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Boys with feminine faces and masculine bodies

Previous Thread: >>11060097
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need boimilf
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tried drawing pocket from deadlock
was kinda tough since valve's artstyle is so shit
could give it another go if there's demand though
Damn that's pretty good anon, you got a place where you post your art?
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Valve's artstyle will shine, once the game releases in 2 years. I personally expect a major redesign of Krill, I hate looking at his stupid monkey face.
>Still not welcomed daily by two cute boys ready to serve my every need whenever I come back home.
How many more lifetimes until Samsara rewards my positive karma?
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I promised I would image dump last thread. So here you go, fellas.
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For this pick source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/121091953#1

For the reply: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/85221925
Straight ambush. Now that's very rare.
Whew that's an old OC I haven't seen in a while.
I believe it's worth exploring

I think this dude is the closest I've seen to an ambush IRL, at least body-wise. Genuinely an ideal male body

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