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Since the whole board got purged, let's try again!
Only biological females with vaginas, dudes, futa or cocks of any kind go in the main thread
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Gonna try something different and make this second post an anchor for stories and writers
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World building idea: Legally enforced premarital chastity leads to breast-centred sexuality. Most girls learn to have nipple orgasms since that's all they can touch and that becomes the normal way of masturbating. Women are hornier, since orgasms are less frequent and take longer. Unmarried men can only get blowjobs and tit-fucks, and most women prefer to give the latter as it's closer to what they're used to doing alone. By the time people get married they are so used to tit-fucking that everything else feels strange.
Would a futa in chastity and a normal woman in chastity be better here or in the general chastity?
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I've always liked chastity ideas that are enforced by law, I feel like it adds an extra layer where some women would resent their treatment, and others would just accept it. I love the idea of them being conditioned into craving tit-jobs
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I like the idea of a world where certain castes for women exist. Some are selected to be wives and that means they are locked and kept that way until marriage.
Others are locked and kept that way forever, permanently, they never experience any sexual pleasure, they are expected to dedicate their lives entirely to serving others.
Other women get to be completely free.
All these women despise each other and there is constant caste conflict where unlocked women are exceptionally cruel to locked women and expectant wives are cruel to the permanently locked.
Unlocked women constantly bully and humiliate locked women if they get the chance. Locked women must obey unlocked women but they get social protection from men if they're escorted or kept indoors. The wife caste is the most pampered and well regarded by men and men court these women and do anything they can to try and marry one.
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goth girls in chastity is peak
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I agree, I have no idea who this character is, or if she's an OC, but I really like her
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My twisted scenario.

Safe sane consensual orgasm tease and denial, cruelly healthy and moderate with enthusiastic consent, fueled by ruthless hardcore bondage (extra padded for comfort), has become the common casual and drama free activity of the happily married couples of the near future. Long healthy discussions about kink help develop budding relationship skills. Complex feelings are put into words so that cute things are put into bondage. Man and wife are made to violently argue with each other (except calm and politely) about whether it is rope, leather or chains that leave their favorite skin mark. The typical date for a young couple consist of sipping tea in the quiet corner of a light bdsm themed sex shops / dating corner, in which the two shy lovebirds look at bdsm information pamphlets while doing little kicks under the table and fighting the urge to blush and cover their face.

I am not done.

In my dystopian sex crazed mindscape, the most twisted psychopath aspect of the fetish is when the torture victim (wife) is whispered I love you while finally being allowed to cum after long playful games of tease and denial, melting her into a messy girl puddle of orgasmic bliss, panting and quivering in their bdsm pyjamas harness extra padded for comfort. All concept of human rights cease to exist during those quiet and intimate hours of the night as the members of the soft gender suffer the final humiliation of weathering a storm of butterfly kisses during aftercare cuddles in bed, which they are powerless to resist. Mindbreak is too cheap and easy, the new currency is the complete enslavement of the heart. In the morning, pancakes with syrup.

