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RIP previous thread, at least you didn't starve to death.
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Should have left it dead
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>Lactose intolerant post
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Office Hucows!
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I miss playing that flash game...
>Sitting in the office chewing on something while a coworker rushes in
>They give a curt moo to one another as she gets situated
>“Hurt like hell not getting these things milked sooner, but the one in the car was full and State Road 47 had an accident shut down a lane.”
>“No kidding! I drove it on the way to work this morning with no incident!”
>“Congrats! I wish I were as lucky.”
>There’s a light chewing in the fortunate’s mouth before she swallows and asks, “Do you think they’ll fix the salad dispenser in the break room yet?”
>“Soon. One of the higher-ups was chewing out HcR for not getting the paperwork filed sooner, because a supply chain snafu is delaying shipments for weeks, and our stuff is caught in the crosshairs.”
>“Hmmph. Don’t they want happy cows?”
>“They don’t always remember that.”
>They both sigh.
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Just keep injecting them with hormones & growth supplements.
I want factory farm sized girls.
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Which do you guys prefer, cowprint clothes or actual cow fur in arms/legs?
The latter. Has to be more then just a costume.
Cow print clothes with actual cow horns/ears/udder. don’t like actual fur or hooves though..,
Honestly i like the idea of being a caretaker on a farm that has a mixture of various hucows. Some human women who overdosed on titgrowth serum or has macromastic, hyper lactation. Fur legs like what Holstaur, minotaur have in MGE or in monster musume too. I also wouldn't mind seeing a few with multi tiddies and/or udders too.
>ai overtakes most works, so it's harder to find a job.
>new job opportunity raises as people catch bovid 19 so they end up with over productive tits. The people immune to it are hired to take care of the workers who are now quarter or half cow
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cows should be obese
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I'd like to see a brown cowgirl with vitiligo cowprint skin on her arms and legs.
Amazing ideas
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Dont know if this fits the thread
It does, last thread had plenty of multibreast.
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no ai slop though
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Love these micro-greens of HuCattle in office settings. Especially the word-building a sentence can add instantly.

>one in the car
So draining the ol' girls is done so often that its common to keep a milker in the family SUV? Hope she remember to empty it before it curdles. Unless she wants to make cheese; Which is probably likely. Can't have milk every day. There's probably as many brands of "make-your-own cheese for Hucows" as there is "brew-your-own beer/wine" kits irl.

>salad dispenser
First image that comes to mind is a vending machine like thing that the hucattle crowd around like a water cooler.
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i think about this page every goddamm day
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Hucows really should always experience near mind breaking orgasms whenever they're getting milked. Sure would keep them enthusiastic and docile.
>"Salad Dispensers" are a common sight in most indoor workplaces involving HuCattle.
>Typically they contain Kale, but may contain other leafy greens such as silver beet, spinach, and commonly mint. Sometimes they may contain other harder-eating or woody plant material that may be on the limit of human consumption, but still be edible to the more phylogenomically distinct HuCattle.
>Chewing Greens act much like chewing tobacco, albiet without the addictive qualities of harmful medical or dental side effects.
>Atop promoting good dental and gastric health, the activity has proven stress reducing effects, lowering Cortisol and stimulating Oxytocin release.
>This is especially important as HuCattle are more vulnerable to workplace stress and anxiety, claustraphobia, and restlessness when confined to office jobs. All of these are prevalent enough that Salad Dispensers are rapidly becoming a staple feature of employee care in the workplace, much in the same way sanitary pads, water coolers, milk pumps or kettles are.
Does anyone remember a western comic where a couple gets used as slaves, with the man being turned into a sissy, and the woman being turned into a milking cow? She even had headphones put on her to break her mind. I've been trying to look for it for ages and I can't remember the name nor the author.
cow wife cow wife cow wife
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Yeah boi!
Oh, the joy of watching your ¨little¨ cow getting fatter and milkier every day.
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Would put my head in her lap and suck them
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is it weird that i want to headpat hucows?
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Not at all, These creatures need love~
it's just feels like there is lots of focus on humilation and exploitation from either side which is hot, but i also like just get down and sleep with them cuddling up with them in winter days. Like in some videos where dude is sleeping with his cows
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making love to my cows
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Same. Of course I want to force-feed them hormones & chemicals to make them get huge, But on the other hand I just want to be sweet to them.
There is, isn't there? I blame society for not placing the love and care of Hucows over using them as living producers of milk and living sextoys.
The HuCattle Offices definitely is its own universe and potentially fetish. I don't get aroused by it, but every bit of collaborative worldbuilding that gets released makes me more and more interested in it. Almost starting to push out my regular hucow-pounding dreams with HuCattle Officeworkers now.

