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Last one got pruned
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The curse has been broken. Finally, a good OP
Last thread, pre-nuke:
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>good OP
>AI pic
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Gonna 'ruin the thread' for that one guy.
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[Circle Tokomaya (Tokomaya Keita)] Kaisha no Kibishii jo Joushi ga Kyuujitsu Joji-fuku o Kite Kodomo-tachi to Asondeta Ken ni Tsuite ~Babubabu Hen~ [Digital]
[サークルとこまや (とこまやけいた)] 会社の厳しい女上司が休日女児服を着て子供達と遊んでた件について ~バブバブ編~ [DL版]
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>opens with AI sloppa
The Japan Automotive Federation recently changed the recommended height for using a car seat from under 140cm to 150cm (4'11" in freedom units). A lot of girls from various IPs are now recommended to wear a car seat, including a lot of vtubers and gacha waifus. As you can imagine, this pairs well with diapers.
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>Replys with souless generic diaper girl pic
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>doesn't reply with anything
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Tights and diapers are the best combination.
Amen brother
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i have finished yor.
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I don't have a character in mind, but would you like to try drawing bedwetting? Even better is she'd be dreaming of being at the toilet
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>feel something warm and plush against your crotch as you slowly wake up
>see that face looking right into your eyes
>"mornin' sleepyhead. Care to give your little super soaker her morning change?"
"Mmm, iunno, doesn't seem that wet to meeeee..."
>she laughs and retreacts as you gently rub your morning wood against her
>several minutes of snuggling and lap-riding ensue
>sheets have a little pre on them as you start your day
Literally the perfect morning
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hot. I'd probably cum just from one grind.
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Why the fuck is there so much diaper RE4 art?
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Can't recall anyone else apart from that artist do it tho
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I have to admit, I do like these ones
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based, need more Asuka casually wearing diapers
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"ai trash disgusting" and "asuka diaper butt erotic" are locked in a fierce battle within me
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diapers under sheer tights, unfa
Hey anyone here know if there's ABDL art of Jill Stingray from VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action? I need to know....for science.
need padded patricia martin
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Can't remember coming across any, found one on Pixiv
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This is all I've seen
>babtender after a night at the bar
>decompressing with booze and diapers
>occasionally Dorothy gets ahold of her at inopportune times
>given her work background, she's aware of kinks like that
>what she doesn't expect is that Jill's drunken and diapered state is not actually a sexual kink
>sometimes she acts as a carer for her friend and occasional client
>other times, all Jill wants is a playmate to watch cartoons and color with
>not that Dorothy can really make use of those diapers, unless she intentionally releases coolant into them
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>all that baby gear
>ruined by pullup
stfu LP
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Does the new carseat law have a tag on pixiv?
Pull ups are adorable stfu
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Um, no they aren't

They're shit.
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Pull ups indeed fucking suck.
only people who seem to like pullups are poors who cant afford ABDL brands.
Or they're too pussy to order them.
I miss senfgas
Anyone know if he's doing ok?
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As someone who's mainly into the pants shitting side of things, they're fine as just disposable underwear with less cleanup if that's all you're doing with them, and you don't want to waste one of your good diapers, but yeah, they're pretty terrible.

One of the few pull-up pieces of art I really like, but it would've been so much better with a proper diaper.
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That tshirt print is really something. But I have to applaud the nip for trying to do cursive.
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erm what?
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Here’s the translation for the latest Tsuttsu doujin, speaking of his art:
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Filename is pixiv artwork ID
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The desire to be padded and cared for is strong
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Oooh I love this series. The way the hypnosis is turned on and off but the body control is always on is really good
Which series is that? It sounds very interesting
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Can you translated another Tsuttsu work as well?

Tsuttsu is making a new manga this month.
anyone have a download for the full version of A New Life in Sunny Valley?
Why is there so much art but literally no actual hentai of diaper stuff? I've seen maybe 1 I can think of.
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You mean hentai anime? There exist some, but the diapers are generally drawn so poorly that people don't bother with them. Or sometimes, it'll suddenly pivot into something far worse. I liked this one, though.
sure anime yes. I think I've seen that exact still and the other one of the girl getting an enema in gym class probably hundreds of times over the years. how is there NOTHING new ugh
Hentai anime in general has been a dying genre for ages.
I've felt the same but I always blamed it on the US aggregate sites being terrible. It actually feels impossible to find most hanime these days. Like I know for a fact it's still being made en masse in Japan so where the fuck is all of it?
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To anon who liked diaper x-rays
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This shit is fucking hideous, how can someone botch up a drawing so badly?
>Western artist
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Compared to the absolute worst even from the nips, that's not too bad desu
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Hard drive died and I lost my favorite set, do any of the my fellow /d/egenerates have it? It's like a mom picking up her daughter at preschool but keeps wetting herself until the preschool puts her in diapers until she's in a lower class than the daughter and eventually fails potty training entirely. Then there's like a flash forward to the daughter as an adult who still keeps her mom in diapers. Please tell me you guys know what I'm talking about
Sounds like something Milele made
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Kinda hate how the recent Nene stuff has switched to hentai logic public humiliation stuff
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Seems like a new game coming out
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Impressive how they took existing irl diapers and somehow butchered them into those ingame models.
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Sadly that has replaced all the untraining content, thankfully there's still some neat slice of fully diapered life content
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Finally a fateshit character I actually know.
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>new mitsuhime moka doujin
>cant buy because dlsite no longer takes visa or mastercard

I hate payment processors so much
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Irohani hoERO!


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