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>what happened to the last thread?
top channie jannies accidentally pressed the button that said "delete all boards, do not press" (lol) then, when they hit ctrl+z, it restored the boards but most threads on the entire site were permanently gone (lmao)

same rules as last time best I can remember them:
>post pictures of women growing bigger
that's it.

>how's this different than the main /size/ thread?
sometimes it's more about the journey than the destination amigo

other things are allowed (like breast expansion, feet, ass, etc) if female giantess growth is the primary point of the image.
>no dudes
>no girls that look like dudes
>no AI sloppa
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there is an interesting number of "barefoot korra grows out of a building" art. two is two more than i would've expected, but oh well (actually I think there's a third out there that's an animation that i don't have on hand)
Unfortunate that the artist behind the colored image you posted made her feet ugly.
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The feet are *minimally* okay, it's the clutter they made of her face that's deal-breaking for me. I can't for the life of me understand why you would want to give Korra's face bags and wrinkles.

Like, Jesus Christ, this is an edit that took me all of five minutes, just get that crap off her face and shrink the mouth a little bit, it's not hard.
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Dropping a big growth comic
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I did, thank you.

Yeah, molotav certainly had a unique style. Or at least, he used to draw fairly normally until he one day adapted a style of "draw as ugly as you can," starting with middle-aged housewives. pic related is from his better days.
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that's right bitch, keep growing even though you ran out of room a long time ago
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Breaks my heart the artist mainly does weird furry transformation stuff. Both his giantess comics are godtier. Especially hoping for a sequel about Rise and Naoto.
>Both his giantess comics
What's the other one?
Funnily enough, the one posted earlier.
Bit of an odd comic, but I appreciate the setup. I like the prospects of Naoto growth, especially if it's her PxD ponytail design.
>always wanted more Naoto giantess growth content
>more than half of it is made by JustDrawingJake
And the monkey's paw curls.
It's amazing how the guy can spam out so much art, yet not improve a single bit of his anatomy. Everyone still looks like mashed together action figures.
AzuKan is the one who drew this comic, The pokemon one was done by Marco. Both of these are commissions.
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It's not that difficult to understand why they haven't improved too much. If an artist doesn't challenge themselves to either experiment or try something new they won't improve all that much.
It's like working out, it would take longer to see improvements if you don't push yourself to go that extra 110%.
>To be continued
Don't give me hope
The artist is having health issues right now, but I do have plans to have this continued at some point. We'll see.
Writefag here. I'm going to repost my latest vampires story, and a link to the MEGA where my other stories can be found.



I'm open to requests, there were two of them last thread that I vaguely remember:

Growth virus that makes people increasingly horny, until they can't stop themselves to masturbate wherever they are. First scene is of a girl that's driving and ends up parking to rub one out, with a followup scene of somebody losing their cool in public, and thus infecting others. Presumable, the growth part comes in when they cum, but I don't recall it perfectly.

The other one was a vampire that grows larger depending on how many people she drinks, and the plot would be about a fledgeling slowly going mad with power and being the first to achieve gianthood, letting her switch over to eating people like chips.

I'll probably just pick whatever requests tickles my fancy the most, but I am very susceptible to peer pressure so feel free to vote.
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Was this it?

On her way driving home, twentysomething college girl unexpectedly gets overpowered by a need to masturbate. She tries to fight it. Finally, she pulls over to masturbate. Could be wearing a dress or pants like jeans or khakis. She gotta wear underwear though if a dress.. Better for it to snap apart.

A parasite or something inside her is triggering out of control arousal to make her cum. When she orgasms, her body releases natural chemicals that are what it needs to trigger massive size growth. By the time she realizes her clothes are pinching her, it’s too late to exit the car.

The contagion spreads from the college. Another female student gets infected and grows in the middle of class. Her pheromones cause the contagion to spread even further.
Wasn’t there also one with cheerleaders at a school football game? Something in the water or other causes it? Eventually the whole squad gets big. Big Game seems like a fitting title.
What if a girl manages to hold out..
Does she just orgasm anyway?
Forceful like. Virus is going to have its way with you.
Before they can recover from the haze of arousal, they’re bustin’ at the seams..

