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Well that sucked. Everything got wrecked, and it wasn't because giant Shinji destroyed the city.
Thread Edition: Urban Destruction
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If anybody here likes soccer boys, I wrote a thing about a losing team being shrunken and put in the winning team's locker room.
Picrel but it's original not a Blue Lock fanfic.

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Damn. Something about Shinji as a smug giant really does it for me.
he has crippling anxiety and stress so it must feel good for him to finally have power over something
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Question for you fags: what's some of your fav scenarios?
>Giant musclebound jock gets mad because he lost to the tiny team so he traps them all in his briefs as revenge
>Gym bunny gf acts like a dom when she's with her small twink bf in public, but in private she wants him to use his shrink powers and be his little toy
>A giant spoilt prince has to make a royal visit to another nation, but his overwhelming size causes death and destruction whilst he traverses across the country
Second definetly appeals to me the most. First afterwards and then Third as the least appealing.
I mostly project as the giant in Giant Male stories so I like ones where they're relatable or at least non-descript to some extent. It's more about the acts and relationship between the giant and the tinies, as well as the power dynamics between them that I like.
Death and guro/vore in general are sort of a turn of, but they can sometimes be handwaived off in omni scenarios where even fatal situations can have easy fixes.

Some prompts:
>A teenage boy slowly becomes more manipulative and domineering towards his shrunken older brother over the years as he learns to find amusement and benefit from his misfortune as he turns his once respected older brother into his cute, little slave, pet and toy.
> A couple looks to spice their bedroom by inviting a friend to join them, who they discover has powers such as changing people's bodies at will. Ultimately, they become too engrossed in pleasure to reject him when he offers turning their nightly plays into a permanent reality.
>A man finds himself in a 'Gulliver in Liliput' scenario when he is summoned to a fantasy world in which inch-sized humans live and power is correlated with height. It's up to him to impart justice as he becomes comfortable with his power over the inhabitans of this world.
>> A couple looks to spice their bedroom by inviting a friend to join them, who they discover has powers such as changing people's bodies at will. Ultimately, they become too engrossed in pleasure to reject him when he offers turning their nightly plays into a permanent reality.

One of the two could be a teacher and the bull could be a student in their class. It could be something super taboo like a shota bull, and the only way they can avoid ruining their reputation (and jailtime) is by agreeing to make the arrangement permanent.
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I just want a giant boys stomach acid to slowly and agonizingly dissolve the flesh off my living body.
My request isn't unreasonable, why has God ignored my prayers?
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Student x Teacher is always hot, as well as Blackmail, specially if used to fuck stupid a pretty married woman. Shota Bull is more of a personal choice, but I like it as well.

Part of the idea of the prompt was that the couple are slowly conditioned to do whatever their friend asks of them. They try friskier, more risky and overwhelming plays and in return they get rewarded with more and more pleasure, making them become more hooked up and slowly giving up more of their autonomy in the bedroom, and eventually outside of it as well.
He eventually asks of them if they want to take this to the next step and accept a no-limits relationships, letting him do whatever he wants with their bodies and minds, permanently. They're afraid and a bit shocked at what that would entail, but both eventually realize that they can not go back to the lives they had and the people they were before, accepting not reclutantly, but with smiles on their places, wondering what play he has set up for them next.

Now that I put it like that I can totally see their friend actually being some cocky, smart student, maybe a young kid, who charms his teacher with his good looks and wits, and uses this to slowly curl his fingers around his teacher and their spouse. He's not mean or cruel, but he'd have an air of superiority that'd be natural to someone with his powers. Enslaving this cute, nice couple forever to himself is a fun game he's playing with them, and not even one he has to threaten or force them into playing. The brat is just that good.
It'd have to be #2 for me as well, my main appeal of the size fetish is role reversal. So having someone who's small and weak dominate someone usually much stronger/larger than them really activates my almonds.
Be it on a personal scale like you described, or a larger scale. Though I do prefer the toying aspect over the rampage one.
Same on large scale. Giants and tinies need to be able to interact in a meaningful way to be anything more than a violent power fantasy.

With my third scenario here I imagined that the liliputian otherworlders would range in height between one or two inches, while their royals stand an impressive three to four inches tall. Then you have giants in the uncivilided places of the world who might reach half a foot to an entire half foot. But the Liliputians have ancient legends of massive titans from the old world who's height and capacity to destruction was unmatched, dwarfind even the tallest trees and largest creatures known to Liliputkind, standing at... 2 feet tall.

Then comes this confused kid or salaryman that gets dropped out of nowhere into this world, where his scale and height completely break any scale previously thought possible, and you have a recipe for complete disaster to the preexisting order.

