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"Mods fucked with the catalog" edition
Post dudes with boobs or in the process growing them. Previous threads:
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QOTD: What do you think of BB on female/futa?
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Might as well link my newest story again, if anyone else's interested.


I haven't done any fanfics yet, but I'm considering doing one based off this Speed of sound Sonic pic, but giving him a boygina. The idea that anon had for his boy parts withering away from his nuts getting punched and turning into a fat nudist bimbo is right up my alley.
Please make a story out of this, the world needs more fat nudist bimbo content
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haven't seen this artist post their boy in quite a while, hope they're alright
i think it's insanely hot and pretty hilarious, i wish there was more of it!
Did something happen to the BustyBoy Booru?
Wait a minute did we get autosaged?
File deleted.
False alarm, Nevermind.
God Bless Boys with Big Boobs.
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Yeah, I can't seem to access the website. Anyone know what's happening with it?
I'm Kuroki, the main guy who managed and moderated the site. The other guy who hosts the website and owns the domain randomly went M.I.A and pulled the plug on everything he ever hosted including BBBooru. I'm not sure where he is or if the site will ever go back up, but if it does I'll announce it here.

On the bright side I have a backup of the entire thing so the data isn't completely wiped.
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The tl;dr is that the site being down is beyond my control.
As a poorfag I'm also not able to host the site myself despite still having a backup of it. Like everyone else I'm also hoping it'll go back up asap.
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At this point, you're better off making a big-ass MEGA folder of your collection
Thought about it, and it's what I might do.
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god i wish that was my dad
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artist is dragonicxs
Rejoice, it's back up
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Don't like futa but BB on female is hot, especially if the BB is humiliating the girl
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Hi, that’s actually me! My Twitter got nuked for reasons beyond my understanding. I made a new one (BustyKai2) and am also on Bluesky now where I post from time to time! And of course Patreon stuff…
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BB on female is insanely underrated, especially if it involves the BB mogging the female over how much bigger his boobs are compared to hers
Hey dude, I love your art! So much of it is super sexy, you're definitely a top-tier BB artist. BTW, I'd recommend ditching Xitter entirely since it's been banned in Brazil and moving to BlueSky
A long time ago there was a busty boy with big eyebrows. One of the pics was of him going "Yes they are real."
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Glad you're still with us, I have a folder full of Busty Kaido. It's heartening to know there's females out there that share my kink.
Was that the one where they're at first accused of having beach balls under their shirt?

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Love how manly this one looks
feed him his own milk
probably because it’s ai
Not that I really care much, but when was "no AI" a hard rule on this board/thread? Given how little BB stuff is out there, seems odd.
no issue at all, but it got deleted so I was guessing that was the reason. also most people frown upon it here.
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So how do you prefer your Bustyboys? Do you prefer them being effeminate, masculine, or more something in the middle?
super feminine, but acts super brash and dudebro,
Sadly, I can’t give you an exact sauce, but I can give you the link to the Rule34 page where I found it. Warning though The artist rarely does Bustyboy content and mostly does fat fetish stuff, so enter at your own risk. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=8956617
Feminine looking at the least
Busty Boys that are incredibly masculine look weird to me ngl
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I like both but prefer the ones that look androgynous. Though if it's going to be masculine BB I'd rather them look young like picrel than the bara type. You know, big old mid 60's man with huge pectorals. Not my thing.
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hard to choose but i think buff or muscular bustyboys are doing it to me the most
another alternative are regularly-shaped guys with ridiculously huge tits
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Isn't this just a flavor of futa?
No, because the point of this is the same as cuntboys or ambush threads- them being guys despite the bodies is the whole point.
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Body-wise i like to write them as absurdly feminine as possible. What makes it hot for me is a guy suddenly having to deal with his body transforming into that of a massively voluptuous bbw/milf. The whole boygina thing just being the icing on the cake. The idea that even while completely naked they'd still be unrecognizable as anything remotely male, when their very manhood has withered away into nigh-nothingness.