Can get pretty twisted.
Some might just keep masturbating.
What effect might that have on their growth?
Request/concept: a girl, who largely lives alone in the woods with minimal interaction with others, and this is because she suffers from a condition where she grows at semi-regular intervals. It’s not permanent, she always shrinks back to het natural petite size, and she can hold back the growth spurts for a time, but this makes them build up and become stronger and longer lasting. In fact, she uses this quirk to make money. She actually runs a lumber service, notably letting the growth build for a few days, growing huge and uprooting and pruning huge trees by hand for pickup with a trusted few truckers who take the trees elsewhere for selling and giving her a good cut of the proceeds. Whether they know if she grows or just trust her because the money is too good to ask questions is up to you, but either way it’s kept a secret.
The story could be a new guy replacing one of the girl’s regular pickup drivers (maybe he got injured or had to take some time off), who becomes attracted to her and through a friendly chat works out that she’s actually very lonely. She agrees to a date, against her better judgement, and as you can probably predict, her growth quirk kicks in during said date. Maybe for whatever reason she hasn’t had a chance to grow in a while, like maybe campers were living too close to her home to let her unwind, or whatever. Fundamentally, at the end of the date, after getting increasingly desperate and suffering a few near-misses (maybe brief, temporary growth spurts she forces back down), she flees in a panic as she begins to grow uncontrollably bigger. Naturally the guy pursues and arrives just in time to see her grow absolutely massive and become distraught at being seen like this.
Obviously guy either has or develops a giantess fetish and they agree to keep dating.
Make it so that she starts growing, clothes getting tighter, she tries to hold it back but that only loses precious time, growth becomes more forceful, he notices, she panics, grows even more forcefully, wreaking havoc on her clothes, busting seams, hits her head when she stands up, narrowly escapes getting trapped where they are inside a structure or trailer, kind of hulk-like spurts ensue outside but not muscular, leaving her grunting with each size increase, hits her head in a branch as she grows taller…

Would be good with plenty of emphasis on outgrowing her clothes. Something rugged. Shirt, button-up shirt, simple bra panties, jeans with belt, hiking boots w/socks, maybe an accessory or two like a wristwatch..
fully agree with this. any emphasis on clothing destruction is always cut short just as it's getting good in a lot of literature and the idea of her increasing height putting her in increasingly inconvenient spaces and scenarios, only for her to discover that he absolutely loves that she's so big would be delightful. i think a very understated part of this sort of concept, to me at least, is the hesitation and forced closeness around someone you love expecting them to hate you for bearing your truest sense of self to them, only for them to love you even more for it. a modest shy girl suddenly showing off more of herself and outright being *too much* for the space she's in, but her partner seeing that as a failing of the restrictiveness of normal living. him seeing it as the world failing to accommodate her because she's *surpassed* it, not because she's failed it.

Is it fucked up if I think holding out and orgasming anyway makes unwilling growth hotter?

It just gives me a weird sort of admiration boner to see someone have the willpower to just barely remain rational and in control even if they can't stop themselves.
No one can hold out against the virus.
But it does create quite a spectacle for those who try to hold off the surge in arousal..

As soon as they orgasm, it’s over.
That’s all the virus needs.
Holding off orgasm just makes it more powerful when it finally erupts.
The point was by the time the first girl is to horny to keep from touching herself, it’s too late.
Virus has the upper hand and head start.

It was inspired by an old story where exposure to a powder made women forcefully, and I do mean forcefully, orgasm quickly followed by big growth spurts. They came hArd..
What's the story called?
The forceful orgasm story was called Random Growth.
not enough girls slowly growing and not even realizing
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hard agree with this too. disbelief / initial denial or flat out unknowing is pretty great
What about a modernized 50 Foot Woman skit with a Sydney Sweeney or Alexandra Daddario type character as Nancy? It could be short and rather quick to do. If of interest, it wouldn’t take too long.

She gets angered by her father and husband, feels dizzy, retreats to her room, and grows uncontrollably. Much detail to the growth. Instead of 12 feet, she does a Spirit of Wonder and outgrows the entire dwelling.