Might break a bit the scenario but maybe he also has the ability to shrink to a Liliputian's height to be able to pass as one among them, and with that you have scenarios where he can reveal his true self to chocked tinies who might see him as a god dwarfing even their mighiest of heroes and kings.
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How do you react to a giant cumming on your city without sounding mad?
"wonderfull weather eh"
By being the giant that cums on the city
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by being a giant and licking the cum off the ground (and the people/buildings/vehicles in it)
>"Oh, aren't you a cutie one?~ What prank are you doing over there? Oh, but you've made a real mess. We're gonna have to fix that up later."
As I pinch the little titan in-between my fingers and lift him up see his cute face closer.
I wouldn't react, I would listen, and that's what no else did.
I want to be vored by a giant elve so bad
>be Anon
>find a giant elf
>he's so haughty that he doesn't even consider humans fit for his consumption
What now?
climb on him when he's asleep.
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As a straight guy who really enjoys role reversal and domination and straight giantess content, giant male really only appeals to me when it's cruel and m/m. I don't like the idea of regular-sized guys in regular sexual settings, but I really like the idea of being tiny and being forced to be some dude's plaything, helpless to his whims. That being said, I like my giant males to be on the skinny and cute side, rather than the hairy and jacked side. They don't have to look like woman necessarily, but I like them cute. That being said these are my go-to giant male scenarios
>pic related, cute boy slowly breaks me from unwilling and horrified into a cute obedient foottoy
>twink acquaintance takes advantage of my sudden shrinking and uses me as a sex toy every night
>cute cosplaying femboy slurps me up like a candy on a live for views
i wanna squish cute and tough little female warriors underfoot desu
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normal hetero fantasy
the gayest fantasies ever written from a supposedly "straight" guy
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You are bi, anon.
Obliteration by boy cum is how I wanna go out so I'm 0% mad
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NTA but I sometimes think like that and I would never think about being in a relationship with a man so I think this fetish transcends orientation
Bisexuality doesn't really require a relationship
fag lol
What are your thoughts on Skibidi Toilet?
There's plenty of male giants in that series although most of them are just heads in toilets
Sexuality is more complex than most people give it credit for, I'd honestly wager no one is 100% straight or gay, even the term "bisexual" doesn't cover some of them, at least not without stretching it's definition wafer thin.
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I really don't think there is anything subtle or ambiguous about Anon fantasizing about another man using him like a sex toy.
Well provided we take his word for it, he quite literally only likes men when they're giant, and exerting power over him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling him straight either, because I don't really thing anyone is straight, I also don't think anon is even bi, again unless we want to consider every single person on the planet bi.
You like what you like, these labels we give ourself are restrictive.
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Don't you just love it when a giantess gets easily dominated?
This. But maybe focus more on the stomach muscles smothering me while I have nowhere to go and a strength difference so great I can only wait for the grinding to finish me off, gurgles and sweltering heat.
A vast pocket of acid just digesting you while you stand there is pretty underwhelming. I want it to be the wildest possible ride.
There's a unique picture of the top right shot where you get his full face visible instead of just the mouth but I don't remember where I saw it. Didn't find it on madheadvoice's account too.
It's funny, I'm obsessed about finding it back, aroused by the unfeeling gaze combined with the looming mouth wide open below. It's what's fueling my fetish and yet in a real scenario you'd get not even two seconds to appreciate the view before the giant shove you down his throat, cursing you with unending darkness for the ( short ) rest of your life.
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And thank you for reminding me of Kono's Shortest Knight of the Year comic. Masterpiece of that exact dynamic.
want to crush anon
Insanely based taste. Shame it isn't implemented enough.
For real. I wanna see it with fantasy races most of all. Twink dark elf gets ambushed by a band of orc amazons somewhere in the forest, uses his magic powers to shrink and capture them all, takes them home and uses them as his stress relief toys.
Most Anons in here who seem to want to be tiny and have a giant boy toy with them seem to prefer twinks and femboys as their giant tormentors.

Can't say that I'm cute that way myself, but I'm handsome in a masculine sense and I'd love being able to shrink and toy around with Anons and Femanons, specially if I was also able to change their appearance as much as I wanted.
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Yeah welcome to the slippery slope anons. I used to be like you, and now I'm feeding my cute cosplaying twink boyfriend pizza so I can listen to his stomach gurgle. This fetish will warp you eventually.
How would you toy with them?
I'm not into feet stuff, but I'd be curious to see how much are Anons into it and test how eager they would be to worship them or other parts of my body.
If i could have all of the Anons and Femanons grouped up I'd let them pick which part of my body to hang out on throughout the day.

On the feet, inside the shoes go the ones that want to feel very puny and helpless, always disoriented by my walking or the tapping of my feet.
Inside my boxers go the really proactive ones, willing to be stuck to my cock and balls to try and keep them rigid, in case I feel like a quick fuck with a cutie iI might've just met, or in case i feel like growing one of the Anons or Femanons just enough to be able to use them like a living cocksleeve, to be retuend to its rightful place in my boxer once used.
I know some of the most perverted ones would want to go on my ass or my armpit, but they better learn to properly clean themselves afterwards if they're going in there.
There's also a special place for one single tiny inside my mouth, where I'd love to play around with them, trashing and teasing them with my tongue, spitting them out onto my facemask to appreciate their tired helpless bodies and kiss them and talk to them throughout the day, only to shove them back in into my mouth until we're back home.

