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> What is a eunuch? A eunuch is an individual who formerly possessed male genitals and had either their testicles removed or BOTH their testicles and penis removed. This means that at the very minimum, a eunuch must not have testicles.

> Cis, Trans and Futa all welcome

> ABSOLUTELY NO PENECTOMY (unless it meets the above caveat) OR CIRCUMCISION CONTENT OR DISCUSSION, if you want a circumcision/penectomy thread, make one
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Keeping everything preserved in a jar and put on display is the best. I know I’d love to have that if and when I decide to become a eunuch
Wasn't there another thread specifically for penectomy? Where the fuck did it go?
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Where do I find more of this?
that seems icky and would probably just end up a yellowish barely visible mess. Better option would be to make a cast of your dick and balls before and have a taxidermy model made like they do with fish. Then you could have a replica of your dick mounted on the wall reminding you of what you lost.
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It got pruned yesterday (clearly mods deleting it rather than it getting bumped off, otherwise the thread would show up in the archive).
I'm guessing mods felt it was too similar to this thread, but didn't realize this was a specifically no-penectomy-only thread? Kind of annoying honestly.

Oh hey, nice seeing my dumbass edit reposted. Have another
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There's a penectomy thread up rn. I dont think there was a penectomy thread before the mass deletion.
Oh nice, hadn't checked since yesterday. The one up until yesterday was def deleted, which presumably is what anon was referring to.
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>one shot at life
>didn't get to be a beautiful eunuch male escort
y even liv
if you put it in formaldehyde it lasts basically forever. It will damage the DNA but that's not really a problem here I suspect.
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God I wish this was me
You might not be beautiful, but it probably not too late for
> eunuch male escort
So trans escorts are a thing, does anyone actually promo as eunuch?
Think there would be some market for eunuch twink rentboys.
I mean dude if you want someone to chop your balls off if you're this skinny I will
Where are you from?
As much as I desire to be castrated I probably will never get to undergo the procedure due to the fact that there is no one I am close enough to who I would allow to cut off my balls.

Any cutter that I let work on me needs to be someone I am emotionally and sexually comfortable with. I was in contact with a hot female cutter who was about half a year younger than me and had actual experience with castration however that fell through the floor for a variety of reasons.
Honestly beauty standards for eunuchs (at least non-trans eunuchs) are so fucking low. Unless anon is actually disgusting, he'd probably be able to be a male escort, just because eunuch supply is so rare.
Evidence; there are p large twitter accounts for castrated guys, who're p ugly or just bland and don't show their face. They get a lot of attention for being some of the only people fulfilling the demand. If I end up feeling like my life is going nowhere, I'm just gonna do this as a backup career.
> dont be physically or mentally disabled
> dont be overweight or have bad hygiene
> dont have balls
> make bank

You could probably skip the irl shit and go straight to making porn. I know for a fact that there is a market for porn involving normal looking (or above average, specifically twinks/femboys who are not trans) guys who are eunuchs.

no imperial eunichs (testicles and penis off)?

Read the OP again.

That's a good looking eunuch
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I think its hot when other trans girls get their balls snipped, but I don't think I want to do it myself. Freshly shaven balls just feel too good, plus having them there, non functional from the estro, is kind of hot...
If I was with a girl who REALLY wanted me to get rid of them and dommed me into it as an act of submission, I guess I could be coerced into it tho.
>non functional kinda hot
I know that feel. I’m personally wanting to get snipped myself though. They’re really just in the way for me at this point
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Bumping with a couple more from MeruMeru.
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Normalization of mass human castration when?
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Does anyone have any more images where the balls are removed/sucked out through the penis? I found a few in old threads, but cant really find more.
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It's honestly sad how little this gets used in porn, it's even rarer than HRT/atrophy/ED. It's way more common for magical gender change/TSF in hentai, or weirdly feminized boys for some reason have fat cocks that work regardless of the fact they're a hard bottom. I much prefer soft, flaccid cocks that have shrunk.
Anyone know what happened to MeruMeru?
R34 castration comic idea:

A fantasy kingdom has just won a war however their population is on a steep decline.
2/3rds of women born are futas, and futas are normally unable to give birth.
Because of this, all royal futas are publicly castrated as soon as they reach maturity in order to keep the blood lines intact, as a futa is able to become fertile a few months after castration.
A royal decree is passed requiring all futas to be castrated at or by the age of maturity in order to ensure a stable population.
Mass castrations happen, however a few futas escape to the countryside to avoid castration.
The plot centers around 3 futa sisters and their younger femboy brother.
One sister has had a desire to be castrated since she was young, before the decree, but is convinced by her siblings to not get castrated.
She always liked the idea of getting pregnant instead of impregnating a girl, and preferred to date men, whereas most other futas preferred others futas or women.
They escape to the countryside together, however as they are fleeing the one sister grabs a castration knife out of a bucket of severed testicles and sticks it in her belt
They live in the woods for a few months, but one day the sister who desired to be castrated sees 2 castrated futas walking along on a path, both pregnant and with small limp dicks. (it is common in this society for both futas and women to publicly display their genitals except when their work requires them to cover them up)
This drives the sister crazy and that night she takes the castration knife, ties off her balls, and then castrates herself.
She hides from her siblings for a few days and when she thinks she’s healed up enough she walks into the nearest town with her balls hanging off the end of her walking stick.
The townspeople are shocked to see such a freshly castrated futa as almost all futas were castrated within the first few weeks, and those town dwelling futas who weren’t were hunted down with prejudice.
She finds the local guard station and alerts them of 2 uncastrated futas living in the forest outside of the town, and they immediately send a group of hunters to go locate and castrate the futas.
The other siblings know they are being hunted, so they end up splitting up in 2 groups. The oldest sister separates herself while the younger sister and her femboy brother split off.
The older sister is found and tied to a tree. Instead of having her balls tied off, her entire genitalia is cut off as her punishment for being the oldest sibling but not having her younger sisters and herself castrated is to bleed out by castration.
The younger sister and femboy brother run but the brother trips and falls.
The brother screams for his sister but she doesn't hear him and keeps on running
The hunters find him and then castrate him because they couldn't catch his sister, saying that he’ll be a good fit for a position as a royal eunuch.
The last sister escapes, but is caught 2 years later.
As she walks up to the ball guillotine, she sees her brother, now a royal eunuch, and her younger sister, who is now married to a lord and pregnant watching her.
She places her balls in the vice, and the blade drops.
I think nonfunctional with preserved sex-drive is hot. There's a couple that used to post to xhamster before they deleted everything because some jackass doxxed them. And way she was castrated and her dick had shrunk to about an inch long and she couldn't get hard and only had dry orgasms and it was super hot.
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As nice as scrotal reduction looks seeing the castration scar is just such a large turn on.
Pretty hot, maybe punishment for the futa that don't willingly submit themselves get fully nullified so they don't even have a tiny limp cock. And those "men/boys" presenting feminine also getting snipped so they can be a third cumdump when the former futa are pregnant and unable to put out?
Yea that is probably something that would be easy to implement. I also think that the method of castration is something that would also be determined by social class. Royals would be castrated using a ball guillotine and would be given the chance between just the balls or balls and penis.

Farm girl futas would probably get burdizzo'd or just lay them on a stump and have them cut off.

It would also be common for futas to be castrated as is, as if a futa wanted to get pregnant she would have to get castrated.
It would be interesting to make a side story set in the same universe but earlier about futa farm girls who develop castration fetishes and cant wait to be castrated after seeing livestock get castrated.

Rural futas would probably already have had a near 100% castration rate as is because you cant have 2/3rds of your women be infertile in rural areas. It would probably not be uncommon for coming of age festivals to involve mass castrations as a common place.
>As much as I desire to be castrated I probably will never get to undergo the procedure due to the fact that there is no one I am close enough to who I would allow to cut off my balls.
I feel u on this... :c
>I was in contact with a hot female cutter who was about half a year younger than me and had actual experience with castration however that fell through the floor for a variety of reasons.
How the fuck did u manage to find her ?
And why did it fell thro ?
A. getting into communities where intense fetish content was discussed at around 15 years old
B. her personal life got too complicated to warrant the risk of preforming the procedure, she was also single at the time she was preforming castrations/offered to castrate me
The other thing is that becoming a cutter is a really risky line of work as it is essentially entirely illegal. Getting caught could result in jail time, and she didnt want that to fuck up her day job. The other thing is that in order to make real money, you're probably going to be preforming procedures on non-consenting individuals. Male sex slaves are still castrated from time to time and taught how to keep their libido and female circumcisions are also illegal in most of the western world despite there being a substantial underground market.
Really wished I could find someone to remove mine. :c
>getting into communities where intense fetish content was discussed at around 15 years old
Uhmm can u give us some clues ? Do u maybe mean like cults or what ?
>Male sex slaves are still castrated from time to time and taught how to keep their libido
Wym by this ? Where ? How does one end up like that ?
>Uhmm can u give us some clues ? Do u maybe mean like cults or what ?
It really just involved accidentally meeting the right people at the right time. I was introduced to her through a friend of a friend and she was involved in the underground body mod scene.