>cuddling up with them in winter days.
No-one likes working out in the cold, but some things need to be done come snow or hail or storm. The only thing that can be done then is to get it done quick, get it done right, and have a warm bowl of soup for when that person comes back.
Nothing wrong with upgrading them.
it's basicly porn brain. i mean i still adore anon who in another similar thread said they want their milk production constantly go up and up. at the cost of their quality of life. But i'm also glad to see a cuter side of the degenerate hucow stuffs.
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The thing is if I was a hucow I would absolutely want to be treated like slave; an object leashed to my stall, only the milk I produce is important about me.
BUT if I was the one who owned a hucow then gosh darnit I would treat her like the precious cute hard working princess that she is. She deserves all the love and unlimited headpats!
Tell me your preference bros.
>Multiboob, udder, or regular breasts?
>Fat, chubby, or skinny?
>Treat cows cruelly or gently? Spoil them with kindness or treat them like they're just production machines?
>Milk by hand or by machine?
>Are your cows for breeding too or just milking?
>Smart, stupid, or mindbroken cows?
>Keep them in a stall in a factory or on a cozy farm?
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Regular breasts, fat, gently handled while being pumped full of growth hormones.
They would be both used for breeding & milk.
They're IQ would vary.
Most of them would be kept in a nice barn but my favorite would live with me.
Gotta be fat and dumb. I want to see her soft body wobble with every little movement she makes.
I'd probably milk her with a milking machine, I'd love to hear those loud wet suction noises.
Cozy warm barn with plenty of hay to rest comfortably on.
Multiboob and or regular big breast's
Skinny to Chubby
Treat them gentlely
Breeding and milking
Smart to Stupid
Cozy farm
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1. Multiboob or regular large
2. Fit and curvy
3. Treat cows like production machines
4. Machine
5. Both
6. They are smart and very against what is happening to them. They aren't mind broken, and resist every step of the way
7. Farm outside
>Regular Breasts>Mutliboob>Udder
>Gently and spoiled>cruelly
>Breeding and Milking. But only by me
>My house>Cozy farm>Factory
Sweet pet hucows over sad slave hucows everyday
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Finally finished this piece. Well, I did as much as I wanted to. I was poking around these threads a while ago, when I floated the idea of a magical cow girl and got inspired to draw something quick, but burned out after drawing her 'Before' outfit. Finally sat down and finished her magical girl design days later.
I'd like to say it came out alright, but I can't hardly tell anymore with my own work. The dialogue's not my best.

She also needs a name, both human and magical girl related.
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hmm bimbo cow peach
regular boobs
the cows love it and their machines
breed them
beyond stupid constantly horny and hungry milky bimbos
kept on a farm and if they aren't restrained then they try to rape anything with a cock until it impregnates them
commisioned this pic of my vtuber persona awhile back
>>Multiboob, udder, or regular breasts?
Primary regular breasts, but i gladly adopt a few of other types too.
>>Fat, chubby, or skinny?
Mostly slightly chubby
>>Treat cows cruelly or gently? Spoil them with kindness or treat them like they're just production machines?
I'm not too into cruelly treating partners, like i would be lying if i said i didn't like some anon wanting to be quadruple amputee cows or immobilized cows mainly by their mammaries being too big. But i rather have something like Monster Musume farms were.
>>Milk by hand or by machine?
>>Are your cows for breeding too or just milking?
I say that is up to them. Like i certainly love fuck a dozen of cows or so. Rotating and doing them whenever i want to or when they are in heat.
>>Smart, stupid, or mindbroken cows?
Semi-stupid, where they could function outside of hucow live, but they just love to be hucows on a loving fun farm.
>>Keep them in a stall in a factory or on a cozy farm?
I would aim for cozy. Raising the next generations of hucows too.
and to answer this from someone who'sin the "want to be cow" camp

