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>AI image generators
https://novelai.net/image (online, premium)
https://perchance.org/ai-character-generator (online, free)
https://frosting.ai/dream (online, freemium)
https://pixai.art/generator/image (online, freemium)
https://civitai.com/ (online, freemium, account needed for NSFW content)
https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator?isPwa=1&scenario=texttoimage (online, free, heavily censored)
https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui (local, free; check the OP in the threads of the Related boards’ section to get further informations)

>Anon-made size LORA for local SD
Ochiko art style: https://civitai.com/models/389429?modelVersionId=434534
Cramped - minigts growth: https://civitai.com/models/519243/crampedgrowth-concept

>General NovelAI guides

>NovelAI guides for size

>Repositories of pictures from the past threads

>Related Boards

1) All genders (futanari/newhalf included), body types and races are allowed. Characters featuring only few animal body parts (ears, tail) are usually tolerated by the mods.
2) All size (growth, shrinking ecc.ecc.) and romantic interactions (hetero, yaoi, yuri, futa on female ecc.ecc.) are allowed.
3) A generic low-angle view which doesn’t show a clear size difference between the subject and the surrounding environment or the viewer (whose a couple of body parts should be visible in pic) is NOT considered as a size POV shot, so it shouldn’t be posted here.
4) Mild / moderate gore and scat are tolerated.

Respect the rules and have fun!
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fucked up the title...
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so hard to get the right prompts, lora, models
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If you could improve one thing about the current state of aislop, what would that be?
Is Twitter's any good? Unironically considering trying it for a month to get image and coom stories in one.
Twitter's 'For You' tab is abysmal because it keeps shoving more and more dumb memes and 'popular' posts of people you don't follow between the porn. And the 'Following' tab is clogged up with reblogs of dumb memes and innane conversations of people you do follow between all the porn.

Really, to get the most out of Twitter you'd need to know who to follow already, and just periodically visit their profiles directly to scour through their media tabs. Although if you have a high tolerance for all the non-porn coming your way, Twitter can sometimes help you discover new people to follow.

But God, what I wouldn't give for everyone to just post their stuff on exhentai, or for someone to make an extremely popular Eka's knockoff for all porn...
I mean Twitter's A.I/Image Generator, not content.
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All these le epic meme of the day accounts get made almost faster than I can block them. It definitely takes some persistance and indiscriminate mass blocking of all non-size content to get your (you) tab to not suck.
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I seem to have missed that some other giantess artists where posted to Civit besides Rakia in recent times.
There's also ones for Lien, Kazan No You and Exrumya_X though I haven't tested some of those yet.
I heard/ read somewhere it's a version of Flux? it can do copyrighted imagery but not nudity.
I wouldn't give Elon money for it myself.
Civit has Flux too but I don't know it it"s good bang for your buck to use their "buzz" and tools.
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Dummy thick
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I like how sometimes the (multiple panels) gacha gives you nice angles of the same character that are coherent with the rest.
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attempted getting for big couples
deleted the previous one because it was full of random crap and mistakes that i impainted out, hopefully this came out a little cleaner.
Danm I was an idiot. It seems like "macro" prompt has some positive effects on PonyXL models (or on Ochiko LoRA - I didn't test which one is counted or not) when generating giantess pictures. I've realized this mistake after almost 20k images done since May. FUCK.

...or perhaps it's just my imagination, some weird statistical anomaly, whatsoever.
Unrelated, but I wish less loras did the "hole in pants" when prompting for both underwear/bottoms and cock.
Here's hoping for biblically accurate rolled down pants/panties for the future.
hello, how did you get that artstyle?
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After getting some seriously ugly results, I tried to escape ponyslop look by trying a bunch of the innate artists. This one is (yoi_naosuke). It's a bit sketchy in style, but it's pretty strongly baked and gives distinguishable results.
Requesting diapered giantess stuffing tinies plz
inpainting in proper interaction with miniguys and other cutaways that like, show them between breasts/between ass cheeks, etc. that's the one thing that made me give up on AI stuff since i can never figure it out at the teeny scales i want consistently and i only got it like once out of sheer luck
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Been a while since I did anything with SD, but I was bored and played around in ComfyUI for a few hours.
ty anon, you made some good stuff
God, fuck, I love giant couple stuff so much! Thank you Anon!
Please keep the furry to /d/
*out of /d/
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I really dig this angle! Can you tip on the keywords for it?
Sure, here's the base prompt I used:
> giantess, macro, 1girl, giant elf girl looming over city, buildings, perspective, destruction, full body, anime, combat boots, military uniform, redhead, short hair, muscular, evil grin, red eyes, midriff

