "freedoms"?
>How might Chastity/Sexuality used as a tool of control?

Last thread:


This thread is for fetishizing a patriarchy where it's biological men being Doms and biological Women as Subs
What the fuck happened to the threads?!
All red boards got reset for some reaason. Also happened on /trash/. probably some server restart. It didn't occur to blue boards.
alright going to repost that ULE series of pictures?
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This whole sequence is great example of transhumanist patriarchal pragmatism. Women are empowered but only to uphold the status quo in an oppressive society.
Ok, correction. This Anon >>11100218 seems to be better informed.
this whole sequence is a great example of fucking terrible art
Please do not post bland corporate art porn, ty

Like I'm pretty sure that design is used in employee training videos
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Please continue.
whats the upper limit to adopting these GC?
just civilian use or are military grade decommissioned ones available?

that's what makes it so hot.
plus I think its a parody of those info graphic youtube vids. I can already imagine it poorly animated
>fantasy/rpg posting
>“Heroes” with a retinue of powerful personal cumdumps
On that Note, what about a patriarchal setting centered on the enslavement of women as a means of Civilizing Humaniod/Mob races.
Goblins, Kobold, Orcs, Pig men, etc. as it turns out are perfectly capable of functioning in society as long as they aren't actively being genocided.
These male only races are sexually compatible with human females and require them for reproduction.
They get along just fine so long as the main currency traded with them is human females as breeding slaves and wives
Not like the patriarchies in human realms treat women much differently though

>magic, magic items, potions and other staples of the setting
A Magic Macguffin is used by humans to control male/female births.
So there's not an issue with trading human females to friendly mob races.
There are literal breeding farms/operations to keep up with demand.

Just a rough idea of the setting here.
Also not sure if Anons want to continue with lewd apocalypse from last thread.
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Aside from debauched theme parks and free sex restaurants. What are some other mundane entertainment in patriarchies?
Are there tokusatsu street performers or Idol “handshake” fan meet ups?
monster stuff can work, but what are the humans getting out of them, just labor and raw resources?
I'd like to believe some wizard would come up with the means to make female monsters for the all male races so everyone has more things to degrade.

also whats the policy on female adventurers? Is it a free for all or people get licenses to do business and parties are assigned with some sort of guild system.
Does your setting support polygamy or is it strictly monogamous?
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>whats the upper limit to adopting police GCs?
The short answer is that it depends on logistics and how station command feels about the local populace they are supervising. There is a longer answer but I'm having trouble articulating it. What I can say is that a civilian man can only own one police trained gc at a time. But only if he passes a background check, and a fresh shipment of replacement clones have made that clone and her batch-sisters extraneous.
>What about decommissioned ones used by the military?
The average lifespan of a gc in the military is equal to how long it takes for her to move from her spawning vat to within range of enemy weapons. If you want a decommissioned military slave girl, you're better off getting a retired Spartiae instead, an archetype we have discussed in previous threads. Although maybe I should go over them again?
>what are the humans getting out of them, just labor and raw resources?
Orc mercenaries, Pigmen day laborers, Goblin Tinkerer, etc.
For individuals living apart from humans in their own tribe it's often seasonal/ Ad-hoc work
While individuals inside human society are usually employed by guilds or are part of a adventurer's team.

>everyone has more things to degrade.
That's the focus of all the slave breeding operations in human society.
It's a whole caste of Women who are born n bred as air headed slaves to be exported to civilized monster races.
Entire purpose of their lives is sex, procreation and rearing her offspring.
Women are in fact sexually compatible with many fantasy monsters.

>policy on female adventurers?
Women who will be taught Combat/magical skills or are to be educated in other ways must be registered with the local guild.
Best to deal any silly ideas about women's liberation before it ever starts.
So women will be trained under guild supervision and will always have a handler holding her leash.
Once a man joins an adventurer's guild he can buy or rent slave women with these specialized skills.

>Does your setting support polygamy or is it strictly monogamous?
For the monster races it's partially dependent on biology.
Orcs it's strict monogamy, Women only gestate 1 fetus at a time and for a much longer time of 10 -12 months.
Hence orcs mate for life and are highly protective of their slave wives.
Pigmen it's more about polygamy and having the largest harems.
Goblins have short gestation times and are born in litters, here it's more shared/free use.
With Human's it's simply a cultural thing.
>What I can say is that a civilian man can only own one police trained gc at a time.
In the event that my assigned one is inoperable, what am I liable for and recourses do I have?

>If you want a decommissioned military slave girl, you're better off getting a retired Spartiae instead, an archetype we have discussed in previous threads. Although maybe I should go over them again?
I’m familiar with enough with Spartiae as far as the write up goes but if there’s been any updates to them a refresher would be much appreciated.

Thought I would need to enlist to get access to them. Is it much simpler than that?
And if a man is to enlist how far does he need to raise before being assigned one or better yet a squad?
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Skewd gender ratios make polygamy a necessity. Its just conflicting government policies don’t actively encourage “marriage”.
For instance there are public sexual relief officers for sexual emergencies and previous administration subsidies made for dirt cheap prostitution establishments with all sorts of desperate gimmicks.
Ironically one of of the few things regulated, is pornography production, as that kind of thing requires a license and works to be summited though a review board.
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Looks like OP missed the lore doc for the long running Sci-fi setting:
A few things got cut off this thread, just because it had to get made when half the website shit itself. The Literotica links also didn't make it.

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If the police you're getting a replacement GC from are as incompetent/corrupt as they are well funded then it will be super easy. Any other kind of station will require you to fill out paperwork, present a corpse for examination in case of death, and there might be a queue of other men who will get a girl first. And a low budget highly competent small town sheriff will get suspicious when that retired cloned woman that's served him for decades suddenly disappears...

>About Spartiae and other archetypes:
You don't have to join the police or military to get these women, you just have to check the online planetary marriage marketplace to find an affordable wife. I have not invented a name for an imperial organization that sets quotas for the production of each female archetype yet. But there there should be one and they set those quotas based on certain long term forecasts.
A civilian spartiae may lack the same training as her military owned sisters but you can sign her up for instruction courses after taking possession of her.
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>government policies don’t actively encourage “marriage”.
Could just be the case that cuckqueaning is normalized in the parts of the patriarchy that still practice some form of marriage.
A man's wives are satisfied knowing that their sons and daughters are legitimized.
Simply accepting that their husband(and master) has duties as a man, including knocking up slaves.
Besides as cum brained bitches themselves they can't imagine a life without sex and don't want to deprive other women of it.
Even if that means hubby has to be shared with other women.

>What are some other mundane entertainment in patriarchies?
Could just have a relaxing afternoon at home with your own slaves.
No fancy orgies or themed brothels simply rutting your harem and maybe some movies afterwards.
Sex is a normal and regular activity in the patriarchy and a more vanilla experience has it's charm too.

>tokusatsu street performers or Idol “handshake” fan meet ups?
Really like that idea, porn stars or brothel whores meeting the fans to advertise a new AV.
Or even making these live meetups as part of the filming!
The art is shit, it resembles infographics show... But this sounds interesting ngl

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even if the site got reamed all the archivers thankfully caught the last thread

>The art is shit, it resembles infographics show
I'm pretty sure that's the idea. It's meant to look like souless "Safe and Non-Threatening" corporate art.

I'd be actually better if no one of it was crying and everyone was smiling, seemingly happy at everything going on.
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This sequence is apparently based on the combat dolls invented by SirPetus:
Attached to this picture is a picture of one of the riot dolls
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ooh, nice; might be tiptoeing towards the 'too much western line but I figure ONE more couldn't hurt
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(and another to even if out)
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>souless "Safe and Non-Threatening" corporate art.
On that note, it brings up a interesting point on the whole dystopian/utopian settings.
Have women been entirely brainwashed to the point they just don't see any of this as wrong?
Or do some women remember/know about the concept of freedom but are powerless to do anything.

like depending on how slaves are taught/the culture of society they might not even understand concepts like rape.
since they don't have any bodily autonomy in the first place

>check the online planetary marriage marketplace to find an affordable wife.
Sounds like the perfect kind of set up for a lewd Rom-com.
A slave woman who's been born and bred for police/military use, that was her whole life up to this point but then she's sold as a domestic slave.
She's got to learn everything from scratch and master's other women are there to help!
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>warning: following contains a lot of IPE lore references
>Accessing IPE public database
>Query:planet:Fil's Sanctuary:summary
>retrieving latest summary:
Fil's Sanctuary was once barren, atmosphere-less, but mineral rich. Due to these conditions, it would not have had as big a population as it does now. That was due to the other more habitable worlds in its' system being thoroughly infested with Myrmadonia so the terraforming of this world occurred at an accelerated rate. Sanctuary rapidly became the central logistics and command hub for the war effort against the uberlesbians. After the war concluded and the myrmas were subjugated, Sanctuary then became the capital of the system, a place of prestigious macro-architecture and primordial jungles.
The entire system is currently assembling the materials and information to colonize the next neighboring star system. And the massive shipyards for this effort are in orbit around Sanctuary. Passage to and from Fils is carefully monitored to ensure that no Myrma remnants can sabotage the project.
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>Query:Fil's Sanctuary:interplanetary female trade
A man who owns a woman (of any archetype, even genecopies) imported from Sanctuary is considered very impressive on the pacified worlds. It implies that the owner is politically well connected, rich, and important. Whether that's true or not, no other man would willing take a chance to find out.
Conversely, Spartiae who fought the myrmadonia on the pacified worlds are the pride of a man's harem on Fil's Sanctuary. These imported women are allowed to eat at their masters table, speak without being spoken to, and other privileges that native women are denied. Since the myrmadonia are still a minor threat, the supply of spartiae veterans will not be diminishing in the foreseeable future.
>special note: technology vs willful women
The men of the capital have access to better female behavior correction devices than those elsewhere in the system. Thus filian women truly are better behaved than their "country bumpkin" sisters. Testing a capital woman's' submissiveness is an entertaining tradition on the pacified worlds and the stuff of tall tales. On these same worlds, a master may threaten an insubordinate female with a shuttle ride to the capital, where her attitude will finally be fixed.
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What type of patriarchy settings do you guys tend to gravitate towards, a single global empire or a series of competing states with their own policies?

Don’t have anything against won and done settings. But what is a man supposed to do to rise his station and have accomplishment? With out any wars or anything of the like, I think I could handle only so much idle hedonism.
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>Query:Fil's Sanctuary:Female Demographics
All 6 archetypes can be found on this world.
The one with the smallest population is the HuCow, who are used to keep the perimeter of nature preserves from over growing. The stereotype for men who own HuCows is that they are eccentric, socially anxious, but truly kind.
Elves, Gyndroids, and GeneCopies are much more common although still rare enough to be considered exotic. Most elven women are living heirlooms brought from The Homeworld system by a young master who is now old enough to be a grandfather. Gyndroids can be seen working at high tech/security facilities, or at the side of men in charge of those places. Vatgrown Genecopies are seen around men's college campuses serving roles ranging from experimental breeder to cafeteria serving lady. Roving packs of young womb-birthed Genecopies are a common feature in the women's quarters adjacent to service sectors.
All-Naturals and Spartiae are considered "normal women" and are seen all over the world.
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Competing states with variations in how they go about business, but in a peacetime/"permanent cold war" scenario. If you want international intrigue, you've still got plenty of (figurative) dick-measuring contests and technological arms races. People (predominantly men) will still need to perform jobs from statecraft down to manual labor; they'll just have a much happier and fitting reward waiting for them at the end of their day. Everything in its right place.

(GOD I love Throtem's butt maids.)
>Fil's Sanctuary... assembling the materials and information to colonize the next neighboring star system
I'm wondering what life would be like for slave women on planets like this.
The entire economy is centered arround exports, not just mundane materials but also slave women.
It's not just normal sex and procreation but slave breeding on a planetary scale...
Would things go more towards a cold sterile factory approach or be more of a humane "garden of Eden" type operation?

>owns a woman imported from Sanctuary is considered very impressive
>privileges that native women are denied.
Hope this sort of thing doesn't create animosity between women with such clear class/rank divides.
I'm thinking Imported slaves could take on a motherly/older sister type role when dealing with their native women.
Show them how to be good slaves so that they might earn these privileges

>shuttle ride to the capital, where her attitude will finally be fixed.
What would this actually entail if her master decides to sent her to be fixed?
Is it just traditional but harsh slave training or some sci-fi clock work orange type deal.

More a fan of the concept of forever wars that are slow burns with times of cold war in-between.
Constant threats being the justification for further measures in controlling women.
And it also acts as a driving force to push the development of slaving technology with less restrictions.
I mean by all means, clamp down on women's liberties in the name of security, but you don't need a war between two nations anymore. Terrorism is more than enough to establish a permanent state of emergency and round up anyone you don't like under suspicion of treason. Plenty of black site extrajudicial extradition to go around.
Fantasy where only enslaved women have magic. The more restricting the enslavement is, the powerful her magic is. On extreme cases women are permanently bounded up and used as magic batteries.
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How would your society deal counteract the wave of women that try to disguise themselves as men and infiltrate our ranks?
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What's the best way to mindbreak a muscle girl?
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Electrical muscle stimulation, some drugs, and lots of foreplay stopping just short of orgasm.
Of course if you feel brave challenge them to a wrestle. Its mostly over when you lock them in a mating press, perching doggy style, or straddling sword swallow.
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>that try to disguise themselves as men and infiltrate our ranks?
Is that what they were doing? Could smell a bitch in heat a good distance away. Despite their princely demeanor they’re pretty easy to coerce into ally ways or love hotels.
Be vigilant, but also wouldn’t worry that hard about deep infiltration. With government surprise penis inspection days and ejaculation checks. Less chance for corporate since they have a harsher culture, pantless tuesday or the imported implicitly forceful practice taking subordinates to brothel bars for team building orgies.

That said if a tomboy reverse trap task force was set up. I’d be the first one signing up.

Speaking of. Whats the general populations attitude to handsome women? Boyish or mannish, I can see mosts plebeians looking down and passing them up.
I can’t agree with such thinking, they’re perfect for either the challenge of bitch break feminizing or keeping them as a second class fuck buddy bro.
They seem to also be popular with alot of women, so the tactic of public humiliation and painfully demonstrating to other slaves their prince is another mere female is a pretty good way to keep girls in line.
Any source on this?
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Sure; I named the file that for a reason... a lot of the rest of his stuff is very orc'd up but there's some goodies in there.