Regular Boobs
lil chubby

while I'd like to be treated gently and spoiled, I get off on the idea of being *just* livestock
stupid, preferably due to mindbreak
cozy farm preferably
>Normal big boobs
>Chubby, and embarrassed about how easily they gain weight. I like em bloated and gassy, overstuffed with feed, and pregnant as well
>I like both
>Machine, make her nipples sore and erect.
>Breeding too
>I like both, stall for cruel, farm for kind

Also I generally prefer a woman modified into a hucow rather than born one.
No udder.
Any BMI, desu.
Treat like people.
Milk anyway is most comfortable.
They can breed, if, you know, they WANT to.
Farm, office building, home office, anywhere vaguely humane.
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>Multiboob, udder, or regular breasts?
Definitely regular breasts, I hate redundant boobs
>Fat, chubby, or skinny?
Fat, or at least very chubby
>Treat cows cruelly or gently? Spoil them with kindness or treat them like they're just production machines?
Always gentleness and kindness, a happy cow is a productive cow
>Milk by hand or by machine?
Machine, surprisingly. It's just more efficient
>Are your cows for breeding too or just milking?
You gotta breed them for the most amount of milk
>Smart, stupid, or mindbroken cows?
Stupid and happy
>Keep them in a stall in a factory or on a cozy farm?
Cozy farm absolutely. I want my cows fat, happy, and dumb, living a peaceful life on a peaceful farm with me and our calves.
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Multiboobed and udder'd Cow woman of any size, respected and cared for.
Pretty sure I'm the originator of Office Cowgirls, at least in this thread, so you can tell I like them treated as people. (Helps that I generally follow the Golden Rule when it comes to fetish stuff; IE not putting them through anything you wouldn't go through yourself.)

Since I'm a bit of a Misandrist/Female Chauvinist, I'd go so far as to make HuCows Humanity+, stronger and smarter than baseline humans but, being the epitome of feminine power, much more naturally empathetic...

Of course that brings them dangerously close to Chakat territory, and you never go full Chakat!
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Would this count as a milkshake?
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>Regular Breasts. Just a lot bigger.
>Weight ranging between a well-filled-out, powerful figure, strongfat, and downright fat, depending on diet and lifestyle. Some in high performance office roles might genuinely be slender. Others, practically amazonian. However, the more she eats, the more milk she produces (and of higher quality). And, frankly, with those tits she's almost definitely never going to be quick or athletic. May as well keep her well fed. Any extra padding is just protective, in case she bumps herself on something, or keeps her comfortable in bad weather.
>Treat them gently, but treat them as hucows, not humans. They need their milking, and to live as part of a herd, not as individuals per se. No private living spaces or bedrooms.
>Milk by machine. Hands for the newer girls, but machines are just more efficient.
>Smart enough to function in society, but dumb enough that they're just as happy, if not moreso, in a field in a big herd.
>Ideally you keep them on a nice, cozy farm, with a communal barnhouse, milking shed and nice pasture to laze in all day. But for the working heifer, a metropolitan 'factory' homestead, designed to house hucows and process hucow needs, is an unfortunate reality.

>Still, some proper 'factory' places exist. For the kinkier, or more adventurous type.
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>Also I generally prefer a woman modified into a hucow rather than born one.
How does this work?

>Machine, make her nipples sore and erect.
Ahh, I can tell you're a based gentleman
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definitely multiboob, chubby, treated kindly. preferably double the height of a regular woman
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Fat means healthy for cows. No need for big muscles, just keep munching on that greasy fodder and grow big and productive.
I recommend keeping the onomatopoeia in the second frame behind or further away from the girl it’s distracting from her outline
I like a woman taking on bovine qualities without mutating non human features. There are a few scenarios I like.
>Scientific procedure, either voluntary or forced. Medication administered either orally or injected into the tits and/or tummy. Uncomfortably artificially inseminated by a large syringe when she goes into heat.
>Abducted by and experimented on by aliens. Modified with cow genes, made to carry a cow/human hybrid. Inseminated via tentacle, either biological or mechanical.
>Cursed. Witch, artifact, cause doesn't matter much. Finds a man to knock her up when she goes into heat.
>Ritual by the cult of Shub Niggurath (yes I know she's a goat but close enough). Ritually impregnated by mutated cultists, takes on animal qualities over the course of her eldritch pregnancy.