The growth virus one is pretty hot too. The forced eroticism nature of it.. So is all the cheerleaders growing large during the game. Who can say no to a cheerleader theme? XD
>what the hell? my clothes shrank in the wash AGAIN! what am I doing wrong?
>ugh, I put on too much weight over the holidays... need to hit the gym
>OW! what the hell! who hangs ceiling lights that low?
>wha-GROWING? I'm not growing! People don't just grow, anon!
>... you have a bald spot by the way
Video teaser of mister agfs upcoming video
seeing people writing abt tropes that i love is actually motivating me to write on this subject for the first time in years thank yall so much
Before I click on that, give it to me straight doc, how much giant dude growth is in it? The last few teasers he's shown of it has like half devoted to some guy and his big fucking dick
This one has both. First giant growing woman, then giant growing man, followed by giant sex. So yeah, this one's a skip for me.
If we're dropping teasers to upcoming videos, here's the latest update on anonymoly's big new project, the Bridget one: https://files.catbox.moe/xi8tp3.mp4

Ignoring the drama a couple threads ago about whether Bridget even qualifies as "female giantess growth" due to being trans/androgynous, this video is shit.

This video is complete fucking shit. 90% of it is talking. 9.9% is "interaction" where she picks up or kisses a tiny. 0.1% is growth.

I guess he wanted to one-up himself from that previous Baiken video he did? That video sucked because Baiken just scales up. This time we don't even get that, the growth ray just instantly "poof" grows her to max size in a millisecond. You could not get a more unsatisfying video than this holy SHIT. And after she grows she just stands around like huh???

There's a couple scenes missing from this WIP but there's no chance they make up for it because it doesn't look like there's much more content to be seen.

This is shockingly bad. My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable.
Anyone have leviathans the deal part 1?
U should be good if u don't watch past 1:07
How can you go wrong with 50 Ft. Woman '93 and the ring popping scene? Woman starts ranting and raving, suddenly stops, glares at her hand, cringes in pain and fear, ring convincingly pops off her finger, everyone goes wide-eyed knowing rings don't suddenly do that, woman collapses into a chair and utters the name of her husband, a look of anxiety etched across her face for what is undoubtedly from feeling her panties getting tighter, her bra starting to pinch, her shoes are now snug, her butt starts filling out in the chair, the hooks of her bra begin to creak...

That ring popping off sets up everything.

In AGF's animation teaser, the build-up just before the woman begins growing is solid. The look on her face was perfect.

I wonder what writefag's thinking right about now with writing ideas..
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kinda have to agree that this is subpar, nothing nsfw, no growth (really), nothing new or of substance other than the accurate animation style which is a gimmick that can and has gotten old fast. It's like how some games come out with great graphics and subpar gameplay in growth video form.

It's like he's discovering in real time how Japanese animation save money by using efficiency tricks like the ones he's doing. Contrast with AzMaybe9's fluid animation.
I really loved your vampire story. Growth involving a BBEG in a D&D campaign was an idea sitting in my head for a long time I'm too brainlet to put to paper so I'm glad someone else had the same idea that could actually do it justice.
all the recent animators are really faltering in the same way I predicted lol, they're going for bigger and flashier animations and going months between projects, feeling the pain of people dropping off, and getting mental health gay from it

look at scrag, he did literally nothing during the month of agust and same for his hangers on like bottop and company. Half the giantess animators are on their quiet quitting arc where they try to see what they can get away with and still pull a few thousand a month
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Since some other anon reposted the growth plague idea, I may as well repost that vampire idea. Or well, bullet points that I remember anyway.

1. She'd initially struggle against her urges and slowly slip into them, eventually becoming prideful and thinking people being fed on was a gift or something I think.
2. The reason no other vampire got so big before is as they grow in power and gain the vampiric traits (pale, wings on head and back, red/yellow eyes.) along with becoming bustier and thicker.
3. There's a group that hunts them down to prevent the exact scenario that happens in that idea of gigantic vampire.
4. Her getting big enough to drink up the planets magma core when big enough to bite into a volcano or something like that.
5. Oh, and lastly I recall them mentioning she was a tomboy. Very important.

Now for my own idea instead of parroting someone else. Tiny dumb shark monstergirl is created in a lab as an experiment and ends up accidently getting flushed out into the ocean where they start feeding on smaller fish and grow the more they eat. Once big enough to be proper shark size she attacks a boat with people on it because hungry. Sinks it and eats everyone except one girl who disliked everyone else on board and who manages to convince her to spare her through promises of more food. Meets the shark girl every night at a pier to feed her, finding out any random scrap works as well as eventually people as the girl starts getting into feeding her pet shark. Through this she talks with and learns more about the shark girl until she gets quite large and the girl realizes things are bound to get out of hand with how big the shark is getting and so hatches a plan to get into the lab to find a way to join the shark girl, becoming an orca girl as they both terrorize the sea, ending with the two sharing a cruseliner or aircraft carrier.
I'd request my own ideas but they're all either too vague to expand on, or so similar that I would rather write them all myself instead of getting someone else to do it.