>Is your scenario based on Modern, Fantasy, Sci-fi, "reality"?
Modern reality. When women were burning their bras, smashing the glass ceiling and going on "slut walks" they always knew there would be resistance from men, but completely failed to anticipate that their future enemy would in fact be their daughters. The girls they took from their fathers in divorce court and sent to be educated by tyrannical female teachers, only so they could intern for sadistic girl-bosses and get harassed by envious female cops on the roadside. Their anger rose, slowly but surely, against the women whose social experiment they had become.
By the late 2020s sociologists discovered a new youth subculture developing. All the cool girls now wanted to major in nursing or domestic science. They also liked boys who would tell them where to go, order for them and never ask to split the bill, while rejecting those who still tried to live up to the egalitarian norms of their parents (in the cruellest, most Mean Girls ways you can think of). They frequently joked about how girl-brains just can't make too many decisions and if a man can't make them for you then he is no man.
New political parties began to advocate against women's liberation in general, where before even the most reactionary would only criticise the worst excesses. Fringe groups have always existed of course, but what surprised demographers was that these parties were more popular with women than with men, and their strongest base was women under 25. The political divide was no longer gender, but age; and as every demographer knows, the youth are the future. Soon the fringe groups were not so fringe, shocking the world with a relentless barrage of election wins in nation after nation through the 2030s.
>>11106639 continued
>How do you take a untrained woman and make her the perfect bitch?
Many older people assumed that the young were looking to resurrect some kind of Post-War or High Victorian "good old days", but they had actually underestimated them. The burgeoning patriarchs understood perfectly well that these traditions of the past had devolved into feminism for quite predictable material and sociological reasons. Instead, they looked to the Behaviourists for inspiration. The last hundred years were simply bad training, which they could undo with good training.
No longer would anything be left to the whims of individual families, provincial schools or the free market. This time around there would be active conditioning of the population to constantly reinforce norms. Schooling would now be segregated, with girls taught all the skills they need to be subordinate helpers to men (and employment laws would soon follow, preventing them from being anything else). Their enthusiasm for these tasks would be tracked on a scoreboard (not "leaderboard" - women are not leaders) and rewarded. The most eager would be invited to join secret clubs and societies, reinforcing the link between popularity and hyper-femininity.
The clunky PSAs of the past would not be repeated. Instead, general entertainment would be steered in the right direction with tax incentives and public investment for correct programming. Independent female characters should only be the "villainess", and always punished by the end. When a female has an independent idea it should always backfire, requiring a man to clean up her mess (and possibly give her a good spanking). When she just conforms to what everyone else does she is "responsible" and "community spirited". Even simple greetings would change: male/male - firmly shake hands, female/female - warm embrace, male/female - slight curtsy and offer hand for male to kiss. Repeat the pattern enough times and the public will follow - life imitates art.
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>>11106659 continued
>What's the main use for women in your setting?
The aim is always to train the majority to become something close to Stepford wives, but the patriarchs understand this is not possible for all. The Female Regulation Service (FEMREG) was therefore created to monitor and profile every female and find a suitable role for her. It is also authorised to spy on dissident movements and arrest anyone who would subvert patriarchal norms.
The active resisters and known feminists cannot be trusted with normal employment, nor can they be allowed to marry decent men. They are sent to island penal colonies to do basic factory work such as sewing garments or painting number plates - anything that does not allow them to do much harm by sabotage.
Of course there are also women who don't fit the wife role for the opposite reason - liking men too much to the point of promiscuity. This is easily resolved by licensing certain well regulated venues to provide sexual services. Highly sexed women can work there under the supervision of an experienced madam (who is herself under supervision of a government approved pimp).
The barren, the ugly or those with no innate attraction to men can pursue female-appropriate careers (nurse, secretary, PA, florist, beautician, etc) instead of marriage. If they own a business they can only hire other women, as women are always subordinate to men, so this usually limits them to small retail. Officially they are supposed to be celibate, but FEMREG will turn a blind eye as long as they don't get pregnant or flaunt any unnatural desires in public (lesbian, femdom, etc).
The majority of women who are blessed not to have such afflictions are encouraged to marry as quickly as possible. Public subsidies go into algorithmic and genetic matchmaking technology to help them find an appropriate husband. The government also offers interest free loans to newlyweds so that no household needs more than one income.
>>11106694 continued
A rare, but interesting, type of female is what intelligence services call the "hound" - someone who possesses high innate levels of independent thought and decisiveness who, nevertheless, is loyal to the patriarchy and wants it to continue. Just like a faithful hound that loves its master. It is estimated that fewer that one in a thousand females fit this profile, but they are extremely valuable as intelligence assets so they are highly sought after.
Hounds, once identified, are nearly always recruited as FEMREG agents. They are the eyes and ears of the organisation, hearing what women say when there are no men present. They often play the role of a dissident in order to infiltrate centres of resurgent feminism as they develop.
If a hound is marriage material she will be allowed to marry another deep cover agent, who himself infiltrates male dissident groups - the dissident couple is even more believable after all. If not she will adopt a spinster or lesbian role as cover, but really will probably get her needs met by male colleagues. In any case she will be well cared for.
If she's collared, she'd better be pregnant.
>>11106727 continued
>Are all women enslaved or are some allowed certain "freedoms"?
By law a woman can never be employed in a position where she must give orders to men. Everything a woman owns must be cosigned for by a man (usually her husband or closest male relative). In theory there are no further restrictions for a single woman, but in practice it would be impossible for her to do anything that is not approved by the government and the men of her community. Any troublesome behaviour will very quickly be diagnosed as a "breakdown", leading to treatment (reconditioning) at a mental hospital.
Wives are legally required to obey their husbands, but are largely trusted by society so there isn't too much restriction placed on them during working hours when the men are away. Since the government limited female employment options the price of labour has risen dramatically, so most men make enough money to keep their wives in quite a pampered situation. This is further assisted by interest free loans for all newlyweds, so no one has to worry about a mortgage. Wives therefore enjoy a lot of free leisure time as long as they do their duty.
Sex workers are indentured to a bordello, so they are not free to leave at all. They do, however, live a luxurious life in a gilded cage as their profession is highly profitable. They are also able to have sex all day as their job, unlike wives who must remain faithful to their husbands. For the hedonistic woman it might just be a fair trade - give up freedom to enjoy the finer things.
Captured feminists have no freedom whatsoever. They are kept in special facilities on designated islands. No one is allowed to visit them and their every move is monitored. They cannot move so much as a pinky finger without the move being recorded by high-tech surveillance equipment and logged in a database.
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>>11106759 continued
>How might Chastity/Sexuality used as a tool of control?
One of the first things the patriarchs did was provide free chastity devices for every female, complete with GPS tracking and a black box record. Hydrophobic lining materials repel sweat, while valves in the waistband allow the inside to be flushed with water so the high tech belts do not need to be removed. If extra cleaning is required, it may be provided under medical supervision.
Women can have their belts removed when they come of age, but this makes them legally ineligible for marriage or for any of the more prestigious female careers such as nursing. Girls who want a good life must therefore endure the frustration, proving they are willing to sacrifice for the patriarchy.
Marriage licenses are only granted after all keys and access codes have been changed and relinquished to the groom. Married women are therefore unable to remove their belts without the approval of their husbands (or doctors in the case of medical emergency). It is a crime for a married woman to be in public unbelted, or for a man to allow his wife to do this.
At a bordello the belts are controlled by the madam, who makes the girls save their appetites for clients. The madam's belt is in turn controlled by the pimp, reinforcing their bond as she gives up her body to his ownership. An excessively frustrated madam won't do her job well of course, so they are generally tended regularly.
Captured feminists and dissidents are confined for life in a heavy chastity belt. Welded shut, no release ever.
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>Big Strong Girl has to learn how to be a housewife
Literally the premise of Level 1 Housewife by Askeryna: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/level-1-housewife/list?title_no=330772
Thinking about it, there's an interesting inversion:
>Spartiae is born from a middle class harem
>She's taller and stronger than all of her sisters and even her brothers
>Mother (all-natural) was violently attacked and decided that her next daughter must be a spartiae so she can be strong enough to defend herself
>Father is privately a feminist so he reluctantly allows his wife to get the pre-birth modifications for their unborn child
>Spartiae is taught that violence is bad but she is allowed to defend herself
>encouraged to take up a peaceful profession and eventually becomes a nurse
>always fantasizes about fighting but never admits it to others
>One day a visitor tries to kill a patient but the Spartiae is able to overpower the would-be-killer
>most fun she's ever had, gets upset that her parents would deny her purpose
>Quits her job and gets a new one working at a prison infirmary

Various women's sports leagues provide both entertainment to men and a productive outlet for women inclined towards physical activity. The top two most watched are low-gravity polo and run-n-gun triathlons. Each sport is separated into Spartiae, post-birth modded, unmodded, and pregnant leagues. The pregnancy divisions are really chaotic because women from all the other leagues can compete with and against each other.
The reason why I browse these threads, thank you king
>Chastity Pasties
>For Female races modified to always lactate, like Hucows and other Beastgirls, there is always the risk of overfilling and leaking.
>To avoid such embarassments, girls are made to wear chastity pasties, right about the same time they are belted.
>Made with artificial second skin, they fix the nipples into an inverted position, and fuse themselves.
>Removing it becomes as impossible as removing your own skin, and even if the girl can still play with her own boobs and get some sensation, she will not orgasm, nor lactate.
>Forcing the breast to retain more liquid forces it to grow, and the nipples retain their inverted position, so they do not enlarge unslighly.
>More elaborate models can simulate a "sucking" sensation, so the Hucow can feel her milk being drunk, but have no milk coming out, and therefore no relief.
>This quickly induces a "Minotaur" personality reversal on them, so it is advised to only use it on a safe, and secured individual.
>Once, a Hucow Heavy Gunner wearing Chastity Pasties and Belt , following behind a Spartiae Squad on a Jungle scenario, tripped and fell into a river, and floated downstream.
>Her belt and pasties detected her veering course, and began to suck and vibrate , to have her return to the job, but she was unable to.
>The squad took weeks to finish their mission, trek back to the poor Hucow´s last position, and then begin to search just where the currents landed her.
>Once they did, they found her as a new, savage, hissing and screaming Predator.
>Many Spartiae were piledrived, suplexed, and choking hold slammed into the mud to drag her back to base.
>Once they restrained her and relieved her of extra fluids, the consistency and taste was that of sweetened, condensed milk.
>Many innocent Hucows suffered a sudden halt on their normal milkings, and went temporarily mad with lust when their masters read about the incident in the news.
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>women that try to disguise themselves as men
Casual sex has found it's way into many aspects of daily life.
Going to a drinking means the cute barmaids offering complementary handjobs(full on sex you got to pay).
A desperate public use slut might be humping your leg, no reason to turn her down, etc.
There's very few laws against public nudity/sex, so a woman trying to hide it would have many chances to be exposed.

>Whats the general populations attitude to handsome women?
I'd imagine it'd be widely accepted by patriarchal society as simply another fetish.
IE see tomboys and muscle girls, if there's a market for these type of slave then breeders and trainers will fill it.
Even staunch traditionalists just pass it off as keeping your women fit and healthy being for the benefit of their sexual/motherly duties.

>establish a permanent state of emergency
>round up anyone you don't like under suspicion of treason
Could take that up to 11 if said group of "potential" terrorist are women, IE feminists, abolitionists, etc.
Cybernetics/genetic modification would make the case even stronger that enslaving women is for their own good.
Cant have this technology be misused!

>upset that her parents would deny her purpose
That whole aspect that women in the patriarchy are Genetically programed for their roles is interesting.
Even if feminists some how stole some slaves their genetic programing means life with freedom is terrible for them.
Their gene-type quirks set them up for failure without a master and quickly end up finding their way back home where they belong.
>What is the main use for women in your setting
They are for sexual relief, but also to bear children. They are also a status symbol.
>How to make a perfect bitch?
Rough sex is the main method, though many will use denial and degredation. Making a former "free" woman into an dog or object tends to break most fast. A few will cheat and get collars with enchantments on them that prevent women from talking back and that slowly corrupt their mind with subtle commands and give pleasure when praised.
>Are all women enslaved?
No, they start out under their father. If, for some reason, the father is dead. She is "free", which means that anyone can defeat her and they will become her new owner. This is a magic contract. This magic prevents incest from creating problems. There are currently 100 women that are "free" and are highly sought after. All of them are part of a hidden village. They attack and kill males to free more women and increase their numbers, hoping to one day find a way to lift the magic contract that binds them to men after a defeat.
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I wish Asanagi would lean more into the gleefull slut style as opposed to his muh mAsOcHiStIc pigs style
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The value that enthusiasm from your sluts brings really can't be overstated. You might need to be rough with them every now again to keep them in line... but why do damage to your own property? (Lady, Fallen Maid, pg. 13, tame by Asanagi's standards)
>>11106815 continued
>Does your setting support polygamy or is it strictly monogamous?
A man can only have one wife, but there are also plenty of whores to service everyone. It is tolerated, so long as you don't spend too much time/money on them to the detriment of your family. A pimp cannot marry, but will usually have something like a monogamous relationship with his brothel madam if only to keep her motivated.
The quality of prostitution has improved, since only the horniest sluts are recruited for it. Most establishments now offer a group discount, since the workers actually want to get gang banged more than anything. It's not uncommon for young men to do this as a bonding experience with their colleagues.
Then of course there are women deemed unsuitable for marriage. They will have to work for a living, often as assistants to men, and their urges eventually get the better of them. Most secretaries get bent over a desk several times a day now, and again this is tolerated so long as you don't neglect your wife.
Realism is best. I try not to write anything internally inconsistent or unfeasible, and find it annoying when other people do.
I won't bore everyone with all the anthropological details on a hentai board, but the modern state is optimised for controlling land and people at a specific order of magnitude. Global scale cooperation would require a governance model more advanced than empire. Even then it could probably only happen at a higher technology level, so cyberpunk settings would be better for this.
>idle hedonism
Historically patriarchies have produced the opposite. Men tend to invest more in the future of their families when they have full control of women. It's probably one of the core social technologies that transformed simple war bands into the first city states.
DNA testing for all official documents. Also people would be a lot more comfortable with nudity, since so many recreational spaces are segregated.
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>>11108502 continued
Headpats and cuddles, just like a strong dog.
Also chastity belts and highly selective sexual attention. A nice pat on the rear for a good girl, a kiss for a girl who did her chores, some breast massage for a girl who followed instructions - all while she is unable to masturbate. With consistent conditioning she will become spontaneously aroused by serving you, as that's the only time she gets any stimulation.
Now at this point you might be tempted to unlock her, but this would be a mistake. Instead you allow her to suck your cock as an occasional reward for especially good behaviour. Take it slowly though - at first just a lick, then a quick suck of the tip, then the whole shaft and so on. Make her earn each gradual step as a badge of honour. By the time you are deepthroating her she will be your willing slave.
Then, and only then, can she be unlocked. Even so, she must be chained to prevent any naughty self-touching, deliberate or accidental. All her future orgasms must come only from you. From time to time you must test her with opportunities to cum (keys left unattended, leave the room during shower time, etc) while keeping her under secret surveillance. If she takes the opportunity she goes back to square one.
When she can resist the urge unattended the training is complete. Then and only then is she truly yours.
You're welcome :)
If you'll indulge me, let's assume everything goes as planned: what should society start to look like in the near future? 20, 50, 100 years, the exact time frame doesn't matter too much; what are some changes and developments that the patriarchy has well and truly taken root?
No retard. It occurred even to /c/... wtf are you on about
You're a week late: >>11100557
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>value that enthusiasm from your sluts brings really can't be overstated
>but why do damage to your own property?
Comes down the the purpose of female enslavement.
Patriarchy thread has a rather unique take on it where it isn't just using women as expendable sex toys.
Main focus is the far more terrified goal of using women for breeding so that slavery or sexual exploitation can continue as a societal normal.

Liking this green text, thanks Anon
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You all know Mormonism is real right?
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yeah but I like caffeine
I’m a little disappointed “Valkyrie” are just winged hyper sluts instead of a higher grade Spartiae variants, like some high end commander unit.
Though I guess such units can exist, maybe naming convection can be Athena related to contrast the lunkhead muscle mattress their Spartiae sisters are.
Not enough prostitution and procreation.
Having your wife (or wives) pumping out true born sons and daughters is perfectly fine.
Just need some whores to make sure there's a steady supply of women to keep the slave markets stocked.

Prohibition of drugs also means non can be used to alter minds or behaviors of women.
So no MK ultra type slave brain washing.

>some high end commander unit
>naming convection can be Athena related to contrast the lunkhead muscle mattress their Spartiae sisters are.
Could be an aspect of meritocracy to it where it isn't just women being born n bred for these roles(though that certainly happens)
Spartiae that show promise as leaders are singled out by their male officers and given extensive implants.
Brain implants being the most important boosting their intelligence but also giving men more extensive control of these women.
Lest they get any funny ideas about abusing their position of power.
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yeah, but I don't want to participate in tax evasion

>feminists unable to rewrite genetic programming of slave women
I really loved that one story (a couple threads back) where it's notes from a therapist who is working with a rescued hucow. I'd love to see how that therapist would deal with the other archetypes. I'm thinking a pack of genecopies having to overcome separation anxiety would be good. Or a gyndroid who keeps giving everyone admin controls over her body and mind.
>Even if feminists some how stole some slaves their genetic programing means life with freedom is terrible for them.
>Their gene-type quirks set them up for failure without a master and quickly end up finding their way back home where they belong.

It would be nice if there was some kind of brat archetype that only knows corrective abuse or making other females lives miserable with sadistic mean girl tactics.
If not a full type atleast some programing protocol for situations were they get captured by feminist forces.
>deal with the other archetypes
Kind of a related topic, but maybe the behavior of these freed slaves brings out the "worst" in the staff working at this rehab center/asylum.
Spartiae without a handler becomes aggressive towards staff often starting fights with the men.
They try everything to get her to comply but her stubbornness starts angering male staff eventually leading to them crossing the line of "sexually abusing her".
Yet gang rape and rough sex seems to calm her down till eventually she's sleeping around with the guards.

>gyndroid who keeps giving everyone admin controls
Being too willing to comply also is a danger to men not used to dealing with slaves, they begin realizing that they can get away with molesting her.
Till the perversion escalates to full on sex, in other words by trying to handle these women they start to behave more like slave masters.
rather then trying to get these gene-type women to be independent, they start using them as outlets for perversion that a feminist society denies them.

>brat archetype that only knows corrective abuse or making other females lives miserable
There are Gene-types that are bred for leadership/middle management roles.
I'd imagine these women are extremely manipulative, without a man holding her leash protocols kick in as she sets to work against her captors.
Turning men against women, playing off personal rivalries, etc. Collapse an abolitionist cell from the inside.
It often ends up with men enslaving their female comrades and becoming slave masters them selves.
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"Yeah man I was the supervising male during the mad cow incident. Her name was Collette, she was already a bit psycho before she fell in that river."
>The man twists the cap off a beer bottle. His exposed arms are covered with honorary tattoos.
"See, most cows have a strong sense of empathy so they'll hesitate when they have a target in their sight. But they are perfectly happy to use in-direct fire weapons to protect their adopted herd. And it's not mentally challenging for the war-heifers, they just have to aim where the targeting system tells them."
>He pauses. You scan the tats and it seems he's fought against egalitarian dominion security militias a couple dozen times. No other enemies...
"Collette was the exception to that stereotype. That's why we called her 'Cully' because she claimed she wanted to cull the enemy herd. Apparently she had grown up feral in San Algo, that devastated megacity. Competition for fresh vegetation, water, and mates was brutal, two minotauresses would duke it out for their milk herd, and the dead would be used for fertilizer. Grim stuff."
>You check the name of the city. A group of nihilistic feminists, allegedly controlled by a hive-king, set off a nuke on San Algo's orbital cable
"When the rescue and repair fleet finally arrived, most cows were overjoyed at their future in a dairy farm. Not Cully, she says she saw this one minotauress who had always bullied her get gunned down by a pacification officer. That's what made her want to be owned by the military... and become a heavy gunner instead of a mortar hauler."
>He's been gulping from his bottle every other sentence. It's empty and he gestures to the barmaid, the genecopy of an infamous hacker, for another. It looks like he's going to keep talking... possibly forever...
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"The militia we were fighting were bioconservatives. Hated the way we modify ourselves and our women. They had EDSM kit so they could fight back, avoid orbital bombardment. What they didn't have was a way to spare their own children from a hereditary wasting disease caused by their own world. When the intel-boys found out about that, they got awfully excited!"
>He chuckles and looks over at you, realizes who his audience is...
"I'm getting to it! Be patient! So in the military we train cows like her to stop moving and get down whenever their chastity pasties start suckling. And we use the little shocker in their chastity belt to tell them to get up and start running towards the nearest Spartiae or man. Use both too often and that can cause a sweet little milky-moo to bulk up into a butch minotauress. Common misconception that either the belt or the pasties causes it, totally understandable but totally wrong."
>He sees the expression on your face, puts down the bottle
"Right so... Hormonal biosurveying showed Cully was on the edge of transforming. It was up to me whether she would be deployed with squad Iota on a mission. They were to make contact with biocon defectors who were willing to give up intel in exchange for a cure to the wasting. I figured the cowgirls itchy trigger finger would be useful if the deal went bad. I was thinking about those reports that said shootouts are less hormonally stimulating than fist fights. And I was thinking that if nothing went wrong, then Cully'd be sitting around bored which would let her endocrine system slide in a more peaceful direction. So I approved her assignment and watched with a recon drone as her and the squad set off."
>He pick ups the bottle to take another draught, then holds it out as he sighs and says
"What I wasn't thinking about was how ramshackle that fucking bridge was. Spartiae had no trouble crossing it, being light on their feet. Poor Cully, even stripped of her chaingun, was too heavy..."
>22 matches

If your not a fan of that whole sci-fi setting I'm happy to get some help with building out the lewd D&D setting from >>11101762 and >>11100800
Just seems like that had some potential but died on the vine.
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"The boards under her broke, she fell through, one of the squad girls grabbed her wrist. But then their combined weight threatened to collapse the whole structure. Pam, their squad leader, ordered the cow be dropped into the stream. So she was. I couldn't do much, just watch the whole thing happen..."
>He trails off for second, watches as the barmaid gets pulled onto a fuck-table and spit-roasted by patrons who paid for the service.
"That jungle region was drowning in electronic interference caused by the Biocons jammers. I had to decide if my drone would follow the squad or Cully, I couldn't do both. Classic inverted trolley problem, I chose to help the group complete the mission over the survival of the fat lactating psycho."
>He looks over at you defensively
"Hey I didn't completely abandon her! I uploaded a topographical map to her headset so at least she'd be able to work out where she would wash up. And I set her chastity belt to only shock her every 8 hours. Both her stomachs were calibrated for digesting the jungle flora. She had a machete and a side arm strapped to her thick-as-hell-thighs. And she certainly did survive."
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I have been tolerant of you and your kind for far too long, and given you the mercy of a light touch.
But now, I realize my mistake.
The Elf posts, and the whole enchilada are coming back.
I will flood Patriarchy with Knife Ears, and there is not a damn thing your whines can do about it!
Recently I've been reading this story called "A Parallel World With a 1:39 Male to Female Ratio". It's not very good, it's a simple twitter moodflip comic, but it's given me something to chew on.

