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Bitchy pocket-monster trainers Edition

Lost to the Great Purge: >>11055654
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Did any sex mods ever come out for Palworld? Because I wanted to buy that game just so I can use a palball on Zoey.
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>Does anyone have any more fantasy racism mind control?
hedonic nerve https://exhentai.org/g/1157459/1c42c3250a/
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This kind of mind control using tangible material is great, it crosses with my body modification fetish.
I love this.
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BRO, at least reply with some image
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Why were these posts deleted?
I once saw a picture of what I would call a "hypnosis cafe" or "mind control cafe" where the menu had different variations of this... I recently tried to find it and I can't remember where it was. Has anyone seen anything like this?
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hiroshimoot did a fucky wucky and accidentally wiped the databases for a few boards, so they got completely scoured clean and every thread deleted
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artist: sleepymaid
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>"kids trance free"
Oh, I didn't realize that post was replying to the previous thread in which every post was deleted. I thought they were deleted for a reason.
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>there are hypnosis cafes in Japan where hot girls go to get hypnotised
>we dont have them here
God I would love a story based on this.
Be more specific. Prolly there's something along your specific kinks in MCStories.
The hypnosis cafe? to be unaware of her nakedness? Fembots?
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>Its real
Just give me this in the west but with female tists please. Of course I would probably never be able to go because I wouldn't be able to trance without a raging hardon, but still T.T
6 and 1 are the best, 4 and 5 are good, 2 and 3 suck.
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I dunno if people post Koikatsu stuff over here, so I'll just link to a fresh Zoe set while posting Carmine instead: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122183069
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Stupid 4mb file size limit. I had to post a different Carmine than this one: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/115091998
Does Carmine get mind controlled in the game or is there just one dedicated commissioner who loves the chicken dance?
Yes, there's an entire post-game story with a mind controlling Pokemon that makes people do the chicken dance while saying Mochi a lot.
Yeah it's great.
I knew there was a reason she was so hot. I'm relatively new to this fetish and she's really guiding me home.
The hypnosis cafe mostly, but all of it is hot. The idea ordering the hypnosis and then having it be the new normal does it for me.
I would love one doing this to me, being naked and still thinking to be fully clothed
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6, for sure. 5 and 4 are also nice, and 1 I could take or leave. 2 does even less for me than 1, and 3 just fully worthless.
That's pretty much not possible with hypnosis in real life. At the most you could be made to act like it but would be aware you're not actually clothed.
Are you a biological female?
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probably its not but who cares.
5 is good
3 -> 6 also works for hypnosis-mindbreak combo.
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I never noticed that before and it makes me never want to see sleepymaids art again
Same. I take back what I said early about wanting stories like this.
does anyone here know why kakuninii stopped? Did something happen to him?
What do you mean? He released a new doujin on DLSite not even a month ago.
i was not aware of that. Thanks for pointing it out. I'm looking forward to the day when it's going to be released in english. Remote controls are generally done poorly in these stories, but who knows what the future holds
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Pretty obviously a joke about what many restaurants do. If I wanted this retard commentary I'd go to Xitter.
due to the nature of this fetish not really caring about consent, you might end up ending up with underbaked women. It's best to overlook it and just enjoy the writting. I personally wish kids weren't sexualized in this context, they are gross and under developed
love 3, 2 is good both ending in 6 is a nice way to finish off a nice night
Dandadan premiere has a scene where aliens use mind control to make a girl stripped down to her underwear aroused so they can mate with her. Was pretty hot.
I need some mind control game similar to Prison Battleship/Academia, where you get to train arrogant bitches, bonus points for netori
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3 is best, 6 is pretty gud too.
>Incredibly Dumb Scenario
Some depressed perfectionist 2X-4X virgin fujoshi winds up with a mind control app, but has no idea what she actually wants in a guy, if she even wants a guy at all.
Cue multiple stories of her having awkward, unsatisfying, humiliating sex while everyone she uses the app on ends up having a better life after it.
You had a good thing going until it became random giantess stuff
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New kakunini on Fakku (and pirate sites), pretty good stuff too.
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Finally found the story picrel was based on; it was just lying around on chyoa.com! Admittedly, it took me an embarassing amount of time to do so (over a year).

