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"We're now am officially prosecuted people" Edition.

Previous: >>11078579

Apparently someone out there hates this thread but no matter what, it shall be reborn from its ashes yet again.

Pretty much everything related to size stuff with female booties welcome, buttcrush/smothering, anal vore, and yes, farts. Non-fart complainers get shoved into the nearest male size/vore or futa thread.

Any pics with scat must have the scat censored or link to the pic on an external site. This is a board rule, not something the OPs are arbitrarily coming up with btw.

Last thread salvaged in PDF format: https://www.mediafire.com/file/au0zg3ve34xzz37/Size_Booty_thread_IX.pdf/file

Invite to my personal Discord server themed around size, booty & braps: discord gg UAmPAgn3XU
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Would've been absolutely hilarious if our threads and only our threads where persecuted but unfortunately it seemed pretty site-wide. How will /3/ ever recover, truly a shame...

Anyways here's some Brazilian Miku, ass isn't the focus of this pic but her's is still great regardless

Damn, I thought we had gotten targeted by the jannies this time. I only learned after the fact that all threads got flushed.
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imagine you and your whole city being exterminated by the smelly combined farts of bratty school girls
A sitewide nuke is insane, im jusy glad this thread is back quickly
So we all agree that we're defo the most oppressed minority in the gts-sphere right? Jokes aside I'm curious on what you guys think will be the future of our niche within a niche. I think it looks pretty aight, myself. The future is definitely animation for sure, and we've been getting some new names on the scene like squashnstretch (webm rel.) and bikinizero (whose rendering should warrant a more stylized approach imo but hey he found his niche I guess). I remember back 12 years ago the only anal vore vid I could find was a 10 sec test animation by eskoz. Blew my mind back then.

Also curious about which artists you guys wish didn't quit/die/fade into the aether. Pogojo is my obvious Pic. I legit don't know how to even find his catalog nowadays, he deleted his deviantart and all that remains is Twitter with scattered doodles mostly about one thicc Japanese model. Can't say he doesn't have good taste I guess. My odder choice is Optic Dreams. His work flow and work ethic were always bad but I'm pretty sure he just up and gave up. Damn shame, he was the only one with potential to spice up the live action scene, actual sfx and being the only live action creator to add braps without it feeling like a last second addition. He and I were penpals before he disappeared if anyone has any questions.
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My personal list, categorized:
- Kanahebi
- Pogojo
Movie Makers/Actresses:
- OpticDreams
- GiantessAve
- Giantess Paris (GiantessAve)
- Alisha Bartlett (Filth Fetish)
- Giga (giantessworld)
- Tinyman0001 (writing.com)
- BootyPatrol (giantessworld, did some scat but it was easy to overlook)
- G-Writer (writing.com/deviantart, not entirely gone but hardly active nowadays)

To me, Kanahebi is the OG and the greatest size artist of all time, I already had the size kink innately but his art and the way he drew booty squish fully cemented my tastes. Like you said, Pogojo is also amazing at drawing squishy thiccness but nowadays he mostly does tribute to Momotino, not bad at all, Japanese girl with a nice, plump ass.

From my perspective as a writer, I can say that Giga was probably the greatest influence to my writing style but Tinyman0001's work was what directly prompted me to start my own interactive story. Might sound arrogant or selfish or maybe even childish in some way but man, I wish those two could see my work, to see what they inspired, that a little bit of the spirit of their works has lived to this day and age and that they haven't been forgotten.

Ok, maybe that was too much rambling lol. Also, it might seem like I don't like that many artists but the others whose work I enjoy are still active to this day. I'm very tempted to say my favorite current ones are GTSTamago and Shintobuya but there's several more that do good size booty stuff and braps. Hell, EPE did one brap animation!

Seriously, even if he wasn't overly active, I wish Kanahebi was still around. Dude refused donations back in the day but maybe nowadays he could've accepted them to continue Little Snatcher. All remaining hope is on the one guy who's trying to be his spiritual successor. Hope he actually perseveres and gets far with his ideas, minus the politics rants.
What do we think about burps? I get that it's probably closer related to gts vore stuff, but they hit the same chord for me as braps but I feel like there's much less content for that. I think burp and brap pair together well.

Honestly I don't mind, go ahead since I'm not so sure if the pure vore crowd would accept it. Since here it's all about ass, it's a bit of a stretch but who cares? Better than overfragmenting further.
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When I was young, I remember hearing someone describe burps as mouth farts, which is really dumb, like, shouldn't it be the other way around? Farts are butt burps. In the end it's just air escaping the digestive tract, which is why I agree that they pair well, realistically a burpy girl would probably be gassy too.