Personality-wise I don't have a specific preference, but a contrasting personality's more fun. Their masculine mind fighting an uphill battle against their body. That's one of the reasons why i want to write one starring Sonic from OPM, he's got this haughty, delusionally proud personality about his strength and expertise, and contrasting that with having the body of a breeding sow makes it way hotter.

Speaking of, did you read my newest story? I tried writing Nate like that, and if you have any ideas or suggestions for him, i'm all ears.
For reference, I had this pic in mind when creating him, but with a big, jiggly belly and the aforementioned soft, oozingly sensitive boy-slit.
Lewdbeef for the first one
That's what futafags want you to think
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This shitpost from the nagatoro thread on /a/ is hotter than it has any right to be.
Did Nagataro do this to him?
It seems like she would do this to him, somehow.
Love this pic, I remember there was a super hot greentext with it a few threads ago.
Could you link it?
I'd like some more literature.
Requesting a proper redraw of this from any and all drawfags ITT
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I didn't write that one, but i liked it so much that it actually inspired Nate altogether.

Belkadog has an oc that's already really close to a busty Hachiouji.
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Ah, yes. Nick, who I believe BelkaDog has stated as being inspired by Harry Potter, actually
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Different boy actually, He's named James.
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>regularly-shaped guys with ridiculously huge tits
so much yes.
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This doodle in particular is great. I can see the poor guy now getting mobbed by girls left and right, desperate for a sip to boost their own busts...
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>mobbed by girls
Who's to say there aren't a few guys out there who want tits as big as his?
I came across a porn gif of a guy with a micropenis, and it's possibly the closest thing to an IRL boygina that exists... for now.
>(insert redgifs URL here)slimblaringcarpenterant
Question for you all: What is something you wish was touched upon in Busty Boy stories
Me personally I want to see how other people (especially women) react to busty boy's
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1) More busty boy in hetero relationships, maybe sharing bras even.
2) Busty boys by choice instead of having it forced on them by circumstance.
3) Busty boys inducing lactation, and having some ethical dilemma but ultimately breast feeding a small child.
4) Put into a circumstance where they're pressured to be topless, like a beach where men aren't allowed to wear bikini tops because that would count as cross dressing.
5) Busty boy is relentlessly mocked for having huge moobs, struggles, but ultimately deals with it by toughening up and wearing more revealing cloths in defiance.
6) Busty single dad is giving his teenage daughter boob advice.
7) There's a busty boy convention, they share boob-related life hacks, discus niche difficulties like getting a good bra while having a male torso, inspiring stories, have a biggest boobs competition, pool party, and have a speed dating event to meet women that are into busty boys.
8) A story where a busty boy runs through an improbable series of inconveniences related to having big tits.
I’d like to see how male clothes becomes prettymuch an impossibility, forcing them into women’s clothes.
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>I wanna see other people (especially women) FUCK busty boys

I wanna see 1 and 2
>But especially 4, 5, and 7
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1) Boyish young boy (late elementary school, early middle school) starting to grow
2) Getting embarrassed by his mom making him wear a bra
3) The school making him wear a girl's swimsuit during swim classes
4) Him boys starring at his chest
5) Growing too big for is school uniform shirt, having to wear a girl's top
6) Getting unconformable around boys and befriending girls instead
*4) Him noticing boys starring at his chest
I definitely want more antics with BBs in school, but not young boy. Moreso college-aged young adults.
>More busty boy in hetero relationships, maybe sharing bras even.
for reasons I do not understand, this one sounds really hot to me
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Next chapter i do with Nate i'm thinking will focus on his home life and school life. Any suggestions for what you'd like to see?
> "U-uh, hon? Did you do laundry?"
> "Not yet, why?"
> "I'm out of chest binders and I'm already late."
> "You should have plenty left in your underwear drawer."
> "I must've used them, they're gone."
> "You used 28 binders in one week?!"
> "I told you, I don't want the guys finding out about my tits. They keep getting bigger so I wear them tighter, but that just makes me express more milk and makes them make more! I keep having to order milk at the bar so people don't suspect the smell!"
> "Shit. Well I'm out of sports bras, I'm already down to lingerie. Go pick out a nice lacy one, I'll get the heavy duty band-aids for your nips."
Lots and lots of sex. Sex with family members, sex with teachers, sex with fellow classmates, sex with random strangers... just more sex in general.
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Personally, I would like to see more stories where the Bustyboy has completely come to term with his boy tits, But everyone else around him are still just utterly baffled by it, something like

