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/d/ - Hentai/Alternative

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Previous: >>11096977

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
ControlNet: rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
LamaCleaner: huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/Lama-Cleaner-lama
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Wildcards: rentry.org/NAIwildcards
4chanX Catbox userscript: rentry.org/hdgcb
PonyXL/Autismix cheat sheet: rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff

Requesting short muscular girl and tall chubby girl showering together. both very busty
The hell just happened to the whole board?
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I finished the tomboy request, but I'll repost this one first since nuke
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Hex = SEX!

a wipe happened across a bunch of boards. half the site capsized. not sure why yet
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Hooray welcome back
dishevelled slightly chubby/skinnyfat NEET girl with glasses masturbating in a dark room looking shocked/surprised after she accidentally nuts on a server rack labelled 4chan and the monitor on her desk has a bunch of error windows on it
>slightly chubby

nice try
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more like pic related pls
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how about a room where butts are sticking out of the wall in an art gallery and people are connecting buttplugs on wires to the butts like old school operators?
Dildo meditation.
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Hey, i really enjoyed this stuff you made.

How did you keep the consinstency in background? I've tried inpainting a character but never got it to work.

Also, do you have a civitai or some other place you post your stuff? Would love to see more.
Hey thanks
I don't post my gens anywhere, sorry

>How did you keep the consinstency in background? I've tried inpainting a character but never got it to work.
It's just that
>gen solo no background

Some editing may be involved before inpaint
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Business woman with very long black hair, like this.
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So much lost...
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Guess i just don't get it how it works, did you watch a tutorial or just fucked around and found out?

I've tried to mess around with inpainting and gave up when trying to do stuff like this, never could figure it out. Regional prompter helped me to do this type of stuff. But i really wanted to understand inpainting.
>new interesting lora
>full weight
>simple prompt
>add "grotesque, horror"
>right grid happens

nta but this guide is pretty good for the basic https://rentry.org/fluffscaler-inpaint (furry warning)
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Read this and enjoy your new power tool
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Will give it a read, thanks.

Also, dunno if this genre of forced cleaning/eating smegma is /d/ worthy but i certainly don't think it is /h/
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Damn, thanks anon! I will save this image with the link for reference later until i get used to the tool.
got me a new pc and a good gpu, looking to try to make stuff in this style, if there any discord or place for setups and model types or do i have to "try and error" everything, i wanna try to do a self hosted image generation
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It's been a while since we last saw some of this balls-under-pussy content, think we're about due for some more?
Anyone got a link to the archived threads pre-nuke?
Can some kind anon redirect me to the previous thread please? Or did it go removed?
May this works ? >>11092635
Not sure because I'm on mobile rn.
Shit got the wrong post.>>11100598
Was for >>11100565
I think the previous thread is indeed lost, someone pls correct me if I'm wrong
Thanks to whoever it was that mentioned the [example1:example2:insertstepcount] prompt.

I'm not finding any good uses for /d/ stuff right now, but in a test of [naked loli:naked shota with erect penis:20], with 40 steps, it produced good results as an experiment.
For you genderbending people that's probably a big boost for results.

The stepcount at the end is where you swap to the second prompt during the gen.

I think the anon who posted it used it for scales, but that's pretty native already, and the rest I can think of is also pretty native. Fun nontheless!
>Prompt editing
Yeah I'll have to play with that too just have to find a good way to implement it in my comfy workflow lol...does it work for oppai loli too? Like flat chest to huge breasts?
Also nice nightmare stuff earlier kek

I'm able to gen petite bodies with large breasts, but I think it just bleeds over, I don't see a flat chest at the start of the gen. I think it might just be superficial or small details.
And this will probably help me for my nightmare stuff..!
>but that's pretty native already
The trick is not to get scales, but make scales always show up on the same spot, which is completely random without it.

Aah, a workaround, that's cool. I guess it's helpful in the t2i stage.
Depends on the sampler.

Euler and most samplers solidify around the middle of the gen, and use the latter half for details. In which change, making a huge tit pop into existence it's not gonna work.

This is because most samplers only denoise.

If you want to use keyword blend with the goal of completely reshaping something, use Karras.
Karras feeds noise, which helps stuff mutate into other stuff.

I would still not recommend it since, without enough steps, detail may suffer. Increasing total steps above the sampler's typical sweet spot is always an option though
>In which change
in which case*
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lol nice, but yeah seems like it doesnt help much, i was thinking more about the flat chest ´box´ shaped loli bodytype without hips and adding huge breasts to that...will have to try it.
> making a huge tit pop into existence it's not gonna work.
yeah...that is why i´m kinda struggling with that, loli is just a too strong tag with my loras. Adding huge breasts breaks the petite loli anatomthat i want most of the time
> Increasing total steps above the sampler's typical sweet spot is always an option though
yeah, the set i was baking yesterday barely converges at 80 steps lmao. But i am using dpm++2
Yeah I think sketching and inpaint is still going to be superior for our needs.

I tried to make duck screw penises turn into horsecocks. It failed.
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I was the last post on the nuked thread, so I will ask again. Any way to better fix hands? I feel like my workflow is not optimal
>Yeah I think sketching and inpaint is still going to be superior for our needs.
sadly thats not something i like doing that much hahaha but flat lolis are superior anyways kek
i like to use thet hands lora from civit https://civitai.com/models/200255/hands-xl-sd-15 and putting (hands:1.4) into negs.Try to avoid shizo negative anatomy prompts too, most of the time they only make things worse
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2fast4me. Gif related is showing off the various adetailer models.

To me inpainting is the most fun part, it's where the magic happens. It's still painting a mask easily, in comfyui, right?
>top right
>literal dickhead ducks
most cursed ducks i have ever seen lmao
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Does that Lora work well? I have been using ADetailer for hands and it is a coin flip
>To me inpainting is the most fun part, it's where the magic happens
well...one handed t2i genning is hard enough kek so i rarely do the more involved stuff. But i cant agree more. The best gens of /ddg/ always involve inpainting, like >>11100297 and >>11100295. That stuff is almost not genning anymore, it looks that good lol
>It's still painting a mask easily, in comfyui, right?
yeah, i really do not see the problems some ppl seem to have with comfy inpainting, simple masked tweaks are even easier to do than in auto1111 imo
>Does that Lora work well?
it works especiallz well with aDetailer, i literally never gen without that lora anymore. But ofc ymmv. Giving it a shot is worth it i think

Requesting SSBBW Daphne getting absolutely railed by a double-dicked Velma.
I know it's probably "super size", but the SS always reminds me of steam ship designation.

I've seen a couple of Scooby Doo requests recently. Did something happen recently or is it just people watching a particular streamer and getting reminded of Scooby Doo?
Tonight I will give it a shot, should I use a special detector in the detailer or the default is fine
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>got me a new pc and a good gpu
gratz anon!

>looking to try to make stuff in this style
I made some loras for this particular style plus another artist for good measure

The workflow is here if you are using comfyui:
you can view the metadata of the image for my models, prompt and settings
civitai has an image generator you can use but I didn't upload there. trial and error is just how you learn how everything works so don't make it more complicated than what it needs to be. Just pick a ui and start tinkering with the settings I shared or try whatever really
oof i will have to check my workflow but i think any hand detector model should be fine
just fyi, your mega link seems broken
>just fyi, your mega link seems broken
derp here is a good link
very nice
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Trying out monkey men.

Yeah the sketching and inpainting phase is where it turns more into artistry, as much as it can get with AI, lul.
More thick cock and balls in this artstyle please!
You can also use [a|b] to get something halfway between a and b

That seems more useful, breast shape is a bit samey generally.
Now this is what I like! Got more?
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love these! how long does it normally take to have a finished strip?

always love your wombo combos. such creative and hot stuff!

<3 (I have to work for a bit but after a few meetings I'll post some more)
Impressive! Any plans on making a full length comic with stories and speech bubbles?
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i hope you're still lurking anon, also dick sizes are kinda inconsistent and towards the end i played a little with the dick shapes, hope you don't mind lol
>216. Hoshiguma w/ third leg
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
thx anon!
>wombo combos
same to you kek
>bottom left
channeling the horniness of his ancestors LMAO
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need more.
more Expressions of realizing this is the end while getting railed/vored
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Blessed image
>big "pecs" with puffy nipples
Why not go for musclegirls? You're like 80% there.
i wish the /yaoi/ diff thread was like this

but no. It's full of fucking SIMPSONS CHARACTERS.
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Well, disaster struck right at the finish line.
So what I do is, I train a regular lora, then one with targetted weights found by using the LWB extension to only train on the blocks that make the body shape click into existence. Then SVD merge the loras into each otehr to create a combined lora. This helps bring detail into the targetted version of the lora that would be lost otherwise, while keeping stray noise from the standard trained lora from interfering with the body shape.
When I went to train the targetted version of the LoCon, I found that the "LYCORIS/LoCon" preset in Kohya does not allow you to set block weighs.
So I went and trained a standard lora instead of the LoCon for the targetted version, since it's not meant to train the full range of blocks anyway. I found the ratio to merge them together by using both separately, but turns out merging a standard Lora with a LoCon goes really poorly. The final result has next to no effect on the generated image.
I went and tried a nuclear option of sorts to try and hammer these two shits into working together.
I merged both targetted and LoCon loras into Pony to create a temporary checkpoint, which I then used to create an extract of said checkpoint for Pony.
This is incredibly overkill, highly cursed, crashed the TERMINAL the kohya server was running on and caused my toaster to stutter so hard I could not see half of this post as I was writing. Surprise: didn't work either. You can see the beginnings of the shape but its nowhere close to the intended product. Did I waste multiple hours of the limited time I have on this mortal coil autistically looking at XYZs of outputs of the same lora with flipped block weights? No, I apparently wasted it on training. Kohya has a second preset for LoCons I did not see earlier called "KohyaLoCon", and what do you know, you can set block weights in there. Whether that'll actually work or not will have to wait for another day, because I am understandably salty about all this.
There are many parts of twin Turbo I love.