> Wym by this ? Where ? How does one end up like that ?
cutters often preform their services on individuals who dont consent.
>I was introduced to her through a friend of a friend and she was involved in the underground body mod scene.
Was the original reason for that related to anything sexual or it just happened by chance ?
>cutters often preform their services on individuals who dont consent.
Damn thats so fucking hot... can u explain a bit more wym exactly ?
Like is it ppl who do bdsm and the master takes the sub to get cut without the sub knowing whats gonna happen or what ? Pls give some examples
>Was the original reason for that related to anything sexual or it just happened by chance ?
It was completely by accident and had nothing to do with anything sexual.
>Damn thats so fucking hot... can u explain a bit more wym exactly ?
Its not really hot, as what I am talking about is legit human trafficking. castration without consent (unless its a part of a CNC relationship) is disgusting.
>she was castrated and her dick had shrunk to about an inch long and she couldn't get hard
Any good sauces for more stuff like that?
>Its not really hot, as what I am talking about is legit human trafficking. castration without consent (unless its a part of a CNC relationship) is disgusting.
Sorry but that sounds hot asf lol...
But why and how are males trafficed ? And why do they even get castrated ? I thought its only women that end up that way and rarely too.
Do u have any stories uve heard from the woman of them being castrated ?
>Do u have any stories uve heard from the woman of them being castrated ?

she only worked on individuals who consented. afaik she only preformed a handful of castrations, however I only met one individual she claimed to have castrated.
Saudi Arabia
It's illegal, but culturally accepted enough that a couple of years ago, some human-rights do-gooders flagged a "eunuch slave for sale" posting on a craigs-list type site.
The ones that aren't kidnapped are bought from poor families in east-europe countries where money is needed more than family. "Slavic" used to mean slave. Blue-eyed blonds are desired the most. They are castrated to make them more compliant/fuckable/not fucking the wives/daughters and used as domestic labor.
There is also a somewhat high demand for eunuch sex slaves for women too. I know that its somewhat of an issue in central and south America, but I dont know how big of an issue it is. I do find it interesting that white eunuchs with light hair are pretty much the universal go to.
>"Slavic" used to mean slave.
This is not true, of course. And your entire post sounds like fantasy.
> attractive males are not kidnapped/sold into sex slavery and castrated out of necessity/aesthetic value

Think about the world we live in. He also got it backwards, slave comes from slav if i am not mistaken.
>sounds like fantasy.
You sound like in denial of how fucked up and psychopathic humanity actually is.
he has backwards, the term slave came from slavs.
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So wish to have my testicles in a jar. :c
Anyone else tired of rule 34 artists not understanding how burdizzos work?
trans, but they didnt let me keep mine.. and most surgeons dont unless its for religious reasons apparently which is crazy..

