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The thread where boobs get bigger

>Hourglass expansion is ok
>Lactation is ok
>Other growth is ok if focused on BE
>No AI or AI talk of any kind please
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I wrote a thing : https://archiveofourown.org/works/57563224?view_adult=true
Did the last thread get nukes or something?
Almost half the boards on the site got nuked to cover up some bullshit.
>to cover up some bullshit
That's crazy. What could possibly be more important than tits?
We don't know specifics, but it was probably some mod dropping some serious lawbreaking bullshit.
mod tranny ring got exposed
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this artist recently nuked all his stuff btw
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I don't know why, but this sort of sequence just scratches my brain in the best way.
This was really, really good. Audrey is relatable and cute, the growth is described well, the concept is nice, good job, keep making stuff! If I have to make a criticism, the " : :" before certain dialogues are a bit weird and unnecessary, that said, it's overall really good.
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Looking for the version of this image that's colored. Thank you.
Tall order
Any good comics pertaining to mass societal/worldwide breast expansion? Something to do with eliminating the prevalence of flatties in a given area and redefining what "large breasts" are.
is there a version with jessie?
Thankfully no.
Jessie > the other pokemon girls
Hex maniac, wicke, cynthia, lusamine, melony, lanas mom
Expanded Geega from vshojo she'll will have to get used to these massive breasts cause they aren't going away
no AI here please
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can anyone translate?
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everyone ha their own taste and i prefer jessie
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btw anyone have more art or this character saved? She's hiraku and her creator is unagitakanashi. they used to have more art of her but they purged half of it.
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Don't see any expansion.

Including the transcribed japanese text for anyone who wants to try translating this better.


Thursday, August 1
I had a summer homework assignment: " Write a diary by watching something that is growing poorly.
I don't have any pets in my house and I am not good at growing flowers, so I decided to observe my boobs.
I also set a goal. My goal is to have beautiful and soft boobs like my mom's.
I measured my boobs right away, and they are about 4 cm or B cup. They are not even close to my mom's.... I will do my best to make them bigger and better.


August 11, 2011
I read on the internet that drinking raw milk every day of the week will make you big, so I tried it right away.
I continued drinking it for a few days and they seemed to grow a little. I measured my boobs and found that they were 81cm D cups.
They certainly got bigger, but my mom said, "They are too big for your body." I'm sure she's just upset that I'm growing up so fast....
I wonder if there is a better way to grow boobs... I'll do some more research.

Sorry, linked to the wrong image last post. That was for the second image in the series.
This is for the third:


On Sunday, August 21, I searched the Internet for a good way to grow boobs, and a kind man told me about a good way to grow boobs.

The method was very simple, I just rubbed my fingers around the back of my neck.

Not only did it feel good, but in no time at all, my boobs grew to 102cm K-cups. It was amazing. Even so, my mom's tits were even more impressive !


Sunday, September 1, I found out a great way to make my nipples more engorged.
I found a pink round toy on the internet and put it on my nipples. With this method, I was able to grow my boobs to 124 cm R cups!
Not only did I catch up to my mom's boobs, which was my goal, but I was also able to produce milk like my mom.
This is the end of this diary, but I would like to continue growing my small breasts.
Starting size being A-D cup is the best.
man of taste. Sadly 90% of the guys in this thread only get neuron activation from giant blimps to mega giant blimps.
This is a different anon, I agree with the previous comment, and would like to just add that you used "brutal" or "brutally" several times in a way that is just not right in English.
Are you ESL that used a dictionary to translate certain words from a native language? If so, your grammar is very good. But your word choice sometimes has that feel of a poor translation.
i personally think DD is perfect starting size
You know what's underappreciated though kind of common in the best stories? Those who have large or huge breasts react stronger than others to the breast enhancement plot device.
more correct translation would be
>The method was very simple: rubbing the nipples with my fingers.
Recent comm I had done of Bridget, a character from one of my stories
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Even better if it's in a boob envy story
>Flat chested character starts taking medicines to increase their bust, and finally manage to reach their busty friend in size, until for pure accident the busty friend takes the medicine, and it's twice as strong on her, making her even bigger, and despite not caring about having bigger tits before, she now absolutely loves it.
would love for my stepmom to get even bigger
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I like when this artist does boob stuff but it always seems to end in the butt with them.
>Looking for BE doujin
>Every second one is either instant 0-100
>The others are all gender-swapping tranny nonsense
To live is to suffer
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Living with a girl like that would certainly be entertaining.
While I do love this sequence, I still think the ass in the last shot is too small given the angle and implied size.
3rd to last panel, it juts out like 1.5 feet behind her.
2nd to last, it's at least a foot out.
last panel, it's maybe protruding 8 inches. And with how immense it is implied to be in those leadup panels, there is no way her vagina should be visible from behind.
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Made a doujin, hope you enjoy
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hell yeah, good shit!
They get really hostile when you prefer the ending size to not be completely immobilizing.
Most impressive quality.
Like their art but they left a bad impression after wanting to band Khyle off from twitter.
who are you even talking about
they're/their one of those faggot redditors who thinks (You)s are the 4chan equivalent of upvotes and refuses to "let anybody have one"
if they/them won't use references then just ignore they/them
take your meds, you are not making any sense
who tried to get khyle banned from twitter
Who the fuck is khyle? Just keep posting giant tits damnit.
>>11117204 does anyone know the artist for this?
No, people get hostile in general when you start implying any given size is "correct"
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Great work!
Ass expansion is awesome and painfully uncommon so I love to see it. Nice work.
Need a sauce now, this comic is adorable. Need more simple slice of life BE out there.
It's @_WOMWOM_
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could someone please upload the full version ?
Here's the artists(Zurikitty) previous full animation work.
(link works for 2 weeks)
And just in case 2 alternate links each for 1 week.


>no links
>only redirects to lame onlythots
buy an ad asshole
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wanted to draw cassie with different boob sizes/shapes, plus a little bit of BE at the end.
I love these kinds of visual explorations with different breast shapes. Also, while I'm not as into shortstacks, that last one really cute.
thanks anon. imo cake draws her a little too baloon-y for my tastes, so its fun to experiment with boob types i prefer. the shortstack was just me fuckin around with proportions. all that extra mass has to go somewhere, right?
drew a BE + cow transformation comic today
Part 2
First one is the way to go, love me some heavy looking tits.
Holy fuck, where is that from??
i would love it so much if my stepmom's DDDs started getting bigger randomly
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Drew another comic
Huge booba.
Glad to see you again, Mazo-Anon.
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small silly BE comic I made
two epic homemade comics in one thread god bless
always a pleasure being here
Some more clothes busting BE
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at least post the best version of this image
what is this fetish even called?
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I think absorbing or something like that?
My favorite sponson work, I love this method of breast expansion, I wish there was a tag for this

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