I've found it easier a lot of the time to not be super specific about angle/composition in the prompt, find a base generation I like the vibe of, and then use depth/lineart ControlNets at low weight and do a lot of img2img to guide the model towards what I want.

Not sure if posting the image here will strip out the ComfyUI metadata, but if not you can get the workflow that way too (though admittedly it's not quite the same as what I used for most of the generation, as I did a final img2img pass after upscaling).
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I'm experimenting with training LoRAs. Still working on it, but this image with an experimental Uru LoRA came out really nicely.
Nice stuff! Is that Uru?
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Yeah, trained on 242 images I ran through WD14 to generate captions. I'm still playing around with the training settings and such, but I'm surprised how easy it is to reach "finicky but useful."

Pic was me testing a Yilx LoRA on a modified version of the prompt for the Uru one.
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That's impressive work, and looks pretty damn close to source, to boot. Do you plan on sharing it on civ or elsewhere? More loras for sizefagging would be such a boon.
That's the plan. I want to spend more time tweaking and experimenting so I can post some settings recommendations along with both of these (and the Uru one still seems to have a weaker influence than I'd like), but I'm certainly not going to keep them to myself forever. The Internet needs more big girls.
Anyone has a good plan to add explosions into a picture? I've been conditioned to view them as the cherry on top of a good size pic if you know what I mean.
you can inpaint but i honestly feel like it's faster just to edit them in collage style
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Love the style. Looks straight out of some obscure 90's anime OVAs
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old gen
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Finished doing a bunch of testing and experiments with the Yilx LoRA from earlier and uploaded it:
Real neato.
i doubt Lemvette is tagged in the set, but depending on how many images of her are included her blueness might influence other blue skinned individuals.
Thanks, anon. Can't wait to try it out, will post results.
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She's not tagged. Plus there's only a few images of her in the training set - I aimed for diversity and a lot of high-res input instead of trying to capture specific characters. But she ones she's in are tagged "blue skin", so it might influence other blue-skinned characters? Even then though there's only a few with her.
Is it possible to make Lemvettes with this?
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The lora is very Ylxlike. Great job with it.
Incidentally, anyone has a good workflop to impaint rubble on the flesh somehow?
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Same pic but inpainted wtih TeradaOchiko lora.
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And jvdaniangXL, covering pretty much all the good (only) size loras around
I actually think the Yilx is the best at creating background so far - the others are pretty good, but tend to add completely flat patches in places, whereas anon's new lora creates more consistent cityscapes.
Anyone have the issue where it looks like your images are melting a little in the final version? I swear this thing is slowly decaying.
the yilx lora is also rather good at dicks in my experience, should that be your thing.
it does seem to require hiresfix.
did you accidentally change your sampling method or schedule type?
I think it was some kind of conflict with the Loras I was trying to use, the Yilx one wasn't playing nice with the Arrietty one. I've gone back to what I was using before and now things aren't melting anymore.
if you're using a version of Automatic1111/sd-webui:
The start,stop,step feature of the lora block weights extension (https://github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-lora-block-weight?tab=readme-ov-file#start-stop-step) can give you the granularity to stop a lora after it has done most of its work.
Stopping a lora can be useful to limit style influence from character or concept loras.
Style can be started later to avoid inherent influences from the style's training data.
I haven't played with the weights part of the extension myself yet.
Huh, neat. I'll have to give that a try next time I go on a genning spree. I've been having extreme difficulties doing any real giantess stuff since they almost always go full melt mode unless I'm just describing a character instead of using a LORA.
I've just been doing POV shots and stuff like that due to the melting conflicts.
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>mandatory magical girl grows huge episode
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Does the latest ponyXL model have good out-of-the box functionality when it comes to gts gen or do I need to find additional loras?
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There is a basic understanding for giantess & related keywords in ponyXL, but is not that great. We have 3 or so decent loras so far to help with that
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I like those episodes
Has anyone found out if there's a way to reuse specific characters without gacha? I was thinking via image prompt to get the same characters/clothing/face able to feature in different scenes.
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>short races can be a proficient fighter class just as much as anyone else, especially when surprise blessings are involved.
They end up getting the highest ratings, somehow? Got any more?

