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i love Micker
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It's important to Micker on Mondays.
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which one did it?
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Russian bioweapons.
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yes cumrade. Germany gave up because she took off her socks
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i cant breathe
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>soles not lighter than tops
And God, Nanashi cannot draw feet.
>soles not lighter than tops
You say that like it's a bad thing. Most people don't have a sharp distinction in skin tone. It's just the browns, and black people's soles/palms creep me out. Can't imagine being attracted to that.
Kuro taitsu is the best
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One day you will outgrow white girlfeet and begin to prefer black girl feet.
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Nagatoro is italian
No, I will not.
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Dibs on far right
Thoughts on black feet? Or feet with noticeably paler soles in general
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Where is the hoof anchor?
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Hooves in the OP
The first pair of feet I ever footfagged for were like that, so I'm a natural sucker for em.
I love the contrast of dark skin and light soles.
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As long as your feet can be pressed to someone's face you should be alright.
How did you fuck up your feet anon?
That sounds and looks like it would need either surgery or some long term treatment.
>i'm a disaster to begin with
Aren't we all anon?
>or just toewalking for 90% of my life
Probably that. You should probably let a podiatrist take a look at that desu.
Certified Hood Classic
Is there nothing they can do to fix the toes in the correct position kind of like braces?
Instant diamonds. I <3 black girl's feet. Especially the tribal ones who haven't had their feet ruined by modern footwear.

All female running events should be done Barefoot imo. You would see so many pretty black girl feet
based as fuck
to me it sounds like you never actually bother to try to fix it as you are going by
>Probably can't be fixed by now
instead of
>Can't be fixed by now
I’m especially picky about niggers, wypipo not so much unless they’re fat or ginger. I only like the black Pokémon girls but irl? Fuck no
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i did try. i'm just really mentally ill
destined to be a mega footfag
love the way wet/sweaty footwear looks
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Just some discarded socks?
Why did you post a blank image?
>gf came from work with stockings like those and told me her socks smelled like never before. Warns me while asking me to take it to the washing machine
>instant throbbing boner from the stank
Why am I like this anons. She doesn't know about my kink
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i am from balkan
i love black women like you wouldn't believe
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yes, it's literally the autism walk
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what is the cure?
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Did puffy fall off? 3 years ago I thought she made some of the best soles but now it's like looking at a completely different artist
Footwear and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Nah footwear makes feet smell bad (good).
Also, enn.
But it causes bunions and makes feet weak. No grip during footjobs
Yes. Her art is less detailed now. She used to drawn god-tier soles.
Same thing happened with LewdSaiga. But in his case he started to add more wrinkles to the soles.
It is a myth that high heels alone cause bunions. People who are not predisposed to bunions will not get bunions from high heels.
High heels CAN make bunions worse if you are predisposed to them, though.
The real problem is that it is western-style art which does not belong on /d/.
i'm racist but a nice black women with her beautiful black feet in purple nylons like >>11106936 are enough to go head over heels
after all, never ask a white supremacist the skin color of his gf
>instant throbbing boner from the stank
>Why am I like this anons. She doesn't know about my kink
sounds like she should know about your kink anon
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I lost it.
>no one can resist brown Naga hoofs
no thanks
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the footfag urge to sniff those nylon-clad feet and rub my cock on them
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Ugliest feet
Most eager to GTS roleplay
Double edged sword
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Could this legally be sold in Burgerland or Europoorea? Or would the FDA or some agency have a problem with it? Maybe you couldn’t sell it as a beverage pre made like socks brewed in a factory and in a carton like icetea or a bottle, but as a kit? Like socks to brew at home?
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Are there any Galko feet appreciators here
lungs filling up with Galko feet air
Galko in a field of flowers removing her shoes
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Flower down
Penis up
She may throw her worn socks into a bear’s den and her gym shoes into a lake
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I don't know about the bear but the goddess in the lake may not be happy
How do the other girls react when Galko takes her shoes off in the locker room after gym class
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they'd all die instantly

you would need a mask
Those poor girls didn’t stand a chance
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I sometimes wonder who you are, Galko feet anon
You’re so dedicated to being on either /d/ or /a/ for Galko
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who do you think is copping out the stinkiest sniff? I want to sniff the last girl's powerful musk the most, but I would cum sniffing any of those, and I would definitely go crazy if I were trapped inside a closed room with all of them
Kanon, the fourth girl, with her damp sock that's been stuck inside her boot all day must reek. I'd instantly lose if she were to use my face as a footrest.
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Micker's sweaty trotters!
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you mean hoofs?
shishiro foot noodles
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I would pay for that every week if she took of her pantyhose and gave it after the service
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It might end up costing a little extra but it would be well worth it. I know I'd be delighted to be able to bring home some used pantyhose.
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Do you think she'd accept wearing some extra pairs at the same time all day and gave them after if I became a recurring? obviously paying the extra to source new nylons
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I don't see that being a problem, the only thing that might be an issue is some of those pantyhose might end up really sweaty with all the extra layers she's wearing~
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And that is exactly what I want. Maybe wearing them for a full week too.
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They'd definitely reek of her musk by the time she's done wearing them.
I could probably sense her simmered feet musk even before she took off her footwear, working alongside her would be pure hell to my dick and brain
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Her scent would be pure mind numbing goodness.
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>shut up and die, you silly muhfuggin hoe
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And so addictive I could never cum anymore without sniffing her smelly feet or pantyhose
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Only civilized black girl's have ugly feet due to wearing footwear not meant for them such as air jordans. But for tribal black women who don't know what shoes are they have very beautiful feet.
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Ice bich
Warm feets
Tuna Erozon
It's from an artist named Koukou Punch
高校パンチ on pixiv
coco punch of koukou panchi
or not of*
women with feet that pungent will never know how much men want to sniff them all day
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am i ugly
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Hoof thread.
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I wanna see Galko not changing her socks for a week
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my lungs are melted
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She should do it for a month and place one sock in the middle of a forest and the other a city
all those trees will die instantly.
And that’s just the instant damage
There must be some lasting side effects too
nothing will grow there.
A constant reminder of the power of her feet

Maybe giant Galko could relieve gas as well but that’s more suitable for another thread of course
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rare Galko. treat with care
Sometimes she takes her shoes off in class
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she poisoned the whole room
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I am looking for something specific that I've lost, can someone help me? It is like a blond woman either clipping or painting her toenails, the overall image is orange/yellowish, the perspective is from the bottom so you can see the bottoms of her feet while shes doing stuff with her nails. No stink lines were in it. Thanks!
I found it it was the footer / unyaaan pic

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