Story is exactly what it says on the box; it's a parallel world where - due to natural birth rates - men only make up 1/40th of the population. We follow a guy named Sou who gets mindswapped with the version of himself from that universe. Highjinks ensue.
I'm bringing it up because on the outset it seems like a matriarchy. A majority of politics, media, the workforce, etc. caters to and is operated by women; but men basically get free run of society. Men aren't expected to work, they have insane levels of social and legal protection compared to women, and there is no position in society a man can't sleep his way into.
The comic also has an alternate non-cannon porn version where it basically just devolves into a free-use society. Protag-kun sleeps with his biological mother and sisters on multiple occasions and he commits at least one instance of what we would define as sexual assault and just gets away with it.
I have no idea what to call this. An incidental patriarchy? A covert patriarchy? Is it even a patriarchy at all?

A lot of our settings focus on giving women gilded cages - women don't work, men work - women's primary jobs are just to be obedient, fuck, and breed; and any work they do on top of that is just incidental. And I feel like matriarchal settings (rest in peace matriarchy thread, we should've beefed more while you were still here) often toggle the division of labor from the same perspective; men work, women relax.

I'm curious what you guy's thoughts are on a sort of matriarchal patriarchy; women work, men relax.
Or is the idea of men surrendering that much control, even if it's for the sake of their own gratification, just not on brand?
I mean certainly wouldn't say no to that life/setting, but yeah it feels fundamentally different. It's not really about "who has it well" and "who gets what they want" in the end, because ideally everyone's enjoying the arrangement in their own way. It does come down to who's making the decisions, who is claiming the dominant role, who has the power.
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>Raincoat Corp Internal Archive: Video Department
> "Tea Time" Season 30, Episode 11 "A Princess Strikes"
>The true last episode of a Pre-Patriarchy show, legendary for how quickly it was taken off the air, and the internet.
>Parts of it were able to remain public, mainly in the form of gifs, memes, and short videos, but the Matriarchal Government at the time attempted to scour it from any record.
>This copy came to us from a rare, male "cameraperson" working on set, who secreted the copy away in the chaos, and then bartered the video to us in exchange for very valuable merchandise when the oportunity arose.
>When the Transmission ended, He managed to keep filming.
>The episode begins normally, with plenty of meaningless Girl Talk, so let´s cut at minute 15.
>*Soft Jazz Music with striking Piano Notes that keep the Audience from falling asleep.*
>Three Aging Women sit at a long table, and the camera focuses on them after a commercial break.
>"And for Today´s Teacup Topic: Men are Scummy!"
>"So Scummy!"
>The two feminists pretend drink from their cups, unfazed, while the third, a massive and fat individual shouts. It is acommon scene.
>"Since no Women want to be with them, they have resorted to looking for Mail Brides!"
>*Sounds of cake being scarfed down*
>A screen lights up behind the talkers, and several social media messages appear.
>Messages like "My Elf arrived at the Mail, Goodbye Society!", and "My superior Girlbossed at me today too, but my Elf made me Dinner, so I don´t care!" flash on the screen.
>"They are just getting pathetic at this point."
>"Glad to know there are less of them now, and more of us!"
>"To discuss more about this phenomenon to us, we had to reach out to the other side..."
>A chorus of well indoctrinated boos and hollers introduce themselves, before silenced with a chuckle from the table.
>"...Inmigration Advocate, Gianna Verdant!"
>A new Guest appears. She is tall and slim, taller than most.
>Dressed Conservatively in what could be interpreted as a Habit, her attributes are too impressive to contain.
>The rest of the table appears intimidated by her appearance, before giving a poker face, as she approaches.
>As she sits, a light metallic *thunk* is registered by the audio, but everybody is distracted by her figure at that moment.
>"This one is grateful to be here, and Iluminate."
>Her voice is clear, and graceful, a ray of light, descending on a dank cave with beasts.
>The Main Host recomposes herself.
>"S-so.. Gianna, talk to us about the Mail Brides! Isnt it unfair that Men are bringing foreign Women to be their partners? Where are all these Women coming from, anyways?"
>"It has all come to pass according to your rules. You decided that your borders would be wide open, because it benefited you, and The Corporation has played by your decision. The quantity of Women is no surprise, either. When an Elf has lots of Love to give..."
>"Please don´t tell me you subscribe to those weird rumors of "Elves" being a thing."
>"Elves are certainly a thing. You are looking at one."
>The guest takes off her headpiece. Two very large ears are revealed, and wiggle.
>The table is thrown as the second host gasps. The transmission is cut here, but the "Cameraperson" who would own this recording kept filming.
>The obese individual launches herself at the guest.
>"Be Blessed"
>Producing a needle, the Elf slashes the obese woman´s face, and then slaps her. She tumbles right at the front of the camera, and what happens to her remains in view throughout the rest of the recording.
>The second host, a rainbow colored feminist, grabs the Elf´s ear, while the first host remains motionless, like a deer looking at headlights. The Elf Moans.
>"A wise attack. You will have redemption."
>The rainbow colored feminist´s hand sizzles, and she flinches away. She is also turning.
>The fat woman´s form begins to melt and give heat as she rolls in the ground, and masturbates.
>"Listen to a secret before the end."
>Gianna approaches the fitst host, an old lady, who once was rebellious on her young years. She sobs and leas for mercy, now.
>Security, all female have been attempting to stop the chaos, but "dark elves" on the audience, and falling from the ceiling lights, keep them at bay.
>"The Corporation scanned the brains of a Woman before and after conversion, and they found significant differences."
>The Elf grabs the Old Hag´s head.
>"Memories, Speech and gesture patterns remain, and the girl herself may claim to be the same, but the individual is a completely different person after the change."
>The fat one has started to slim down from fingering herself too much. Her ears are larger now, but floppy and fleshy, and they droop down under their own weight as she grunts and squeals.
>"You will fade in a last orgasm and the one that comes after you will be an innocent new soul."
>The rainbow colored one stands up, dazed and confused from cumming so much. She has long ears now, and is guided away by two brown skinned girls.
>"Be glad, because there is going to be less of you soon, and more of us."
>The recording was traded at a later date for one Gianna Verdant, and its previous owner became an old school entertainment producer after the chaos subsided, and a new order established itself.
>This recording also marks the end of Raincoat Corp´s hold of the Elf Pasmid, as many individuals in cover positions saw the Princess Elf uncover herself, and imitated her, attacking and turning other women indiscrimiately.
>Gianna´s first pregnancy resulted in triplets, a joyous occassion, and she has become so unusually fertile that she rarely feels the kiss of the belt these days.
I am going to to do you what other kids did to me back in elementary school, Repeat a triggering word over and over again and cause an autistic melt-down:
Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae SpratiaeSpratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae SpratiaeSpratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae SpratiaeSpratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae SpratiaeSpratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae SpratiaeSpratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae SpratiaeSpratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae SpratiaeSpratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae SpratiaeSpratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae SpratiaeSpratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae Spratiae
As I got older I realized that sometimes social interactions were a game for people. And sometimes the goal was to make the other cry or get upset. But as long as I stayed calm, and even give the opposite of the expected reaction, I would win. This all happened pre-internet times before we even had the term "trolling"
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>Archetypes are defined by their pre-birth physiological modifications
For instance elves are known for looking like they are 20 years old for centuries
>These traits dictate their behavior:
While happy to spend time with guys who can match them physically, Elven girls will seek older men whom they can be nostalgic with. This is due to extraordinary forethought by Raincoat Corp geneticists who wanted men to be tended by beautiful women who could understand his life experiences.
>There is no defining physiological feature of a brat
>She is defined by her bad attitude and her scrappy attire
>Therefore brattiness is actually a Female Philosophical Fashion
These are philosophies practised by women of one or all archetypes, approved by men, and tied into specific attire. In the last completed thread I outlined Sacred Anonymity. Women who practice it conceal their identity but not their bodies so that men may slake their thirsts without ruinous emotional attachment or societal condemnation.
>I will explain what I think the principles of the bratty fpf is, in my next post
>admitted troll floods the patriarchy thread with off-topic posts on purpose
>openly doing this for years to no consequence
No wonder these threads are so dead, what even triggers this kind of autism?
Maybe help the thread out with some new ideas?
Last thread had some interesting ideas with the whole post apocalypse theme maybe keep building on that?
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>The FPF of the Brat
A man who has never known true defiance can easily mistake an innocent error by one of his slave-wives as an egregiously disrespectful act. Therefore the woman who takes on the role of Brat must give her Daddy (and all other men, women, and children who are able to witness her) a more rational perspective. She does this by simply acting awful, while signaling that she is putting on a performance. She will bite, bitch at, and bully men, while she's dressed not like a dowdy feminist but like a seemingly normal adult female of the IPE. This helps keeps her from getting into actual trouble with authorities...
>About this post's attached picture
It's part of a coming-of-age tradition. As a son gets closer to the age that he must leave his father's house, the father will hire a number of brats to bully his son, which serves a number of purposes. First is that it makes the young man more willing to leave, escape the torment. Second, it will expose if he has submissive tendencies which he can rehabilitated for. Third, see the above paragraph.
I'm not the guy you responded to but I am one of the guys who helped a lot with the post-apocalypse setting and I meant to bring it back up in this thread but the mods shitting up the website killed my flow.
Lol, my bad.

I figured there's only a couple of real directions we can start writing towards at the moment, as the raider's social structure seems like it's pretty much done being constructed.

We could start working on some of the fine details: Give them a fixed location to occupy and maybe start elaborating on some of the details of their home. (someone mentioned offhandedly in the last thread how good and obedient whores get their own mattress in the men's barracks and I want to see that idea followed up upon). Give them more concrete social roles and elaborate on what "a day in the life" of said social role looks like (i.e. broodmother, slave, slavetender, raider, etc.). And maybe start elaborating more on some of the cultural practices they undergo. (How is a new man initiated into the gang? How is a new woman initiated? How is a slave broken? How does the gang celebrate a successful raid? How is a man who commits a crime punished? How is a woman who commits a crime punished? Etc.)

We could add a little more to the world itself: maybe world-build some cool drugs, weapons/armor, flora, fauna, mutations, augmentations, or tech for our little raiders to play around with. Maybe figure out what kind of apocalypse we want to have (nuclear, zombies, bioweapon, aliens, robots, etc.), and how it affects the world and its people.

Or we could start working on another faction to give the little raiders something to fight, negotiate, and trade with. The world feels a little empty when it's just the raiders and the pissant villages they dunk on. Also, because the raider's main patriarchal tenants seem to be free use and whoring, and I wanted to give people who enjoy other forms of patriarchy some space in the setting.
Just some inklings of ideas for potential factions we could work on in this thread:

A Vault-Dweller analogue faction.
Unlike the raiders whose stance on sex and reproduction is very much "anything goes" the Vaulters are hardcore eugenicists.
>"When the overseer calls upon you for breeding duty you will heed and obey. Doesn't matter if it's your husband or wife or not. Hell, even if it was your own brother or sister. You must follow the overseer's designs always, for the overseer only wants what's best for you and for the vault."
>"It is only though our vault that we are shielded from the evil and filth of the outside world; and it is only through our loyalty and sacrifice that our vault persists. There will disloyalty and there will be no doubt. If you do not want to fulfil your duty to your home and your people through your own will, we will make you do so through ours."
>"The overseer protects."
Maybe if you want to add abhumans to the setting, or any other body modification that wouldn't normally be possible due to the setting's level of technology, you can do so through the vaulter faction.

An Enclave analogue faction.
Unlike the raiders, who are pretty socially progressive by our standards (if you don't count the murder) having a pretty "all hands welcome" + "Women can do whatever" mindset. The Enclavers are tradcath uber-racists. They're the remnants of some old-world political faction and may be obsessed with either A. bringing back the "old world" (if they glorify the past) or B. wiping away the "corruption" of the "old world" and rebuilding this new world in their ideology's vision. (If they demonize the past)

I like the idea of a sort of faction (or several) that's kind of BOS + Gunners. That is, a sort of newer paramilitary/mercenary group that's operating at a slightly higher level of tech/organization.
(2/FUCK. I need to go get a sandwich.)
(3/Got a sandwich)
As much as I like that we gave the raiders longevity through their breeding and matriarchal bonding I am a bit remised that there's no "there is no tomorrow, there is only the value we can extract from the world today" type faction. A faction where no-one's expected to be a lifelong member, and they're only staying in for as long as it takes to gain their own individual fortune. A faction of all rolling members and no native-borns. When they raid a town they don't take any of the women with them, they just rape them for their own pleasure and then leave them there in the dirt. The women they do keep are communal morale-support barracks bunnies, who are hopped up on so many drugs that they don't even know where they are.
A faction of actual psychotic reavers.
And then maybe we can restructure the raiders we already have into more of a pseudo-tribal culture. They still kidnap and enslave and rape and stuff, but there's more of an internal sense of honor to their actions. ("If you rape her you're gonna bring her home with you." "If a villager throws aside his gun and draws his knife you're obliged to do the same and engage him honorably. Don't just shoot him like a bitch.")

Lastly, maybe we could add in some sort of religious cult. So the guys here who like holy whores have something they can work with. Maybe a Unity/Children of Atom type deal where their religion revolves around doing something that's dangerous and/or stupid - with a sexual twist.
Maybe they worship robots or drugs or mutation or they have some kind of weird relationship with the fucked-up flora or fauna of the world. Whatever gives them an excuse to do weird fuckshit and have crazy sex. Plus, since they're a religion, they can be used to augment an existing faction's culture in the places where they appear.

(3/just need to add an addendum)
>A Vault-Dweller analogue faction.
>Vaulters are hardcore eugenicists.
Really like this starting point, a close off vault is bound to develop it's own strange a lewd culture.
Old social norms about marriage, incest and other sexual morals are done away with for the sake of eugenics.
Only thing that remains is a man and his breeding harem.

Another note is vaults like this have access to technology and for lewd purposes birth control and contraceptives.
Could use that technology to create extreme gender ratio imbalance like >>11110396
Few patriarchs and their harems being norm in this society.

>little raiders something to fight, negotiate, and trade with.
Rough idea/concept but women being used as currency or items of trade fits perfectly with ideals of women as property.
Vault sells off it's excess of women in exchange for recovered lost tech, resources ,etc.
A woman who fails eugenics tests of the vault is still an Grade A bitch for outsiders.
These aren't my completed blueprints for factions though, these are just ideas I'm trying to float by on themes I think would fit well into the setting. Ideally they'll be combined together along with ideas from other anons to form the actual basic skeletons of factions.

>(Vaulters + Fanatics) A faction of vaulter eugenicist religious fanatics who have built a church around worshiping their overseer (might be a robot or a brain in a jar or something) and their gene/body-modding technology.

>(Enclave + Mercs) A technologically advanced paramilitary/mercenary group descendant from a surviving faction of old-world political extremists (so they're big on military culture and the traditional "chaste" religions) who are trying to slowly build their strength back up.

>(Vaulters + Mercs) A shadowy group of undergrounders who, every once in a while, send out expeditions of genetically + cybernetically modified super-soldiers to scavenge for advanced technology and to capture "genetically pure" women to bring back home with them. If you have some incredibly rare technology that they want, or a particular abundance of healthy, unmarred, breedable women; they may be willing to send out send out a death-squad to erase one of your enemies, if it means you'd be willing to part with them.

>(Vaulters + Enclave) The descendants of the politicians and 1%ers that managed to flee to their survival shelters when shit hit the wall. Now they live happy, carefree, gullible and hedonistic lives isolated from the outside world, where every single one of their creature needs are provided for. They're a perfect little bubble of preserved americana culture, just waiting to be cracked open and exploited by the first group to stumble upon them.