>I don’t know why people keep staring at my tits. It’s honestly kinda rude.
>Dude… you’re a guy with a massive pair of tits. Of course people were going to fucking stare! That’s not normal!
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Steven sure has some big and smooth Stones
danbooru is possibly killing the BB tag soon and if it goes through gelbooru will be next. save shit while you can before the futafags ruin everything. also shoutout to that last commenter who is probably lurking in this thread.
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Of course it’s going to fucking be… God, it feels like this thread is like the only place on the Internet where busty boy content is actually respected
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That's retarded but I guess that's what happens when your fetish is too niche.
There is a booru exclusively for busty boys (bbbooru) but it's been down since yesterday. There's also chounyuu which has threads and a booru-style gallery. Rule 34 also has a busty boy tag but with how faggy mods are some pics are bound to be mistagged as futa/1girl and locked.
>danbooru is possibly killing the BB tag soon
It's a bulk request with 3 mehs and 3 no votes. It's probably not gonna go through. That doesn't mean people won't vandalize BB posts though.
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Yeah, I know there’s other websites that hold of this kind of stuff but for one reason of another, they’re just not as pleasurable to look through as a thread.
Like Rule34 busty boy tag is just full of obese furrys which I do not want to see while I try to find busty boy stuff, Chounyuu considers BB to be “off-topic” so they shut down any thread about it, there is a thread about it on the Meta part of the site, but it’s not really active. And for bbbooru I already go to every once in while, but as you said it’s down. So all I have right now is this thread
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I wanna milk his boytiddies fucking dry.
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Extremely feminine in appearance, but still boyish in demeanor and fashion. Mixed attitudes towards crossdressing. Blatantly fake tits are also a plus.
Shy, self conscious Busty Boy to Bimboy when?
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Another shitpost from /a/, still hotter than it has any right to be. Also,
>Busty Boy Best Man has to fill in last minute as bachelor party stripper
>Constant embarrassment as he jumps out of the cake buck naked and shaking his fat tits for his best friend the groom, who along with the other party goers relentlessly mock their well-endowed friend while groping his voluptuous body and fucking him in a drunken gangbang.
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Here's some busty boy transformation, featuring girl childhood best friend getting BE.

hot as fuck
I don't want them to be too masculine but I really want it to be different from sissification and shemales, otherwise what's the point? Reasonably big dick, no bimbo lips / eye shadow /anything that'd make them look like a generic shemale. You really need to sell the idea that they would be in the mens' baths or hanging out with the bros instead of whoring out on a street corner.