A possible symptom progression is:
Swollen, Sore Boobs > Ravenously Craving Cattle Feed > Bloating, Indigestion, Uncontrollable Belching, Flatulence > Weight Gain, Potbelly, Fat Ass > Heat, Hyperfertility > Pregnancy, All Symptoms Intensified + Pregnancy Symptoms, Breasts Swell To Bursting With Milk, Nipples Darken And Painfully Stiffen, Cramped Bladder Dribbles Pheromone Rich Urine, Baby Grows Larger Than Normal, Makes Mommy Heavy And Unpleasantly Full.
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How would you spend your summer holiday with your dear cow?
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As an aspiring cow I agree. Cumming is vital for good milk
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>I like em bloated and gassy, overstuffed with feed, and pregnant as well
A man of good taste!
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Oh good, I'm not the only one who likes my hucows more animal-like (=dumb) and gassy, considering their diet.
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It sure would be fun to go through this.
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>gently spoil
>breeding and milk
>smart but horny
>cozy farm
>Oh. You there. You looking for strong hard workers for your farm? Or building site? Or just about any work going at this rate.
>Heyboy! Want to get your dick sucked so good it feel like you died!?
Boy, those are some beautifully puffy & tasty looking nipples.
>Pleasantly thicc
>Gentle and spoiled. They should be happy enough to never want to leave.
>Milk by hand when they first start lactating before switching to machine once they're used to it
>Cows should be kept perpetually pregnant & extra milky
>Smart or dumb doesn't matter when they're constantly blissed out on orgasms and pregnancy hormones
>The farm should be comfy and cozy. A milking session should feel like a spa day
>Hucow rubbing her eye as she has ASMR playing on the TV in her studio apartment as she reclines on her futon
>Roommate: “Remember to shut off the pump before you get to bed.”
>Eepy: “Why?”
>Roommate: “It’ll increase output at night so you’ll be full sooner and your Circadian rhythm goes to pot when you do remember to shut it off.”
>Sleeper shuts it off and reclines to the tingly audio.
>She counte milk bottles being stowed away in baskets.
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i want to smooch a hucow, while she is hooked on milking machine
Don't interrupt her passionate mooing though.
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The various states of Hucow desire
>Too busy cumming to think
> regular boobs, just huge
> faaaat! Get them girls plumping!!
> gently, that way they make more milk more happily
> by machine, only because it's best to maximize production
> they're all permanently pregnant. As soon as one calves, they're knocked up again as soon as possible
> smart, stupid, whatever lol
> free range, they'll be too fat, happy, and pregnant to get very far
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What's this thread's opinion on stronk cows?
Love me some muscle milk.
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Sure, i just want her to moo into my mouth once or twice, but the rest of her moos is for my ears
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>Tell me your preference bros.
>>Multiboob, udder, or regular breasts?
Regular is fine, but its a shame no one draws udders
>>Fat, chubby, or skinny?
Some cute chub
>>Treat cows cruelly or gently?
They are livestock, not people, and will be treated a harsh as it takes to remember that
>>Milk by hand or by machine?
Mostly machine, who has enough time otherwise?
>>Are your cows for breeding too or just milking?
Of course they need to be bred to stay productive, and the best calfs will be valuable...
>>Smart, stupid, or mindbroken cows?
...especially if their mother has a good pedigree. The best cows would be successful women if they weren't consigned to milking.
>>Keep them in a stall in a factory or on a cozy farm?
Well behave cows get to be shown off in public, and they all need exercise to stay healthy, but otherwise cows are penned and intubated at all times.
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What accessories etc would you want your hucow to have anons (or if YOU were the hucow)? For me:
-Cow bell collar
-nose ring
-Nipple rings
-Barcode tattoo
-Cattle brand on buttock
I read this as 143IQ first and I was like why we drinking genius milk lmao
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I love fat heavy cows so much anons...
Love them too. Need a porn sitcom where a chubby Hucow and a muscle Hucow are roommates and get into sexual shenanigans.
Yes to just about everything except the nose ring. That's a sometimes yes sometimes nah.
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>I read this as 143IQ first and I was like why we drinking genius milk lmao
Why -wouldn't- we be drinking genius milk? Good for the body and brain!