I second what >>11113359 said; Got any more?
Even better if it's a magical girl fighting her "evil" oppai oneesan who is trying to stop her from destroying the city.
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Here's a chubby spoiled brat
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I still recall this! Nice!
You're doing a great service to us and to the rest of the community with that LORA, anon. I'd love to try it if I had a more powerful PC to test Local SD on. Pretty good job!
>tfw your gf has a high sex drive
Love this style! Which artist?
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I've been trying really hard to get to grips with inpainting to make shrunken men related scenes...
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...but to be honest, it's much quicker to gen 2 elements (girl + man) and then do it in Photoshop. It doesn't look quite as blended and you're interactions are simpler, but it's much quicker than rolling the dice over and over in SD hoping for something legible.
The comparison isn't selling it desu, the 1st pic is great and the 2nd pic looks very off. But inpainting really is a pain, it's a shame. Interaction is the achilles heel of AI right now
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It works great! Thank you ;)
There used to be an advertisement for an AI chat on this board, but I forgot the name and can’t seem to find it on Goohle. I can’t seem to get the ad anymore either, just that obscenely ugly monster girl ad. Anyone know what site it was?
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I know, I'm not the best at photoshop, but it feels like it'd be a useful thing to learn to make my images better and fix things. Or I could just be lazy and make endless vore collage images
It really hurts having a character I want to make giga giantess gens of, but she has too little art that people can't really seem to make LoRAs for her...
Which character? Even if it's a doomed endeavor I'm having fun messing with training stuff so I might as well give it a shot.
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This girl named Bernoulli from Crash Fever, most fan art of her is only on Pixiv afaik. Can search ベルヌーイ with クラッシュフィーバー to find more art, possibly
I'm hopeless when it comes to baking loras, but I have several (made by others) created off of literally 1-2 images.
just use yodayo if you aren't willing to set up a local one yourself
That's the cutest pred I've ever seen genned, good job anon.
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>smug space invader from planet oppai
>can totally conquer earth on your own
>crush puny resistance
>decide to make yourself even bigger with your size ray
>lose to cock
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One more for the road
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This might just be the best lora baked so far when it comes to what levels of environment interaction it can make.
Nice, maledom couple content is mega rare.
It's an occasional mood but when it hits, it's fun to have the all-powerful giant girl betrayed by her own biology and turned into a quivering mess
I want to make my own images about giantess lolis but I don't know which one to use, I guess I could use Stable diffusion on my pc but I don't understand the tutorial well
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SD is literally your only choice in that regard. Everything that isn't local on your PC is censored in some aspect or another. I use the Fooocus UI, which is possibly the worst in terms of results, but also dumb simple to use, I suggest you look into it and eventually move to more complex SD interfaces.
>SD is literally your only choice in that regard
No, >>11116867 can also use NAI, which would actually make him save quite a lot of time, since it's simply "write and go".
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But can NAI generate loli?
Yes. Strengthening the "loli" taga and maybe even adding the "child" tag might be necessary, but with the right artist and context it comes out pretty well.
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Well, I'm persuaded. Hoping no day comes where they decide it's problematic and wipe the tag and adjacent tags out.
is there a reason noone has trained any gts artist lora on flux yet?
I would love it if in 4 and 5 the water had some transparency that allowed you to see the rest of her legs.
>Not a lot of people into size to begin with
>Not a lot of people from this subset who use imgen AI
>Not a lot of people out of that that who use Flux
>Even less who are capable of and willing to train
We're possibly looking at actually handfuls of possible candidates around the world.
Out of the box pony doesn't do partially under water shots, There is a lora for it but It doesn't lend itself to giantess content consistently.