Just a few examples I've come up with. Still needs work but you get the Idea. Just fucking mix and match ideas until we get something we want to elaborate on.
As a transformation fetishist I love this. I like the idea of the fat one turning into one of the thicker sub-varieties of elves.
I'm thinking this could take place when the IPE hadn't gone off world yet and was called the InterContinental Patriarchy Coalition or ICPC or something. Women are being turned voluntarily into All-Naturals with improved health and fitness... or they are being involuntary turned into elegant but submissive Elves, as you have described.
I would say that Plasmids became strictly regulated in the future. It's one of the top products that the colors syndicate sells to transgender individuals.
It's rule 63 Saturn
Elegance and sluttiness all in one package. I like it.
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Chris Yukine was captured by guerilla forces in South America. She spends the next four years being a cum dumpster 24/7 and hasn't been allowed to wear any clothes since she was captured.
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She's conditioned into being a cock-crazed slut that enjoys her new life as a sex slave being passed around from man to man.
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She's then rented out a scientist who uses her as a guinea pig for his breeding experiments.
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And now her modified womb can carry and deliver a fully-grown adult male.
>Women used as human fleshlights and being bred like cattle

I hope that's misogynistic enough for OP.
>(Vaulters + Mercs) A shadowy group of undergrounders who, every once in a while, send out expeditions
Really like this concept too, the main thing they value besides technology is women.
As slave women are the main of payment they accept, taking this concept further instead of caps being a commodity currency backed by water.
It's instead backed by the slave trade/breeding operations really objectifying women as property/pets

>body-modding technology
>"genetically pure", healthy, unmarred, breedable women
On that note maybe there's a kind of caste system based on eugenics.
Women who don't meet breeding standards have their wombs sterilized and are implant with cybernetics something like>>11105125
They then serve their masters during expeditions and other missions.

>with a sexual twist
Another lewd twist for the Vaulters is a /d/ take on what they use technology for.
It's not just the preservation but actively using it to oppress women or otherwise to help them in the sexist life roles they're given.
A high quality breeding slave could be given Womb/ovaries implants as a reward for passing eugenics tests.
Or if a newly acquired woman is too much trouble to train the old fashioned way then brain/behavioral implants are used.
Tis acceptab-
>deliver a fully-grown human male
/d/amn that kinda freaky
This is a nice start. I’d recommend giving a peek at gamma world, its the post apocalypse trpg predecessor to wasteland and fallout.
I can’t list off factions off the top of my head but they have stuff like mutations, pure strain humans, sapient plants and animals, pre calamity super ais and cults around them.
I want to make Piggy Orcs, but I don´t know what use they would have. Maybe their skin is thicker, so they can be slapped and roughoused more?
Maybe they have the orgasm duration of a pig, so they keep on cumming for 30 min when they get there?
Elves need to have big tiddies on all fantasy. Unles they are Ellinalise lever perverts.
High elf not to scale there, that or elves are unnecessarily tall

Its pretty blatant that raincoat was umbrella parody, but damn didn’t expect BOW transformation. Whats stopping an out break of unwanted transformations and can things get worse and spawn some nightmare waifu abominations

>I want to make Piggy Orcs, but I don´t know what use they would have.
Bit too dark but you can always use them for meat like that russian slave manager game.
Another use is something closer to what pigs were used in real life, that being waste disposal. Ie. Living toilets.
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>Raincoat Corp Presents: Brandy´s Kitchen Corner!
>With a Surprise guest for today´s recipe: Yrsa!
>A blushing Valkyrie smiles for the camera, as her wings twitch in the background.
>Behind her, a white marble kitchen stood as luxuriously as ever, except for one countertop, which trembled slightly.
>"H... hello there! I´m Yrsa! and We´ll be cooking a favourite of my old squad of Black Ops Furies... Before we were all captured and tamed..."
>The Valkyrie´s wings did not sway as usual, or flutter as when she was anxious, but were stiff and tense, twitching unwillingly.
>She had not been touched for a while, and had witnessed what happened on this kitchen before the cameras started rolling for the show.
>"Hilda, Olga, Edda, can you see me, in my moment of Glory? I´ll be baking C... Cream stuffed... Pound cake for H... hubby! W... with lots of Glaze!"
>Her face cannot decide if it wants to be embarassed or aroused, as she lays out the pans and pots.
>"And since Brandy had to be... Punished... for knocking out a whole set of baking glass measuring cups oof the counter with her dumb jugs, this recipe is perfect, because it only needs one!"
>The counter shakes, and muffled whimpers are caught by the audio.
>"Oh! >That reminds me! I´ll need... Milk. Everybody, say Hi to Brandy today!"
>Yrsa opens up a counter, to reveal a pilloried, readheaded Hucow, blindfolded and gagged.
>Her jugs swing freely, perfectly sealed with Pasties.
>"She was going to be milked at the end of the show last week, before the accident, but she´s been like this for two weeks now. I wonder how rich and delicious it will be now."
>Brandy began to shake against her restraints harder and faster, when she sensed the counter was open.
>"Unfortunately, She´s still whimpering, and Master wants her raging, so I´ll teach you today a way of getting some milk without giving relief..."
>Yrsa carefully took off the pastie. The nipple, which was normally trained to stay inverted, bulged and engorged...
Want to flesh out their eugenics/caste system society a bit more taking inspiration from >>11111626
Middle ground for women between breeding slaves and combat dolls are the nymphs.
They haven't passed all eugenic standards but are deemed worthy of only producing daughters.
A controlled injection of mutagens gives them this non-inheritable trait.
With the happy side effects of increased libido.
Further gene/drug treatments allow nymphs to carry and deliver a fully-grown adult females
Should the need arise for increased production of slaves.

>worshiping their overseer (might be a robot or a brain in a jar or something)
Unsurprisingly with the vault's population skews with way more women then men it's natural for women to be used for menial work, assistants ,etc.
Since the education of women is frowned on nymphs working in certain fields are given a helpful uplink brain implant.
Their minds are linked to the central database allowing them to work technical jobs but under strict monitoring.
This means they can easily be turned back into air headed whores simply by banning their access to the network.
>>11108708 continued
>Year 000
Feminist society, misogynist youth. A billion female teachers, single mothers and girlbosses have convinced the young that equality is just an excuse for adults to treat them badly. Female authority figures struggle to do their jobs as teens do not trust them. Male feminists are associated with creepy sexual behaviour and girls do not trust them. Co-ed schools struggle to get girls to lead group projects, as they are much more comfortable being assistants to the boys - that's how their social groups work outside of class after all. The few who cling to their parent's values are social outcasts.
>Year 020
The misogynist youth are now adults. Equality is associated with old people and boring seminars. Anti-discrimination laws are now difficult to enforce as most of the young workforce are against them. They will soon frighten their elders even more by voting for a new wave of patriarchal populist candidates who want to invert these laws completely.
Young women reduce their working hours in record numbers as they don't see any need for a career once they are married. The resulting labour shortage drives up wages, allowing even more women to work even fewer hours until almost no married woman is employed at all. Older women hanging on to their management positions are resented as a barrier to men's promotion prospects.
The typical married man leaves his wife a list of chores to do each day, then sets off to work. He works hard and does overtime if possible, because he loves to spoil his wife (but thinks nothing of spanking her if needed). He treats female coworkers as temporary assistants who will soon move on when they can find a husband. Then he returns home and bends his wife over the kitchen table (for either sex or a spanking, depending on whether dinner is burned). This is the new normal.
>Brandy knew what was about to happen. She frantically shaked her head, but was unable to prevent it.
>"This is how you induced a Minotaur state back at the Sorority..."
>She bleu air at the exposed nipple, and then began to tap it, and caress it with one finger only. On her other hand, she prepared a glass.
>The whimpers and sobs from the Hucow became screams and growls, but Yrsa kept poking and petting with one finger.
>The nipple began to drip thick, yellow, concentrated liquid.
>Recognizing her cue, Yrsa took her finger away.
>The nipple did not squirt, but just flowed a small trickle, just enough to raise the level of milk on it.
>"Now, focus that camera on this. We are going to do it again..."
>The counter tattled even more fiercely, but there was no escape.
>"Ahh, I can almost remember my time as a Fury..."
>The glass kept on filling slowly
>"If only I was not wearing this blasted belt on..."
>Brandy was slumped on her pillory now, still frustrated, but to tired to scream. The glass was completely full. and Yrsa raised her head from the counter.
>"What do you mean we are tunning out of time!? Uh... Uuuh... Dont worry! See, we baked one beforehand, look!"
>Yrsa tried to take the cake baked beforehand for closeups from the oven, but at that moment, Brandy grabbed fast at her wing, and she tripped, with the cake on her hands.
>And join us next week for Brandy´s kichen corner!
>Next week we will be making: Angelcakes!
>>11113342 continued
>Year 040
The misogynist adults are now middle aged. Only old people still believe in equality. It is common knowledge that female brains are deficient in decision making capacity. Everyone knows women are self-destructive when they try to run their own lives, and become destructive tyrants when given authority over others. Feminism is a superstitious folklore, debunked by modern behavioural science and only believed by elderly people who don't know better. The young housewives of the post-feminist baby boom are now coming to the end of their breeding years (but their men still pump them full of seed daily just to remind them they are still beautiful).
Their children will be raised much more appropriately than they were, since enlightened patriarchs run all the institutions now. A new segregated curriculum is developed which not only teaches appropriate skills but also reinforces norms through every activity. For example, in a joint outing the boys will be encouraged to make plans, discuss potential setbacks and solve problems. The girls will be encouraged to find ways they can be helpful assistants.
>Year 060
The last of the feminists are gone. Equality is only taught in history classes as an example of backward practices. Female independence is diagnosed as a disorder and treated with reconditioning techniques.
Rape is very rare, since most women wear chastity belts now. Girls are required to wear them and they get so used to it that it just feels normal now. Marital rape is no longer illegal, but most men are gentle and most women wouldn't dream of saying no to their husbands so it's rarely a problem.
All governments of the civilised world agree that the horrors of the 20th century must never be allowed to return. Anyone who tries to bring back equality is an enemy of the state and humanity in general.
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>>11113365 continued
>Year 080
Gender equality has completely passed from living memory. The last generation to remember a feminist world have passed. Everyone now alive was raised by a doting patriarch and a misogynist mother.
Just as everyone thinks the journey is over, the burgeoning fields of biotech and cybernetics offer new extremes. It is now possible to identify genes that have a significant impact on human character, as well as how sexually dimorphic the gene expression is. Implants can also be used to regulate hormone levels and brain chemistry.
Parents and medical authorities use these technologies to improve health and longevity. They also use them to widen the gap between the sexes, ensuring males will be born with high levels of prosocial aggression while females will be very docile and contented. Independent female desires are gradually bred out of the species, producing women who live to please.
Physical traits are also altered. Every woman will soon have birthing hips, impossibly perky breasts and a tight muscular pussy. The height difference will increase, making the average man over a foot taller than the average woman. Women will be strongly inclined to monogamy, imprinting on a partner and seeking to please him. Once imprinted, she will have very high libido and desire him constantly (but be too shy to express it, relying on him to initiate instead).
>Year 100
Gender equality is now physically impossible. The transhuman revolution has left the species too dimorphic for it to ever work again. A bright future lies ahead as genetically enhanced men with 400 IQ develop space travel and explore the universe, always remembering to give encouraging headpats to their pet assistants along the way.
>Gender equality is now physically impossible.

Thank you anon, may good fortune and supple wenches come to you.
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Alright I got this idea, not necessarily a good one. It would lead to a sexist apocalypse like yours so maybe it would work, perhaps as its' own setting. Here are my barely coherent thoughts:
>Misogynistic Eldritch Horror Monsters: The Falling Farmers
>Each one spawns from a wormhole 500 feet above every human every 23 hours. They seem to be cultivating the human for consumption but that is debatable.
>Glides down from the portal and attacks with butcher blades
A farmer goes after the human they spawned above first and then goes after any other human it can afterwards.
>They can be killed with one hit from a brick to the right spot
The issue is a matter of logistics. The farmers are easy to wipe out but their population keeps rebounding after extinction.
>Men can see them but women cannot unless they get within touching distance
This results in men being better fighters against the farmers than women
>Pregnant women repel them, the more births a woman has had, the further repelled they are
Typically, a middle aged woman who has had three kids has the same repulsion strength as a woman currently pregnant with a single fetus. A woman pregnant with triplets or more creates a safe zone that miles in radius. The farmers will lurk outside these zones waiting for the zone to shrink, and will rush in when that happens
>Women that have miscarriages or abortions can start to see them at longer ranges.
In doing so, the woman loses her protection from the farmers. Liberal communities mandate that if a woman wants to join the anti-farmer force that she gets impregnated repeatedly and have early term abortions.
>First victims
Isolated mono-gendered human groups like in military outposts and religious monasteries. Victims were stripped of flesh with blades with only the bones left.
>New societies are highly militarized and misogynistic
>Women's freedom of movement and and bodily autonomy are strictly regulated for the safety of their communities.
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I'll give my thoughts in a second, but this actually gave me an idea.
The idea being that we absolutely should make the apocalypse more alien/extradimensional in nature. Sort of like what Cataclysm: Dark Days ahead does. The reasons being:
1. Cataclysm does an "everything and kitchen sink" style approach to the apocalypse. If we decide to structure our apocalypse similarly: rather than trying to come up with one big threat that the entire setting is structured around and instead creating several smaller threats. Using the explanation that it was all of them working in tandem that destroyed the world. That'll give more anons more freedom to inject ideas for monsters and other things they like into the setting.
2. If the apocalypse is more alien/extradimensional in origin it'll help smooth over the dissonance from a lot of the "porn logic" that the setting's eventually going to build up; since anything that doesn't make sense or seems like it was written from a "fetish first, logic second" standpoint can be explained away by saying that it was caused intentionally by a sapient force, or that its origins are from a world or dimension that does not adhere to our understandings of reality.
>Hey why is there a virus that turns women into fat, lactating, hucows who then try to force-feed other women their milk to also turn them into hucows? How does that make sense from a viral evolutionarily or survival standpoint?
>Aliens, lol.
3. Right now, with the skeleton of the raider faction already having been built, and now we're building the vaulters next; our setting is very very heavily inspired by Fallout. I was fully expecting everyone to just unanimously agree that the apocalypse was nuclear in nature, but nobody seems to have brought anything up yet. By mixing a bit of Cataclysm into the formula it'll help us break away from writing a setting that's just "Fallout: but it's porn". We've already got enough fallout porn in the world at the moment.
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As for the idea itself:
1. The "women can't see the monsters" + "pregnant women repel them" + "women who get abortions can see them" makes it sound like you have too many ideas you want implemented all at once and they're butting heads and creating a monster with too many rules to be effective.
I would change "abortions give women the ability to see the monsters" to "abortions repel the monsters" and then I would pick one trait and discard the other two.
>Women can't see the monsters
>Pregnancies repel the monsters
>Abortions repel the monsters.
I think picking only one of these themes to go with will give you a stronger setting than if you tried to run all three at once. Maybe give the other two traits their own monsters.

2. As for its compatibility with the apocalypse setting, I don't think it'll fit too well in its current state. These monsters seem like they're designed to create a very specific post-apocalyptic society and I *think* we're going for the broader approach right now. I think if we implemented that now we'd have to go back and rewrite a little bit of shit for the raiders, and we'd need to re-figure-out what the vaulters are doing. These monsters very much feel like they need their own setting.

Not to say that I don't like the basic concept of "Eldrich Horrors who pop down from portals". It'll fit well if we take the setting in a more alien-apocalypse direction. But there's too many bells and whistles attached to them for them to be in a setting that isn't dedicated to them.
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Sorry about not responding to you. I'm lazy. I let the setting die once, I very well could let it die twice.

>use that technology to create extreme gender ratio
co-opting what >>11111671 and >>11113280 said
>Women who don't meet breeding standards have their wombs sterilized and are implant with cybernetics
>Middle ground for women between breeding slaves and combat dolls are the nymphs.
>They haven't passed all eugenic standards but are deemed worthy of only producing daughters.
Maybe vaulters follow a general pattern of "Men are built for quality, women are built for quantity." So every vaulter man gets a harem because for every 1 man there's like 10 women. In fact, maybe that's what the eugenics tests are for. Firstly, to see if a woman can birth healthy children. (Earns them the rank of nymph.) Then, to see if they're capable of birthing smart, strong, and capable sons. (Earns them the rank of full breeder.) Maybe the women have some kind of internalized caste system of Full-Breeder>Nymph>Sterile-Whore. Maybe this system is exacerbated by the men who give the most pampering and favoritism to the full-breeders.

>women being used as currency or items of trade fits perfectly with ideals of women as property
I agree with the "items of trade" thing. In a technology regressed post-apocalyptic society the perception of women absolutely would regress as well to a more "antiquated" form of thinking: that being women as a resource/commodity/property. I wouldn't go so far as a currency, though. You can't divide a woman into sub-units the way you would a dollar or a loaf of bread, and I don't think a woman's market value would've decreased far enough to make them viable as a common currency. Especially because it's a post-apocalyptic setting, scarcity is an important theme. The men may berate the women for being dumb, useless whores but the truth is a young, healthy woman at prime breeding age would have the market value of a car.
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>eugenics tests are for. Firstly, to see if a woman can birth healthy children
>see if they're capable of birthing smart, strong, and capable sons
Could also add in a practical testing side to it.
First level testing for nymphs does have genetic profiling but also it tests women if they're physically fit & healthy.
Similar idea for final testing for full-breeders except now it's IQ tests and problem/logic solving tests.
It's this lewd idea that Vaulters still have training/"education" for women, but it's entirely focused on preparing them for lives as Nymphs and full-breeders.

>system is exacerbated by the men who give the most pampering and favoritism to the full-breeders
For breeders they're the closest women can get to old world concepts like marriage.
So it becomes the life goal and dream for women, they aren't think of stupid things like leading society.
They want to be kept pampered along with masters other breeders, giving him many sons & daughters.

>internalized caste system of Full-Breeder>Nymph>Sterile-Whore
Treatment of Nymphs might be closer to beloved pet, as they still play a critical role in keeping the female numbers high in the vault.
Maybe as another sign of their caste, Nymphs aren't given last names nor are their daughters.
The privilege of having master's deep love as a person is something they need to earn.