I ought to update my mega, maybe there's an anon or two that has the link bookmarked and likes seeing what nonsense I make.
Looking at the already sifted gens folder I haven't uploaded anything to it since the 11th.
I would have 5 days(including today) more to sift trough.
After that it's naming, uploading and categorizing in the mega.
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I don't like female faces nor the roundness of boobs
KEK, that board is absolutely destroyed, its just spam and trolling, though the gaping holes guy is probably just genuinely autistic or something to that effect
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Requesting this pic redrawn in AI.
like this with a fat busting cock would be so nice
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Thanks for requesting this again, been fun redoing it with improved quality

great guide, would add that you can use high denoise levels for adding in additional details to the image (pretty sure that's how crab anon gets his hidden crabs into each image)
also you can get photoshop like addons for auto1111 that help with sketching out details, or just copy and pasting a second penis in then, letting inpaint clean it up with a low denoise

lovely work, any chance for an anal round?

always frustrating spending hours on a workaround, only for it to not work plus finding there's already a solution you just happened to miss
hope the new preset works out for you, your loras have been really useful for this sequence
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>i hope you're still lurking anon,
I'm here anon! And oh my gosh, thank you SO much, this set is literally PERFECT like holy fuck, look at this!!! It's incredible, 10/10, outstanding job anon.
I'm so thankful you made this because there's not much Arknights AI content out there, much less futa.
In the future, if you don't mind, I would love if you could make a similar set of Saria from Arknights. Same premise (artstyle, poses, cock size, muscles, etc).
But for now, thank you for this. I really really love it <3
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thanks for sitting through that rant, don't really feel like doing much after that today so have a pic I prepared for the set
>your loras have been really useful for this sequence
do I spot a fellow thirty 8ght enjoyer? good shit anon, really loving the gradual change in expression as well
also forgot to give you props for those goomas, props for making her uncut as well
obviously there's no canonical reason for her to be but if she HAD a dick I'd figure she'd be, and it looks amazing on her.
lovely, thank you
Requesting Koishi Komeiji from Touhou transformed into an onahole. Bonus points for a cum alt.
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>stupid sexy flanders edition
i was curious since i never even considered visiting the /y/ diff thread but the OP image was enough for me LMAO
>Whether that'll actually work or not will have to wait for another day, because I am understandably salty about all this.
taking a small break is the best way to get back to it with a fresh resolve. But i really feel that lol. We live and learn.
happy to hear that you liked the set!
>Saria from Arknights
I think genning that tail might be too much of a headache for me...and the only chara lora i found of her is also quite janky. If I do her i'm quite sure it won't be as many gens. But I'll think about it since she has cool horns lol
thank you anon, i appreciate that! lol and yeah i figured an oni like her would look quite good uncut too. Based that you think the same
amazing sequence, i love how the last gen needs a couch for her lol
KEK so cute, i'm waiting for your lora to be done so i can try some slimegirls with it too
>genning that tail might be too much of a headache for me.
Oh don't worry about the tail! You can get rid of it, I don't mind at all.
Also... if you could add Nearl from Arknights as well, that would be amazing. No tail needed either.

By the way, that gen is perfect. Foreskin pulled back like that is my favorite.
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>Oh don't worry about the tail! You can get rid of it, I don't mind at all.
lol gotcha, I'll have to see if/when i get to it
human or horse dick? just asking,but again, no promises for now hahaha
Hot. Any chance on adding ahegao and/or happy tags? I have a particular like for people undergoing horrific transformations while absolutely loving it.
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Hey Asuka-anon, all that talk about random waifus and their tails made me remember something kek. And since i've changed my take on using chara loras, i thought i'd give this gal a shot too. It's been quite a while but i guess better late than never LMAO
>human or horse dick?
I prefer human, but you can add a few horsedicks as well as long as the majority is human
I gotta see what ai generates for slimeflation.

Inspirational image included as courtesy.
Could you do a pic of Asuka from Evangelion like this?
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I already did a set of her long ago, it's a bit janky cause it's older but you can find it here in my rentry if you're curious.
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
the Askua related sets are no. 67, 104 and VERY loosely no. 209 and i'm baking something else rn so sorry. But I'll post an updated gen of her as soon as i can. Because it was quite cringy to go back that far in my gens, especially that Asuka set is quite bad lol.
Not him but my god this is beautiful.

I dunno about others but for me it's just because Daphne and Velma is hot and WooT keeps fat Daphne/Velma close to my boner.
thanks, mainly a combo of your corianon thick style and jumbo venus used for that sequence
>thirty 8ght enjoyer
wasn't aware of them before, but got plenty of stuff to read whilst genning now lol

also looking forward to trying out some slimegirls with this shape, really fits the jelly look

>last gen needs a couch
it kept trying to put her on a desk with a chair mixed in, so a couch seemed easier
Why was the previous thread nuked? I wanted to save some gens from that one when I had time. What a shame.
see >>11100305
>tldr; mods are dumb
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I take a thread off and the whole site nukes itself? Yikes, gang.

Check desuarchive, it scraped most of the thread which was lost.

I could provide a bit more, yes.
Still not sure why my brain wants to make them all horseknights, but in lieu of other suggestions, that's what's happening.
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Someone was asking for non-penis mermaids las thread too, so here's one with a fat ass.
I mean I'm certainly not gonna complain. A traveling horsegirl knight who might accidentally impregnate a woman or two in every village she visits would make a fun story.
Thank you for this!
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Done. And i also let 2 non anal hose insertion gens slip cause i liked them lol
>Asuna anal hose inflation mega updated
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_ai_rentry
now that's a robo dick, great job, cute af
yeah was quite the jumpscare...
amazing background composition lol, looks perfectly like a mermaid temple. And also nice chunky mermaid.
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also bonus test gen with huge breasts
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Thanks guys

>Impressive! Any plans on making a full length comic with stories and speech bubbles?
I tried that, I made a 6 panel intro with a presenter but it looks a bit lame and pointless

>love these! how long does it normally take to have a finished strip?
Few hours. I have to get poses right, edit the bulges to size, make corrections, etc.

>lovely work, any chance for an anal round?
Ok, is she good?
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Cyberdragon taursex.

You're quite welcome.

Thanks, 0.4.

Thanks again for not being complete garbage, /ddg/.
I don't think I'd be doing this anywhere else.

Your stuff's been great these past few threads - you're really going the extra mile on some of these.
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As a change of pace from all the HONSE, here's a balls-under-pussy cyberslut.
this biopunky lora has been genning some interesting ones
cute bunny

>is she good?
need to see her in action before scoring

nice and creamy, nicely done with the different hair colours
I love when futa girls are just casually exposing their junk.
Cute Ilulu but she needs a dose of her own medicine.
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here you go anons
>Thanks again for not being complete garbage, /ddg/.
seconding that, i know it's not a super high bar, but it's really the only thing that keeps me posting lol
thx robonon!
>that almost guro looking joint/seam between the mecha leg and the fleshy ass
>need to see her in action before scoring
i think he meant the visual traits of the girl in lmao.
>medium sagging breasts with inverted nipples
>side ponytail
again NTA but she's perfect imho
Thanks for the Asuka!
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One more balls-under-pussy cybersloot.
Bigger tits, cyberballs leaking orange synthcum.


Agreed, it's quite fun.
Requesting a sequence where a skinny gym girl becomes a massive belly muscular strongfat futa.
forgot to anchor
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Last one for now, generic blushing schoolgirl exhibitionism nonsense.
Requesting style LoRA for these artists. Mainly beeg futas.
Very good. Thank you very much!
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I made one for Sirachi already it's in the hdg repo in "cun" mega.
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Found it, many thanks. Hope you're willing to train some of the artists on the list, only if you like them ofc. Being a vramlet isn't doing it for me, I can barely gen.
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>Few hours
dang that's dedication! If you had a wishlist for just making edits quickly in a gui, what tools are the most useful to you? I am making one in c++ using the sdcpp backend or comfy (your choice) and I want to make sure I give the inpainters everything they need in one app instead of bouncing around

this style is adorbs anon!
That would be extremely useful, but for this particular thing most of the time is wasted trying to match the character, poses, fixing details like missing fingers, labia, hairstyle...
I gen several inpaints and mix the best parts together. genning the same character is hard.

Something useful would be a pixel budget autocalculator, something that, bafflingly, is missing from A1/Forge
So you want to calculate the mask's extreme coordinates and retrieve the dimensions of a rectangle on the canvas size, then apply them to height and width. maybe rounding up by factor of 64
Meaning if my mask is 1221x1510, it'll return 1280x1536.
You can have this displayed as you paint the mask.
Mask width: (real number)
Mask height: (real number)
And a box to tick as "auto", to use it (factor of 64 rounded up)
Reason being sometimes it's useful to overshoot the size for more detail, knowing exactly what the mask size is would help tremendously.

Integrating an option to load a mask from file (b&w) would be nice also.
Eraser option is also a must, sometimes you need the mask to be perfect on certain spots and if you slip you gotta do it all over
Can you gen her with small tits and large-but-not-hyper dick?
What's the recipe to achieve such hung dicks? does it only work when they are standing?
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>Something useful would be a pixel budget autocalculator, something that, bafflingly, is missing from A1/Forge
I think comfy has it as a "grow mask" node so doable. not sure it does the rounding but that doesn't sound hard at all. What I would like to work towards is having layers so you can color+mask non destructively as well as a layer for posing 3D models using vulkan or opengl rendering. you can apply glsl/hlsl shaders on that, diffuse, then work iteratively from there. Since 3D generation is getting good enough for at least consistent diffusion results, some simple rigging would be great. also way faster than preprocessing since you can rig an openpose model underneath and just send that to the controlnet input. depth maps would also be way faster

not quite hyper but still past the knees!
>I don't like female faces

>the /yaoi/ diff thread is full of fucking SIMPSONS CHARACTERS
fucking kek
At least they aren't making a fourth general on /aco/.
Fuck, cute chibi shorty with a thick hung dick... so good...
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I went through the list I'm not a fan of the others. kidmakina I've thought about a few times but I'm not sure if his style would get neuter'd by pony since it's basically just sketches.
That's extra cute!
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ty anons! <3
I mean you could load a png and give resize-reposition options, which alpha data you'd then translate as binary data for a mask.

The problem with this, and automatic layering as a whole, is that entities don't exist separate from background as it concerns lighting and shadows.
I bridge this by drawing some simple shadows myself, and then including it in the inpaint.

If you automate it and only concern yourself with the layer, it'll look copypasted, inpainted or not.
Adding some padding could fix it in certain circumstances, but depending on style and specific environment, it may or may not work. It's all very circumstantial.

This I mean specifically for 100% stable backgrounds to be use in progression. I understand there is wiggle room if you don't mind your scene changing a bit
Is this the right place to ask for cute boys? If so I request Bugsy from pokemon, hung and bottom heavy please.
>The problem with this, and automatic layering as a whole, is that entities don't exist separate from background as it concerns lighting and shadows.
>I bridge this by drawing some simple shadows myself, and then including it in the inpaint.
I was thinking more like photoshop so manually determining the layers and only using active ones or having a special diffusion layer that only concerns what's underneath as the context context for inpainting.