I need to add the full res versions of the six in the artist comparison, and many other images, to my mega over the weekend,
Feel free to shout at me should I forget.
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hmm thats a good point, it definitely is a niche within a niche within a niche
i guess people are also still waiting on a pony tier finetune of flux that will never come, so it just wont do nudes as well
if nothing good releases in 2 weeks and if i figure out how to train a lora on 8gb vram i might just have to try it myself then
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Is this allowed?
I have paid for the NAI premium, any advice on how to get giant lolis?
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Magical girl infighting!
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I wouldn't report it but I remember that some images featuring Amy were mass-deleted by mods in one of the previous threads. However, considering that >>11102610 is still up, even your pic might be kept.
Tags such as "loli" and "petite", "flat chest", "child" along with the obvious "giant", "giantess" tags should already give you decent results although, like for other subjects, you should keep in mind that also the artist tags and the context (dressing, location) can play a big role. Check the guide in the OP for more artists or check on Danbooru.
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Video maker
It's as restrictive as any of the other free ones but they're native Chinese speakers. Haven't managed to get an actual anime yet but there are plenty of people with examples of 3DCG

Maybe some giantess stuff would work?
Best I could do after several tries. It does accept bikini model so I went with Giant Anime Bikini Model
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Anyone got any tips for doing giantess images with Perchance? Been trying it out for awhile with not too great results and while the people there are helpful, theres no dedicated place on that site to find info / tips aside from the many cluttered chatrooms. I already know about using Guidance Scale btw.
Please don't use a tripcode for no reason, I filter all tripcodes and couldn't find this thread
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I have uploaded about 70 images of the Klaxosaur Princess to my AIgens Mega folder here: https://mega.nz/folder/QSJWyDJa#Qe9YvZ5OKcRpdF5HYOKrhA
I made the folder upon request of someone in the main /d/diffusion thread some time ago and I don't think I explicitly shared it here.
It has fair amount of size content, the highest concentration being in the Klaxosaur Princess folder.
But you'll probably find size stuff in just about all other folders too. A small warning there's quite a lot of futanari gens present.
Also just about all images should have the generation metadata embedded.
it was an accident.
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>you're betrayed by your adventuring party and offered up as a sacrifice to a cute temple goddess so she'll let them pass into her treasure vault
have you had any luck making a lora for her (>>11115613)?
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Made a little comic over the weekend to practice inpainting with ADetailer. I think I'll continue it next week, with something more appropriate for this board... (I am never using the monochrome prompt again it is a nightmare)
I really really like this one! It's such a simple premise but the fact that there's something happening makes it feel more alive than the majority of one-off pictures in this thread.

>to be continued... maybe?
God! Yes! Please!
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Those are great - beautiful style and clever compositions. Plus bratty giantesses = always based.

I've got a question for the creator of the yilx lora - is there a keyword to regenerate a destroyed cityscape? I had to remake the background a few times and it always comes out more intact than I'd like whenever it's remade.

And here's a Bunny from TFD. Shame the only loras for her are realistic and mesh really badly with anime styles.
nice job anon, need giant Shiki if possible
Hailey's ability should have turned her giant
If nexon knew what was good for'em they let you pay to make the girls bigger!