>>Women can't see the monsters
That point easily fits as just another threat of the wastelands, less Eldrich Horror as it's just another mutant threat
Easy justification for Truly extreme controls over women, IE raiders keep them confined to breeding centers/brothels and keep them under armed guard.
Vaulters just never let women set foot outside, unless they're to be sold.
Women always have some men escorting them, etc.
>"items of trade" thing... "antiquated" form of thinking: that being women as a resource/commodity/property
>truth is a young, healthy woman at prime breeding age would have the market value of a car
More on the lewd/sexist society aspect of the setting, women fully embracing this is the perfect /d/egenerate cherry on top.
Women born into patriarchies or captured/brain washed by them have bought into it.
The best way for a woman to "earn" a good life in the post-apocalype is to open her legs!
Be it as a whore, breeder, wife, etc. their bodies and fertility is the one thing a woman knows she can rely on to get by...
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>There is no defining physiological feature of a brat
I would have imagined brat physique would been the short stack/womanlet build. Women who’s height caps out at standing blowjob or tit fuck. Granted thats not all of it. But its big indicator of their type.
Another word for them would be imp, goblin, or gremlin. the word for them in japanese is mesu gaki, mesu is the livestock term for female. And gaki, while it translated brat often, comes from the little fat bellied goblins that annoy the shit out of lost souls in one of the buddhist hells.
Its only a start but I really think throw pillow shorties have the making of a full fledged archetype.

As an aside can anyone give me the quick run down on Orchidae.
Those really do seem like the internalized misogny anti feminist counter units I was looking for, But on the on set they just look like seisou student council sluts.
Cute, nice to get a bit of a peak into Normal life in the patriarchy.
Seeing all the creative ways they put slave women to use!
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I just like the idea of bratty cows, superwomen, and robogirls. If there is an exclusive brat archetype then that limits character varieties which is why it's a fashion philosophy that any woman can adopt.
If you continue to insist they can be genetically engineered, then I will concede and declare shortstack-brats are subvarieties of the All-Natural archetype. I haven't described them in great detail so we could squeeze them in as one of hundreds of minor phenotype...

What if the creatures that had an aversion to pregnant women were actually combat robots that survived the apocalypse war?
The robots have lost connection to their commanders so they are falling back on their basic programming of don't kill pregnant women and children... or they could've received one last system update titled "human extinction prevention plan" which instructs them to ensure that humans are able to breed. The programming does not prioritize female autonomy as much as their security and quality of human genetics. Thus some robots have organized fighting tournaments for men. Who ever wins can breed with the well guarded healthy women.
The pillory assembly is on wheels, so it can be dragged from place to place.
Brandy's head and wrists are secured in the pillory.
Her breasts and sore, erect nipples droop down.
A small coffee table is on the pillory assembly, with an empty glass.
>Yrsa is escorted off stage after the show ends
>Brandy screams as much as she can with a gag in her mouth, and tries to shake free from the restraints
>A man puts clothes pins on her nipples, stopping any leakage
>Brandy shudders
>The hucow gets no relief, she is still very pent up
>The hucow struggles against the restraints and moans
>The man drags the pillory along with him, behind a black curtain, off stage
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I’ll concede on my end. While I do like a whole marketable type to be stacked shorties with a psychological predisposition geared for corrective rape bait, its a really big imposition to push for new arch type. Most of the information I have is from the googledoc and those imperial patriarchy stories. So didn’t know about all-naturals or that hucows can be upgraded into muscly minotauress. Still haven’t gone though all the previous threads so there is stuff I’m out of the loop on.
Don’t know what is established hard canon to brain storm ideas for.
>instructs them to ensure that humans are able to breed
>does not prioritize female autonomy
The whole idea of care taker type robots going rouge in a post apocalypse setting could have some interesting implications.
A breeding program like that would have a far more industrial/cold treatment of women.
They're not given names but are simply tattooed with numbers and barcodes, they have to earn a name by being good slaves.
Treatment of women here is far closer to chattel slavery then other societies and even if the AI/robots eventually fall into disrepair the mark on this society remains.

>fighting tournaments for men.
>Who ever wins can breed with the well guarded healthy women.
That's how things start in the beginning, original male population are recruited from the outside, along with the women who the robots force into slavery.
Once the bots are phased out it creates a Xenophobic society, outside men are not allowed to join.
After all the men born into the tribe are descended from those who past the tests.
Treatment of outside women is the opposite, men see it as their right to sexually dominate all women.
So it's very rapey in how they treat any women they capture...
this shit is hot as fuck. the little details make it and i fucking love all of it OP if you drew this don't stop
The hound sounds great to me. Someone you can trust to go out and do whatever but who will still come back to you at the end of the day with captured sluts in tow.
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"Where was I? Oh yeah, right, the deal with the defecting biocons. We gave them a cure to their wasting disease and a steady supply of well trained slaves. In exchange they gave us the location of their commanding officers and the codes to their e-defense grid. Combined, this turned into a ceasefire and eventual admission into the Empire."
>The storyteller has downed another bottle and is digging into some greasy cheese fries. His combat augmentations are keeping him alert even as his BAC must be in the double digits...
"Took weeks to finalize that deal. When it was finally done and the grid was down, we could finally scan for Cully's gear. Gotta weak return signal that was stationary and scattered. Apparently she had shattered her headset, ripped off her chastity belt, but could NOT get her pasties off. That was pretty impressive for both her and the engineers who designed her control rig..."
>He finishes off the fries, wipes his hands on a napkin
"I chose the retrieval squad based on their experience with hucows, and their expendability. Soooo yeah, all-natural and spartiae women with some low-grade men. Airdropped them near Cully's gear and had them search for a trail of vegetation that's been stripped clean of green..."
The Y chromosome is an incomplete X chromosome and women will always be more important than men
Hearing people talk about classes of women like Spartiates and hucows made me imagine a

Imagine there's a gym fielding Spartiates as sparring partners so men can go there to beat them up without consequence (since damaging another man's property is breaking the law). The gym trainers emphasize that their only worth is their skills and their bodies, building up a sense of pride so their clientele can satisfy themselves by breaking it.

The star of this tale is a young, athletic Spartiate gets more and more frustrated over time as she realizes that despite all the practice she puts in and the care she takes of her body, she can't beat any of the men she meets, who overpower her with sheer brute force. She's legitimately proud of what she's accomplished but it's invalidated by how it means nothing compared to what a man can do. Eventually she meets an older guy who looks like a pushover, but he floors her with superior strength and skill. Her will shatters and she breaks down in tears about how nothing she does means anything, and he bends down to gently stroke her face. He praises her for taking good care of herself while pointing out that strength for its own purpose is meaningless; only strength in service to a man gives fulfilment.

In that moment, it all clicks for her, and she begs to be allowed to be his personal training partner, or slave if he'll have it. Since he likes her looks, he decides to buy her out to join the rest of his household harem.

Yeah it sounded better in my head, but I've gotten it out of my system now.
OP here, I didn't create the sequence, this guy did: https://x.com/ZombieBreast/status/1825551569942921436 and I'm warning you that his other works feature a lot of snuff/dismemberment...

>Whats stopping an outbreak of unwanted transformations?
You can't just inject yourself or another person with plasmids and transform. The serums have be tailored which requires samples of the subjects DNA and a lot of high quality lab equipment. Injections of non-tailored plasmids only cause mild temporary transformations and a lot of discomfort. Like aphrodisiacs, plasmids became less useful for the conversion of women, as the ICPC replaced them with All-Naturals, Elves, and the later archetypes.

This feels like in-universe propaganda targeting young women of that archetype. Hence the reason why these perfectly fit fighting women are getting their asses handed to them by seemingly weak men. But the core concept of the Interstellar Patriarchal Empire is misogynistic transhumanism. So it's possible that the gym caters to men who have combat augmentations (who could also be retired and trying to maintain their edge) that are illegal for women to possess. Since Spartiae are the only type of women who can go against a fully-augged man and survive, they are the ones who get recruited. And that's because this archetype is originally meant to be a first strike/responder who can distract a threat until "The Real Men" arrives.

A subconscious programming script activates in any Gyndroid who enters post-pubescence. It's a compulsion to sell herself to organizations or men that could potentially own her. A female of this type can be an ardent feminist and believe in woman's autonomy but once she sights an eligible owner, she'll start slowly compromising. This programming is deeply rooted in her neural architecture, being one of the first things installed in her when she's just a blob of embryonic flesh and barely coherent nanites.
I'm worldbuilding a sci-fi world where humanity had a massive galactic empire and then it collapsed a thousand years ago, nearly taking humans with it except for an offshoot possibly genetically engineered all-female subspecies. They also live in a galaxy with tons of alien species that have a natural sex ratio heavily biased towards males with female aliens being rare and having long gestation times.
The primary use for the human subspecies is either breeding, sex work, or general media.
On some planets they're one of several slave species, on others they live "normal" lives as housewives to a group of aliens whose main purpose is to birth and raise children and mind the house. On others they live alone or in groups and sell their services to the highest bidder.
They can technically do whatever they want, but nearly all of them wind up heavily dependent on the whims and resources of male aliens.
>Info about All-Naturals, and by extension GeneCopies:
The hucow, spartiae, and elf archetypes are the product of genetic coding split in half across both x chromosomes. If the two halves of the code don't match each other, the woman will be an All-Natural. She'll have traits vaguely resembling those of the three archetypes mentioned earlier, but nothing extraordinary. If her mother was an elf, she'll age a bit more gracefully; a spartiae, she'll be a little bit more fit; and if a hucow squeezed her out, then she'll be a bit plump. That being said, A-Ns can come in a wide variety of shapes, colors, and sizes but never too skinny or too fat. The average A-N is healthier than non-imperial women with few mental and physical issues.
>The core concept of the all-natural is that she is naturally birthed by, and can give birth to, the other archetypes
>Everything else is open to your own invention
>forethought by Raincoat Corp geneticists
Neat aspect of these setting is that normal women can be forcefully transformed >>11111021
I Assume that applies to some other types of genetically engineered women as well?
Sounds like a fun way to torment/scare outside women that resist, if they aren't captured(or surrender) and put into normal training.
Then they risk being turned into one of the many slave breeds the empire has created.

>conceal their identity but not their bodies
>without ruinous emotional attachment or societal condemnation.
Wondering what other philosophies/weird cultures might exist in these setting.
Some planets might discourage prostitution/public use slaves instead focusing on massive privately owned harems.
Others go the complete opposite and there's a strange form of monogamous marriage, with the twist being unmarried women are shared use slaves.

>subconscious programming script activates in any Gyndroid who enters post-pubescence
>installed in her when she's just a blob of embryonic flesh
Kind of a side note, but I'm think some more Authoritarian planets could do this kind of thing as standard practice for all women.
If it's just a small nanite inject(it's not genetic) it limits any unintended spread.
So it's used liberally even extends to any women that are imported to the planet.
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>Badger FemCity Overnight Care Ward
>Social Worker (Police were all defunded and turned into Social Workers) Vera Julius used her airhorn too much (Guns and Tasers are too violent and therefore banned) and came down with a splitting headache, so she was sent to the Femedical Hospital to sleep and process her feelings.
>Since no Nurse came to talk to her, she stood up from the bed, and went to look for her belongings, exiting the patient room.
>Not a single soul apart from her walked the halls. This was not unusual, since Raincoat FEMPUTERS did most of the job in a Hospital.
>Vera began to think that, thanks to the FEMPUTERS, Badger City could keep on running itself, even if there was nobody living there, when she finally found someone else.
>It was a Janitor, one of the very few jobs Men could still work on Badger City, but this one was clearly a girl.
>Wearing clothes much too big and bulky for her frame, she scrubbed the floors mindlessly, and her gait was twitchy and unsteady, as if she was learning to walk with high heels all over again.
>She had a dirty beanie over her head, and earphones blasting Bob Marley at top volume.
>Vera doubted whether to reach out to her, but Male or Female, she was still a Janitor, and Janitors were yucky, so she left her alone.
>Finally she found her belongings, but her beloved phone didnt turn on, and she had left the charging cable at home. She could have sworn the phone had a full charge when she entered the hospital, but she paid no mind to it.
>Her air horn was still ok, so she figured out all she needed to do was blow it at the first decent looking passerby she saw, and demand a charging cable as reparations for sexism.
>It would be more difficult than that, she realized, once she exited the deserted hospital.
>The streets were in chaos, like the aftermath of a Male Riot, and a Female Traffic Jam, but still, not a soul on the streets.
>Or so it seemed, until she was tackled to the ground.
>"What do you think you are doing!" Her attacker hissed in a strong whisper. "Drop that Airhorn, or we will all be..."
>"Violence against a Social Worker!" Vera growled. "Give me your charging cable and a venti frappuchino as a fine!"
>"Still looking for a charging cable? Are you slow? All the city´s phones are off. Anyways, come with me. Walking in the middle of the street just marks you as easy prey."
>Vera was dragged to a looted out 7-11, where several other women sat with nothing to do but eat a slowly thawing tub of ice cream from the freezer.
>One of them had already eaten a healthy amount of three tubs, and had covered herself with a hoodie on a corner.
>"Why are you all huddling around like disgruntled incels?" Vera asked "The phones may be off, but you still can go find a Man, and nag his ear off to start cleaning this mess."
>"Did you disappear yesterday, or what?" The girls answered her. "There are no more Men outside. After this week´s Tea Time show, the Long eared Women came out, and started attecking! If one kisses you, you become another one of them! And then, they began bowing to Men! Every single one of them is probably just sitting on a sofa, drinking a beer, getting his cock sucked by a Knife ear, and waiting the Apocalypse out!"
>"Long ears? That´s impossible. I ought to report you all for an unlawful gathering. The sorority was established to root out all aggression and violence, and this City has been clean of Toxic Masculinity for..."
>"Not... Aggression..." The girl with a hoodie squirmed, while she littered the floor with another empty tub.
>And then she tore away the hoodie.
>"This is Unending Lust!"
>She had the Long ears, and she was charging at them.
>Vera blasted her Air horn at her, and she flinched, still unfamiliar with her new range of hearing.
>"You idiot! Now the whole City knows we are here! Run!"
>The group escaped the 7-11, locking the door, but it was too late.
> The streets were filled with laughter.
great premise anon, I would love to read it.
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Uphill from Badger FemCity, there is a less cosmopolitan but very queer community, simply called Fort Rainbow. Unlike badger's dominant female caste, it's residents were more tolerant of masculinity and militancy.Thus they had things like armored dykes fighting with swords in tournaments and fembois with guns at firing ranges. The leaders of the mountain town knew that the ICPC and Raincoat Corp were up to some fuckshit, so they'd prepared some contingency plans.
When the mass elven outbreak occurred, they were ready. They barricaded the only highway to the Fort with cargo containers and scrap metal tank traps at a geographical chokepoint. That stopped the first panicked wave of infected in cars, who were rounded up and put into quarantine. Through careful tests, the new long-ears were discovered to have greatly enhanced senses. These poor women had also acquired a deep need, bordering on spiritual, to submit to men, which could override their lust for converting others.
These test results were used to develop a strategy against later arriving elven women who walked and bicycled. The fortress defenders installed motion activated loud speakers that would blast recordings of men saying "Turn back and serve your future master." This worked surprisingly well on most of the infected women who would never again disobey any man. Those few infected who persisted were scared off with simple fireworks. Those in quarantine were released at the barricades sent back to Badger City

>What happened to Fort Rainbow?
>Bad Ending
The residents had their water supply contaminated with nanite-plasmid-mutagenics and were turned into heterosexual stereotypes.
>"Good" Ending
The mountain town became a self-sufficient prison colony used by the Patriarchy. Exposed feminists and queers could either face transformation into a more compliant form or be exiled to Fort Rainbow.
>which one would you prefer?
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>Horny elf zombies
Interesting idea,
Having the only "free" region become a prison camp would be a good twist, a gilded cage where women can be safe from infection, but be kept under watch.
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>Title card: Where do Genecopies come from?
>Line below that: A basic education video for teenage boys
>Black screen. A masculine, roguish, and intelligent voice speaks
"Genecopies, we've all seen them around"
>Fade in on an idyllic scene of women playing beach volleyball. Various slo-mo shots at different angles reveal that all the women on one team, despite having different tans and hair stylings, all look the same. Slide cut to a similar woman carrying a tray of food in a bunny girl uniform in a busy restaurant.
"After receiving basic sex-ed, you might think that they come from the same place as other women, and even men. That's not entirely accurate…"
>A patron slaps the waitress’s butt and everyone laughs.
>Slide cut again to a group of the same woman standing at attention wearing basic enforcer gear, as their CO and his spartiae-wife review deployment orders on a data-board.
“The production of Gee Cees is a three step process. Each one taking place in a different location: A myrmadonia preserve, a female enhancement institute, and then finally a women's opportunity office.”
>Corresponding chart with icons and arrows is overlaid across the screen
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>Zoom in on the icon for step 1
>Icon fades away, reveals rows upon rows of heavily bound women in open roof holding cells. The camera focuses on one of the cells. Its occupant is a statuesque blonde with roughly cut shoulder length hair and pale skin. Her limbs are strapped down to various points on a heavy metallic rack. Tubes of various sizes have been inserted into all of her orifices.
“At a myrmadonia preservation facility, the most hated enemies of the empire are kept sedated and sexually stimulated. The near constant sexual arousal ensures that these not-women are constantly releasing ‘sacked zygotes’ which can be extracted with basic nanotech. Hundreds of sacks are collected into freezing containers and transported to the next step.”
>image of myrmadonia blurs out and is replaced with simple graphics depicting the above process. Container of sacks arrives at the structure resembling the icon for step 2.
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>Exterior establishing shot of a beautiful brutalist science center. It appears isolated in the middle of woodlands, armed guards patrol its perimeter. A cargo-copter lands on the building's air pad and workers carry freezer boxes inside.
“Female enhancement institutes are where plasmids are prepped for use on, obviously, female subjects. As you may already know, plasmids are a crucial component of post-birth modifications for that gender. This biological technology is also key to production of Gee-Cees.”
>Jump cut to workers delicately placing the sacks in rows of molded containers. Each sack is about the size of a man’s palm.
“The sacks are injected with plasmids which ensure the embryo inside will turn into an All-Natual instead of another Myrmadonia. They are then placed in a special solution bath which keeps them intact while undergoing genetic recombination.”
>Footage shows that it’s just like any other industrial process with inputs and outputs
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to go off on a tangent: The DNA used in the overwriting process could be derived from any archetype. Legally, it has to be an All-Natural woman, as excessive production of more specialized females could lead to societal destabilization.”
>Profile pictures of different All-Natural women scroll across the screen.
“Which woman’s DNA is selected is based on a few factors. Primarily, which dormant archetype codes she is carrying and whether that fits the projected long term needs of the empire.”
>Line of profiles shrinks to make room for a timeline below. Marked at certain points are events like “Colony Ship Launches. Need: Elves” and “Dominion Invasion Fleet Arrives in the Oort Cloud. Need: Spartiae.”
“Less important factors are the amount of fame or infamy that the subject has acquired within the empire.”
>One profile picture is highlighted and enlarged, covering half the screen. The other half of the screen is split in half with the top side showing the subject performing an energetic love song on a stage. The bottom quarter shows her name is Lizz Han, she’s carrying the codes for elf and spartiae, and a spinning 3d model of her double helix.
“Once selected, the subjects material is collected and stored at the nearest institute.”
>Everything but the helix fades out, as it splits apart into copies that cover the screen. Fade transition to the sacked zygotes in the pool, clearly implying that Lizz’s DNA is in each one.
“That’s why certain women are chosen. Let’s get back to the important stuff…”
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“Production has been straightforward... up until the plasmids have completely re-written the zygotes. Now, half the sacks are placed back into frozen storage while the other half are put in spawning vats.”
>Relevant footage is shown.Each vat contains tens of kiloliters of fluids and is connected by pipes to all kinds of large mechanisms.
“These vats are filled with a slurry of nanites, growth hormones, and nutrients. Here, the zygotes grow quickly over weeks into biologically functional adults. At the same time, advanced nanotechnology imprints basic motor and linguistic skills into their neurology.”
>Time lapse growth sequence. It ends with workers in hazmat diving suits lifting multiple Lizz Hans out of a vat. Once out of the broth, these women are barely standing upright while shivering, nude, and wet. These women huddle together as they are herded towards a worker who puts basic clothing on them. Then the women are herded again, this time on-board an underground train car, which is also being loaded with freezing containers.
“The GeneCopies, in both sacked and adult forms, are then sent off to the third and final stage…”
>Card drop: Women’s Opportunity Office
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>Medical malpractice & infecting women unknowingly
Could be used to rather disturbing effect if that sort of thing can be delayed/controlled.
Like maybe the transformation stays dormant until critical mass, unknowingly spreading in the female population.
"escaped" slaves are allowed to carry the infection posing as refugees and infecting women with plasmids?

