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Previous thread: >>11042716
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rubbing tight brown tummy hnnnggghh
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Anons, I'm a newfag here, can someone explain why it's forbidden to post Western stuff here? Why people are allowed to post shit-tier Asian stuff here but can't post really good Western art?
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I think it's Western/toon STYLE art you're not allowed to post, not Western art in general. People post Klaud and NavelLunatic all the time. The guy that seethes about it is a samefag who tries to derail the thread by any means possible, you'll recognize him on sight if you spend enough time here.

this looks interesting. have you read the whole thing? if it's any good, sauce?
It was ok
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Sauce please? No reverse image search worked
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My ex gf had a huge outie. The kind that pokes out of clothes huge. Think Kelly Ripa on steroids.
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Needs more Rin
I need my tongue in a belly like that..
Based. Did you get to play with it?
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Based, but seeing her smile that like is mildly unsettling.
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Does anyone have anything like this? I keep trying to find for navel pulling content online, but I keep getting that stupid Tiktok trend from a while back.
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This is so good. Sauce please?
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This tummyslut is too much for me. Her belly is so fucking sexy
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kys aisloppa
>Tfw the belly button devil is the next to go.
It'll be fine if her death scene involves like 10 pages of belly and navel guro, but it's probably gonna be a shitty 1 panel instakill like with Power.
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Gonna need the source
Surprised at the lack of Magia Baiser, doubly so given that in universe her weakness is having her navel licked.
>no slime devil to ravage this delicious navel and tummy
The pain is real bros...
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Rin needs more correction.
Punish thy umbilicus
Anime hasn't caught up yet, give it time
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Need this like you wouldn't believe. I'm dying to see that cute little button get tongue fucked into submission.
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Sorry to leave you hanging anon. I only tried to do so once, but she stopped me.
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Canon by the way
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No words are enough to express my disappointment at just how awfully nerfed the anime was.
knotted shirts get my dick hard
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Tale as old as time sadly
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does this count
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>tied shirt
>waist necklace
>no button art

Why do navelfags have shit boomer taste? You cucks let tourists take this away from you for every other fetish under the sun
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Navel fetish communities have as many good artists as the PS5 has games.
Brazilian Miku was right there and you still let the normie vanilla hyper tits & assfags step all over you. You’ll claim some integrity bullshit because she’s a meme and wonder why everyone looks down on you. Footfags are still laughing at you
>Navelchads prioritized actual characters over nu Bowsette
That's how you know they're based
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You fucking clown
You actual smoothbrain
Second page of Pixiv you samefagging retard, not posting the full version because you don't deserve to be spoonfeed. Inb4 moving the goalposts.
>Other fetishfags are desperate clout chasers with no standards flocking to fotm slop
>Navelchads do whatever the fuck they want
Again, that's how you know they're based.
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>Implying footfags have room to laugh at anyone
>Implying anyone gives a shit what they think
>Implying you yourself aren't a tourist seething because no one cares about your forced Reddit meme
>Parasite possession

You need to understand that the navel fetish isn’t the dominant aspect here. This would be like posting pregnancy shit and going “She has an outie! It counts guys!”.
You retards get excited over other degenerate shit that gets lumped together with you because you have to act graciously to get anything at all, even if it involves fat fucks or body horror
>Goalposts moved
As expected. Now please take your (You)s and fuck off. And stop using footchads as a shield for your autism.
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yall niggas need jesus
Who is this "you" you keep referring to? You keep talking like you're somehow not a navelfag yourself and yet you are sperging out that the new seasonal meme waifu has no navel art? Is this a bit or are you genuinely schizophrenic? And why do you keep trying to turn footfags into some kind of boogeyman when statistically half of the posters here are probably footfags as well?
>“whatever the fuck they want”

So nothing at all.

I’m sure that if you even took the opportunity, normies would bitch about weird kinks “ruining” the Danbooru results.
I personally love thriving on antis raging over a navel kink piece, but only if it’s a good one
Navelfags can’t gatekeep.
It’s why even armpit fuckers get more respect
>Yet another navel thread derailed by obvious bait and samefags
Thanks for nothing you useless fucks
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I hate this style so much
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Nobody wants your sunburnt hoe, she reminds me of crusty dirt on someone's forearm lol
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Some you people shitting on navelfags for violence while your sexually attracted to fucking strippers. Yea I will take a pencil jammed in a belly button anyday if the girl is not a diseased hoe.
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This guy posts to r/teachersmidriff he is a breath of fresh air, genuinely cute stuff
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Do you have links to the specific posts? I need to know who this artist is
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gatekeepers are fat
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fuck off with your offtopic shit
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given how the anime goes further than the manga, I hope we get some really good navel-licking when it gets adapted. Unlike monster musume where the slime girl licked papi's navel in the manga and then didn't in the anime
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Finally removed the lemon background.
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/4fmmp8.png
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Being a navelfag is so rough because there's no delineation between the vanilla chads into fingering, licking, tickling, etc. and the guro weirdos into bugging, torture, ryona, etc.

Footfags and armpitfags don't have this problem. Only the navelfags do.
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Navels are an actual "orifice" there is plenty of weird stuff with nipples anus's and vaginas. The problem is normies are insecure around navel stuff. The navel is a surprisingly intimate body part, and in popular culture it hasnt been "beaten physically or psycologically to a point of acceptance" like a pussy or ass. Its a crime that a cute little indent on the body gets no love. But ppl are fucking fatasses playing with poop holes sooooooooo we shouldn't be surprised
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99% of which are just variations on that scene from the matrix. I can count the number of (good) pics using actual bugs on 2 hands, maybe 1
because this is /d/, not /aco/ you fucking retard
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Here's his account.
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