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Frog edition

Board got nuked, so I'm setting up another thread.
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Dude is posting like it's Wednesday.
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>Board got nuked
What happened?
Jannies did an oopies and nuked several boards and their archives.
Nah, I only posted the first pic.

Speaking of, what's the sauce for >>11100815, because the naked girl foot sticking out of the frog's mouth is pretty fucking good.
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Kinda weird VN where girl is teleported to some fantasy world is with giant frogs, worms, and slugs.
Pic is from a bad end where she goes lust crazy and begs the frog to have sex with her but it eats her alive instead.
There's another bad end where she's swallowed and fucked by a slug while the stomach walls begin to close around her.
Sounds like my kind of bad end scenario; girl getting fucked (or begging to be fucked) then eaten alive and digested.
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>gals in skintight bodysuits getting eaten whole by a worm

An instant classic.
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Of course, another artist nukes their shit. No one fucking cares about preservation anymore.
functionalenzymes@gmail dot com
again? which artist this time?
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Neuro. Pic related. Fucking unbelievable.
Alright, start posting what you've got.
God damnit. He actually had some good shit.
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Post it.
Unfortunately, they are just the reposts you've posted so far.
I have a bunch of his stuff, is there an easier way to post a bunch, like making a private mega or something, than posting one at a time?
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Cat box. Media fire if you're retro. Alternatively there's a recovery thread over on 8 chan, that site allows multiple images per post.
If inserting those spaces is what makes this fucking site think this isn't spam then I swear to fucking god
I swear to FUCKING GOD.
>girl grabbed by giant worm
>bends her the wrong way in its mouth and breaks her spine before swallowing her

Anyone got it?
got a reply back, basically has turned to Christianity as he preached to me in the return email. Prior to seeing his art, Vore never turned me on. Monster Vore threads just lost a GOAT.
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Not a frog thread without Moga stuff.
Yoo actual new moga stuff! Do you happen to have the other pics he posted on patreon?
Is there a x-ray version to either of these pics?
No, from what I saw when they were active, Neuro never made X-ray variants for these pics. In fact, they rarely drew much content featuring internal
Had the honor to perform a couple art trades a couple years ago, and his pieces were pretty stellar. Here's the first one, and still my favorite to this day
Got in higher res?
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That's the highest I could get. There's also the second one
Dang, hoped you had the full saved yourself somewhere. I've been getting what I can out of the Wayback Machine over on 8 chan, but there's quite a few which don't have their full res archived.
Probably should just jump to sad panda and dump it.
What the fuck...
>Jesus massaged my soul and now I will never make art ever again
Why does this happen so often?
I never bothered to get into that site, not certain how
Like that.
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Well bugger. That's a kick in the dick.
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Would you guys be interested in MTL of the vore scenes from eden ritter grenze? I know it's not ideal but I found the files with the scripts and it's pretty easy to run through a translator. I was thinking about throwing the CGs with the corresponding text sorta like this. Was just curious cause I'm not sure what the taste for VN vore is here.
More content is always food, so please do if you add some if the pics to the text.
Man I just can't find a comic I saw recently.
Non-fatal, girl is eaten by worm like thing and spat out at the end.
The execution was meek but the poses and dialogues were cute.
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It's tentacle/vore theme with more focus on the tentacle sex than the vore. It's not perfect since it's supposed to be VN style. Just trying to spread some vore where I can. If the format sucks let me know and I'll try and change it if I do this again

Story is that this girl is leading some soldiers through the desert on a mission and they're attacked by a giant sandworm. The scene begins after her soldiers are all eaten and the worm is trying to swallow the girl. She has the ability to see the future and starts looking for ways to escape, but instead just sees visions of herself getting fucked harder while the worm swallows her.
Good enough for me. I can always appreciate good fuck-n-eat stories with babes as the prey.
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Story is that this girl is a warrior chief for some desert village the hunts monsters. The girl from
Saw into the future and told warrior girl she shouldn't go on the hunt today because bad things will happen, but warrior girl is determined to prove the future can be changed. Well she lets her guard down thinking about how she wants to prove fortune teller wrong and is eaten by a sandworm. Inside it's stomach she tries to remain strong, but quickly gives into pleasure as the sandworm tentacle rapes her.

