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Previous Thread: >>11085600
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Reposting the best swap of the previous thread before it was deleted by a disgruntled mod
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God I love female/animal swaps so much, up there with shota/milf swaps
Animals slowly becoming sentient is hot
I wonder if you'd be able to domesticate Horse Lancer?
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I'm sure it's possible
where is this from?
I love/hate these because the really bad ends are depressing, and the vore ones are always really fucking weird. I wish there was a way to do this that isn't as dark.
Fuck I wish I had a queen with the mind of a horse.
The little noises she'd make when you feed her carrots
Can anyone update retrosqueeze or elsantidraw on kemono?
sauce? Saucenao isn't helping
I know what you mean. I only enjoy the ones where the animal wants to swap back into their old body.
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this but for Rere, miss their stuff
Are there any games featuring body swap or the like other than student transfer or press switch? I've looked at tfgames but the bulk of it focuses on transformations and not body swap even if it's tagged as body swap
It depends on what kind of game. Something like misogyny quest is all about body swapping.
twitter https://x.com/garagara_manga2/status/1828367934043115532
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Yugioh monster swap
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Yugioh monster swap
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Hot af
Where can I find the NSFW versions of this series?
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Nowhere, as it was a discord commission that one anon here happened to be in and was kind enough to share. I think I have 18+ variants in my PC, so I can post them later.
Use the Desuarchive
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TL no Proofreader
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Part 2 (still not a PR)
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Student x teacher swap
1st day
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One week passed
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After one month
part 1
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part 2
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One year passed
There is a game for this?
misogyny quest is a body swap game, not really an h game but its a japanese translated game that involves swapping bodies with girls.
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Anyone has isleofhando Freaky Thursday part 7 and 8? they were drive exclusive.
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Part 2
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Part 3
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Part 4
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Part 5
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Part 6
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Part 9
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Still got this one saved from ages ago, along with the supposed rough translation:

"Oi, what are you doing with my mother's body?!"
"Shut up, I can do whatever I want with this body. No matter how you see it, this is my body now"
"Don't fuck around! I promised my mother that her body will be alright! I won't forgive you if you hurt my mother!"
"Don't be such a spoilsport. Moreover, you've been slouching, could it be that you're having an erection from seeing your own mother? *lol*"
"Ugh... Shut up! Don't be absurd!"
"Hehe, if you stop complaining, I'll let you have sex with this body *lol*"

I love swaps where some dude steals some kid's mom and he tries to rape/seduce him. Good shit
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It's short, but Body Thief is pretty good. You end up switching bodies with a vapid bimbo (or a dumb jock if you start as female), and need to make it back to your friend at the club in time before you forget your original identity. What I really like is how the all text descriptions and your dialogue options gradually get simpler the longer you're in their body, reflecting you getting dumber. Worth a play or two if you're into the mental change aspect. It's a shame no other game does anything like this.

There's also this. Old text adventure game where a maid steals your body and you end up as a submissive sex slave. Multiple endings, not too long.
I know about body thief, it's a shame it isn't being worked on anymore. I personally love having some mental aspects carry over when swapping but barely any media covers it. Good recommendations regardless, might replay them
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genshin swap
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Anyone Remember or know where i can find an hentai where mother and daughter swaps periodicaly. The daughter fuck her boyfriend in her mother's body and tell him did not fuck her mother for error, but he fuck her mother in the end
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YANDERE girl and boy swap bodies when they got into a car accident. Two months later the former girl wakes up with amnesia which is troubling to the guy as he has been stuck dealing with her mentally ill brain and suicidal tendencies.
Soul Swap Phenomenon - Case 0.5 - Shiori Fukami Prequel

Rest of it is here, should anyone like to translate.
I think you're talking about this one:

I remember seeing it on nhentai but seems it was removed for some reason.
nhentai responds to the DMCA takedown requests that they recieve when other sites ignore them
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Probably a longshot, but does anyone have any more pad/period stuff? Always a favorite since it drives home you've switched into a girl's body.
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By chance, do you have part 3 of this from Midnight’s work? It’s been awhile since there’s no update on kemono
There's this artist I found on pixiv called ButterBunny that seems to make good bodyswap/feminization content. they have a fanbox but nothing on Kemono yet.
Is there a walkthrough for coldbrook anywhere? I only found the one ending where you skip town as the maid, i could never figure out how to advance the story in the manor after getting groceries
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onat discord got updated on kemono
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extra pages
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Yes it's that, thanks you
So hot, also nice to see onat's art has improved a bit

Great stuff very nice and simple
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mixing and matching some combos for you guys
animal swaps are so good
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this has personality extrusion in it as well. Would be nice if anyone is up for translating it
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yeah I saw this one. really hoping for a translation, it looks like a good story.
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in case you couldn’t already tell, i got drunk and started getting commissions made
looking at them now i lack creativity holy shit
Who's the artist? i might be interested in commissioning them
and these as well
>I killed my brain cells by getting drunk and for some reason I lost all of my creativity
Mysteries of the universe.