So I'll just write some greentexts and shorts and post the link when I'm done.
>Chie just suddenly turns into a second smaller giantess Yukiko with zero warning
The hell is this, did she start hallucinating from the lack of oxygen?
>that resolution
>that compression
Writefag just did a vampire story..
Seems redundant to do another one so soon..
The originals are horrendously downsampled. Here are the originals, in all their 10MB PNG glory.

based, thank you anon
Ah so that’s where the two missing pages were. I pulled the comic from Kemono so there’s your reason for its quality
AGF seems to have a new website, but it isn’t working properly. See public post from SubscribeStar below:


My website is now officially live !
You can buy my videos as it was possible on gumroad for those interested.


Thank you for you patience!


Mister AGF

EDIT: Some people are having trouble connecting to the website, I'm searching for a solution. Sometimes it's just VPN but for some I don't know why yet. I'll send feedback when I can.
I cannot tell you how many times I've blasted rope to his animation of the girl growing on a lab table, but 80% of his videos are men or muscles. I respect that that's just his preferences but damn, it sucks having to wait for the stars to align and he does something with more mainstream appeal. I'd ask if he does commissions but I imagine it'd cost a fortune.
Actually the commissions are why he does so much muscle. The people with the money are asking for it.
honestly agreed.

this is also true. and it seems he's backed for commissions for a while now too.

How would you all commission agf?
Anyone know what happened to mikunehrt?
Their kemono is still up but their YouTube, deviantart, and Twitter all got nuked
>How would you all commission agf?
That's a damn good question, I'm terrible with brainstorming. I just know from that lab table growth animation, that it'd have to have
>clothes ripping
>If it isn't pleasurable for her at the start, it is at some point, ending in orgasm
>more feet growing out of sandals, this time not covered in so much shadow you can barely see it
But I am a dry well, with no ideas on the overall premise.

Who knows?
Any of the ideas spark your interest, Writefag?
I've already decided I'm going to do the parasite/virus thing that makes somebody increasingly horny, and the longer they hold out without cumming, the bigger they grow when they DO cum. And, of course if they hold out for too long, they orgasm just on their own. The orgasms is how it spreads, of course, and the bigger somebody is, the more easily it spreads.

So, before long, it's a plague. Also, I'll toss in a bit of unaware growth the longer the heroine holds her intense need for a clam jamboree. Like her body is failing to contain anything. Also, I'm thinking the point of failure is going to be during a pep rally or a football game, where her horny resistance is broken by the power of cheerleaders.
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forgot to change tags. oy
A couple questions about that idea :

-Do the infected women, once they've grown, snap out of their horny mood ? Do they become normal and take in how monstrously big they are now, or do they keep humping like animals ?

-Does the growth spurt only happen once, or does an already giant woman getting another horny mood swing grow even larger, drawing this to apocalyptic levels even faster ?
-Do the infected women, once they've grown, snap out of their horny mood ?
I think it's hotter if they snap out of the horny state, and deal with the embarrassment, and it leads to panic.

>Does the growth spurt only happen once, or does an already giant woman getting another horny mood swing grow even larger, drawing this to apocalyptic levels even faster ?
I'll say no for *MOST* women, so only a select few "superspreaders" can grow to the size of buildings
Thank you for picking my idea. Interesting rifts to it. Let me see if I can clarify anything further having had more time..

It began with a young college student who somehow got infected with the virus. Wearing an outfit similar to Jenny Mace in her Yanks car masturbation scene (but with panties; to snap off)? As soon as she gets into her car she feels the arousal effect begin. As she drives, it gets worse. So as it does, she does begin to rub herself under her dress and through her panties. She swerves a few times for humor or effect.

But the arousal urges build and build. She can't masturbate and drive with arousal that's too high or she'd crash. So she pulls over to the side of the street or a small parking area, panting from heavy breathing. She puts it into park, shuts off the ignition, and feverishly goes to work fingering herself and steaming up the windows. It doesn't take very long.