Back home there'd also be all kinds of different plays, such as having you fuck each other for my amusement, and some challenges with rewards and punishments for winners and losers.
However, I'd try and treat and take care of you all very well. I'd try and keep you all cleaned, healthy and entretained when not in use, and I'm a decent cook, so you'd always have something tasty to eat everyday, even if it's not your favorite.

If I could involve other people I'd have the boyfriends and girlfriends join them, and use them to toy with them, such as flirting with Anon's girlfriend and fucking her, or having Femanon's boyfriend be fucked silly by every tiny Anon I own.
If I could have much more control over the bodies and minds of Anons and Femanons, I'd also do all sorts of different stuff with them.

I'd make Anons cuter and prettier, while Femanons can be made sexier than they already were.
I would make their bodies far more resistant and flexible, so they'd be able to survive and even enjoy far crazier plays, such a stretching their limbs or bodies around my cock, or using them as living chewing gum with little to no pain and lots of pleasure.

I'd also like to try and do some more artistic pursuits, like testing how far my body shaping skills can go and see if I can make Anons and Femanons into tiny monster boys and girls.
And of couse, just shuffle the sexes of the two around, see how cute that Anon could be as a girl, or how handsome that femanon would be as a guy, letting them keep the bodies, male or female, human or not, that they most preferred when I wasn't playing with them.

I'd give them all a big place to make bed and home in, maybe a big drawer or a terrarium, and I'd try and keep them as happy as I could for as long as they are my pets and toys.
>I know some of the most perverted ones would want to go on my ass
It's filthy in there, Anon. I don't do enemas or even play with it. Not sure you'd want to go up there or if I should even let you.
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Absolutely kino. Also like the idea of a rampaging giantess stopped by someone much larger :^)
i am so fucking sick of these ocs i hate richfags trying to force their characters to be popular
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I need more art of tiny women swimming in cum whether its in a condom, jar, etc
im gonna make you guys swim in MY cum
>he thinks he gets a choice
It's okay, I'll hang out between your cheeks
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Anon, have you tried simply not being impoverished? Or if that's not possible, have you tried mustering up an ounce of creativity to contribute something original?
If not, you could, at the very least, post a pic to go along with your whining.
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I am so fucking sick of these hot giants I hate big elves trying to force their feet to be popular when what I want is to be gulped and glorp'd by their stomach
Ugh, alright. You're such a little pervert, but I wouldn't say no to an honest little Anon.
I'll be sure you make it up to me later on, for sure.

I'd eat you for sure if I knew you could survive, or if I could revive you somehow. Or do you want it to be a one-way-trip?
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Huh, looks like that's a whole comic. Don't suppose anyone here has it?
being shrunk around a frat bro would be so hot
One way trip. Fatal. No return.
When I look in the pred's mouth I want to know I'm about to cross the event horizon. When I look at his ass I want to think about how a substantial part of me is going to be padding it and how I'll be humiliated beyond known limits as my brain itself get melted into fat on someone's hips. And when I give a quick glance at the abs I want to realize I'll be so very soon invisible forever, trapped behind them, screaming for mercy and with gurgling noises as the only answers to my pleads.
I want to be sent at the bottom of the food chain ~
(artist is evilean on aryion but I can't post the original pics since 4chins is so shit it has a 4mb limit, so those are just blurry mess)

(not as messy as how I'd be after one hour inside a stomach)
>Ugh, alright. You're such a little pervert, but I wouldn't say no to an honest little Anon.
I'll scratch any itches you have back there!
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Agreed, Nothing better than having a really tiny chick. Just slam that bitch down into a condom or inside your dick and let her deal with the rest.
I personally prefer to flood the Entire area
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Make your own content if you must. You dont gotta be rich to do it
Does anyone have mantou mantou's old deviantart posts he had a lot of stuff, now all gone
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Based and peak fetish
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anyone know good servers for M/f stuff? lotta kino here
i want cute girls to be obbsesed with my toes
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Oh shit, how did I miss the fact Jayne finally did something with these characters? The dynamic is PEAK, but I was afraid he just forgot about 'em.
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Sorry Anon but you're HIV positive. Shouldn't have let all those giant guys cum on you...
And then he sits on her
Giant anons ermmmmmm add me on discord! ako22
Agreed. For me it's absolute helplessness in the face of absolute power. IRL I'm not interested in being submissive, but in a giantess/giant scenario I have no choice.
Noooo, he's to nice to do something like that haha unless?
That's the problem, he's such a nice genki dream boy he doesn't realize what he's doing to her. She'll be suffocating under his butt and he'll think he's just playfully teasing.
>Also got any more? I didn't realize there was more art of those two...
Two more that I'm aware of.
This one is really nice, closeup eye shots like that make for looming perspectives that make you feel tiny.
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I think I understand where you're coming from?
At some point in the size difference, a giant or giantess might seem essentially identical when close enough, and the differences only become apparent when you take a few hundred steps back.