ps wtf why is this captcha impossible to type WOW
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Very cute and hot. Like how the eunuch's little useless dick is being teased while they're used for the pleasure of proper men.
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Does anyone have any information on the supposed psychological and physical benefits of castration? I have heard from numerous people online that if you're careful about your diet afterwards and make sure to properly exercise it is almost exclusively a net positive procedure (minus not being able to reproduce).
>why is this captcha impossible to type
IQ is stored in the balls
>2/3rds of women born are futas
>castration needed for breeding
>method determined by social class
>Farm girl futas would probably get burdizzo'd
In a world where castration is linked to fertility I think getting more removed would be high status. Burdizzo is cheap and low risk so peasants get it. That means no cock removal, so farmgirl futas all have intact little dicklettes - usually too limp and shrunken for penetration, but plenty to stroke.
Now if 2/3rds of peasant women have cocks then futa cocks are low status. Middle class families would want them removed to show off the fact they can pay a physician's fee for a more invasive surgery. The daughters of tradesmen and merchants would therefore have their cocks docked down to stumps they can only stroke with finger and thumb.
In a medieval fantasy type setting a urethral reroute would be extremely difficult, only attempted by the greatest surgeons (I'm assuming futas only have a male urethra, since they are generally depicted having penile ejaculations rather than squirting like a woman). It would therefore be the exclusive privilege of the aristocracy to have total cock removal with no stump.
Rich futas would look down on (and secretly envy) poor futas for their ability to jerk off, seeing them as rougher and less feminine. Peasants would see their superiors (and possibly also women born without the futa gene) as prudish and uptight, and make bawdy jokes about how this results from having nothing to stroke.
I like this idea however I think that it would primarily be up to personal preference, but yes, there would probably be some kind of stigma saying that futas who got everything removed are more feminine or something of that manner. the other thing is that removal of the testes does not entirely prevent erections, and just like non-futa eunuchs, many futa eunuchs would be able to use their penises just like before, save the lack of semen.
finally some actual fucking sovl on this god damn site
The effects are basically 1-to-1 with lowered testosterone. Because that's what you're getting, and nothing else is really affected.
Having drastically low T (if you're not replacing it with estrogen) is generally pretty unhealthy long-term. Most people who get castrated take T supplements.
But you embrace take the effect of the lowered T, and take a relatively low amount of T supplements, and that has benefits (possibly longer life expectancy, no balding, lower aggression, etc.). But it wouldn't really be much better than taking an anti-androgen like finasteride at a high dose.
(nuanced detail; high doses of some anti-androgens might have some negative effects in their own right, so the castration+T supplements, might be healthier in that sense. I'm not too sure.)

Obviously you might also get psychological effects from, not having balls, in and of itself. If you like the idea of not having balls, then you'd probably be happy to not have balls.
I would need to look into that, however I have been told that the effects of castration, even when taking supplemental T, are significantly different than people who load up on finasteride/dutasteride (which negates DHT, the chemical which is no longer produced by being castrated resulting in health improvements). There seems to be some process (either chemical or psychological) which requires the removal of the testes in order to get the full effect.
Well yeah, if you're going all-in on low T, then castration is more thorough than anti-androgens.
But you'd only really want testosterone that low if you're going for mtf HRT, which I assume anon would've mention, if that's her goal.
Re-route to your taint.

/That pic is, per thread definitions, off topic
Miswrote this; I meant to say castration w/ antiandrogens is more effective than just anti-androgens.

I *think* castration alone is somewhat less effective, but not by a huge margin. It's also hard to draw a comparison, because anti-androgens vary in effectiveness by type and dosage.
Have you never heard of the urethra?
I worry for the guys in this thread. Please don't do shit you'll regret.
Castration is hot. Not only are balls generally visually unappealing, they also provide absolutely 0 sexual stimulation and are an all around liability. They essentially exclusively exist to make kids with, and even now medical tech has gotten to a point where you can simply freeze your sperm, get castrated, and take exogenous test and you will be at the same level or better.
yes I have already frozen a lot of sperm desu getting ready for next step
Frozen sperm only lasts a decade or so. Hrt can have unforseen consequences and you may need to stop it if there are medical complications. Youd also be paying for that testosterone the rest of your life.

Without testosterone you will suffer mood disorders, hot flashes, little to no sex drive, erectile dysfunction, penile atrophy all things that make sexual pleasure difficult to achieve not just for your partner but for you. And youll have difficulty building muscle mass and itll give you unusual fat distribution, it doesnt make you look like a femboy or trap it just makes you look like lord varys from game of thrones.

So instead of mutilating your body and taking drugs to bring back the functionality of a healthy organ you removed for a fetish why not just keep yourself intact and keep the sexual fantasy a fantasy.
Really want to have my testicles removed. :c
Unless I find a woman who's genuinely into this, my balls will be safe.
>It would be interesting to make a side story set in the same universe but earlier about futa farm girls who develop castration fetishes and cant wait to be castrated after seeing livestock get castrated.
The idea of futas starting to naturally crave castration and fantasize about it is hot. I've always preferred scenarios where even if not completely voluntary, the participants enjoy it.
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Nullos are so fascinating to me. It’s the combination of completely smooth and “pure” down there yet still having sexual urges that force you to find other means.

I don’t know, maybe I’m insane for kind of wanting to be one. I’d never do it voluntarily but if I did happen to lose my dick in an accident then I wouldn’t be as sad as some people would (at least at first).
thats just crazy
A significant chunk of women have castration fetishes due to the fact that they have been trained to hate men most of their life, the problem is that they will either consider you to be a pervert or a pushover if you also have the same fetish.