You can call her Jen/Jennifer, I guess..

As soon as she orgasms, obnoxious moaning and all, it takes about 5-10 seconds for the virus to begin making her body grow bigger. By the time the haze of her orgasm fades, Jen's body is already past the point of no return. Seams stretching, shoes creaking, feet pushing into the floorboard of the car, head rising up the seat back, butt filling out the seat, dress getting tighter and smaller. It's too late to get out of the car. She becomes increasingly wedged inside. She panics unable to stop it.

Her growth won't stop at least until she bursts out of the car.
What if WF combined the virus idea with the big game and cheerleaders..? Just passing by are a couple college cheerleaders on their way to the stadium. Or pep rally indoors, which would be hot AF. Through pheromones, sweat, and pussy juice, they get infected too. Frightened, they flee towards the game unknowingly carrying the virus with them. They're already dressed in their uniforms. One isn't wearing panties or bloomers.

Talk about a superspreader event...

Would be awesome to see 20 or 30something thick milfs dressed in jeans, and a BestBuy employee still in her khaki pants outfit, get infected. Nice spin-off idea.. When a woman gets really aroused, in heat, her clit gets very sensitive. Wearing snug pants, these women don't even have to unbutton their pants to pleasure themselves. They jus rub their pants crotch because its so sensitive over the material.

Imagine them being in the stands and cumming, real hard, through their pants, pussy juice splurging to the floor or down on top of another woman. Immediately infected. Utter chaos. Infected women flee only to succumb to the growing arousal in other awkward or confining places like cars, buildings, etc.

Having one manage to hold off the arousal and bits of growth begin to happen, because she can't hold it all back, is a nice touch. Then, when her orgasm finally forces its way out like a volcano, the gets all raunchy, swearing, pleasuring herself, cumming incredibly hard, the growth comes out in forceful spurts to match the intensity..

Maybe the BestBy girl is the one, sorta nerdy, who manages to hold back the orgasm.. Imagine the seat of her khakis busting open from her growing butt cheeks... Some of their pants, I swear, are super tight.. lol They make them wear the tight clothes on purpose. Sale!
Target pants are tighter..

Or.... maybe that just cuz her butt was bigger..
>I think it's hotter if they snap out of the horny state, and deal with the embarrassment, and it leads to panic.

fucking based take. Nothing turns me off of unwilling growth more than the girl becoming corrupted by the horny and staying that way after she grows.
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that story premise sounds fantastic, looking forward to it
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jackurai's content is generally "not good" but this is probably the best growth content he's ever made, probably due to the fact that it has
>an actually decent character that isn't a weird child from a western cartoon in an awful artstyle
>a SLIGHT change up in which sound fx he uses (slightly better than just the same balloon fx looped forever)
>there are a couple scenes where she grows that he actually puts effort into as opposed to her just tweening bigger, like a scene where she fills up a room and she gets extra squished
relative to jackurai's other content it's platinum, but relative to GOOD content it's... fine. i've never seen it posted here so i might as well drop it: https://files.catbox.moe/fx8ozu.mp4
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Fuck I'm getting old. I remember watching his shitty flash animations 10 years ago on DA when I had the patience to scrape through the mounds of shit on that website looking for crumbs of content.

Honestly his May/Misty/Jessie size drain flash is still the best thing he ever made I think and the closest to ever being "hot" I feel. Shame that modern browsers don't run Flash anymore.
5inchsamurai/jackurai is "a giant woman a giant woman" in case you didn't know. A villain origin story if there ever was one
Oh I knew. There's no one else in the world that makes shit like that so I am not sure who he thought he was fooling. I knew he also had an alt with "Cheese" in the name or something like that.
fooled me lol. Just thought it was someone with a similar style. I almost prefer his old work, the new one is written and staged like content farm youtube channels
yeah the reason the main mascot for that channel is 'jackie' is because it's 'jackurai'.