>Adding some padding could fix it in certain circumstances, but depending on style and specific environment, it may or may not work. It's all very circumstantial.
true. I need to keep in mind resizing, feathering and some other options are in there so it hits those edge cases

>This I mean specifically for 100% stable backgrounds to be use in progression. I understand there is wiggle room if you don't mind your scene changing a bit
I think preserving the original bg layer will make things a lot more convenient in this regard. you can always just alpha out the changes with the original bg underneath
I'm turbo retarded, I swear that I can't fucking inpaint anything and it feels like I have no idea what I'm doing
>try to inpaint a bigger dick
>pic rec if I set up denoise too high
>no changes at all if I lower the denoise
Fuck me
>open paint
>color pick the closest skin tone to the dick
>paint crude penis
>use result as inpaint image
>mask over it with highish denoise
>Profit (with maybe a few rerolls)
Okay will try this, it makes total sense and I feel so dumb
>pic no related
>I think preserving the original bg layer will make things a lot more convenient in this regard.

of course, the contradiction lies on the fact a good inpaint does change the background.
And to do that with low denoise you need to prep paint it manually, as high denoise may change it too much.

This aside. Have you thought of an inpaint mode that makes characters directly pop into scene by autogenning w/simple background -> rembg -> inpaint on spot?

Something like,
>manually paint a region
>enter subprompt for character
>program gets dimensions, gens character
>places gen on inpaint spot
>inpaints in region with prompt + subprompt

A bit out there but maybe worth considering
>This aside. Have you thought of an inpaint mode that makes characters directly pop into scene by autogenning w/simple background -> rembg -> inpaint on spot?
you should be able to do this manually with the layers. you could turn off all the ones underneath after painting, the alpha'd areas would turn black or white when converted to RGB for diffusion then apply an alpha mask after diffusion (have the option to auto mask with a seg model here probably). since the positioning was determined in the first step it should already start where you want it but you can easily reposition if you need to then copy the mask to use as an inpaint mask (with the appropriate transformations to blend properly).
I still encourage to give it a try, maybe pruning the highest amount of sketch-looking ones, and leaving the most sharp ones in the dataset would suffice. If not, then tagging the sketchy ones with "sketch" would still do, so it can work as negatives, but I'm not sure
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Jackspot (still I can't somehow uncensor the tip)
After some cooking I did this. It is any good? or I keep doing shit work
it's an interesting style
Might wanna turn down CFG a bit unless the intense colors are intentional
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Pursue extreme meditation? (not the original meditation anon)
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This shy young lady has promised herself that she will get in shape and stop being such a wallflower, whatever it takes!
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The trainer's recommendation was right! "Going Futa" gave her a hormonal balance that's ideal for bulking and building muscle. Plus, the increased sex drive has helped her overcome her social anxiety!
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Six months later, and she's rocking the bod of her dreams! Well, she's still working off the latest bulking. But whatever, she can get any guy she wants these days!
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>meds make cooming a real bother
>mass gen increasingly intense shit just to get a boner
>still can't find anything strong enough to counter the debuff from meds
Stable Diffusion 3 is going to fix me.
these are great, thank you
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Does anyone have any idea how to use hiresfix without fucking up the image?Every single time I try it I get multiple bellybuttons and if there's a dick in the image I get body horror. What sampler/settings do you guys use?Asking here because /g/ is dead and /h/ is filled with absolute retard spammers
use multi diffusers, hires is bad with pony
Purpletongueanon someone released a Granberia lora for pony.
Cool, there was a Zheng lora all along.

You have either too high/incorrect ratio resolution for t2i, too high upscale multiplier, too high denoise.

I have most luck with 1.5x upscale with 0.4 denoise, then upscale to 2048 with i2i.
will try to improve this tomorrow, good night anons. Try to not nuke the thread again.
Hot damn, nice! Thank you again!
Grimoire is a loli based checkpoint, but this zheng lora is very persuasive with its bodytype.
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Is possible for you to make the last one use her mouth on that? I understand that ain't easy and must involve a crane, but that would be a grand finale
Yooo, look at that anal distention, gacha is so much fun!
I see her tits got repurposed
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thanks anon! it worked out quite okay with the outfit, i´m glad you liked it.
idk what to tell you kek. Crazy impressive and your dedication is admirable.
cuteness overload
as always, this style is so perfect for chibi futa kek
I feel like the lora mix does the most heavy lifting for that look. Negging erection and small penis also helps. you can check the metada of similar gens here in my rentry >>11100895
>does it only work when they are standing?
it´s quite gacha already and funky poses are even worse,so the standing pose surely helps.
you´ve been making solid improvements, so just keep cooking, i quite like your colors and the smug vibes
you could give RAUNet a try as a third option. I can´t recommend it enough
great job, love the hairstyle of this one
>based checkpoint
and ofc it´s nuked already... is it worth it to ask you to share it with me? or is it too stylized to work with my loras? From the civit page it looks like it´s quite heavy on it´s own style.
WOW this one turned out pretty much perfect
And that was just hiresfix into i2i upscale, it's crazy how sometimes you get jackpots.

Hmm, where can I upload 7gigs? It has a very strong style though, just like veridian.
Forgot grid.
> it's crazy how sometimes you get jackpots.
it really is like playing a gacha game sometimes kek
>Hmm, where can I upload 7gigs?
yeah that´s pretty annoying lol...i´m not quite sure, could you try this https://anonfile.net/ ? But I don´t want to take up too much of your time or bandwidth so it´s fine if it doesn´t work.
forget about anonfiles, it´s a fake, the real one was nuked quite a bit ago
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maybe https://gofile.io ? But again, no worries if it´s a hassle lol.
Oh no worries, I have a 1gbit connection, took me 5min..! Great site, fast upload.

https://gofile.io/d/lo0B8J Enjoy, fellow degenerate..!
Thanks soo much <3
>1gbit connection
you won´t belevie how jealous i am rn kek
Trying ahegao for a change since some anon wanted that.

No problem, it's a really cute checkpoint.

It's mainly for work, but it's real nice to download stuff from places that can accommodate the bandwidth!
I got so many amazing prompts saved for that doujin, but it's more fun just finding stuff for it.
>it's a really cute checkpoint
it is, and it somewhat works with my loras too. Didn't even have to prompt for loli to get picrel lol. But it's very obvious that it's not intended to be used with style loras.
Cyclops-LOLI warning: https://files.catbox.moe/kxm7kw.png
How do you get half erect dick?
>NAI lora at 100% weight turns it into this

Yeah 1girl is pretty much just loli prompt. It's why I got surprised I managed to get an adult with that zheng lora.
Looks great!

I have a hard time getting erections, don't mock me bro.
Really, my gens end up with flaccid or pointing down even when I prompt for "erect penis".
But that halfchub is perhaps what the zheng lora is providing, he does a lot of that.
you are making the absorption ppl happy

any more vore focused?
Might be the Zheng lora yeah, Its almost impossible for me to get those half erect on purpose, the tag doesnt seem to be recognized, after-sex kinda work a littke bit but it adds cum
Just stacking loras on top of each other, currently at 15.
This sort of experimentation for obscure stuff is most fun for me.

Play around with weights.
erect penis, flaccid penis, curved penis
>want to train a lora
>kohya install script fucks up
>turns out my python installation was fucked up, and my system needs to be factory resetted
are multiple actors too confusing for the AI too?
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ready to swordfight, anon?
>giving the bulge a titjob
amazing 10/10, slap the judge who gave her a 7

>guro looking joint/seam between the mecha leg and the fleshy ass
trying to play around with different weights/loras/prompts to get those differences between the ass and leg
love the effect on this one, only issue is the non-robo penis, may need to get an inpaint workflow setup for this stuff or just get my prompts better organised

>meant the visual traits of the girl
oh, I intended to give a score for her performance, which was indeed incredible

amazing robo pussy, love the orange cum aswell
any tips for getting the cum a different colour, never been able to get it to gen anything other than white or yellowish

yes please

beautifully disgusting, but how the hell do you have 15 loras working together without it coming out in sludge

assuming you're using windows, give this a quick read for how to manage different python versions with venvs, or if you're on linux(and I think macos) look up pyenv
She'll get tired fast. There's a reason most swords are light.
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lmao 2plate!!!1
On linux, and it wasn't just python, it's conda railfucking my python installation like it's a instant loss doujin.
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hey 0.4 anon, I was one of the OG robobros from a while ago, and I haven't been around here in a bit. but I still enjoy using your spine lora. I also started making loras myself recently. I was wondering if you or anyone else knows any cool artists for robot girls and stuff like that. I wanted to make different styles of robot girls. I did some looking and couldn't find much.
can you do this same pose/character but non android?

And the cum is pooling in a drinking glass
Welcome back, not aware of any artists for robot girls specifically. Probably best searching boorus with robot_girl tag.
I've just been using different robo loras for the robot effect and leaving the art style up to the checkpoint.

oh god, this is why I avoid stepping outside of pip as much as possible. good luck anon

can give it a go, but the cum in drinking glass can be a pain to get right
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Twin Trubo again , now with more /d/ick

didn't gen anything new today yet, since I forced myself to update my mega before doing more, which I have now done.
can post a link to it again if anyone is interested.

I did stumble upon it a while ago and tried it out a bit, but it was during a time of heavy work obligations. so didn't I do more than some simple gens and ended loosing her in the sea of other ideas.
Maybe I should have Alice bukkake Granberry too.
We want the chronenburg Prometheus audience

Imagine a whole AI gen movie full of this fuck
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fat hairy mob face hag ooouu
Any tips for a novice haven't been into it since I got my 7900xtx a week ago and a770 was too slow
What do you mean, for getting flaccid penises? Unless you use regional prompter/forge couple, it should bleed over to both characters.

Only works on checkpoints that have a very strong native style, like veridian, fantasm.
Pic related is on some lesser popular checkpoint that lets loras take over fully.
And thanks, these gens are coming out really great.

Nigthmare fuel.
I forgot that other aspect than 1:1 exists..
you can't do bodily injury (just mental trauma)?
Okay, now do the vore/seedbeds where they lost their minds and are completely bonkers non-stop cumming pissing shitting
I just mean, multiple people - im guess in these gens, the ai would merge them horrifically?
Can you do all-the-way-through? Those mouths are gaping just asking for it.
thanks I've been looking around and found one I liked and I've been experimenting with it, trying to perfect it but it's been giving me some trouble. The artist's name is Yunimaru. check him out. I'll try to have a better version of the lora demo'd here soon.
I forgot one lora, now I'm at 17 and quality is finally falling apart.


Isn't scat now allowed on /d/? Not that I would.

Oh, I guess prompting for bodymerge wouldn't quite work unless you do too high resolution, I'll give that a try for lulz.