I would personally call it a kink and not a fetish. You can have a castration kink, but a eunuch fetish, as a kink is an activity, whereas a fetish is an attraction. Women generally have castration kinks, as they fantasize about castrating men, but they are repulsed by eunuchs (for the most part).

Every single woman I have talked to who has been in these kind of communities has said that the actual removal/active emasculation part is what is attractive, not the consequences of the procedure. If you find a girl who has a castration kink, she will probably demand an open relationship immediately afterwards or start cucking you. It would be significantly better to find a woman who has a eunuch fetish, however if she has a eunuch fetish there is probably a 100% chance she's only going to be using you as a boy toy when her man is away/doing other things.
The other problem that I forgot to mention is that if you want to be a true eunuch (ie no hrt after castration) it essentially requires the same amount of effort to stay physically and mentally healthy as a part time to full time job. Unless you're able to balance the near constant change in lifestyle with doing normal responsibilities you will need to find a partner who is able to support your new lifestyle. I have heard from some eunuchs that the post castration mental state is almost like a very clear brain fog, where some activities become almost impossible to complete while other activities (especially social and verbal activities) become extremely easy (sex work would be the go to option if you actually desired to work).

IIRC most anti-androgens give you an increased risk of certain kinds of cancers, specifically prostate cancer, while castration prevents those cancers, with all of the effects of anti-androgen. In my personal opinion, I would prefer to get castrated and then take just enough T to offset the negative side effects of the procedure. It seem to generally be better to remove something from a system than to add something which isnt supposed to be there in the first place, but thats just me.
>demand an open relationship
>using you as a boy toy when her man is away
Eunuchs are really made for cucking. Don't know what their experiences percentage is like. Are most just denied sex? Do they have better luck fucked by men?
>A significant chunk of women have castration fetishes due to the fact that they have been trained to hate men most of their life,
None of this is remotely true
If you lost your balls to cancer or an accident, and your on hrt and still have a functioning dick and sex drive they wouldnt give a shit unless they want kids. But women dont want men who voluntarily mutilate themselves with shriveled limp dicks. A surprising number of gay men dont give a shit either way though
Theres a nugget of truth in this, some feminist extremists are probably into it yeah but i imagine even among them the numbers are small
When I said

> A significant chunk of women have castration fetishes

I meant "more than what might be considered normal". I dont mean something like 1 in 4, or 1 in 8, its probably like 1 in 16 or some shit.
>she will probably demand an open relationship immediately afterwards or start cucking you
>however if she has a eunuch fetish there is probably a 100% chance she's only going to be using you as a boy toy when her man is away/doing other things
So uhhhh how is this bad ? Ngl this just makes it hotter and more appealing...
Now if only I could find one...
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Every weird fetish has guys who pretend that way more women are into it than actually are. Even for actually-common kinks there's guys out there who delude themselves into thinking *every* woman is into it.
Im only going off of the sample size of women who I have been around in kink communities. It is probably wayy less in some demographics. Everyone who I have known who was super into castration was female.
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Castration is arguably a very normie kink, the reason why it does not get brought up much is because both parties involved often dont have the balls to have their balls cut off or to cut off their partners balls. most mildly kinky women will have at least a passive interest in the topic however.

Pretty much every kink involving removal of a body part is arguably normie tier, as castration, penectomy and both kinds of circumcision have been around for thousands of years and have been practiced near continually since their origination.
>most mildly kinky women will have at least a passive interest in the topic however.
I wish this was true but I have never seen any proof of it.
Women have penectomy fetishes or subconscious desires not castration fetishes.

In real life, hundreds or possibly thousands of Han Chinese men and Thai men have their penises cut off by their wives, girlfriends or less commonly by female strangers. It happens all the time in Thailand, China, Taiwan and places where Chinese live.

Han Chinese have the largest population of dickless men whose penises were cut off by women.

The women destroy the penises or hide them to prevent reattachment.

Not one of the men had their testicles cut off. Even when the woman make sure to cut the penis as close to the base as possible.

The women seem to know that sexual desire comes from hormones produced by the testicles, and think punishing men means leaving them permanently horny but without the ability to relieve their desires.
Again, I'm just going off of what I myself have experienced. Everyone I have known who was serious in the castration kink sphere is a woman (I got into this kink because a female friend of mine introduced it to me), 2 out of my 3 ex's have admitted to either being into castration and wanting to castrate me (or wanting to have me castrated), and even if individuals do not have these thoughts to the degree of it being a kink, I know that most people have thought about the idea of being castrated or castrating someone else.