Again it leans a little more into tentacle rape than vor. Ending doesn't say for sure but I feel the wording implies she's eventually digested. Sometimes the text is pretty explicit about it if they escape or not, sometimes it's ambiguous and you gotta use your imagination.
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I'd be curious about what this is if there was nudity
I'm trying to find an image similar to those ones with a photograph posted in the top left corner, the type of image can easily be found by searching "today's bait" or "feeding time". The one I'm looking for is in black and white, and has a bunch of info on the photo side. I think I remember it being hinted at that it's unwilling, and that she was signed up for it. I can't remember if it's frog or snake. I've looked for a little bit for it and can't find it. Anyone know the one I'm talking about?
I only have this one.
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Froggies Party
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So is that not gonna happen?
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So time to see how many replies we get here
>how did you discover vore
In my case I probably helped a girl discover it kek

was GMing some nerd stuff like d&d and people knew that traps won't seriously hurt their chars so they weren't taken seriously because people bitched about gettiing benched by one for the session so I began making traps gross to at least get a reaction out of folks
Once things moved away from "you fell into the latrine" to "you were swallowed by a giant frog", the local nerd girl really got into the groove and designed her char around "taking point to check(fall) into any traps"

Which is probably why she never joined any highschool reunions, too embarassed at the idea someone figured out her fetish
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funny enough I found this thread on Wednesday

this artist is such a joy
It was a joke in cartoons back in the 90s, then Dragonball Z when cell absorbed 18 pretty much sealed it for me.
Creeping Terror. Oddly enough, kinda underused. Anyway, here's my design for that one
I think I just discovered vore images through searching for hentai images.
Just passing by
I remember this VN
Had a vore scene
I was something like 7 or 8 and had recently watched The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island and I clearly remember thinking about how nice it would be to be eaten by sharptooths. I don't recall it being anything sexual but then again i was only a kid, and didn't know shit.
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Apparently there were two incidents of women being eaten by pythons in Indonesia in 2024 alone both within the same month


Is it getting more common or is it the development of their native range resulting in better reporting? This shit probably happens a lot

Scientists are full of shit. First it was "it's impossible they can't swallow a human" or "nothing can survive being eaten alive because of pectoralis/oxygen

Both are wrong. The truth is every day thousands if not millions of living organisms are eaten alive and whole. This is the world we live in

It's a goddamn shame that frogs/fish/snakes aren't just a little bit goddamn bigger
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they need to stop killing these snakes and let them enjoy their meal. It's part of life and if they kill the snakes then the woman died for nothing. The snakes aren't evil for feeding and they ate her fair and square. Fucking sore losers
It's not a common occurrence, but it has happened enough that the local people know it's a possibility.
You'll find more than a few news articles and old stories about it. Back in 2008 and 2011 was also when news articles about it went viral on the Internet.
East Asian Indo-Pacific people are also some of the shortest people on Earth. Which also explain why most stories of man eating snakes actually happen there.
Reticulated pythons are also becoming a common sights in their cities as the feral cat and dog populations are attracting them.

It still haunts me to this day but I once found a video on YouTube by chance. In what country it happened I don't know other than it was a East Asian country in a city park. The police caught a python that had eaten recently. They killed it and started cutting it open. They were likely expecting it to be a large dog, but as they made progress with the incision a little girl's legs and pink skirt became visible. Everyone and camera man freaked out and the video cut.
In South Africa some kids were playing in some alley or driveway close to a wild area. A Rock Python grabbed a boy and consumed him. His friends were scared out their minds and ran to a tree to climb it and watched it happen.

Do not idolise these moments. Actual people lost their lives and suffered terrible deaths. Keep vore fictional and fantasy.
I'm all for seeing sexy anime girls getting eaten by snakes or worms or plants or whatever. I know I'm a sick weirdo. But getting horny over actual women being killed and eaten, and posting a thesis about it one a board where we're all jerking it to cartoon women? Dude...
Seriously christ can >>11112024 and >>11112193 just fuck off permanently from the thread? Don't need to see this shit.
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what? Humans eat animals, its okay if animals eat people. Humans are animals. Therefore some animals eat humans

It sucks but that's the truth of
this world. If some alien species started farming us like cattle there wouldn't really be anything we could say objectively against it at least on moral grounds only darwinian ones

>inb4 muh sentience/sapience/god whatever

Those animals don't want to be eaten either and it's just as terrifying for them if not more so since a lot of them actually do end up eaten alive and whole. You think a pidgeon eaten by a pelican is having a good time? Fuck no.