>"free" region become a prison camp would be a good twist, a gilded cage
Darker side of it could be using a restricted area like that as a zoo/"wild reserve" kind of deal as they're always monitored and recorded.
Women are free yes but they don't have many of the luxuries slavery provides.
So they can be used as a Scared straight type tool to keep slaves inline.
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>Camera pulls back from the card text to reveal it is the lettering on a building that is next to a store. A Lizz Han copy is standing by the front entrance, wearing simple gray eyeliner, black 3 inch high heels, and a sparkly silver leotard. She’s robotically twirling a sign with her originators name and the number of genecopies available on it. Men and women walk past her.
“As you may already know, Women’s Opportunity Offices provide a variety of services to women and even men. We’ll focus on just the ones that are relevant. At the office clinic, a woman can have a genecopy sack implanted in her womb. The sack should fuse with her uterine wall and grow into a healthy embryo. Upon birth, the new mother is rewarded with a RealMoney sum, one of the few ways she can legally acquire it. These girls are wombborn and unlike their vatgrown sisters, they get to grow up like every other little girl in the empire.”
>About five different family photos flicker onto screen. Each one has the same little girl but her family is different in each one.They all seem to be lower class and wearing their best outfits for the occasion. The five photos are replaced with newer ones. The GCs are now teenager and their families are older as well. The quality of their formal wear has definitely improved.
“As for the vatspawned, they can be purchased cheaply by any young man, like yourself, who can visit the opportunity office. These artificially produced women are great companions to try things privately and are completely loyal to their masters. Unlike their womb-born sisters…”
>A pair of moons rise into frame and the camera tilts downwards from them. It’s night time on a beach where teenagers are partying around a bonfire. Passing through the chaos, the camera stop in front of a Lizz Han clone wearing nothing but a pair of sandals, a sports bra, and some panties. She’s on her knees fellatioing a partier.
“So that’s the basics on Genecopies!"
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>zoo/"wild reserve"
Probably a bit of both, on one hand it's a place where women could stay and not be at risk of turning, on the other hand they are surrounded by patriarchy and literally can't leave their little hideout without potentially becoming a mindless slave.
Gives a place for men who want "real" women to find them, but of course with the power imbalance threat that ensures they more or less have to obey.

>transformation stays dormant until critical mass
I like that as a sort of weapon for a larger, more advanced patriarchal force. Something that can be leaked into a free region and let to gestate before activating right before an invasion.

Are womb born Genecopies just clone lookalikes for their original? Like they have their own memories and personality?
That's kinda interesting, what kind of roles do these women fill? Simply being lookalikes?
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>men who want "real" women
Could be that there's an entire market for this "wild woman" type fetish.
Some masters might be more insidious with how they train these women grooming them, Stockholm syndrome, etc.
Others take the more brutal/simple approach with just rape and physical punishments.
With the enjoyment coming from corrupting or breaking the will of resistant women(the journey not the destination).
There's the legal supply of women from zoo/reserves and a black market of women nabbed from out side the empire.

>gestate before activating right before an invasion
Another Devilish part to that is taking advantage of the fact that free women are likely to let their guard down with "escaped" slaves.
Just one example of taking advantage of women's natural instincts!

>clone lookalikes for their original? Like they have their own memories and personality?
For Vatgrown slaves they might have specialty orders for pre programed personalities but the default could be a Kuudere type.
Store bought they are blank slates that allow their masters to mold them to their wishes.
And to the point about fame/infamy >>11123139 of the women who are cloned...
It's rather amusing that in this sexist society a slave woman's greatest dream to make a "mark on history" is being the "Mother" of a new line of clones.
Any anons still up for this new /d/ fallout type setting?
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No GCs have the memories of the original subject but they all look like her. The original subject will be the oldest, the VatSpawned are younger, and the WombBorn are youngest. This is because it takes a while for the bureaucracy to authorize DNA usage for institutes. Thus a woman who earned the honor of replication in her 20s or 30s will be a decade older when her production line starts. In some cases the original is already dead of old age and her GCs are living memorials commissioned by her husband-master

>The roles fulfilled by GCs
>Pad out the female population to manipulate sexual tensions in men's favor
As long as women outnumber men, polygamy will always be a practical necessity. And there is no need to reduce the male population to prevent competition for mates. Women become sexually frustrated while men can be as slutty as they want.
>Weaken the bargaining power of All-Naturals (and all other women)
Generalists are more useful more of the time than specialists. A-Ns can be adapted for a wide variety of roles, and outnumber the more specialized archetypes 2:1. Put it all together and that's an uprising waiting to happen. Fortunately, anything an A-N (or any other archetype) won't do, a GC will.
>Cannon Fodder
If there is some kind of event with a high casualty rate that needs a lot people, GCs are the first ones conscripted. Not men, and not any other kind of woman needs to sacrificed.

There is a stereotype that all WBGCs have mommy issues, and for good reason. Women who need the guaranteed income provided by being the surrogate may not care much about their new daughters. After all, they don't look like them or share their instincts. Furthermore, there might not be any men in the surrogate mothers life... Absent Father + Careless Mother... This causes a psychological dependency for approval from an older person in WBGCs. This dependency can then be easily exploited by the Empire and is thus encouraged.
>Here's what I was thinking:
For some reason, just before the apocalypse war, a group of female business executives (and their assistants) were sealed inside of a bomb shelter. The shelter's automated system started dehumanizing the women with the goal of turning them into obedient breeders. But the women resist and hold out hope that someone will come and rescue them, unaware that outside society is about to end. As the nukes start falling, a group of amoral mercenaries, working for the same corporation as the executives, decide to go rogue. In doing so, they learn about the shelter and fight their way to it. Once inside, they ally with the AI and help it finally mind-break the business women.
>This is the foundation story for one of the post-apocalyptic factions.
Adding a few ideas to that:

>automated system started dehumanizing the women with the goal of turning them into obedient breeders
Before any of the men arrive the vault simply relied on forcing women into smart shock collars and hypno-visors.
No tracking chips found on her neck, then no access to food or faculties.
Once that's done AI uses cameras and other systems to force them into lewd self humiliation.
Women's Quarters are also left without any forms of entertainment besides sex toys and porn, so relieving boredom is used as a way to break them.
This sort of thing just continues till a male overseer overrides the system, the first generation of slave women must be harshly put in their place.

>ally with the AI and help it finally mind-break the business women.
leaping forward a bit in the time line.
Women of the vault are specifically kept uneducated, given only the basic skills needed for breeding and motherhood.
The smart collars is rebranded from a tool of oppression to a "mommy" AI, if a slave every needs info or help with tasks she can always ask the AI.
Of course behind the scenes it's used as a tool to thought police women all of this under the direct control of the overseer.
There's a lot of potential ground with the automated enforcement system. The shelter itself holds its residents prisoner, so they're helpless but to comply with the initial request - they must put on control collars in order to have food.
The women decide to band together in order to try to preserve their feminist ideals. The automated system doesn't stop them from talking, of course, even as it starts taking control over the women's lives further.
Once the men arrive, of course, the system is quickly able to determine an effective course of action.
The system decides that access to sex is an effective way to control women. Masturbation is banned, as is lesbianism, as these women are intended as breeders. Their food is pumped full of aphrodisiacs. The one reward given to women is access to men, and misbehaving results in those women having to watch other women have what they can't.
This brings individual women closer and closer to cracking - the constant humiliation and denial making submission more and more appealing.
>>11113383 continued
It is also mentally impossible, as the female brain has been so altered as to have no desire for autonomy. Even if the changes could be physically reversed they wouldn't want it. Every time a new cyberpunk brain hack or body mod is invented they just want to use it to become better pets. Men also want to spoil their women like pet dogs, so the feelings are mutual.
>access to sex is an effective way to control women
>Their food is pumped full of aphrodisiacs. The one reward given to women is access to men...
Could take this a step further for the women that are really troublesome.
Have them locked away in solitary confinement with a 24/7 video feed of public mating areas.
Only way for them to earn their way out is to fuck the guards during visitation time.

>constant humiliation and denial making submission more and more appealing
Adding to that is "dress codes" for women, (pic related) naked with leash and collar being the standard, lewd outfits are a bonus but not required.
Along side that are new social norms like kneeling beside master, Dogeza, Addressing men with honorifics, etc.
Really drive home the point that women are to be treated as breeding bitches/pets.

>women are intended as breeders
Pulling ideas from other parts of the setting, pregnancy and being an obedient slave is how women "climb the social ladder".
With better slaves earning more creature comforts.

Any opinions on shared use or Private harems & Marriage, maybe even a mix of both?
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Are any writers open for short requests? Especially ones focused primarily on male pleasure?
Does anyone know much about Genshin Impact here? I’m working on a story and just found this thread. I’m trying to come up with unique scenarios for each girl and their implied fate.

It’s a hilichurl invasion and they are taking over and anyone that has a creative mind, I’d like to see your ideas.
>unique scenarios for each girl and their implied fate.
>It’s a hilichurl invasion and they are taking over
There's always the classic ending of the women becoming sex slaves or used for breeding.
Haughty princess/Queen types being humiliated with public sex as the tribe cum dump, etc.
Or focus more on the training/mind break aspect of it, at first they're crying n screaming every night as they're gang raped.
After months of this they're now nymphomaniac breeding sluts!

>Are any writers open for short requests? Especially ones focused primarily on male pleasure?
There's a few writers like >>11123612 any other specific ideas for the story?
Harems, prostitution, public use, etc.
Thread works well when Anons are building on each other's ideas
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I am working on a series of audiologs from one of the first women trapped in the bunker.
>Going to put some of the backstory ideas here, as I think of them:
The place was originally pitched as a "wellness resort" for women only, to a girlboss venture capitalist investment firm. The VC women are the first unsuspecting guests to the resort. What they don't know is that the founder of the retreat was secretly brainwashed by some kind of incel. He made her redesign the vacation retreat so that guests could be converted into bimbo/breeder/slaves. Then he had the founder brainwash her staff so they would help.
At first I was thinking the incels plan was to create a harem, fuck them all pregnant, then get thrown into prison for kidnapping/brainwashing. But now I'm wondering if the guy should be a little smarter. If he's the inventor of the brainwashing tech then he should have a plan. like trying to turn brainwashing women into obedient sluts into a viable business strategy. Or maybe there should be multiple guys. A neurlos
I'm not sure how the incel(s) gets intercepted by the mercenaries as global civilization collapses. But that has to happen. Easiest solution is that the mercenaries were hired to find and rescue the women. Or maybe the mercs are the incels? Nah... I like the idea of some really pathetic guys coming up with this plan to enslave women. And then a different, more competent group of guys hijacks the plan.
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>But that has to happen
Does it? If they actually have brainwashing tech, or some kind of conditioning, it makes more sense to have them be a shadow power that the mercs work for. Maybe have it that it started as a government program, advanced mental conditioning techniques for use on spies or politicians, but the scientists in charge decide they would rather make their misogynistic utopia. Perhaps they view the kind of women who would be at that retreat as the reason for the growing global problems that lead to the collapse. They brainwash the organizer and her immediate subordinates and then wait out the apocalypse with their brainwashed harem.
Eventually the mercs show up, maybe hired to investigate and rescue the women, maybe as raiders, they clash with automated security and win pretty easily, but then realize it's seemingly a bunker full of horny sluts who worship men, and since the cabal that runs it now realizes their security doesn't cut it, they make a deal(I would say they ensure the mercs loyalty by brainwashing the leader and his lieutenants, but maybe they just make an honest deal) either way, if the world is destabilized, both groups of men have something to gain by working together to go and gather slaves. Mercs serve as security and raiders to brute force capture women, and the scientists having the know how to retrain them with their AI conditioning.
Maybe I'm missing what you guys want this faction to be, but a wasteland boogeyman where brainwashed women coax other women to their bunker with lies of paradise, while mercs motivated by wealth and sex serve as the fighting arm sounds like a fun idea.
>series of audiologs from one of the first women trapped in the bunker.
Just brain storming lewd ideas but here:
Could focus on how women are slowly turning on each other as they turn into nymphomaniacs.
Without a starting male population there's no one to help them get sexual release.
So there's lots of Fem on Fem rape with dildo play, sub/dom switching, etc.

But due to the brain washing without men to fuck them they don't get full satisfaction, so they're primed for the mercs and scientists showing up.

>both groups of men have something to gain by working together to go and gather slaves
maybe also lean into the idea that these two parts of the faction have different sexual practices/morals?
Mercs practice a perverted from of monogamy: only 1 true slave wife, while the majority of slave women are simply shared as whores.
Scientists instead focus on having small - large personal harems.

>Mercs serve as security and raiders to brute force capture women
Playing into the thread theme; any women they capture are subjected to ritualized gang rape as this is the last chance to enjoy them before brainwashing.
Just part of the deal that the men who capture them get to have fun with them first.
After the brain washing slave women treat the entire event as an idealized "honey moon" that marked them being brought into the slave life
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This all sounds very NXIVM-coded, if you wanted to do some "ripped from the headlines" details. You could definitely study the indoctrination/funneling they did where initiation generates blackmail and coerce them subbier and subbier from there. As for the story? It's been months since the disappearance and the mercs and/or private investigators finally got a lead to the compound the bunker is situated under, maybe a random ping on a cellphone that had been presumed dead. Outwardly it's a women-only commune, and only in the innermost chamber and the brainwashing bunker do the women reveal their bodies for their master. If you keep the strike team small enough you can just offer them a place in the bunker society, or buy their silence with a slave or two of their own to take home. Let the True Leader sigh about having to give up the girl who cooks the best desserts when she's on kitchen duty, something that makes it clear he's keenly aware of all his flock.
>I have no idea what to call this. An incidental patriarchy? A covert patriarchy? Is it even a patriarchy at all?
It's not patriarchy in the least, it's just men becoming an endangered species and getting treated as such. All this does is treat men like pandas. If you really want to continue this as a setting, then it needs some reason why this 39 to 1 ratio remains fixed. The idea that comes to me is a variant of the Mass Effect Krogan genophage. You make a virus that kills men in the womb, so the 1 in 40 percentage remains, cause the moment men return to a "sustainable" population your benefits and freedoms are gonna go the way of the dodo and feminism will come back to wreck shit up again.

Let's continue with the genophage idea, maybe this was a bioweapon, a pair of powerful countries in the setting hate each other, they've been in a cold war for decades, almost a century really, and one of the countries develops this bioweapon, they discovered it by accident, they still have no idea why it kills only men, and why the survivors survive, the virus shows no symptoms and it's almost undetectable. But when it gets reported to the military brass, they don't care and they deploy it immediately. the idea of the rival country growing weaker as their soldiers get older, and older without being able to replenish them with fresh recruits means the war will eventually turn in their favor. and sure enough, within the decade, the brass are winning the war for their own country, when a disturbing development gets on the news, male births in their own country are going down. The eventual answer is that out in the wild, the virus mutated, and it's now more easily transmissible and by now most of the world is infected. Oops.
Oh yeah, one more thing I forgot about the setting. Whats stopping the majority female population from doing to men what we're writing about here? If anything, before they even think of letting themselves be used as warm-blooded fleshlights for the dwindling male population, it would be way easier and safer to use men like cattle, just herd them up in a facility and milked for their sperm, it would be a giant industry with sperm selling at premium prices to women who get baby fever.
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>what's stopping a matriarchy?
Have a rough idea for this setting:
During the whole slow motion collapse of the male population (men just aging out with no replacements) the men who are born seize the opportunity to build harems.
New social norm forms based on men at the head of massive clans/families with the goal being to produce at least a few male heirs.
When sons leave to start their own family means the buying/selling of many slave women both for the sake of breeding and as labor to support the new clan.
This sustains the population just enough that the drastic measure of women trying to enslave men was never successful or in many places it wasn't even attempted
After the initial starting generations eventually all men and women are born from this clan/harem structure so no one questions this norm.
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>Intercontinental Patriarchal Coalition Setting
The ICPC is subverting various nations around the world toward "a more harmonious future." What that really means is turning women (and some men) into different many different kinds of submissive monstergirls or fantasy races. Being turned into an Elf slave is the most common form of punishment for rebellious females. Good girls are rewarded with being transformed into more powerful forms, such as orcs.

