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Previous thread: >>11095972

Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org(Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org(vintage and rare onara art)

Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:
https ://discord gg/XkzsGwk

>Keep in variety, try not to post the same artist's work heaps of times in a row unless it's new stuff
>No furry (monster girls are allowed though) vomit or poop. Toilets are allowed if she's farting and we can't see any scat.
>Be kind.
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Please don't post pictures with girls that have grotesque looking bodies.
>AI art is allowed but do not flood the thread with it, especially if it is low quality and contains errors.
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some weird stuff happened that got the last thread and every thread on a whole load of boards including /d/ deleted, don't worry.
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Are there any strike witches bros here
For some reason I’ve had Lynne farts on the brain recently
Normally I hate AI slop but this actually looks pretty good. Especially like how fat Anis is here
anons, who are your favorite artists?
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Zaina (miss her)
Kaori bako
Urao 2sei
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Big James
ric soup
Man I need to suck a cute girls braps before I die
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just find a woman and believe me she'll be ripping ass in no time

one day her shit stank will be completely mundane to you
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what ai model was this made in?
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Love this pic set so much. Just imagine her ripping bubbly farts nonstop in this position, passed out drunk and full of burritos. Shame shimetta doesn't do farts fulltime.
Saw someone asking if AI Art improved in the previous thread. Now, keep in mind I have barely any deep knowledge of AI, so this is pretty basic, and that I am not running this on some great computer. Maybe 8VRAM, I think?
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Looks fappable honestly.
Can you do an Aerith one for me?
Do Galko-chan AI farting
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I have no idea why the AI keeps doing facesitting. I think it looks fine, so eh. I am not familiar with either Galko or Aerith, so I dunno if the design are close enough. I gave up on Aerith for now after the design looked out of place compared to the google images and after the app just died mid-generation for one that looked good.
what are you using?
Stability Matrix. The basic ComfyUI Interference in it since it works pretty smoothly on my computer compared to the rest. Meichidark Mix as the model. 2 Loras (a Lazei one that I think was removed from Civitai, and ExpressiveH) and a Lyco (Farting SDXL).
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That's not half bad. Could you do Taihou from kantai collection? Preferably laying on her stomach and embarrassed? Would love to see her in shiny black thigh highs :)
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>artist is open for comms
>want another drawing but I've already commissioned him twice
At which point does it stop being weird?
Based! Thanks
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Anyone see this? Some guy on nyou made his own version of the "breathtaking game" if anyone remembers that, where you have to survive a girl farting by holding your breath


it's pretty basic but I figured I share it here because why not
oh yeah; I think I remember this. a bit of a blast from the past

believe me, they relish in it as much as you do, plus you're paying so it's all great. Knock yourself out.
>a blast from the past
quite literally
I dig it, I never played the breathtaking game, but it reminds me of an old flash game I remember playing, where you played as a girl standing next to a dude at a bus stop or something, and you had to stealth fart as cars drove by while your gas meter built up.
What’s the consensus on centaur girl farts?
I think they’re sexy

Just imagine a human woman eating pounds of the worst gas inducing foods on the planet smugly letting rip some truly lethal room clearers only for a centaur lady with an empty stomach to nonchalantly lift her tail and flex her donut for the next 2 minutes straight