While I'm rambling, let me say I'm not into vore, but it can be kinda hot if she humiliates them with some burps before eating them or after eating their friends. Same way braps can somewhat make vore sexy.

>Be me, tiny.
>God I hate how that's the legal descriptor
>On scout duty for food, spy on a dorm with a very particular sort of girl.
>She's short, innocent, air-headed, and pudgy from doing nothing but staying inside desperately studying and stress-snacking when her studying does nothing for her.
>Muse how she has such fat cellulite dimpled buns and thighs at such a young age.
>"Shame, she'd be pretty cute if she wasn't such a giant freak. Or a slob..."
>Truly the perfect prey...
> Operation funyuns is a go.
>Unfortunately, she fell asleep with the bag near her head, have to climb her mattress.
>Squad staring daggers at me, if not because walking across the sunken-in mattress was harder than expected, then it was probably because of the smell.
>The stares grow more hateful after a moan escapes her mouth and a hiss escapes her ass.
>Cope to myself, "Just gotta get a couple of chips..."
>Finally at the bag, we all grab a chip.
>Oh fuck
>It was instant.
>Everyone dropped their chip, yet I was dangling in the air holding onto mine for dear life.
>Something bubbles up inside of her, and what sounds like a roar rushes out of her mouth.
>Fuck that reeks!
>Instinctively cover nose, immediately lose all strength in the arm lifting me.
>Fall to my death
>Holy fuck her her thicc thighs literally saved my life.
>Be glad for my sensitive nose after witnessing the fate of my chip.
>See her eyes widen.
>Time to witness the fate of my squad...
Whose EPE?
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EPE is a Japanese guy that does 2D animations, pic related. https://twitter.com/epepiero
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Honestly I’m surprised anyone remembers me since I deleted my account after only having the story up for less than a year

I’ve seen your interactive and I do really enjoy it. It’s definitely my favorite at the moment. I’m happy I inspired you to write more for this niche than I ever did.

Holy shit, man! Glad to see you again! Very flattered that you like my stuff. As you see, you weren't forgotten, there's a bunch of other people that I know that still remember your stuff. I dunno if you're up to speed on current developments, like having a smoother alternative to writing.com in the form of collaberotica. If you use Discord, I'd love to invite you to my personal server, it serves as a size/writing hub based on the same stuff in this thread plus my works and a few other author's. There's a link in the OP but just in case here's another: discord gg UAmPAgn3XU

I cannot put into words how happy you made me today lol, nice to see you still around.
>.yes plase put a damn sign so more school grils come to that
the future smile at us Anon
your squad has been completely wipped out,thanks for playig lmao
>>Being me

>> Afflicted by the mysterious virus that had shrunk half of humanity

>> The world has become a gigantic version of Nazi Germany

>> Being forced to navigate a miniature world

>> seeking shelter and finding a city-sized black thong

>> Having a well-endowed body that could only be described as thin, thick milf material covered in a sexy military uniform.

>>Starting a new adventure inside the massive thong

>>Being the thong of a DIGEAM (Giant Infantry Division of the American East) soldier/secretary

>> The fabric became a vast landscape for me to explore filled with soft cotton fibers that rose above the surface like skyscrapers, each

>>The deeper I went into the folds of the thong I marveled at the warmth and comfort that surrounded me.

>> Her walk causes huge earthquakes and I am drowned in the fat, thick cinnamon skin of her butt.
is Fucking hot for me ; is the real power of the attempts of giantess and along whit farts the deadlist and smelliest weapons of mass destruvtion there are
You are a tiny ab human in warhammer 40k, that is enslaved and bred to go up girls butts what would you rather
>Hive worker: Have to deal with all her sweat from a 15 hour work day
>Sister of battle : Literally sees you sub human. Will shove you up her shitter if you live for too long.
>Imperial guard: Thanks you for doing your sacrifice for the imperium, before dropping you in her crack before a 10 km jog
> Tau water caste:Being to small to hear she naively believes that being up female asses is part of your biology. Proceeds to "free" you by sharing your kind with the other tau castes.
Anon let me usee your premisse for make a story ?
>>Immerse myself deeper into the folds of the thong, marveling at the warmth and comfort surrounding me.

>>Suddenly feeling a seismic movement.

>>The giantess is in motion.

