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Last thread vanished without a trace >>11039960
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Whole board got nuked to oblivion.
I was tempted to restart the thread but fuck waiting for a 5 min timer to post.
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Amputee girls operating firearms is personal favorite of mine.

Why do you want a limbless girlfriend?
i don't really want one. But with portals making a girl's limbs temporary disappear or transforming an anon into a quad amputee girl would be a fun experience, watching how they would react
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To make her feel loved. Carry her around, feed her, bathe her, tickle her, kiss her empty shoulders, all that wholesome vanilla stuff cause I'm a boring person
i don't like quad amputee stuff because i want a quad gf, i like it because i like to imagine what itd be like to be so completely helpless to the desires of a man that there is literally nothing i can do to escape his will. i wouldnt be able to leave or resist or stop him from doing whatever depraved things he wanted to do. id be powerless. that's hot to me
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Being helpless and wondering what will happen is hot
that’s sweet honestly
Source for this?
I like swordswomen who had their sword arms amputated and are forced to adapt.
A drawing by a friend that i reworked through AI
this, all my fucked-up /d/ fetishes are just bodily abnormalities (conjoined twins, amputees, 7' girls, and inconveniently large boobs) and the mundane feel-good aspects of being with someone who ticks one of those boxes rather than anything inherently sexual
wonder what this guy is up to nowadays
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Still active on the amputee discord server and draws something sexy once every millennia
sauce? more?
Just a fantasy. I wouldn't want to deal with it in real life. Who has the time?
I think a quadruple amputee would be more productive and make more money than me. Still if she can make me feel useful then I'll take care of her. I understand this may set up a conditional love relationship. But I do have faith in her to be productive. I just hope she has faith in me to love her unconditionally.
Can I get sauce
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Does anyone here like sbe girls
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Best way to store or display a quad? Keep the limbs or discard?
I like all amputations. Including ones that lose half their head.
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I’d generally let them squirm around wherever they like,

If I was took issue with their behavior I’d put them on a tall piece of furniture.

As for appearance? I’d probably set broad expectations and let them order clothes to meet them.

Swimsuits for summer, Cosplay for Fall, Modest is Hottest for winter, sundresses and crop tops for spring.

Maybe a few special holidays will get their own outfits.
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Another idea: Have some rails installed in your ceiling like pic related and have the girls dangle from them like the cores from Portal 2, but they have to Thrash around to gain momentum to move, with no guarantee that it will be in the right direction, and they need to also do this if they wanna make a turn. Bonus points if there’s a quick release if you wanna take one down to have some fun with her.

I’m not sure I can really express it because it’s not just one thing, I like the caretaker/cute aspect and I also like the Domination/control aspect.

Dragon Artworks made the original, it’s on DA.

I’m going to be real with you though, this is actually an improvement.
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Definitely keep the limbs

If there was an option to keep them fresh and alive, I would absolutely do it
>new senso comic on patreon
>so there's this drug that makes you limbless
>oh no how am i going to live now realisation #100500
>also it's temporary
>but if she fucks while limbless it's permanent
>also it makes you horny so she wants to fuck
>wink wink they'll fuck in the next part and she'll remain limbless forevah!
the more senso stuff i see, the more deja vu i experience.
toss the limbs before they start to rot of course
Senso's very childish, to a point I can hardly get off to his stuff. Hope he gets better some day.
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Limbless is too much trouble to be more than a fantasy, but legless is very cute
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Even one arm is enough to take it from spending all the time on personal care to viable life
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Sad but true.
Limbless is only really plausible if you already have the perfect life, i.e. are rich enough to cover everything that entails.
Armless is less severe but still troublesome, if it ever comes down to handling kids or holding down most jobs.
Legless allows you to take advantage of its perks, while also being easy enough to live with a partner like that, as prosthetics are usually enough to facilitate a return to normal daily life.
But then, some (me) like the permanence and inability to lead a normal life that a partner without arms/all limbs experiences and brings to the relationship.
The only thing worse than an unhappy ending, is knowing that the ending is not going to be happy long, long in advance, and knowing you can’t do jack about it.
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Keep at first, but dispose of them pretty soon. Make her watch, that might be fun.
If I'm feeling REALLY /d/, feed them to her.

Man, this image is so good. Gotta have that impotent anger.
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Girls with body powered hook are fucking hot.
I would rather be the nugget
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This one seems relevant, plus body modification
can i get an invite plox
i left it ages ago and i'd like to rejoin
discord gg Y7X8wUWq
The fuck is that
looks like a 50 year old soldier's head and a 5000 year old mummy's head placed on nugget bodies
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Give them prosthetics. That don't work.
I'd like to imagine they are clones created to be comfort servants. And the clonecest is to keep them in shape.
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>Why do you want a limbless girlfriend?
I prefer armless or armless triple. There is a problem with full quad gf. Since they almost can't move and are constantly sitting, such a girl is prone to gaining weight quickly. And since there are not many places left on the body for fat deposits, all the fat will be deposited on the torso. And cute girl will very quickly turn into a fat ball. To prevent this from happening, she must have an abnormally high metabolism. Or be a hyperactive tomboy who has complexes about her disability, refuses a wheelchair and tries to do everything on her own. To do this, she needs to have at least small legstumps with which she could crawl on the floor, climb on the couch and have a lot of other physical activity every day.
>Such a girl is prone to gaining weight quickly
I don't see a problem
no, to prevent that from happening she just has to eat a low amount of calories
You could say it got....

