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Purge/d/ edition.
Post breasts that are each bigger than the girl's head, but smaller than her torso.
No futa allowed. No hyper allowed. Only high quality AI (no AI-eyes, melting, or other shit like that) allowed.
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huge boobas?
Nah, just gigantic. Also as much as I hate fate, man, I love the horsefucking ALTRIA's design... and Hirasawa Seiji's style.
I love these bunnies so much and I've never even played their game.
Previous pic.
Last pic.
>can't be bigger than torso
There's a thread for this on /e/.
Long time no see. Here's your (You).
NTA, but pretty much all of this stuff could just go on /h/. This is not a very /d/ thread.
This fetish seems too specific for /h/ and, as weird as it might seem, apparently breasts of these sizes are considered a niche fetish. Also, /h/ has quite a few annoying rules (namely 1 and 3) and while they're not usually followed I have no interest in dealing with a jannie that takes his job seriously and starts banning people because they posted one picture with no sex or something like that (I've seen worse). Lastly, these threads started here and I see no issue with them staying.
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this artist has disappeared from twitter but i just want him to know if he checks these threads that i hope he's doin alright. thank you for drawing ran boobs.
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Wrong thread. Go to >>11100759 .
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>No zoomout that shows they're all laying in between Protea's tits.
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i love everyone's expression and how fat that pussy is
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>Sorry, no gigantic breasts allowed in the "Huge & Gigantic Breasts" thread! You should go post them in the "Huge Breasts" thread instead!
>>Sorry, no hyper breasts allowed in the Huge & Gigantic Breasts thread! You should go post them in the fake Huge Breasts thread, that was probably made by some jannie's sex slave that kept throwing tantrums and shitting up these threads because we wouldn't include his fetish, instead, since it allows them!*
OP is such a fag
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Here you go:
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got the EE cup gf bros.
First off, then why are you still posting on 4chan? Second off, you didn't say natural... Also, cup size alone doesn't tell the whole story.
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poor gengar lost the ability to levitate
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I want her Moomoo milk.
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Wrong thread. Go to the hyper breast thread (>>11100759 (ignore the name, the guy who made it was and most likely still is and will forever remain just butthurt)).
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>official art has titty veins

What a time to be alive.
What is your favorite milk flavor?
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Sauce, please.

He also has a x account but seems to post stuff earlier either through bluesky or pixiv
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I want to milk lulu
Who wouldn't?
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Nice pokeballs
Curse you busty pokegirls, always ruining my productivity!
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