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Post bellies growing
-no male
-no futa belly
-yes cumflation or any other kind of non-standard inflation
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IMPORTANT: The picture I'm sharing is not from the doujin and reverse image search is not a viable option, I have nothing but my memory as proof that this existed.

The story is about a girl who has the hots for her brother's friend so he pays her brother to lure the friend into a room with her, after which she gives him a strong aphrodisiac that sends him into overdrive and ends up fucking her brains out even though he didn't want to at the start. The girl was initially eager to do it with him but realizing how big his dick had gotten thanks to the drugs she wanted to back out but it was too late and he raped her. She ends up wishing her brother came back so he could save her but he has gone to the arcade with the money she gave him so it's implied that it'll be a long time before he gets back.

The art style and characters looked very similar to pic related but it wasn't made by the same artist as far as I could tell.

I'm pretty sure it had elements of cumflation or stomach deformation.

I've read it on expanda somewhere between 2016 and 2019 but I don't know exactly when it was uploaded.
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Is it just me or has thumbnails & images not been loading this past week or so?
wow wrong subject matter and wrong board in the first place, incredible shit to fuck up so badly anon
the fact that someone has to go out of their way to explain to you the concept that weight gain is not inflation, western is not hentai, games have their own thread, and you have brain damage leading to a trash tier verbal tic is really fucking unfortunate

go back to /b/
Thoughts on popping?
And more specifically, does anyone have any content where the character is still alive and fully conscious if annoyed and humiliated after exploding and being reduced to shreds, ashes or absolute nothingness/a disembodied voice?
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popping is shit. i want bellies to grow massive and round, not see them destroyed
go gore or go home
if there is popping i like it high energy popping, like a massive bang at minimum. Literal explosion is what i tend to like the most.
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girls drawn by kato hayabusa my beloved
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Man, you fags really hate this thread
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oops posted the wrong image first
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>>11110908 >>11110899 >>11110897 >>11109108
Huh. She certainly has inspired some artists.

I haven't seen anything from them in a couple of years. Have I been doing a terrible job of looking or has their not been anything?
>-yes cumflation or any other kind of non-standard inflation
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I fucking hate this comic
I hate it. Cartoony is fine where they're okay in the end.
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Got a commission of this VTuber I was watching, the reference had the tranny flag in it and I asked the artist to not include it but he did anyway. Retard. But yeah here's some fresh sauce, excuse the tranny flag.
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The original version is more tranny (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120404505). But why did you use something that had trans shit in it? Meh, I'm not a man who questions things, I'm a man who solves things. Here's the correct version.
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Also black underwear edit
I think I was part way through editing out the flag and forgot about it. Appreciate the help. That artist draws amazing shit, was my first pick for the comm.
Even if she's a tranny she's actually pretty funny sometimes, enough where I don't really mind. Also larps as a femboy sometimes so I guess it's not so bad.
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No problem. Just remember when asking for a commission ask for something good (your commission is hella good, gigantism with inflation is very underrated). I mean, detail as much as possible and if you are going to use references, use images as close as possible to what you want.
If it's kinda silly and whimsical and they survive and somehow get back to normal afterwards, I don't mind. But snuff isn't for me.
Whenever I see or hear the word inflation. All I can think of is pyrocynical.
>local anon frightened by colors
"people are allowed to not like transgenders"

There, I posted the obvious response you were hoping for when you posted this bait. Now you look retarded, just like you were wanting to.
Kys tranny

How about y'all shut the fuck up about trans people, you're the ones obsessing over it and it's goddamn pathetic. you fucking babies waste replies on bullshit that nobody gives a shit about just so you can hear yourself talk. you realize NOBODY cares about what you think right? contribute to the thread or fuck off edgelord faggot
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anon if you don't like those colors why did you commission them, post the image, then derail the thread over it
I agree, but none of this would have happened if the artist had enough self-respect to not put it in at the commissioner's request.