Ah yes, thanks for reminding me to get one of those loras.
bottom right is incredible holy shid
ah, doesn't have to be scat. they could be birthing or splooshing any generic mess out. The robo girls (>>11101423
above were having weird paint thinner periods soooo
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>Looks great!
hahaha thx! and also thank you again for the checkpoint,it works like a charm all things considered. And it also avoids the long torso on some gens, i just wish it was more neutral style wise...
> It's why I got surprised I managed to get an adult
yeah kek it's no suprise this one got nuked on civit.
Cyclops-LOLI warning: https://files.catbox.moe/tuidx8.png
>to get those differences between the ass and leg
yeah the joints are the best part of robogirls imo, also super cute hairstyle and lovely colors, i like the plasticy shininess
hey! glad to see you're back! And with a great gen too.
> I also started making loras myself recently.
based! got anything cool to share already?
>robo artists
i'm afraid i'm in the same boat as robonon >>11102200. Other than the obvious Sukabu no other artists that go all in on the robogirls and mechabare come to mind.And i'm also combining robo concept loras with different artists to see what sticks. BUT you can always bake your own take of a mecha spine or robo girls lora. Would be interesting to see what you would come up with!
BRO that's literally the one artist i wanted to recommend for you to try, somehow i never got around to do it myself, got too distracted baking loli loras LMAO. But i can't wait to see how it turns out.
We need video gen of this holy fucking nightmare fap fuel batwomen
Lul, this is what happens on too high resolution.

The checkpoint is great for eyes i see..!

I think it should actually handle all these loras I'm currently using.

Been tempted with video gen, but that's for another era.
With 24gb be enough for video gen to at least try it? Or my 79xtx not enough
>based! got anything cool to share already?
everything I've made so far isn't really /d/ material and I post it all to civ. I did make an artist lora for a non hentai artist that does cyberpunk style art but its pretty fried sometimes, his name is deathburger. here are some cool gens with it, its best for close-ups. I haven't posted the lora anywhere let me know if you want it.


>But i can't wait to see how it turns out.

I was just about to start baking it so wish me luck
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Cute Saria! Although being used to her regular art and demeanor ingame her face looks comparatively cursed. Eyes a tad too small, no scowl etc.
>But i really feel that lol. We live and learn.
Fortunately, the other preset worked to train only the targetted weights, so I have something that actually works.
I usually make the merge 75% to 60% targetted lora, but I find the full LoCon to work nicely for how low the selected epoch was.
Still, you can see how the standard LoCon just doesn't hit the mark, while the targetted one easily hits it but lacks detail, to the point of deleting the arms altogether. So 50/50 it is.
I have to touch up the metadata to make it more usable, but I'll be uploading it to my mega within the hour, then civit after that.
couldn't get the exact pose again and without inpainting not sure it's possible to get cum dripping into glass
hope you enjoy anyway anon

ty, will have to give veridian another go when I feel like stacking insane loras together
and really nice portraits >>11102213 the ripped clothing works so well

many thanks for the recommend, lovely work especially liking the wheel/treads on robo feet
good luck on the lora, can't wait to try it out

>the plasticy shininess
not sure which one is causing this, mixing up biopunky, reelmech and mechanism atm
also "rubber body" and "body suit" in the prompt
and on robo artists, it's this general that awakened my interest (40k mechanicus aside), so not really aware of any artists for this stuff, so thanks for the Sukabu mention

>uploading it to my mega within the hour
well time for some slime girl gens
looking very nice and hyper, happy you managed to pull it off
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just finished training the lora, sadly there isnt many images with the wheels/treads so its not super prominent, or easy to pull off.

On another note I think this version came out far better than my last attempt. Gonna do some more testing.
I broke forge, I can't gen any more, probably need a reboot, lul.

Never done it. But yeah, 24gb should definitely be enough, I only max out my 4090 when I do insane resolutions.

The loras also need to be of good quality for it all to work nicely. Some loras are trained badly, so they will break even Veridian.
>touch up the metadata to make it more usable
probably should have read this before experimenting, sorta getting the shape with "tdb" and "teardropbody" mixed in with some other hyper prompts, but I'll wait on your tips
also mixing it with a random slimegirl lora I've only used once before possibly isn't helping lol

is that from the cyberpunk bartender game?
played the demo years ago, but never actually bought the game. is it any good?

might be an inpainting job, or combine with other robo loras as most of them seem to mix well
looking good, especially the robotic face

>need a reboot
kek, think that the torch library will just leave stuff in vram sometimes when it bugs out
probably a way around it without rebooting, but it's almost certainly quicker/less effort to just turn it off and on again
and ty for the heads up, won't try jamming in some obscure positioning lora into a mega mix
Neat so what's the best video gen I can try on wangblows Eleven or should I dual boot with Linux considering I have a 136k and 79xtx

Really sick of windows
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>probably should have read this before experimenting, sorta getting the shape with "tdb" and "teardropbody"
It's just giving the finished merge the same metadata as the standard version so the tags show up, the lora on the mega should already have that.
You could use those two but the effect is much more pronounced with thickening tags for hips and thighs, then the lora should then try and draw the waist going there from the armpit area.
I say should because it's still kind of hit or miss.
Making the character plump or fat works, but half of the reason I made this is to try and get those kind of waists on non-fat characters in the first place.
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The heck, who deleted the anchor post?

>amazing robo pussy, love the orange cum aswell
>any tips for getting the cum a different colour
'colored cum, <color> cum' is usually enough for me - might need to weight it higher depending on your checkpoint or prompt.
Also, if you're in the habit of negging source_furry, don't do that - they've got that kind of weird/specific stuff tagged better on that side of the pony models.
You can also throw in 'glowing cum' which helps pretty well for lava orange or radioactive green cum.
Purple cum lizard girl provided for example
Catboxo: https://files.catbox.moe/r026bm.png

No worries, glad you liked them.

>love the hairstyle of this one
Thanks, IIRC that was just 'high ponytail, dark hair, multicolored hair' plus overlap from the orange cum.

Start with really low denoise (0.1, 0.15) and slowly increase from there. Some samplers/schedulers have a different sweet spot for upscaling.
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>I think it should actually handle all these loras I'm currently using.
maybe... LMAO maybe you'll get even something you can share
>everything I've made so far isn't really /d/ material and I post it all to civ.
mind sharing a link? i'm very curious. And I also barely train stuff only for /d/. lmao Some of my loras would be better recieved on /b/ i think. But artist styles are artist styles and if it's hentai or nsfw focused you can always share it here too!
hahaha pretty neat, i know his style from the cover art for the neuromancer books. I'd love to try it! Maybe it mixes well with my loras for some neat colors.
>Cute Saria!
> cursed
hahaha i guess so, i have never played arknights but i know ingame it's basically only chibis, right? and yeah, it's pretty easy to mess up the characterization of a franchise chara if you have no connection to them.
>teardrop body
lol you found a prettycatchy name
>but I'll wait on your tips
>I say should because it's still kind of hit or miss.
and it's also sometimes a skill issue with prompting for hyper stuff too, at least that my problem kek But picrel is pretty close even with my slime loli prompt.
pretty good and chill game, loved the vibes
>so not really aware of any artists for this stuff, so thanks for the Sukabu mention
yeah sadly i have yet to find another artist like him, imo that's as good as it can get.
And don't even ask for decent hentai manga with robo girls like that lol Barely anything good and thses these two are not quite there but still pretty good https://nhentai.net/g/436361/ https://nhentai.net/g/436361/ having a lora for displayfaces like that would be amazing
>who deleted the anchor post?
wtf, i didn't even notice that
I'm set up with comfyui, been experimenting with custom nodes and trying out flux with loras.

Ready to move onto degenerate porn. What's the base model recommendation? Pony v6 xl?
>Maybe I should have Alice bukkake Granberry too.
Do it please, Alice bukkaking her knights as a reward sounds like a great idea. And yeah lately i have been swamped with work too.
>mind sharing a link

feels like self-promotion but sure. I am also redoing my Yunimaru lora now, found some issues.


I didn't post the deathburger lora since I wasn't too happy with how it came out. I might redo it.
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These are amazing! Do you share your technique anywhere? I'm particularly curious about the progressive panels - do you make each individually and stitch them together or do you have a way to generate those in one go?

My goal is a before-and-after-type capture/enslavement/slave sex type thing.
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welp i messed up the nhentai links, but the artist name is Andojing. He's got some cool cyborg smut.
the waistline so close to reaching the armpits...
>I am also redoing my Yunimaru lora now, found some issues.
We will patiently wait, what are you training on? local or rented gpu?
>blonde catgirl with black lips
she reminds me somehow of gens i saw ages ago on /hdg/. kek
>I didn't post the deathburger lora since I wasn't too happy with how it came out. I might redo it.
gotcha,no worth in sharing something you don't like using yourself.
I appreciate all your Mao gens anon.
always appreciative of people testing out random suggestions. Looks amazing. The blinded by bangs look is just super cute
>local or rented gpu
shamefully, I train on civ, it honestly works pretty well when you get it working right.

>blonde catgirl with black lips
I got her from hdg and I like her so I primarily post her now, I am not her original poster, just adopted the OC as my own.

