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Seems mods fucked up and accidentally purged every thread

Post soft, doughy, squishy, squeezable girls with round bellies that love to eat (or drink)

no vore
no extreme/super fat weights

previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11072769
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I'm gonna post this here, just so we don't forget drawbro from the last thread. And let's hope he comes back.
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>your full belly would drag along the floor
Is there any good art of this?
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If there's any writeanons here, I'd kill for a belly stuffing story about a girl who progressively eats more and more food without being weight gain or vore.
Something like a story about a girl who decides to try and stimulate herself by eating as much food as she can, which leads to her journey to become a record breaking eater.
What’s wrong with weight gain? As long as she’s not becoming a hamplanet and it’s mostly just her gut growing who cares.
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>What’s wrong with weight gain?
People are really fragile about kinks. At the end of the day, many undeveloped psyches have nothing but their most base instinct to hang their entire personality on. That's why you get gay people who are super proud of being gay, or straight people who are super sensitive about only being perceived as straight. That thought process extends into fetishes as well. Everyone wants to draw a line where they feel separated from "the degenerates". It's the very reason you get literal furfags who go on tirades against zoophilia, or evidently, stufferfags who are super militant about hating weight gain, even though it is tangentially linked to their fetish

Even degenerates have a subconscious urge to be seen as "normal" by their peers. It's just basic social instinct.
I should add, it's not that I think people have an obligation to find every fetish attractive. But just realize you're already a degenerate. Humanity is already ashamed of you. You're in the exact same glass house. So don't throw stones.
Or maybe I just don't like fat people
(NTA) My main issue is that stuffing becomes trivialized after weight gain; when one becomes fat, one naturally eats more, so the impressive nature of belly stuffing—of eating more than usual—is lost. The “belly stuffing” of fat people is just mukbang—it loses the “stuffing” aspect. Now, a little bit of weight gain is fine, especially if it goes to non-stomach parts of the body. But my focus is the stuffing, so weight gain to the stomach limits my enjoyment.
I want weight gain, actually. The problem is that it ONLY goes everywhere else. Then, it just becomes just another fat story which I hate. Need a girl who's completely thin everywhere but her bloated, growling, 4 foot stomach
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I think this is the big problem of fat in excess.

Half the fun of stuffing is watching the belly become a tight and swollen food baby due to the girl’s binging. If the girl is too fat, the effects of such a binge aren’t noticeable, which sucks the fun out of the whole “stuffing” aspect.

A bit of chubbiness is fine and honestly cute though, because not only is the bloat still noticeable, but the idea of a girl stuffing herself so hard that she actually got a little fat from it is hot as fuck.

Plus, a lot of girls into stuffing seem to like it if you tease them and call them a fatass, even if they’re just chubby at most, so that’s fun too.
I wholeheartedly agree
My favorite trope is “fit” girls who are slim all over except for the giant swollen gut they’re sporting because they’re extreme gluttons and consume way too many calories, all of which end up in their gut
Idk watching someone yo-yo between a flat and moderately swollen stomach is pretty boring
I prefer when they go from big to bigger
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>What’s wrong with weight gain?
I want to see a slim-ish figure with a disproportionately round and right belly, but I have zero interest in flabby fat deposits. I can handle a little chub, but if stuffing and weight gain is combined the latter often overshadows the former.
I'm sorry to say anon, eating a lot makes you fat.
good thing this is fiction and jpgs don't have to be scientifically accurate
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the veins like that middle pic always activates the fear/arousal sector of my brain
Not unless you throw it up, that's why bulimia fetish is superior.
Imagine a girl uncontrolably stuffing herself due to an unsatiable hunger she can't quench no matter how painfully ful she gets. And when she regains control she pukes out bucketloads of shame and embarrassement but the hunger comes back and the cycle repeats
Nah, it’s better when said girl repeatedly stuffs herself and her gut swells in size as she gains weight from the stuffings, until she’s looking like she’s carrying triplets, even on an empty stomach, and is extremely embarrassed by it
Vomit is just gross, and frankly a waste of food at that
holy shit nobody wants to hear you guys' "clever" ideas on how to get rid of fat. it's invariably disgusting and i don't get why you can't just ignore it
It's because they have OOOG ROUND BELLY BIG fetish rather than fat fetish but get squicked out by pregnancy for some reason... or they just don't want to admit it even to themselves on /d/.
Personally, I don’t understand how you can be into stuffing, but not preg. Aesthetic similarities aside, pregnancy cravings can lead to stuffing. At least with fat, I can understand because it takes some extremely blessed fat distribution for a fat belly to have the same roundness as a stuffed belly.
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Personally I'm not into pregnancy. Not squicked, it's just not activating my neurons.
On same subject, there are people who got squicked by stuffing while at the same time gets horny by liquid bloating.

Pic to keep staying on topic
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Rule of thumb with weight gain is it’s good if it’s not instant and they look stuffed/pregnant from the weight gain
I can agree that I’m fucking sick and tired of “stuffing” that’s just instant weight gain, and not even good weight gain, just flab shit
But don’t diss weight gain that results in ball guts, even if it’s more rare than it should be
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This artist draws such good chub. Pity over half their work is dudes.
The real pity is that they stopped drawing chub. Literally love their work
And this is a great example of what NOT to post in this thread as it’s just flab garbage, not even a hint of a bloated belly
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Series name is HITTS
Nice trips
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I’ve often wondered if a girl’s belly could get close to this big from stuffing IRL.