Based on what I have seen on fetish websites like bdsmlr and some pages on tumblex it appears as if the vast majority of individuals who are in the male genital modification sphere are women. It is almost always women talking about castration, and its almost always women talking about circumcision, unless you go explicit to places like male eunuch forms.
I should add that one of my ex's was not exclusively into castration, she was super into pain play, and because castration is regarded as one of the most painful experiences a guy can go through, she was into castration by extension. My other ex never explained in any legitimate detail why she was into it however. She also ended up gradually doing a 180 as towards the beginning of our relationship she was super excited about the possibility of me becoming a eunuch for her, but towards the end she had no interest in castration.
The number of testicles cut off by women across the world can be counted in one hand. The number of penises cut off by women in Asia is in the thousands.

These are "normal" women and not part of any fetish community.
>It is almost always women talking about castration, and its almost always women talking about circumcision, unless you go explicit to places like male eunuch forms.
Do they like it just because it's a way to hurt a man a lot or do they get turned on from the castration itself? I like castration because of the control and dominance aspect of it, not the pain and it very much feels like only men are into this aspect.
>Do they like it just because it's a way to hurt a man a lot or do they get turned on from the castration itself?

I really don't know. As I mentioned my one ex liked it explicitly because it was painful, however my other ex enjoyed the idea for more complicated reasons. I think my other ex was into it because she enjoyed the idea of permanently marking her sexual territory, as when she ended up losing interest in castration she ended up developing an interest in circumcision. She made it clear that she wanted me circumcised primarily for her to mark me as hers, so much so that she actually wanted to preform the procedure herself (unlike her interest in castration, she enjoyed the thought of causing me extreme pain and then comforting me afterwards).
>I think my other ex was into it because she enjoyed the idea of permanently marking her sexual territory, as when she ended up losing interest in castration she ended up developing an interest in circumcision. She made it clear that she wanted me circumcised primarily for her to mark me as hers, so much so that she actually wanted to preform the procedure herself
That's exactly what appeals to me in this fetish, her taking my balls as a sign of ownership over me. I'm not in any fetish communities because I don't know how to get into one and I'm too shy to be in one even if I did so I'm curious what kinds of people are into this fetish and what they like about it.
>she enjoyed the thought of causing me extreme pain and then comforting me afterwards
That's really hot too.
ITT: Men who rarely talk to women circlejerking on their braindead theories of female sexuality.
Been wanting mine removed but no luck finding someone to help me with it.... :c
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lol. I bet removing their testicles like >>11141314
will surely get them to be anything more than a lonely chud.
Then do you have any reasoning for this behavior? because as I mentioned earlier, most male genital modification threads/blogs/sites seems to be created and run by women.
Well for one, you're objectively wrong on that front. Male genital modification/mutilation fetishes in my experience have been entirely male deiminated, to the point where users claiming to be female were generally assumed to be LARPing males because of how rare actual women were.
I dont know if they are still around, but there were/are several "circumsexual" blogs which were essentially filled with nothing but women talking about how much they liked circumcised dick. I know that there were men in these communities yes, but its kinda hard to say that there is very little female involvement when they would post videos about them discussing male circumcision.
there is so much mental illness going on here its crazy
maybe humanity deserves to die out
I presume all these blogs you saw were Tumblr blogs. Given that Tumblr is a website with a female dominant userbase, it should not come as a shock that women who are into the most niche things will come out to talk about it on that site. I never said women with these sorts of fetishes exist, just that they're not common at all, and some Tumblr fetish blogs is not proof that women are universally into male genital modification/mutilation. Also I find it interesting that you only mentioned "circumcsexual blogs" and no castration blogs whatsoever despite the thread claim that women are overwhelmingly into castration. Unless you think that women liking circumcised dick is the exact same thing as women being into castration. In that case, you're a retard and there's no point in continuing this conversation.
>I never said women with these sorts of fetishes exist.

Fuck just noticed the typo. I of course meant "I never said women with these sorts of fetishes don't exist".
I understand what you're saying, however there are more sites than just tumblr which have content related to this subject. The reason why I used the circumsexual community is that most of the castration communities on tumblr and other platforms end up getting shut down for various reasons (tumblr had a lot of castration blogs). bdsmlr also had a large female based castration community, however idk what happened to them after their site went private. most of the girls I have met who were into castration however have been in private discord communities so there also seems to be a presence on discord.