Outside of certain types of
simple life all life in this universe exists because it feeds off others even plants do this.

We live in Hell and it's fuckin hot
like it's tragic for them but looked at objectively those people were fair game for the snakes no matter how much it makes people seethe because they see themselves as higher than animals or "special". We're all made of meatwether you are comfortable with that or not. We're primates and millions of our distant evolutionary ancestors were likely vored

Once again a snake that eats a human has commited no crime nor is it "feral". It is behaving completely rationally according to the enviroment
and context in which it evolved. The snakes in these stories did nothing wrong
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I'm glad we're the dominant species but I'm also glad that for all our dominion over the world that occasionally humanity is reminded that it still exists as a part of nature and that we aren't always the top of the food chain in every context.

Plus yeah it's fucking hot. Like people will seethe but we're animals. Most of you have meat in your stomachs right now. A nameless factory farmed pig whose bacon I consumed but never saw the face of is digesting in mine right now.

It's both beautiful and horrific. Call it entropy, original sin or natural selection none of us are as seperate from the uncaring reality of this universe as we might like to think

I used to be a vegetarian ironically enough
yeah this should be the last creature vore thread if this is the type of weirdos we're attracting
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Humans are a group-based species and it is only natural for us to eliminate anything that could threaten us. This happens in nature all the time by other animals when they see any threats. Y'all wild.
>I like vore, but I am better than this equally deranged fetish enjoyer
You do not belong
>do i think i'm better than the guys on here edging to snuff while typing high school level essays about how sexy and beautiful it is that snakes ate some village women
Holy shit don't even try to pull this fucking stuff. There has been basically 0 real life shit in these threads until your fucked up ass came into this thread. Fuck off and leave.
>Wow we're exactly the same how dare you excuse me!
Nah. Leave. This board is for hentai, not real life shit.
>equally deranged
We're talking about drawings of cartoon characters getting eaten alive and how it's hot. You're talking about actual real-life people getting eaten alive and how it's hot. No, anon, these levels of derangement are not equal, and yours is worse. No amount of sophistry about nature changes that.
>all of /d/ is one guy

>I'm just masturbating to the idea of people being eaten
>the people dying are all very happy about it
>I am way better than the person fantasizing over the same things that happen and happened
>It's more normal to masturbate to people dying this way, rather than that way, and those gosh darn snuffies aren't even human!
I hate normies more than anyone could believe, fuck off normie
>The idea of the fetish this way is better than the idea of this fetish that way, ree ree moralfag panic
Kill yourself, you do not belong
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God that's hot.
Thanks Konosuba for this fetish.
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oops repost
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I want to travel to southeast asia for the express purpose of being eaten by a large snake.
it's out of sync with nature and the cycle of life. The women in those articles were already food. Killing the snake means both creatures lives were for nothing.

It would be a good concept for a comic. A nature oriented group of people who don't want to be eaten but have a more spiritual, ritualized or even fatalistic view on it at the same time especially if they tied it into themes of self sacrifice and virtue signalling for clout only for the girl to panic at the last moment
what is wrong with this generation's sense of the separation of fiction and reality?
look im just saying it sucks all the true megafauna are gone okay? This fetish didn't come from nowhere. We learned to be afraid of this shit...and subsiquently get some brain wires crossed that make us think it's hot
got any more stories like that?
What a ridiculous modern conceit, worrying about the value of a snake's life. "out of sync with nature and the cycle of life" lmao. Snake threatens group -> kill snake -> no more threat.
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That first panel is perfect.
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>This generations sense of fiction vs reality
>Meanwhile a decade ago
>people sharing the most deranged shit known to man
>No delusions of claiming to be a normal person
>No elitism based on safer more sterile content
>Loli everywhere
>W-we grew up anon
>T-the internet didn't used to be better
>T-this is the new normal, get used to it chud
Total moralfag death

>Nature is a ridiculous modern conceit, here's why me masturbating over people dying is better than you masturbating to people dying
>If I samefag replying the same way to the same post, maybe I'll be able to convince /d/ that really this is a moralfag safe space
Nobody is claiming this is a moral fag safe space except you. We just want to talk about cartoon women being eaten and not actual women being eaten. I don't think it's that complicated. Maybe go post on /b/ or something about how snake snuff activates your neurons
Let's keep it real fuckin' simple:
This is a hentai board.
This is not real life board.
That simple. Fuck off about real life discussion.
>I am fantasizing about the act of watching an anime about vore
>Vore itself is not really my kink
I am confused, at what point does it stop being hentai when someone posts a story along with their image? Is it just the point where you feel like having a cry?

