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Quick searching guide:

Pixiv: use the 皮モノ tag for the overall catalog of skinsuit stuff, 男皮モノ for specifically male skinsuits (FtM, MtM) and 皮もの or 脱皮 for stragglers that might not be tagged with the main one.

On Deviantart: there are a lot of tags, with the main one being skinsuit, but you may also wanna search skinsuittf, skinsuittransformation, bodysuit, bodysuittf, bodysuittransformation, masking, maskingtf and maskingtransformation

Add to taste after: mtf, m2f, male_to_female, maletofemaletransformation, ftm, f2m, female_to_male, femaletomaletransformation, ftf, f2f, mtm, m2m

Pic source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/121741003
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at least post a few pics when you make a thread
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also use 二人羽織 is frequently used for stuff involving two people in one suit for those that want that specific niche
My bad, I'll take that advice for next time
Not sure why I didn't add this one, guess I figured it was too niche? Ah well, last time I start a thread at 7 AM anyway, thanks for the feedback
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Demon Skinsuit:

Can any kawamono oldheads help me find this really old Japanese skinsuit doujin? I can visualize it in my head and I remembered it was in Bestan's old archive but I forgot the name of it. It was a colored doujin and it involved either MtF or FtF wearing a skinsuit of a green or purple skinned succubus skinsuit but when worn they got corrupted or possessed by it. Said skinsuit might have a tentacle or two. It was like really old, at least a decade or so and probably dates to Closetmonster days even. Also anyone has Bestan's archive saved up btw? I got the website bookmarked but it ain't working. :( thnx I was really into skinsuits years ago so now trying to find all this old stuff lol
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e-hentai's servers are down right now but I think that rings a bell; have you tried searching through the drive links in the OP for it? do you remember roughly what the plot was, what style, etc.?
It had a distinct art style, I think the succubus or demon girl skin was blue-skinned or something with yellow eyes, definitely an exotic color. I think it was a MtF or FtF suiting of a succubus with a tentacle tail. The biggest thing that stands out was that it was in color instead of B/W.
Also forgot to contribute something lmao.
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I might have a skinsuit story I've been cooking up in my spare time, mind if I share later when it's done? What's the best text-hosting platform, still Pastebin or another kind?
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Is this kinda what you're looking for? Same style, maybe? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/52325970
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Pastebin has some weird censorship things I think? But probably still the best option. If it doesn't let you post it, try https://freetexthost.net/
That's the spice! Thanks so much! Brings back so much memories...

Alright thanks I'll see what I can do.
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https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/52711343 Makes me think of this one too.
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Always happy to help. SKNR's been in the game for a long time too, so if you're interested in their similar stuff, check out the rest of their pixiv page, but it seems like sadly their blog's gone. That had some exclusive bits in its threads that I hope people were able to archive.
Good opener post. So to start a new conversations are there specific types of masking that people here enjoy?

Personally I love horse suits, people becoming horses and such
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finished another shit TL, had to guess more than my usual ones since I haven't figured out normal OCR for Chinese

https://ibb co/album/pbrLBK?sort=name_asc
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i'll post a few more
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that's enough for now, get the rest from the gallery if you care
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I like realistic but artificial suits, no skinsuit gun or knife crap

Prefer F2M or F2F, M2F is fine occasionally but please no fat/old/ugly dudes

F2Creature is another one, I love hot women masking as scary monsters for some reason

Nothing that stretches believability, like suits that make the person smaller or like 2 people fitting inside a normal person suit

Basically stuff that could conceivably be real with a bit higher tech, no magic shenanigans

And no forced suiting, killing, or identity theft.

Thanks! I figured having a guide like that at the start of each thread would be pretty helpful so more people can monitor the tags for new stuff or just find things on their own.

