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Pubes, armpits, legs, arms, chest, back; basically the whole body covered in hair.

Previous: >>11071016 (dead since mods nuked /d/)
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perfect pussy bushes
I'm going to vomit
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There's a lighter thread for female body hair at >>11100878 if you prefer that
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I think I lost some edits I made for the previous thread... I didn't save a copy.
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Don't worry, everything has been archived on desuarchive.org, you can get stuff from the previous thread there
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Thanks, I didn't know that.
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Next Edit
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the amount of her stray pubes stuck inside his foreskin after rawdogging her hairball pussy must be insane, I wish I was him so much
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is this a genuine pic or did somebody just shop the beard and other body hair on her?

You have a choice between two women.
one with a full beard and mustache and hairy legs and armpits but only female genitals with 36 inch bust.
the other is a futa with penis at least 6 inches when erect and testicles and size 50 inch bust, (she has a pussy to) but her only hair is her scalp and pubes.
which would you rather fuck?
if you choose the futa she will let you fuck her in the pussy, but you'll probably end up touching her dick in the process since the arey so close.
you could also choose felatio or anal with either woman.
Where can I find more images like this?
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I choose both.
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Thread need cleanse Brazilian waxed

Technically, pubic hair protects the delicate skin from friction during sexual activity. It keeps dust, dirt, and germs away from the vagina to prevent infection.
Researchers even suspect pubic hair may play a role in sexual attraction and sexual pleasure.
FINALLY someone gets it. God, I've always wanted to fuck a werewolf girl.
I would pump an armful of children in her.
is my notion of hairy pussies warped?
this is the bare minimum of pubic hairs for me, anything less than this is barely hairy, and anything more like >>11105641
is strictly better
Whichever one has the biggest fluffiest cushion around her crotch. Judging by the image it is the former one.
First one obviously. Even if you don't like the hair you can just shave it.
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as far as i remember it's an edit
and i would choose the first girl, i'd love to cuddle on her tummy full of fur

i agree with you, we do probably have different definitions of "hairy" than the average person, but well, we can always indulge into edits of girls with chest hair lol
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The first one obviously anon
if she mustn't need to comb her pubes to the sides in order to even reach her pussy, she's not hairy, i need to have a woman like that in my life
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I love it.
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Original made by 石野鐘音 (https://sp.nijie.info/view.php?id=235172), edited by Finger-Bang
That not Brazilian honey wax, nice edit tho
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this is what peak female armpits look like
im pretty sure she would never have anyone be able to peek at her pussy with that many pubes coming out of there
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>"Hey, this is pretty hot, let's check out this artist and see some of his other work"
>Scat, guro, and other fucked up shit, with occasionally some regular stuff

I just wanted to see some hairy women, I didn't sign up for this shit
Sorry, I didn't know anything about that artist besides that Mercury artwork
Lots of people that like hairy girls also tend to like stinky stuff like bad smell, farting and scat for some reason
It's not your fault, you're good man. I already came to that pic before looking at his other stuff.

>Lots of people that like hairy girls also tend to like stinky stuff like bad smell, farting and scat for some reason
I will never understand these people, but whatever, I'm not gonna bitch about it (any more than I already have)
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she's a bit too hairy to have had a Brazilian wax, not that I mind
A lot of these look like somebody just went berserk with the pencil tool in MS Paint

poor quality overall
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aw sweet a new thread
After seeing certain images of a food obsessed obese man, harry butts like this give me trauma lol
lol i know what you mean

What the fuck mods were being mad again this time?
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Not really sure, heard that it might have been an accident
Half of the boards got wiped too, not only /d/
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i should color my drawings more often
i guess one of the mods tripped over a wire idk
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>cameltoe with a megabush behing
Shouldve got the pubes to go across her leggings anon
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Would you date a hairy girl that expects you to shave your body hair?
no, ever
what are you using to make these edits? would love to do some myself.
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unless she wants my pubes trimmed, which I'd do for her all the time, then no I don't want to shave my body ever.
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Not sure what Finger-Bang uses, but as far as I remember, Kurosawa6 uses Ibis Paint X
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I already shave everything but the hair on my scalp, so definitively. I don't know why a woman hairier than me is so hot to me but it is, I hope more people ITT can relate
Yes and that's such a hot dynamic for me. Me being completely hairless (except on head) and her being covered in it.
I getcha mang, I getcha.
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a brave man and a valid choice!
i wish i could reward you with a picture of a futa fucking a bearded woman, but all i got is this pic of a girl with a beard.

as to answer my own question i would choose the bearded lady, but it probably be more of a case of me being raped by her.
still not nearly as bad as being raped by a futa...
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All these edits fucking sucks.
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heres a little something for u bustas

Shame that people go too hard when they make these.

Light body hair on a hot girl is better. Like forearm fuzz or even 1 cm long dark hair. Or soft pit hair or pit stubble.

Shots just hinting at it too, like you are seeing something secret are also hotter. Especially if its someone super hot and normally put together.

A great example is Jennifer Connelly in 1991's Career Opportunities. She's already hot and for several of the segments, she hadnt waxed her forearms. Mixed with with chest size and natural good looks its super hot
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You are in a thread of extremely hairy women... if you want something more "realistic", ask me and tell me a character you want.

Who is the artist of these? I love their stuff
Ah, thanks m8
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Same, a cute girl with considerable leg, arm and pube hair contrasting with my shaved ass skin makes me hard af
I swear even rubbing against it makes me leak, I just want to lick it and sink my nose on every bush
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>that time my gf said 'If I didn't shave I'd have way more hair than you, softboy'
>that time I didn't believe her
>that time she proved me very wrong

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Tell us the whole story anon, pretty please
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ayo, story time?
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I'm attracted to a cute unchecked bush and even armpit hair, but this thread is on another level.
I think I'd prefer a straught up furry than so much patchy hair all over.

Mind if I ask what's attractive about so much body hair, or at least, what do you think made you attracted to it?
My fetish for excessive body hair did not start suddenly. When I was younger I liked girls with some body hair, armpits and pubic hair or legs, but when i was looking for hairy girls I found photos of women with a lot of body hair who did not shave and from there I started to bring women like that .

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