Yes you’re following along
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Another character I don't really know, so I can't spot the design flaws that easily. I did like 30 or so attempts, with only this and another three looking good to me.
Can you try Mia Taylor from love live, yuugi hoshiguma from Touhou, or nishizumi shiho from girls und panzer
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>I gave up on Aerith for now after the design looked out of place compared to the google images and after the app just died mid-generation for one that looked good.
Strange she is a popular character. Maybe if you add "from final fantasy 7" it would work?
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what the fuck is this
Looks like your mother got posted on /d/
Kill yourselves.
you deserve reddit gold for that kind sir
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it's my own model that i created
did my own shiho, enjoy
what the fuck
Your AI generation looks like shit. Post art instead of this garbage, you fucking zoomers.
Stop posting AI.
It's not like they've been spamming it, anon. Cool your jets.
What the fuck are you on about, faggot? Half of this thread is low quality AI spam.
Considerably less than half.
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>thread was going on normally
>suddenly some faggot starts sperging out of the blue
>and of course he doesn't even contribute
You hate to see it.
You clearly don't know how to count. Of course AI defenders lack elementary school education.
Fuck off and stop posting AI and there wouldn't be a problem, now would there, faggot?
I'd say you're the one who lacks any skill in math, considering you think less than 10 images count as half of a thread with over 20.
Would you let a girl fart in your brain
I guess you clearly lack the ability to differentiate AI from art. Because that literally half of this thread is AI.
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forgot pic, whoops
literally the one and only time i've posted it here lol, i post normal art in here like 99% of the time. the other AI posts is someone else.
6/30 are ai
Not even close. Here are the only AI pics in this thread:
Just report the AI pics and move on. No need for this drama.
There's no need to report them, either.
Report them for what? No rule is being broken.
The thread says no low quality images, faggot.
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Just keep posting farts and ignore the pissbaby shitting his pants over AI.
Then why did you post this? >>11103611
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Thank you so much! This and those Shiho pics are very nice. Could you do Patchouli knowledge from touhou? Would the model be able to pose her in a leather chair and leaning off to the side to fart?
>little thought bubbles showing what she ate beforehand
i like little touches like those
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The world needs more and more Galko fart art
I could just perfectly imagine Galko leaning over a desk and letting out a huge fart that blows her skirt up
I initially didn't like centaur stuff until I saw breppy_milk's centorea pics. those are super hot to me for some reason
Where's the toilet breaking fart image, come on?
unsure on my thoughts on centaur braps, to be honest. On one hand, absolutely lethal farts, but on the other, I feel like if I spaced out from her roan rear rumblers, my brain would possibly go "hey, why are you face deep in a horse ass" and then it'd be ruined for me
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did the best i could, enjoy.
Holy shit anon how did you make these look so good
Love everything about this except that it didn't render the chair as shiny and puffy leather, but I knew that was almost certainly going to happen. No fault of you. Thank you again!
riroburo's account got taken down
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yeah i would've used a leather chair lora if one existed.
i mean... considering the stuff they drew, They were bound to have their twitter account taken down sooner or later
can you post an example of their art? i feel like i've heard that name before
Kinda can't. I don't think we can actually post it here. It's, uh, loli and shota art

I love you
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That's because the guy keeps updating it and deleting previous versions. Best to just go here instead of me posting a link in this thread that'll be obsolete in a week
Shinzanmono really is the best fart artist man
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I love Hinata.
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The falldown of WAリでし needs to be studied
oh, the relatively big name other person from japan whose made fart stuff with kid characters (because of fucking course)? what was her downfall?
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Tranny issues aside, the quality of his art has plummeted while he has also neglected his fart stuff that made him recognizable in the west.
Well that isn't even the major problem
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Can anyone post some eastern artists with open comms?
Honestly I did it once and I didn't like it nearly as much as I thought I would
This is a great OC who is part of a great story I hope the author writes about her again
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What's the fic or whatever it is?
I enjoyed it a lot, could be like scat where only a percentage of us would enjoy braps in our face irl.
yeah, for at least some of us, braps are probably just to remain a fantasy
who is the best eastern fart artist
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gotta go with 13o
I love arts like this where the emphasis is made on how good she's feeling
Rare Kangel fart art! Source?

I keep imagining her accidently farting on stream, causing a spike in her follower count but increases her stress too
i forgot the source, sadly. If I find it again before this thread dies, I'll let you know. If you're still here, that is.
i love farts yummy
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yummy yummy farts mmmmmmm they put me in a coma
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the smellier the better
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take a big whiff of this one!
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unexpected namefagging up in here
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It’s fine, I lurk here regularly.
There was another Kangel fart art I saw but I also forgot the artist. I think it was in Fanbox or something?
ah man, hope you find them too
Found it:
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I might as well post it here
Found another one:
Full version on Fanbox, but it’s paid:
Sad get attempt
whoops, that's a dude I posted, have this as consolation

I liked it at least
pretty good, not gonna lie
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Huh, pretty good, though it does remind me a lot of this one:
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>actually great OC
>dialogue is very well written, surprisingly nice pacing
>pure psychological/domination dynamic
Think I will start reading fart fic again, problem is I usually like torture/non-con or domination stuff and most of them are poorly written.
What about the one above? With Charlotte?
What's the major problem then
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I read this a long time ago, from what I remember it was kinda okay. I liked the characters and the ideas more than the execution, but it wasn’t bad, just nothing exceptional.
hah, i kinda feel the same about the princess and maid one. Feels kinda like a ripoff of the charlotte one, super similar setting, and character design, but rushing the story forward a lot. going so fast feels unrealistic.. not that either are likely to happen irl ofc. The charlotte story has like 15 chapters or whatever. builds up slowly
Princess is still good for a quick fap tho, but for story i much prefer the old one
kinda hard to call a ripoff when maid+princess is a popular trope in media.
>builds up slowly Princess is still good for a quick fap tho
I respect your opnion but i'm the opposite in this aspect, since its a fetish focused story I prefer when it goes straight to the point instead of worldbuilding that won't go anywhere, I want to read a fetish fic to fap not to read the daily mundane life of a OC. But like I said I liked both I just think the Princess story had a lot more thought put on it.
thoughts on nerdy girl braps?
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With the amount of food she was shown/implied to be able to eat. Mitsuri could probably rip farts that were 30+ seconds long easy.
god, what's happening with these kinda threads? they keep losing traction
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Heh, Randomdudeder (writer of Life with Charlotte) here. Kind of surprised to even see people talking about this here actually.
You're right, the maid princess type of dynamic is really popular. I actually based Charlotte and Claire on these two by some Japanese artist whose name I forgot, who in their turn probably based it on other things as well, maybe Remilia/Sakuya.