Like, imagine youre a tiny guy or gal, and you're trapped right beside a giant's feet (my feet), maybe inside their shoes (my shoes). Confronted with this massive wall of flesh it would be impossible for you to tell whether they belong to a man or a woman. It's just you, this giant creature that might as well be a god to you, and your utter feeling of helplessness at being unable to move or interact it in any way beyond worshipping it in the faint hope that they will take mercy on you.
We're you to be shrunk even smaller, even their more masculine or feminine features would be imperceptible to you except when you saw them from far away.

Which brings the question. Why are you in this thread and not the giantess ones? Or do you browse both?
And what interactions do you like between giants and tiniest in general?
I would like to know the source as well.
This one is really good.
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New @on_kinky
>jacking off
>imagine myself and another giant fucking at a pool with our legs closing it off
>feed him tinies before kissing him
you gotta wonder how fetishes like this even come to be. Our long past ancestors eating small animals alive like any predator would?
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>Big enough to hug him.
>Small enough to hug his cock.
That's an excellent size ratio between a guy and his pet.
I prefer just small enough to barely fit in his stomach, I want to feel it constrict around me and break my bones as I melt.
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Sizes of like 1-1.5 feet are super under used for long term pets/servants
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I remember seeing some really good size art of Lio Fotia a while ago but I can't seem to find any trace of it. I think it was foot focused, but anyone know what piece I'm thinking of?
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Size kink anon is back


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I know it's from https://x.com/naotakami8 but I can't find the exact post. He takes commissions for all kinds of stuff so SW isn't a big theme for him if that's what you were hoping.
>the gayest fantasies ever written from a supposedly "straight" guy
i've never thought of regular-sized guys, even the ones i prefer, in non-size scenarios. it may be kinda gay tbhfam but i practically only like real women
its a debate for sure
been like this for awhile
yeah, it's about being forced. of course, it turns me on but i dont like it when the tiny and guy get along
basically, it's the fact i have no choice, it's completely up to their whims if they wanna pop me or play around. i mainly browse the giantess thread, but sometimes i check the giant male thread for my type of content. i really only like M/m, with lots of humiliation.
Is their any way to get in touch with SuperSizeKinkAnon, or do they only post stuff on AO3?
What's special about this guy?
giant male writers are not exactly abundant
Good ones definitely aren't.
And the best are faggots who just like shrinking and shota.
>the best are faggots who just like shrinking and shota
It's rewarding to write what you like
Just steal thier stories. Make the characters look like how you want them. Then bully the original author off the internet.

Post your stolen art and then profit. Go get rid sizekinkanon anon. I believe in you
>been like this for awhile
Took about 10 years to go from "this one m pic is hot too" to that for me, so, don't count yourself out yet.
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The slippery slope for me started at giant couple stuff. When I did some greens earlier I was thinking "I'm just self inserting here, it will be fine!" The self insertion cope is no longer holding when I'm fantasising about being close friends with a horny giant or trapped in the briefs of a giga jock who makes me watch in horror as he destroys everything beneath him.
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I wanna grow BIG...
giant who cares about you since your his friend so he decides you get to watch as he squashes hundreds underfoot
cute date idea
How big and how you want to grow?

Write more anon, don't be so vague.
the idea of a giant liking you enough to be your friend despite the fact they will hapilly slaughter hundreds of humans underfoot for fun is really hot to me
Atleast big enough to cover and crush a car with my foot. Also I think a slower grow is the hottest type, like in a room with others with them slowly realizing that I'm getting bigger, some managing to get out, others pinned underneath me.
Like someone getting pushen into the wall by my foot.

In the end just outgrowing the house, Alice in wonderland style, only more destructive and more deadly for the occupants. Also it should feel good for me obviously
Like the grow is unwilling at first but the longer it goes and the better it feels the more I give in
with omegle gone how is a nano sized tiny fag like me supposd to find gigantic god boys to kill me?
I need to have several little anons in the back of my underwear as i go about my day
how little
> be me
> go on Shrinkstagram
> search for middle school sports teams
> find public page with cutest boys
> see who they tagged
> identify cockiest boy on team
> slide into his DMs
> tell him how I'm his biggest fan
> stroke his ego and inflate his sense of ego
> send him money for snacks and games and equipment
> help him develop a god complex
> let it slip that I have a shrink ray
> offer to let him "try it out"
> meet up irl
> hand him the shrink ray
> play dumb
> "Gee, Shota-sama, I'm struggling to think of something to try this out on. Any ideas?"
> wait for the two braincells in the adorable dumbfuck's head to finally grow a connection
> watch as he smirks and points the shrink ray at me
> stare into the light as he pulls the trigger

Congrats, anon. That's how you actualize your fantasy.
Lol fuck. That one line is supposed to be
> stroke his ego and inflate his sense of greatness

Fuck mobile
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This kinda gym would actually motivate me to work out more (as the giant)
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>tfw I will never be isekaid as cute giant into a fantasy world and effortlessly defeat every knight or hero that wants to slay me
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do y'all ever take photos of yourself and edit it to turn them into giant male pictures? i once took pictures of my dick over a sink and edited in a tiny city that i then flooded with my cum
I uploaded vids of me crushing popcorn kernels and tiny figures to catbox.moe and I also put them on a twitter

So yes, kinda
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it is the hottest. the only thing comparable is a gentle giant (boy)friend who unknowingly splatters tinies... such a sweetheart
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I'm creamed a couple of anime figurines and a scale model tank I have and taken photos and video of it. Never thought of making a city collage with my own dick. Maybe I'll give it a try.
i would have fun putting tinies is unaware situations with a cute shyboy
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>Anon gets isekaid.
>But the interdimentional transportation bs system was specially fukcy today.
>Appears somewhere in the forest/gets summoned.
>But he is giant.
>That's not the weirdest part.