For real, there's something hot about a talented girl "going to waste" as a farm animal.
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>Multiboob, udder, or regular breasts?
prefer regular large booba but udders are nice sometimes
>Fat, chubby, or skinny?
fat cow supremacy
>Treat cows cruelly or gently? Spoil them with kindness or treat them like they're just production machines?
depends on my mood, both are good
>Milk by hand or by machine?
by hand to break them in, then by machine
>Are your cows for breeding too or just milking?
both for maximum production
>Smart, stupid, or mindbroken cows?
going from smart/average to stupid/mindbroken is kino
>Keep them in a stall in a factory or on a cozy farm?
also depends on my mood, both are good shit
>What accessories etc would you want your hucow to have
bell collar, nose ring, and ear tag
barcode is good for factory setting and brand is good for farm/barn setting
>"Smart Milk from a Smart Cow makes you Smart! Think about it!" Do people really believe that?
>Eh. They believe eating dolphin makes you smart because dolphins are smart, so whatever. All that really matters is putting the right disclaimer on the bottle and being non-committal about its benefits.
>What about that scandal a few years back? With the strawberries?
>That ditzy moo said her milk tasted like strawberry because she ate so much! It's only her own fault that she added blended strawberry to her milk afterwards. And got caught.
>So that's why you're going with something that no-one can prove?
>DIS-prove. The onus will be on them to prove a negative.
>Isn't the burden of proof on you prove the positive?
>Not in the court of public opinion.
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This guy gets it
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>For real, there's something hot about a talented girl "going to waste" as a farm animal.
Hey do you know how much reading she's been able to get done?
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Gah, but that's so boring though. They're just cattle, treat them as such.
Dude we don't even treat cattle like that...
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Damn shame really.
Not really, Animal Husbandry revolves mostly around reducing stress on your animals, as that makes them more productive; Good Milk comes from Happy Cows after all!
On that idea though.
And an idea I've had for a while.
>Milk Factories.
>Sometimes referred to as "battery farms", these are places, typically closed buildings (though occasionally complexes or compounds) that house, feed, and milk hucows in efforts to maximize milk output.
>These places have something of a bad reputation in public. Austere living conditions, high crowding, no clothes or lewd and provocative ones, constant objectification, sexual harassment by staff. Force feedings via tube, pumped full of enough feed to barely fit into their docks, and enough growth hormones that they can put out for their 8 to 12 hour milking shifts, which are also chances for all sorts of sexual acts, and still be ready and needing to go the next day.
>Of course, the modern reality is much more tame. There are fairly firm laws around these places. 'Milk shifts' can only go to a maximum of eight hours (three hours, one for break) unless medically cleared, while 'tours of service' can only last a maximum of two years, before needing renewal. Forms need signing, confirming voluntary entry, payments at the end need to be a certain amount, and consent must be provided in writing for every specific treatment or experience they're likely to receive, before they're placed accordingly. Beneficiaries need to be sorted, ID's are also kept secure as it's sensitive info. There's also a psych screening in-house, etc. The application is actually fairly lengthy.
>While not every factory is like this, this is actually one of the biggest draws to signing on as, though it's hardly politic, a lot of Hucows out there quite enjoy being treated like cattle. Stripped naked, given an ID tag in place of their name, thrust into a crowd of similar girls, before they're lead away, force-fattened, pumped full of hormones to maximize breast growth and production, and milked thoroughly. Even public breeding (though that requires additional rules and regulations) is surprisingly popular.
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Sounds nice, where do I sign?
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>Tell me your preference bros.
Regular breasts but multiboob is fine (max 4)
Chubby is fine, it's a healthy weight. Skinny works too, as that's got a lot of potential. Fat means bad milk, and hard to keep moving about. They need a healthy weight to survive.
Hucows need gentle attention, regular baths and checking in on them while in the barn and milking. You will have to make sure they stay clean and fed every day, Gentle affection is a must for good milk production as well as happy, heathy cows. Those who are disobedient or disrupt production are usually restricted access to fun items and toys. Good Hucows get toys, things to do, reading and extra curricular activities. Also headpats while milking.
Hucows who are very good girls generally hand milked, but thats if they are very obedient and can sit still long enough to be milked by hand. Most of the time Hucows are machine milked, but if one requests hand milking, the obedient cow is put on display to be hand-milked, to show the disobedient cows how to behave. This is the form of punishment to show how pleasurable it is to be hand-milked. Though if I don't have time to hand milk the hucow, machine pumps can work to, while monitoring them.
Hucows are made for both milking and breeding. Hucows go through monthly check-ups by a doctor, specialized in Hucow behavior, health and wellness. They also can check when Hucows are fertile, although the injections of fertility and breast milk enhancement hormones are common use. When fertile the Hucow is injected to cause her to reach peak fertility before being sent to the breeding room, where she is fucked until pregnant.
Usually below average intelligence is needed, although a smart hucow to teach the dumber hucows how to behave is necessary. A mix of both is necessary to keep order. Bimbo hucows usually are easier to breed, while the smart ones tend to need a lot more coersion to get knocked up like the slutty little stupid hucow girls are.
Cozy small farm
cows need to be obese
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Very nice.
I can almost see it being like some Hucow-specific form of 'service'.