Been grinding out this game over the past two weeks. Didn't think I'll get into it this much.
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>game featuring titular heroine turning giant never ever
Why are they so allergic to money?
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I shouldn't double post, but... pantsu peek or full showoff?
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Very awesome, can you do something similar with Alia from Mega Man X? I know there are some Loras with her.
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The original creator would have wanted the second one, apparently he wanted as many panty shots as possible
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me whenever my gacha drops a survey
>Please give big lady, thanks
Huh, AI is getting pretty good
I'll try in the next few days!
That's actually the reason I even went and got a Roll LoRa. Clearly the more embroiled in dramas you are, the bigger you get. Loving your fairy btw.
They make gachas about anything, from ships to actual cats - one day someone will realize what's missing.
That's Tsukuyomi, isn't she? She's such a good candidate for size.
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Ty. Originally I was trying to make the Pixie from SMT and put her in a ruined city and the A.I said:
>Sure but SHE'S the reason it's ruined
and made her a giantess.
since that other anon seems to have gone silent, just going to ask again generally in the hope someone can do it; would someone be willing to try to make a lora of Bernoulli from Crash Fever (>>11115613)? really, really want to be able to make giga giantess content with her but just can't seem to have any luck with making/getting a lora. will also share this one giga giantess ai image i was able to get of her, though the person who did so didn't give any prompts or lora they might have used so sadly i can't use it to make any new ones
wish I could help, but I'm clueless when it comes to making loras
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I tried doing some edits, im assuming this is still allowed here.
Sorry, saw your follow up and meant to respond, I’ve just been super busy with work the past few days. I’m not that familiar with Pixiv, but I poked around and wasn’t really able to find much/any fanart of her. I tried searching the tags and the first one you suggested only gave like 5 total results, which wasn’t super helpful. Do you have any direct links, or do I need a logged-in account?

I used “destruction” when tagging, but other than that I didn’t distinguish destroyed vs intact cityscapes.
ah no worries, just been having some difficulty so was getting a little concerned, but thanks for still wanting to help out! afaik characters from that game usually aren't tagged directly for some reason which might make it a bit tricky (and my suggestions were more for google search than pixiv search), so i grabbed a bunch of images and put them into this zip file to hopefully help: https://files.catbox.moe/kbg801.zip
(files called official01 and official02 are her official outfits, and official03 is an official alternate outfit)

there is a least one artist on pixiv who has drawn her a decent amount that you can find by searching "bernoulli pixiv" on google, though don't know how much of his art you'd want to use
also if possible it would be nice if the lora was for pony/sdxl but i understand if not
any tips on getting a clean "sitting on planet" prompt? Whenever I tried I kept getting ground and random crap all over the place.
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Sloppy edit and gens, but I wanted to share with people ITT who are into M/f. Maybe someone else likes it.
ofc traps should have shrunken goddesses in their panties while they go on with their day.
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Thanks anon. You know your lora is good when the actual guy it's based on drops a like on it.
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>be Yilx
>have anon lurking on a Taiwanese image board spend a long time to collect and tag all your works
>install SD and start generating endless pics based on your art style
>draw some adjustments when needed
>sell your newly generated pics on Patreon
This but unironically.
Wow. I'm honored to have my degeneracy signed off on by the actual artist. I wouldn't even mind if he used it to pump out more art, desu - as far as I'm concerned the whole point of making and sharing it is to increase the amount of size stuff on the Internet.

Tagged and trained an initial LoRA on the dataset you posted. Pic combines the result at weight 0.9 with the Yilx LoRA. I think it probably needs some more work (right now it either cooks faces or misses details on her clothes) but it's clearly doable.

I'll keep tinkering, but if you'd be up for putting together some additional images (ideally in other styles or that show her full body in other poses) I can tag/train on those too and it'd probably help.
Looking great so far! I went and tried to scrounge up some more pictures, mainly a few from the game's discord made for that previously mentioned artist.
Hopefully these help: https://files.catbox.moe/u3hkfy.zip
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I really like this one! Would love to see some more giant Fern.
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What prompts are decent for generating floating islands, like in this one?