>First thing he does is look around.
>He is naked.
>And there are girls around him.
>Either some group of peasants that were passing through the forest or the queen accompanied by her mages, guards and courtiers.
>All of them attractive because this is an isekai.
>But here is the catch
>They are all wearing manly clothes.
>Not dresses and skirst, but pants and shirts, armor and uniforms.
>They all stare, mouths agape at anon's naked body, some blushing furiously, other's trying to hide the wetness in their undergarments or their hard as rock nipples.
>The religious ones mutter some prayers, the more decent ones trying (and failing) to get their eyes away from anon's cock and balls, using all their will to try to ignore their almost hypnotic way of bouncing.
>One of them mumbles a joke with a small nervous and aroused laugh. "Girl, that's too much man even for me."

>That's right, somehow anon ended up in an isekai destined to a parallel universe where the gender roles are reversed.
>So now he is the equivalent of an unstoppable cute giantess to all these women who can't help but stare with impure thoughts at him.
yeah I do, I sperg out on details like angles though so don't make as many as I would want
So, would I get harem'd in this scenario if its the queen who finds me?
God yes please, let this be my afterlife
but in reality nothing exists
I mean, only if you let her.
Is not like she can do anything to force you to. Even if she decided to turn the whole kingdom agaisnt you out of petty spite because you left her blue wombed, you can just do a little rampage and the kingdom is no more.
She can be the queen of the cum covered ruins.
>Anon gets isekaid.
>But because of the gender reversal bs, the usual shit that happens to girls in cheap power trip animes, happen to him.
>Except it doesn't, because with his size and different mentality, he becomes inmune to the usual tropes.
> Becomes the male equivalent of an invincible, giant, op, cute tomboy waifu.

>Laws of the universe make him extra cute, beautiful and sexy.
>His butt, dick and balls the most soft and perfect.
>The "protag" (a woman of course, that may or may not have been also isekaid from her universe) tries to add him to his harem.
>Anon just plays along, but only because he gets to toy with the cute catboys, prince tsunderes and other tropes from her harem.
>Girls try to act protective of him.
>He just looms behind them, intimidating whoever was being a threat and finding cute how the girls shout with pride "See Anon, I will always protect you" once the enemy ran away.
>Villain tries to kidnapp or hurt him to get back at the "Protagonist"
>Anon just stands still, till they tire themselves out, smiling once they realized they never stood a chance.
>Fanservice, some girls (be it by accident or willingly) find themselves in sexual and compromising positions with Anon.
>Anon instead of getting embarasses and calling them "B-baka" or some shit.
>Smirks deviously and... gives them more than they bargained for.
>The girls are left as a blushing, wet and stuttering mess after he is finished.
>The universe says "fuck it, nuclear option"
>Goes full grimdark, the big bad boss girl is going to rape anon.
>Anon goes "Go ahead and try"
>She tries to bind him and chain him with some magic or shit.
>One simple movement and he is free.
>Struggles to even move his dick.
>Scratch that, Anon has to help because she can't even remove his underwear without destroying them.
>Anon goes full savage and constantly teases her with "Oh you are still there, I barely even felt you"
>Finally feeling her womanliness at stake, she charges a growing spell.

>The villain is now a giantess... about a head shorter than Anon.
>Still tries to rape him and finally pins him down (just because he let her)
>It was... dissappointing, this giant form drained her from her magic and Anon was way bigger than she expected.
>It was over as soon as it started.
>In the clarity post-climax, she understood her defeat.
>"Let's leave it as stalemate."
>She says, still sore from taking all his dick.
>Tries to scurry away, before Anon grabs her and pins her down.
>Looks into her eyes, putting the fear of God in her, and says "My turn~"
>He then grows till he is twice his previous size.
>The poor attempt of a rapist looks with wide eyes as Anon's dick becomes even bigger.
>Fleshlight time.
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>Is not like she can do anything to force you to. Even if she decided to turn the whole kingdom agaisnt you out of petty spite because you left her blue wombed, you can just do a little rampage and the kingdom is no more.
>She can be the queen of the cum covered ruins.

>Queen tries to capture giant anon for her harem
>it does not go to plan
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Thank you for some of that greentext goodness, I love it
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Anon with the city video from a few threads ago here.

I've built a huge new city and plan on destroying literally everything I have (also the stuff from the last video). Probably around 20 buildings or so. I want it to be my sizey magnum opus.

Are there any scenes you want to see specifically? They should be quick and easy to film. Will pick the ones that are doable, fun and creative.