Pro tip: If you're searching for a specific story on chyoa.com, search only one word from it's title. Additional words broaden the search instead of narrowing it.
it made me laugh, but it was pretty weak compared to his past works. I would've loved some more exploration of his power instead of having a normal girl take the shine
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Torisan really is great.
I need to learn that program too.
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Torisan is a great artist. Koikatsu is basically like a poser game. You know like how some games have a figurine mode? It's kind of like that.
Yea, it's kinda like a game where you're given a sandbox and it's supposed to be all about dressing them up or editing a model with camera options, essentially making the entire scene to your liking, I guess. That's at least all I know.
Torisan's great but I like his older stuff more.
You got it!
I think you can say that for a lot of artists these days...
Magical girls and heroines joining evil organizations because of hypnosis/brainwashing is always godtier.
what about telling them to act like before and wait for new orders. This way you have a sleeper agent
>ywnb tricked into a blissful, sleepy trance by a pent up female friend and ridden until she's had enough

Why must we suffer
That always makes for a good plot. Gotta catch 'em all!
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Real magical girls will break out of such hypnosis!
Eventually. Right now? I think they're pretty placated...
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Saimined T-Dolls should give their commanders a proper morning greeting
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Extremely based.
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I really like that almost-resistance.
It's proper resistance, at the end of the episode she breaks out of the spell and serves some ass kicking.
You see, it's hot when the whole family gets involved.
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I thiiink this is mind control? I don't know what this is actually from, but it sure feels like it is.
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It's not. That's just Japanese humor from Girls Und Panzer.

I know I've seen this used as a hypno thing too. Like the suit forces the target to do that dance or similar. Probably because it was hypno-adjasent due to the look.

Kid hypno was some of the most popular content on hypnohub until Slayercuck banned it so he could keep advertisers happy. Now there's no good place for it and the amount of new art has died way down. Many of the artists in this thread used to draw loli. I would start my own gallery but now every US politician is chomping at the bit to test the limits of the 1st amendment. Don't even get me started on europoors.

Even Sleepymaid barely draws it because of whiners like you are so concerned for the rights of imaginary girls. Shut up and post hypno
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>Japanese "humor" thread
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Apparently there's this Starman brainwashing thing going around.
Don't let those indie game developers get a hold of this, it'll spiral out of contrl.
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Can't wait for the Starman Undertale.
See the thing I'm more surprised by is that no japanese artists seen to do Undertale or whatever else that guy's done even though it's supposed to be reminiscent of JRPGs and Earthbound and other stuff. I know, it probably wouldn't get posted here due to the rules, but it seems none of the artists are remotely interested?
Not that I mind though, all the franchises I like have some interesting hypnosis going on
The only thing I can think of is the Werewire thing from Deltarune, but I haven't played it myself. Like you said, Jap artists didn't really take to it.
Oh! That I do remember from the game's content but I feel like people did a whole lot of external things to make Werewire stuff hypnosis related or even remotely appealing to non-furries.
Japanese are highly creative and I like it.
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I guess it doesn't help that Deltarune releases in chapters as opposed to a full game. Hell, I've only ever seen the Werewire stuff in porn, I have no idea how they actually work...
I think it is some transformation thing, but I'd imagine it was way more secluded to some area like most JRPGs of that flavor do, at least the little I've played. Even the h-game ones did that.
I guess it's more of a furry thing... Like most Undertale shit.
I've seen some Jap artists draw it
It's true, I'm not a furry but I love werewires
In Chapter 2, the big bad of it uses wires to take over the plug face people of the world which transforms them into Werewires. It also can brainwash non-plug people, but no TF. Of course, for porn purposes, that's ignored.
That looks a little like Pstash.
Oh does Sleepymaid still do that? I figured after whatever mystery event happened that caused them to vanish for a while meant they'd disavowed it.
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Is this guy still doing hypno, brainwashing, body control, etc? I like his stuff.
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>end of the episode
what show? I'm not very familiar with magical girl shows, but I would definitely watch whatever this was based on
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Oh uh
It's my OC lmao, I'm just playing up the Magical Girl stuff with the whole 'episode' thing
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why did you have to do this to me anon? now I am upset and horny. That magical girl bondage show made me feel visceral feelings I have never felt before, and now suddenly im not corrupting and enslaving magical girls. and now I have been denied. Its like blue balls, but in your heart (and your balls too).
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Gushing about Magical Girls? Based taste. But I'm sorry about crushing your heart, I have one more art of her that fits the thread to make up for it.
Secular puritans are the biggest faggots the world has ever produced.
what an odd choice for underwear for a magical girl. I'm guessing you have quite the taste in tomboys, eh? I approve, though it certainly doesn't seem thematic.
thank you anon, its good fapping
Spats are god's gift to mankind, she's like, my third OC to have them lmao.
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Thoughts on Haigure?
its cringe
It's based.
weird as fuck back when it was introduced, but compared to some of the abhorrent stuff out there these days, it just seems tamer. weird awkward posing is much daring than incest vore gore furry stuff
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I agree.
Does absolutely nothing for me
i absolutely hated it until i read a really high quality doujinshi about it, now i'm a believer
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Does anyone with access to kakuninii's Pixiv fanbox want to leak https://ewokakuni.fanbox.cc/posts/7819482