>You must be the same person as the guy who posted these stories because I can't imagine more than one person holding this point of view
I hope he comes back, they were fucking hot

your fetish is for me to print off your waifu and eat the paper she's on?
Holy shit just shut the fuck up, being a fucking weirdo and pretending anime cartoon girls dying carries the same weight as irl deaths is already fucking annoying. But the way you are fucking bitching and whining spouting 4 Chan goblin speak left and right is almost as bad.
You’re fucking weird, yes we are literally better than you by not getting off to literal irl death, this is not a hard concept to grasp and you know it, I don’t care if you agree I just find you sooooooo god damn annoying having a fucking tantrum because Le cringe moral fag normies or whatever fucking baby speak you would use think your a weirdo for putting more effort into fantasizing about someone getting killed by an animal than most put in college level essays.

Yep, the two flavors of vore. Eating paper and jacking off to literal irl deaths, there is no in between. sure showed him bud
>Jacking off to a story is better if I imagine the dying is make believe
>I am better than other people jacking off to a story about the same thing I am jacking off to
Except one is fiction, and the other is real…..are you perhaps retarded?

>For anyone actually falling for this shit, this is a well known thing freaks like this do. They try and desperately blur the line, so when you call them out they can be like “oh you’re no better than me” except these dipshits are not actually smart enough to blur that line well and keep just saying that imagining literal fictional deaths is equal to real ones lmao. Yeah we get we are Degens, but we ain’t that out of touch
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Stop feeding him.
Yes, I know. Do it anyway.
What perfectly good frog thread ruined by some faggot ass nigger needing to be an Uber deranged creep. Then simply refusing to accept that. Worthless shit sniffing cunt. Go buy a ticket to India and charm your ugly ass meat rope already bitch so we are free of you.
>Both are stories
>One story is real in my mind, the other is not
>Wow what a creep, your story is framed as realistic or may have actually happened, therefore I cannot get off on your story, despite it being exactly the same as my story
>uses greentext wrong
>We fit in!
>Weirdos dont belong on 4chan
A story is a story, whether it is framed as reality or not, whether or not it happened you are masturbating over people dying, neither of you has killed anyone, but you are most certainly retarded
>A thread for people masturbating to people being eaten
>What a creep!
Post more please, don't listen to the retards

Masturbating to some weird rape fetish hentai is apparently equal to masturbating to real rape footage or an actual case? Okay

>didn’t use green text right

Literally no one cares

I am arguing with literally the lowest tier of human rn, this is like arguing taste with someone who drinks their own piss. Thread is dead, sayonara until/if this shit blows over
Thread full of faggots
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Thoughts on cell vore?
its my shit
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Based. I love seeing real women absorbed.
Looks goofy but kinda hot, I've never watched DB so I don't even know if he eats or just sucks out their power or something.
this is the biggest fucking disappointment i've ever read this year, what a waste
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There's a recovery thread on 8 chan if you've got anything to add.
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All my saved images are an unorganized mess but I'll post anything I do have here
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Not my usual cup-o-tea but still fappable.
probably one of my favourite pics
He can swallow them whole or stab and drink people.
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>actual cell
Don't like it. I'm not too much of a fan of porn of characters from shows that I know, especially not from goofy ones. Plus Cell is male, so that's gay.
>cell-like tail vore
It's alright. Not my favorite, but solid.
I personally prefer male preds over female preds.
These were new, thanks.
>girl no longer showed up to high school reunions because you figured out her autism
give an example of TT vore tho
Prey tends to be fully clothed so I'm not a fan. cell himself is too cool to be a part of this autistic fetish.
Wish we had more Mipha/Ruto vore
I discovered it here. It was quite shocking, when I had the realization of "oh shit, that's a real fetish people are jerking off to". So that's when I joined in.
But I had been somewhat attracted to the idea before, of course. It's just that I had never quite made the connection of "that seems interesting and makes me feel funny" to "it's a real sexual fetish".
If we're talking about what sparked it, then I THINK it was in Icewind Dale, where there were giant frog enemies that could eat your party members. That's the earliest I can remember finding the concept enticing somehow.
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okay lol. Didn't mean to start some shit but it's funny as fuck to read+one of you feels real familiar to me but that's schizo off site shit so I'm gonna leave it at that but IYKYK