Gonna start filming around Oct 7th.
Nice that was some good stuff
>Are there any scenes you want to see specifically? They should be quick and easy to film
Maybe some bulge crush? Also, something I noticed in the last video was that you were doing things rather...fast? Maybe some slower walking/crushing?
>She squirmed, ripping trees from their roots, buildings from their foundations, as she grabbed anything, trying to claw her way out of this mess.
>For a moment Anon allowed her to crawl away a little, before pulling her back by the legs.
>He teased her entrance, that recoiled and flinched every time his tip caressed her lips.
>She kept begging, going from bargaining to apologizing, from cursing to sobbing.
>All of her words melted into a long pained ecstatic moan when he pushed his lenght inside.
>Her body quivering every time his dick throbed, he went slow, enjoying the way she twitched and how her face showed her consciousness drowning in pleasure.
>And that's how Anon literally fucked the plot of this whole little Isekai.
>The protag, the whole kingdom and even the universe itself saw how the generic demon queen used to move the plot forward was fucked silly by Anon.
>All her evil edgy magic inside her body trying to wound Anon's dick as it impaled her body, any dark goddesses or patrons she selled her soul to, unable to do anything but tickle Anon as he continued to absolute dominate their "Great tool to bring destruction to this realm"
>Even if he was quite literally reaarranging her insides with each thrust, the magic of being giant helped her being impervious to damage.
>Something that wasn't quite useful when she couldn't do anything but getting fucked so hard that even her previous and future reincarnations could feel it.
>Feeling herself being pummeled into the earth, the coldness of the soil and crushed vegetation unnable to cool off the burning red of her face, product of the humilliation and otherwordly arousal.
>A burning only surpassed by the hot solid dick inside her, making her spasm with pain and pleasure with every movement.
>All this while he just had his fun.
>She kept trying to beg to stop, or maybe to not stop, it was hard to tell with how manny moans, gasps and sexual sounds she was making
>Just to drive the point further, Anon grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face up.
>Allowing everyone to witness the drooling, crying, sweaty, blushing ahegao face of what was once a feared woman.
>Not only that, he made her yell out loud how much she liked it and thay she was just her fuck toy.
>This was it, Anon just made it clear, this was his story, and he was a hentai protagonist.
>So leaving the twitching barely conscious body of this demon queen, covered from head to toe and leaking his seed in what basically was a brand new lake.
>Simply went to reunite with his party.
>At least for this season the kingdom would be safe.
>In the mean time, maybe they could do a little spinoff traveling somewhere in this fantasy land.
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If you aren't afraid to show cock then how about crushing one thing in particular with just your cockhead
>Is not like she can do anything to force you to. Even if she decided to turn the whole kingdom agaisnt you out of petty spite because you left her blue wombed, you can just do a little rampage and the kingdom is no more.
She can be the queen of the cum covered ruins.

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>Giant boy, very sweet, wouldn't hurt a fly.
>Prayed and asked for a blessing so that he won't accidentally harm his friends.
>The gods listened and granted his request.
>Now he cannnot cause any harm unless he actively wants to.
>Acidentally sits on someone? They aren't hurt at all. In fact, they can easily squirm out from under him.
>Trips on some houses and falls? The buildings and people are left untouched.
>Walks on a field? He doesn't even leave footprints in the grass.
>Only problem is that the tinies have noticed.
>They also noticed, through a few intimate questions that they pressured the boy to answer, that he's a giant (pun intended) submissive.
>So they decided to attack him en masse. Climbing on his body, giving him rubs and kisses, climbing inside his body and so on.
>Thechnically the boy could hurt them if he wanted to. But between his embarassed desires and his pacifism, he will not.
worshiping a giant subs feet...
A little vore would be nice if you have any tiny people. Maybe throw in a belly shot.
Can do!

If I can find a good angle, I might do that. Not yet sure, though.

Sorry, not showing face. I like vore, but it's nothing I'd do on cam.
Video anons are based
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Need to be worshipped like...
How many of you would willingly get shrunken down and mailed to a random giant anon in this thread?
>I would
i would gladly accept willing volunteers
Would you be nice to the little worshipers?
How would you react to their praise and admiration?
What would you do with them.

Pic. Rel, a continuation I belive.

I was going to use it on a greentext about anon growing and fucking his boss office and the entire building, but I would flood the thread and it would end too quickly, maybe next one.
id play around with them under my feet as i sat at my computer drawing of course! i would appreciate the company
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Two things, I'd like to see a lot more in the hands department from you, particularly looming hands.
Also, does your filming equipment allow for slow motion? If I could see your hands crushing/grabbing things in slow motion that would be all I'd ever want.
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>I was going to use it on a greentext about anon growing and fucking his boss office and the entire building, but I would flood the thread and it would end too quickly, maybe next one.