>Depending on background, some people find the idea of ever living in a Factory horrid and appalling.
>To others, however, it's an expected rite of passage and/or formative family tradition.
>To the latter, the Factory is where you 'really become a cow/woman' (stripped naked, broken down, physically and mentally re-trained, force-fattened out of any athleticism, breasts go from large and expressive but reasonable, to enormous, over-expressive, constant inconveniences that need serious management). If studding is involved, then these tours are also the origin for said hucow finding their life partner, and firstborn.
>They're places of self-discovery as well, and the friendships made during these 'tours' are often some of the closest, deepest, and longest-lasting ones a hucow may make in her life. And not without good reason.
>Most do a brief tour, maybe 1-2 years. Some do a second or third. But there's always a handful who turn Factory work into a career, either unable to live life outside of the industrial milk machines and sex-charged objectification of their ranchers, or unwilling.
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Nah just chubby is hotter
Most of the art is just chubby but I wish they were fatter. I want to see chubby heifers next to huge obese milk machines totally mindbroken into endlessly eating, fucking, and cumming lactation stations.
>Multiboob, udder, or regular breasts?
>Fat, chubby, or skinny?
I like my hucows very well nourished, so both chubby and fat.
>Treat cows cruelly or gently? Spoil them with kindness or treat them like they're just production machines?
I believe their well being enhances the milk quality. Some processes may not feel pleasant to some hucows, therefore they should be treated with affection too.
>Milk by hand or by machine?
Machine increases production efficiency and can stimulate breast growth more efficiently, but nothing can replace the feeling human contact. So both.
>Are your cows for breeding too or just milking?
Who wouldn't want to unload their offspring into them?
>Smart, stupid, or mindbroken cows?
Smart and stupid.
>Keep them in a stall in a factory or on a cozy farm?
Let them be comfortable in a cozy farm.
This, I want to see the shocked look on a chubby newcomer cow's face when she first sees a dumb, fat veteran dairy cow getting milked and just mindlessly mooing her brains out, realizing that she's going to inevitably become exactly like her in the future as well.
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But abdominal fat wouldn't improve Milk Production...
Gotta keep those high fat levels in their milk up somehow.
It’s fun to play with and squish your face into
holy fucking based
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Check out my new milk churn!
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visceral fat is an endocrine organ retard
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Imagine listening to your dumb soft obese cow peacefully snoring and occasionally farting in her stall after eating a huge pile of greasy high calorie fodder yet again.
Christ that image is cringe
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source? reverse search isn't coming up with anything

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