It looks like it's a 4 page bonus to https://exhentai.org/g/2432744/4ef06b89d2/

I previously translated the doujin and the first 2 bonus pages, so I'm interested in translating the last 4 too.
Source on that doujin?
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I like it more when it's done on haughty or smug women.

More than likely one of the doujins by [ROM no Hito], they're the only high quality ones I can think of. [ROM no Hito] is one of the very few talented artists dedicated to the haigure fetish.
Yeah it was what >>11144486 posted. That and the sequel, idk if there's a third but if there is i can't find it.
They're working on a third I believe. That artist's stuff used to be on kemono, but it was all removed. Most likely DMCA'd.
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guess i'll just wait for it to be translated and put on ehentai then, cheers anon
use hypnosis to make people sleepy and cute and cuddly and snuggly and hug and cuddle
this anon gets it
Does anyone know of an archive of mindwipe's manips?
based my dude
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I feel like that doesn't necessarily require hypnosis
... but yes
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As a show of good faith for requesting people leak stuff, I'll post some Kakuninii WiP.

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Can't post the next page, system thinks it's spam.

That's it for now, look forward to the whole thing later.
a true hero, thanks anon
although it is better to use https://bunkr.si/ it allows you to send photo albums.
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Came here to ask if anyone knows of anywhere I could find more sleepymaid art, pleasantly surprised there's some of it here already. As for the question, I know there is a bunch on hypnohub, but a lot seems to be missing, particularly those that would be tagged diaper/regression, I seem to remember there being much more... Her site is down at the moment, any places where her art might be archived?
Oh I (>>11146908) should have read a little further before posting
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>I feel like that doesn't necessarily require hypnosis
it does not

but hypnosis makes it even better

why have boob and hot sex

when u can have big hug
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>why have boob and hot sex
>when u can have big hug
why not all three
>why not all three
Ill take two
>big hug
>hot boob
because cuddling is all i need

File size is too big to post, but this is a great little animation.
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Tags say hypnosis so I'm hoping it actually is. But I can't read moonrunes.
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Please give me feedback/mistakes if you notice anything.

Also, shamelessly requesting leaks of https://ewokakuni.fanbox.cc/posts/7819482 again, I'd translated it.
I love the work you did and I'm genuinely thankful
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Just storytimed a hypno-relevant doujin over in the new TSF thread: >>11152443
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What a dick. Wish it had been about getting clever with more subtle remote functions, like recording everyday activities and playing them back to do lewd things. Even just more freeze/somno play would beat dirtbag netorase
that would've ruinned the peacing, kakunini knows how to write something to be exciting, but not that exciting that it becomes boring

in all fairness gender-bender writters generally write some amazing control stories. But I genuinely dislike that it has to be a man that is changed and not a woman having even her body being changed on a whim. It feels gay as hell, but it's a weird mix of control over a woman eventually, that not even mind control stories have
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Does anyone know the title of a specific story on mcstories? It was a long one about two women that get hypnotized on their Europe trip and end up getting put into a kind of brothel that specifically takes people on vacations, brainwashes them to be used as sex toys for the duration of said vacation, and then lets them go after the end of their vacation time thinking they had a great vacation.

It was a multiparter and I explicitly remember it having a scene near the beginning where the women are brought together, but both of them don’t think it’s their partner, they just think they have the same name and really look like their partner, but OBVIOUSLY their partner is doing something else
dunno if this is the place to ask, but does anyone know how to train yourself to become more submissive for hypnosis? I feel like my mind is too resistant and it annoys me.
I want to learn to give myself over completely.
1. Practice practice practice

2. Try to stop worrying abour doing it right and just enjoy whatever happens. Don't worry about how hypnotized you are, don't worry about whether or not you're supposed to be doing something, just lay back and vibe
My moonrunes are weak but from what I can tell

>Too bad, Kasumi-chan! The proof of the deadly weapon is hidden inside your uterus(?)