Kebabqueen is probably the biggest I’ve seen a girl get, so I wonder if it’s possible to go beyond that.
From food alone and no other external factors? Extremely unlikely, if not impossible. The stomach expands downwards rather than outwards with the more food you eat, and while I'm not sure of the true hard limit of stomach capacity, I haven't seen any modern big eater records that exceeded 18 kilograms. I think only a Tarrare-tier genetic anomaly could end up looking like that from just eating, and I'm not sure such a person ever existed anyway.
There is also Voraisha
Absolutely not Voraisha. She morphs her images.
Yeah, I got scammed pretty badly by her recently
God Iove this image, it showcases pure gluttony at its finest. The gurgling of her overfilled stomach, the fact she's got the tub of ice cream overhead guzzling down her throat without the care of the world.
The crease where her gut meets her hips nnnnghhh
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Yeah can we talk about how much of a piece shit she really is
What happened
Yeah, I paid for a commission that she was going to make but never received it, and she stopped responding to my messages, so that was 175 euros wasted
>get scammed
>don't file a chargeback
where are her panties?
How many times do we have to go through this, the recorded limit of the human stomach is fifteen liters (which was aparantly reached by a girl if you believe the anon from a few threads ago), and honestly I'm not sure if I believe that. Real stuffings are always going to be disapointing until we bioengeneer girls with gulper eel genes
>>11123241 meant for >>11117206
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She ate them
Her gut was huge but she was also mostly just fat
Personally I want to see a girl who gets big not just from stuffing her stomach, but from getting severely constipated from her guts getting backed up due to incessant binge eating
Everyone is always too fucking focused on the stomach that they completely forget the intestines can contain way more
I think people don’t focus on that aspect as much since you start to enter scat territory with that, which is fairly niche.
>the intestines can contain way more
I was just reading the other day about some weird breathing technique that could stuff air into the intestines and bloat up that way. I wonder if that could be combined with stuffing.
I’ve considered concepts like nutritional enemas, where some sort of slurry is pumped up their ass to just directly supply all the necessary nutrients and calories into their bowels for them to absorb
Who knows if that would actually work but girls getting super bloated from it would be hot
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Isn’t that basically just liquid inflation? I feel like anything that isn’t “food goes in mouth”, isn’t stuffing.

I do feel like it would be interesting to see a girl just eat without stopping until her stomach hits absolute maximum capacity without rupturing. I’m sure with practice, the stomach could bloat a great deal.

Plus, it’d be interesting to see how a girl at max capacity would react, as I really like seeing girl’s reactions to being stuffed.
kys there's different shit than just circles
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Who drew this this is amazing?
>love Tifa
>love more muscular, out at least more visibly toned versions of Tifa
>more muscular bulk and more active the person means higher
>maintaining bigger boobs meaning she also has a higher threshold for fat without affecting her ability to fight
>love the head canon that this means Tifa is a big eater by necessity to be the robot/biomechanical Weapon suplexing badass she’s depicted in-game
>add any combination of bulking, letting loose to celebrate a victory as a time the girl just doesn’t stop eating
>end up with one of my favourite fictional gals constantly living in my head rent free as a girl who could out eat half the FF7 party, if not the whole team
Over-stuffed yet still buff Tifa is my spirit animal.
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The fit, tomboyish glutton who gets stuffed and bloated is a kino trope.

Tomboys are made to get massive food babies on the regular. I don’t think there’s anything more perfect than a stuffed tomboy.
New image is by なまこ on pixiv
Always loved that idea....a buffed lady who, just to stay the same size (let alone bulk further), has to routinely eat so much that her stomach, possibly still showing abs, is visibly distended; but not to hyper levels. But it's just a tiny niche within a niche, sadly.
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>belly button piercings on a stuffed belly

This is pretty cute, but on the other hand, I often wonder if it hurts or is in some way a safety hazard.
It'd probably be pretty uncomfortable or outright painful after a bit as pressure builds and the navel inverts and distends, it's not like pregnancy where things're so gradual the tissues around the piercing have time to adapt. That said, elaborate navel jewelry on a stuffed/preg belly is hot as all fuck, and the more elaborate the better.
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Voraisha claims that she ate everything on this list during one stream. What do you guys think
That’s an obvious morph. I’ve seen enough bloated guts in my time to know what an authentic one looks like.
Does anyone have that color-based morph detection tool? I don’t remember what it’s called, but I remember seeing it being used on touched-up social media photos.
It would be easier to know if I could figure out what stream this was.
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Definitely fake. The morph is good but even if it's not an altered photo it could just as easily be a prosthetic belly or stuffing her clothes.
Alright, how do you fix it?
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Stuff like "empanada" or "meat pie" can vary in size between like 50g and 2kg, without context most of this list is meaningless. Then add the variable of how long this stream was, eating this list in half an hour compared to a 48 hour marathon are extremely different claims. Then only one of four relevant measurements is given (before/after diameter/weight), and finally no photo or video evidence is given in this screenshot.

There's just not nearly enough information to judge.
She ate all of that during on stream that was 3 hours I also have some exclusive Photo that shows her exposé belly little before her stream
Post pics
Where's the bare belly?
Unless she does a live stream of herself eating all that, I won't believe a word she says.
I want to but the mods will take it down
What do you guys think of the guiness world record for biggest meal?


Quotes from the article:

>It was 8 a.m. on a Sunday in 1983 when a 23-year-old woman arrived at the accident and emergency department of Royal Liverpool Hospital complaining of abdominal pain.

>Her belly button had popped out like you’d expect to see during pregnancy, and she was finding it difficult to breathe.

>According to correspondence published in the medical journal The Lancet (Volume 325, Issue 8432, 6 April 1985), her meal weighed 19 lb (8.6 kg).

Apparantly she died due to stomach rupture. The craziest thing is that she weighed around 90 lbs before consuming the meal, so she literaly ate 20% of her body weight in just one sitting

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