I know anecdotal experience isnt worth anything, but if a significantly larger % of guys are into castration/genital modification than women, I would expect to have run into more guys who were interested in this subject than girls, but I have yet to develop a personal relationship with any guy who was into castration/circumcision, it has exclusively been women, with the sole exception being maybe trans people (and even then, I have never developed a relationship with a post orchie trans woman)
The only conclusion that I can come to is that I ended up lucking the fuck out when it came to the people that I met, as the only reason why I have a castration kink in the first place was because of a female friend.
Oh, in addition to this, the majority of cutters that I have heard about/known were all female. the only cutter I know of (at least the only cutter that works on guys) who works on guys was the eunuch maker. every video I have seen of a guy getting a job done was done by a woman.
>every video I have seen of a guy getting a job done was done by a woman.
where to find these videos? Asking for a friend.
Ask thousands of dickless Chinese men who still have intact testicles if women prefer castration or penectomy.
If you're lucky they sometimes show up on /gif/, however you can sometimes find them on thisvid or similar sites.

That may be a cultural thing.
apparently some castrati singers not only could have sex with women but they also lasted longer on the act, what is the logic behind that?
Dig up a reliable source, fuck face.
sex has an extremely strong psychological component and it does not all boil down to hormones. I have heard stories where castration has had 0 effect on peoples sex drives, it just seems that individuals who already have low sex drives are more likely to be castrated.
Eunuchs who no longer have to focus on their own male pleasures can direct all their focus into pleasuring real men
God, I love this artist. I also love them being curvier and more feminine traits, like small growing breasts, though.
Kirsi engine?
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That artist does that, but they usually still have a "masculine" body. More of a swimmer twink body. I like artists that have castrated boys turn into curvy newhalfs though, but there's none that come to mind at the moment. Oddly I'm not really into castration without the feminization attached.
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Nu uh I’m a woman and I’m here because it soothes my penis envy.
Kinda kinky way to deal with the envy, by depriving boys of theirs.
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I don’t really think of them as boys after the snip. They’re more like weird doomer ukes. Plap plap says me. I can have my weird female control issues and he can get pegged until he’s dripping all over my cock.
If you're actually a cis woman, then see >>11142426 >>11139575

Penectomy is not castration. If you have penis envy and prefer cutting penises, you prefer penectomy.
why are penises often drawn behind the legs?
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I think you misunderstand, I prefer total genital ablation with preservation of the nervous tissue of the penis in otherwise femininely affected men. It’s not enough enough to remove the male potency to reproduce and aggress, one must remove the remaining penis not because it is dangerous or because we fear it, but to reduce the subject to a state of anatomical parity that aligns with our own. I have no fixation on the removal of the basic sexual potency, arousal/orgasm/etc, for me it is preferable he should keep these things. For me to truly open my heart to a man, as an equal, he must unman himself, it is just that simple. The gulf of pride and hopeful folly that lies between a man’s legs is simply too great a passage for my soul to bear in honesty, in love. I am a woman of god, and I think truly I could only love like an angel loves. But I think once you’ve experienced love like that, you can’t possibly go back to pretend you are loving equals with a man while he remains in fact, a man.

(Also bort is one of the boy gems I will die on this hill)
removal of the testes allows for greater penile flexibility?

as a bisexual guy, emasculated guys are unironically the hottest. while dick is nice, the fact that someone is would be willing to have the entirety of their manhood cut off for you is a one of a kind thrill.
Ah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_the_Right_One_In_(film) fan art

>as a bisexual guy, emasculated guys are unironically the hottest
Not gay if the balls don't touch
>If you're lucky they sometimes show up on /gif/, however you can sometimes find them on thisvid or similar sites.