>The great detective is also unable to solve the mystery of the dick that cums inside, huh?
gonna try daily practice with emptying my mind enough for hypnosis to work but i will admit i'm a naturally dominant person so it'll take a while.
If you want hypnosis to work, depending on the suggestions, you need to really imagine it working and pretend to yourself that it is. Outwardly project that whatever thing that’s happening is working.

There will be times when you think “I’m not sure if it’s working,” but if you are still performing the tasks that are requested or if you’re performing the control, that is still hypnosis. Pretending it’s working is not much different than it actually working. That’s part of how you practice. Eventually your body and brain will start to associate hypnotic suggestion as something your body just has to do, and once you realize that ‘I COULD stop, but I just… really don’t want to’ that’s when your brain should have that little click. It’s starting to work at that point. And from then on, you’ll probably find that you really don’t want to stop doing that, and it will snowball a bit.

A lot of it is simply letting it happen even if it’s stuff you don’t particularly like
Despite the common framing, real hypnosis isn't inherently a dominant/submissive thing. Because it can provide such a pleasurable experience, it can even be something a sub does in service to a dom.

It may help you to start with sessions (live or recorded) that don't feature d/s imagery and instead focus on helping you visualize and feel a sexual act or something similar.
trying to practice. I notice I respond well too deeper voices/snapping, and i'm getting more and more into the zone with every listen. My only issue now is that I need to get rid of the small voice in the back of my head calling it all bullshit. other than that I feel almost at ease being conditioned and told what to do.
wish there was a daily routine file i can listen to on repeat.
I don't know but that's a good description and I'll keep an eye out for it.

Speaking of do you know about a story on CYOA about a teacher hypnotizing with his students with a game-ified hypnosis app?
It's unique features where it created 'roles' specific to each girl that gave abilities to make things easier or more fun. I think it might have been under Gem Ladies or something like that.
The teacher was a computer teacher I think and I think one of the last scenes I saw was a neat twist on 'spanking as punishment' where the crossed wires between it being a punishment and one of the girls turning out to be into spanking created a funny reaction.
Also there was a running gag where the school had eldritch geometry and the hallways would make absolutely no sense.
i wish i could find a non abusive person to give myself over to completely.. may as well be asking for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow though
what kind of childhood even makes someone desire this?
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NTA but usually a lack of motivation and/or a lack of judging of character out of desperation (AKA being "down bad").
that seems more like it, I doubt many people would want to be a slave willingly. If I think about it, most submissives want to avoid any kind of responsibility by blaming the man when something goes bad
i had a happy childhood all things considered. I just want to be a pet to a gentle dom
Pretty surface-level take, frankly.
The desire to give up control, especially to such a high degree, generally comes from a high level of stress and anxiety in decision-making and a desire for a relationship where their partner cares for them unconditionally.
Maybe it's because people have historically shit on them anytime they made a mistake, maybe it's because they view themselves as generally incompetent at making decisions for one reason or another, or maybe they just have a general lack of confidence, etc.
The point is, for one reason or another, making decisions is particularly stressful for them.
They don't necessarily want someone who will "Always make perfect decisions for them and then blame them if they aren't", they just want someone who can confidently make decisions for them to relieve them of the stress of making a decision themselves.
It's almost like someone with arachnophobia wanting their significant other to kill/remove a harmless jumping spider for them.
That's because you don't have XX chromosomes. If you did, it would be a lot easier.
NTA but I think its called "the sophistry generator", sad it hasn't been updated for a while tho. I should probably reread it, it was pretty good.

I think you're confusing it for "Custom girls" which Gem Ladies is under, tho I am sad that actual Custom Girls branches are getting less activity than Gem Ladies, but each to their own.

Would you mind sharing the name?
Why you're right! It's similar yet different. Thanks a bunch, with everything getting deleted left and right these days I thought it'd been too.
Seeking submissive hypnotist content

I seek stuff where the one doing mind control is "subby" and forces girls to do stuff to him, like step on him, sit on him, spit on him, allow or even force him to lick her feet and ass, berate him, order him around while being mind controlled herself and other stuff like that. Animation, videos, comics, anything.

The only good example of this which I remember is - [Franco Saudelli] Mister Master Mind - Hidden Persuader. Very fucking sexy read, especially the moment when during the fight he made girls trample him, but unfortunately, I cant find more of this stuff. Help
No worries, I hate losing good stories due to deletion or just forgetting. I think chyoa has mostly gone back to normal.