I was also thinking about posting my own rendition of the mechanics enicha lora if I do it myself I was planning on editing out all the background lines and stuff too.
Love these muscle futas, looks like a Ghoul from death mage. Could you make a Basdia?
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its uuuuuup (testing early access with minimum settings as a joke, just get it from my mega)
>i have never played arknights but i know ingame it's basically only chibis, right?
Ingame yes, since you need a lot of real state to put down everything, but character art in UI and story is way more detailed. She's this stern character with an emotionless do-er demeanor 99.9% of the time so seeing her blushing and almost assertive is, just no. But porn logic so it doesn't matter
>lol you found a prettycatchy name
"grimace gyatt" never had a chance.
>and it's also sometimes a skill issue with prompting for hyper stuff too, at least that my problem kek But picrel is pretty close even with my slime loli prompt.
Nah you're doing great, those are ideal proportions right there.
>the waistline so close to reaching the armpits...
I know IT SUCKS! But my humble 4080 can't hope to overturn weeks of A100s looking at standard anime tanktop booba from shoving a waistline in there.
...could someone do futa Jill from VA11-HALL-A prone, with a gaping asshole?
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Oh hey Kotmom, long time no see.
Gen kotgranny
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>thickening tags for hips and thighs
was getting it more consistently with these plus copying bits from your catboxes, but now it's going all over the place and I'm too tired to figure out what needs editing
will play around more before work tomorrow, should probably get some normal humans genned before trying to jam in the slime girls lol

and of course you've got it working beautifully, would love to have these girls as paper weights on my desk to poke
cheers for the Andojing link, getting some display face gens sounds like an interesting challenge

if you do redo it please let us know, always happy for more robo loras

not sure if there are any direct benefits for genning on linux, other than less RAM being taken up by the OS
if you wanna try linux tho, recommend going with the KDE Plasma Desktop Enviroment (DE), more or less the same layout as Windows 7/10 out the box
Linux Mint distro is probably the best one for beginners, afaik most stuff just works out the box
unfortunately I've heard many people have issues dual booting with Win11 in particular, so definitely check forums for advice if you have any issues
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>shamefully, I train on civ
If it works for you that's great. At least you're not letting that keep you from training and trying stuff. And if you get decent loras out of it, even better.
>mechanics enicha lora if I do it myself I was planning on editing out all the background lines and stuff too.
hahaha that would be amazing if forgot that i wanted to do that too, want me to share my dataset of that artist?
> I like her
gotcha, and yeah the bangs over eyes are pretty cute
> But porn logic so it doesn't matter
pretty much my thinking too.
>"grimace gyatt"
top kek
>I know IT SUCKS! But my humble 4080 can't hope to overturn weeks of A100s looking at standard anime tanktop booba from shoving a waistline in there.
LMAO it's true, it feels like you're hitting the limits of the anime anatomy regarding the waistline. But it's still very neat that you managed to get that far!
>Love these muscle futas
You know about my rentry, right? If not check this post here >>11100895
> Basdia?
there's no lora for her, but i can try to bootleg her hairstyle and visual traits
>would love to have these girls as paper weights on my desk to poke
LMAO that'd be amazing. And thanks anon! Your slimegirl looks nice and glossy but yeah, i'm sure you can get closer to that waistline of the lora.
>getting some display face gens sounds like an interesting challenge
that will be the first thing i'll do when i feel like getting really into inpainting.
it really has been a while and that lingerie looks amazing lol
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I re-did it pretty quickly and re-tagged a few things. no activation tags, just use it with all your normal mechanical_X tags. Let me know if you find any huge issues. Send some stuff with it if you get anything cool.

I'll prob post it to civ soon if its good enough. also if you use "mechanical ears" or "covered face" you might get some cool helmets. Try them independently too.

thanks, I already got a dataset and I'm trimming it up now.
Iran released hacked info about Israeli warcrimes
Fucking Jews, can't avoid their tentacles even on /d/. Even though Jews invented Japanese porn, they still want to destroy it.
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I'd say it's pretty great so far, giving it more steps helps a little to improve the details. Picrel is with my Asuka robo gremlin prompt
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And as expected it's pretty good with claws and long fingernails
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>Nani!!? How in the de gozaru did kisama see through my invisibility no jutsu?
>I must nigeru right now!
Trying any sort of clothing is impossible because of how body-shape bound it is, this is the one gen I could get without a sash you couldn't tie around a chair's leg and it still is kind of waspish.
>was getting it more consistently with these plus copying bits from your catboxes, but now it's going all over the place and I'm too tired to figure out what needs editing
Thanks for trying, yeah, it kind of doesn't work right outside of optimal conditions but I'm done retraining this for a while.
If I don't forget about it and make some great gens with it I might retrain, but certainly not now.
in your opinion does it need to be retrained? Keep in mind it costs me like 500-700 buzz per lora. I have around 15k buzz right now so its not too big of a deal.

I am not sure if its the same for local training but I cant manually change the steps. I have to change the epochs and num repeats/train batch size to up them.

This is my training settings on civ, if any of this means anything to you.

I tried with a canvasSolaris lora but 2 girls is cursed and what not. And everything tended to melt with the 3 loras. especially with a full weight granberry
have one with a relatively simple z-ton style one: though without context this could be any 'ol redhead with headfins.
Full body (solo) granberry might show her better
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more like this but with the receive longingly receiving it in their mouth
Nice! It's pretty good anon.
>especially with a full weight granberry
I think someone said in her lora page that .8 is better for Granberry as full weight doesn't mix well with the other loras.
re-requesting this (not sure if the other Anon delivered since last thread got nuked), two futas mutually penetrating + knotting each other with thick knot cocks.
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switching from confetti to fantasm and adding my enchina lora too gives pretty cool gens
>Trying any sort of clothing is impossible because of how body-shape bound it is
hmm, i'll now have to try that with a robo gen
>in your opinion does it need to be retrained?
i mean, it's always a question about what you want from the lora and how much time you're willing to invest into optimizing, it looks pretty good to me so far, makes me want to try to bake a lora myself to compare to it lol But to be perfectly honest you have to decide wether you like the look or not. Especially with robo or concept loras it's really hard to say wether they're good or bad unless ther don't work properly. Here's some more examples i could gen with adding the spine lora or the enchina style and i think you could try to retrain with prodigy but you don't have to.
>I cant manually change the steps
I always only set the max steps, repeats and batch size 1 and the final epoch count is the result of the amount of pics. Maybe you can calculate the necessary epoch count yourself to get something like 4000-5000 steps?
>training settings on civ
maybe you could give it a try with settings similiar to my local training, but only if you feel like it. DIM128 results in a very huge lora but i'd be curious to see how it works out for you. But regardless of dim size you should try to use prodigy as the optimizer, it's much easier cause you don't have to care about setting learning rates. And with Prodigy you also want to set the network alpha always to 1. But you can play with the DIM size ofc.
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LMAO i love how your loras just klicked together to give me this gen. Thanks for being awesome guys.
thanks for doing all these tests, and testing my lora out. I am a fan of the fantasm model too. It's really nice.

>retrain with prodigy
Ive only ever used adafactor, when I was first given my training settings, and I don't know whats any different about it. I can try what you gave me but I may lower the dim a bit maybe by half.

I have enough buzz to where I can do this right now, but in the future these settings don't seems cost and time-efficient.


What do you think of these settings?
>Assume the position. You have 10 seconds to comply.
kek, very nice
>these settings don't seems cost and time-efficient.
lol no for sure, nothing i do is min-maxed. But yeah those settings seem fine. if you have the means give it a shot, and you always also can check in the metada of other models that you like.
thinking about i'm not sure if 4000 are overkill. But i merge two loras with each 2000 steps with the ratio 1:1. Is that equvalent to doing 4000 steps? I'm not sure hahaha what do you think?
the metadata of the teardrop lora says 2500, that's for one of the bakes right? What do you think about doing 4000 steps on a single bake? might be worth a try, right?
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>What do you think about doing 4000 steps on a single bake? might be worth a try, right?
Well, it says that because I used the final epoch's metadata. But in reality the chosen epochs didn't make it to 2500 steps combined. The regular LoCon epoch was created like 30% through the steps and the targetted one at 50%.
And my settings are already conservative enough with 0.25 network dropout and d.coef=0.8. I could retrain it at my usual long bake settings at 0.5 dropout and d_coef=0.5, but I'd prefer to have more good examples for the dataset (currently at 30; I'd be more comfortable with ~50). And right now I'm kind of worn genning examples for it for days. Maybe in a week people on civit will post good shit that I can use.
Maybe something that matches >>11102324 even? Yeah right.
I looked at a few, concepts seem to be 300-1k, and artist styles a bit more at around 2000-400k.

is there any concern that my small dataset of around 59 images will become over-trained and be super janky? there isn't many images for this artist that I want to use.

I'm just asking questions since this is the first time I've changed my settings this intensely since I started training. I think I'll try it, just as an experiment since I got the buzz to burn.
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last robo gen for now but i had to do a cyclops hyperbot, and i have to say, that Yunimaru lora adds very neat seamlines and textures on the body, but that teardrop waistline suffers a little because of all the gaps and the joints but it still there kek
>I used the final epoch's metadata
>But in reality the chosen epochs didn't make it to 2500 steps combined.
gotcha and yeah still impressed that you got that far with just 30 images lol
just look and vramlets lora, he made it work with 30 images, but yeah 59 images are on the lower end for sure, you could manually crop them to get more images though, that's what i like to do. Some focusing on the faces for example are alwyas a good addition.
>artist styles a bit more at around 2000-400k.
i see
i guess that's for trained models?
>I'm just asking questions since this is the first time I've changed my settings this intensely since I started training. I think I'll try it, just as an experiment since I got the buzz to burn.
Nice, very curious to see the results! Experimenting and finding the settings that work for you is worth it though. The step count, dim size and optimizers are all big variables in that puzzle and using defaults is a good starting point but sometimes you have to break things to even start to understand how they work lol. I've been at it for 2years now and i still barely understand how all this works. But i really think for pony training using prodigy is the easiest.
Perfect female form.
you know, these cocks are fat and long and all, but it would actually be nice to see them being used (Sucked and/or fucked)
I meant 2k-4k I dont know why I typed that.
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> 2k-4k
okay now that makes much more sense and yeah, you'll have to find your sweet spot but if you want to test things i'd go from low to high in 1k steps.Starting at 2k. I failed to check your metadata earlier and it has 885 max steps.So I think there's some potential there. Can't wait to try the new bake.
i tried, but it's not very close i'm afraid
Ok Im lowering the Epochs down to 35, which puts me around 2k steps, And Ill set it up.

Can we get more of this please
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Indecent exposure laws don't exist for the top .01% of futas
Excellent content, fantastic heft to her. Could you do some more horsecock stuff, maybe on a Gyaru with a hairy belly?
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Fat goth w twin tails:
https://files.catbox.moe/ipfkwl.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/wnjhyn.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/r13d5g.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/lnp3ao.jpeg
Oh haha I'm gonna fucking touch that dick
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System thinks I'm trying to spam
Ok Catbox is fucking up so here's a Mega
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>No request anchor
Hey 0.4. I requested Kaguya and Chika a long time ago and my god you've made so much progress. I'd like to request Ai Hayasaka from the same series with the same body type as Chika, if you'd like that is.
it was at 6, but previously I was genning at 2.5, should I got back?
>>11101867 (me)
Thank you! and yes for me the smugness
So cute my fucking dick is gonna explode
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How's this?
could I get one without pubes please? extra big
Mao love!!! More please!!!!
Later at night I can do some more gens, do you have any request for her?
Looking lovely! The one thing I'd be curious is how it'd look with more meat on her bones, maybe around the same level of fat as the goth girl.
anchor got erased so, requesting style loras of these artists pretty please
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No pubes (sad!)
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And lastly, a bloated gyaru
More of that smug loli dragon OC please, unless it's based on an existing character and I'm dumb.
Fuck, sorry, mean for

But still she looks lovely, reminds me of Celestia from Danganronpa
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one last horsecock girl
No way hung astolfo is back!
yay, thank you
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What is this thread?
Did he suck off a smurf?
>Lmao get jacked off idiot
He held his breath to get his legal guardian to give him cookies.
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Been trying to create something similar when trying to do inpainting. I managed to get a good enough scene and took a lot of tries to get a single dildo in it.