Also, this is 4chan. People are going to hate on LGBT, and while I personally feel that it's deserved, you should have enough awareness to realize that people would complain. I mean, cripes, you didn't even contribute, yourself. You seem reasonable, but show a little forethought next time, would you?
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>retarded tranny seethe
>complains about not contributing while not contributing
kys tranny
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Why don't you go running and crying back to your safe space, faggot?
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this has the energy of someone mad that the discussion of the elitist trans people problem happens no matter where they go now.
protip: 1% of gay people are trans and yet they seem to get most of the pity-oxygen these days. it's tiresome to the other 99% that actually did the hard work for the troons over the last 60-70 years. people are going to talk about it in a less than positive light, until that changes. hey, it's not like they rode on the coattails of others shouting and being obnoxious as fuck after gay men spent about a half century quietly keeping their mouths shut when working in politics so they could advance an agenda cleverly and quietly to improve things for themselves.
oh wait, that's exactly what they did.
you'd think with all the republicans that get caught in gay scandals that dipshit troons would get the clue that you get what you want by not being a total butt-trumpet "it's ma'am!" type.
you don't have a right to be a fuckin troon weirdo in public without consequences just as much as republicsharts don't. get over it, you and/or others will never be women in the eyes of others and not even threat of punishment will change that.
rather fart inflation, which is GOAT-tier
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>anon commissions porn with trans flag and then continuously complains about trans people for the rest of the thread
>anon lashes out randomly at people and assumes they're trans because those people aren't behaving in a tremendously weird and stupid way like they are
what an exhausting life you must lead, lmao
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queer has a modern meaning to refer to lgbt
queer has an antiquated meaning to refer to weird behavior exhibited by people or scenarios
this means trans people are queer and people losing their fucking minds over them are also queer
You will never be a woman
Shylily seems to be very popular to inflation artists
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>not considering ftm or cismale
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Dude's got a twitter (katohayabusa29) that he posts on very infrequently, but it's always nice to know he's still kicking.
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I remember when he got married and said he hoped it'd give him more time for his art, then he all but stopped putting out new content.
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Sir, you are a massive faggot, you ASKED for the flag.

>I'm requesting a VTuber named PinkPanik. She has a huge inflated butt and hips and is very tall like a giantess. An air hose is connected to her vagina through her cute panties, making her bigger. She has a pleasured face like she's enjoying it a lot. Please make her chest small. She is wearing her chest wrap and panties in the colours of the transgender flag.

Actually turn yourself into a chandelier you literal kidney stone. Done shitting up the thread? Good, now post big bitches.
Damn, motherfucker got caught in 4K?!
The best.
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I still need to know the sauce and if they're taking comms
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trying to hunt down a kino belly expansion comic i found a while back but cannot find if i downloaded it or not
was a girl who was getting "pregnant" despite not recently having sex, her belly just keeps getting bigger and she gets an ultrasound and theres nothing inside, eventually at 9 months she expels it and its just goo, later on shes going "wow, that was weird, kinda fun tho, glad its over" and tries to put a belt on and it doesnt fit and she goes "uh-oh"
That's Madamsquiggles/MadamMoo/Maws-Pawn/I-Don't-Know-What-The-Fuck-Now, somehow I lost the copies I saved for my own personal stash but here's the first part from a bulk archive I did of them a while ago.
I don't know why the fuck part 2 of this set is so hard to find compared to the first, had to dive into the archives to find it
And may as well dump some of their other appropriate pics while at it
Also this one which I'm linking because technically there's some element of furry to (shape-shifting slime with anthromorphic bear elements in the back) and I'm not risking catching some mod's ire for it but the inflatee herself isn't

not really, this dipshit is calling out multiple people as if they were one.
noticing things like a disproportionate number of grooming incidents for 0.04% of earth's population, has always been controversial/triggering to these people.
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It is unfortunate, the pattern does fit...
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