But it's perfectly normal to prefer their old stuff, even the older youtube stuff was better than the current content farm garbage
It's not just content farming, he's specifically making fetish content aimed at children, or was - I remember him bitching when COPPA laws concerning youtube changed and he had to adjust how his youtube videos were being advertised/monetized because he couldn't market as much to kids anymore.
Actively trying to push fetish porn to kids by disguising it with kids cartoon characters is even more vile than just drawing loli for adults
yes he indeed did/does that, he still sometimes marks his videos as for kids
Jesus. That's pretty fucking creepy that he's making fetish content with kids in mind as his audience.
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Do you guys remember that glitch in Super Mario 3D World where the Mushroom effect seemed to stack indefinetly with itself for female characters? What was that about
Finally a new chapter!
Overall a good chapter I'd say. Typical damsel in distress situation. This time in an onsen setting. Looking forward to the next issue.
Holy shit, finally. Maybe the author can be consistent again? Or at least tell us the status of the series.
is it translated? if not, what's the point of even posting it, i can barely into moonrunes let alone gookrunes
Anyone ever just suddenly start thinking how giantess growth would work in established media?
>Always Sunny in Philadelphia
>Dee can't stop growing
>gang calls her Big Bird and a huge bitch and then she squashes them
>Mario+Rabbids: Sparks of Hope
>In the first two phases of the final fight against Cursa, she IS the battle map, and you need to climb up on her with your heroes to shoot her.
>In the final fight phase, each time you charge Rosalina's wands she grows slightly bigger, you need to make her big enough that she can squash Cursa under her hand
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>a princess grows giant but still is very much a delicate lady so she treats everyone even extra delicately
You just made my neurons light up with this. Growth is my main drive, but I love it even more when the grown girl tries to be careful with her environment and when handling tiny people.

The picture also helps, that is one cute Mega Peach.
>grows giant but still is very much a delicate lady
>me, enjoyer of gentle growth in general
>a niche so bereft of content it might as well not exist

it's a special kind of hell isn't it?
I wonder what kind of content it has in it. If it's just hypermuscle growth and monster transformation....pass.
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The fact GlassRims’ Kemono page is still full with scat images…
Him just dropping off the face of the earth for 2 years is such a shame
you could just pay for his patreon, poorcel
>He suddenly paywalled his content
Damn it
>you can't just pirate scat, you have to PAY for it, goy!
He has to have a buddy or a mod flooding the Kemono page to fuck with people.
I caved to temptation and just subbed to his patreon since I was tired of nothing but awful scat and jumpscares on his kemono page
I'll upload the rest later: https://files.catbox.moe/jz3g31.jpg
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there's more to this but it isn't pure-growth and it is futa (this page only works because this page just so happens to be from behind)
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>western artist draws like shit
>their kemono is filled with random scat images
But seriously, what is it with this thread and wanting god awful aco-tier growth comics? Are we really that starved for quality content?
Mister agfs new video is out, anyone have it?
>Are we really that starved for quality content?
Seems like it. Have seldom seen any good-to-decent growth content come out in a while, pics, renders, vids, comics, or otherwise, about everyone who did it well seems to be totally dead, and we're left with JustDrawingJake as the most output in the content, which is grim.

AZ is making something with Kronii, looks very promising
For whatever reasons the japanese don't seem to have a growth fetish. Maybe a lack of exposure to content like Dude Where's my Car or Alice in Wonderland, there's lots of size stuff (lol godzilla) but the amount of eastern dedicated giantess-growth content is fantastically slim, you'd starve if you tried to consume only that
Also I like glassrim's art, he's one of the few growth artists to pay attention to detailed clothes-ripping, which is the best part of this fetish.
Lmao this also links to a jumpscare
The fuck dude what is your problem posting that shit even here
>Are we really that starved for quality content?
"Just look around harder" seems to be working well for me at least. But then again, I only check these threads maybe once or twice a month, so my default position is often "maybe someone already posted this".
>fully-clothed growth kinopiece in which Kronii clumsily stumbles about while the camera shakes like it came out of The Bourne Identity for six, maybe seven minutes
I know I shouldn't bitch about a content drought then turn my nose at new vids the very next post, but half the fun in growth is seeint the girl get bigger and react as the world around them shrinks - clothing included. Az's Pyra vid got it perfect, and I genuinely miss when he did that, very few renderfags even attempt it, much less pull it off right. Ten seconds is enough, even.
Would you play a beat-em up game where the girl grows bigger the more enemies she defeats, and her size changes parts of her moveset?

I would on 2 conditions and one optional one.