>Interstellar Patriarchal Empire Setting
The IPE has spread across three solar systems in a colonized star field. It is being challenged by numerous factions such as the Egalitarian Dominion, the Hive-Kings, and the Myrmadonia. Within the empire there are six standardized transhuman variants of females. Each one is specialized to serve the empire in one way or another. Men are free to alter themselves however they wish in order to also serve the empire or be superior to women.
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>The ICPC is subverting various nations around the world toward "a more harmonious future."
That subversion aspect of the setting is could be expanded on, rough idea:
Sexual tourism could be a great way of spreading patriarchal ideas as will as getting female spies into other nations.
Men come to experience what it's like owning slaves through all the brothels and the general lewd culture in the patriarchy.
They might even end up marrying (buying) a slave woman they've fallen for, that or there's a mail order "bride" system.
But what they don't know is these women are trained infiltrators with the goal of setting up events like >>11120889

>Being turned into an Elf slave is the most common form of punishment for rebellious females
on this note, how could a woman earn the good graces of her new masters during a take over?
Making sure women know there's rewards/punishments for their behavior could be a good way of getting them to turn on each other.
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The problem that I am having with writing this erotic parody of the movie "lady world" is the timeline of events:
>One way of sequencing it:
1. The business ladies arrive at the resort
2. Outside society collapse
3. the ladies realize they can't leave
4.The ladies lose their identity and become bimbo/slave/breeders
5. The men arrive at the resort
6. The ladies become pregnant
7. the men bring back female prisoners and male recruits from the wasteland
>The problem(?) is that one could put these events in any order and the resulting narrative would still be interesting.
For example if you had the collapse of society last, then you could have these women be completely oblivious that anyone who could rescue them is gone. Or by having it happen first then you've got a reason for the woman to accept their isolation.
> example resequencing: 1352746
>The problem is that there is too many possibilities.
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speaking of piggy orc girls I found this one artist https://hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=soks who does women and men being turned into big plump slutty orc girls
Attached is part 1, part 2 going to be posted next
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Okay maybe being turned into an orc should not be a reward?
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>events in any order and the resulting narrative would still be interesting
Could just take the events as you listed there and go with it, narratively it's already sound.

>The ladies become pregnant
>the men bring back female prisoners
On this note:
A breeding focused patriarchy making extensive use of birth control, condoms, contraceptives, etc.
The greatest tool's of women's liberation turned into tools of oppression as masters control even women's fertility.
It's the perfect irony.

>Okay maybe being turned into an orc should not be a reward?
Rewards for willingly submitting to enslavement(or selling out other women), could be more focused on social status not all physical/political power.
IE High profile turn coat woman becomes a prestigious slave to own, her new slave life is one where she lives as master's trophy bitch.
All her needs are taken care of by a army of maids, she's simply expected to get bred by master and raise his offspring(even a few male heirs)

Other end of things are the troublesome women, given brainwashing and maybe genetic modification if master desires that.
Turned into mindless Nymphomaniacs with little of their old personality remaining, they serve as public whores or brothel bunnies.
New to this thread but:
>What's the main use for women in your setting?
Sextoys and magical nutrition for the most part. The all-male Fae use them for sexual relief and harvest their magical powers to grow stronger themselves. They do this by encouraging women to adventure and train in the nearby void dugneons and afterwards use their gained levels as currency. Too bad that all they can spend that currency on are ways to become sluttier, more obedient and better property for the Fae. If a woman catches a fae's eyes he may petrify her and turn her into decoration, a magical golem or a runic wardstone.
>How do you take a untrained woman and make her the perfect bitch?
The moment a woman steps foot in the realm of the fae her thinking will be altered at a fundamental level. She will no longer find it unusual or wrong for women to be taken anywhere and anytime, and whenever her throughts turn to men and the fae espeially she will instinctively demean and remind herself that she's nothing but a dumb cunt made to pleasure them. This will coincide with a change in her fashion sense alongside a desire to learn more about pleasing men. Thankfully the Fae Realm has plenty of stores suited for that. It will also make her more interested in adventuring and becoming stronger, which inevitably leads the women to the Fae Realm's "adventurer's guild", staffed by women who have paid a lot of levels to possibly show off to any visiting Fae. The women who step into the realm will find a reason to want to stay there and if by some miracle they manage to break free and return to their original realities they won't remember anything. The longer they stay there the more misogynistic they get, and they will start looking down on newly arrived women for still having traces of thoughts about their own worth.

Notably these mental changes won't replace her original personality, rather they will change it as little as possible to fit these new values.
>Is your scenario based on Modern, Fantasy, Sci-fi, "reality"?
It's a mix of all of them. The Fae realm is a large dimension that sits between several shifting realities around it. This means that women from all sorts of worlds could wander into it. The aesthetics of the Fae Realm itself lean towards fantasy with a few anachronistic elements like magical phones and good toilets.
>Are all women enslaved or are some allowed certain "freedoms"?
All women in the Fae Realm are completely subservient, even if they are allowed to wander around the realm on their own volition. The only way for a woman to gain some real freedom is to abbandon her womanhood and become a Fae. This is exceedingly rare, as the vast majority of women would balk at even the thought of trying to defy their masters in any way. But there are the few whose personality allows them to work towards this ascension while also submitting to the Fae's demands. I don't need to say that these are looked down upon by the women who have been here for longer, and should they discover one they will do everything they can to teach that woman her place.

(Pictured is a woman who just paid twenty levels to enroll in a gaping class.)

It's basically an elven trapdom setting I've had in my mind for a few days. I can't get into hard maledom when the men are too hideous, so I prefer to keep them beautiful too.
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I love the idea that these women put in tons of effort to level up, going on dangerous quests and fighting monsters in the dungeons...all to further their descent into degradation.
Power loss stuff is always fun, and having it be willing(at least in their corrupted minds) is a nice twist, her only reason for gaining power is to give it away in.
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>Re-iterating canon:
The female archetypes of the IPE are based around certain sci-fi character tropes. There's the supersoldiers (Spartiae), clones (genecopy), cyborg/robots (genecopy). Then there's also normal humans (all-natural), quasi-immortal aristocratic bitches (Elves), and the perfected plump survivalist (HuCow). These women are the product of pre-birth modifications and are manipulated by society to conform. There are other kinds of women beyond the standard six. These prototype women are limited in number for various reasons. All women can personalize themselves by embracing different fashion-philosophies which correspond to real world clothing and obscure fetishes.

>New Canon for a parallel setting
The ICPC can transform women into more interesting forms. When a woman is subjected to transformation, her crimes against and her services to The Patriarchal Coalition are considered. The more severe her crimes, the less human she will become. But if she's did things like sell out her comrades or completely failed to destroy assets of the ICPC, her new condition will be more manageable.

>Example classes of misbehaving females, their crimes, and the corresponding transformation forms for them:

>Native born Citizens = Female Stereotypes
>Failure to be enthusiastic during a public celebration: Bimbo
>Failure to fulfill work quotas: Workout Whore
>Failure to produce a child despite being certified by a medical professional: MILF

>Hostile Foreigners = Fantasy Races
>Advocating against the Coalition: Elf Slave
>Fighting against Coalition military: Orc Breeder
>Sabotaging Coalition Industry: Goblin shortstack

>Professional Criminals = Monster girls
>Oceanic/Aerial/Land based smuggling: Mermaid/Harpy/Centaur
>Stealing wealth from the Coalition: Dragon
>Identity Forgery/Theft: Doppelganger
I like it too. In the Fae Realm the most depraved, lewd or weak women would be the ones that used to be the strongest. They just spent their fortune of levels to be permanently degraded into a position befitting dumb pleasure holes like them. The glorywall with back-to-back exposed legs? That used to be the famous party "silver spear" that managed to reach level 9000 and spent all of it to be turned into a glorwall decorating an alley behind a strip club. The Fae that use them don't remember their old title, now they're just known as hole 1-6. The 105th fellatian of Lord Akanetrit's harem, the one that gets assigned to cleaning the cum out of his voluptuous statues? It used to be the god-blessed queen of an intergalactic empire. So on and so forth, in the Fae Realm these feminine icons will willingly throw it all away in the hope of pleasing their masters.
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>change in her fashion sense alongside a desire to learn more about pleasing men
Could add in the classic lewd cursed gear, IE nipple rings of lactation.
So the rewards of dungeon diving help turn these women into perverts and make them more desirable as sex pets!
Or even add in lewd tattoos with lust magic, everything from fertility control to putting women into heat.

>permanently degraded into a position befitting dumb pleasure holes
Maybe that sort of thing could also work in reverse for some women?
like maybe in the past she was a lowly maid serving heroes that abused/mistreated her.
When the tables turn she's a brothel madam lording over the women who used to bully her.
I like the dungeons being actually beneficial and every lewd curse, downgrade or bodily modification being something the women willingly paid for with their power. However I think lewd tattoos and cursed gear should absolutely be a part of the Fae Realm. Rather than getting it in the dungeon the adventurers will buy it, perhaps even spending every level they came to the Fae Realm with to purchase something like a bitchsuit of endurance, which allows them to carry more for their party at the cost of being able to use their hands.

A way I could see the dungeon being made lewder is with the inclusion of traps that would capture and turn adventurers into beneficial loot. That way if a woman wants to really get into the high levels and please the Fae she'll have to exploit her fellow adventurers. This new magic staff won't edge her constantly and interrupt her spellcasting? That's great. So what if the gem on it looks like a peace-sign posing version of her friend that just went missing? Maybe that could even be a way to bypass the power loss currency system, and dominant women(who still know they're below the Fae) could trade in the levels stored in husks of former adventurers without losing their own levels. Maybe they could even lure in women into pre-sighted traps to get enough currency to turn themselves into a lewd mindless cockhungry creature as fast as possible.

>Maybe that sort of thing could also work in reverse for some women?
It would depend on the personality of the women, but a downtrodden maid could definitely become one of those dominant exploiters and sell the onahole body of her former saintly mistress to become a brothel madam. I imagine that all official positions in the fae realm that gave women any sort of power would also come with an obligatory increase in misogyny, just to keep everything orderly and the cunts in line. Wouldn't want the holes to come together and start thinking they know better than the Fae after all.
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>obligatory increase in misogyny
Could be different "kinds" of misogyny for different kinds of women. Adventurers her warped into the fetishized "I am nothing but a sex object" kind of "positive" self degradation, where they tie their self worth to being sluts for the fae, but are "happy" about it, indeed they get frustrated and despondent if they haven't had success in the dungeons recently because that means they can't becoming even sluttier.
Women who aren't actively going into the dungeons, but instead run inns, shops and other such institutions are instead turned into women haters, coming to believe that "Every woman who isn't me is a brainless whore" a belief that only grows as they watch powerful women emerge from the dungeons coursing with power just to rock up to the nearest fae to have their tits made so big they can't walk and constantly lactate.
Maybe these "NPC" type jobs are staffed by horny, frustrated women who loathe that the heroes get to cut loose, slowly driving them to try their hand and adventuring themselves, while ensuring that they never team up to help the adventurers.
>woman wants to really get into the high levels and please the Fae she'll have to exploit her fellow adventurers
On a related note perhaps it's not just the Fae that have their society/economy based on the sexual exploitation of women.
The other typical RPG "mob" races that have an interest in human women; goblins, pigmen, Centaurs, etc.
Mainly they're used as breeding slaves but it opens new ways of betrayal in the dungeons.
Adventurers might work against each other, in some cases arranging to sell out other women in exchange for stealing their levels.
All that pushes women deeper into submitting to their Fae masters, she cant trust other women only master.

>fetishized "I am nothing but a sex object" kind of "positive" self degradation
Could go beyond just self degradation, women actively shame each other for not bootlicking their Fae overlords.
Or there's competition in earning the favor of their masters with public displays of sex, lewdity, etc.
So women are also pushing each other deeper into depravity.
Rarer still are the women in the Fae realm that are allowed to keep their powers and even grow stronger. These are always the most cherished pets of the Fae that they've sculpted into their preferred shape, often letting them loose to terrorize people or capture women outside the realms. There are even a few that have been graciously allowed to be proud of themselves and gifted back true free will. However, none of them can be called human anymore as bodily modifications and relentless training masked as seduction by the fae have left them monsters in both body and mind.

>Could be different "kinds" of misogyny
I like that idea. The way the women learn to look down on themselves and others of their gender depends on their function in society beyond pleasing the fae. However I don't agree on the npc jobs front. Such lowly servile jobs will naturally only go to the most powerful adventurers, right after they've turned themselves into weak sluts of course. Courses for those jobs erase any combat knowledge, strength and desire for adventure and naturally cost a lot of levels. But the women going into those professions would of course have their outlook on women changed to be harsher, going even further than you said and landing on "Every woman is a brainless whore who should defer to the Fae, including me, but these dumb adventuring sluts still think they're worthy of some kind of independence by making choices in the dungeon". They'll still help them, after all that's what her Fae owner told her. But they'll just smile if they find out an adventurer has been captured. Those working npc jobs at "schools" and "salons" will also treat their customers better without prompting by the fae, after all these women are in the process of willingly correcting themselves. NPC women are also amiable towards each other, seeing each other as women who know their place.
That could be part of the world. The Fae realm would be nearby an orc realm, a beastman realm,a realm inhabited by a patriarchal empire and many more. However, ironically enough despite the rampant mind control and ingrained misogyny the women in the Fae realm have by far the best lives. Thus women from other realms will willingly try to escape fully knowing that the moment they enter the Fae realm their minds will be changed. And unlike women from outside the realms they will never be able to recover from being Fae sluts. There's also that a Fae slut, no matter how insignificant, gets recovered from other realms when a wild hunt happens should she be kidnapped again. She'll still be abused, but no sapient will dare to offend the Fae by killing them or permanently harming them. Thus, the dystopian power draining society of the Fae where you get looked down upon by every public servant and fucked in the street by hung Fae is seen as a paradise by the women of the realms. If there's a lesbian couple in one of the other realms one of them would gladly sacrifice themselves just to watch their loved one step over the barrier, look back to apologize without any desire to turn back to their former beloved and go to start her journey towards being a Fae slut. The dying woman would be glad knowing that her partner is getting turned into a woman hating cockwhore by the Fae and their brainwashed female servants.
>she cant trust other women only master.
I like this idea too. Until she gets claimed by a Fae and stops being just a convenient living fleshlight there will always be the danger of failing in the dungeon, getting sold out to another realm or even worse, never being claimed by a Fae at all. While the adventuring women retain enough of their personality to be recognizable there are still some dangerous adventurers, not to mention the far gone guild receptionists who love seeing the guild members humiliated and broken.
Unfortunately the Fae don't think highly of the dumb sluts that grovel and beg to be taken and if a woman wants to gain a permanent position in the Fae realm she better give it her all. And if getting chosen doesn't work out she can follow in Silver Spear's footsteps and get a few thousands levels to be turned into some kind of lewd fixture, constantly feeling pleasure at being a literal object, even lower than a dumb cunt doing as the Fae tell her.
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The best erotica stories I've ever read where a vacation resort turns women into sex-slaves is the Lovedoll series by Vendatrix.
>Link: https://mcstories.com/Authors/Vendatrix.html
So I realized the brainwashing bunker could be one of the facilities in the stories that survives a global catastrophe. It's technology is still functional and the leaders, security, and specialists are still alive. The suave criminals running the operation realize they have been handed a gift. They no longer have to worry about law enforcement, and that their experience with crime gives them an edge over the other refugees. They start by targeting the remaining communities, kidnapping and assassinating anyone who would resist. Then they institute a classic feudal tithing system with the facility becoming the seat of political power.
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>Generation 1: Pre-War First Batch
High status civilian and a few low ranking military women are kidnapped and their deaths are falsely reported. These women are transported to the facility and subjected to prototype neural-nanite brainwashing techniques. This leaves them very dopey with an overabundance of oxytocin produced by their altered brains. Thus they are a bit useless as workers or caretakers but they can still maintain themselves, fuck enthusiastically, and other simple tasks.
>Generation 1: Mid-War Second Batch
In exchange for protection from the war, male refugees betray females and give them over to the men running the isolated brainwashing facility. The new men help expand the facility with scavenged material. Scientists working on the neural-nanite device used data gathered from the first batch to improve processing for the second batch. This group of females are capable of following complex directions and acting in the best interest of a male owner. They develop a sense of superiority over the "brain dead bimbos" of the first batch.
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>Post War
>Generation 2: Base Born
The names these girls get is a demeaning moniker with a random 5 digit serial number. Being human and girls, they address each other with cute abbreviations of these names. So Breeding-Stock 14758 is called “Bree,” or Fertile-Bitch 36921 is “Febi,” pronounced like Phoebe. Due to the communal living arrangements, it doesn’t matter who someone’s mother/father is. Thus the biases of the previous generation are erased. Everyone acts like being brainwashed into becoming a better slave is a normal medical procedure, like having a tumor excised.
>Generation 2: Trade-Ins
The men of the bunker have established trade routes with other safe zones across the wasteland. Caravans occasionally visit with women in cages that need correction. After processing, the bunker men keep one or two females while sending the rest back home. within the neo-castle, these freshly conditioned slaves are treated like exotic curiosities by some of the base-born women. These foreign women may still have some notions of independence and act out. The men of the castle are quick to use the conditioning to humiliate the Trade-Ins in front of everyone.
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Not sure what would be happening by the third generation.
If the brainwashing technology cannot be replicated and must be carefully maintained, then it becomes the focus of a tech-cult. High-Priestesses commune with the sacred device, allowing it to purify their minds.
If the brainwashers can be replicated then it becomes the bedrock of an expansionist form of ancestor worship. Crusaders carry the devices into new lands where heathens can be converted into glorious subservience.
Or maybe it should be a little bit of both?
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last picture I've got saved for these rebis pictures... I think. I might have one of a bimbofied deathclaw but I don't remember where I saved it.
>Due to the communal living arrangements, it doesn’t matter who someone’s mother/father is.
Could be the starting point for a lot of other lewd aspects of vault culture.
Lack of privacy makes sex in front of others a Normal part of life.
Library is stocked with educational materials but no entertainment besides pornography, sex and mating becomes a common pass time...
Breakdown of marriage replaced with communal use sluts and harems, whole concept of women's consent to sex is done away with as whores open for use.