any time I tried 'floating island' or 'floating landmass', I never really get what I'm going for.
"floating island,sky, sky island, grass,rocky islands" are what i used here but do consider that 99% of this image is inpainted, there is basically nothing left from txt2img aside from the sky.
The way i got this was basically making a canyon-like structure then inpainting the grass and buildings later.
Same. I love images of tinies recieving fellatio from giant girls, but I can't manage to generate images like that
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what are our thoughts on huge asses?
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"Too much of a good thing" is a psyop
Are requests allowed? If so I'm requesting either a female centaur with a huge ass or a futa centaur drowning a city in cum. If centaurs aren't allowed then my request is either of those two things but with Weiss Schnee instead of the centaur
My gens melt the hell out if I try to sneak taurs in, but I second this and would like to see what other anons can cook.
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I might be able to fulfill your request later tonight. Are there any specific art styles you're looking for? In case of Weiss Schnee, do you mean the Disney or Rwby one?
>Are there any specific art styles you're looking for?
I'll leave that up to you. Just nothing muscular. I don't know why but I hate muscles on girls/futa
>In case of Weiss Schnee, do you mean the Disney or Rwby one?
The RWBY one. I've never even heard of a Disney character with that name before lol
Here. Hopefully noone will report me for this pic: it should count as "monster girl" so it should be allowed. Unofrtunately I wasn able to get decent gens on the AnimeV3 model, so I had to switch to the Furry V3 one on NAI.
>I've never even heard of a Disney character with that name before lol
Weiss Schnee stands for White Snow in german.
monster girls are perfectly valid /d/ material. Good gen too!
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>>11120894 continuing this
Sorry for the sudden change from greyscale to colored, but after I realised I can just greyscale anything in photoshop, I figured why bother? Also sorry if the last panels are rushed wanted to finish part 2 this weekend.
Also thanks for the praises from part 1. <3
See you all next week hopefully...
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This is so hot! Thanks, anon!
How do you guys make couples? It is all just 2girls gacha or do you actually impaint each character individually in? It's been a serious headache for me.
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The first one
nice work
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Regional prompting for more control, best results.
That would require Stable Diffusion.
How does that work? Is it an addon to the regular SD or?
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Been experimenting inkling boys and girls
It looks like your experiment has been quite successful. Though we may need to see a bigger sample size of test results to make sure your research is replicable.
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How does that work?
it lets you split up your prompts in columns, rows or even cells in a grid.
what you prompt in such a region, will most strongly apply to that region, and have some overlap with neighboring regions, this can be a good or a bad thing.
pic related is a simple example with three column regions: the middle region has most of the prompt for best girl standing in a park, while the two regions on both sides have a pair of tags for the city. this gives the impression that she's standing in a green area surrounded by cityscape
>Is it an addon to the regular SD or?
It's an extension for the most commonly used UI for working with SD, Automatic1111 or it's derivatives like Reforge: https://github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-regional-prompter
A fair warning doing: things with 2 or more characters can be a lot of rng.
Just begging for a fart edit.
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Really great stuff! This is NAI I take it?
I'm not sure, probably NAI
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If the anon that made this is still here, I've been thinking of making an ai chatbot of her. I'd post it here for everyone to use.
here she is https://chub.ai/characters/kopye/nala-dcee2e4beb90
you can chat with her there, or download the png and use it on kobold lite or anything that accepts png cards
Yeah, I'm still here and I've been here since the first thread of /gdg/, since I've been the OP of all threads but this one.
I should confess that I never tried a chatbot before, but the one you have made seems to be pretty cute and fun to play with.
Nice job!
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>you know the rules
>you have to take off another piece of clothing for losing
That's pretty cool, you'd almost think it isn't AI at all. The style reminds me of Rakia?
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It's definitely only subtly wrong.
>The style reminds me of Rakia?
It's the KKasi00 lora from civit.
picrel is the promt lightly adjusted and with the Rakia lora from civit. it seems to go for dirty feet and socks by itself faster than most, so I gave Asuka white socks.
it's not that 'rakia-like' I feel.
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And to continue on style loras from civit for size, The Yilx and Terada ochiko ones made be fellow anons are great.
But the Zenkisu one I like a lot too.
just curious, have you made any additional progress, and did the extra images help?
Yeah, I was able to make some more progress with the extra images. Currently it works, but biases the image a lot even without the trigger word, and it tends to distort character poses too; doing tests on and off to try and fix those issues. Regularization images helped, and playing with different hyperparameters also makes a big difference.
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caught a cold so I could only do 4 panels this week, will continue it tho
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Make it good at drawing tiny people even if they're literally just stickmen
Anyone know if there are ways to bypass censorship on yodayo? It's still functional for 95% of the stuff I want but anything with exposed boobs/asses/vags throws it off.
I mean at that point you could just draw the stickmen on top of the image yourself
So good
That is indeed what I'm doing, but it's a hassle if I want like 100 of them
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I played around with it for a while, great stuff anon
The sweat can really elevate a giantess rampage
yeah that is definitely something that could be improved on greatly
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fuck forgot picrel
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Been busy trying to gen more vore content using inpainting. This one didn't come out too bad!
Anyone managed to use KLING or Pika to generate sizey videos?
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I'm getting giantesspilled by these anon
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New to getting this stuff generated, tried some vore stuff. Looking for any tips from others more familiar with stuff like NovelAI
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Finally got around to making an interactive with an anime engine. It's a super-hero/kaiju themed setting.
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I believe a vore pic or two were used by whoever trained this lora
Interactive? whats that? like a chatbot?
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Finally decided to start working with comfyui and the spagett. The extra tools is nice for hires stuff.
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Just a heads up for anyone not aware. New local model call noob ai came out a couple of days ago. From a few quick gens it seems pretty decent at giantess stuff. I was able to get girls to get some building interaction without much trouble.
how well can it do tinies? shrink stuff is always really hard to get right with these models from the get go
that looks pretty interesting, got a link to it?
Not sure. I just did a few quick gens earlier to see what is was like compared to pony and didn't try to prompt tinies.