1. The enemies are, or at least include, other giantesses
2. Following condition 1, ripped clothing is a MUST HAVE, either as a result of taking enough damage or doing enough damage via a special move, or as an alternate outfit
3 (optional). There has to be sfx and/or voicework in the likeness of old arcade games
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Same here, I absolutely love the thought of a total sweethearted giant lady with a big (heh) heart taking very good care of the kingdom (or just you because you get shrunk one day and end up living in her doll house and proceeds to pamper you with a lavish life) she'd hold out her hands and let you climb up and lift you gently with a grasp that makes you feel safe but isn't going to hurt you, always being cautious, slow and delicate as a princess would typically be, even protecting you emotionally/physically the only time she'd get to anything even remotely mean is teasing you in a nice way or surprising you with a big nice kiss that gets your clothes covered in lipstick (not that you mind) the cleavage rides being a bit stuffy and occasionally wanting you to wear her dolls' clothing (not by force she just puts on baby doll eyes or gets pouty tending to resort to bribing you) but otherwise she's there to love, respect, protect and spoil you
it sucks I really don't get how people off on "this would literally kill you if it actually happened/cause mass panic/riots or they'd have fucked up experiments/killed/used as weapons of war" base case scenario would leave you with a fucked up body.
I'm glad that at least I don't have the kind of autism that requires clothes ripping, having a size fetish is bad enough as it
Oooooh, Daisy ate the rest of the mushroom, I see ! I love it very much, bigger than big scenario is super cute, especially mixed with this still gentle feeling.

Daisy would be real teasing, then lumbers around to find Luigi, and drops him into Cleavage World with kisses~

Well, that's more for the gentle thread. Here, I imagine more Mega Peach looking at a small hill, her back turned to Daisy's form pulsing larger and larger, then turning around to see an orange mountain in her way. Lovely vibes~
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>cleavage world
finally, a theme park worth going to.

mini-mushrooms are also a thing so that could also play into things as well.
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love how thicc and lovely Peach looks here
giant Daisy with smaller Peach seems like a better combo
even if giant Peach teasing smaller Daisy is cuter
i'd love to make details like these, but the truth is i'm kinda learning as i'm going how to use GameMaker to make a normal beat em up right now. I want to keep things on a small (heh) scale for now, with 2B as the protagonist
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maybe they could switch via mushroom whever they wanted/or being so big that they don't notice when a mushroom touches them and changes their size, go full Alice in wonderland with cute princess size changing shenanigans.
>tfw no gf who grows so much she out-grows reality itself
>you wake up next to your girlfriend
>she awaken with a start
>you ask if she had a bad dream
“Something like that. Um…”
>your gf looks you deep in the eyes, as if trying to draw something out
>as she gets closer, you feel a shock
>a memory?
>this closeness to her pretty green eyes
>a vision: the city in ruin
>nearby mountains compressed down in a distinctly ass-shaped crater
>perfectly sculpted into the shape of your gf’s derrière
>and beyond it, taking up the entire horizon and sky, your gf’s deep green eye
>growing bigger, yet further away
>you snap back to reality
>your gf sighs
“So I can almost make you remember.”
>you ask what that was
“The nine hundredth time?”
>nine hundredth time for what?
>your gf grunts and suddenly grows from 5ft to 6ft
“The 900th ascension.”
>she explains about an artefact you found on a vacation
>how it broke, and infused her with divine power
>unfortunately it’s not a power she’s able to control
“Yet. I can’t control it *yet*. I’m still learning.”
>she grins despite the clear pain as she suddenly grows another foot taller
>you ask is this growth painful
“No. Just holding it back. I’ve got real good at resisting. Today’s just a bad day.”
>you can’t help but wonder, and ask what happens if she lets go
>she giggles and closes her eyes
>chaos, you’re thrown about
>the landscape suddenly strange and alien
>tanned skin?
>the entire plateau is… your gf’s toned belly
>the immense expanse of two mountainous tits reach beyond your ability to see above you
>her voice rumbles through your core, vibrating your skeleton
>the impossibly big plateau begins stretching even larger
>you suddenly feel her skin seem to break apart
>but realise you’re falling in between her skin cells
>you wake up next to your gf
>she snaps awake with a start
>you tell her you remember
>she smiles warmly, tears even forming in her eyes
“Told you I’m still learning.”
>the woman’s cells keep mitosing until she grows into a giant
>the woman’s cells expand and she turns into a giant
I wish there was content for the second situation, specially if it put emphasis on her macro scale body biology.
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The new anonymoly vid is out early on his patreon:

Haven't watched it yet but from the preview that was posted here a thread or two ago it probably sucks. If so, sorry in advance
I am more hyped for AZ Kronii. The previews are pretty hot. He made her really expressive
Just watched it
>first minute has no size
>next minute involves some shrinking including a building and Elphelt
>at 2:10 Bridget shoots herself with the growth ray
>growth is instant, no process
>she does a couple of things at this size including
>she stuff Elphelt into her sleeve
>she kisses May twice
>she shrinks herself back to normal size, Elphelt gets even smaller as a result

And that's it. If you're desperate for a fap maybe, otherwise I say give it a miss.
The growth goes by too quick. I was hoping Bridget would get as big or bigger than ABA in the last video.
That sounds fucking terrible. At least the ABA video had growth that wasn't instant, and had that cool shot of her hand growing while gripping a rooftop. This sounds like it completely missed the point of "growth porn" - or do people actually get off on this kind of content?
Extremely disappointed that Anonymoly wasted months on this garbage, talk about falling off a cliff holy shit
Does anyone know that itch.io game where you dungeon crawl with some other chick that ends up growing?
Bridget is a trap
Nevermind it was Grand Larceny Tales: The Underground Cathedral
Damn anyone have this?
bro is really selling this for 11$ when you can watch it for 5 on his patreon? The animation was okay, has like 7 seconds of growth
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heres ALL the growth from the video.
after this, she anal vores scott and masturbates by dry humping the floor, then she anal vores ramona on accident and it ends.
have you got the whole thing ?
i want TB to get off the hyper train, i used to love his art and some of its still good but all his growth stuff is just women turning into flesh blobs
Do people even get off to Anonymoly's videos in general? They're pretty tame and cartoony, I end up liking it more as an animation than as fetish material.
the ones with the glasses girl from TotK were pretty nice and boner-inducing, for me at least
got the whole thing?
I think most of his patrons are actually there for the hyper, but >>11127188 seemed surprisingly tame, it had barely any transformations or growth or anything. if you're not a HUGE fan of "giantess grinding on a tiny" and anal vore, this animation is a huge "miss" for you
Hyper is surprisingly much more popular than giantess in general. Look at Scrag for example. His hyper focused animations get much more likes-retweets than giantess ones.
I genuinely wonder if Tail Blazer's hyper/expansion/inflation crowd is disappointed with this video or not.
Got the full thing?
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Dearest Anon of >>11127188,
Greetings to you. I wish to submit a simple yet most humble inquiry pertaining to your most recent post (one I might add has brought me great joy and entertainment): does one possess the posted item in its complete and full entirety?
Thank you for any assistance in this undertaking.
With kind regards,

I wonder if anyone has the full of that. AZ have finally made something really good, apparently.
https://mega (dot) nz/folder/C7hHQArY#g789ndYJU6Cae2fO_yi43w
Do you happen have this as well?
fucking ice barrage
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Thank you anon of >>11128060,
It gladdens me to see you have showcased great charity, though I am rather remiss (through no fault of your own) for it appears my silly jest goes yet unheeded as I had wished to extoll the virtue of sarcastic humour through a jabbing juxtaposition of my own overly polite, pretencious and pontifical request (for an item I have little affection nor care for) against the curt bluntness showcased by others requesting your largess from undoubtedly a fine collection of size related lewdities you have in safe keeping.
So then I bid farewell anon, and again, thank you for your graciousness. Enclosed is one (you).
>anal vore focus

Post the full thing
I have no full thing, unfortunately. It does look much better than his previous works tho, so I join you and wait till someone posts a full. And then the thread will go in it's usual AZ-Lajest-Moly-Scrag discussion shitstorm course
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A sign of the times. I'm glad the wave of free internet porn lasted for as long as it did. You know it's bad when deviantartists start doing it.

Second part of current chapter out. Calm episode like always. Nice growth. But still... Images are inconsistent. It's difficult to determine her size. Is it like 6m or 10m? I have no idea if she has a final size or can grow without end.

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