The asshurt is hillarious. Though. Yes if a hot girl got eaten by a snake or some shit I would fap if it were reported on.
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I am so pissed he just left, I was friends with him and did comms and chatted regularly. He talked a bit about being busy with work then poof. Just fucking gone without a word, sucks because he was chill and one of the only people that understood the terror and pain of digestions that goes into vore, or my flavor of vore whatever. Did a lot of comms with him and was literally planning to do a nice Ceres Fauna one
She would pose in front of a snake talking about how it was a beautiful creature and not to be feared, before it cut to her screaming for mercy as the stomach churned her. Discussed it, he was into it, finally got the money for it but before could pay or start he just vanished. I was gonna get this comm (pic related) I got a while back colored by him too. We lost a real G I am super sad he left as fast as he did.

>yeah I would jerk off to a news report about a girl being eaten
Get help
>"get help"

Nah I'd rather spend that money on art supplies.
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not hating on it, but in my opinion cell shouldn't count as "creature" vore. He's a self aware, sentient being that knows what he's doing and does it maliciously more often than not. If you get real technical about it, it's not even vore, he's absorbing them not eating them. I can't be the only one that thinks this.
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I saw someone ask for some Dalek vore in a previous thread, enjoy this piece. I'm open to suggestions for more girls to draw getting eaten this way.
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Great art! Thank you for showing us
Such a tragedy
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Fucking love Rupie's work especially the frogs
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I have the suspicion that he was found out, especially with this sudden of a change. And with such a religious tone to it. Likely hes being made to get rid of it all because its sinful. This message is a way of repenting and trying to get out of hot water with people he knows.
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I'm tempted to post the male prey as well. Huff, to be a frog's dinner <3.
The ones with the frog tongue up their pussies are the best ones in my opinion, but >>11115649 is underrated because of the implications of said girl having been fucked before she goes down the hatch.
By the frog himself you think or some guy else?
Still waiting to see them return and swallow up more girls
I'd be okay with either.
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>fish girls don't wear clothes
>like-likes are the vore monster in zelda, and their signature is melting equipment
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Why not both? Get fucked first, then get that tongue up in there.
Also extremely underrated and something I'd like to see in more vore images.
Not gonna lie, this feels unnerving because it reminds me of that frog species that deposits its eggs onto its back, then they sink into its skin and the tadpoles pop out of its back after a certain time
Knowing Fan no Hitori, that's probably what he's trying to evoke with that manga.
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Since y'all are highlighting amphibians, might as well bring up a prehistoric one, Koolasuchus, a 5-meter-long temnospondyl, one of, if not the last of them.
Does anyone have the latest umbradiadem / glitch0077 vore arts? At least a couple of them since he went private and upgraded his work a lot.
Considering I've seen people post monster girl vore (with them as preds) in this thread, Cell is, in my own personal opinion, fine.
The entire thread is frogs eating naked women.
Of course, but I'd still be happy seeing more images of the women having been used sexually, women getting their pussies stuffed with a tongue, or both.
Wish fubuki’s body is more visible
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You are a person .of exquisite taste.

(Well, I don't know what you taste like. But you get my meaning.)
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Does nothing for me.
imagine the post nut clarity
>finds it still hot
Fair enough, though I felt a dimly-lit environment worked better for that piece
>furiously you pound away at the soft sugar walls, holding her tight as you empty every last drop into her womb
>you relax, close your eyes, and take a few shallow breaths as your cock slips out of her
>covered in sweat, your survival instincts alert you to the imposing danger of the man-eating snake that is perilously close to you
>it's cold red eyes stare at you as it devours its catch
>you stagger backwards before standing up and running away
>you glance back as the last of the would-be mother of your children is consigned to her doom
>you feel naked and exposed
You say that as if the viper isnt my wife
I kneel
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Seems like a cross between that and Jinmen from Devilman.
Well shit I forgot about this, time to mass reply

>Android 18
Some mangaka got tired of waiting for OC vore so they just did it themselves

I very vaguely remember one of the first vore scenes I saw was in a Tomb Raider game

>how nice it would be
I legit don't get it.