Nta but thats fucking bs Ive been into this for a long time and I dont think Ive ever found a vid of a girl doing the castration.
Ive seen one with burdizzo but she does it far away from the camera so who knows if it was even real...
for an unfortunate even I have to remove both my balls , thats so strange when its real
What happened ? Cancer ?
yeah unfortunately
Are u into it as a fetish too ?
Also are u gonna take replacement hormones ?
I was more into fucking enuncs desu, they suggested me T even if it costs might be needed
>I was more into fucking enuncs desu
Lol.. funny how the life works...
Maybe u should try estrogen ;3
why ? Without my balls I need T
So u feminize and become cute ?
but but thats scary
Well ur already loosing ur balls so might as well have some fun with it...
Ask the docs to keep the balls after being castrated so u can show them off ;3
that was an option , they sometimes give them back, but is done only in the last 2 years
yeah but there is a big difference between losing the balls and becoming a girl
Hey it was a suggestion not an order.
yeah but you are not the only one that suggested it lately
Great minds think alike !
Maybe u should listen ;3
Idk Im a bit confused lately
How old are u ? How tall are u ?
If u can pass in the future then maybe u should if not.. well... prob not :D
im 22 yo and like 170 cm tall and idk really
Sounds like u can probably pass then...
Where are u from anyways ?
Im from Italy
Damn ur up so late.. Im from europe too.. do u wanna maybe exchange contact lol ?
what do you mean coctacts like?
Like discord ?
dont have sorry
Be a good girl and make it rn ? Not that hard.
you already calling me a girl??? I will not.
I once heard of a medical malpractice case where a transwoman had full SRS but due to the way tissue was recycled her labia would become erect when she was aroused. Biology is a messy thing.
Ok be a good eunuch and get discord ?
no I will not sorry
Good boy ???
no sorry I will not share personal infos here
Bad girl !
Please Im a male still
surely thats pure incompetence

couple things probably. one is that LH is probably more important for erectile function than T. second is that once youre firing blanks something about the refractory process changes and you can sometimes only need seconds before you can go again. i have a refractory period of like 3-6 seconds on E monotherapy rn.
Dr. John Ronald Brown. Man liked making pussies. But maybe don't trust SRS surgeons that make house calls.
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I’m happy for you or I’m so sorry that happened also die pinkpiller also can’t you fucking dweebs post images while you talk?
take your pills, seethecel
The absolute hottest part about wearing a cage was that I could not feel my dick at all. I would walk and feel no sensation. I would reach down and touch my cage and feel nothing. It was so hot to me. I also like to push my balls inside while playing with myself. I'll tuck them in and put a hair scrunchy on my sack so the balls can't fall back into it. It really does make me feel like I have no balls. I always cum as soon as I'm close, and ignore my dick and reach for my balls that are not there.
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I’m on T and I’ll stay on T.
Have you considered posting pics to >>>/hm/ ?
You are someone's fetish now.
anti-psychotics work too
what??? what you mean?
Some want you.
Some want to be you.
Must be nice, except for the downside
Any good doujins on this? I only know of one and it's kinda bad.
im sorry you got cancer, i dont think you should take estro you will probbaly get depressed from dysmorphia and commit suicide
Hypothetically speaking, would there be a way to give yourself testicular cancer guaranteed to result in a double orchiectomy or a hypothetical situation which would result in severe enough damage to the testes to warrant a double orchiectomy?
Yes but maybe having an honest conversation with a medical professional would be cheaper and less likely to kill you.
There is, all you need is a brick
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I remember one teenager intentionally damaged one of his testicles to the point it required removal. And then later had the other removed. It's been a long time, though. Talk to a medical professional first cause that might be some kind of issue with your mind.
CaCl injections will do irreparable damage to your testicles within a week with no major health issues if you dont somehow fuck up an injection. you will also be in crippling pain for a week.

i once accidentally extracted some of the insides of my testicle with an insulin needle.
Look up a tutorial for gelding horses on YouTube and then just try that for yourself.
>they also provide absolutely 0 sexual stimulation
you know the plap sound? thats when testicles slap against whatever hole you are slamming
saying that does not feel good is just wrong
Jeez. Did the one have to die?

I've never understood fetishizing the excessive suffering of innocents. And that's saying something considering I'm more or less okay with the rest of the proposed narrative.
get help
We better be getting some good Okarun content
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it's probably not even 10% as great as you fantasizing it to be so good call
>ex-domme planned to have me cut
>had a vet tech friend willing to do it
>then covid hit & everything fell apart
so close, yet so far...maybe someday
Its better actually the orgasms are amazing and anal is a lot more intense
Link eunuch harem...

Why do most artists draw Link as circumcised when there are no context clues as to his circumcision status?
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Creampied and castrated
dont know why only the middle one was castrated, is there any context in the game?
Those Links are so lucky
Because if there's no context clues, it's up to artist interpretation or preference, duh.
can we please kickstart this thread again, I need more content.
what game
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Someone needs to translate spacezin's new stuff.

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