But getting a character interacting properly with the dildo or even the scenario was something i could't get to do. I was trying to do something similar to pic related. I managed to get it with a lora but sadly no background.

Congratulations on your work. You've inspired me to try and learn inpainting.
Absolutely immaculate Anon
Love these
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You're welcome. I decided to make another set using 0.4's Hidariki Lora, since I love Hidariki's musclegirls. Enjoy!
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So far she doesn't have a name, it was an OC that I found while prompt tweaking
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make her shoot (excessive) insanely amounts of cum while masturbating her gigantic cock please
Will try to do that, I had trouble making her grab her cock with both hands and look good
I tried, hope you can like it
its really hot, good thanks!!!!
NTA but what model and Style LoRAs are you using to get this look? Looks very nice
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Thank you! She's really hot it turns me on
Enjoy boxy~
Thank you.
One extra and gn
Absolutely perfect, thank you very much! Looking nice in the new style you're doing too.
This dildo reveal lora finally released out of "early access".

It couldn't handle them all, just a mush..
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You're starting to think your sister is doing this on purpose.
Very nice anon.
requesting two overweight monstergirls doing the "I entered a thread full of things I don't like and now I'm mad" pose while shooting autism lasers at each other
preferably dickless, the dick hating troon samefagging every thread would enjoy that
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Feel like i'm getting better at inpainting, managed to get a lot of changes done to what I desired.
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Okay, I'll point out ALL the gens without penises so you don't have to confront whatever crippling insecurity keeps you from posting rationally.

>Dildos, gaping, extreme insertion
(are dildos too much like penises? If so, maybe considering visiting a tamer board like /e/)
>Oppai loli
>Pregnancy, piercings, lactation
>Tentacle pits
Again, if tentacles are too much like a penis, consider migrating to /e/ or /u/.
>Feet, dirty/smelly, animal genitalia, kemonomimi
>extremely bottom heavy, hyper hips/butt
>extremely bottom heavy, hyper hips/butt, slime girl
anus focus, mermaid
>fat/chubby, hairy
>muscular, pubic hair
If literal dozens of gens fitting your criteria of 'no penises, not ever' aren't doing it for you, kindly fuck off.
Or maybe consider actually telling these kind anons that you enjoyed their gens and that you'd like to see more.
There's tons of good stuff here.
And because I'm nice, here's a zombie girl.
She's a good match for you because you're both fucking braindead.
the people who whine about too many cocks but then don't even bother to respond to the other pics they DID enjoy are the fucking worst

lack of feedback on non-futa pics makes me not even want to bother contributing
shift+click noimg whineposting, it's that simple. Let them scream into the void
Don't reply to the retarded subhuman, please.
It never, ever improves things. Just report and ignore.
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Zombie mermaid.

Is it just futa that bothers you? Because if even male-presenting cocks are a problem you really should probably go to /u/, where there should only be pussies and you'll feel nice and safe.
>more oppai loli
>anal hose inflation
>obesity, kemonomimi

Plus some that are weird to categorize or have non-futa penises.
>girls with pussies, and no penis (but they do have balls)
>cuntboys, sex
>Cybertaur sex
>return to monke
>Goblin x Zelda sex

>the people who whine about too many cocks but then don't even bother to respond to the other pics they DID enjoy are the fucking worst
They are indeed the lowest of the low.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.
At least it gave me a decent excuse to throw out a ton of (You)'s.

I honestly haven't been calling out enough other genners lately - just know that I see y'all, even if I don't always reply directly.
Let's give her a name and dare I say make it the mascot of /ddg/
I wish shape of dick like that were easily promptable, straight rod are boring
>straight rod are boring
Cylinder dicks are actually pretty hard to get
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Chest and facial hair warning
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The new bake has arrived, with your settings I think it is definitely better. but for some reason, it can't do the covered faces as easily as before but it still works with some extra tags. Here is a few catboxes, and the LoRA for testing. Feel free to push it to its limits. Strength varies I've had it work well at 0.4-1.

Please don't share it anywhere else at the moment, I gotta run for the day but I'll check on mobile to see if anyone cooks up some new gens with it.


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If you could improve one thing about the current state of aislop, what would that be?
Get rid of subhuman retards, such as anyone who doesn't understand that AI images are art by every definition that isn't obviously retarded.
Can you do some more of her with some more belly?
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Like this?
Love it, can you make one of her cumming?
Ooo yes!
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Have another
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Random question,I'm working on a HTML visual novel/game with /d/ fetishes and AI images.Futa protagonist,harem,incest and maybe some other stuff. If you played such a game would you want the artwork to be this 2.5D "obviously AI" artstyle or a more generic anime one? I really hate the 2.5D style because it's basically anime with realistic faces that makes it uncanny, so for now I'm working on the perfect mix of loras/checkpoints to have at least a semi-original artstyle instead of a premade one. Besides that,what would you like to see in terms of content?
I dont really mind the 2.5 look myself but a lot of people hate it so who knows
The people who are doing local have more then 2 brain cells.
>Pony fucker pruning artists out of field because if "morals"
>other furry wasting resources and time on a old finetune and can't take criticism
>rest of local literally gave up or circle jerk worse finetunes of pony and other shit
Honestly though we're in an okay place despite annoying shit, could things be better sure but I can generate things I want at a good speed with good accuracy. If anything else I want nai3's weights fir local do we can do their 2 person prompting that just works rather then have to tard wrangle regional prompter and other shit
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Best sex game ever for me was like CoC or Breeding Farm, I would want the focus to be 80% porn and some fluff settings and other systems. Just being leery if the deep end on shit like Thrones I think? One of those CoC spinoff where combat is sex and you have like 30 sexual moves to do the same thing. I assume people play a porn game for the sex, you want goof images with good writing. The o kt outlier I've seen with that is like kamidori where I just did the porn for completion or bonuses because i liked playing the game. Style wise whatever gets you the better coverage I think pixel is honestly a good middle ground

Also have a failgen.
Absolutely wonderful!
I think that with the good combination of styles you can get away from the 2.5d style and still look interesting and not be just "generic anime style #23". I'm willing to help with gens if you want
Please help me name her, I'm so bad at names. She's a dragon girl with gradient green hair, green eyes with slit pupils and green eyelashes, thick thighs and small perky breasts and she's a shower, a hung one. She's really self aware of what she has and she's smug about it, loves to tease you, so basically a little brat that has the MEAT to back it up
I did not inpaint that one, I rolled a couple of times and got that
I agree, for the flaccid ones I had to inpaint them, rings glande and veins included
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>inpaint rings and veins
Work fine for me.
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May have spent most of the day playing around with this setup instead of working lol
Had it up to 5 img2img gens switching between controlnet, upscale and both together, before accepting that the original layout is just superior 90% of the time

definitely got a bunch way closer to the original teardrop vision, pic rel, mainly the 2 slime loras that seems to mess with the gens in weird ways
very happy with the lora though, especially with beautys like >>11102497 being genned

gonna play around with it now that my comfyui editing tism is mostly over

amazing dong

eyeing up the pre-used mega dildo, questioning the life choices that led her to hiding it deep inside during the morning meeting

make something that you enjoy playing, otherwise you'll get burnt out quickly and abandon it
as for art style, if you hate 2.5d then go with a style you like. as long as the art/writing invoke horniness you'll have done well
and on >>11103378, would recommend integrating sex into gameplay instead of just being cutscenes, the interactivity makes the game more interesting even if the "quality" is worse than fully pre-rendered cutscenes
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and here's the best slime girl I got going eventually, also forgot to thank you >>11102322 for the coloured cum prompt, my mind must have been particularly retarded last time I tried the effect

lovely sequence, girly face muscle futa flashing in skimpy gym gear is so hot

>night of the living sex
lovely zombies, and yeah just ignore that tard, never need an excuse to pile on the (you)'s to all the amazing gens we get here
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Another hung gyaru
What happens if you use this lora with briefs/boxers
Curious, maybe we get a tip peek
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kek yeah thanks, i like to think that i´ve improved quite a little. But most of it is thanks to the based anons on /ddg/.
> Ai Hayasaka from the same series with the same body type as Chika
i´ll put t on my list! But i´m not sure when i´ll get to it
great gens, beard anon. Those two are perfect.
nice sequence, and that last gen is pretty much perfect
she cute!
that´s pretty neat, but >>11103074 killed me LMAO
>high ponytail
>sweaty pits
>pubes peek
11/10 gen
>At least it gave me a decent excuse to throw out a ton of (You)'s.
>I honestly haven't been calling out enough other genners lately - just know that I see y'all, even if I don't always reply directly.
kek you enjoy getting ´baited´ like this, right ? i love it, i bet that retard also hates mass replies lmao. And with such lovely zombiegirls too. Dont´t change, ornate anon <3
>I think it is definitely better
Nice, i´ve downloaded it and it´s waiting for me to get genning later, can´t wait. Your previews look promising!
seconding >>11103378
> I want nai3's weights fir local
that would be pretty nice
>rest of local literally gave up
i feel like that´s the problem with ´good enough´ . Rather than trying new things everyone got used to pony and and it´s problems. I just wish that the pony guy would´ve been a little more based and less of a furry hahaha. But beggars can´t be choosers ig.
okay, now we´re talking lol
>the 2 slime loras that seems to mess with the gens in weird ways
yeah my own slime lora struggled a little too
>especially with beautys like >>11102497 (You) being genned
thx anon! that lora mix was quite fun to use
> slime girl
i love the shininess and the colors, but i miss some transparency on her.
> accepting that the original layout is just superior 90% of the time
kek sometimes simple is best.
A sort of a derail, but: do you guys know any good /d/-tier AI chatbots? I'd love to live out my monster futa rape fantasies, but all the bots are either shitty or ridiculously pricey.
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Im gonna post the pussy version of what i made here in support of those who make gens with girls, i usually make and enjoy doing both.
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absolute 10/10 robo lora, working amazingly just reusing my previous robo prompts
got a headache so heading off now, but will definitely be using this frequently, many thanks

you have a talent for horse dong, really sexy

cute cyclops loli gf
>miss some transparency on her
think it's the combination of the slime loras and the mala anime checkpoint, only time I got any decent see-through the rest of the gen was too deep fried

Not sure, I tried a free site few months ago and it wasn't great for the 10 chats
/g/ do have a chatbot/gpt general, might be worth checking there for decent sites, or how to run a chatbot on your own pc
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A mad scientist's fish tank

>i usually make and enjoy doing both.
A lot of us do, which is why it's so frustrating when assholes show up and whine about it.
Willful ignorance; it can't be helped.