You need a character that straight-ish men wouldn't fuck but would very nervously fuck if they had oversized tits. Smaller chests with lactation is also good, or obscene nipples.
pb (theycallhimcake) is right on the money for a brash and assertive type of bustyboy. Most of the art is near-borderline furry so I'm only posting the human version but features like the dudebro cap, the dudebro speech and the lack of feminine markers such as eyeshadow are absolutely crucial for avoiding
>this is just a shemale
I noticed the site was dying all week but if the blotter is anything to go by it seems like now it's actually back to stay
Maybe we should add it to the next op
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paizuri from a dude sounds so good man
anyone else not able to favorite things, like the buttons gone, or is it just me
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You probably clicked on Post Controls and it hid all buttons
Not extremely feminine but also not bara. Something like picrel.
clicking on post controls only shows tag and source history, also notice that i get an error when clicking on my favorites list, but seeing others seems to work fine
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why is pittori the only japanese artist who actively draws BB stuff
i feel like ive seen others
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At what point would you say that a bustyboy stops actually being a bustyboy, and just starts being a regular woman that's being called a man?
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there's definitely a few others but i said actively. pittori will just make at least 4 BB posts per month. seems he's been trying to branch out into non-BB yaoi recently though.
i mean probably never, theyd still have a peen and arent a tranny so theyre forever a bustyboy, even if they wear womens clothing but still call themselves a dude, that stilll counts
If you make them a cuntboy
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>At what point do you go from busty boy to regular woman?
Female genitals alone could include a busty cuntboy, so I'll say female sex organ plus characteristic female dimorphisms (bone structure, face shape, skin softness, pubic hair patterning and density, etc).
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I'm of the belief of that as long as he was born with a penis he's a boy. So even if he was fully genderswapped with a womb and ovaries, whether it be by magic or sci-fi brain transplantation, he's still a boy.
That said, I think to qualify as a busty boy specifically, fully male genitals are necessary, whether they be a 2 foot-long schlong with melons for balls or a tiny dimple of foreskin nestled in a puffy boygina.

The only differences between a Busty Boy and a Shemale would be their personality and how they see themselves, Busty Boys for all intents and purposes being femboys with tits.
For me it's a bit like traps/otokonokos - regardless of how they look if the creator says it's a guy then it's a guy.
i dont care, they both are donna get breeded real hard
this story is insane (insanely horny inducing)
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>3B is suddenly filled with western garbage and furshit
Can we not turn this into the same thing as rule34's busty_boy tag
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Series about men taking an underground breast expansion drug that makes them want to cross dress as a side-effect:

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My all time favorite busty boy hentai: Copipe
A super science drug results in a boy getting a copy of busty girl's tits, and she gets a copy of his dick. I think this is the right balance of masculine/femininity for a busty boy character, he's not a femboy, but he's close enough to passingly cross-dress. Also, the tits being quite big but not cartoonishly big, lactating, the heterosexual relationship, and the supporting cast really comes together in this one.

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My second favorite, Lucky Girls 2

It's the classic "guy accidentally gets breast implants" setup, but a little bit of gay tranny sex convinces him to accept it.


There's also a decent sequel to this vignette
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Having had a fetish for having my own tits since age 13, this hentai about a preteen boy getting temporary tits has been a long time favorite.

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Busty boy from the 90's

Boy gets injected with female hormones and has big tits next year.

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More old busty boy

Science drugs, unusual because the character willfully decides to go through with it.

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I feel like you have to go back in time to vintage busty boy content to find a decernably male character, who's not too masculine, and who doesn't have a fucked up tiny dick or a weird little dick cage thing. I don't know what it is, but there's a type like a salt shaker cap, fastened down to prevent erections, always bothers me.

What's up with new production busty boy content? Why the feminized bodies and tiny dicks like they've been taking current hormone technology? Is the humiliation kink dominate, and wanting to have your own sexy tits second? I know we've always been niche compared to sex-change hentia, but if you're going to keep the dick, can't it be at least an average sized dick?

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Drew a quick thing with Len. Figured I'd post it here.
“Ew, stinky Westerners. Get out! Japanese is superior!”
Can you quit complaining like a bitch, grow some balls and handle a little bit of fur?
>like a bitch, grow some balls
you have to be 18 or older to browse this site
>and handle a little bit of fur?
not wanting to see furshit is a completely reasonable desire, and if you don't understand that, you have furshit brainrot
Not that anon but furshit is thankfully filtered by default. The tagging on that site is better than rule34's so it doesn't really escape the filter.
Also I'm starting to realize that people really like Len with tits. I hope to see BB art of the other vocaloids too like Piko and Kaito.
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These are functionally indistinguishable from futas. What'm I missing that makes them different?
Personality, dudebro attitude. sees themselves as male with nothing out of the ordinary
That they're guys with boobs and not girls with dicks

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