Nonsense, please do
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>Would you be nice to the little worshipers?
Yes, that's the way to get more worshippers, but I would step on those that want to be stepped on, gently
>How would you react to their praise and admiration?
Blushing and being turned on prolly
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>Want to make more GTM videos
>Can't find time because busy with boyfriend
He got me some cute pastel clothing to contrast my usual punk/goth outfits as a present and I want to do something with them. I hope everyone itt can capture a tiny boyfriend they love too!
Can you put tinines in your pants and rub them against your bulge? Also rubbing them on your armpit
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I'd do it if they had cute feet. In fact, I've been searching for a cute pair of feet to spend the rest of my life worshipping.
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>I was going to use it on a greentext about anon growing and fucking his boss office and the entire building, but I would flood the thread and it would end too quickly, maybe next one.
sounds good to me
What happened to that vid anyways, the archive of it went down.
Fuck it. Just ordered a pack of 1/64 scale figurines to try playing with in an onahole and on their own. I'll have to see if they really do anything for me or not.
Sharing is caring anon...
1. Is that your preferred size or just the smallest you could find?
2. How would you play with the tiny.m bastards?
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anyone got a link to it?
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1. I wanted tinies in the .5-1 inch range and that's what these were advertised as in the description. It's the size I'd want for real toys if I could get em. 1/64 is apparently a common scale for diecast models.
2. I wanna see if having one in the end of my onahole and feeling it in there is hot for me. I also just wanna play with dropping my cock and balls on them and knocking them over with a cumshot. Basically the things I'd do with real tiny toys. Might also put one or two between my toes while I jerk it and pretend they're struggling in there. Like I alluded to, this is experimental for me so I don't know if I'll like it or just feel like an idiot yet.
are you gonna record it?
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>Me looking down at (you)
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I can offer my experiences. I got several different sizes and I got a weird combo of turned on/hyper embarrassed while interacting with them like that. The jury's out whether or not it does anything for me. I'm a big aspie though so my experiences might not translate
anyone else look up old posts in archive about anons wanting to be giant and obsess over them for years??
Yeah, I fap more to anons describing thier fantasies more than images
Yes, that's something I wanted to do anyways. More hand stuff. Slow motion might also be possible.

Both should be no problem.
got any favs?
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Holy shit bros, in my fantasies I was always tiny. But I think I've finally understood the appeal of being big. I was looking for some old documents of relatives who went to the same university as me. But the staff didn't bother to digitize everything, so they just gave me a key to a basement where they keep a lot of old shit.
Among the old records was a huge maquette of my university, very dusty, but beautiful and very detailed. And that awakened something in me, I looked around to see if there were any cameras, I took off my shoes and socks and started walking around the model and my cock was throbbing. I never thought of myself as a dom because I've always been a short and feminine guy (1,70m 60kg). But when I saw the footprints I had left in the dust, taking up almost the whole street around the miniature cars, I couldn't resist.

I started to masturbate looking at my own feet. It doesn't matter how soft my feet are to the car between my toes, they are as deadly as a boulder, and that is very hot. I felt I was getting close, so I walked over to the department where I studied, pointed my dick at the entrance, and closed my eyes.

I began to imagine the people screaming as they ran away from me, that my soft moans were deafening to them, that my footprints in the dust were craters, and then I came with the biggest load of my life. It was everywhere. I had to use my socks to clean up the cum and other signs that I had been there. When I got home, I jerked off two more times just thinking about what happened.
The thought that there are giant anons who want nothing more than to use me as a toy is so fucking hot. It’s what makes giant male stuff so good
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The other way round, knowing that there are anons who would do anything to get squashed is also pretty hot

Nothing better than getting answers like these to posts

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I'd probably feel the same way but they definitely know what you did
>anon gets an email next morning that classes have been canceled due to mysterious structural damage and a foul-smelling liquid covering most of the buildings
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I want to be alternately doted on and roughly used by a total sperg femboy.
Anyone care to share their favourite finds? Here’s mine https://archived.moe/d/thread/6886743/#6889258

>Anon goes to school.
>Acting like all is normal.
>Nobody will ever know what he did to that school model.
>But some odd behaviour couuld be felt.
>People avoided his eyes, some blushing, some paling, all of them trembling under his gaze.
>Even teachers, looked nervous when saying his name out loud.
>Girls around campus, even the ones he considered out of his league, not only payed attention to him, but looked at him with desire and hungrly awe in their eyes.
>He could see them stare at his crotch.
>And become blushing messes when he so much as recognized their existence with a look.