As for an answer to your question... I guess I'm kinda the opposite to the above anon in a lot of ways. I also primarily enjoy FtM and FtF stuff, but I like fantasy suiting, which is gonna include some unrealistic stuff. I think if I were to list all my preferences it'd be easy for people I share a discord with to figure out who I am, though, so I'll just say "very noticeable differences", like i.e. a very curvy tall lady turning into a short twink, or a mousy nerd girl turning into a jock. Also especially fond of the suiters trying to "act the part" and mimicking a personality that's very different from their usual one (often leading to self-discovery and character development).

Magical suits are fine with me but I'm also not very into identity theft unless the person whose life is being stolen is an irredeemable piece of shit, then I enjoy it coupled with some brainwashing to put them in a "punishment" suit.
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I'm more for the unrealistic suits, my favorite being 2in1 stuff, absolutely adore these artists work >>11100972
shame they're not really posting anymore and this being a niche within a niche of a genre means there's not a lot of it.
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Could anyone with money to spare make a drive where we can see PrayingMantisInc’s paywall stuff?

I assume it's mostly going to be pin-ups, crime, violence and skinny ugly bastards. But the morbid curiosity is getting the better of me.
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Same!! I also am a fan of two person suiting! The artist for that art is named Azolto. Yeah its sad he does not make art that much anymore :(

When it comes to two person suiting, lheriss, azolto and nayande are the go-to artists for me.

Personally i am a fan of m2f suiting, f2f masking (no suiting) and two person suiting!

You mentioned you like "horse suits". I think you will like this. (See attached photo). This is also drawn by Nayande. Its also two person suit :D

Correction, the last two tags were for >>11103011 and not OP post. Sorry incorrect tag
Got a part two to that?
Part 2 for the horse suit art by nayande you mean?
This is the full comic for the horse suit art by nayande:

taking the time out to share this banger with y'all:

And also requesting if anyone has anymore like it
paywalls suck
Anyone have an English translation of SKNR's Skin of Evil Princess?
Looks like the original author's blog is down. You might want to back stuff up.

Can't find it on bakaupdates yet
Ok, I should have just searched Majigawa
> most of my shoddy website is still available on the wayback machine

BTW it's only temporarily down. I moved house and I don't have fiber at the new one yet, so I can't self-host at the moment.
CR uploaded the skinsuit part to youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1DlS4BZPqw
Bashame is really us
“Hollow God: The Superior Boyfriend-Man” by Megan Roman
Now available on Fictionmania.tv
44.6K words (novella-length)
Features: MtF, FtM, voluntary sex, possession/living suits, femdom, violence, superheroes, weird fantasy body fluids (not poop), videogame jokes, bad romantic relationships, stuff on fire, stuff not on fire, one (1) improbably naughty schoolgirl, and the incorrect use of both gym equipment and a shirt.
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I've been looking for an image for years based on a partial; image I have. I'm sure it was from the old SpycraftTT RPG, but I can't find where. The full image is of the spy driving away, pulling off their mask.

I've done every image source known and all it links back to is the Spycraft CCG and the Smartskin card, but it's just this cropped image and I'm looking for the full image.
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[Vel] Sofia Skinsuit (Ellie Skinsuit fan art):

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>>11117823is it just this image?

I think I've seen what you're talking about, or you've inception'd the idea of it into my head lol.

Love this image so really curious to know more. Are you saying it's a larger/shows more version of this same picture, or something similar?

Dug thru the Spycraft RPG books and all I could find of that image was one that was only a smidgen wider where pretty much all the new content you get is disguised lady hands if that's your bag lol.

If the fuller version is even more context I would like to see it too!

In the research I dug this up, MtM so some might boo and hiss but very well drawn nonetheless: https://cc-client-assets.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/photo/categoryonegames/file/4fac1ee847764eb484562189c54b3480/voice_simulator.jpg
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I love living suits, but not what most people think of when they think living suit.

I want the woman I'm wearing to be in a personal hell. She's forced to see, hear, smell, feel, and taste whatever I do. I want to put her head on a dresser and force her to watch me slowly put her on. I want her to watch me using her body as little more than a sexual plaything before putting on the mask and going out pretending to be her. I want to be the one in control when she loses her virginity to some rando. I'd then keep her in a heap in a box in my closet and take her out whenever I feel like having fun, but I'd probably get another skinsuit first.