Shame you didn't like my story as much, but everyone has their own tastes of course.
I don't know how much thought CoffeeLake put into their story, but saying it's 'a lot more' seems a bit of stretch to me. Planning personality-changes over a 14-chapter story, making a timeline as to when each section of the story takes place, keeping track of seasons as they pass or who said what exactly, with callbacks to earlier chapters, and of course the slowly intensifying fart-based resolutions of each chapter, so that each chapter can end with a fap, etc, is quite a lot thought of too, that doesn't happen automatically, haha
Most of the artists are quitting or leaving
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Well with shit like this
It's not exactly a wonder.
what artists? there are still plenty of japanese and western artists that still draw farts
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Why has there never been a fart edit/version of this?
There is none. They still make fart stuff and have gone on to making bigger and better things. Stop getting mad over nothing.
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>have gone on to making bigger and better things.
>starts using SFM
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This, hand drawn pictures > SFM junk.
one day we'll get decent looking SFM videos... someday.
I've never done it, but it's always seemed like one of those things that you can only really enjoy as a fantasy. Same with scat.
Depends on the person.
I think I would get super turned on by a girl blasting farts in my face but scat would be too much (I jack off to both).
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Remember to keep your plants high up off the ground, otherwise they'll get fumigated by wandering skunkgirls.
They're underrated if you ask me. Of course I like stuffed and bloated bellies so having two guts churning with noxious fumes is always a plus.
I've seen a bunch of pictures from this artist and others that had a tuba in them for some reason. I don't get it
Those tuba pics are commed by a severely autistic, Nintendo obsessed anon who spergs out if you namedrop and criticize him in the slightest.
Ah I think I know who you're talking about. Okay that makes sense
Fuck off Yoshischizo, you already ruined the aco thread. We know it's you.
Looks like you don't even have to namedrop him to set him off.
Well /trash/ just found out about this so have fun.
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nobody even brought up that name before you did though
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Yes but only a loli Galko in the middle of eating garlic while casually silently farting her gas cloud taking the form of a skull and crossbones

I love this so much. I want to see more cute girls candidly chatting about their flatulence.
I love it when they have differently colored fart clouds
I'm talking about their Purple Demon thing. What?
>only a loli Galko
>Character known for her incredible proportions
>No but make her a loli though
Why are lolifags like this?
I can't figure out a way to compress this one well enough to post it (hueg gif) but I love this so much

https:// nyou.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=17098
There’s already plenty of grown Galko artwork and it would reference this specific moment duh

I’ve always wanted to rip ass on a guy’s face but no one is into it irl
bro I'm right here
wanna get bigger farts but mine are usually just silent puffs what should I do
I’ve tried holding it and that makes the noise super loud but how do I get long farts
Sorry I'm a Texas gal
SO AM I, well in Texas, not a girl
I don't believe you
you gotta try different foods and see what effects you the worst, put if you wanna try to get super long farts, you can try inulin powder or sugar-free candy
Been trying to figure out what gives my girl gas recently. 10g of malitol (~5 crystal light gummies) works well to make braps loud, around 5 tbsp of powdered inulin in warm water works well to make them frequent. Testing both of them together soon. Length sounds like more of an issue of how you're doing it. Try getting yourself very gassy, but don't push hard when you're trying to brap or the whole brap will come out at once. Push as lightly as possible while still being able to brap. Gas-x or some other gas med could maybe help too as it helps gas bubbles group together, which would probably lead to longer braps. but I haven't tested that yet so take that with a grain of salt.
Ok doesn't change my anatomy
Houston area
There's no way
please tell me you have a discord
>two random anons get in touch through /onara/
i fucking hate my stupid baka chud life
your time will come one day my friend, trust me.
but I've been waiting a long time for a moment like this.

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