>what would be happening by the third generation
Maybe at this point brain washing for the most part becomes unnecessary for women born into vault society.
Mothers pass on the ideals of female submission/sexual service to the next generation of slave women.
Tools are still used for trouble cases and any women enslaved from the outside world.

>Or maybe it should be a little bit of both?
If it's replicated but only at a slow rate maybe it becomes more of a trade based slaving empire.
Whole trade system in >>11135235 used to add fresh women to the gene pool and establish friendly client states who need submissive & breedable slave women.
The few hostile tribes that threaten trade are subjugated by Crusaders and their women are taken to the vault as tribute/blood tax.
Brain washing tools are rare so it's kept as relics guarded at the Vault.

Or alternatively they stay as a mostly hidden civilization underground Trading is done but it's rather rare.
With raiding for women being more common.
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>An attempt at world building unification
A woman enters the fae realm. Instantly, a fetish for rising-to and then falling-from power is magically installed into her subconscious. How she acts on this fetish depends on her personality and the area of the realm she finds herself in.
A woman who is extremely ambitious and/or hedonistic will level up her abilities to the maximum limit before cashing it all in to become a Fae Lords dehumanized sextoy. A less ambitious woman may take up the role of serving the Adventuresses as logistical support and the Fae directly as their still human slave.
The Fae Realm is shaped short term by women and sculpted long term by the Fae. For the women, it starts with the ambitious slaughtering the monsters infesting ruined lands in exchange for coins and experience points. These girls either continue adventuring in other ruined lands or they give themselves up to the Lords. Then the less ambitious come after, restoring workplaces, towns, and estates to functionality. This peaceful life becomes boring to these craftswomen, who invite the lords for entertainment and demeaning sex. The lords start summoning different kinds of monsters to the craftwomen's lands to give them exciting new sex partners. The women aren't able to keep up, so the monsters start going on destructive rampages. The craftwomen struggle to repair the damage, give up and become sextoys for their fae fuck-buddies, and the lands fall into ruin. And so the cycle is repeated...
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>gets claimed by a Fae and stops being just a convenient living fleshlight
Kind of wondering if there's a kind of "marriage"/harem system going on here, these women are no long just a whores every Fae can fuck when ever he feels like.
It's a sexual Paradise for the Fae but there's still admin work to be done overseeing adventurer's guilds over seeing "schools", "salons", etc. >>11135201
So the most stand out sexually degenerate women are married to a Fae and join his personal harem, it means becoming a loved pet.
But also they're dominant women who will be expected to keep others in line and brain wash newly arriving women.

>Fae don't think highly of the dumb sluts that grovel and beg to be taken
Maybe there's also some harem politics going on for the women who are chosen?
There's the wives who help to oversee the Fae's realm and an elite few who are breeders or purely used for pleasure.
So there's always a bit of a game being played so these women don't get lazy in their new life or comfort.

>girls either continue adventuring in other ruined lands or they give themselves up to the Lords.
>summoning different kinds of monsters to the craftwomen's lands to give them exciting new sex partners
looking at something like >>11135724
Towns being run by women could make the visits of Fae lords or summoning of monsters into sex festivals.
It's a special occasion that these whores want to commemorate and this being a huge social event it's a good chance to hopefully get chosen by the Fae.
Group sex pits, cum collection games, open public sex, etc. All the stocks are pulled out to impress their overlords.
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I originally wasn't going to post this, since I didn't feel as though I had anything interesting to add to the conversation. There wasn't anything to add to the setting I described two threads ago and the mass purge a few weeks ago made me less inclined to participate in any discussions for awhile. However, I like I might be able to contribute once again. Now that I have milked the Roman-esque society dry, how about we go to feudal Europe? I didn't think this setting could be worth exploring due to the influence of Christianity, but I have found an intriguing work-around. It is true that (lower-case o) orthodox Christianity does not tolerate anything other than monogamy and has been associated with anti-slavery movements. However, slavery has existed in Christian societies (Brazil, the Caribbean colonies, and the antebellum south) and, while a society that is loyal to the medieval/feudal setting should be dominated by a religion that can be seen as analogous to Christianity, I don't see why it has to be identical to either Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy. Here is what I propose: Medieval Europe, but the Catholic church analog is replaced by something that is more akin to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints if it also really approved of slavery (particularly the sexual kind). As I am not an expert on all of the culture, values, and mythology of the LDS, I would love to hear what you have to say about the concept so that we can make this make sense.
>What's the main use for women in your setting?
Reproduction, raising children, and forming marriage-based alliances
>How do you take a untrained woman and make her the perfect bitch?
All women would be raised to obey their husbands and serve them sexually from the outset. There would be no 'untrained women'; except maybe those from far off lands.
>Is your scenario based on Modern, Fantasy, Sci-fi, "reality"?
Is it still fantasy if there is no magic?
>Are all women enslaved or are some allowed certain "freedoms"?
>How might Chastity/Sexuality used as a tool of control?
Perhaps I should explain how my ideas can be applied to feudalism. There is caste system of sorts going on with peasants/serfs at the bottom, knights and artisans above them, nobles above them, royals above them, and the church existing as an parallel entity to all of that. I don't have a definitive answer just yet, but I would imagine that, in this society, women and access to them, like land ownership, seen as something that is granted from God to the royals. The royals exchange this right (women) to nobles in exchange for loyalty and protection form external threats. The nobility then grant this right to commoners in exchange for their obedience and labor. So, God has a right to own all women in the world. God then divides this right into rights to women of particular lands/nations and he grants it to royal families. The king then divides his share of the right to all women in the world (all women in his country) into the right to all women particular counties/regions. Obviously, he keeps some of these counties to himself, but then he grants to the nobility the right to rule some of these counties as well as the right to all of the women within the counties. The nobles, guided by the church, then grant male commoners the right to access particular women as well as the right to work particular lands based on their loyalty to him. The rights to access and the rights to farm can be revoked by a noble at will unless the man has married the woman (which is approved by the church). This is all still in a very early stage and I welcome feedback.
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>Refining the basics of The Old Idea
>The Interstellar Patriarchy Empire consists of three branches of government
>Ministry of the Sword
Controls the military, manages the various aspects of territorial expansion, and goes after armed threats within the empire. Spartiae slaves (see picture attached for a common example) make up nearly 30% of the ministries workforce. Men in the ministry are allowed "first crack" at female prisoners of war, before those women are sent back to the empire.
>The Book Keepers
Organizes both legislative and scientific processes. Laws are proposed by True Masters (men who own at least 100 women), drafted up by law firms, and then voted upon by the Father-Electors (men who have at least one offspring). The keepers ensure that the bills move from one group to another, and upon becoming law, are implemented throughout the empire. The keepers also distribute scientific resources and education to ensure males can contribute to science. They also appraise and publicize scientific breakthroughs.
>Collar Authority
Responsible for the allocation, training, and production of female labor. They supervise captives taken by the Ministry and processed into slaves using technology developed by the Keepers. It is thanks to their efforts that all imperial colonies can produce the six standard female archetypes. Technically, the development of new archetypes depends on their approval, which the Book Keepers disapprove of. Finally, they investigate crimes committed against females, such as unsanctioned rape or workplace endangerment.
>Expanding upon this
>A brewing argument
There has been some conflict between Collar Authority and Sword Ministry. Authority men are worried that there are too many armed spartiae in the empire and that they might start a revolt. So they want the ministry to replace these warrior women with the newer and more obedient Gyndroids. Ministry men counter that the new robotic archetype is still too vulnerable to electronic jamming and too expensive to become resistant. CA guys grumble under their breath that SM guys are all married to spartiae and are too emotionally attached to their wives. SM guys reply that nots a rational argument. Exclamations of "Fuck You!" are exchanged between both parties. Men, that are not these security analysts, believe that employing both kinds of women is a good idea. And that's what gets usually gets implemented.
The ideas of men do trickle down into women's heads. Thus the debate has inadvertently lead to hate crimes between gyndroids and spartiae. Both women see the other as inferior and undeserving of the little authority they might have. Psychological research into this kind of misbehavior finds that if the different kinds of archetypes are raised together, they are less willing to harm each other.
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This minor conflict between the supersoldiers and the cyborg girls has become a common trope within IPE media. It's most often seen in teen dramas, where a young spartiae or gyndroid girl will seriously harm the other. They do this either accidently, intentionally, or was pressured into it by a negative influence like a feminist or criminal.
>Gyndroid hurts Spartiae
The former will drink or consume some food or drink and then share it with the latter. The spartiae doesn't realize that the food is laced with toxic materials that the gyndroid can safely digest. And so the organic girl gets violently ill as her body tries to digest it.
>Spartiae hurts Gyndroid
The former will steal a industrial magnet or electronic interference device to use against the latter. This causes the Gyndroid to seizure as her nanites malfunction. Thus she has to reboot and recover skills and memories, leaving her completely helpless.
In family friendly narratives, adults are able to prevent the death of the endangered girl. They do this using techniques that would work in reality. But the culprit is exposed in an unrealistic method, so as to not give real teen delinquents the knowledge to avoid detection. In darker, more adult narratives, one of the two girls do die. A detective and his female assistant have to unravel the mystery...
>replace these warrior women with the newer and more obedient Gyndroids
>archetypes are raised together, they are less willing to harm each other.
There's a simple solution to this, integrate Gyndroid surrogacy into the breeding/retirement programs for spartiae.
Once out of frontline service spartiae are already becoming breeder wives for their handlers.
These women take the important role of birthing and raising the next generation of slaves for the empire.
Start offering x years off service time for Y Gyndroid surrogacies or monetary payment for masters who rent out the wombs of their slaves.

>conflict between the supersoldiers and the cyborg girls has become a common trope
Other preventative measures could be taken:
Industrial scale breeding programs that used to produce only military grade spartiae slaves switch over to mixed production with Gyndroids.
And normalizing mixed households where master has both types as slave daughters who he raises together.
Alternatively there could be more direct methods like simply implanting more brain control chips into the heads of military slaves.
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>Mass impregnation of spartiae with gyndroid babies
Yeah that definitely happened when the droid-archetype became standardized.
>Get to retire early by making babies
It would be funny or sad if the spartiae working for the MoS don't want to quit. They want to push back mandatory retirement and the only way to do that is by being successfully pregnant. There's two possible reasons they would want to keep working. First is that they've been thoroughly indoctrinated into believing their self-worth is directly related to the labor they provide for the ministry. The other possibility is that working conditions at ministry are much better than in retirement. Or, since they are still human, spartiae do love being lazy and getting to live a peaceful life as a grandma. The truth for each woman is probably between all three.
>These breeding programs will heal the rift between women
Not really, it was caused by men and thus depends on them to resolve the issue. And that's never going to happen because both groups of men are right. Gyndroids can and have been hacked and spartiae have gone rogue/feminist for a variety of reasons. I just don't have any idea of where to start with those kinds of stories...
>self-worth is directly related to the labor they provide
>love being lazy and getting to live a peaceful life
Could reframe breeding duty as just another way for these women to serve their master and the ministry.
And play into the eugenics side of things, where the best slave soldiers are taken off the frontline to preserve their genetics by becoming breeders.
A sort of reward for spartiae, a far less dangerous position and one where they get more time with their master..

>Gyndroids can and have been hacked
>any idea of where to start with those kinds of stories
Rough idea:
Enslavement processing center where due to staffing costs or complacency most "staff" are Gyndroids with very few men overseeing the facility.
It just deals with the masses of captured wild women that need to be collared, entered into the database and given basic slave training.
Feminist slips through screening and is sent here instead of a high security center.
She manages to hack a few of the Gyndroids and things snow ball from there...
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>Gender equality is now physically impossible
>It is also mentally impossible
Inject that stuff into my veins
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What about this idea for training prudent women into being completely submissive sluts? Sensory depravation.

In addition to not allowing the subject to wear clothes, they are kept in a sensory depravation room for the time when they're not getting gangbanged at the brothel while under the effect of powerful aphrodisiacs. That way, the other sensation they are allowed to have is getting fucked by multiple men at the same time.
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I like it. Keep them so deeply denied that they crave the few moments of stimulation that they are granted, regardless of what form that takes.
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Another fun part of this is the emotional abuse/isolation side of things.
She isn't just starved of stimulation but also human contact.
So even after earning her way out of the depravation pod, master continues love bombing her for being a good girl.
The time between getting out of the pods and being reintroduced to society is spend entirely being master's pet...
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Take your pick! Fresh in stock!
You do bundle deals?
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If you have the space and the funds, the supply will always be there!
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Any anons still going with the Fae or lewd fallout settings?
Or is this going to be carried into the next thread?
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Hopefully those pick up again, it's fun to see new settings
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This came up on my pixiv feed and now I'm imagining a show like that "Naked and Afraid" show, but without any of the protections, so slaves, prisoners and other expendables have to survive on dangerous worlds with minimum supplies. Maybe expand it to the different archetypes if its for the main IPE setting, like obviously a Spartiae is going to do fine in such a scenario, but that could even be part of the propaganda.
If it's a less "Every woman a slave" type setting than maybe it's one of the few ways women can earn money outside of jobs that underpay and overwork them, so they flock to these kind of shows even though they know the risks.
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I swear, some of you need to sip a little less on the slave women juice, cause the simple way to get your idea to work is not more money, it's they're competing for their freedom. "oh noes! Teh Free Women!!!" Is what many of you will say, but if your world and setting is already operating on a widespread women slavery system, then what the fuck is she gonna do with freedom? Who's going to hire her to work and pay her like a free man when you can just buy a slave? Who's gonna house her when she can't pay rent? How is she gonna feed herself?

And more importantly, who's stopping anyone, absolutely anyone on the street from putting her in shackles and back into the slave pens again? Her only two choices would be go back to being a slave again, or fuck off onto the wilderness to become a cave woman. She's gonna take the slavery pill of her own free will real quick when she finds out she can't hunt or start a fire.
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That's a really good point, I honestly prefer the idea of a setting that's less overt about its oppression. Where women are "free" but their lives are made so difficult that without a man to negotiate for her at work, or give her a place to live, she's going to essentially be a wage slave, working brutal hours to barely afford a place to stay.
In time all women end up cozying up to a man, but I like the idea that there are levels to it, so she can feel slightly accomplished at just being an indentured servant with restrictions on her treatment, as opposed to a complete slave.
Really for me slavery should be something that women end up in, not something that's determined for them at birth, makes it sting more for the ambitious, educated types that tries to buck the system.
That's the thing, in your world my post still works. In your setting and how the woman is treated, the prize should be "freedom, and all associated rights according to the law" essentially they've become men in the eye of the law. But that doesn't stop any of the consequences I posted from becoming true either. No one wants to deal with a woman with rights No one is gonna hire a free woman to work 9 to 5 when you can hire a disenfranchised one to work 16 hours days for half the pay instead. And without that, how is she gonna survive? Who wants to rent to a woman when landlords know that women are making far less than men in general? Is she gonna get a loan for a house or a business? What bank would give it to her? They're all just gonna laugh in her face and kick her out.

At best, the only thing she could do is being a prostitute, and not a well paid on at that. Odds are that most men can already afford a woman in your setting since they also have to attach themselves to a man for security, so the only business she could get is from people who can't afford to, or from johns who are banned from having a woman due to "mishandling the merchandise"

So, back to the same job she had before, all for the same pay as before, or attach herself to a man as you already said you wanted. In short it's the same solution. Women get freedom, but no one wants to deal with it, so the keep their head down and do as they were supposed to do all because freedom is not freedom. It's a cruel and ugly thing, providing hope only to crush it in the end when it doesn't pay off, because it never pays off.
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>Who wants to rent to a woman
Building off the idea that this is the "Overworked OLs in legalistic slavery" setting, the idea I had was group homes. Crowded, dorm style rooms with a communal bathroom on each floor, still charging enough that between food and rent saving money is all but impossible.
Perhaps it's common for lease agreements to have clauses buried in them about spy cameras in showers or the rooms, and since contract negotiation doesn't really happen without a man on both sides, these women have no say in the matter.

>most men can already afford a woman in your setting
That's honestly important to decide, I imagine that's the case since life is made so awful for women who aren't married. For middle class men they get an extra earner for the household, since obviously all of her paychecks go to him, while those who are richer can afford the status symbol of a trophy housewife. Makes it so that the goal for many women is to get out of the rat race, and confine themselves to the home.
I'm not sure if I would want harem stuff in this kind of setting, in some ways it would work with the contract based, legal style slavery, where a man might have a few women under varying indenture contracts, so some are literally just there to earn in return for a place to live and food to survive, while others are only there to be entertainment, and those latter ones are usually treated better. On the other hand that reduces the chance that every man can find a woman, which would breed resentment, and defeat the idea of a "gender studies" patriarchy where men are set up to succeed. Maybe that's a use for actual slaves, debtors and criminals get sent for labor or brothels, which are state run. Gives incentive for women on the cusp of losing it all to accept any contract offered, so at least they have some minor legal protections.
Maybe slavery is only done through the government, and private citizens have to buy through the system.
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