There was a caption author on DA who wrote a story that has such potential for this shit, but they only posted one part, which was mostly SFW. They said they'd do a part 2, but that was months ago, and the author has a habit of not fulfilling promises.

Huh... that's a new one. I like living suits with the exact opposite scenario of it being a consensual, mutually enjoyable thing for the wearer(s) and suit, personally, but I understand the arousal linked to having complete dominance over someone so I ain't gonna judge. Just make sure real girls are cool with it beforehand, aight?

If we're on the topic of living suits, though, I think it's a shame there isn't more content of it in general, but that's pretty much true of every sub-niche that isn't standard MtF.
>find art I'm super interested in
>can't get it because fanbox doesn't accept western cards anymore due to mastarcard/visa bullshit
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That's weird... just today I renewed my support for three Japanese artists with my western visa and it let me through no problem. Maybe it just doesn't take American cards anymore and European ones are fine? Very odd.
Anyone played Fokkers Enskevos yet? How was it? How can I download it?
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Did anyone notice some skinsuit/masking artists no longer showing in pixiv? GoldShell45, LemonX and fokk3rs pixiv pages are no longer there anymore and also have the "Page not found" message

Is there a reason why this is happening? Or did they decide to delete their pixiv pages?
pixiv have gotten much stricter with nsfw stuff so chances are they just abandoned the site or got banned
are you using paypal? because they made it so only paypal accounts linked before may this year works, probably a similar thing with cards too https://official-en.fanbox.cc/posts/7641565
I see. That's unfortunate. :(
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That's probably it, this particular card has been active since last year. Guess I can kiss fanbox goodbye when it expires since it's only good for one year lol
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New iosis66 post.
>GoldShell45, LemonX and fokk3rs pixiv pages are no longer there anymore
And nothing of value was lost.
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more Majigawa

I think I'd like to hop into that doll for a bit...
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second chapter is up https://mangadex.org/title/a293ed7b-a012-4c0c-8eda-c95b90df19b2/majigawa-mahou-shoujo-no-kigurumi
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I have. You gotta contact them to buy a key and it isn't a download link. You play using an itch.io flash player on their page.

I don't have the patience to do an online only game thats kinda jank and still wip.

Especially since i just want to see suit content

Pick unrelated. Wip for upcoming comm
wonder if Ougami will end up wearing the suit for a bit, would be pretty funny considering how much she loves the apperance of it.
This manga is great though, pretty simple, not terribly erotic but just fun
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Is Gaucelm (the artist of the Lost Media Wiki) and Sagabel the same person?

(Their art styles are very similar)
Can't belive nobody has mentioned the Spy x Family movie opens with Loid identity theiving and replacing a hot ritch chick. It's brief, but pretty good.
There will probably be an inconsistency with me and others given that I got this fetish before I could ride a bike.

What personalities tend to get this fetish? What type of person are you?

Close to the autistic spectrum
Attention seeker
Few close friends
Many not close friends
Theater kid
Easy to anger

And the biggest question of all. Can a person with many siblings/person with barely any personal space in their house even get this fetish?
I find the roots of fetishes rather fascinating. Here is some of what I have found in myself:
Fetishes develop to give relief from a negative emotion, usually some type of fear.
In the case of masking, one possible root is fear of psychological exposure (being recognized for who you are by others), especially for someone with poor social skills, which used to be my case.
Interestingly, I noticed that the more sociable I become, the less interested I am in masking.
I genuinely like the idea of being someone else, the process of becoming someone else and doing things differently than normal - the idea you can more than who you are already. Doesn't even have to be lewd, I just find the very concept interesting - the more serious the identity theft, the better
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I thought he said it was live? But at the same time I can't find it on itch.io too.
Pic unrelated
for those that follow the /aco/ threads, it looks like Hawkgirl is finally uploading her stuff on DA

pic unrelated because western
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