You're welcome, glad you got it working, looks good!
>my mind must have been particularly retarded last time I tried the effect
We've all been there.
It could have even been something minor and non-obvious like the model not recognizing the non-American spelling of 'colored/coloured'

>kek you enjoy getting ´baited´ like this, right ?
It is a rare opportunity to justifiably go off on someone.
Usually I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and remain civil, but this anon no longer warrants it.
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hair warning
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NAIv3 getting leaked, I guess. But more than anything I'd guess that I would like someone to really put some effort into a Pony alternative.
Mainly because Pony just has too many mixed things within it, it should be focused down into a simple to understand and specific model.

Furries will eventually get their own or at least have their own (they always do), ponyfuckers will absolutely get their model (they already have it plus they're highly autistic).
Anime guys are pretty lazy apart from subsets of them.
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Will it stop growing?
I mean you went from empty backgrounds to intricate ones like in the witch anime girl, I'd say you've made a lot of progress. Take your time by the way. I'm just happy you accepted my request.
She's more penis than girl. Hot.
More lolicock please...
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Follow up
>the fix for being a woman in a man's world is to be more of a man
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And a 1futa pallette cleanser, penance for my transgressions
Astolfo with very hairy ass, big dangling balls and large cock.
it would be extremely difficult at that angle, sorry

I'm glad to hear that! photoshoping stuff in a rough way helps inpainting a lot

gen separately and photoshop them in, that's all there is to it
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This took me all damn day
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small res
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>absolute 10/10 robo lora

thanks! Make sure you use the new version, I think its a bit better than the first one for the finer details but let me know if you try both.
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>very hairy ass
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>It is a rare opportunity to justifiably go off on someone.
>Usually I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and remain civil, but this anon no longer warrants it.
kek agreed 100% and i love to see it
very hot robotrap, love the og gundam colors lol
yeah it's alot of gacha to get good looking gens even with my slimegirl lora that i trained on transparency it's still hit and miss.
>i usually make and enjoy doing both.
same, but i definetly started posting here because of the acceptance of futa and the positive vibes in general
shouldn't she be passed out at this point?
11/10, very impressive consistency and also kinda funny/cute,amazing work anon!
idk what format i like more, but i think the single full res gens are the best way to show off your work.
>from empty backgrounds to intricate ones
i tried to use a different checkpoint that 20Loras anon recommended and it was pretty solid for that, but if i'm completely honest i prefer 'simpler' background with less clutter hahaha
>Make sure you use the new version, I think its a bit better than the first one for the finer details but let me know if you try both.
lol it is alot better imo.though i'm not sure why but i get quite a few unprompted amputees, that's the dataset, right? I rember that artist has some 'floating' torsos. The style can be a bit too 2.5D but i think that's also the artstyle
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but maybe it's also my spine lora,i'm not sure, i have to play around with it more lol
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but it's also pretty neat without the spine lora
hmm I never had that yet, Ive haven't used it with your spine lora too much though. I think you might need to prompt for mechanical arms, if not it may make them amps, but I'm not sure. I haven't experienced it.
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here's some more tests, and picrel is with my sukabu style, looks great
>hmm I never had that yet
it's not that often desu, and i guess that it also could very well be my spine lora
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I hope you like her homemade protein shakes, she's filling the big cup for you!
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i love what you do with that style
more tests but i'm afraid i have to call it a day here.So far i like it alot,both when mixing with other artists and by itself. But i'm not sure what i like more, its a very neat lora to mix into other stuff to get some asymmetry and nice shiny metal parts.I love how it gives you a full metal body sometimes. But it really seems like it wants more than just autismmix to shine, it looks much better with fantasm kek.
Don’t mind at all. it’s free protein.
Absolutely impressive work, really nice gens
>This took me all damn day
I'm curious on why, more specific how was your workflow
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>make background
>don't get background I want
>photoshop and redraw background using 3 different gens as base
>make high resolution
>inpaint futa statues
>don't get statues
>inpaint human futas
>photoshop them into statues by recoloring and erasing face
>gen dildo
>shape into interesting shape
>put in background and inpaint it into stone dildo
>still fleshy color
>photoshop color out

For character:
>gen yoga poses
>put yoga poses on dildo
>draw asshole and fix everything up
>inpaint gacha

>realize dildo is too big
>gen more poses leaning to the side so she can have her stomach sticking out below ribcage
>don't get them
>draw my fucking own and plug it there
>gacha gacha gacha inpaint inpaint inpaint
>use loras and switch sampler whenever stuff isn't working.

I do not recommend

Finale, tightness offering complete
What in the God damn...
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Hung boys!
That's a lot of photoshop, but I feel you with the gacha inpaint
At some point photoshop is the shortcut If you want things exactly a certain way. Rolling 5 times vs rolling 200 times.
I'd say it's more than a shortcut, it's an absolutely vital tool to get anything more than middling, generic results.
ayyy Dani spotted! very very nice hairy girls
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Got to help the princess clean up
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Then you're in luck, here's a couple bonus pics. This is what I got originally, but I thought, "She can't produce that much cum with balls that size." so I moved the coffee cup to the foreground and turned the giant mug/vat thing into a little table.
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Now she's better equipped. Even so, we'll have to pretend that she's filling a large shallow bowl (or it just wouldn't be realistic).
Hate to be that guy. But please. Please make this without the hair.
Thanks! Could you make one whith him just standing and hair peaking out of his butt crack like picrel please? That's my very specific personal fetish.
Kaida which is japanese for little dragon... Kaida the hung sassy ddraGon loli... I tried lol
Kaida... CUTE!
Another to compensate this one
This amount of facial hair is nice. She's probably hiding a lot of belly hair under the suit too.

Very nice to see more! Think you could try one that's hairier, and has a swimsuit on, with a massive, round bulge?
Last one, good night
Good night Kaida~
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Box please, looks ABSOLUTELY AMAZING
Sleep well Kaida
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trying out the new AAAAutism checkpoint,unfortunately seems kinda underwhelming.I don't know if it's just the recommended settings but really tends to ignore some prompts and there's also watermarks up the ass
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Thanks you so much and sorry 0.4 anon I just realized you did Elaina's set since god knows when hahaha. Is it ok to ask for another request? I was thinking of Suguha from SAO. The beach setting is fine with Elaina's fat ass and boobs too please. Lactating and cumming like the Mini set and donuts from your tribal girls set would be awesome as well.
I really appreciate all the Mao gens you posted anon, specially this one.
What's wrong withh the lora? though the style looks a bit toon like to me.
Hung dragon lolis are good civ.
Really like this one. How did you get this pose? the out of sight futa receiving a blowjob?
Everyone knows Robin is the horse girl https://litter.catbox.moe/h5zgho.jpg
How did you get this horse x girl composition?
>How did you get this pose? the out of sight futa receiving a blowjob?

Just don't specify pov, add
1girl, 1futa, futanari, futa with female.

you can try: from above, head out of frame
for the out of sight futa
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I love regional prompter but I swear there's some sort of built in trolling feature.It legit just ignores the regional prompt sometimes or outright swaps them. Also inpainting hands is a scam as well
bestiality, horse, duh
erase pony from negs
from side, keep aspect ratio wide
Just because she has a black husband, why does she also have to fuck dogs and horses?
She's the closest thing to a farmgirl, who cares about that urkel fgt
I know the lora meant to split the image in two, but the fact it didn't makes it hilarious.

Found a new slimegirl lora and it is great at rendering the stuff behind the subject.


This is on fantasm and 100% weight, so it might just be very close to the images it trained on, so I'll try more.
Yeah the transparency quickly falls off, here it's at 50%.
Fuckkk, more of her/him!
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idk if small penis worship is sufficiently /d/
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Trying to make them smaller but it's hard to get them pressing their face against it at the same time
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What an absolute cutie <3
You are like the opposite of me prompting (huge penis:1.8)
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Shit I really could just crank up the emphasis to 1.8, thanks
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Here's 1
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And here's another
Shoving all the loras at it again.
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I don't know how hairy a girl and how massive a bulge you want so this seems like a good starting point
not a fan of the hair but body looks nice
>What's wrong withh the lora?
I like using style loras and in my opinion it just doesn't mix with them in a satisfyingly perceptible way.
at high weights the in-baked style ends up overpowering, a at low enough weights to see styles you're just get any old random dragon girl with maybe a few attributes.
Here is a catbox with an X/Y plot for Granberia:https://files.catbox.moe/d6tyz3.png
At a certain point I can't say with conviction that it's Granberia in the style of Reagon long or fishine
You can also see just how much the higher weights are influencing the pose.
Compare with Alice: https://files.catbox.moe/mvqyxs.png
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God damn the size of those balls is just perfect.. and that anus WEW. Could i get some more cock focused ones? IE frontal shots. Or hell just more backsack.

Honestly these are so fucking hot that i can accept the hair.

Seriously impressive stuff. Also you are the guy that made the puffy pussy asukas right?

Kek that was awhile ago. But im flattered that you wrote it down. And i do love waifus with soft meaty tails like hers. So very cute, would not say no to more. But im sure you know that im more interested in your HUGE asukas <3. So dont exert yourself.

Gahh, the asuka hair is such a trigger for me. Thanks again for putting it in there. Asuka bots makes me feel abit better during my pc issues.

She big, very cute.



Asuka.. yamato..

Astolfo bulges in casual clothing will never not be hot.
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Very cute, especially the foreskin
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I'm not really into femboys (says the anon who churns out futas with chest hair lol) so you shall get 1 singular Astolfo
I will accept it graciously. Thanks alot beard sama.
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Gacha gave me a second good one so here's a final Astolfo
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It seems it either extends the boxers into pants or shortens the dick.
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I think I overdid it and went into /g/ territory.
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>(huge penis, thick penis, veiny penis, long penis:1.8), erection, foreskin
Thank you, she/him looks stunning
I'm a fan of this, is this the ciborg+slime loras? I love the transparency and hair of her
What loras are you using?
I mean when you say it like that, I gotta know what the middle and end point of bulge and hairy looks like. Excellent work here though! One of the best details of super thick pubes is them spilling around the swimsuit bottom.
foreskin never work for me on fully erect penis
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0.4 anons robo stuff, and a new slime lora, and many others.

Get 0.4 anons foreskin lora, at 0.4 weight.
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CSR on 1
Kittew on 1
Zheng on .25 just to get those saggy Zheng balls
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Here's a hair and bulge escalation
The chest hair keeps turning out blonde which is annoying
Fully erect penis isn't supposed to be covered so it might be that
Yooooo this is literally what I was trying to do the other day. Fucking awesome.