>>Every step she takes causes colossal earthquakes in my makeshift prison

>>Being thrown back and forth bouncing between the soft cotton walls

>>Being trapped in a deep, dark valley.

>>Being submerged between the soldier's enormous caramel-colored buttocks.

>>"Shit right now!" I think as I find myself struggling to keep my balance.

>>Drops of sweat began to drip down into sticky lakes on the fabric of the thong.

>>At any moment I'm going to drown in that liquid or die in a worse way.
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Recommend linking these posts together so people can know it's a continuation of the 1st greentext.
apology For everyone Anon I forgot to link them anyway

>Panic grips me as I shake violently between the soldier's enormous buttocks

>> Being covered in sweat that soaks through the sticky, suffocating fabric.

>> The heat becomes unbearable
And I become dizzy from the smell
Suddenly, I hear a deafening roar.

>>"Fuck not now!" I think, horrified by my fate.

>> The giantess's anus begins to dilate dangerously close to me.

>> Being trapped with no escape, about to be suffocated by a soldier's gas

>> My heart races as I await the inevitable.

>>Suddenly I hear a soul-shaking sound like the roar of a beast and hear a huge
>> I try to breathe through the hurricane of cheeseburger and jalapeño smells as I continue to try to escape.
Go ahead bro you have my blessing
does anyone here have links to Tinyman0001 interactive? maybe archived somewhere

Waking up an inch tall: https://ia801403.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/23/items/writing_tf/story-outline.zip&file=2153602.html
This one can also be found resurrected on collaberotica: https://www.collaberotica.org/stories/206-waking-up-an-inch-tall

Giantess/Fart Shrinking: https://ia801403.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/23/items/writing_tf/story-outline.zip&file=2135777.html

Giantess/Fart Shrinking 2/What if: https://ia601403.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/23/items/writing_tf/story-outline.zip&file=2163690.html

Lost in a much larger world: https://ia801403.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/23/items/writing_tf/story-outline.zip&file=2177661.html

All of the archive links were pulled from here, to visualize them on desktop there's a tutorial on sheet 02 of the document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1No4zjBzV81O9G3lNx6Z6ib3idqIdJEH_KCAcVkO0VnE/edit?gid=901689988#gid=901689988
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This style's pretty nice, I like how the comic composition is so chaotic yet the linework is so clean. Only weird thing about it is the guy looks like he's in an entirely different style. Also, "you know poop comes from there?" is one of my favorite dialogue cliches. The more teasingly it's said, the better it helps contrast the grimness of your situation. It's like, "Yeah, no shit!" then it's like, "Oh... shit..."

Idk if this has been asked before, but do you guys prefer growth or shrink when it comes to booty/size antics? I can't can't make up my mind on the matter, I'm solidly 50/50. I'll say though, the lack of any worthwhile fart growth animations, or honestly just the lack of gts fart video content in general is pretty damn sad.
Another month, another instance of Scragboy producing <1 min of animation while making enough money to live comfortably in most first world countries! Eat your hearts out, overworked Indian VFX teams!
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The future of our fetish is a fucking crapshoot anon, let's see what new artists are on the block. The feet guys get leafybush7 and we're left with *checks notes* simsalibime? Oh nvm he does literal horse stuff now fml
>which artists you guys wish didn't quit
Pogojo ofc. I think I saw him say he was working on something big a WHILE ago, and if it's an animation I'll paint the USA white. And the lil snatcher artist, I swear I saw his alt. SFW account out in the wild.
>optic dreams and I were penpals before he disappeared if anyone has any questions
Yeah, ask him how he feels having strung along an audience for a decade, while taking patreon money. I dun care that he only gets a mcdonald's meal a month through it, he's still not even posting the shorts that he demoted to.
They say there's no such thing as a true passive income but thinking about it, all you gotta do is one fetish project proof of concept and lie once a month and your set there's ur side hustle

Growth all the way, it takes all the emotions of shrink and cranks that shit to 100 if you look at the bigger picture.
>do you guys prefer growth or shrink when it comes to booty/size antics?

Both are nice, but my favorite is shrunk and unaware. Like accidentally being caught in a giantesses panties as a tiny and being farted on throughout the day. Then the giantess inevitably finds the tiny trapped in their underwear and having the realization they've been farting on him constantly throughout the day. Not many stories or artwork I've seen go that route, but it really gets me.
Giantess Roma should be there too, incredible content from her

She's still active though as far as I know. I was mentioning the ones who have quit or disappeared but you're right, she makes pretty good content.

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