I cannot control these urges and have no outlet for them. I have no choice but to stain this board with the electronic ink of my sins as I share them among my fellow perverts.
Your "insane kink" is a healthy BDSM relationship...?
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I understand the confusion, my dark thoughts confuse even myself.
This is creepy. Very creepy. Especially taking the consent out of aftercare.
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>some women would resent their treatment, and others would just accept it
Don't forget the ones who would love it.
>1 whole week and no response
Guess I'm not sharing then.
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Oh, when I say powerless to resist the aftercare cuddles I was thinking powerless in the sense of being physically exhausted. It's not real messed up stuff unless they consent to consenting to their consent, with consent.
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>I cannot control these urges and have no outlet for them. I have no choice but to stain this board with the electronic ink of my sins as I share them among my fellow perverts.
Your soul is a thing of beauty.
It was a good question, but I honestly don't know the answer. I would just go with the one that has the lower reply count.
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I'd say it's for the other thread, that one is for everything, this one is explicitly because we didn't wanna see dicks
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>Step 1: Normalisation
Advertise orgasm denial as a lifestyle choice. Emphasise the increased energy levels and sexual magnetism that denied women enjoy. Buy advertisements for belts and key safes in glossy magazines (the same ones that already convinced women to have their eyebrow follicles cut out and their chests filled with silicon).
Organise studios and collabs for chastity influencers. Post chastity challenges on TikTok, with charitable donations like the ice bucket challenge. Arbitrate disputes at the studio level so infighting never goes public. Locked girls are thus only seen in the best possible light, while female coomers are associated with everything lame and old-fashioned.
>Step 2: Politics
Reach out to victims of adultery and subsequent family breakup and set up support groups for them. Open dialogues with conservative groups who are concerned about teen pregnancy and venereal disease. Collaborate with them to gather data and do serious studies on the benefits of female chastity.
Draft a bill that would make chastity compulsory for all females and designate responsible keyholders. Doctors get a master key for emergencies and women travelling abroad must first get chastity piercings (which must be intact upon return). Form a lobby group to leverage your influencer base as a voting bloc. Reach out to sympathetic politicians to propose your draft bill in exchange for support.
>Step 3: Enjoy
Watch the news and see female newsreaders in shocked disbelief as they announce the new law. Tune in later and see them shift awkwardly in their seats as they adjust to their new belts (and their new inability to masturbate). Take in the feminist screeching, the adulteresses tears and the frustrated squirming of single ladies everywhere. In a few weeks they'll be so wet you can smell them coming (but not cumming).
>Step 4: Profit
You did buy shares in all the chastity products didn't you?
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>Watch the news and see female newsreaders in shocked disbelief as they announce the new law. Tune in later and see them shift awkwardly in their seats as they adjust to their new belts
That would make for a really good story, following he story of a nation that enacts mandatory female chastity through news broadcasts.
Starts with it seen as an absurd idea, but with special reports on the "Mental and physical health benefits of female chastity" followed up by fear mongering about adultery, or maybe even risk of rape(which becomes 0 if shes in a belt!)
A few weeks later its shocking political victories in local elections, with reports about how "good" life has become in these regions, all leading to a national law change and tons of needy women!
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I would add to this a long, convoluted process involved with trying to be allowed out of one's belt.
Women who have husbands have their chastity status dependent on their husbands, obviously. But for single women, or women whose interests lie outside of men, things get more complicated.
The Bureau of Female Chastity accepts relief applications in which women may request that they be allowed out of their belts. The Bureau reviews these requests and grants them on the basis of demonstrated need.
To submit an application, a woman must visit the office in person - no online or mail process exists. She has to fill out a form explaining her reasoning.
It takes a few months to process, and if accepted, she will be given a court date several months out. The applications at this stage are almost always accepted - all the better to create frustrated women with false hope.
At the court date, she must stand before a panel and petition them for relief.
To make this process as humiliating as possible, she will typically be bound like pic related. She'll have her gag only be removed while she's on the podium, and otherwise forced to answer humiliating questions about why she thinks this is necessary and how she plans to masturbate. If she says her sexual partners don't usually bring her to orgasm, the panel will often imply she's a nympho, and lesbians will typically be questioned as to why it's necessary that they receive their pleasure from other women.
After this appointment, she'll usually have to wait months for a decision. When it's made, it's almost always a "corrupted genie wish" release - if she asked to be allowed out of the belt, for example, she'll typically find she has to be completely restrained for the whole day, and thus unable to masturbate while out of the belt.
I love this pic
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I'm always a big fan of when they are happily into it
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The text makes it even hotter
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I love that the older woman is the subordinate
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Randomly stumbled upon a website I've not heard anyone mention before: https://shmabahamoha.wordpress.com/tag/chastity/
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There's some good stuff on there, great find!
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>Starts with it seen as an absurd idea
That's why you have to target the college age demographic first. Young women are competitive, so they will try to out-do each other. Young men want a horny GF who gives a lot of blowjobs, so they will favour locked girls over unlocked girls. Once you hit a critical mass of belt-wearers it will become standard fashion, just like corsets and girdles were in the past.
>special reports on the "Mental and physical health benefits of female chastity" followed up by fear mongering about adultery
That's how you get the conservatives on board. At first they will see it as yet another weird and scary thing young people do, so you have to sell them on the moral benefits to society.
>risk of rape(which becomes 0 if shes in a belt!)
Strictly speaking it doesn't prevent all rape (long-term belts need an anal opening for obvious reasons). It does, however, block access to the one orifice that leads to pregnancy. Being belted does therefore prevent a rapist from making rape babies. It could come to be seen as a standard safety precaution, like flares or pepper spray or a fire blanket, etc.
>shocking political victories in local elections
I think that comes more slowly in smaller steps. Like there are already IRL massage parlours that use lockable underwear to reassure authorities that they don't offer "extra" services. There are also IRL anti-rape devices that are basically reinforced underwear with a lock. I could easily see lawmakers making a good case for mandatory locks on female police officers, prisoners, guards, etc. Then gradually extending it to include schools, colleges, hospitals and various other institutions. Each success justifies the next mandatory chastity zone.
>the panel will often imply she's a nympho
There's only one cure for nymphomania - even more chastity!
>and lesbians will typically be questioned as to why it's necessary
No penetration = no need for unlocking.
>There's only one cure for nymphomania - even more chastity!
The panel will continue to pry deeply. How many sexual partners has she had in the last month, including oral and anal? How often has she imagined being able to have sex without the belt? Regardless of the answer, it will be spun into being indicative of hypersexuality that should not be indulged. Perhaps a bailiff will approach the podium to massage parts of her body and demonstrate that it makes her wet.
>No penetration = no need for unlocking.
On top of that, lesbians are just as capable of having sex with men as anyone else. They may have to justify why they find women attractive, and will have to deal with humiliating questions meant to increase her discomfort.
This is the set, artist doesn't have anything else like it on pixiv though
Not sure what the description says exactly but it links to https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122523401 where there are some similar images
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>critical mass of belt-wearers
I think that combines with what you said about the smaller steps, because you're right, it would be businesses and public sector employees that enforce it first, not full state by state stuff, but by highlighting the benefits(and ignoring any complaints) more and more places could be coaxed into enforcing mandatory chastity for their female employees.
That's why it would be important to sell it as a beneficial thing, not all women would believe it, but their bosses might, and leave them with no choice.
Maybe a bit of efficiency stuff, like "Keep your female employees working hard" but that's kinda hard to do since I don't think a company would be in charge of her releases.
>doesn't prevent all rape
Of course not, but like you said, it prevents the kind of rape that really scares people, and combined with making a big deal about adultery it could win over more conservative types.
After all if the goal was ACTUALLY ending rape it would likely be male chastity, but if it's sold right I could see a story where
female chastity laws are Trojan horse'd through by making it all about women's health and safety.
Maybe the social angle is closer to what you were saying about women being competitive, make men want belted girls, make companies want belted employees, have colleges strongly encourage female students be belted to "Focus on studies".
Each new zone would need its own little sales pitch, prisons are easy, keeps guards honest, and prisoners desperate to reform, but everywhere else would need a healthy mix of fear and benefits.
I love these ideas, I imagine if this were a written story that this would all be a few years down the line, it's all become normalized, and now the idea that a woman would be unlocked by anyone besides her husband is seen as absurd, so if she wants it she needs to prepare for humiliation and interrogation.
>not all women would believe it, but their bosses might, and leave them with no choice
Can't wait for the new chastity in the workplace policy. The young women know what it is, as they follow all the social media trends and a lot of them have done a chastity challenge before. The middle-aged women are completely baffled by this new thing they've never heard of, but can't escape as it keeps getting harder to find a job with no belt requirements.
Some love it, some hate it and some hate how much they love it. After a few weeks they reach new energy levels and productivity soars, proving it was a good idea.
>I don't think a company would be in charge of her releases
You could begin with chastity belts as part of standard dress code. Then add incentives for extended wear, like a pay bonus for anyone who leaves her keys at the office. Also hormone levels change after orgasm, so you could measure them as part of the standard employee drug test. Add a morality clause to contracts that forbids orgasms so that you have legal justification to promote chaste girls ahead of coomers.
>if the goal was ACTUALLY ending rape it would likely be male chastity
Constricting the penis or keeping the prostate full is not healthy, so I don't think you could justify full time male chastity in this scenario. Some kind of time-locking jockstrap could be worn in certain circumstances, however. It would serve as safety wear (protect testes) while also making you legally immune to any rape accusation if you can prove you were wearing it.
>the social angle
>make men want belted girls, make companies want belted employees, have colleges strongly encourage female students be belted
This alone would be very powerful. You would get a new class system where horny women at the top living in luxury and poor but sexually satisfied women at the bottom. Naturally the upper class would take out their frustrations on their subordinates.
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>middle-aged women are completely baffled
That would be the interesting part to me, if it gets normalized as a cultural thing, then those who keep themselves seperate from pop culture will have none of that justification in their heads, to them it would be a strange new world they're being dragged into.
Once productivity goes up however some might acknowledge the benefits, and those who hate it won't get the choice, their bosses want them at their "best"