Traps were made to stir a reaction so they were incredibly gross + a near game over if it weren't for plot armour and people helping you right away. Giant worms that would go underground, nimble frogs, plants that had a detachable "mouth" if you tried to pull them out etc and each one was extremely disgusting
Kinda silly I didn't pick detect the autism

>discovered it here
probably saw first pics on Deviantart
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still a work in progress
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Christians and the MAGA right are pushing this anti-porn thing really hard, and pushing their religion really hard. If we want places like /d/ to survive we have to rally against these nutjobs, we must be the forces of Hell that they claim we are. Porn is our natural born right as Americans.
the only way to stop them is to post more frogs :)
Quit being such a faggot holy shit.

Need more pepe vore
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I'm not American, but I live in a country that consumes a lot of American entertainment. Your left and right means nothing to me, but it's s your "political left" that's trying to kill sexiness in every form media in this day and age.
Ironically, they'll fully advocate for Onlyfans and e-thots saying they're empowering themselves, but as soon as a sexy or traditionally beautiful women appears in whatever media they'll cry about on Twitter. And call it sexist, objectifying and an unrealistic standard for women.
anyone have any sea serpants or dragons?
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Snake dinosaur is a surprisingly good design

I also like how there's some saliva trailing from her pussy in the first pic. Makes it look like she had a good fuck before being eaten.

And the implications of the final pic >>11122534 cement the deal for me in terms of image storytelling.
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Two girls being tightly packed inside a stomach is a rare but welcome event.
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Needs to happen more. Two women butt naked in a stomach with nowhere to go but rub their curves against one another? Hot.
The 69 position is the cherry on top. Wonder if they try to keep their dignity and just struggle awkwardly until digestion or just go 'fuck it' and go to town on one another's pussies. Gonna be soup soon anyway, might as well go out feeling good.
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That's what makes fucking during vore hot though
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upgraded :)

My guess is it is a sketch from Rupie? I must have ripped it from Twitter
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These captchas are fucking absurd!
Completely nude women needs to be prey more often in general.
How does this happen
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Feeding is massively underrated.
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More kaname sketches
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rip Maximignon
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Nothing hits quite like the post-nut clarity of jerking it to a frog eating someone, I have got to kill myself

>Maximignon, Scaylid

Yes, indeed, RIP. She was still around 2020 I believe but then gave up apparently.
This is some good shit
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Persona 5 vore hits real good. I like the detail with the phone.
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Honestly I consider most (decent) art for this specific fetish to be a gift, like something beyond what you'd hope to find
Sometimes artists just cash out and don't even bother to post a goodbye, like when you play with your middle school friends for the last time and you don't know it
>pic related is apparently her self-insert
one of the first I found and one of my faves
I just hope they're doing okay
>Honestly I consider most (decent) art for this specific fetish to be a gift, like something beyond what you'd hope to find
Yep. You rarely see someone do them decent so it's always a pleasure whenever you find someone who does.
>how did you discover vore
don't remember, but I do remember using the W3 editor to give the "eat" ability to other units besides the kodo

>people bitched about getting benched by a trap
kek I did this with a bunch of normalfags who repeatedly fell into poop traps since they were there just to gossip, they left and everyone was happier
>how did you discover vore
Watching some garbage sci-fi channel monster movies as a kid
There was this crappy Event Horizon ripoff I remember seeing on the channel called "Terror Galaxy" or something and there's a scene where a chick's stripped naked and getting raped to death by a giant worm and for the longest time I thought it was swallowing her whole. I remember a lot of scifi movies having a scene like that where a scantily clad/completely nude chick is getting eaten alive by a monster. The directors aren't even subtle about it
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I just pretend that video game rules apply to every pic I see and the chick's just going to respawn somewhere once the creature's had its fun.
Admittedly, a setting that allows for vore that's run on videogame logic would be an interesting setting in my own opinion.
hot, OC or where did this come from
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Read the filename. It's AI. The artstyle looks like something out of Ninjartist's gallery, fwiw.

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