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shiver me timber!
one armed women with split hook prosthetic be a favorite of mine!
but if she have eyepatch and peg leg to (preferably all on the same side) she be perfect!
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That's a psychological horror aspect to watching them watch their limbs rot beside them, that's a bit too morbid for some reason
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With carefully designed harnessing and knowledge of kinematics and athletic therapy, persons of any body shape can maintain and even build muscle mass.
Muscle mass and fat are not the same, one can be both fat and have well developed muscles
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what's that from
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Pornhwa called May I help you?

Full disclosure, not an actual amputee. Shes a sex robot who broke her hands. I havnt read far yet, but she will probably end up getting repaired.
Need backpack elf wife.
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Are her stub handles fashioned from the hilts of her sword(s)?
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Based if true
God I want a slim redhead freckled girlfriend with no arms who uses her feet for everything, yes I have a low-level foot fetish and I want to take care of her
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What a pity he died, his works were incredible
>Taking a bath after weeks of healing duties due to an orc raid.
>The town's Roman-esque bathouse was preserved at least.
>Just finished scrubbing off soap and oil.
>Enter bath.
>It's empty save for a familiar one-armed warrior woman.
>Looks like I'll be bathing another time.
>The woman gets out of the pool.
"It's alright. I want you to join me."
>She approaches me.
"The bath is private today as a reward."
>I politely decline and turn around.
>With her remaining left arm she grabs me by the waiste and throws me into the pool.
>She canonballs right in front of me.
>There is no escape.

>We spend our time wading in the hot water.
>Her rubs her amputated short right arm on my face.
>The muscle's as thick as a log but soft at the scar.
>Still bless it with kisses.
"You're really obsessed with my stump. I know you tried to save it."
>She slides down into the water.
"I have an idea."
>She begins rubbing my loins with her stump.
>She bops my erection around with it.
"Maybe my arm can still be useful."
>She gives it a rub with her stump.
>She toys with the gland using her soft scarred tip.
>She moves in closer to tuck my member into her armpit.
>Grab her shoulder to begin fucking it.
>It's just not tight enough.
>She grabs her stump with her left hand and squeezes.
>I can feel her bulking muscles squeeze me tight.
>Just before coming she lifts me out of the tub with her shoulder.
>She puts my dick in her mouth.
>She does a hard suck until I explode in her mouth.
>She fondles my balls with her stump as she cleans up and swallows.
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so there's this paraplegic girl on tumblr posting pics of herself called "jenny-94", from germany.

recently she posted pics of herself at the hospital, but upon closer inspection and a bit of searching they are not hers

now i'm a solid 95% sure she is a paraplegic woman, i'm just curious why would she do that
>now i'm a solid 95% sure she is a paraplegic woman, i'm just curious why would she do that
I'm 100% confident this person is not who they say they are. Willing to share personal story/pictures on tumblr but no onlyfans, instagram, or twitter?
Probably just some guy stealing photos and building a fake persona like most tumblr accounts. I've never seen a real paralyzed woman ever use a 'diaper' tag.
Why not just follow paralyzed woman who show their face and are on different platforms? Lot less analyzing and better content.
i know who that is not into quads, soz

also, i'm sure she is the person in those photos. Types like a fucking woman in DMs Maybe she's a wanabee ? I don't fucking know.
>confronted her
>blocked me

>>confronted her
>>blocked me
Sorry, anon. That's like standard procedure for fakes/catfishes. If it's any colsolation I've been fooled before too.
Also kinda weird how she's so open about being 25 or 26 but her name's jessica-95, like it should be 98 or 99 if it's her birthyear.
i don't think it's a fake, anon. Way too much odd shit, like posting her shoes at 8AM

what kind of fucking catfish does that then fucks up by posting pics that are obviously not hersz
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perhaps some of ya'll might like this. I know I certainly like the idea of having an armless cum balloon girlfriend
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here i fixed it, that was really easy actually
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Here, I fixed it again, also got rid of the bruises and ugly bits this time. Isn't it fun, the kind of endless possibilities that photoshopping provides?
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>Did I left the oven on?
Oh, I get it. She's a bookworm.
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Anyone got another link?
discord gg A395k3ug
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>tfw no mi-ke wife
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I'm in love
>crop top
>pokey nips
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