>Failed to notice how the air around the place had been tainted by a weird, yet familiar scent.
>Not payed too much attention at the "Missing" posters of several students.
>He simply continued as normal, finding a little enjoyement in this new place of the social hierarchy
>Thinking about doing another visit to that small maquette, imagining those people around him, tiny, squirming, their desperate struggle only a tickle under his soles.
>But in reality that tickling sensation were actual people.
>That got stuck under his feet, in between his toes, like the specks of dust after being stepped on or cleaned away with his socks.
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>makes a nice meal and just plops you on the plate and eats around you
>tries cute outfits and asks you how they look on him
>keeps you on his person the rest of the time, typically kneading you into his dick for hours while he watches anime or mindlessly browses youtube
>get to sleep inside his stockings that he's worn for days in a row
>if you complain about the smell he gives you the alternative of spending the night up his ass
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>In the end just outgrowing the house, Alice in wonderland style
that's the hottest shit imo, but for skyscrapes
Just growing inside a magnificent structure that took maybe years to build and made safe aiganst disasters and yet you just effortlessly destroy by just getting bigger. Imagine feeling the foundation buckle under your weigth, steel beams groaning under the stress of trying to contain your evergrowing form, people trying to run but your foot has long since crushed the elevators, your butt, hips and dick filling an entire floor, people getting slowly pinned to the walls
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hot, god bless writer anons
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My cockhead the size of Ohio gliding over the landscape. Drooling precum as it goes. But the towns and cities demolished by my sweet pre aren't the target. Soon enough I hone on Anon's city. I do my best to position my slit above his house, but at this scale accuracy isn't *that* important. When I'm satisfied with my aim, my uretha flares and I cum hands free. Tens of millions of gallons of my semen fired at high pressure obliterate all surface structures and scrapes away the top soil like a glacier of jizz. Spermatozoa the size of great danes hunt down survivors in any air pockets or around the edges of the blast zone.
When I'm done wringing the last immense drop of cum from my cock, my voice booms across the planet, "So, was it good for you too Anon?"
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if you ever go back there, please take some pics
i recently saw a post on giantessworld in the giant male section that was just that along with a story, did that happen to be you anon?
not giantessworld but giantesscity, my bad
how come most people like the giga size or whatever? I would want to see people react to me at least at an ant-size
I just wanna cleanse the world in the pure whiteness of my cum.
I wish masterkiiro’s discord at least had a section for non-payer’s, I don’t need to see the art, would just be nice to talk to people with similar tastes.

Because like >>11127892 said.
People don't react to you, the enviroment reacts to you.
Landscapes, landmarks and territories only remain still and immovable till they face a greater force.
>And you are the greater force.
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I just like the idea of destroying an entire city or army with just taking a step

Also that>>11127892
would you cumjar a tiny?
Be honest
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would depend on the tiny
Pretty hot story, anon.

I know this feel all too well. It was an eye-opening experience when I became bi-sizual myself. Was always curious, and found myself in a similar situation.
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Imagine the smell
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>tiny meekly makes the suggestion he will follow anon to the city in his car
>anon's massive dick flattens one option and shows him the only alternative mode of transportation now
I would jar you.
I would trap you in a condom and fill it up.
I would shrink you to nano size and make you live in a wrinkle on nutsack or in the shadow of a vein on my cock.
I'd do the same but swallow you with my slit and have you live inside my balls, constantly getting gangraped by my horny sperm cells.
I have no qualms about making your entire pathetic life revolve around my crotch.
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horny giants fighting armies
yeah chances are that was me, i can give a link to anyone interested
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>greentext about anon growing and fucking his boss office and the entire building
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shit's hot. i want to shrink some armies onto anon's gamer chair/food
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it's not gay if one party is giant
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What’s the worst age of giant to be captured by?
I mean, that's not a question that has a single answer.
By the time that the giants are fat, sweaty bears in their thirties or forties though, that's got to be close to it.

It sickens me that there are people out there who don't see the perfection in shotas and boyish twinks.

Likewise a giant should at least be a shota, because there's no fun in being captured by a giant who lacks the mental capacity for a personality and basic mischief.
SizeKinkanon posted 2 more stories! We eating good this month boy's. One them is about an hour read.


>tfw in my early thirties
>almost no body hair
>twunkish build
>generel youthful look
>still get mistaken for early or mid twenties frequently
You never truly know
I mean, as long as you step on me from time to time
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Outgrowing and bullying goddesses is the best
Curse of the giant twink boomer
DESU you sound like a more than decent potential giant pred, anon.
I mean if you're hot, well-built, and look young, then that makes you so much more preferable as a pred than some fat slob of a teen.
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From the shrinking girl thread technically but
>gets cute minigirl
>immediately kills her
This is why we can't have nice things.
I don't understand cruelfags. Like why? Especially if you only get one tiny...
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Found this one pic and I knew you'd like it.
There's times I want to role play video chat with tinys just to bully them and give a fun perspective. I find it so hot that a guy wants to be crushed by me why am I cursed with this fetish
Bully them how?
I do like it.
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They're the same people to win a million dollars, blow it in a week and then cry about it later.
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killing is good actually
I'm going to squish your waifu for complaining so much
yeah i'd rather get lasting enjoyment... would be much more fun to have a tiny girl trapped in my underwear almost all of the time rather than having a tiny be gone in an instant and nothing happens
>implying she wouldn’t escape
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>From the shrinking girl thread technically but
oh wow! who knew something i wrote years ago would still be helping others get off today lmao
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killing is good, but only if there is a qt mini girl acting as the devil on your shoulder type that eggs her giant on.
wtf anons i thought these guys were meant to be superheroes, why are they being mean and crushing everyone :(
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tinies should be thankful that giant boys even think protect them from monsters
>yfw there are no giant monsters
>it's just more giant boys in customes
Can’t smell that much worse in his ass desu
Fresh bread >>11130539

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