>pay bonus
>promote chaste girls
>new class system
I could see this as the order of events, it starts as "Being belted makes women better" the message being that her productivity and energy will improve if she's in chastity, the obvious next step is to offer those bonuses, since these improvements in work ethic come from her being helplessly horny.
Women making deals with their partners to be oral/anal only "For my career" since if she has an orgasm she might miss out on promotion. Career minded women have to "willingly" keep themselves frustrated. The morality clause stuff accepted because every company does it, and because of all the propaganda about the benefits of keeping women horny

>Constricting the penis or keeping the prostate full is not healthy
That's a good point, I can imagine this exact conversation coming up in ads and debates, pushing the message that it's just not safe to cage up men, but of course, women don't NEED to orgasm!

Any women who resist all this are seen as shooting themselves in the foot, limiting their own potential simply because they can't control themselves, which means it's all the more important for their parents,boyfriends,husband's and bosses to step in and "help" them...
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>it's all become normalized, and now the idea that a woman would be unlocked by anyone besides her husband is seen as absurd, so if she wants it she needs to prepare for humiliation and interrogation.
The way I imagine it, it would be justified exactly as you say!
Even other women would be on board because of how normalized it's become. The nature of chastity is something to protect women, so when women try to have it removed it's seen as a moral threat to women's values. Chastity is FOR women, so how could a woman want it removed? There must be something wrong with her.

>The middle-aged women are completely baffled by this new thing they've never heard of
>those who keep themselves seperate from pop culture will have none of that justification in their heads
It could be an "Okay boomer" thing. Maybe even like how zoomers think millenials are weird for wearing skinny jeans.
The worst thing about not being belted is that it's unfashionable. Trying to avoid being belted would actually get you made fun of at social events.
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>Chastity is FOR women
I've always loved the idea of chastity for the "benefit" of a woman. One of my favorite scenarios is using edging and denial as motivation, like a girl having her releases tied to her college GPA, or an aspiring athlete being given increasingly difficult challenges if she wants to cum.
A setting where this is the norm would give a lot of chances for stories in different walks of life. Women are able to be successful, powerful, important...so long as they're locked up
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