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Been playing around with it, taking some getting used to after fucking with ponyxl for months. Seems better at picking up more anime,gacha,manga characters which is nice.
and this is right out of the box with no loras? looks really nice, catbox?
>where's the tiny?
oh shit I'm sorry I thought this was the regular /d/iffusion thread
Nono, we can salvage this! Just inpaint a little girl straddling one of the tentacles, or getting pinned against the big one's stomach! There's potential here!
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group photo!
Can someone generate a giantess picture of kaguya from Naruto, I wanna make an RP bot, preferably if she's blushing and reaching down towards viewer and red /sky moon. Dalle 3 and NAI don't know her
That's a great composition. I take it you added the growth effect via later shopping than through prompt, right?
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Correct, everything besides the sign and the growth effect is ai generated, those 2 things are manually edited in, bcs i thought it would be too empty/boring otherwise
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Damn thats a nice gen, any pointers for upscaling?
will check it out since been messing with A1111 but just suck at prompts
great work
how is the lora going? been a couple weeks
Are these with the new checkpoint noob ai? The destruction effects are phenomenal.
I've stuck with the other illustriousSPO fine-tune. Noobai looks promising but it seems rough. And I think I know what artist its referencing for the giantess gens I've prompted.
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Would you share the prompt/loras/checkpts used for >>11145286 ? REALLY dig the style and composition.
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I always want to try it, det everything up juat to do my stuff in automatic anyway lmao, any good guides for that?
>anal vore
Ah i see, another man of culture
no clue, still dont even really understand what that is, like serverhosted sd?
Looks more like she's being turned into her asshole than sucked into it but that's still hot
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Here the lines are somewhat clearer
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AI has finally reached the level I require.
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was going to message you on rule 34 but noticed it said you were banned, are you unable to be contacted there?
Idk how what website works desu, I sent and received messages on r34 so i am not sure what banned even means there.
If you check the sources of the images there are other websites u can contact me on either way.
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>obscure gacha hags
woah, how'd you get that style? i like the areola
holy shit top tier waifu pick.
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Went for a little bit of a different style
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Had some good multibreast...
Find Jesus.
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The eclipse lora pretty much carries the entire prompt visually, areolas included. For the environment I used both the ochiko and yilx loras at lower strengths (0,6) so they don't corrupt the character too much.
Gotta love them
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Happy Halloween fellow genners!
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Wrong thread, my friend.
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>an obsessive stalker is one thing
>but imagine she is 10 feet tall
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this should have been The Power
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whats a good prompt to get a more detailed landscape
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What were you editing exactly?
Well besides the obvious ones I added the lines on her head, polished most of the face and removed a lot of ai trash on the outlines and stuff merging
Huh, not too bad. Are you able to draw stuff outright, or are you mostly only able to edit AI generated pics?
No,I cannot draw myself, but some edits are done by a friend that can actually draw and makes standard art.
Huh, and they don't have any problems with AI art stuff?
He is fine with it if it's not pure unedited ai slop, he likes the results most of the time
That's kind of funny considering he is the person editing the AI art you bring him, but fair enough.
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