I bring you your daily nightmare fuel.
Good stuff though, the leg hair is really nice. Might attempt to darken the chest hair later with an edit. Loving these extra fluffy gyarus a lot.
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Here's one with just a little bit of chin hair
extremely good gen,what checkpoint are you using?And I'm guessing i2i from 1024 to 2048?
Excellent stuff. Love that her thighs have gotten meatier too, and a little bit of facial hair on the chin is always nice.
The chest hair lora I use always tries to make the girls extra meaty, as I imagine the lora was trained on a base of males and nobody would ever think that someone would be attempting to give women some titty hair
Sounds like a win-win to me.
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both great, the more the better. I’d love to see just how big can you make the balls?
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Any good loras for seriously dummy thick outputs?
I giv tenk. Second one is my favorite.
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>the jeweler was astonished as to why anyone would need a ring that thick
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It's mostly a question of how big you want them. I'm using a very nice hyperballs LoRA that I've found very effective. https://civitai.com/models/310084/hyperballs-xl-ponyv6
Finally have figured out how to use controlnet shenanigans without deepfrying the gens

>the non-American spelling
I despise the butchering of my native tongue, but this is most likely the case
Lovely zom-fish pet, a scientist with good taste

amazing sequence, major thanks for doing an xray variant

perfect wife material, the belly isn't actually pregnant, it's just where her backup sperm is stored

due to all the comfyui messing around I've been doing, can't really say if this new one is better or not, but I've not seen any drop in quality so I'll take your word on it

>much better with fantasm
been using mala anime mix, definitely forces more style into the gen which has helped with previous robo gens
will need to give fantasm a try, and also using your spine lora again

>watermarks up the ass
usually see that problem with loras not checkpoints
instant 0/10 if that's the case, assuming you've already put watermark in negative

getting see-through androids is amazing, will definitely be checking out that slime lora next time I do slimes

beautiful scene

check out vramlets loras, >>11102240, the teardrop one he's just made and the corianon and romina style ones are amazing for hyper thick gens

question is, how does the husband put the ring on during the wedding ceremony
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>how does the husband put the ring on during the wedding ceremony
It's a lot easier when her magnum dong is sheathed
>don't ask where it goes when it's sheathed, it's porn logic
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dear god, I'm already scarred from seeing duck penis in science vids
>instantly clicks downloads anyway
now if you can figure out how to xray a duck vagina......

>when it's sheathed
she's clearly a grower, amazing horse dong sheath
would still be putting the ring on in a less than christian manner

now she's fully loaded, any chance for a pool filling gen?
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Since this thread is slowly crawling towards the image limit I'll post some more honse wife(husband) until something happens
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>perfect wife material, the belly isn't actually pregnant, it's just where her backup sperm is stored
In this specific instance, she's just bulking, from the original script >>11101912
That said, I love the idea. One of the my go-to AI text prompts is "Cum Pump Gym", where futas fill their bowels with their own semen for better gains (the nutrient absorption is faster through the intestinal lining, you see).
One day I might be able to gen a good pic for that idea, I'd need to figure out how to show a tube going from the urethra to the exercise machine (there's an internal pumping mechanism) then back out leading to the anus without making the AI shit itself in confusion. I don't think I have the needed skills yet, and I'd probably need a proper graphics editor program.
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Cute casual Mao not even caring about her monster cock exposed.
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New feethands lora for pony so I'm back on my bullshit trying it out. This one dedicated to the dude that modded every girls model in granblue relink to have feet for hands rigged to their animations. Every comment on nexus said he had brain problems it was fun to see.
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kek glad you liked it !
> Is it ok to ask for another request?
i've been pretty slow on genning lately, and the little time i have to gen i've been doing other stuff. And to be perfectly honest i'm not sure how i'm gonna do all the waifu requests i have on my list. lol But yeah, I'll note it down.
wow that's some pretty neat transparency
the pink slimegirls a re still nice
>Shoving all the loras at it again.
and you still got perfect robogirls
>Kek that was awhile ago
Yeah, but i wanted to give it another shot even for one gen, since she has a pretty neat tail and horns. Butat this point i'm not sure if should keep doing the waifu requests kek. Lately it takes ages for me to get a set done.
>Asuka bots makes me feel abit better during my pc issues.
Do you know if your drives are okay yet?
> /g/ territory.
kek maybe, but it's still so nice too look at.
>best gen ever done with that foreskin lora
>a very nice hyperballs LoRA
kek i think someone will love to hear that >>11102240
>daily nightmare fuel.
wtf, this pretty cursed, even for your gens LMAO
it's pretty neat but i keep going back to autismmix for the more flat 2d gens. Also fantasm does not like to gen loli lol
>and also using your spine lora again
can't wait to see what you'll come up with with your new comfy setup. also is your gen using that yunimaru lora from >>11103280 ?
> feethands
welcome back, your gens were always fun to see too LMAO !
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And another foot tf thing, first time trying to do a before/after. Top image was actually made after the bottom, inconsistencies were annoying but I figured anyone looking to jack off to giant feet wouldn't give a hoot.
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thanks m8, I've made some gens that had nothing to do with feethands and were what I wanted to jack off to instead, not sure if I ever posted this stinky konata. a bunch of things on this annoyed me too but as usual sometimes you gotta suck it up, say it's done then beat off.
But what about handfeet
>I'll post some more horse wife(husband)
no complaints here

>"Cum Pump Gym"
now I need to get some more gym gens going
>tube going from the urethra to the exercise machine
tried doing something similar with a milking machine lora a while back, and it took forever to get ok even with massive amounts of inpainting
hope you take on the challenge one day, also beautiful milkers

yeah using the new one he posted, unfortunately my current setup seems to be wiping out your spine lora
>gen -> latent upscale -> controlnet (depth + lineart/scribbles) with latent upscale -> adetailer
the latent upscale step seems to wipe it out unfortunately, although not tried using it alone yet

whatever problems he has, we are lucky to have him lol
nice clussy footrub
same dude actually did have a lora for that, but hasn't been updated for xl/pony civitai com/models/89698/handfeet he does the lord's work.
* same dude who made the new foothands lora I mean. granblue modder guy is some unknown japanese chad.
The forbidden roboknot
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>a bunch of things on this annoyed me too but as usual sometimes you gotta suck it up, say it's done then beat off.
lol same, and i dont even inpaint stuff. And yeah your gen is pretty hot, i´m not into feet but very much into flat tits

>the latent upscale step seems to wipe it out unfortunately
too high denoise then? if it´s there in the base gen it shouldn´t really disappear with upscaling. But yeah i sill have to test the yunimaru lora more, only did it with 1.0 strength but i can see it being useful a little lower too. Picrel was one of my faves from the few tests i did.
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>too high denoise
had it set to 0.8 lol, but that was for trying to clear up the deep fried bits from controlnet tiles in my previous setup
kinda forgot I could set it lower on this step now that the gen isn't getting passed around the local mcdonalds
still not perfect, but this is getting sorta cleared in the control net step, and that needs 1.0 denoise as it's creating a fresh latent image and using lines/depth to build from the previous step

also beautiful robo, need to have a try mixing yuinmaru with biopunky soon, but for now gonna get some gym stuff done
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I'm trying out a donaught lora but I'm not getting clean lines and I don't know how to absolve it while still staying in that style
Are you using a lora or a by_donaught prompt?
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Glad to see you guys are enjoying my yunimaru lora, I think I will work on making some new preview images I like and posting the most recent version to civ tonight. Here is a big dicked futa in return.
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Both, but I've managed to wrangle it somewhat by dropping the lora for just the prompt, which is kinda counterintuitive to the point of the lora
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>now she's fully loaded, any chance for a pool filling gen?
Wow, that was a lot of work, but she managed it.
I remember seeing that discussion. That's definitely the main weakness of AI, it doesn't actually recognize distinct objects. Telling it to have four different things interact in a specific sequence is going to be pure suffering. I think that kind of capability is like, a year off at this point.
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My own attempt back from this February looks exactly the same. I think it's better to use just the lora.
Also check you denoising strength settings. It should be around 0.3
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My denoise was at .35 but I decided to drop the steps down to 35 and it looks a little better
I simply want more stacked Donaught milfs
Thank you for the recipe, somehow struggling to get such hung gens but it's probably my model honestly, I can still inpaint it if I want
it can produce non nightmare gens !!!!
cheers for sharing, wanted to mix up futa in gym gens and getting so many great non-human penises for monster girls with this

>smug, big dicked, robo futa
many thanks for making the lora, definitely a main choice for any robo gens from now on

a checkpoint change might be worth a go, if you want to go for the lora route
might be worth playing around with the scheduler as well, can have an effect on style

many thanks anon, cum pool/bath has gotta be one of my earliest /d/ tastes
>doesn't actually recognize distinct objects
from what I've heard it's even worse outside of pony based models, hopefully stuff like flux and other models can get to the point of being able to specify objects without needing loads of inpainting
It helps to pull the old ((huge balls, hyper balls, huge penis, hyper penis)) trick
Fuck I'm sure you're flooded with requests. Take it easy I'll wait for my Suguha.
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ayy nice miqo, I know you are on comfy but could you share a box or tell me what loras you used for that? the style and concepts for the penis?
Yeah it helped, nice.
lora's are uno_makoto_style_ponyxl at 0.5 strength, think it's on civitai but normally I'd use the uno makoto lora from 0.4 anons mega
mainly though the style is coming from mala anime mix, pic rel is how the style looks before all my controlnet uspcaling nonsense

as for the penis, check the apenises lora >>11104481
I basically copy pasted the cat penis/girl settings from their examples, only other change was adding huge penis to it
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One last king-sized girl before the thread dies
10/10 would succ
forgot catbox

also loving the mask, you might want to check out biopunky lora for more details on it
Does anyone else save really good gens or are they forever lost to time for the most part
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This better?
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Thanks for sharing everything, take another futa for your kind deeds
Happy with the results, will experiment more
Thread nearly done, time for a quick misgen

yes but not often enough, usually too focused on genning my own stuff

many thanks for the rapey futa bot
Delicious mommy dragon
>no cow penis
Where does she store all that cum?
new thread
In (You).
God I wish
These are amazing! Requesting a girl who's super confident and cocky at the start, then at the end defeated and prolapsed and getting low scores.
If you're still taking requests, could you do an aristocratic lady getting gangbanged in luxury. Leashes on the men if possible, implying they are servants she keeps specifically for this purpose.
oh shit i love it so much, hug e horse cock are so sexy. How you do that ? sdxl model alora ?
make i t grow in my mouth
oh yess, hows that before the threead dies ?

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