Anyone working on translating this one?
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Tried putting together some translation notes.
If any typesetters find it useful, feel free to springboard off of it.

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Only thing I like just as much as an animal swap is a shota x milf swap
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artist for the blue sketches is @Pencilnote4
artist for stylized gray is @draw_friendo
I love milf body swaps so much. very rare you see an f2f one.

I was thinking about writing a body swap story where a mom switches with her daughter's girlfriend and has to deal with advances from her own kid.
Could probably make it happen in NAI
chatgpt isnt really good at writing stories at all.
many thx
and who's the artist for this one?
Post weird swaps
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Guy accidentally switches places with his girlfriend's left foot. The foot tricks him into making it permanent, stealing his body and life.
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Still ongoing (?)
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Thanks anon, saving them in case I ever start commissioning art.
I once read a cap where a wife mistakenly swap places with her sex toy.
I liked doll case. Wish it continued it was building up to something
>I once read a cap where a wife mistakenly swap places with her sex toy.
Link it?
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No problem, let me go to their blog and find the page for you..
>Sorry, the blog at rookcaps.blogspot.com has been removed.
Why do they always do this.
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>Migrating to a new site
They never do
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He has a deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/rookrealms
He also said he is “Actually working on self hosting a new blog now. Might be a little while though”.
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afaik its not chatgpt it uses its own language model. ive used NAI far before the advent of ai image generators and it does a pretty decent job of handling body swap/possession as long as you guide it and have patience

My weird swap
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Don't know why I kept getting flagged when I posted text with this but, I really like the kind of swap where its used to steal power
Hot af, I'd argue this is more akin to possession but still very hot. Anything with milfs gets a win in my book.
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Does anyone have the full version of this yet?
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I hope I live to see the day Onat dies and his "art" is forcefully purged from the internet.
i agree. the problem with stuff like body swap is that it intersects with a lot of other fetishes. i dont like hyper muscle girls at all so to me that shit is disgusting.
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Anyone know this old doujin where a female mage/knight encounters some doll that becomes her doppleganger, she loses after a fight and it steals her body? She ends up becoming the doll and discarded in a trash pile or something.
Wish he drew body swap content again. But he's not taking any commissions at the moment.
It's a shame Onat never really improved their art. They showed potential
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Hard to believe this was traced from multiple images.
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don't dare deleating this you jannies
'lita x obsessed fnf jartypedo swap when?
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>be me
>looking for a high quality of certain doujin
>gives up and buy the digital version
>it's shit(somehow still low quality)
Sigh... I guess that's life
I love that doujin and I have made my peace with the fact that it's never going to be translated.
I'm actually working on the proyect. First part is almost done, still trying to fix typos and correcting details
same sex body swaps?
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>oz starts drawing more
>kemono fucking dies
>you'll never swap bodies with a big chested chain smoker
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Everything seems done, but I feel like I'm missing something...
Any example of the vore ones? Preferable not sad panda
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The adventures of a body swap obsess woman continue.
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The guy wakes up swapped into Gloria's body.
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Just getting to wear her outfit
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any more "nerd girl steals bimbo's body" pictures?
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third worlders getting internet and realizing a single fetish drawing can earn them the average yearly salary of their homeland on patreon has been a disaster for niche pervert websites
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part 2
There's a good recent story on ao3 where a futa swaps with a nerdy girl and steals her virginity by forcing her down and fucking her.
Link it?
In case anyone feels like typsetting this:

"The thing inside my body is a pet lizard... and because I've become Hana-chan... that means this lizard is Hana-chan?"
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>body of a tomboy
>mind of a lizard
brimstone ngl
I remember this bodyswap imageset posted here

Some blonde princess knight got her physique swapped with a stout green haired darkskinned bandit

Been looking for it
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what's it say?
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Regular show ass image
>when rigby gets turned into a house
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This one is a surprising change of pace I can get on board with. Mutually supporting each other and not some stupid dynamic of "hahaha I stole your body" shit.

Mutually suffering in a more wholesome way.
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