Btw, its not "pure" mind control but do you know where to find "My Reward" by Azil? Theres someone who wrote their own version on CHYOA and ported it over to Litrotica with slight differences which I have yet to read, but I can't seem to find the original. I can only find bits and pieces or run into a paywall.
It got taken down from just about everywhere because the MC fucked a 9 year old (among other things).




Only the 7 pages at the end


Only the end (Page ~20 onward).


If mommy dommy counts.


First story is female bringing out an alternate personality in a futa to dom her. Don't know how you feel about futa x female.


Loli mesugaki hypnosis, but is pretty firmly in the "turning the table" subgenre.


thanks anon, so much good stuff
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>reading mind control stories
>find a bunch where the plot is people wanting to be hypnotized willingly
What the fuck is the point if they want it, it's no different than them agreeing to all the things he hypnotist wants them to do anyway, you might as well be playing pretend.
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You know how some people voluntarily choose to be locked into handcuffs during sex, with the understanding that they'll be set free at a moment's notice if they say a certain "safeword"? It seems like that should be no different from just voluntarily holding one's hands in a certain position, and yet they put on the handcuffs anyway. Perhaps they enjoy struggling against them, or maybe they like the physical feeling of the handcuffs on their wrists. Or something else that I haven't thought of.

People who volunteer to be hypnotized... Maybe they just enjoy the trance, or maybe they get a thrill from giving up power over their own minds, or doing things they would normally resist doing. Or maybe it's something else. Probably varies from person to person.
Yeah, sure, all good points but super ultra turbo boring to read or watch. Nobody watches Dirty Harry for a police procedure drama.
> would’ve ruined the pacing
guess we just have different preferences. I’m looking for a bit more challenge and slow-burn
why did everyone stop translating na shacho's stuff, they put out a lot of nice hypno based image sets but at some point nobody wanted to translate them anymore.
link of one work?
Sure, but if you're a bondage fetishist and you're seeking out porn or stories that feature bondage, you probably want the bondage to be real *in the context of the story.* That second layer of fantasy does nothing but detract from the thrill of the fiction. It's a letdown, like a fantasy story ending with "and it was all a dream."

It doesn't materially change the content of the story in that case, though, it just makes the ending feel disappointing. With the willing hypnosis thing that letdown permeates the whole length.
To each, his own, I guess. I like voluntary hypnosis - something about how giving someone power is a sign of great trust. But, if you're into it for the noncon element, I can imagine that being boring.

Maybe a "consensual hypnosis" tag would be good to have.
The issue is you're not watching dirty harry and complaining that it isn't dirty harry.
Did bambi sleep really contain a bunch of commands like "give me your credit card info"? I heard about the drama on d before and I didn't follow up on it then, but it seems too funny to be true.
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There's no way that would actually work right?
"Work" in what sense? Actually brainwash people into giving away their credit card info against their will? Absolutely not. Trick some horny, credulous roleplayers with suppressed findom fetishes into making an unwise decision? Maybe, and it only takes a couple.
That's what thought. Assuming the CC stuff is true then it's just a bunch of people who were probably going to finsub anyway.
Hypnosis isn't actually real and wouldn't make you do that either way, so of course not.
I heard there was some skeevy shit but this is the first I’m seeing about money being involved
I keep hearing about how it's sooo dangerous but nobody can give a clear and certain example.
Like not even anecdotal evidence, just heard I heard.
I gave it a listen and read about some parts. First of all the standard version of BS is very harsh and degrading, using language that most would probably find too much, things like unrestricted anxiety and craving suggestions. There's also that the fantasy that BS sells is very extreme, it's that of the bimbo persona having complete control over you. A fantasy it remains but it's a lot, especially for people who have trouble separating truth from fiction. Secondly a core part of BS is that it gets you to associate certain sounds and triggers with pleasure, which can be hindering in the daily lives of people who're very susceptible to that sort of thing.

I think most of the bad associations come from people who're not aware of what they're getting themselves into and accidentally stumble upon the hardcore section of audio hypno. There's also not just one version of BS, there are a lot of playlists and custom audio files that tone down the harsher elements of BS and remove the 'ooh you gotta cum to the triggers all the time ooh' parts. If you want to try it out I'd highly recommend to pick them over the original.
Who is the target audience of BS? I can't imagine it would be women or straight men.
Bimbofication fetishists, subs and trannies.
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